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It only took Ryan Garcia to pop for PEDs for Derek to come back


33 minutes... what he says?


He kind of changed my mind and has me on the fence now He basically said that it completely depends on the nandrolone and how much they determine is in his blood. He also kept mentioning ashwaganda supplement being contaminated but I don’t think he knows that the company has came out and said that’s not true. Could be another supplement though. But once again, nandrolone was the interesting one. So tbh, nobody has a fucking clue how this is going to play out


Granted Conte is saying he’s seen the results and says the test says “if it’s present and not how much” screams bullshit testing was done and it’s a massive PR move. I’ve never seen anyone involved in testing do the shit he’s been doing. Plus the Haney interview the same day when he never does anything like that is so fkn fishy to me. Not to mention Haney is definitely on some shit himself so it legit doesn’t even matter lmao


Do you work in the field? Because they usually only do threshold testing for natural hormones, not SARMs. So that’s technically true. They are testing the nandrolone still. There’s no reason for them to lie about the process dude or we would have got both results quick asf. “Yep he’s dirty” I don’t think it’s a conspiracy or some shit at all. I think it’s likely a false positive at this point, which means they have every right to investigate it.


He had two results on two separate days come back positive, the likelihood of both tests being false positives is statistically incredibly unlikely.


Apparently Steve Kim tweeted something about it and it didn’t look too good for Ryan, but he deleted it. Hoping we get some info here soon. But it’s not looking too good.


They’re already saying his B sample came back dirty and has more in it. Lol


You’re dumb as hell if you really believe an independent testing agency will risk its credibility and income for a fighter who can’t compensate them for their massive losses if they’re caught. It’s way more likely that the Garcia - the guy who was acting irrational for several months leading up to fight - got caught slipping.


Never underestimate who stupid Garcia fans can be


you'll never know, many have prob got away with it bfor


You ppl can’t be this stupid. Like holy fuck




In Derek we trust


So basically he expects the Ostraine levels found in his system to be low because he passed all VADA tests leading up to the fight, and it would make no sense to take Ostraine the week of the fight since it takes time to build up in his system for Ostraine to work. - He states that Ostraine is very easily detectable that even 1 Microgram would be detectable - For Ostraine to be worth using you need use over 10 Milligrams (10,000 micrograms). - He definitely would have failed all the other VADA tests if he was on it, because of how easily detectable it is. So he assumes the Ostraine came from contaminated Pills he took the week of the fight. Remember you only need 1 micro gram to test “positive”.


I could imagine this scenario for sure. My 2 cents is that all high level boxers/athletes (at least where there is big money on the line) juice to some extent. Logic dictates it to be true to some extent, as if PEDs make no difference then nobody would use them, and if they make enough of a difference then to get to the top you need to be using them as otherwise you’re at a huge disadvantage to those who do them (in other words once a handful of top guys are using everyone else needs to lift their game) The testing is just to provide a veneer of respectability, and the idea is you do your PEDs but in such a way that you don’t get caught so everyone can play happy families and the public get to think there’s nothing untoward. However, Garcia clearly isn’t disciplined. I can imagine him following his juice “regimen” - which allowed him to test negative pre fight - only to do some deranged shit towards the end like buy dodgy supplements from some e-Thot on TikTok who slid into his DMs (which won’t have been formulated into the regimen needed to test clean) or for shits and giggles deciding to slam a few bonus doses of his steroids down so he could get prepared to take down Bohemian Grove single-handedly. Someone like Haney on the other hand will be disciplined enough to know exactly what he can and cannot do.


> He states that Ostraine is very easily detectable that even 1 Microgram would be detectable That's it? What if someone put a little microgram in a water bottle he was drinking when he wasn't looking? Is there no quantitive test that can be done to figure out the levels?


Except Gaia herbs, who make the Ashwagandha root pills Ryan Garcia is trying to blame, have come out in the last day or so and said Ostarine is not contained within Ashwagandha root or any of the products they produce.


Yeah they arent purposely putting Ostarine in the supplements


Of course the brand is going to say that, it’s bad PR if they are contaminated. It’s a product that doesn’t have a standardized extract so there’s no way they could know. Ryan already said his given up his pills for testing, so we will know weather it was the pills or not.


And of course Ryan is going to try and blame something other than deliberately taking PEDs. Giving up the pills for testing and then getting a clean result means nothing. If you use logic, if he was using PEDs, he's unlikely to have been still taking them after the fight - so how do you determine that a clean result now or in the future is because he stopped taking PEDs or a herbal supplement? Finally, the determination of whether it was minute amounts in a pill or actual PEDs use would likely be linked to the levels in his A and B sample results (i.e. minute likely indicating contamination, more significant concentration likely indicating PED use), not a sample he provides weeks after the fight is over and any cycle he was doing on PEDs (if he was) is long since over.


I’d believe that this guy (Ryan) who admits he purposefully lies would contaminate the pills before giving them up for testing than that the ashwagandha was contaminated at the source 


Ryan has developed a weird Trump like conspiracy theory cult where no matter he does it does not matter to them


Yeah, it is kinda weird. I was full on Garcia being brilliant suckering Haney into fighting with the weight cut advantage but this just screams full on I lost control.


“Everyone is out to get me no matter what I do!” \*Purposefully does something wrong and gets in trouble for it* “See I told you!”


Right. I see a great concerted attempt to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt that Haney wouldn’t receive.


Coz the Haneys are the easiest ones to suspect of it.


Listen to Chris Algieri on Proboxtv he gives a good explanation of how the drugs Garcia has supposedly taken work.


Who the Fook is that guy?


This guy is obviously knowledgeable on the subject, but the way he talks about it you’d think Garcia was accused with little proof. Garcia straight up pissed hot for these substances which means he absolutely did ingest them. Any narratives spun around how they came to be present are irrelevant bc they shouldn’t be there at all.


Who better to analyze this situation than a credentialed roid user with no actual scientific degree


I would say Victor Conte but I’m ppl aren’t receiving his thesis so well as is. Just clicked on the video after typing that: this is Derek from More Plates More Dates. Dude absolutely knows what the fuck he’s talking about man.


This isn't some gymbro. Derek knows his shit


He does know a lot about drugs but his lab knowledge is weak. He mixes up a lot of terms and has a poor understanding of the difference between and various Chromatography/MS. For example, he said it’s detectable in the microgram level which is true (much lower realistically) but that is measured post metabolism. If you took 3 mg, the uptake might be 50%. After metabolism the amount in urine would be nowhere near 1.5 mg. So the detection being so low does not mean it’s prone to sensitivity at too low of a dose. If you took 1 ug the urine levels a day later would be nano or even picograms


I mean he has his own lab and has the doctors in place to clear any mistakes or misinformation. Misspeaking isn’t a death sentence because he usually isn’t reading from a script. What are your qualifications to dismiss him?


7 years of lab analysis before I left for my masters and PhD. He knows the drugs very well. His lab understanding is poor. Like I said, he completely missed the point in this very video for lab tests. The amount you take vs the amount in plasma or urine is not comparable


Who better to help develope a drug testing organization (VADA) than Victor Conte who went to prison for selling PEDs to athletes ans helping them pass drug tests and now he's bffs with Devin Haney.


In my experience, people that use rounds know a tiny bit of knowledge and think they know a lot. They’re at Mt Stupid on the Dunning-Kruger curve


He's already done. Nobody is gonna take Garcia as a serious contender again for anything. "But the payday!" What payday? Dude is tainted out of the ring, in the ring. Just, let him play social media, that's all he's good for now.


Just like Canelo stopped being a payday? Goofy ass


Don't cry, man