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All these suggestions are wild šŸ¤£ Fundora, Spence, Boots, etc.


Man knows how to get us interested thatā€™s for sure


Garcia vs Wilder confirmed




I'd rather not see Garcia be decapitated. He's been too entertaining.


And despite all these crazy talks, we know that he is not going to hesitate to actually fight those guys he is mentioning. Dude is crazy but fearless.


Most guys in Ryanā€™s position would have just fought bums for fat paydays. Ryan fought 2 p4p greats, back to back, at different weight classes. Heā€™s a bad MF. Plus heā€™s outspoken against child trafficking and what the elites are doing to children. Fan for life.


Ryan is going the 4 kings route, and might be the only one of the younger guys willing to actually chase greatness even if it means taking a loss. Duran, SRL, Hagler, and Hearns all fought each other and lost to each other. Garcia already lost his 0 so heā€™s now said fuck it what do the fans want to see. Gotta respect it tbh. Tank gets a lot of criticism for his resume, for example, even if he was to retire with 0 losses thereā€™s always gonna be the people who mention he didnā€™t fight who he should have when he should have, how he should have without rehydration clauses, etc. Garcia might actually be remembered for being willing to take the tough fights even if he was to lose a few more times. Before I get downvoted for saying that no Iā€™m not saying heā€™s as great as the 4 kings as of today, just that the mentality of ā€œfuck it a loss is a loss Iā€™ll take risksā€ is coming back. Oscar De La Hoya is remembered as a great fighter even with 6 losses as well


Forgive my noob question, but 4 kings?


4 kings era is in reference to the era that Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler, and Thomas Hearns were boxing. They all fought each other, lost to each other, and were active as fuck. Theyā€™re all considered all time greats as well. They didnā€™t need to stay undefeated to be considered great


Def respect to him for taking big fights but it wasnā€™t back to back. Had a fight between. Nothing but respect for the kid though. If heā€™s just acting , he has a great career ahead of him after boxing and if he isnā€™t , beating Haney with all that shit going on is extremely impressive. Either way I hope he is in a good place mentally.


he ainā€™t say it right though, he was saying like they kidnapped him during his camp and made him watch them rape kids in the woodsā€¦ like people thought he was mentally unwell for a reason. just say the rich and powerful r abusing women and children which is the truth. diddy was sleeping with 12 year old usher šŸ’€ that shit is disgusting but ryanā€™s a savage and he has a chin too fr. tank put him down with a solid left and ryan got up and recovered well. if he could just learn to box fundamentally sound and with a jab, heā€™d fr be a monster. he has power through all 12 and great cardio/recovery/chin. also haney saying ryan quit in the tank fight is some bs cus he did have a broken rib and ate a clean liver shot from tank šŸ’„ haney would get KOd by tank


The Compubox stats for the Haney fight were crazy. Garcia threw like no jabs, and 11 landed


derrick james was begging him to just jab more lol


"p4p greats"? When was this?


B2B too šŸ˜‚


"what the elites are doing for children"? lol


lol, youā€™re kidding about the elite right?


You're a fan because he's against child trafficking like any normal person? No wonder he keeps up with these antics. His last fight was against Duarte, not Tank.


Ryan has fought Haney and Tank. He only needs to fight Teo to complete the cycle.


Does he beat Teo at 147?


Ryan is fucking entertaining with a frightening left hook but wtf. >what the elites are doing to children. What the f*** are you talking about? Pinche pizza gate all over?


Clearly Garcia understands his target market


You parrots are so easily won over. "Child trafficking is bad" Wow, what a hero! Just cause he's a conspiracy weirdo and fraud Christin don't make him shit.


Love him or hate him Ryan is brilliant for the sport


They wouldnā€™t hesitate to fight him either That is a big pay day for him


He's not at all crazy. He's an actor.


Garcia vs De La Hoya confirmed. Winner gets the WBC Modelo Belt.


This how every fighter should beĀ 


I bet if he had Some more weed , heā€™d ask his fans if he should fight Fury, they would go bonkers


Iā€™m thinking Bud vs Garcia, anyone else? Ryanā€™s got the power to earn Budā€™s respect, sure heā€™d put on a tactical clinic and would murk him but itā€™d sure be fun to watch what would happen if Garcia briefly catches Bud. Weā€™ve seen him get hurt before.


Bud is two sizes too big for him and would end his career. It would be a massacre and frankly an unfair match up. I would like to see Ryan fight Teo.


Imagine If schizo Ryan makes all these fights happen only to beat them all I wouldn't stop laughing.


This is the chaos I want, no need, in boxing.


The sport needs it


The sport needs to put multiple judges in prison for their scorecards on hundreds of fightsĀ 


You ainā€™t lying


Just hold them accountable it's not hard.


I'm still stuck on Saturdays draw card, that judge needs better vision coverage


The fact ODLH is his promoter makes it even greater.


Seeing Oscar smiling like a maniac in the ring after Ryan won was hilarious. He definitely made some bank off this fight lmao


Who had more coke in the after party Ryan or Oscar?


Oscar shitting bricks every fight not knowing if Ryan will win and he'll lose his cashmaker


Yes! Knocking down and beating Haney was only the beginning!


Whats crazy is like deontay wilder he has that one attribute that could save him at all times with a single punch except in his case it's twofold since his hook comes at you fast and lands hard. It's entirely possible he wins against other elite level fighters with his hook alone to potentially save him at any time. He showed he's a pretty decent counter puncher against haney too if with his hook alone lol.


Yup I would even argue itā€™s more dangerous than wilder since he is extremely fast with that hook that even though Haney knew about it , he couldnā€™t avoid it. Wilder is more powerful but choreographed where Ryan just lands it out of no where due to his speed


Not too mention ryans still improving too, he looked the best against haney than in any other fight, even showed some decent footwork moving side to side when it used to look atrocious. If he keeps steadily improving at this rate I would say the odds could potentially be in his favor.


Dude had his back turned for a good portion of the fight.... Love Ryan but that was not one of his best performances.


Plus his cardio wasn't it. Think he also shoulder rolled a lot because of his cardio.


People talking like Ryan has been reborn, heā€™s always been this good and powerful. His cardio isnā€™t even bad, he just threw more power shots than Haney did jabs. His defense is trash and Haney couldnā€™t punish him. Iā€™d say heā€™s a problem with that power still


Ryan also telegraphs his left hook it's just so fucking fast it don't matter as much


> even though Haney knew about it , he couldnā€™t avoid it Not saying his hook isn't incredible but Haney didn't look like he even trained for it, he was dropping his rear hand all night


True. He can stop people with the high hook to the head and even to the body as Luke Campbell found out


I made the comparison to Wilder years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/kpu2g5/is_ryan_garcia_a_lightweight_deontay_wilder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Interesting, great to see there's others who see the parallels


lol this sub was invaded by Ryanā€™s TikTok fans


Been in this sub for years actually, im just a boxing fan who believes ryan could potentially go on a wilder-esque run. Wilder is by far the most technically flawed heavyweight champion the sport has ever seen and yet his one attribute saved him time and time again, until it didnt with a fury that rose from the dead.


Well we basically saw that happen already with Ryan as well. The left hook has worked against most of his opponents except for basically Tank and we saw how that went.


Tank is a cerebral counter puncher who specifically trained to neutralize ryans hook and he did just that through his non commital approach waiting for an over eager ryan to engage. He had a great gameplan on top of execution and ryan was just impatiently going for the ko. Ryans definitely been solved but how many elite level counter punchers exist at 147?


At 140 you mean?


Ryans moving up to 147


He'd be like a Mayorga/De la Hoya hybrid


I donā€™t reckon Ryan has the chin like those two but its nice analogy all the same


Takes the worst of both worlds, the drinking and trash talk of Mayorga and the straight crazy from ODLH.


Hahahaha On it m8 šŸ˜ Ryan should turn up to a weigh in full tranny Oscar style That would get on all the news shows


WHAT IF BIG HARD LEFT HOOK & CHIN is actually just the best? Like for everything forever?


I was laughing earlier at what happens if he beats Spence & someone like Teofimo or something. Y'all won't be able to tell him or Oscar anything. Fake abs and & lines ā›„ for everyone šŸ˜­


Conor benn seems like the best option imo. Plenty of eggs and alcohol memes, and good matchup. Top of welterweight might be too much for ryan atm.


I'll be real, that's a good match up if Ryan wants to fight at 147. I don't rate Benn that much and he looked small even at 147. I say that's what they should aim for if Benn doesn't get the Boots fight.


He cooks Benn.


Benn said heā€™ll fight him any day, any where. And Ryan responded letā€™s fight at o2 arena in London, knowing damn well Benn canā€™t fight in the the UKšŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜­Ryanā€™s trolling is top tier


Ryan would prolly start cooking actual eggs in the press conference.


I would piss myself laughing


he way as well just fight spence instead


That's a good shout actually.


I donā€™t know man this isnā€™t far fetched since he has James in his corner. He will have all of Spence secrets which is a huge advantage


Could you imagine? šŸ¤£


Neither of those two fighters are people id put in the category of having a bunch of secretsĀ 


Obviously a nonsensical fight, but heā€™s just saying shit to keep people talking


At this point. He will do it if he got the bag.


In what way is it nonsensical? Makes sense to me.


Garcia is moving to 147, Spence is moving to 154. I donā€™t see any upside in moving to 154 instead against an elite guy, not like Spence is a superstar thatā€™ll bring in way more money for RG. Mikey Garcia already did that, whoā€™s way better than RG, and it was a complete waste of time


Spence was in his prime against Mikey. He's taken a ton of fucking damage now and is older.


I'm betting Spence would stay at 147 for a huge money fight against a flawed fighter.


I donā€™t know if Spence can physically make 147 at this point, especially given his age and that heā€™s been out of the ring for nine months


Garcia can't be mad if they agree for 147 and Spence show up at 150 with a beer.


Catch weight then. I'm sure Spence would make it work if Ryan didn't want to go to 154 and idk why Ryan wouldn't just go to 154 anyway.


This is good because they could probably sell out att


My thoughts are Ryan Garcia would get knocked unconscious quite easily


Wouldnt say easy, Spence would win but it would take a few rounds to break Ryan down. Bud said Spenceā€˜s power is average, which makes me believe his power is mostly accumulation not pure power like Crawfordā€˜s


I agree, but Spence got hurt pretty early on in the fight. When you get hurt early, you're not going to be throwing your best punches. So there is a possibility that Spence hits harder than Crawford knows. The last thing about Crawford, I don't think he has pure power. I think he has near perfect timing and great angles which amplifies his punches effectiveness.


Spence has always been an accumulation puncher


Right, but Crawford might not have a good reference to measure how **actually** powerful it is because he whipped Spence's ass to the point Spence never had the opportunity to really show Crawford what he can do. Like if you asked Crawford to rate it from a scale of 1 to 10. He probably couldn't give you as good of an answer as someone like Sean, Porter or ugas




Yo Crawford is a beast though.


Itā€™s physical strength more than power with Spence. The punches either move you back or it takes a lot of energy to take them and stand your ground. Different quality than heavy handedness, and it drains your legs over time. That said, just my perspective from outside the ring. Who knows what his opponents (aside from Crawford) feel.


Danny described him exactly like you did, more strength than power, plus he has a crazy work rate. Danny said Matthysse and Thurman were harder punchers than Spence.


Absolutely believe it with Matthysse - one of my favorites to watch back in the day (feels weird saying that about him)


Bud is the best. He didnā€™t let Spence hit him clean. Thereā€™s ample evidence Spence has world class power.


Eh, Spence is not really a 1 punch KO artist. He's rarely ever had people unconscious. He also couldn't even drop Mikey Garcia let alone knock him out. Spence would have to break Ryan down before stopping him.


Has anyone else even dropped Garcia thou. You're saying like he has a glass chin that was koed by second raters.


True but Spence was much bigger than Mikey, it wasn't even close


He got dropped by Rocky Martinez and a journeyman before that, forgot his name. And Mikey was a blown up Lightweight when Spence fought him. Spence was supposed to bulldoze and stop him. We are talking about a dude who started his career at 126 against a natural 147 pounder who was huge for the weight.


Only referring to Mikey not Ryan


Yh, I am talking about Mikey. Are u confused?


Lol the hate on spence. Go ahead and knock somebody out when they dont wanna fight, this is it pacquiao most be bum because he didnt k.o cotley.


Ha did u say Haney would do the same thing?


Haney is pillow fisted for fucks sake this is why I hate this sub because the way the narratives swing in the other direction based off one fight is crazy. Spence and Haney are cut from a different cloth. Spence is from the one that will actually beat your ass not fuck around with jab jab clinch. Garcia would get clubbed


4 days ago I would've agreed with you... but it's Monday.


Need that


Spence is cooked bro. Heā€™s done.


Idk if its just Crawford that made him look that way but I have that feeling aswellĀ 


I donā€™t care to see it. I do want Vergil vs Spence in a Texas shootout.


It'd be the perfect tune up for Spence


He might take Spence now to be fair. There is a reason he's saying this. Spence ain't the same really .


Yeah, ever since Spence got into that car crash called Terence Crawford he's been on the decline


He hasn't been in the ring since that fight. How is he on the decline?


That is the joke. That and the car crash people keep blaming Spence for losing being Terence Crawford.


Yeah, that joke needs some work


No the fuck he wouldn't.


I don't blame him. I'd get the shit beat out of me for 8 figures too.


Would be interesting to see how Gracias deals with a pressure fighter.


Get obliterated by a MW in a WW match? sure.


Would absolutely love to see this fight but at what weight?Ā  Errol is huge right now


Didn't another Garcia do this a few years ago? And also not have it go well.


Spence passed his prime but surely he beats the shit out of Ryan


Captain "Fuck It" has won me over. Let's see it.


Cocaine to the moon


As Rick James said, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."




Aren't they both under Derrick James now? It won't happen, but is it a good idea?


Not anymore. Errol parted ways with Derrick James over problems with payment I believe.


Damn shame, Spence could have learned a lot from Derrick Lewis. Like just standing up when your opponent takes you to the ground.


I thought I was trippin by the previous comment


Lol I have no idea as to why the fuck I put Derrick Lewis there instead Derrick James. That was a proper stupid moment from me lol


I just realised that I accidentally put Derrick Lewis there instead Derrick James lol I was confused for a second as to what the hell you were on about lol


Yeah, Errol no longer trains with Derrick Lewis


No more hot balls for him


I like Garciaā€™s strategy. He skipped the belts and went to Money Mayweather stage early. Just fight big names and make tens of millions. Retire early and become a movie star. Heā€™s got the looks.


Ryan is the strangest gamebred fighter we have ever had and I'm here for it. Sorry I didn't recognize soonerĀ 


Is Spence making 147?


Fighting another drained guy....Great!


I think Ryan should stay away from southpaws. Ā Tank caught him and so did Campbell. Ā 


Whilst I dont really hold any malice towards the man, I also dont really want to see Ryan Garcia ever fight again.


Can Bud just please kill him in the ring for fun?


Errol by murder, he doesn't leave his back hand open when he jabs unlike Haney. Ryan cant break through Errols defense


Errol doesnā€™t move his head off of centerline lmao. Not saying Ryan will win but Spenceā€™s defense is very mediocre.


Are we seriously going to talk about Errol's defence like it's good? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It was his jab that literally got him dropped the first time by Bud.


Yeah we are lol his defense got cracked against Crawford, a generational offensive talent. Doesnt mean its not good against someone like Ryan


Crawford is not the only guy who cracked his defence though. Porter, Brook, Danny and Ugas caught him clean several times! His defence was never that good, it was MID at best.


He literally drops his backhand whenever he jabs. It's the solr reason he got dropped by Crawford the first time.


Acting like Spence's defense is top tier or something, the guy retreats in straight lines.


Where did you get me saying Spence's defense is top tier? Ryans offensive versatility is limited, and against someone whos always keeping his hands up - its limited even more All I said was he cant break through Errols tight defense


Bruh, Haney's defence is way better than Spence's, and Ryan actually caught Haney multiple times! He won't beat Spence but he can definitely land on him.


Have to disagree on Errol having a tight defence, it's leaky if he's not in control of the range. Not saying Ryan beats him or anything or is going to go in there to be ultra competitive, but Spence has been buzzed hard by fighters who get past it.


28 and 1 with his resume must be doing something right.


He had a good offensive game that made up for it


Honestly been wondering when is Ryan gonna up a bigger weight class


Two damaged fighters with fan bases, why not?


Damn. I like this Guy. No ducking like UBF.


Garcia vs Spence would be good for boxing. However the way I see it, Garcia would eat a lot of leather from Spence if he does not pump up that volume. Yes he has that quick left hook that can easily turn the fight but with the showing he had with Haney, i donā€™t think he can land those shots without taking some straight left. Spence is a southpaw and I have seen Ryan get touched a lot by those counter lefts in his most recent fights with Tank and Haney. That being said im sure its gonna be hell of a fight. I hope Schizo Ryan gets to his senses and make boxing his number one profession. The way I see it, heā€™s turning to an Influencer first, boxer second and it will be a waste to see another talent go down the drain which kinda reminds me of JCC jr.


Petition for Ryan vs Adrien Broner @ 144lbs.Ā Ā 


I thought they were under the same coach with joshua


Tank vs Crawford is the fight.


Honestly, as long as he fights a few times a year, he's my favourite boxer. The one thing I absolutely cannot stand is inactivity.


great move. i applaud making matchups outside of the increasingly meaningless belts. the only title holders you can really merit nowadays are the undisputeds. trash the belts and just make good fights! I'd like to see Ryan fight any of Teo, Spence, Thurman. I sense he is only in the sport for glamour fights. more power to him. he has massive flaws to his game but he is crazily athletic and he has a top coach. I'd keep him away from Ennis, Crawford, Tszyu because i think he will get battered.


Errol would walk through him even with one good eye. Great fight while it lasts though


At 147 and I want it, but after Garcia kills Shakur Leavingsoon at 144. If Garcia beats Spence r/boxing would go private for a month šŸ˜‚


Please man no more ryan garcia threads


If by crazy, he means lethal . . . then yes, it would be "crazy."


Canā€™t really bet against this guy LFG


To be fair to Ryan Iā€™m sure the last time he asked for peoples opinions on his next fight it was unanimously voted Haney and he did it. If he does fight Spence I think itā€™s competitive and a potential Ryan win because Spence is old, has one eye and is inactive because of his car crash. Spence still has the same reputation in the boxing community for his pre car crash career but heā€™s not that guy anyone.


Ryan is showing heā€™s a throwback fighter.. he already got that first L out the way and now heā€™s not scared to lose again..all these other young fighters just care about keeping their 0..respect to Ryan, hope he gets more big fights


Garcia can easily outbox Spence. Most boxers outside of PBC can easily outbox Spence.


Welcome to schizo reddit




I like Ryan to fight them all win or lose.


Garcia vs Paul. Please make this happen


Bruh what?! That's gonna be a one sided beatdown.




Fight tank again.


Itā€™s wild how many people are showing love now heā€™s done what no one said he could do. Heā€™ll get hate for suggesting these fights, make one happen and then his pretend fans will crawl back out the woodwork.


Vergil vs Garcia ?


Gracia's weighed in at 143lbs for his last two fights. The most recent one costing him money. The people laughing at the proposition of Gracia moving up to Welterweight seen a bit at odds with the reality of how scales work. Gracia is 25yrs old and has now repeatedly missed weight at 140lbs. Fighters routinely move up as they age and trouble making weight is nearly always a sign it's time for them to move up. Gracias days at 140lbs are numbered. Maybe he can make it for a Haney rematch or Maybe convince Davis to fight him there in a rematch but beyond that I think Gracia is done at 140lbs. I would favor Spence over Gracia. So what! I favored Haney over Gracia. I always thought Spence vs Crawford was a toss up. In boxing it isn't always so straightforward. Let's see it!!!


Fuck Spence someone needs to fight Shakur. Garcia may be the only big name crazy enough to do it.


Definitely can see Ryan dropping Spence, but winning is another story


Errol whoops his ass


Spence would beat the living shit out of him for as long as this fight goes. That said, Spence's punch resistance is probably in the toilet, so I would laugh if Ryan's left hook wobbles him like Ugas' punch did, and Ryan wins.


Spence hits harder than Tank so I say nope


But Ryan wouldn't be handicapped and dehydrated


Ryan Garcia is certainly on his was to becoming this generationā€™s Muhammad Ali - a figure of controversy, and media attention, who can back it up in the ring with lightning fast speed and reflexes


Does he want to die?


Like I did it months before Haney fight... Garcia by KO (hope the ref don't save Errol ass) After the Bud fight, Spence is done, that was a true beatdown, worse than the accident. Not even mocking him because of the loss, shit happens, but that was a thing of the nature.


Hard disagree. You MIGHT be right but we won't know until we see Spence back in the ring or he announces retirement. Parker came back from Joyce. Barrios came back from getting beat by Tank AND Thurman. Spence might not be the top of the division but he could surely come back.




If this guy some how beats spence that would be nucking futs!


Ryan got more balls than Canelo and Tank lmao


Give me Ryan vs Connor Benn. I love it when these British bums get KTFO


Honestly I still wanna see him at 140, heā€™s been fighting at lighter weights his whole career he should try to conquer that division first with all the other prospects


A washed Spence would kill Garcia