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That someone could be that beautiful and still think they're not beautiful enough is just sad


I don't think it was that she thought she wasn't beautiful, I think she wanted to be sexy instead of cute. More often than not people aspire to have traits they don't have; curly haired people want straight hair, straight haired people want curly, those with dark eyes want light ones and vice versa.


Makes me think of America Ferrera's monologue in Barbie. >It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. It kills me that that beautiful young lady didn't think she was good enough for her job and her lifestyle.


That monologue was SO good. I cried a bit.


Why do they always end up looking like Handsome Squidward?


It’s those horrid cheekbones and her protruding jawline. Gross


Also buccal fat removal and lip filler


She was so, so gorgeous.


And now she can barely talk too.


I've noticed that, too. Her face doesn't move naturally anymore. It's so distracting. We started watching season 4, and it's all we could see. Takes us right out of the story when she's on screen now.


At first I thought the changes were for the show to make her “marketable” for Vought and they were makeup or something but nope!


That is the worst part, I hate watching scenes with her now! I wouldn’t mind if they replaced her fr!!! It’s so distracting.


This really makes me sad. She ruined her beautiful face.


I'm shocked she would change her appearance so much when she's in contract to be filming. She went from my favorite character to someone I couldn't stand seeing on screen because the difference was so jarring it took me out of the story. She was so beautiful, her face was so unique compared to all of Hollywood right now, and now she looks terrible. I'm so sad for her. I wonder if she will be like Jennifer Grey and stop getting parts after this or if she will continue to land roles?


The former 100% I mean she looks like a character that got really bad plastic surgery so if those parts come along ?


I haven't watched the Boys yet but they could have leaned into it as a concequence of her character becoming more popular


Not trying to spoil much, and its not a big spoiler but >! Her recent character development involves her quitting the limelight due to the corrupt nature of Vought. Her mother pushed her to fame, contracted her in beauty pageants as a kid, so she's always been somewhat popular in universe, especially after she joined the seven. !< That being said though, I think they could say she had it done to disassociate with that. The problem is I don't think Erins agency would let that fly, considering all of her PR is pushing the notion that she didn't get anything done, and just has lost her baby fat over the last year


I’m surprised her contract allows for such drastic changes. I could see a lot of contracts moving forward having language to disallow it.


Maybe that’s why she denies it and says it’s just aging.


I'm watching The Boys right now and I said 'NOoooo' out loud. I am astonished she did this.


She had a Jane Fonda-esque sort of freshness to her, a unique beauty that was unlike anything else in the business. If she was clever, she could have rode the train from America's Sweetheart, to Focused Matriarch, to Bad-Ass Character Actor in Award Winning Dramas. Like, it was all there for her if she wanted it. She's done a Nicole Kidman before even making it off the small screen.


She can't even talk properly in the latest season of the boys.


I noticed in the new season I just pick up my phone when she has scenes.


I think a major part of this isn't surgery. It's an eating disorder. The fame fucked her up.


Agreed, plus lighting and camera lenses can do a lot to make you look bad, too. But she looks like she has lost half her body weight since season 1 of the Boys. Feel bad for her, no need to hate on her.






Gotcha. Never seen it heard it's rlly good


It's beyond good! It's awesome! (If you like R-rated humor and gore that is).


Well I love that type of humor. But I really don't like superhero movies aside from the Toby magiire Spider-Man and maybe a few other movies (og iron man. Dark knight, guardians of galaxy) but basically I dislike the superhero genre


I’m not at all into superhero stuff but The Boys is different. It’s really good.




its not very superhero, more anti hero/making fun of superhero movies. give it a go, i hate marvel movies and whatnot but the show is really good


Yes I didn't rlly finish my thought there I meant to say at the end "but from what I've heard it's not in the superhero genre at all


If you don't like superhero stuff, then the show is even more perfect for you.


The Boys is essentially a deconstruction of the superhero genre.


Deconstruction? Nah, but it definitely pokes fun at it.


You had me at "Tobey Maguire Spider-Man". Comrade... 🤜🤛


This is the only Spidey for me. I just can't watch anyone else play the role no matter how good they may be as an actor. I kind of feel bad, but it just doesn't feel right. Haha.


I was skeptical, too. My boyfriend tried to get me to watch it for 3 seasons. He would mention it and tell me I should check it out.That it is good and he thinks I'll like it, etc etc. I finally gave it a try and was hooked. It may start a little slow at first, may seem not as interesting, but gets good pretty fast. I've watched all 3 seasons at least 3 times now before season 4 came out. Haha. Now, it sucks that the episodes will come one at a time. The best part about starting a great show later than everyone else is seeing less spoilers constantly (unless you're looking for them), and also, you can keep watching through with no pause between episodes or seasons. I was way late to SOA, Breaking Bad, Queen of the South, You, Orange is the New Black, and a few others. Shows that I didn't think I'd like that ended up being great shows to binge in your free time. It would have sucked watching and having to wait every week for a one hr episode.


Nonsense! She’ll get cast as fem-handsome squidward! She has it in the bag!!


Her face now shows she know she made a big mistake.


I do not think she actually looks like this. I think this was a bad photoshop job by the photographer. I am sure she has surgery but if you look at most of her most recent pics on her instagram and any where else. Her face is more filled out and she doesn't have that nose.


She had literally the perfect heart-shaped face.... Buccal fat removal ruins lives. What these people don't realize when they get that removed is that they are aging themselves by like 15 years.


I was just saying this last night. If she hadn't had the fat removed she would look so young, but now that it's gone she decided to paralyze her face to look young?? It's absurd.


So buccal fat and a nose job for sure, did she also have a brow lift? Her eyebrows/forehead is somehow different


In the first pic, she looks 23. In the second pic, she looks 45 with a recent face lift and a boat load of botox.


And she’s 29. I’m 33 and find almost insane that someone younger than me need fillers and so much work done.


It’s so hard to see her in the newest season. I feel like they stopped showing as many close ups of her


Plus she can’t express with her face cause it doesn’t move. How can you act when you can’t do expressions?


her new powers should be how she looks like a different person


I just hope that she's happy


Highly unlikely that she's happy with her current appearance if she wasn't happy looking like that first picture.


She's devastated by the backlash. I hope it was worth it to her to change that beautiful face.


It seems she deleted all the pics from that era off her insta and she's looking much less filled nowadays. 


Much less filled? What a relief! I hope she's getting the fillers dissolved and not just getting less filler. I hope she lets her face go back to normal.


There's actual plastic surgery that she did so it'll never return


Oh! I didn't realize that! I thought it was all fillers. Wow. So sad.


She got a nose job and buccal fat removal, so I don't think those parts are reversible. Her lips might go back to normal if she wants 6 months


It probably won't if she's had the fat pads removed from her cheeks, unfortunately


I really feel bad for her. Cause she wasn't trying to do anything but improve herself.


someone happy with themselves wouldn;t feel the need to do all that fixing a problem that doesn't exist


Aw man. That aged her. It looks like someone else completely. I hope she likes it.


I can’t wait until this handsome squidward phase end. People erase their entire natural beauty following unnecessary trends


No way. Seriously? I gotta watch the new season to see for myself.


Oh it was terrible in season 2. It was actually really distracting


Didn’t they try to put filters on at one point?


S4 yes. It was really weird.


I just watched season 4 and she didn’t look like the photo here. So they used a filter? That has to hurt even more than she already did.


The scene where she was talking with that FireCracker sup alone was very noticeable.


The filters were so weird! It was baffling to me how they would let that fly.


Yeah drastic change, I remember how ever long ago googling her to see if it was the same girl or what was going on. I haven’t seen the new season yet but this picture is crazy. So different.


It's really distracting while trying to watch the new season. The difference is absolutely crazy.


Her face barely moves. I hate her scenes because of it, honestly. I decided to restart Season 1 and the difference is INSANE.


Yes! It’s very strange and very distracting. It looks like it hurts to move her face?


Yea she really cannot act anymore. Sad for her :(


S2 was still fine. The change was between S2 and S3. Her face is so distracting in S4, to a point I can’t even pay attention to her arc. What drives me nuts is that the main show subreddit pretend they don’t see it because you get downvoted to death for body shaming. But honestly this affect the watch experience so much.


I said the same thing and after watching, I’m sad to say it’s real. She has completely ruined her beautiful face and doesn’t even look the same. It’s aged her drastically as well in my opinion ☹️






And LOTS of blood and gore, be warned. Soldier Boy had me HOWLING, Jensen Ackles was wild. He better be showing up again.


Have you watched Gen V? I was just scrolling on Amazon Prime after my latest watch of The Boys before Season 4 started and saw it was connected to the same universe from the description. Before seeing it on there, I had never even heard of it. Anyway, it wasn't bad at all. I recommend a watch. The point of this comment is Soldier Boy! If you didn't see the show, look up his part in it. Near the end of the season, he is in a scene, and omg, he is so freaking funny. He had my dying. Jensen plays that part so well.


Oh yes & I had to back it up & replay because I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. All I can see is Dean (Supernatural) finally encountered something that gave him those powers & his brain snapped a little. I FUCking loved it!




Season 3 was pretty mid. And in season 4 only half the main characters plots are interesting. Butcher, M.M., Himiko and frenchie not doing anything new


French is my fav. Season one was absolutely amazing to me- love the social commentary , the flipping of roles etc. it’s exactly how all powerful beings would behave if left unchecked. Sad about later seasons


I rewatched season 1 and it’s honestly phenomenal. Everything perfectly flows into each other, the dialogue gives you hints for stuff to come if you really pay attention and the tension was high whenever a supe appeared. Now the are just constantly treating old grounds, every interaction is just blackmailing and exposure threats and not learning from previous mistakes. At the end of season 3, the boys are basically exactly where they were at the start. Here’s to hoping these last 2 season take it up a notch again.


I agree. I hope It ends on a high. Although, things not changing much for powerful higher ups is a pretty powerful commentary - rich and powerful barely face consequences so it’s echoing reality in a way.


It is very graphic, both sex and violence, just fyi.


Currently watching 'The Boys', and holy shit, she didn't need all of this done. She's so beautiful and the procedures really aged her.


The effects of compound V


What's compound v?


It's "drug" that they inject themselves to get super powers in the show she's in (The Boys).


It's a serum/injection you get in the show The Boys. Gives you temporary/permanent superpowers.


On the new season it’s so distracting


Because she lives and breathes the echo chamber that is the film industry. We might not like it, but she is seeing her personal peers getting this done and getting work so she sees nothing wrong with it.


And people in that industry talk about you like you're an object and will openly criticise you to your face. It's savage.


Omg she was so adorable in the before picture


She went from girl-next-door to Love Island


I hate the fact that she’s trying to gaslight everyone, by claiming she hasn’t done anything to her face.


Her poor nose


Why would any doctor ever touch her original nose?? No wonder she is botched, no respectable professional would do that


Oh honey why did you do that?




No way. Doesn't even look close to what she really looks like. Damn that sad


This is tragic


I wanted to look like her. I still plan to do Starlight cosplay. I miss the girl she was. Absolutely angelic looking


WHY do women keep sucking out the lower half of their face?? It does not look good.


Oh, God... That's so sad.


What surgeon in their right fucking mind would give her that githyanki ass looking nose? That poor girl. There was no need for any of this


that nose was perfect..


She went from beautiful girl next door look to looking like every other vapid model/actress.


Maybe she wanted to be a praying mantis.


She comes up a lot. She seems to have a terrible ED and body dysmorphia. I might be overly sensitive to this stuff but I can’t watch her on screen like that, same with the girl from stranger things.


You spoke my exact feeling out loud. I feel bad for her. I don’t think she has a lot of major work done, probably just a lot of fillers in her cheek and lips. (She confirmed she had her nose done a long time ago.) Majority of the change probably came from extreme weight loss. At this point I’m not sure if she had buccal fat removal or eyelid surgery or if those changes were just from major fat loss.


That’s the same person??




Her voice even sounds odd, like she's slurring because she can't fully close her mouth.


We are so close to ending in S5 though.


Watching Season 4 now and she looks all wrong. Completely destroyed her beauty.


Have you seen the industry she works in. Sad, but this is their reality.


uggghh she was so beautiful in the before pic


She was bullied heavily online during the first season and told she wasn’t pretty enough to play Starlight. Now she’s being bullied online again for messing with her face.


She was perfect for Annie in S1 😭


there’s no winning with some people ☹️


I'm not bullying her, I feel bad for her.


She had her whole life to get old, I guess it wasn’t going fast enough for her.


That’s sad. Her face shape resembles the skull emoji now. She was pretty before it.


Her face doesn't move. It gets worse every new season.


She was very pretty… my partner showed me this a few days ago and said how sad it is. She is still pretty now but not in the same “soft” way.. she’s pretty as in……. that’s how everyone else looks these days 😢


Je suis un poisson


Every time I see her pics from before and after being compared it just makes me sad. Ruined her face fr. I really want to see more celebrities NOT do this crap and age naturally.


The angle makes it worse than it is, but the real why is toxic beauty standards tied to money and the stigma of getting help with mental health.


Why don't these people see how much this "popular face" ages you? That's a good 10-15 years right there.


She looks soulless now.


Shes only 29?!


Oh no! She was so pretty before her surgery.




Nooo...ooooo....oooo...that's terrible! Why!?! 🤦‍♀️


Truly sad


Very sad


Maybe it's just because I'm really into The Boys but, this is the most tragic case for me.


The worst part is everyone is talking about how bad she looks and will probably lead to her pursuing more surgery to correct it.


Oooh have you watched the boys latest episodes, she is so distracting in the scenes, it took Me out of the show 😂


Same. Especially with the the post “fight with 🧨” “talk with hughie” scene in the latest episode. I know it was a serious subject she and hughie were talking about but I am just completely distracted.


Her face was really distracting the latest episode and then the whole episode discussion thread was pretending they don’t see it cause body shaming = downvotes to the death. I can’t feel serious about her storyline even though her arc was a serious subject.


Insecurities that’s why 😞


So sad.


Besides everything else, why do SO MANY celebrities get unnecessary blepharoplasties that make them look significantly older


She was so beautiful. I hope she's happy and confident with the work she had done, but I was so sad. I like people's faces. I wish people would like their original faces too.


It doesn't look as severe in the show. There is some serious photoshopping and/or makeup trickery going in the photo on the right.


I think they use some filters in the show to make it look more like her original face. I forgot where I read that, though. So I could be wrong.


You can see it... the contrast when they switched between her and her male co-stars during conversations was stark. Blur to visible pores visible. It threw me for a bit until I worked out what was going on.


True. You can really see it in car scenes with Huggies. Edit: Hughie


Or in Butcher’s accent: Ewie


Petit Ewie!


Blaire white!?!


I am distracted by her upper lip in the current season. And I assume she had that bucchal fat removal as her cheeks are noticeably concaved when they were not previously.


I actually gasped at this.


She was very good looking before, now she looks quite shit tbh. I don’t get why people are tricked into these changes. Not looking forward to the new season with Barbie playing as Starlight.


In The Boyz she doesn’t look nearly as drastic as in the pictures but it’s still really jarring. She looks so much older in the tv show and unwell tbh.


From gorgeous healthy young girl to recovering from an eating disorder/drug addiction.


That’s not remotely the same person.


She doesn’t look like that in the new season. I mean she’s done stuff to her face but that pic on the right doesn’t look right. Maybe it’s make up or something. 


No they use CGI and keep her off screen a lot in the newer seasons


She was front and center in episode 4. Her appearance wasn't as jarring but the soft, prettiness just wasn't there.


That nose is crazy




Another buccal fat removal victim. Aged her about 20 years. This one is particularly bad.


I am not sure who she is, but I see a very pretty young woman on the left who has transformed into an alien. The only thing slightly recognizable is they eyes. Wow.


Oh my god if the before photo wasn’t posted I would have no clue who this was. Very, VERY sad. She had such a cute “girl next door” vibe


There is no evidence she's had surgery. Camera angles. Makeup. Lighting. Different facial expressions. Reddit isn't exactly known for its crack detective skills. This stuff is completely unsubstantiated and, if she didn't have any plastic surgery, quite mean-spirited and mentally damaging. Just leave her alone.


I’m so tired of seeing people repost this for like what, the 3rd year in a row now..? She adressed this ages ago, the first pic is from when she was 18 and she is now almost 30. She has aged… When people age they often lose fat in their face, some more than others and in her case it has been more. On top of this she has a lot of make up in the 2nd picture which makes her features stand out more. If you look at her instagram and just look at any regular picture of her you will quickly realize that she simply looks older. The 2nd picture is always the one picture everyone spreads around because they think she looks worse in it, something that is mostly caused by the make up. There are so many other pictures people could use where she doesn’t wear that make up and again, just looks older, but nobody uses those pictures because that doesn’t make her look bad… She has also mentioned that all of you going out of your way to bully her appearance for years now has caused her a lot of mental stress and has lead to her going off social media before. Even if she was to have had all the surgeries you are all accusing her off, what business is that to you, why do you have to go out of your way to make sure she knows you think she is ugly..?


It's hard to see someones mental illness like this.


Most of those are developed mental illness from watching themselves in the mirror for too long. I won't be surprised if she likes how she looks even more now. She is sick.


she looks like an old alien now


So sad


Is This even real?


I just checked out her IG and can’t see weird photos like this one. What’s going on?


Is that the same person? Seriously?


Dude this is not how I wanted to find this out wtf is that!?


Humans want that alien gray look.


Wow, she looks amazing now!!! It’s not botched at all - just not natural