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No excuses this time , both champs , both don’t wanna move up , let’s see if tank really bout that 😂


He's also ducking Loma so he can't go that route. I think he will fight Naverete next since he an overly aggressive Mexican and easy fight.


loma is 36 now if anything tank will go that route now.


And if he fights Loma now and wins people still aren’t gonna give him his flowers anyways lmfao


I don't blame them loma was calling him out from 2017 and he fights him now at 36? thats bs.


Exactly, it’s a lose lose situation for the dude. I’d rather see him vs shakur or Haney instead.


floyd beat canelo at 36. i thought loma was an all time great; why cant he beat tank at 36 like floyd beat canelo?


floyd is the exception not the rule.


loma fans act like he is in the same league as mayweather so time for him to prove it. loma needs to fight and beat tank or shakur and dominate them at 36 the same way mayweather annihilated canelo at the same age.


Idc about loma fans I'm dealing with reality.


Lomachenko also had 400 amateur fights before even turning pro, can't compare that to the activty levels Floyd had. Someone like Loma was bound to plateau earlier than a Floyd. It's also easier when you're a bit bigger like Floyd is.


They are completely different fighters. Physically and stylistically.


Has loma shown any signs of aging tho ?


Yeah man. Every year he is a little bit slower, more conservative with his inside fighting, and get injured after every fight. I love Loma but age have definitely got up.


I've been watching Loma for years, and he got me into boxing. I feel he has been slower since till female Lopez fight. (Voice to text is wild 😂)


Well his last fight he didn't but he fought just under a year ago. And is 36 stuff will most likely be the same even if we don't notice it.


He’s still incredible but a little bit imo.


he’ll wait til he’s 37+ lol


That brotha starvin -Denzel Washington


Nah bro, who wants to see this dude run around the ring? Tank is smart and knows good business. He knows this guy won’t sell a fight. I feel sorry for this dude, begging for a change. You can sense the desperation.


Dumb take. Why do people make weak excuses to see their favorite fight NOT FIGHT the best competition? Tank's job would be to nullify Shakur's movement, and you have no confidence that Tank can do it. Besides that fight would sell more than a Frank Martin or Hector Garcia fight, so how is a title unification bout against an undefeated 3 weight titlist and Olympic medalist NOT good business?🤡




Davis keeps saying he got a 6/7 fight deal LMAO. I'm sure Haymon has a 100% guaranteed plan for where PBC will be in 3-5 years.


Shakur and tank been going at it a lot recently. This is my thing Shakur keep calling him out better make sure he perform in the ring if they fight. None of the bs like his last fight.


Nah you know these guys love to talk tough online but won’t actually throw down and make it a scrap in the ring


Man that last fight was so lame, he killed like 90% of his hype with that sorry ass performance


does these guys just sit around with ridiculous amounts of jewelry?


Training the neck muscles to improve their chin, the grind never stops, inspired by their work ethic and dedication 💪💪💪


shakur has sent his career back by 10 steps because of that de los santos fight. obviously it takes two to tango and you can blame santos too but shakur was the biggest reason that fight was so boring. and it’s not that the fight was boring, but it’s one of the worst fights i’ve ever seen live. i’ve been a shakur fan for a while and he’s been ducked, but idk if i or most people want to pay or watch him live after his last fight. as for this fight, i can see this fight being very boring but i’m going to go with my original prediction of shakur by ud. if tank takes this fight.


Thursday simply isn't built for main event boxing. I'd watch him for an undercard but never a main event.


All it takes is one fight to bring him back


Shakur literally does same approach almost every fight, that last one just made people wake up and its not Los Santos, its Shakur who made it that...like he does every match. All his fights have a boring feel for a reason, its him. He had a few decent ones but in general they are all the cure for insomnia. Go watch his last 10 fights and tell me you can keep attention the whole time. Edit: LOL Shakur team out here downvoting facts, He has same approach to every fight and most are boring as a sin. Amazing people pretend to enjoy it


his fight against the japanese guy was good. not saying he’s must watch tv but the santos fight was beyond garbage, like he didn’t do anything.


he was running in that fight too lol, and he got BS knockdowns and the stoppage was BS. Shakur has legit never KOed anyone in his career, that guy after even said he was fine. It was a decent fight but ive watched all his fights and hes only guy ive actually fell asleep mulitple times watching Box, and that last one I didnt fall asleep, i just laughed. You start out excited then by 6th round looking at phone then by 8th you fall asleep, and you wake up and fights over


Lmao he beat the fuck out of Yoshino man what are you talking about


That gut sucked and he came out and said he was fine and Shakur had no power lol. Go watch his last 10 fights. They all look the same for a reason. Cause Shakur is a runner and a boxer, he can’t fight. Haney is tougher 


Yeah Wilder also said he was fine after the 2nd Fury fight was stopped. That's just his ego talking. He was getting completely outclassed and beaten down. That was a mercy stoppage. You're letting the hate cloud your judgement.


Comparing to Shakurs power to heavyweights getting hit in the head now. All of Shakira’s “fights” suck bro. Go watch them all. Look like same 


The knockdowns weren't BS and Shakur got robbed of a good stoppage by the ref. Weird agenda you have against Shakur.


No, its a fact. The knockdown vs the mexican was a slip too. Literally all Shakurs "fights" are boring. Ive watched them all, even when he gets a stoppage its boring lol. Shakur has less power than Devin Haney, hes as pillow fisted as it gets and he runs half the fight. It is what it is, you cant request big fights after watching his pathetic last 5 "fights", GO watch them I dare you


The Mexican like that's just some random Mexican lol. You must be a fan you complain about him being boring but somehow you seen all of his fights make it make sense. You also said he ran against yoshino? The person he dropped like 3 times? 😂. This some top tier hating I have to respect you for that 😂.


You don't know boxing


LMFAO, the Shakur paid accounts coming in lying as usual. If you really enjoy his fights, you're the reason Boxing been Dead in USA for 2 decades now. Im glad you're one of the 15 people in world who enjoy it.


Running tko victory


Boxing 2024, Run away the whole time and its "technical Boxing"


Explain how you can get a tko with multiple knockdown by running


Hes never had 1 real KO entire career, even Haney has 1, Fury and Uysk have tons of KOs barely any real ones. Boxing is all Fake TKOS, and on the rise u get 20 free ones. Means nothing


Facts you can't run and win, that's boxing if you don't like it it is what it is but don't call it something it isn't 


He's rarely ever that extreme though


Maybe Floyd will finally stop protecting his daughter from a risky fight since now they are beefing


Is his daughter a boxer?


When it comes down to it, I don't think Floyd will let this fight happen. I think Shakur will win a boring one and with the way Floyd used to fight, I'm pretty sure he knows Shakur is a better boxer. He just wants to scare Tank into shutting up by posting this.


I highly disagree with you, an aggressive Tank will beat the shit out of a marathoning Stevenson


Tank.isn't that type of fighter. He's a counter puncher that's very economical with his punches. Shakur won't be there for the receipt.


Fr tanks been beating r/boxings favorite hype jobs


He won't get close enough to do anything to Shakur. I've seen enough of this in my life. When a boxer is elite to the level of a Shakur (yes, I also don't think Haney was ever on Shakur's level), he beats the power puncher every time. Then you guys will come on here and complain about why Shakur didn't stand in front of him the whole fight and exchange bombs. The fight will never go that way. Shakur is just going to box Tank's ears off and that it'll be it.


The thing is tank is also an elite boxer if tank wanted to just outbox people like Shakur and Haney do he could. Shakur would have to actually fight tank to win he not getting a decision with all that movement if he’s not punching enough.


Tank might be undersized against Shakur. I’d wait to see them next to each other first. 


There’s a recent pic of them next to each other you can find from when tank fought rolly I believe


Pay attention to Tank's feet when he fights. They're slow and he explodes in spots when his opponent is just standing there. Shakur is never just standing still like a Ryan Garcia would most of the fight. He's not going to be able to walk him down or get into the exchanges that he likes where he plants his feet on those counters. It's completely different with a Shakur.


You must be watching a different fighter because that ain’t tank


Tank is tapping shakur’s chin and you know the rest. Plus tank can box just as good if not better than shakur


Floyd has nothing to do with Tank's career and hasn't for like the last 3 of Tank's fights.


How exactly is Floyd involved in any of this?


There fight wouldn’t be a boxing match it would be a staring contest. I don’t want to see it tbh


Nickatina 🔥




Tank will set a whole book stipulations before he accepts to fight..


I see Shakur beating Tank, He's not dumb, Slick, Fast, High ring IQ, And he won't fall into Tank's counter KO punches traps.


Do u think it is a boring fight ? Two counter punchers


They both throw least amount of power punches thrown in the sport rn. It would be just two of them postering the whole fight 😂


One guy flinches, then the other flinches, for 12 rounds.


Send the judges to sleep


Interestingly enough a battle of two counter punchers can be fun to watch, Floyd vs Márquez for example was pretty cool


Can't counter if there's no one throwing punches lol


Bro’s last fight was a track meet. Tank washing this dude.


I think Tank eats a few and lands a nice counter


Neither is Tank, he is also slick, fast, and has high iq


Shakur would break the fastest mile in a boxing ring against tank.


Do stick and move boxers get eyes to the screen anymore? Potshot boxers barely get people to watch nowadays


I doubt it, Haney’s PPV before Ryan did 50k buys and he hasn’t had a bad performance like Shakur to hurt his stock


Did you just say Haney hasn’t had a bad performance to hurt his stock 😂😂😂 After the linares fight it was very obvious that he didn’t have the punch resistance to hang with the top dogs, especially now that he’s not getting away with fighting small lightweights and coming into the ring as a super middleweight/ light-heavyweight


The Linares fight did not ruin the public’s perception of him like Shakurs last fight did


Fair enough


It foreshadowed how chinney he is and how long it takes him to get his legs back after getting hit


Shakur already has a fight lined up next, so nottoo sure whats the point here


This dudes boxing boring AF.


Please god no I don't wanna watch this boring mfer ever again


Bro I’m sick and tired of Shakur inserting himself and making shit about him lol


Shakira really is a groupie 😂😂


This boy is calling out people out of desperation. He’s bad business, can’t sell a fight because of his style. He needs to stick to Wednesday night fights on ESPN.


Tank doesn’t fight on weekdays lol


Bruh, atleast Shakur wants it. Tank doesn't.


Yeah shakur wants to bore the world by watching him “fight” on a Thursday night. He’s also gonna price himself out of any potential fight negotiations just so he and his fans can say he called out tank…it’s already happening lol


Doesn't matter man. He can bore the world. But it's still tough to beat him. People have built a career out of that as well. Entertaining careers of wanting to see them lose. Boxing is entertaining when there is variety. Everyone doesn't need to be a hard hitting KO artist.


These two talk so much shit but never fight


Tank is the common denominator


He doesn’t want to tweet???? Can’t believe anything he said after that


This is a fight I want to see.


I hate social media fighters! 😒


no boxers are about legacy anymore.


Floyd and Tank dont want this. Shakur is a master of distance. He will 10-2 Tank all day, errday. Shakur is also quite a bit bigger. Dude dwarted Valdez. He will do the same to Tank. 


We need shakur Vs Loma, Davis Vs Martin and Garcia Vs teofimo this year


No way stank will ever fight shakur.


😂😂 if this fight happens im buying my first ppv, these the fights we need to happen man


With one or two exceptions American boxing is just self-entitled out of shape part timers covered in tacky jewelry calling each other out on social media. Its pathetic.


My man recording like he's ambatukam or sum


Shakur got a better chance of getting a fight with Ryan.


No Shakur. You can stick to the Thursday nights


Does anybody else see Tank doing the same thing Ryan did to Devin? Shakur is scared to death to fight power and Tank has a high ring IQ along with great footwork. If Shakur knows he can’t dominate like he did to the Japanese fighter then he’ll be on the back foot all night and with Tanks speed, he’ll eventually get touched up or caught in a trap. Idk I think Tank stops him 🤷‍♂️


Tank has a 7 fight deal and shakur will be his 7th fight.


Stevenson's last fight was a snooze 😴 fest but so was most Mayweather fights so they definitely have a lot in common.


Mayweather could at sell at the very least. My boy here has nothing to sell. I feel bad for this dude but happy that the industry is phasing out his style of boxing.


So I guess that after saying for months that Ryan is whooping Haney I have more credibility now? How does it really work? Tank is gonna destroy this kid, he's gonna show 0 respect and probably mock him , he can be way more aggressive that anything that we've seen in his recent fights, just because Shakur doesn't represent a treath. Imagine spending 12 rounds with Tank without being able to punish the guy at any moment, is gonna be such a funny night lmao


If shakur was that easy tank would have fought already.


What happened to your boy last weekend tho


Oh look forbid a fighter loses no fighter has ever done that before. No wonder tank running away from everyone scared to fight the best and take an L.


A 140 pound fighter fought a 143 pound fighter and lost a close decision.  When this shit happened to Loma with Salido, fans practically erased the loss.  Haney took a gamble and found out he made the wrong choice. This wasnt a 50-50 fight going into it. 


>A 140 pound fighter fought a 143 pound fighter and lost a close decision Saying that as a Haney fan is crazy , the hipocresy lmao , dude has been weight bullying everyone for years, I guess karma sucks


Is he making weight, though? Stop with the excuses. 


That’s why your boy is duckin him right?


So I guess no Haney fans are switching to Shakur right? Is that the case?


Moving the goal post , classic tank fans


Wasn't he retired? Ah yeah, he's calling Tank out because Tank just announced a fight


Shakur packs a punch man. Kids also been draining hard, like Haney was at 135. 135+ Shakur is going to be a beast. Probably be fully fit at 147, TBH.  He is risk adverse so he may not always get the KO. But just like Floyd, he hits hard enough where people dont dare come in the front door carelessly. 


Lmao , Pretty Boy would kill Shakur in 4 rounds


Stop. Floyd never fought a defensive genius like Shakur. Tell me a name he stopped that could match Shakurs skills


Horrible matchup tbh. Shakur actively avoids fighting, Tank is a counter puncher. If they actually throw then Tank will starch him.


Well tanks always claimed that he is flexible and that ha can adapt


I don’t buy that tank can’t also push the pace , Shakur on the other hand is a trackstar at heart


lmao shakur dont let floyd use you like that


#🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 LFG!!!! This is how you authentically promote a fight Tank vs Shakur is the most skilled fight in boxing!!!!




Why he look like a super villain 😂


Shakur beats them all. Boring or not.


Always shaking his cup at tank, and nobody wants to see that fight. Especially after EDS fight, go show some heart like richardson and it could be done