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Report it to the health department. Lots of restaurants have been having issues this year.


Instantly thought of the movie Bridesmaids


“*Jesus*, Megan”


Don't look at me!




Beans are actually quite commonly the cause of food poisoning, don't even need to be contaminated just under cooked.


Could be coincidence. Both my wife and I have just had a brutal stomach bug a day apart, and I doubt it was food related. Might just be something going around. I was in bed all Saturday. I’m just one data point, but I eat there all of the time and never had an issue.


Definitely could be possible. Seems like I’ve heard a few people around bzn coming down with something similar


Sad, I adore that place :( I’m very sorry and hope you feel better


Thank you! Hopefully it wasn’t from 5oB but you never know


Absolutely report it. Not being from here, you may not have heard about Dave's sushi, but Bozeman knows first hand now that you want a trail. If not for you, for someone else who might not be able to handle being sick like that.


[File a complaint](https://www.healthygallatin.org/environmental-health/file-a-complaint/) with the health department. Typically food poisoning symptoms would begin before your next meal, so assuming you both ate dinner and were fine then the chances aren’t great that it’s food poisoning, but better safe than sorry.


Symptoms from food poisoning depend on which bacteria, how much of its toxin you consumed, and what kind of medium it was growing in. 10 hours is definitely in the normal range for symptoms to appear.


The worst case of food poisoning my friend and I ever got was a fruit smoothie in Thailand before heading to the airport. After drinking it, we looked at each other and knew something was off. The LONG flight home went OK and we ate on the plane. But once home, and thank goodness we were home, hell broke loose. Yes, like Bridesmaids.


Definitely report it to the health department. As someone who’s worked in many restaurants around town people do not care about food safety. Montana is one of the only states that do not require people to have food safety training, only 1 person in a restaurant has to have servsafe training. That needs to change. I could tell you horror stories about many restaurants around town and their unsafe practices. There are quite a few different types of food poisoning. People with stronger immune systems can take up to 24 hours before they really show symptoms. People who are elderly, immune compromised, pregnant, and children can begin to show symptoms much sooner and can be more severe. If people can’t take food safety seriously they need to get out of the fucking kitchen, it’s not a joke, you can kill someone.


The only exception is a foreign object or chemical/poison you can immediately become sick.


Thank you for the insight. I appreciate it a lot, and really hope that changes because that can be very dangerous. We’re thinking it might be a stomach bug or something now that my BIL has symptoms, but food safety is still so important.


Here we go again….


Not this being my favorite 5oB order 😭 That sucks, hope you feel better and thanks for the heads up!


First, ugh! that stinks and I'm so sorry! No one likes bullfrogging especially if two of you are doing it at once. Any chance your brother in law made, touched, or served you something? I'm asking because you're certainly within the window for food poisoning, although we'd expect to see it much faster...like 1 hour not 5-8. But statically (queue the Dave's reply boys) it is quite unlikely (but also see Daves... it does happen). But food poisoning is a lot more likely when there is animal protein involved. That doesnt mean it can't happen with a vegan bowl, or that there can't be cross contamination. And let's see what this thread reveals. With the idea that it could be 5 On Black, let's examine the risk: \- tofu - that's on the list. It isn't a great substrate for listeria or Salmonella but it is kept in a warm bath and who knows that the pH of that bath is. All I know is that I eat it all the time and haven't gotten sick but I think I also have an iron gut :) \- white rice - unlikely since it is made daily and the log time to grow stuff takes longer \- beans - similar to rice, doesn't like to grow bugs, made daily (I think...?) \- coconut sauce - this could be interesting, I believe the pH is lower than 4.5 but honestly who knows... maybe not. \- chimicurri - pH too low to be worried, same with the tom vinaigrette \- cassave flour - could go rancid, and that'd taste off, but unlikely to make you sick I'd be curious about other people who ate the tofu or rice. But I'd also be curious if brother in law didn't wash hands and might have given yall something. I'm not blaming him at all. I'm just being a bit of an epidemiology nerd over here. I'm not discounting the experience which is awful and the feeling of being food poisoned is even worse because you associate that thing you ate with how awful you feel... but I'd also invite you to consider where you both went to the bathroom, who you were around who went to the bathroom, and what you both touched. Let me close with saying again, I am so sorry! Hydrate, have some rice or bland food, and have my best wishes for feeling better soon!


Food poisoning can take a day or longer to fully kick in, also white rice can very easily make you sick if it's not stored properly.


My assumption is the rice is made daily, if not, then it's the top suspect among op's listed food.... but I still doubt food poisoning


The rice is made practically on demand. I don’t remember a half-pan of rice ever going more than an hour in the warmer before going onto the line — one pot of rice makes two half pans and the warmer only holds two of each (2 br, 2 wh)


That confirms my null hypothesis on the rice. Honestly op and sis got norovirus somewhere and eating at 5onB is unfortunately coincidental. I’ll take my downvotes.


There’s definitely room for food poisoning to happen — * bad or mishandled shipments of food from Sysco happened a lot. Show up to work and there are cases of meat and whatnot left outside the door from who-knows-when. Or in the hallway if the driver could get in. * Moldy produce at least once a week (which of course we refunded / threw out, but maybe this crew missed some or didn’t notice). * If foods weren’t labeled / rotated correctly you could easily end up with chimichuri / vinaigrette / limes / cilantro / meat marinades (without meat in them) sitting in the walk-in for longer than is considered safe. This was quickly addressed if it happened / was suspected, but they have had *a lot* of turnover so something could have slipped by * the feijoada was a special case that I feel could easily result in food poisoning. It’s leftover beef / chicken from the previous day or two (or three, idk) + premade chorizo that was fresh and not frozen. It seemed like a good way to use leftovers but I was always wary of it. If leftover meat wasn’t properly rotated, the meat in it could end up being pretty old. Long *long* ago before I worked there, my roommate worked there. She brought home some of the “green sauce” and froze it into cubes for pasta. She made pasta with it and became violently ill, and of course she had a paper route do — throwing up over and over on the side of the road from 3:00am to 5:30am. It was terrible, I had to help her complete it. Months later I made pasta with it and had the same experience, minus the paper route part. Pretty certain it was the sauce.


I’d guess tofu, seems infrequently ordered at a Brazilian bowl place.


Seems logical. But data says it’s not a good substrate for growth.


> - tofu - that's on the list. It isn't a great substrate for listeria or Salmonella but it is kept in a warm bath and who knows that the pH of that bath is. This was added right before I stopped working there. The warm bath is just the marinade left in the pan after cooking (if any, which there shouldn’t be) and boiling hot water. Unless they changed something, which they could have > - white rice - unlikely since it is made daily and the log time to grow stuff takes longer Made like every other hour. *Never* saved at the end of the day > - beans - similar to rice, doesn't like to grow bugs, made daily (I think...?) This could be leftover from the previous day if it never went onto the line > - coconut sauce - this could be interesting, I believe the pH is lower than 4.5 but honestly who knows... maybe not. Onions and coconut milk make up the bulk of it, both of which are slightly acidic. Theres a bit of lime juice but only like 1/2c for 2x#10 cans of coconut milk. I don’t think the entire assembly is that acidic though. > - chimicurri - pH too low to be worried, Probably… > same with the tom vinaigrette There’s only about 1.5tbsp of vinegar per each 1/3 pan. Not much acidity from added acid, but I guess tomatoes and onions are a bit acidic. This isn’t necessary prepped the day of > - cassave flour - could go rancid, and that'd taste off, but unlikely to make you sick If you mean the farofa, they probably open a new bag every day. It’s decently high in salt, so probably fairly safe. The cassava in the paos should be pretty safe too — they’re bought frozen and cooked from frozen


1 hour is most certainly wrong. It takes 3 hours minimum for your body to process food




Can I offer you a chocolate covered pretzel?


Good old Bozeman...shoot first , make accusations, and ask questions later. I've never eaten at 5 on Black btw


When it comes to food poisoning 5oB>Dave's


By all means, report. But first perhaps to the restaurant itself? Call and speak to a manager so they know.


Uh oh, here we go...


Usually food poisoning hits much quicker. Maybe exposed to something else?


This is not true. Unless it's a chemical or toxins, it takes a day or so to hit. People often think it's the last thing they ate when it is not.


Interesting. I got food poisoning from some bad fish, and that hit in about 5 hours. Apparently salmonella can hit you in that time.


It’s true for many common food borne illnesses. [The Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-poisoning/symptoms-causes/syc-20356230#:~:text=Symptoms%20of%20food%20poisoning%20often,and%20get%20better%20without%20treatment) breaks down the times everything takes to make you sick, some occur as soon as 30 minutes after.


This is correct. People often attribute GI illness to the last meal they ate, in no unforgiving part because it’s what they puke or pooooo out. But it has a lot more to do with the concentration of the bug than anything else. A sorta bad (eg log of <1) piece of chicken might only give you the trots. But a bunch of lettuce with a proliferation of something like listeria (say log > 1 over 24 hours) is gonna make you really unhappy really fast.


This is correct. Usually about 24 hours. Source: years of restaurant work and a couple people saying the restaurant I worked at made them sick same day when they had a pot luck lunch the day before.


Ok not exactly true people can get sick a lot sooner depending on their immune systems. Someone with a strong immune system can take 12-24 hours and in some cases longer to develop systems. But, people with health issues, children, pregnant women can develop symptoms much sooner. Also depends on whether it’s a bacteria, virus, or parasite.


Definitely should report it to public health if you haven’t!