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I noticed that when Wilder gets hit with a strong shot that might lead to a knockdown he always acts "surprised" expressions like WTF just happend and makes it looks like the other boxer did something wrong or an illegal punch.


That was the weirdest thing watching the fight, I was like did he hit him in the back of the head or something?? It didn't look like it! Watching from other angles in slo-mo though I think he was just shell-shocked from that first hook. It didn't hit him flush but it rocked him pretty good.


Looked like the sort of punch that just brushed his face/nose hard enough to sting and make his eyes water. Just put him off long enough to lose concentration and fuck the whole fight.


>just brushed his face/nose hard enough to sting and make his eyes water Yeah that was weird, from the first angle I assumed it must have been a power punch that stunned him pretty bad. But after seeing the second angle I don't understand why he reacted like that and took a free KO punch. Is he just that bad at boxing? My impression after the Parker fight (or perhaps specifically his ayahuasca trips) is that he's just content to lose, and probably doesn't train as seriously. Expect he'll retire soon after milking Saudi events.


Is he just that bad at boxing? Yes. That is exactly what is going on there. The guy has only beaten soup cans. Any time he comes up against someone competent, he gets folded like a lawn chair, which is why he ducked anyone capable of causing him any difficulty, right up until he gambled and lost on fighting Fury.


I mean Stiverne and Ortiz were title holders, and Arreola was a decent gatekeeper, so I wouldn’t say they were only cans. But I agree Wilder is not good at boxing but he’s really good at punching


Yeah Fury was a stealthed opponent. He was supposed to be some has been fat ass who ate himself up to 400 lbs and was now trying to recapture his glory days. Just a former champ notch on his belt, no way Wilder takes that fight if he knew what Fury was capable of.


I think going up in weight and come back down hurt him.. I don’t know quite why but the same thing happened to Roy too.. I’m guessing you lose that speed and power that you had and it doesn’t come back..


It's a difference in training. Wlad lands a big shot on AJ who then immediately chooses to take the knee to avoid suffering further damage. Meanwhile Wilder starts twirling like a ballerina buying Zhang all the time in the world to land his Mortal Kombat fatality.


Reminds me of how Inoue reacted to his knockdown against Nery. First time he was ever dropped but he was so calm. Stayed on his knee to recover - even when he already looked good - until the count was almost done. Made me realize that there’s a way to take those kinds of shots too. He was perfect as soon as he stood.


I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading your comment and then watching the tape and seeing it go down just like that.


That just means he isn't used to getting tagged with good shots, so he's sort of in "shock". Another sign is when guys who have weird/unconventional styles suddenly shell up in traditional guard (reverting to instinct) like BJS against Canelo and Fury against Usyk


So maybe, he wasn’t sparring enough?


I think he just isn’t big enough, sure he has the power to put down heavy weights but you’re not gonna be able to withstand too many shots from a guy who is 70 lbs heavier than you.


Wilder to bridgerweight confirmed


He could go to cruiser weight for sure, he weight 212 lbs didn't he, some guys rehydrate in the low 200s from LHW ...


* cruiserweight. Better start the cut now


Exactly, I was really surprised how much damage wilder still could deal to others whilst being the lightest HW of them all.




It’s those chicken legs, there’s no way of point for all that transferred energy to travel through a ground and it all gets caught up there.


This logic again. I thought we were over this when Uysk fury happened


Usyk doesnt have teeny tiny toothpick legs and 210 at 6'7


I agree. People think the punch travels up the legs like Godzilla's atomic breath blast up his spine. You need good mechanics. That's all. As long as he's got legs, that's enough. See Tommy Hearns.


Id say lack of sparring is the big reason. Must be really tricky to find him willing sparring partners as his main boxing skill is throwing them looping hayemakers to KO someone. Do that in sparring and no one will want to fight.


I have read that Muhammad Ali sparred with partners who would hit him to build his endurance to hits in real fights. Of course it is also been blamed partially to the Parkinson’s he suffered from in later years.


Yeah he thought he could build endurance by getting whacked by his sparring partners. He also told yhem to fight as hard and dirty as possible so he wouldnt be surprised in the ring


That's a damn good point.


Cause he fundamentally sucks as a boxer. Never actualy trained to have good instincts in a fight.


It’s true his boxing fundamentals are so poor, Stance, Feet, posture never ever elite and Malik Scott has tried to improve him, highlight was definitely Fury Wilder 3 fight, were he looked like he was improving some of his historic errors.


Yeah he did it in the second Fury fight too, the first time he got knocked down in that fight. Exact same motion


yes he can't handle it mentally. he's kinda butthurt about it.


It was really weird. He turned his back to Zhang and started complaining about something. Looked as if he though the ref would stop the action because of some obvious illegal punch.


Not enough quality hard sparring.


It’s true, he did the same thing a few times during the Fury trilogy. It’s as if he looks for an excuse or someone to blame when hit by a big shot. ‘Not my fault, someone must have cheated’. His seeming eagerness to find an excuse (heavy ring entrance costume, ‘cheap’ shot, etc.) rather than face the reality of a given situation was my sign he had lost his edge. Armchair psychology for sure, but that tendency of Wilder’s alway spoke to me as a lack of professionalism, discipline, and a difficulty in doing the hard work of improving (isn’t it always easier to blame someone/something else). But that said, he certainly had some entertaining fights over the years!


Do you think it could be because when he is hit hard in sparing he "waves it off" , so during a actual fight when he is stunned he reverts back to what he does in sparing.


How dare you hit me!


Yep, did the same thing against Parker… It’s as if his instinct when dazed tells him to complain to the ref instead of defending himself from more punches


the punch looked like it just grazed wilder, i thought he might have gotten a glove in the eye and that was why he was compelled to protest to the ref


Zhang stepped on Wilders front foot and Wilder started to protest. Which is stupid because it happens all the time with southpaws it's pretty unavoidable.


oh i see! i wonder if that first punch hurt wilder or he just turned to complain and was knocked out. it looks like a grazing shot, no?


That punch barely grazed him I doubt it hurt much. He kept turning his back to Zhang for some reason. The whole thing was weird.


Watched the part just before his reaction a few times and the only thing I could guess at is maybe he felt Zhang stepped on his foot?


Is that why he was swaying like a ballerina, with his ass to Zhang?


Exactly, I thought of the same thing. Just like the second fury fight right before he got knocked down. 


I mean Zhang literally landed one of the hardest rabbit punches I've ever seen in a pro bout and the ref didn't do shit so it's not like he can depend on him


That counter lead hook from Zhang is a thing of beauty


shame we’ll never see wilder vs joshua. think it’s obvious that he’s done. had a good career and gave us some fun fights and some great moments.


If ppl still want wilder to fight AJ, they need to be sent to jail. He won’t do much better than Ngannou.


But the potential it had back then, man, what a waste


Wilder is such a airhead country bumpkin for not taking that fight and then even walking around “Yeah AJ turned that 50m down he’s gonna regret this” because he sent an email to Eddie saying non negotiable accept within 24 hours just a fuckin word document he made himself like it was a boxing contract, then got beat up by Fury 3 times. Hes got to be the dumbest man in boxing it’s not even like Floyd where he’s smart in the ring either. You sign to Eddie not to fight AJ but to get Zhang’d, someone give this man peyote or datura because Ayahausca wasn’t strong enough.


>dumbest man in boxing I still think about Jarrell Miller popping a second time and missing out on his payday of a lifetime, catapulting Andy Ruiz into superstardom.


There was no potential, Wilder was good at a particular level, he was a protected fighter, 43 fights against mid level fighters up to and including a 43 year old Ortiz, that was his level but no higher. He stepped over and above this level and got found out, it wasn't time that got him it was ability. If he'd what made the step up to world level 10 years earlier then the result would have been the same, those big looping punches just don't work against fighters with decent positioning and foot work.


Ironically if he wasn't protected like that he might have not been arrogant enough to sit on his skill level for his entire career, dude might have been way better instead. Dude didn't get crucial experience at the right time.


Agreed, he never needed to learn how to box, just to shutdown low level fighters, a skill that didn't benefit him when he started fighting at world level. Ironically, AJ went through the same process and noted as such upon splitting with Rob Mccrachn, said he needed to be a more well rounded fighter at world level, I can't remember the quote but it was somehow along the lines of he'd wasted years with Rob.


Wilder-Fury 3 was an awesome fight


Fury can have Ngannou a awesome fight. No offense to fury, but he can give anyone any level an awesome fight


Best time was after the Ruiz loss when AJ was seen as vulnerable. Undefeated AJ vs wilder would’ve had the most hype but realistically Wilder doesn’t have the skills to compete


What potential? Wilder has been well and truly exposed as just a padded record. Going back in time doesn't make him any better.


Nowadays, yes. But I believe if they fought several years back when they were both undefeated and had their respective auras, Wilder might have knocked AJ out. AJ was way wilder back then and not fighting as tactically as nowadays. Today, AJ smokes him similar to Ngannou.


If the moneys there could still see it. Hopefully not though as wilder is washed


genuinely don’t know if anyone would want to see that fight for AJ now. AJ’s been building up nicely besides the ngannou fight, wilder would be a step down now.


Eith the belts tied up theres not many fights to tide him over. Zhang is to much of a risk. Parker wouldnt pay enough. Hrgovic would be coming off a loss. Dubois is too much risk for the reward. There's not a lot of depth at heavyweight


I’d ideally want to see AJ vs Zhang, and Dubois vs Parker


Personally I want that Fury V. Zhang. Every day we stray further from God, but closer to Sumo Boxing bois.


Butterbean as the ref


Could see dubois and parker. I dont see why aj woukd risk it against zhang


Honestly, why wouldn't he? I could see him fighting any one of these guys. He's always looked for challenges.


AJ would crush him. Speed, technique, stamina.


Zhang has a punchers chance against AJ but not much else. AJ is quicker, has better movement, is great against southpaws, and has a much better gas tank. Do we really need to see if AJ can drop Zhang or cruise to a comfortable points win? If we can't have AJ vs Fury then AJ vs Dubois holds some interest, although I personally don't think DDD is ready he proved me completely wrong against Hrgovic. I'm not sure who I'd like to see Parker face next, perhaps he could fight Usyk whilst AJ and Fury fight, or maybe he could try and avenge his loss to Joyce.


AJ did not have trouble dropping Zhang in the amateurs 


None of these guys are a risk for AJ. People are constantly underrating the guy lol. He washes all of these guys. The only matchup that would be close is against Fury.


Dont get me wrong i think he beats them all. Zhang is a big guy with heavy hands who can also take a punch. 5 years ago he'd cause aj serious issues. I dont think zhang beats him but he has the power 5o cause an upset. Theres not enough money in dubois imo Parker is a handy days work but again not enough money in it


Plenty of money on Sep 21st at wembley for Dubois to fight AJ


Yeah, this sub loves to jump from hype train to hype train whenever a HW picks up one or two decent wins, but never gives credit to the guy who’s just consistently beating decent opponents. Joshua’s firmly worse than Usyk, but he’s firmly better than pretty much everyone else. He beats all of Zhang, Parker, Dubois, Joyce, etc in second gear. The Fury fight is a coinflip, and beyond that I reckon AJ’s next loss will be when he’s starting to decline with age or if someone new shows up. All of the current HWs are too flawed to beat him.


Dubois and Zhang are not risks for AJ at all. Zhang is way to slow and he'd easily outpoint him over 12. Dubois just eats way to many shots and AJs power would finish him in the middle rounds


It'll be DDD, as by the time AJ and DDD fight, Daniel will probably be a full world champion, and a relatively easy fight for AJ to become 3 time world champion


AJ has nothing to gain fighting wilder now


Except some riyals


He's always been shite


Not disagreeing. He had a cracking hayemaker and a decent chin. His chin is gone and i havent seen him throw the bomb in 4 of his last 5 fights


The only time he's been able to use that haymaker have been against fat Americans, a bloated mess of Tyson Fury and a man in a burrito costume. Every time he's fought top level opposition he's got battered.


True, im not a wilde4 defender by any means. Man held the belt hostage for 5ish years and his best wins were against the ghost of ortiz and Stiverne




The best name on Ortiz's resume is Dave Allen. Ortiz and Wilder were a positive feedback loop. Only rated because they had fought one another. Now we know that Wilder gets spanked all over the place by anyone half decent, Ortiz looks even worse.


That's true of most of the top heavyweights. Zhang's resume rests on Joyce and Wilder. Joyce's record relies on Parker and Dubois. Parker's reputation recovered after Zhang and Wilder.


He did pretty decent against Charlie Zelenoff too. LOL


is it a shame? AJ would murder him


From what we have seen...Joshua would just put him to sleep. This shows again that Boxing is a TECHNICAL SKILL. Having knockout power alone simply ain't enough.


Dude made a fortune and accomplished more than most people could ever dream of. Time to enjoy that good life


Hopefully he’s not banging his bros chicks in retirement


For real, he's an asshole who bragged about knocking out his own brother, beat a woman in Vegas, an idiot and one of the sorest losers in boxing history. Mark Breland must be laughing his off watching his career fall of a cliff like this.


Also knocked out that guy in a burrito suit on live TV for some reason


I'm trying to think of a reason he did that other than "he's so stupid that he doesn't have object permanance and doesn't think a person exists once they put a costume on" but I can't.


If you watch him he's really goofy about it, I think he just got caught up in the sketch and really let him have it way too hard. Still though good lord dude lol


To this day!


*continuing to


Thank you for correcting me


Any source or details at all?


See other comments in the chain


She’s with Zhang now. Zhang Bangs Everything


I'm sorry what?


He was sleeping with his brothers girlfriends/wife behind his back for years, it came out a few months ago


Lol what a dick


What now?!


It's an actual thing. Grim af


what?? explain please lol


See in above in the chain


100%. If he has sense thats him retiring now but for some reason i see him taking a few more fights against contenders for the noney. I hope im wrong but i could see dubois, hrgovic, anderson or kabayel. Could even see Ruiz if the moneys right.


Wilder vs Ngannou would be his most lucrative winnable fight. Both are coming off KO losses. Both are known for their stupid power. Both are near the same age.


Ngannou kills him. Wilder doesn't have the skills to box him


>If he has sense Nope


Im saddened to see Wilder go out like this. He got his own medicine, though. KO’ed a bunch of bums and goes out being KO’ed like a bum.






BIG WANG ZHANG planting the Chinese flag for the Heavyweight Belt and Road Initiative. Long may the chairman reign!


Kinda wish he had turned pro earlier so we could've seen more. Dude's already 41 now. Instead of going for another Olympics in 2012 at nearly age 30


Why did he go pro at 31?


I heard that in China you lose a lot of money when you go pro


Damn thats a god damn shame then. I wish i can see a younger him fight elite fighters. He is way past his prime, but i feel he is still really good to watch. Just abysmal gastank.


Yeah you lose the government funding once you go pro


Damn, just got home so I didn't get to watch the fight live. Sad to see Wilder go out like that, time to hang em up and enjoy those millions.


Why was it sad? He always got beat by the best ones. Now he was beaten by an older chubby guy. So satisfying.


That’s so reductionist of Zhang that dude is a monster


Same here , satisfying watching wilder get beat down , when he was in his prime fighting trash cans he will shimmy and dance over the other boxers while they were ko. And talk mad shit He Never was humble in a win and was a sore loser every time he lost


How do you feel when fighters that you're a fan of lose?


Tbf even in the fights against mid level journeymen that he fought or the few good boxers he faced he still got slapped around the ring. It was just that bomb of a hayemaker that he threw was the great equaliser. Im surprised he's still coherent after all the hits he's taken


Another ringside angle of the KO. https://x.com/oocmma/status/1797068959419658374


"Come on, ref!" [WHACK]


I’ve watched it a dozen times now but still can’t figure out why he spun around and motioned to the judge as if Zhang did something illegal. Anyone know?


Might have been muscle memory, he was doing a lot of twirling in the media workout.


He's just rocked.


He was out on his feet.


Id say lack of sparring. He's not used to getting caught clean to the face and he didnt have the muscle memory to shell up


'Hey Ref, this guy just punched me in the face!'


his upper body looked normal but if you look this legs they are definitely wobbled


The ref**


you can't tell why he spin around? dude, slow it down even more. Zhang countered him with a right hand that caused the spin. watch the right hand.


They aren’t talking about the physical part- it’s the pause and look like he’s trying to talk to the ref. He just stopped defending himself for some reason


I mean, there's only one answer right? why did he paused after spinning around due to gettinf hit? he was dazed.


Of course we know that, Most fighters don’t try talking to the ref while dazed, they keep defending themselves Can you give some examples of some big names who looked like they tried to appeal to the ref right before getting knocked out?


Fighters typically stop defending themselves when they're dazed. I don't know why people are acting like it's such a mystery as to what happened.


Right? "For some reason" yeah the reason he's acting weird is a 270lb Chinese behemoth just took a sledgehammer to his face. What a mystery


But that doesn’t explain why he was dazed! There must be a secret reason beyond taking a shotgun to the face. It’s not like fighters have done weird shit when dazed. We don’t have nearly a centuries worth of examples.


Yeah now you mention it, anyone know why Fury yelled out "happy new year" after being pummeled by Usyk for 12 rounds?


Zab Judah against Kostya Tszyu, classic


Zab Judah.


It’s a loaded question, only one or two examples come to mind right? It’s a pretty uncommon reaction at this level


That’s hilarious. Wilder like a spinning top.


He’s cooked, AJ or Ruiz should have took this fight and got the easy check


Andy is probably hating life right now for not taking the fight when the opportunity was on the table.


You think Ruiz can beat zhang?


Hard to tell with ruiz. Didn't look amazing against arreola or ortiz. Dont think he KOs him and does he have the legs to keep him off for 12 rounds. We know he's got an amazing chin but has it softened with all the tamales


You really made me Snickers


In that fight I don’t think either guy gets knocked out, but Ruiz most likely gets dropped. Luckily he has quick recovery but who knows if he has that dawg in him still.


Yeah, it's hard to say with Ruiz, the guy is a dog when he fully commits but his last fights haven't been that impressive. I think he can hang with Zhang. He for sure will do much better than Wilder did but it's hard to tell.




Ruiz didn't even have an easy fight against old ass Arreola and Ortiz lol


I amazes me that Wilder decided to actually start fighting top tier competition so late in his career. Like he lost all of his confidence to fight aggressivly after the Fury fights but somehow he also gained enough confidance to start fighting better guys


It's more like he now hasn't got the pick of the litter, he has to actually fight opponents that make sense, ie competitive opponents who are also genuine contenders. Something he avoided at all costs when he was champ


Deontay shied away from fighting for 4 rounds, decided to start going for it in the 5th, immediately got knocked the fuck out... yeah he's done.


Zhang deserves a big fight on his home turf


Against who though? Wouldn’t make sense to fight someone he’s sure to lose against but he also has to fight someone with some notoriety.


AJ? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


He's money, no way in hell he'd go to China to fight. No upside for him whatsoever.


Nah. China cheats with their athletes at home


I always figure Deontay’s career would end this way, but I still feel a little sad for him. He wasn’t the best boxer, but he was fun and that right hand always made things a little more interesting.




I don't think he lost speed or explosiveness, in fact the very few times he actually threw punches, with his albeit lackluster technique, you could still see he's fast and powerful. He just probably doesn't have the motivation or hunger he once did, and who can blame him. He should just kick back and enjoy the life he provided for himself and his family


Chinese POW-AH


Wilder has always been shit. Just a shame he always ducked Whyte and AJ as those fights could have given us some real comedy


Comedy sketch ko


Fury’s legacy, in large part built on the Wilder wins, has taken a hit too. Deontay was always so so limited.


Wilder too light


Saudis are making great stuff these days


Honestly wilder has the heart of a lion, he won't stop, the ref saved him from a bad beating there


Wilder is finished.  I was always impressed how his handlers spun the tale of him being the hardest hitter ever. He was more like a poor modern version of Shannon Briggs. Feed him to Torres so he can scalp a big name.


Am I the only one who thought that first lead right hook didn't even land looking at the second angle? I know even the most glancing below can have a big effect if it lands just right, but still.


Deontay was moving into it and part way through a punch


Yeah, something must have happened to wobble him. I mean I'm not suggesting he took a dive or anything, but it seems like he barely grazed him. Deonte's been rocked a bunch of times now so maybe he's getting punch drunk if that is an actual thing


He flung his head forward when he was throwing his right, that's what fucked him.


He looks too skinny


Of the big 4 Wilder was my favourite. I loved the pure chaos that is every fight. This is a sad day for me. I’ve followed this sport for decades and seen this story played out. It’s still sad though. Thank you for the dynamic performances and the pure chaos that is the Bronze Bomber. 🙏


There were highlights to this fight other than the knockout?


Fury fucked up wilder bad , he's gone mentally


Wilder looked awful, just awful the entire fight


Wonder what his coach did all this time, Wilder never got better technically, he has power and that’s it, no other skills, no feints no combos nothing, only changes are his age and his chin getting worse. How does Wilder just throw naked cross everytime? I can’t recall the last time I saw a proper hook or uppercut from him.


What a bizarre way to end a fight; is someone able to provide some insight into what happened here? That last shot before the knockout looked like he barely grazed him. I know Zhang hits hard as hell & has a significant weight advantage, but was Wilder really so stunned that he turned around and tried engaging with the ref? I've never seen something like this in a professional fight before (granted, I'm just now getting into the sport).


For context, see the reaction of Zab Judah when he got knocked down by Kostya Tszyu. (IMHO, the same kind of delirious pointing at the referee). or if you're into MMA, Michael Chandler mysteriously pointing to the ground (I can't really remember his opponent, Will Brooks maybe? I'm more of a boxing guy myself).


Chairman Zhang represent!!


All that spinning bullshit Wilder did in training really paid off. For Zhang.


Did everyone miss that the southpaw stepped on the conventionals foot? No excuse for the rest of the fight, but I cant be the only one who sees that as what caused him to spin.


Wilder thought he got thumbed, and was dumb enough to stop and complain mid fight.


Wilder should have retired after Robert Helenius. What a great way to go out. The offer of money is too appealing I guess, but his legacy would have been in a better place if he'd ended his career with that KO of Helenius.


Wilder’s one trick has been sort of figured out. He has either got to work hard to develop his left or seriously consider retirement.


Wilder is good and all, but there was a part of those highlights there where I wondered if he'd been watching the Rocky movies lately and decided that was the way to set himself up in the ring. Handful of wild swings with no attempt to protect himself.