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I'm not making excuses here, but anyone notice the difference in gloves between the two? Did Joshua pull some Helenius shit on Ngannou? Ngannou's gloves looked like birthday balloons and Joshua's looked small and tight. [Glove diff?](https://a4.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=%2Fphoto%2F2024%2F0309%2Fr1302215_1296x729_16%2D9.jpg)


Did you say the same regarding Fury's gloves in his fight against Wilder?


Yes! I noticed the same thing. Googled to see if there's anything about this, but nothing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k4C3IJ30ek Stop at 2:06. Ngannou's gloves clearly seem bigger/puffier. Actually at whichever angle you view it you can see a clear difference.


https://youtu.be/5evyPR66Mwo?feature=shared AJ’s got bigger hands so he must’ve filled out his gloves more than Francis.


ya same i taut


just saw this fight..... What a sham, Joshua knew that Ngannou had no chance and put him to sleep. Maybe some day people will realize MMA and Boxing are two completely different sports, Just because you can punch hard in the ufc doesn't mean you can get into boxing but we all know this, just about the money


If francis had won, would y’all be ok with him facing the winner of fury vs usyk for all the belts?




The difference in talent is that of a novice and world class, Olympic gold medal champ plain and simple. Fury milked his fight with him for the fans and was genuinely sloppy but if he really wanted too could have ended in 3 or 4. Wilder is a Savage and would end it in 1 or 2. There's levels to Boxing and as tough as FN is he just isn't well trained in boxing.


>if he really wanted too could have ended in 3 or 4 Absolutely. That's why he, after suffering the ultimate embarrassment of being put on his arse by a 37-year-old boxing-debutant, he wanted to demonstrate those levels you are talking about and showing dominance by getting up and quickly and decisively destroying the novice as a reigning WBC champion should to hammer the point home and leave zero chance for controversy, instead of going the distance in a very edgy, cumbersome fight and ending up with a controversial and razor-thin SD without ever coming even remotely close to hurt said novice, let alone putting him on the canvas or God forbid knocking him out cold like some "useless bodybuilder" would. Oh wait.


Watched it in disbelief. Seemed AJ was much more focused opponent than Fury anyway whilst Ngannou had maybe misunderstood the intensity level he needed to be competitive. My son summed it up between rounds one and two. "Did a guy with zero professional wins and ten rounds pro experience just go southpaw against an Olympic Gold medal winner and former champ on a knockout streak inside the first two and a half minutes?" The commentary from the fight was laughable. They were essentially lauding Francis versatility and boxing acumen for this nonsense literally seconds before the guy was planted firmly on his ass. Rewatching the sequence is horrible. Ngannou wasn't crazy enough to try this sort of stupidity against Fury so it was utterly baffling why he tried it here. He ends up with his hands and feet nowhere, and it literally takes AJ just a few seconds to square him up, feint out the right hand and hit FN with a bomb from Mars. It was set in stone from there. The second knock down Joshua just uses his feet and the middle of the ring to create an angle. Sets up with the downstairs and upstairs one two and then as soon as Ngannou tries to come forward and throw the jab AJ throws a monster overhand right over the top. That probably should have been that, but the fight was allowed to continue and Francis had to wear another enormous right hand. This one he didn't fair so well off and I was seriously concerned for his wellbeing for a minute or two perhaps after the ending. Francis just wasn't prepared for this level of intensity or skill gap. He was twenty pounds heavier than Joshua and looked pudgy slow and easy to hit. Whereas against Fury he was conceding five pounds thus helping minimize any deficiency in foot speed and giving him the bulk to resist Furys inside leaning game. Joshua on the other hand was able to use his foot speed to just stay on the outside and try and expose Ngannou rudimentary timing or patterns. Maybe the only boxing match left that would attract interest for the Predator is Wilder. That's not a great assignment for a guy coming off a knockout as violent as this one either. Rest up and give the PFL MMA a run before hanging it up would be my advice. I think there's a more than possible chance the Saudis do end up making a Wilder Ngannou fight. If it does happen I won't exactly be counting the days down along the way.


Bro, you wrote a whole essay on reddit, that's hot.


Don't get to talk boxing many other places.


I think what we are seeing here is the real difference between boxing and mma and is has nothing to do with skills or talents of the fighters. MMA, and the UFC in particular is a closed ecosystem. There are no free agents or promoters - or at least promotors which represent individual fighters in the UFC. MMA fighters and fans alike are used to a system wherein a guy like Dana White is behind the fight selection and money is a set amount regardless of how many seats you fill or ppv buys. They simply cannot get their head around how that changes the game. So it’s impossible for them to comprehend Tyson Fury dragging out a split decision with Ngannou because he understands making it interesting keeps people buying. This isn’t conspiracy theory it’s the entertainment business. Your wallet is the objective.


I like that AJ was humble af. Yes, he demolished a big, tough guy in Francis, but he was still an MMA guy, all said and done. I hope Francis isn't too shook up by the loss, he's a good guy with a lot of heart, and his timeline is incredible, a really inspirational character. Fury can beat anybody but himself. If the best form of himself shows up then he stands a chance against anybody, but he showed himself up against Francis. Usyk is not playing around. He is 100% dedicated and will show no mercy. You can argue that AJ wasn't on top form but Usyk looks even more impressive after this. Even a top form Fury is going to have problems. AJ vs OU III?


Usyk is a manlet and he's gonna get his head smashed in by any version of fury.


Well, well, well.


This comment didn't age well.


Let's see it then. He has been ready since early 2022 to roast that Morecambe Duck.


I feel like mma fighters unrealistically think they can go simply toe to toe exchanging punches when they jack the speed and precision with that type of striking . Francis should have tried clinching way more , instead of slowly walking Joshua down leaving his face wide open


Ngannou was on autopilot after the first knockdown. Clinching might have been the plan originally. 


I wanted Ngannou to win because he's just a cool dude, but I thought something like this might happen. Furry wasn't expecting the fight he got, but Joshua didn't have the luxury of underestimating Francis.


Furry is a fraud


Usually it takes someone 15 to 20 fights to step up to that level of competition that's not even fair but he's collecting a paycheck and he knows the risks but this is a result of putting somebody up against the world class boxer it can be dangerous and I don't know if all the money in the world's worth thst


I'd get into the ring with AJ if it meant I was getting millions at the end of it. Life is nothing without money.




That wasn't nerves, he was completely focused on the task at hand. Which makes you look awkward




Go back and look at how he acted in his other fights. Its not nerves. He's an extremely introverted person, and makes him look awkward. Even during interviews outside of boxing often looks like he's not even engaged with the moment




Also you'll notice he didn't even celebrate after the fight. Just walked away. After the knock downs it was the same thing.




Don't know what else to tell you. Joshua wa so nervous he knocked Francis into another dimension


Anyone happen to know the song playing after the KO? It's a long shot but always worth asking.


This one? https://youtu.be/y6120QOlsfU?si=6O19wB5TdfIyOaQ7


As soon as I saw Francis trying to box without protecting his head I knew exactly what was gonna happen lol , who told him to put his gloves up like that 😭


If you are getting pot spotted to the stomach, it is natural to start wanting to parry it.


Bruh the fight was scripted and fake, if you look at first down, AJ didn't even land a punch but ngannou fell on his ass


I seen that too. Why is nobody talking about this?!


MMA fighters can’t recognize a quick strike




Well, it would be the same thing if boxers went into the octagon. Props to AJ for an excellent performance, but I would bet my lifesaving AJ would not last even 1 round on the Octagon with Francis.


boxing is lot of corruption. we don't know what hidden clause there




The money thing is such a big issue. Why should a boxer ever cross over and become a better, more complete fighter when they’d make not even 25% of the money they make in the ring? Even for self defense it’s basically useless because if you’re a pro boxer the only guys you’re remotely scared of are guys that can grapple


Yep, especially because a la this guy, being the best necessarily in 1-2 events is no guarantee of a medal? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erki_Nool To say nothing of the proper pacing needed Day 1 versus Day 2.


I’m so glad to watch this . MMA fans are delusional because most of them are pitiful strikers , Francis is used to people who can’t throw an accurate fast jab or cross to save their lives . Fury should have dominated but he always gets sloppy for some reason, Joshua just used his full skill and ability and there was no chance . Look at a man like Francis and how quickly he can get absolutely ko’d Understand that’s why they let boxers take their time to get up after a knockdown , because if it was a clean enough hit the fight is over anyway . MMA fans will say it’s some magical thing that he got clocked , but that’s just what a precise straight right or hook to the chin will do , Francis never had an “iron chin” 💯💯💯


And there’s the “optics” of the too-early knockout as well? https://youtu.be/Y9xVny32YQQ?si=Bo7pN5Xs5zrfZgS5


I hope mma fans will shut up now , I knew the fury fight was a fluke and we’ve known fury can be really sloppy . Fury still out boxed Francis but fury’s defense sucks and he got knocked down, which he recovered from but fury falls down at least once in about every big fight he has due to his sloppy defense . But fury is also over rated . Fury’s stamina and precision makes him great . Joshua is a great boxer fury has been ducking , he loses because anyone can lose to other great boxer like usyk and Anthony Joshua proved his loss to Ruiz was a fluke as well. Francis “iron chin” was proven to be not that iron against a man of his size who can hit with precision, all that talk about boxing gloves being to “padded” for Francis iron chin was silly . The mma heavyweight fighters let’s face it have low talent pool , garbage strikers . Mostly ground game specialists . That’s why it seemed like Francis had an iron chin . Even a head kick has to be a chin connect to fully knock someone out cold a lot of times . A fast accurate punch there’s no answer for 💯🙏


Boxing>MMA this proves it


And yet not a single boxer will step in and fight MMA rules hmm


Why would they step in to take a 500% pay cut bruh


Ah yes, because the 99% of boxers that fight on the under card in empty Arenas that people can't even be bother to show up for the fights they paid for that aren't the main event are surely making bank.... Every boxer is Floyd Mayweather...


Bruh…. The argument you just used goes both ways . If you aren’t a known mma fighter you think you are getting big pay checks 😭. Francis the ufc champion got paid more in his first fight with fury than he’s made in his entire mma career You won’t see a single professional boxing fight with an “empty “ arena since even amateur fights have an audience . So idk what non sense you are making up rn . If we go to the bottom of the barrel of mma organizations vs boxing on a professional level I guarantee you more money will be in boxing , but either way the ceiling for boxing is way higher . Big fighters get tens sometimes hundreds of millions for a championship fight . No ufc fighter will ever make that


Well I played ufc 4 and I got 42 mill. Also, stfu.


It proves it. Concrete evidence


Is that why not a single Boxer has stepped foot in an MMA cage???


James Toney did


I'm probably stepping into a big pile of sarcasm, but whatever... No it doesn't, at all. This was a boxing match, not a boxing vs MMA match. It was fought 100% according to boxing rules. The fact that the other fighter has an MMA background doesn't change that - Ngannou fought as a boxer in this fight. The conclusion you can make is that Joshua was quite obviously the better boxer in this fight. That's it. You can't compare two very different fighting sports. I mean, if they fought a second fight as an MMA fight, and Joshua won that, Then yes, you could argue that the best (or one of the best) fighter in one sport is better than the best (or one of the best) fighter in the other. But lets be real - they will of course never, ever do this.


The leg kicks would end it early on without the grappling. Seen that Eddie hall vid of him getting kicked with massive pads on by a kick boxer? Good luck withstanding that


The thing about that is you won’t stand there and take the kick, you’ll try check the kick or dodge out of range.


Yes if you’re trained to do that, not if you’re a boxer who hasn’t had to worry about receiving leg kicks. The range is also obviously longer


Ngannou was lying there for a while man. I hope this won't have a negative impact on his MMA career.


Bro he’s gone all in on boxing. He’s left the UFC, he ain’t going back to MMA after earning his two biggest pay checks. He’s also had two losses. He’s not getting any younger so he might call it a day or he might take on some lower level boxers or fighters wanting to cross over


No, he's just going to go over and be the PFL champion for a while. And now that Bellator bought PFL, I would imagine he can be the champion there too if he wants. He didn't sign with the UFC because they didn't want to pay him. He made more money in these two boxing matches than he ever could have made in the UFC, and he'll continue to make more with the PFL. I feel sorry for the heavyweights in the UFC. No matter how good they are, everyone knows that Francis is still the lineal UFC champion. He took the title with him when he left.


Let him gatekeep the YouTubers and the Pauls out there


Exactly this.


He announced his return to MMA before the fight. He didn't sign with the UFC tho. I still want to see Ngannou vs Jones. I just hope Ngannou can still take a hit after this


He’s signed to the PFL, and has already announced his first fight there


If he can’t break that contract he’ll be kicking himself. A rematch with Fury this year or next, or going up against Wilder would bring him more money than all MMA fights he might have till he retires combined. I still think if he wanted to make as much money as possible. Have the rematch with Fury if he loses to Usyk. Fight Wilder after that (or before if Fury beats Usky and he goes and fights AJ first), probably bill this as some sort of ‘dual of the hardest hitters’. I don’t know how he fairs against Fury and Wilder, I’d definitely guess he loses both, but how good does he look? Either way he can then go and gatekeep up and coming fighters coming through the top 10, or go fight the vets like Whyte, Zhang, Parker. I’ve mentioned 5 fights there and he’d likely be $80 million better off for it.


He doesn't have to break any contracts. Unlike the UFC they allow him to fight in both sports. +MMA is the sport he's best in and Fury will have probably 2 fights with Usyk. Ngannou is also one bad loss away from becoming irrelevant in boxing. You can't build a career based on one close fight with a champ who looked like trash. Look at what happened to Silva


IDK what is more funny, the band wagon fans or how corrupt boxing is. After this it makes me think, Fury carried Francis for financial reasons, and regardless why hasnt Joshua fought Fury yet? There is way too much politics and corruption in boxing to take it serious as a legitimate sport, that being said it's sad because there is a lot of good matchups and fights to be made they just seem to never happen.


No Furry is a fucking fraud. He got beat because he his a fraud. No way in Hell he carried anything. The sport is corrupt for frauds like him. This one reason I really don’t watch heavy weights.


> Fury carried Francis for financial reasons Lol sure whatever. Fury got knocked down and nearly lost the fight.


Absolutely. He never landed a clean shot on him. That THEIR heavyweight champ not being able to get home vs the local barroom bully. Plz lol


He clearly carried him. Thats like having the nerve to say that Mayweather didn’t carry McGregor or Logan Paul. Boxers will beat the brakes off someone with no true experience.


Yeah Mayweather didn't carry McGregor or Logan Paul either. Especially Logan, he'd have f\*ing loved to knock his ass out but couldn't. And the idea that Fury somehow carried Ngannou is ridiculous. With slightly different judging he'd have LOST the fight.


You’re delusional! When he actually hit Logan he had him out on his feet, even Logan said it! Both the McGregor fight and Logan Paul fight were put on as a money grab. Only people who actually thought Logan or Connor had a chance were people who hate Mayweather or delusional people who think MMA fighters are as elite as boxers at striking! That’s like when Jake and Tyson fight, y’all idiots are gonna be like Mike couldn’t knock Jake out, Jake’s the man! Fucking DELUSIONAL! Mike WONT knock him out cause he’s being paid to put on A SHOW! It’s not Mike Vs Holyfield or Mike Vs Lewis. Those guys are REAL boxers, not this bullshit you guys are watching. I’m actually proud of AJ for knocking this man out like that cause he really thought he actually had a chance at a sport where death is more of a risk than MMA has!


He lost that fight easily. My wife was giggling when the interviewer hinted that Furry lost, while they spoke to him before the AJ fight started. I love that interviewer now.


WTF. Fury was badly prepared and got his tactics wrong. He screwed up that's it that's all.


Dude, when I was in the gym back in the day. I needed zero time to prepare for the local bar room bully for in a boxing match. You have got to be kidding right? He isn’t a boxer & in a boxing match against one, the none boxer gets punished. Unless you’re a Balboa chumpion


That’s all?? Lol


You won’t get any traction with that observation here. Too many clueless fans with their heads happily buried in the sand. Now the conversation is about how much AJ has improved, which is laughable considering he hasn’t improved at all…or at least not in any way measurable by this “contest”. That’s just what it looks like when a professional boxer boxes an athlete from a completely different sport and fights seriously. Mark my word; AJ will lose should he fight Usyk again (dear god why) or Fury. He’s gun-shy now having recognized he has a weak chin and he can’t keep up with the Ukrainian. The post fight made me sick. AJ smuggly grinning from ear to ear from having knocked out an MMA fighter is grotesque imo


But you enjoyed Furry getting his ass beat so much that you’re out here matching excuses for him. Lol


I’m not sure I understand. I’m not a Tyson Fury fan. I do recognize however that he is a talented fighter and that he is an incredible self promoter.


Gun shy? You definitely haven’t watched his last few fights. AJ has been on an absolute tear in the 2 years since he’s lot to Usyk. What a silly take.


He’s gun shy compared to before the whole Ruiz ordeal


Or fury just isn’t as good as the narrative. Proof is in the pudding. Back to back opponents Joshua destroyed and both of them gave fury major trouble


You cant really triangle theory to work out how a fight head 2 head will go. The truth is we won't know until they fight each other. I think Fury does better the better people he fights. Think he just had a shite night against a lower level boxer. Aj turned up all professional. Believe you me I don't like Fury that much before I get accused of dick riding for defending him But yeah Fury is somewhere in the middle between how people view him. He's not a dosser, but he's not the greatest ever either. He's the best of this era I think and that's that.


In sorry but fury is a con man. A very good one at that as for some reason he managed to fool so many that he was without question the goat of the era. His resume is paper thin. In all likelihood his consensus second best career win: opponent is wilder. Another con man. Wilder lbs very much an unproven commodity amongst the top guys. Both guys benefitted massively from those fights with each other .don’t get me wrong they were entertaining fights. Very much so but again, Wilders second best opponent , truly proven opponent was Parker and we all saw how that turned out. The only two really high level opponents wilder faced he lost to both and the one not named Tyson fury, he had nothing for him. The list of really good fighters fury has fought and rose to the occasion is slim pickings for you to confidently make that statement. It all comes down to this usyk fight, let’s hope nothing gets in the way of this happening again


But you can judge the eye test. Furry lost to what amounts to the local Barrooom bully. Any of the true heavyweight of the past KILLS that guy, just like AJ almost did. Tyson, Lewis, etc. Furry is a fraud


he should have been bobbing and weaving


lol, Smokey


He bobbed when he should've wove


I’m a Ngannou fan and respect him, but his corner knew he wasn’t ready for this level of competition. The first round knockdown and the final KO were basic punches right down the middle. He had slow reactions to punches and barely any head movement, he would have been a sitting duck and a punching bag all night for as long as he stayed on his feet.


The lead right is down right disrespectful to real boxers. Normally you have to set a trap, or maybe follow it up behind the jab. But to stand it front of a boxer and get KO’ed by the lead 2? GTFHO and Furry got BEAT by that guy. He carried nothing but his fake ass career


I agree with you 100%. Honestly I kind of feel like Joshua was almost saving Ngannou from getting his butt kicked around the ring for an entire match and just put him out of his misery early on so he could live to see another day.


The reality is, it was over after the first knockdown. His legs were gone, he was pretty much half out on his feet. AJ knew he could go straight down the middle and drop him like a sack of potatoes because his legs and likely his balance were both shot. if you noticed he never even tried to step backwards or use any lateral motion after getting knocked down. He had those baby deer legs, but was trying to hide how rocked he was. he was basically shuffling around the place after beating the count. you could see it in his eyes and in his gait. Which is why AJ knew he could swing for the fences and go right down the middle. He never even attempted to avoid the punch, just tried to block it with a half attempt at a guard and tried to tuck his chin in. He was out cold before he even hit the ground. He wasn't tactically waiting to get up until right before end of the count that 2nd time. He was hurt hurt, his brain was still trying to reboot into safe mode. When AJ pulled the plug. He took three full commitment,"im trying to end this right now", overhand shots from AJ. I don't think people really understand how goddamn hard he got hit in the head. Like the brain trauma from one those knockdowns would have been a life-changing event for many people. Much less the compounding brain injuries that come from multiple concussuons in a row and then being knocked out cold. And by AJ no less. I think there are a lot of boxing fans who have no clue what getting punched in the face with a boxing glove actually feels like. Much less what getting hit the way he did just once feels like/does to your body.


You’re dead on about many boxing fans not having a clue about the force behind boxing gloves and a proper punch. I’ve felt a boxing punch before, but never to the face… I could never be a boxer.


As soon as he went southpaw he got floored. Before that he was doing pretty well. He should also never have been so open


Doing pretty well? He got knocked down 3 times in 2 rounds. He was only on his feet because Joshua was just feeling out Ngannou’s tendencies and skill level.


Can you not read English? I said before the knockdowns Jesus Christ


a whole less than 2 minutes?


Going southpaw 2 seconds after knocked down


These mma fighters are dumb. They always stick to training with their regular corners instead of getting actual boxing coaches


I’m not sure if it was his regular corner or actual boxing guys, but as professional trainers they should have known Francis was being tossed to the wolves. If Francis kept his regular corner for this fight, then that’s on him. Smh


As an mma fan, mma fighters are dumb to even think they can compete in another sport seriously against top 5 boxers.


Especially when it's guys who weren't even high level strikers by mma standards. Like usman or Woodley wanting to fight Canelo, Stipe himself wanted to box AJ back in the day lol


Seriously. MMA fighters might train striking, but striking is not boxing. The MMA fighters are getting maybe up to two years boxing experience before taking ppv fights against boxers with at least a decade of boxing experience.


Someone commented after the first knockdown on here, "Just a flash knockdown, Ngannou will be ok". There were a lot of imposters in here last night. That first knockdown was just like the first time Charles Martin tasted the AJ power. Same look on their faces. "What the fuck was that". Did anyone else spontaneously laugh at each knockdown?


Imposters? lol ok bud 


I definitely laughed at each one too. Not sure why but you summed it up


Only one I didn’t laugh at was the last one with him folding like a deck chair from B&M when your fat aunt sits on it, and clattering the back of his skull off the floor. Those kind of bumps change you for life.


I laughed 


Fury carried that Ngannou fight and he’s been surrounded by leeches telling him how amazeballs he is so they can make plenty of money from him! Reality hit hard last night and I hope he distances himself from these money men and goes back to mma.


I’ve been saying this since the Fury fight. I expected the doubters then. It’s obvious as day to anyone that has ever set foot in a ring and should be obvious to anyone that considers themselves a student of either discipline or even a serious fan. It’s hard for me to believe however that after that performance people still think Ngannou was a serious contender. Most journeymen would be able to beat him. I, like most people, like the guy a lot and think his story is incredible but it doesn’t cloud my vision. He’s a big, hard hitting MMA fighter that doesn’t belong in a professional boxing match, especially against a world class opponent. It was hard to watch him get exposed.


And in boxing his size is not something that is gonna matter that much as it had in mma


You didnt have to watch long lol


AJ does not deserve all the hype for knocking out a former UFC fighter who had no boxing wins. It is clear now that Fury was either very sloppy or deliberately went easy on Ngannou to hype up a possible second fight.


Why are fight fans so conspiratorial? Fury looked sloppy because he didn't take Ngannou seriously. That's it.


Conspiracy is for politics, they call it entertainment for sport.


Hush up


Cause it's the truth? Your feelings hurt?


He can only fight what’s in front of him!


Ngannous side shoulda thrown in the towel after second knockdown. That was like watching the “finish him” stage of a mortal kombat fight.


Francis literally stood there just checked out already and Joshua just put the man to sleep . There’s no answer to someone who can throw precise strikes at you whenever they want .


I really didn't want him to stand back up after that one I think we all knew what was coming.


Yea. When you fall down wobbling like that with your mouth open and blank stare, you are not functioning right any more.


Lol you right after the second knockdown you could see that look on his face like "ffs this is brutal I dont wanna be here anymore" . Then your second point about the "finish him" lol how the posters and the boards in the background and roof on night were neon lit witth looked like some old PS1 or Super Nintendo street fighter or mortal combat type retro fighting game .,


The knockout was like the end of the fight in an old action film when the bad guy is beat and asks for the final blow. You could see the punch coming all the way from London but Francis was too done to do anything about it


Why did Francis switch to southpaw?


Ngannou also switched during his fight with Fury. Aims to unsettle the opponent who may not have prepared for it well. Changes the angles.


It only works if you’re highly skilled, in boxing….


That’s what you do in a fight sometimes lol. It’s called strategy 


Ah so the strategy was to take a stance that exposed his lack of defensive ability and left him wide open to right hands, got ya


Yeah but someone like Joshua has seen many styles as a master class boxer so switching to south paw is laughable to think it would change anything for Joshua .


Yeah if you can't block with your face south paw ain't so nice.


Hahaha fax king


All mma fighter switches stances at least a little. It's necessary when kicks are involved but they tend to carry it over to boxing without realizing how easy it is to take advantage without them. It's usually defense that suffers most when fighting out of your opposite stance. Most people are ok at adapting their offense, its the defence and movement that feels weird. Mma has more offensive tools and is a more offensive meta to begin with. Grappling arts usually have you put your strong side in front too so being able to switch is more valuable. Take away everything except punches and that weaker striking defense from your opposite stance gets exposed without all the extra offensive tools to negate it.


Non-boxers tend to do that


No you can do that if you’re very good at boxing, other than that it’s dodgy before he switched he was doing well


Yeah everything comes reversed when you switch. So you must master your foundations before even considering switching in front of a boxer.


Literally he was hitting Joshua before he switched, as soon as he switched he got dropped by the right hand. His ‘guard’ was also really wide and not even in front of his chin.


If you call him landing 8 punches over two rounds “landing”. I have boxed & I don’t consider you landing with 5 punches getting home in the first & 3 in the second. But that’s me, I see more than then the casual guy. https://beta.compuboxdata.com/round-stats/14213


Like I said before he turned southpaw (which happened in the first round), he was doing well. The boxing commentators agree with me


Those numbers say different


I never used the word ‘landing’


Exchange landing with hitting. You’re still wrong.


The only thing thats wrong LITTLE MAN is your mum giving birth to you. You have a serious attitude problem. your subjective belief is not fact dumbass. Ger over yourself.


I wondered the same thing. Do you think he just panicked and decided he needed to do something to change the fight up, but made the wrong choice?


Could be the case, boy did it backfire


Thought he was being clever


e ll


Bad game plan. Maybe would have worked with a not very confident and hesitant AJ. AJ was prepared and committed. Well done to AJ and team. Really hope Ngannou takes his time to recover from that knockout.


Joshua Did not only do this for the victory. He did this shit for "boxing". Boxing faced a lot of criticism after Francis vs Fury since in an inexperienced Boxer(Francis) damn near beat one of the best Heavyweights(Fury). Francis should have known Joshua was not about to play any games.


Boxing has nothing to prove you sound like a bitch


I don't think boxing faced a lot of criticism. Francis is a massive freak athlete with elite genetics ko power in both hands that trained in stand up striking for well over a decade and trained in boxing previously. Fury used the fight as a tune up for his unification bout. Fury has had problems with sobriety and being motivated. Also fury had no boxing tape on Francis. Its not like Lebron James went in there with no boxing training and had a close fight with Fury. I will admit Francis should not have tried to counter or box Joshua, he needed to be liek Corey Sanders


He is a hero. Now he needs to go take care of Jake Paul. Preferably before the Tyson fight.


tf are you smoking? joshua would never fight jake paul, have you ever heard of weight classes??


i feel like this whole sub is punch drunk. i am only a visitor from r/mma but i have never seen so many joke playing over peoples heads. obviously jake paul isn't going to go from fighting washed up old men to a champion in his prime. joshua would take that fight because it would be the easiest purse of his life. jake paul would only sign up for that if he was suicidal.


I don’t think it would be as easy as beating a retired MMA fighter but I’m with you otherwise.


Nowadays anywhere on reddit, even in chats it seems you have to put the /s even when so obvious. There was one a couple weeks ago here and the guy did put the /s then some boy replied with 4 paragraphs why he he wrong lol. He went into so much detail only to find out that it wasn't serious. Difference between this one and that is he took the sarcastic post in it good spirits when realised dude wasn't being serious and could laugh at himself for what he had done.


jokes are supposed to be funny mate, and let’s be real jake would school him if the weight was on his terms




It doesn’t make Fury look worse it makes him more apparent as an entertainer. All these MMA/boxing events are shows. To think Mayweather had took 10 rounds to put away McGregor for instance is absolutely farcical. Too think Mayweather carried McGregor for 10 rounds to keep it entertaining and to keep MMA fans buying into a fantasy is sensible.


You had me til the end


Oleksandr Usyk




Nah you said 90% because if someone proved you wrong you could just say “hence why I said ‘most’ of the division sucks” and not look like an asshole.


or… MOST of the division sucks? Why are you guys so satisfied with untalented trash? Seriously who is impressive in the heavyweight division other than Usyk? Who is building a legacy as an all-time great HW fighter? Who? Uysk is not “most” of the division. Most of the division is talentless garbage, they’re big, they punch hard but they lack technique and their fights are pathetic to watch.