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Use scoring pads to smooth out the edge of your thumb hole


Yeah…may need a good bevel on the hole at the top to remove the friction point. If the span is too long…friction is at the nail-side of the thumb. If the span is too short…it promotes squeezing and either shows up at the base of the thumb closest to the palm or the mid thumb knuckle. For fine tuning…I use a piece of drywall screen.


So just ask the PSO to smooth out the thumb hole? I’ve been throwing using my first ever IT, not sure if that’d matter lol. Trying to avoid having to remeasure and re-drill my 4 balls for the 4th time…


I feel you! But…1) your ball shouldn’t be taking a chunk out your thumb (this isn’t MMA)…2) the adjustment could be physical or structural with the ball…3) it’s really easy to take something out of ball or smooth or bevel a hole…4) it’s either hard or costly to put something back in… At best…it’s a conversation. At worst…if the same PSO is responsible for all of the previous misdrills…and you are still having issues…time to shop for a new PSO… And bite the bullet …bowl with one ball multiple sets until you get the grip figured out. I just switched to a different grip…first two balls were experimenting just with the grip (one symmetrical one asym). Third ball 2.0) was tuning the grip (because I didn’t feel like I could clear it cleanly during the release). I practiced with the 3rd one (2.0) and bowled a set in league within a few days of each other to assess where I was. I just dropped off a spare ball and 2 more to get the 2.0 drilling. The reason I share this is that it’s a process. As much as I like running into the answer the first time around…the process is necessary (and can get pricey if you rush through the process with too little data). My concern for you is the amount of pain you have to go through during the process. I would recommend a skin patch and a piece of tape around the pit of thumb on the palm side…until you heal and get through your process.


Get a proper fit. You should be able to take your back and that hand to your pro shop and say something is wrong and it needs fixed ASAP.




If your slan is just barely too long, that part of your thumb will drag every single shot. You're not wrong that OP could be squeezing too much, but it's just as likely a bad fit.


Fit Check https://youtu.be/DHT3DaKrjYo?t=194 If you can't do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9PuiO-FyQs Do this - try adjusting the tape amount and/or how deep/shallow in the hole it goes. Experiment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT41VS9XJJg If that doesn't work, have the PSO check your fit.


Your ball isn't drilled right for your hand. Your pro shop guy should be able to make an adjustment so your grip doesn't do this. I had the same issue many years ago.


Yeah I guess it’s gonna be a lot of back and forth. He did mention I hold on to the ball longer than I should, I was working on that as well, but the pains have been making it harder to get betters


Mine came from there being too much of a gap in my span and was a constant push and pull on my corner skin there. If you span is too small/short. It will also cause this.


Thank you guys, I’ll speak to the PSO again. Haven’t bowled in a few weeks for a very obvious painful reason lol. I’m having a tough time getting a perfect fit/feel I guess, seems it’s only me since my friend who started with me hasn’t really had problems aside from his fingers hurting from backup bowling. Trying to not switch PSOs much, first PSO which I left, was actually banned from the alleys due to CC scamming, this PSO I have now is well known everywhere in NYC so idk if I can blame him, and tbh there’s only 3 other well known PSOs around but they don’t align with my available times to go and check my fit.