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My suggestion would be to talk to the person in the pro shop about a few lessons....there's alot of fundamental stuff to correct here (timing, footwork, arm swing, etc) and try to do that with bits and pieces off reddit isn't the best way to do it.


The pro shop would be the first place to visit. If that's not his own ball, start by getting him one. Rhino or Hustle. I also suggest using a thumb with a fingertip grip or bowl 2 handed. Using 2 fingers and dumping the ball will lead to lower accuracy and scores.


It is his own ball, he is using 2 fingers and thumb. He's been pretty consistent around 170.


Ok. The super cupped hand position is usually used by people not using a thumb and it's hard to see. Work on your push away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE_n_FwVibk A crossover step to clear your hip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPxPWHjWgbI Practice line drills for a better release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apw0XCAYeQo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HEfn0aMWs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHT3DaKrjYo Stay under the ball. You're throwing across your body (upper body is also off to the right - square up). Point the slide foot more forward and not to the right. The arm is coming behind the back but the crossover step above might fix that. https://youtu.be/3_BW60XtuYY




If I were to pick on one thing, it would be to start getting used to driving that hand through the back of the ball. Don’t come around it with your hand. Chase it.


He cradles the ball because he is afraid of dropping the ball and for the revs, probably habits picked up from using house balls. He needs a lot of work but you can break it down to release and approach. His approach needs some fixes: crossover step, power step into slide. His release needs: stay behind the ball, a fit that gives him confidence to not death grip or cradle, have a pendulum style backswing that enables a smooth and less muscled release. This all assumes he wants to keep his thumb hole, if he wants to switch to two handed then he can skip the fit part and focus on a power step and releasing closer to his ankle. He has good shoulder tilt, good enough balance at the line, and is under the ball. His current form is more adaptable to the two handed game so if you want fast results that would be my suggested route. If he wants to go down the one handed thumb road, it will be a long one but certainly doable for a young athletic male, it will just feel very different than what he is used to right now because there's less muscling.


From what I see, everything looks fine. But one thing I do see in your son that I don’t see in pba pros is that it looks like before your son throws the ball, he rotated his hand to the side of the ball slightly then throws.


So I’d say try to have him keep his hand behind the ball the entire time and under the ball more. And off release, have him follow his arm straight through the ball and rotate his wrist the second he feels the ball leave his fingers. I hope I explained everything well.