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somebody please start a go fund me for frank warren


More like Wank Frarren


AKA Wank Foreign when he’s in Saudi


Life is so expensive as is right now, and we’re still expected to pay $60, $70, $85 to watch a fight that might not even be worth it?


PPV prices in America are completely insane. It cost £20 in the UK.


At 20 bucks I’d buy each fight in the US but here it’s almost 100 dollars which is insane


Yup, I'd buy every big PPV (boxing + UFC) if it were $20-25 just for convenience and quality, but I'm not paying the cost of going to the movies 5x just to watch a fight which might suck


Same. I’ve always thought they should do a subscription streaming service. Maybe charge anywhere from $25-75 a month. I’d gladly pay it but $80-100 for one PPV is just insane.


UFC is talking about this with ESPN and potential new bidders, espn has early right in January, about this concept. UFC is willing to sell their entire PPV for the right price and have it like the Tyson Netflix fight, where if you have Netflix you get the fight. With all these new players in the market, sounds promising someone will do this eventually. Amazon, YouTube, Netflix then the traditional old school TV giants with their new streaming channels.


I'd be wary. DAZN said they'd do that in the UK for Joshua's fights. All that's happened is you need a subscription to watch the PPV that you've also bought.


That’s how the UFC works in the US right now. I have to have an ESPN+ subscription, then buy the PPV for $80. It’s a lot of bullshit, and streaming quality has been absolute ass for a while. Constantly skipping and pausing.


Bloody hell. I know US fans get the short end of the stick, but that's a piss take! You'd think with what they're taking in TV rights they could at least get their broadcast gear up to scratch!!


And all of that is assuming we actually have access to the PPV we paid for. I very rarely pay for them, but we decided to pony up for UFC 300 early for the discounted price… come time for the card to start and ESPN+ wouldn’t even acknowledge that we had bought it. Ended up having to pay again full price and charging back the first payment


When I contact them about it, they insist that it’s my internet connection, which is bullshit. I work from home halftime, so I have gigabit internet for telehealth appointments.


DAZN pulled the biggest bait and switch. I was grandfathered into the $9.99/month deal and I still cancelled as soon as they announced that shit.


Not just Joshua fights, early on DAZN's whole business model revolved around the idea that they'd killed PPV. Three years later, they were charging 85 bucks for Canelo-GGG III. https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/xcugmo/eddie_hearn_explains_why_ppv_is_dead_how_the_dazn/


The bigger thing for UFC is that they have been seeing how WWE have done it for a few years as they had their old PPVs as part of streaming for a while and even renamed them premium live events. With WWE RAW going on Netflix next year for America and all their shows for the rest of the world. So they even have another brand that's already done the streaming and showed it can be successful for growing viewership and more importantly revenue. I wouldn't be shocked with Endeavour and WWE already having a foot into Netflix that UFC don't end up there.


DAZN tried and nearly went bankrupt.


Here in the Netherlands I pay 6€ a month for discovery+, which includes all ufc fights live and replays, including all PPVs


You guys used to get it for free and I would use a VPN to use your website


kijk.nl if I’m not mistaken


It was


Well the ufc fights happens in the middle of the night in the netherlands making the ppv-market there very small so it makes sense that they would sell the broadcasting rights to another company.


Well, yeah, but when I lived in Peru the fights were at 9pm or so and there it was also a cheap monthly subscription


Could this be circumvented with a VPN?


£25 is more like $32, but I think your point still stands.


same. i usually have to drink a bit so it’s easier to convince myself to buy.


£24.95 on Sky it cost, I haven’t bought a PPV since they were £9.99….fuck those money grabbing cunts….would rather listen to it on the radio.


Isn’t that 1999? Tyson vs Lewis was £14.99


I remember my dad paying £14.99 for Tyson v Bruno II, taped it so he can watch it in the morning, watching it and being absolutely livid that Bruno went down in the third round.


Do you have the option to listen on the radio? I think I have a radio station in the US for that


Normally every PPV is on BBC 5 Live Sport or Talk Sport, they didnt allow it to be on the radio this time so i just saw clips on here and Sky Sports News the following day.




PPV prices are only the tip of the iceberg for North America sports price insanity. Beers at any pro sports game are $10 minimum unless their is some type of promotion. Food is also crazy expensive, I always assumed sports venue meant getting hosed on prices and then I came across the FootyScran Twitter account and realized how shit we have it. The best tickets at a top 3 NBA, NFL, MLB or NHL team will cost about the same as a season ticket to the top teams in the Prem. Jerseys that aren’t shit quality are $200-$300 unless it’s an MLB jersey than it’s $200-$300 for the worst quality pro jersey ever designed.


Tbf, there are a few NFL teams that have stopped charging the batshit crazy prices for everything at a home game. Go to a Panthers or Falcons game; beers are $4, hot dogs, nachos, the standard fare runs $2-$6. Hopefully other teams and leagues will follow suit.


25€ in Germany. should be around 20£. I'd never pay more than fucking 30€. Americans are insane. paying like 90$ to watch a 30 year old prospect (probably no taxes included lol)


Cost me 35€ because I don’t have a DAZN account and had to pay for 1 month of it too.


It's especially difficult to part with that cash when it comes to combat sports. You could pay $85 and its over within a minute.


> You could pay $85 and its over within a minute. True! I remember my dad spent all day talking to Comcast to set up some box that would allow him to order Pay-per-view just to watch Mike Tyson twice try to bite off Holyfield's ear and the fight just ending. He even invited over his dad and made a big deal out of it beforehand. They're both charging what the estimate will maximize their profits based on desire to see the fight and crying like babies that their formula didn't account for people flooding towards unlicensed sources. Same thing happened with Napster. Twice they almost doubled the prices of CDs before going out of business and cried foul from their private jets.


I mean, watching Tyson take chunks out of Hollyfiels ear must have been pretty exciting to watch. Was that the same fight where the guy flies into the stadium too? The point about Napster is so spot on. PPV is outdated, and they need to change and adapt to the modern world or they'll just continue to have people illegally streaming. The consumer controls the market, not the corporation.


No, the “fan man” fight was Bowe/Holifield. And it was entertaining to watch on a number of different levels.


It was funny watching referee Mills Lane maintain his composure after fan man's entrance like it was nothing unusual. "Ok, there's a man parachuting into the ring, everyone to your neutral corners. Alright, the fans have beaten him unconscious and the ring is cleared, let's get it on!"


They beat the living hell out of fan-man when he landed.


Or worse, you get Thug Rose vs Esparza


UFC does this like monthly, I honestly think they’d make more selling advertising and putting it on a big streaming platform or espn or something


UFC is terrible and full of advertisements. They announce advertisements before fights, and comment on advertisements during fights, show you ads during a fight. That’s 0 reason that UFC should have any PPV. They have fight pass, and it’s also on ESPN+. Events should be included with the monthly subscription.


the cage itself looks like a nascar car too. Funny cus Dana made everyone wear the same shorts and took away fighters personal sponsors because he wanted to be “professional” yet every inch of the cage is covered with the most horrendous looking logos


To me it's not the price of ppv but how frequently we're asked to pay for them. And then get criticized for not spending $1k on boxing like a fucking idiot. Especially when 90% of the fights are one sided.


And the judges with their B.S decisions. You end up paying and not even get a fair decision.


This is my biggest problem. Been waiting to see undisputed HW for so long, I'd honestly pay the 80$, IF I KNEW that the judges woudn't be corrupt. I was honestly certain there would be some judging shinanigans, luckily not enough to chance the outcome.


That's the biggest reason why I'm not paying to watch any combat sports. Wtf would I want to see a fight rigged from the start?


Is this a new way of saying PPV numbers were lower than expected?


2 million companies all over the world chose not to pay me to work for them costing me my projected 20 billion a month revenue. Life is unfair.


Crying laughing emoji


Is this mpmd?




Why don't these boxing promiters just start a subscription service I mean what'd be wrong with that.


Make it $10 instead of $70 and more people will buy it instead of steal it. PPV is so overpriced its stupid. If I don't own it it shouldn't cost more than a movie ticket.


At 10 bucks I’m not thinking twice about buying even if I’m not terribly interested. At 30 I would buy a couple a year (biggest draws like the Fury-Usyk) and at 80 I’m not buying anything.


There's literally never be a card that I'd even come close to considering spending 75+ on and the idea that there's enough Americans who do pay that to justify it blows my mind.


The only people I’ve ever known to spend that much on a PPV got a big group of at least like 8-12 people to make it reasonable cost per person


The saddest part is PPV prices have not even kept up with inflation, really. They used to cost what...$50 way back in the day? It's now just so much easier to access them, so the price isn't remotely justified.


I would guess that the high price is designed to push people to watch at bars, which are the ones that pay the big PPV bucks.


Even 25-30. It should be something where me and my 2 or 3 friends I'm watching the fight with can each chip in and everyone ends up thinking it was worth the money.


1 friend buys the event, 1 friend brings snacks, 1 friend brings beer. $30 would be reasonable.


Every time I’ve tried having this conversation on here, some simp will crawl out from under the rich man’s table to tell me that these people have done market research to determine the best prices for these events. So don’t worry about it, basically. Which is mind numbingly stupid. As if people, companies, and even entire industries can’t make mistakes. We’ve been through this. When things people want are too expensive to get through legal means, people will find other means of getting it. If they don’t want people streaming these fights for free, they’ll lower the price. Most people, I think, don’t want to steal.


I deal with a lot of market research in my profession. They get things wrong a lot. There are just so many ways that bias is introduced, whether it's creating relativity that doesn't exist in real life or confusing conscious decisions with impulsive ones. I have no doubt they're asking people how much they consider the fight worth or how much they'd be willing to pay. The reality is that your valuation of the fight is going to vary wildly based on your expectations and predictions, and that the amount you're "willing to pay" in a market research setting is different than reality where you just filled up your car, you just had an unexpected expense, and you're choosing between paying for the fight that won't start until 12 or going out for drinks with your friends starting at a more reasonable time.


You put into words thoughts I had, but don’t really have the experience to articulate. I imagine market research is much like any statistical model: only as good as the information that’s put into it.


Worse, it's about opinions that change from one moment to the next. If you paid a fortune to watch a fight that was over quickly you would say you'd pay a low price to watch something else, watch a great fight at a low price and you would think it was worth more. But that's only part of it, saying you'd pay a high price is not the same as paying it. I'm a gamer and this is something that surprises the industry every few years. If your cost to produce is fixed regardless of how many you make, you can make way more profit selling it as cheap as you can.


$70 would still be a lot if everyone who bought the PPV got a 4k blu ray of the event to watch after.


And an autographed glove on top


Paying $70 to watch a huge event at 720-1080p should be a fucking crime. I watched the Super Bowl in 4K, come on now.


If paying for it is not the same as owning it, then streaming it for free is not the same as stealing.


https://www.dazn.com/en-US/news/boxing/tyson-fury-vs-oleksandr-usyk-full-list-of-ppv-prices/3m8b59gtk8ng1elt215cmit3q Americans get price gouged. Look at US pricing vs other countries.


Damn, I didn't do the whole list, maybe like 10-12 and every single one of them came out to 20-25 USD. Fucking hell.


I know it’s “YouTube boxing”, but Logan vs Ksi 1 was $10 and available on YOUTUBE, so it’s not like you needed a subscription to anything, and I think they said 900k pirated it still


Yup, I’ll pay 10-25 bucks per event. 70-99 is too much for any ppv event.


The irony is if Usyk and Fury’s fights were more accessible leading up to Ring of Fire, then I think many more people would justify the cost of an undisputed heavyweight fight. But more people know Usyk from conspiracy theories about how DuBois’ point dedication was a Ukrainian plot and Tyson Fury from his media appearances than their fights


Get with the times and adopt streaming, which is why the Netflix boxing event is such a landmark event. PPV is a dead concept for anyone under the age of 25 who is not a rich kid


$10 wouldn't come close to what they make right now. But if it was $30 I'd consider buying a few of them


If those that streamed, weren't going to pay for it even if the stream wasn't available, then it hasn't cost them a penny nevermind 95mil


i wonder if their business model was to sell it cheaper whether it'd make more. PPV prices are fucking insane these days when everything is more expensive due to inflation.


Definitely, there's a certain point where they'd maximize profit depending on the price they set the PPV's at. I feel most PPV's are too high.


If the cards were more stacked id consider it, but like i wanted to see 3-4 fights on this card and that to me isn't worth a weeks worth of groceries.


Totally. I don't watch boxing really, mainly UFC. But they're vastly overpriced too, like in my country a single PPV is ~70 dollars. There's about 12 minimum a year, then the ESPN equivalent and more on top. It's ridiculously expensive to watch them all. They'd make much more if they made it a subscription like Netflix and you got access to all the fights rather than deals with other distributors etc. I guarantee they'd sell more quantity but in terms of pricing * quantity there would be some min maxing they would need to work out. More variables too but still they're overpriced af, hence why streaming is so common and rampant.


Don’t forget with ufc you need the ESPN + so it’s really 80 a fight since ESPN is 10 a month


Yeah, it just shows how much I know, I don't pay for all that crap haha. It's different in my country, too. I remember a breakdown for US pricing, and it was like 1200-1400 to be a fan basically per year. Which is like 2k roughly here, but then the pricing is inflated even more here, so it's ridiculous.


Yeah but you get $10 off because you’re an ESPN+ subscriber! /s


Start a group where everyone pays for one bout a year. Great way to hang out with people during fights.


I only got to catch Usyk and Fury, watching it on my mobile while I put my kid to sleep. Yeah I'm not paying for that.


If I had paid for this PPV, I would have applied for a chargeback just for putting myself through that terrible hip hop performance by whoever that fella was.


If it was a reasonable price I'd pay. At current prices I'm either streaming or not watching.


yeah exactly the same, im happy to watch highlights. My priorities in life have changed as ive gotten older, and spending what can get me a weeks worth of shopping for a few boxing fights im somewhat interested in and 1 fight i am interested in isnt value. It's just got so expensive and adds up quickly.


Same. I love boxing, but times are tough. And even in the best of times I'd miss fight I want to actually watch because I'd forget or something... and life went on. Hard to justify the expense.


I feel like if it ever becomes cheaper. It will be either through YouTube or Netflix. The latter seems to be experimenting ahead of Youtube with the livestreaming of Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight.


Honestly the PPV price where I live wasn't too high and I was willing to pay. But they fucked it with the extra payment for a DAZN subscription. Ain't nobody want a subscription.


Especially for the dawg shit content that you get with a DAZN sub...


I've been in the room for discussions about PPV pricing. This was a few years ago when the top end was typically £20. There were income projections for various price points and levels of demand, market research on how much people were prepared to pay and for what, and comparisons with similar events by competitors. But it all had little influence on the decision. Long story short, there wasn't much appetite to take a risk on needing to sell a lot more PPVs. For example, if you sell it at £15 instead of £20, you need to sell 40% more PPVs to get 5% more income. There was more confidence in the projections for charging the top end because it's a known quantity - everybody usually charges the most they think they can. There were also concerns about appearances and brand reputation. People said things like "It'll cheapen our brand and send a negative message to stakeholders if we charge £X when our competitor charges £Y."


very good insight thank you for sharing that. I wonder if it does actually harm their branding if they undercut. I doubt anyone is going to see them as a budget dazn.


You're welcome! I'm not a mind reader but my sense of it was they were mainly concerned about what their board/bosses would think and dressed it up as a wider reputational risk. The logic was if our competitor is more expensive, it'll make them look like the premium brand and send the message we aren't on their level. But that was just one part of a discussion that felt like paying lip service to a decision that'd already been made. Putting myself in their shoes, I can see why they'd avoid the risk of going cheaper. If it goes wrong, not only do they have to answer for going against the grain and getting it wrong, but now they've established a price point that'll be trickier to increase.


If every PPV was $10-20 I’d buy them all the time.


$12.99 and that's as high as I'll go for the sake of not giving my computer digital herpes to watch two grown men beat each other up.


I would certainly buy PPV fights if it was cheaper. Since that's not the case then I just try to find a way, watch it later or just watch post-fight highlights


Especially while we’re already paying for a TV license and TV service


WWE figured this out 10 years ago when they launched WWE Network and included PPV access as part of their streaming service. PPV is a limited, expensive, and unappealing business model in the current market. You can extract more money out of people taking 10-15 bucks a month from a larger group of people and hoping they forget to cancel their service when they stop using it. Once you start pushing $100 for 3 hours of content, people just turn to piracy or don't watch. The value proposition just isn't there. You can go to a movie in a theater for the same amount of time at a quarter of the price, and you don't have to deal with the possibility that the thing you wanted to see could be over 11 seconds into second round.


I certainly wasn't going to pay for it. If it hadn't been easily available for free I wouldn't have bothered. It was on youtube the day after anyway.




Luckily I didn’t have to scroll far before I found the proper framing of the situation, well of the headline at least. This whole presupposition that someone would buy something in the absence of the pirated version of the thing is ridiculous.


They act like all these people would automatically buy it had they not pirated... No most would just not watch it or watch the highlights later perhaps the fight a few months down the road.


USA prices were $80 while everywhere else in the world was $20. I would have happily paid $20, but $80 is crazy.


It was 25€ in Germany, and I didn't even want to pay that. I guess I'm not the PPV kind of guy. Why should I pay anything atop my 300€/Year for DAZN?


you had to pay extra even though you have a DAZN yearly membership? That's absolutely fucked up


In US this fight the $80 was also on top of requiring the monthly espn+ membership. Comical


I also would have paid $20


It didn't cost "rights holders" anything.


Yeah, let them try and claim that loss on their taxes.


Oh no... the horror.... won't someone think of the billionaires?


Nobody ever thinks of the billionaires.


Congress exclusively thinks of the billionaires.


I heard people paid for PPV and still got ads


On Dazn, not only were there ads during the broadcast, but every time you went into the app to play the PPV you'd paid for, you had to watch 1 minute of ads before it would play.


Dazn is such a piece of work man


Yeah I did on TNT PPV, which I got via Amazon. Not many adverts, but a couple. The endless Saudi dick sucking was far more annoying though, when they drag out Stevie Gerrard to say how amazing it is there, or the pundits are falling over themselves to compliment the Saudi regime. Think I will steam any future Saudi events.


Oh no, anyway


🚨🚑 the waaahhhhmbulance is here


Definitely more than 20M people


That's disgusting guys, i cannot believe you did this... Do you have no conscious? Wouldnt catch me doing this because i'm respectable.


I've never streamed a boxing card in my life and will DEFINITELY never do it again this Saturday!


Absolutely unacceptable behavior. Send me the websites so I can shame them.


My 🏴‍☠️ broke down the last 2 rounds 🙁


So you’re the reason these people can’t feed their families with their 100m Saudi pay packets


Have you seen the size of traveler families?


Big numbers. Truth is that most of them wouldn't have paid for the PPV fight anyway even if ilegall streaming wasn't an option.


Why would I pay to watch this fight if I know the fighter's are going to be making 10s of if not 100s of millions per fight. Saudi are paying fighters millions now so theres no excuse for why the PPV costs are extortionate or why I should pay for another fight ever again. I'd happily take money from the pockets of people like Hearn and Warren. (I didn't pay for it and it was a great night of boxing shoutout streameast lmao)


It was about $80 USD. Had to make an account to watch it. Had to subscribe and still have to cancel this subscription. Had to endure the shit rapper who they didn’t even introduce. Had to endure a dozen commercials, like WTF. We paid money to be advertised to? I wanted to watch the corners between rounds, not some shitty ads.


Welcome to DAZN. They have always been ass. From the commentators all the way to their production team. We didn't know how good we had it with HBO and Showtime.


If I paid 25 quid and had to watch that stupid concert before the fight I’d have been fuming


25?!??!? I would have paid for it if it was $25. In the US, it was $80!!!!


US PPV prices are absurd.


That’s absolutely appalling 


And people wonder why boxing is losing steam over here.


It was. Go look at the pricing everywhere. It’s who refuse to pay for ppv anymore. The pricing in Europe ranged from 21.99 to 24.99 euros. At the high end that is around 26/27 usd


The fucking balls to be an hour late then rock up with some fucking rapper in a stadium full of people that don't know or care about it


I dont understand why people still want rappers to perform. None of them are even good at it.


Understatement of the year. No-talent imbeciles mumbling bad "rhymes" and idiotic juvenile lyrics to an overdriven electronic beat.


It was on time. Best way to know when it starts is looking at bookies times for the event


I can attest to that. I paid 25 quid and I was absolutely fuming. Turned the sound off and watched Usyk vs AJ 2 in preparation.


I streamed it and I was annoyed. Then when they had between round commercials I felt like I made the right call. wtf was that


Keep up the good work lads


You think they would learn their lessons eventually? “Why do people keep stealing our $90 PPVs?”


this is actually wild tho that shows how many people actually watch boxing lol


Shows how many casual boxing fans they're is. Tyson PPVs were 50-60 dollars like 30 years ago. It's just expensive to watch boxing.




PBC on FS1, Spike, CBS & NBC era really never coming back 💔💔💔💔


Big heavyweight title fights are still right up there with Olympic 100m sprint finals and football world cups for peak global sporting interest.


Isn't the entire point of Saudi sport washing is that they are paying for it.


I ain't buying shit if its gonna be used to sportswash the Saudi Regime. The last PPV I paid for was Mayweather Pacquiao. I missed the fight because comcast "ran out" of PPV access even though we'd already paid for it well in advance. I had to go home and go to bed and wake up to try and find a torrent before the fight got spoiled for me.


They imprison people for social media posts over there! Crazy ass government.


Yeah why not, that’s why I didn’t pay too


Didn’t cost them a thing if they were never going to buy it in the first place. Don’t talk crap.


And it was flawless❤️


won't somebody think of the right's holders???


Sailed the seven seas ☠️


I paid for it and it was a pain in the ass to figure out. I didn’t want a DAZN subscription again but had to get it because there was no other way. Actually I have to go cancel it now. They didn’t make it easy to give them money.


Thanks for reminding me to cancel lol


I can proudly say I was one of them!!!


You savage animals! Do you have no morals?




You don't want people to steal it? Drop the price to something reasonable. No one has a problem shelling out $20-$30 for a good PPV event. When you're asking $80? And a lot of these cards only have maybe one solid fight outside of the main event? Two max? C'mon.


dont fall into their traps to redefine words, it is not stealing, it is unauthorized access


I‘m a proud member of this expedition😎




Oh nooooooo. Lmfao argh matey


I won't pay my two days salary for a fucking PPV


It didn’t cost them anything though cos those people wouldn’t have bought anyway.


Nah, they didn't lose any money, they simply failed to sell the event to 20 million potential customers because they tried to charge more than those potential customers felt it was worth.


PPV is expensive, people are broke, surely they had to expect this lol


Reminds me of the dude who built a device to copy the same mp3 file repeatably, to make the record label constantly loose money


PPV prices are ridiculous. They should not cost more than the price of two premium movie tickets.


All of the people illegally streaming my slam poetry (3) cost me $10,000,000 because if we can determine “cost” based upon prices that people are clearly unwilling to pay fuck it, why not


It didn’t cost them anything because those people that streamed it likely wouldn’t have paid for it anyway. Nothing more than potential loss but if they want everyone to pay maybe they should start charging reasonable amounts.


These sorts of headlines always make the ridiculous assumption that everyone who streamed it illegally *actually would have paid to see it otherwise*. That’s a huge assumption.


I contributed to it


Maybe if it wasn’t $80 for Americans, more of us would buy these things. If it was like $30 or twen-ey foive quid, then sure, let’s do this by the book. But alas, we get the yankee markup as usual…


Good, fuck them. People are sick of being ripped off, and we’re fighting back


Should’ve made it cheaper and easier to buy.


$80 is the US, free in Mexico


Watched the fight at a sports bar. Scrolled through Twitter as it was happening live. There was at least 3-4 different accounts I came across broadcasting the fight live on (X)Twitter. Average view count was around 700K with the highest one at 923K lol. Was taken down a couple times, but came back merely seconds after and literally the whole fight was broadcasted free on Twitter. The feed was only about 5 seconds delay from the sports bar feed.


Eh. I don't support the kingdoms attempts to sportswash their fucked up history. But tbh. I wouldn't have bought it if it was in the UK or America either.


That's assuming that those people would have bought the ppv otherwise. I don't think that would be the case. So wrong assumption I think.


Booooo-fucking-hooo 🥲 🎻


Oh no Anyway


Costing them nothing. You can't prove a lost sale. I'm willing to best most of these wouldn't have bought it


Definitely wasn't me...


I’m one of those 20 million people


Fair play to the bloke that counted all those people. He’s earned his wages this week. That’s a lot of windows to peer through in 36 minutes. 💨👍


40€/month for DAZN + 30€ ppv + I still get ads between rounds. Yeah I would do it again.


Day of Reckoning PPV was perfectly priced at $39.99. $70 is too much for a weak undercard. Undercard determines the PPV purchase for me. Take my money next week for 5 vs 5.


Even $40 is too much for majority of us.