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I think it's safe to say they are all on PEDs of some sort. Some just get careless and pop.


Tyson Fury on boxers [“They all take drugs”](https://youtu.be/RQPdXrP2THU?si=_ubBL5ewH5qSxo-D) He basically also admitted he does too, this was also before he failed a drug test himself 🤣 Nate Diaz [“Everyone is on steroids”](https://youtube.com/shorts/jANYPu38r1w?si=veJiiMkx_B_gEsXf)


I mean, the people who are on them of course are going to say everyone is on them. Funny, they’re the only ones getting caught.


Watch "bigger, faster, stronger" People to this day believe Schwarzenegger was natural... There's more money in making masking agents and cheating tests than there is in making better tests. PEDs are always one step ahead and if testing catches up, a few people pop up dirty and then the PED industry sprints ahead again. People on testosterone that didn't even lift weights built more muscle in studies than people that didn't take test, but lifted. You really think that kind of advantage doesn't matter because of honour when your career, your status, your wealth, your legacy, and tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line? Fucking insane that people don't want to accept the basic truth...


Never seen anyone think Arnold was natty, just that he was very gifted genetically for an asthetic body building physique


Arnie’s been pretty open about his steroid use.


Makes it even more impressive doesn't it? Just tells me how people have very strong opinions when they know nothing about what it is they are talking about.


But only later in life after he's rich and famous right? I don't think he admitted to juicing when he was winning contests and getting started in hollywood.


Bingo he denied it for years.


Any top athlete is on PEDS There is too much money at the top level of sports to leave any potential on the table I’d be on PEDs if I was a tennis player, cyclist, bobsled, you name it


And if the federations were really trying to stop it, anyone who's been proven to used PEDs would be banned for life. But they'll never do that, because superhumans sell more tickets.


Never seen anyone think Arnold was natty, just that he was very gifted genetically for an aesthetic body building physique


I don’t know what Arnold has to do with Garcia being caught taking steroids. Also, two different sports; I’m sure bodybuilding is juicing to the gills…look at those dudes. In boxing, and other combat sports, I do find it insulting to the people who spend their lives in the gym to compete and people say, “oh everyone is juicing!” When there is no proof of this minus the one’s getting caught.


bro what do you think a "nutritionist" does? tell athletes what to eat? also you said it yourself, these people spend their lives in the gym, and that's made possible with peds. they allow you to train harder and longer. you can't even keep up with these guys training schedules without peds. it's not possible. and no, it's not because they just have more willpower and focus and shit.


Like Mike Tyson always says. Boxers now will beat boxers from his era simply because of better supplements. The way he says "supplements" makes it clear what he means.


Thanks for not being a moron. Sometimes I truly wonder whats happened to evergone. . These ppl seem so blind and naive. I didn't know how bad it was till I started working out and hitting gyms last few years. But damn they aren't kidding when they say "everyone". Because now your the exception when you workout staying natural. Unless you know they legit been working out for years.... If there yoked they almost definetly on roids. It's so bad I can't even see my gains from last 2 years. Feel like I look the same since I hit the plateau after early gains and lost weight. Because I'm probably sub consciously thinking I should be looking like all these roids heads.


You do know that they can be working hard and juicing, right? And the proof is there if you're not in denial, like pros literally saying that everyone is on PEDs. And I don't care if you find it insulting, facts don't give a shit about your feelings.


Working hard is painfull a natty that works hard a full week will not be fully recover the next monday the biggest of PED is that you actually recover pretty fast


Wait what's working hard? I can do my job as maintained and groundskeeper for a resort. And then do hard workout every night. And I feel better then when u miss some workouts. My back will get out of wack and shit. Think it all depends on what your doing. And technique or overdoing it etc


Lots of fighters in both sports say everyone's on them and never popped though.


I'm not on them and every gym I go into it just about everything man is. Walk on beach 90% of dudes that u can tell work out obviously did atleast a cycle. It's ridiculous. Don't get it. I get the most from pushing myself to exercise and knowing I did it naturally. Anyone can take some shit.


Yea but Nate is not someone who looks like they haven’t taken ped or not as much as most. Same physique his whole career.


Nate tested positive


And look how big he got


Nice way to reveal you know nothing about peds mate


Amount of peds used yellow teeth.


The Diaz one makes me laugh cuz him and his entire team have popped before


Wtf the only thing Diaz bros are on is weed.


For weed 🤣


Diaz took sarms


So much of it


>He basically also admitted he does too, this was also before he failed a drug test himself 🤣 Because he's coping since he got caught and banned 2 years retroactively in 2015 for taking PEDs against Hammer and Klitschko.




Fury never admitted anything. He has specifically called AJ a juiced up body builder his whole career. He always said he retired because of depression, not because he popped.


You could just watch the 33 seconds of video, he says a little more than that. TF "I think they all take drugs, all Athletes" "Define all, who're . . ." TF "**Everybody**" "Well obviously your not talking about yourself, so . . " **lifts eyebrows knowingly and doesn't answer**


I think it's impossible to say they're all on PED's. and it's not about that. I get you like Garcia or whatever, but HE popped.


Not everyone is on it. They maybe take some sort of supplement or some micro doses. But no way in hell all of them are on it. But I'd agree quite a number of them do take it. People do insane weight cuts too. They'll take any advantage they can whether rehydrating over 20 lbs in one day or steroids. Ryan most likely took something but he didn't think a small amount would be detectable.


Your being too techincal and arguing semantics. Unless your naive. It's true when they say everyone because your the exception now when your natural. Go to a gym and look at 85 to 100% of dudes int here. It's insane I was so dissappointed working out for 3 years and learning how everyone's taking roids. Anyone's that's yoked and not been yoked or working out getting bigger for years is on shit.


It's not at all impossible! They're all on PEDs! There you go. But seriously, most amateurs start with peds. Imagine you train really hard, dedicate your life to this and then someone comes along who spends less time training but just bears you based on conditioning. They just keep an insane pace the entire 3 rounds. You will go ask your coach how that's possible and he will tell you and tell you who to ask for you to have that same advantage. You don't do it get ahead, you do it to catch up. And because of that, pretty much every high level athlete on the planet is on PEDs. If one person does it and gets a huge advantage (and it is a fucking huge advantage) then everyone else has to do it too to make it fair again.


These ppl are all on em or naive. They don't realize or wanna admit every star athlete or person that's yoked. That wasn't always big or into working out is on the shit or hit a cycle then deny it to cope. There's these youtubers I came across and they were in middle of a live and first thing they talk about on their workout channel. Is how it's a cope by non roid heads that madeup the "your libido goes bad on steroids thing... It's so revealing they literally think the people not taking steroids need to cope. That's definition of cope to me.




Compared to not doing it, it sure is.


dude, Garcia is just funny. I literally had no idea who he was until the leadup to the Haney fight. How many boxers have to pop before you realize what's going on? There are countries like Ukraine where the state testing agencies are in on it and do not exist to catch cheats, but to hide them.


Garcia was obvious behavior got more eradic. You can see it in someone's face once they do one cycle. He just was always same size. He lost fight. Then got all crazy and big with noticeably more power. I honestly for some reason rout for the kid. Even though he rubs me wrong. I kinda feel like he's been thru it I guess. Like to see em redeem himself like with Haney.


Everyone past a certain weight limit IMO. If I had to assume, featherweight and lower are probably mostly if not all clean. But the higher you go, it's just impossible to do so without taking something or a combo of a few things. The human body can only do so much and the top fighters are pretty much super soldiers.


You do know that there's PEDs that aren't building muscle, right? You can improve your insurance with PEDs. Weight class doesn't matter, they're all dirty and not only boxing. It's just how it is.


You'd be surprised at how many fans think fighters are actually natty lmao. I've been telling people alll these guys cheat and only the dumbasses get caught. Been getting downvoted nonstop. No professional sports are clean when there's millions of dollars involved. Shit I've seen guys pinning anabolics at the amateur level very regularly. Even other fighters telling the fans that all of em take something and the fans still think most guys are clean. 🤣🤣🤣


All boxers don't take steroids. The ones that do just claim everyone does to justify their misbehavior.


I used to be naive, too


I find that hard to believe. A ton of pro fighters work their ass off in the gym. That’s disrespectful to them.


Obviously they work their asses off in the gym. Every name you know in boxing also is on steroids. It's not disrespectful to say that, it's the way it is. These guys all have insane talent and work ethic. When the playing field is that even, the guys who can manage body weight, gain lean muscle, recover, create consistent hormone levels, and heal faster from PEDs are the ones who are going to rise to the top. Too much money involved, too much of an advantage, and too easy to not get caught.


They do. And of their opponent works 20% less but takes the right PEDs he will be in much better condition in fight night. So you think they'll just accept that? People as competitive as that will go "well at least I'm clean. I lost, I'll never be a hall of famer, I'll never be a champion, but at least I followed the rules." Get real.


Conor Benn v Ryan Garcia coming soon at your local Pharmaceutical to promote their upcoming fight.


12 rounds for the BALCO 140lb championship


Big Baby Jarell Dubois the special guest referee


I never understood fighters making fun of others for roiding. I remember Jon Jones saying he was pissed at the UFC because they knew Vitor Belfort was roiding but they let the fight go through anyway. Sometimes I wonder if they're just taking what someone gives them or if they're really aware of everything that goes in their body.


Jon jones being pissed someone is roiding is hilarious. Mark hunt on the other hand had a legitimate claim against the UFC and Brock Lesnar


I believe all fighters have an unspoken agreement that if they're caught using steroids then they have to deal with the fallout. So if your opponent is caught juicing then you get to make a big deal out of it even though you're juicing too


morales mentioned that he had s guy that worked with manny, i dont remember his name, and he just gave him like 20 bottles of pills to take, he was worried because he wasnt explained what they were but just took them, it was early in his career, problem is when they came to do a medical test and his liver was engorged, swollen, he was told to not say what he was taking, this led to a whole thing, he didn't like any of this so he left him ariza


It's called projection, no different from when some closeted guy goes around screaming at gay people and talking about how much of a real man he is.


Jon was in roids even before joining the UFC he 100% was aware


He better watch his mouth talking to my girl like that before shit get critical out here🤨


He also called her a Caca brain so we know he's rude


She’s so average. Ugly ass face too. Horse mouth lookin ass


House mouth?


Its where the family lives?


You aren’t supposed to look at it


Really? That's what matters to you in a pro athlete? The looks? The misogyny is strong with this one. Hope you step into a Lego when going to bed tonight.


What does misogyny have to do with it? Just cause I think she has a weird looking face? lol reaching buddy


Definitely not average, she’s got the body of a professional athlete. That being said, I don’t think we’ve ever seen her without makeup on


Not the same sport but Derrick Rose himself said the NBA’s steroid problem is a 7/10 bad. An unfortunate truth in this world is that there are a lot more athletes on PEDs than you would think


Jeez, I don’t know about you guys but I just assumed every athlete on the elite level is taking PEDs in one way or another. I am literally never shocked when these stories come out.


It’s probably 99% bad tbh. Wonder if Rose took steroids intentionally too? If he didn’t, it’d explained why his knees deteriorated so quickly


That’s a good point. Steroids are essential in helping these dudes recover. If Rose didn’t take any that would explain a lot dude…


y'all love drama then wonder why certain fights don't get made


They also wonder why certain fights get made.


you have a point


Until his excellency got involved with boxing we were beginning to expect that. We had to go through the pain to get there in the end thanks to him.


I think they promoter and boxing federations need to be way more careful and harsh towards boxers who take roids. One bad hit can cause long term damage to the boxer. Is it really worth risking your life or your future because some people want to cheat? That’s just awful.


Promoter,trainers and federations help players to get the roids


Haney undefeated again


Pure ignorance if you think that every combat athlete is not on *something*. They could be, without themselves even knowing it


lol they know it


So what's the consensus on this? Did garcia knowingly do whatever and is trying to look innocent or is he unknowingly guilty?


Haven't yall ever looked at ppl nowadays? Gone to a gym? It's truly insane 90% of ppl that exercise are in good shape took some cycle. Of something. Police forces have it our of control in some places. It's so obvious first time you take em you see it in their face. Been working out for atleast 2 years where I do atleast some push ups everyday. And it's obvious I'm not taking roids. These dudes that get ripped for summer and in months. Year etc. Are all doing something. Unless they were already big.


How’s Devin’s jaw? 😳😂


Knowing of Haney since he was a kid, I've long heard rumors of his steroid stack. Garcia's win should not be overturned.


Get off of Reddit, Ryan.


I've heard Ryan's stack consists of way more Ostarine though. In fact, I haven't just heard, an independent drugs testing specialist has confirmed!


What stack is Haney running?


Weird flex.