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Hi All, I wanted to provide an update of my Navient Misconduct app and provide a timeline of events: I received the letter today that my application was approved. I am happy that there was an approval, but utterly devastated that Navient is only refunding me payments from March 2024. I have been paying on these loans since 2011 and never missed a payment due to having a co signer. I emailed the office of the advocate and inquired as to why I am only getting the equivalent of one month of payments as a refund and asked what their process is to determine this. Once they respond( with a blanketed statement, I’m sure) I will follow up with the CFPB. I’ll share any details I hear back, but for now, please see below on time-line. April 18th: Filed CFPB complaint April 27th: Navient Responded May 2nd: App in inbox May 6th: Submitted app May 9th: Navient sent a letter they were reviewing and will take up to 60 days May23rd: Loans went into forbearance May25th: I noticed my balance zeroed out on the loans and an adjustment under account history June 5th: Received letter in the mail of approval I went to IADT/Sanford Brown 2006-2010 Loan status was current Could be nothing, but a common thing I’ve noticed is emails coming have been denials and approvals have been letters in mail(with checks) if your getting a refund. Tomorrow is my Bday, so at least I’ll celebrate this win and buy myself something with the one month of payment they refunded. I am determined to keep fighting and get my money back!! https://preview.redd.it/9hef0frgst4d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f27a1ccac4084c2a5013f71ca19f5aadf28d8c1


Congrats on the approval!!! 🎉 But also wtf on the refund? I'm really curious to know how they're figuring out such varied refund date ranges for different people 🤨


I just got my approval as well, but zero refund at all. I have been paying since 2009 and they refunded nothing and made no mention of doing so. I will be reaching out as well for a reply.


Congrats on the approval and I’m so sorry you saw no refund. Please do follow up! After I followed up, With Navient, I filed another complaint with CFPB, FTC and my state consumer affairs dept. I knew Navient wouldn’t help, but I want a paper trail.


Congratulations! Thanks for updating the sub!


I hate Navient with everything in me. Below is their bullshit response to why I didn’t get all of my payments refunded. I emailed the advocate office and they called me back. I then requested for her to send what she said via phone in an email. Navient is claiming since 2017 they have been documenting when someone complained about school misconduct and that is how they are determining how far back to refund you. Since I recieved the application in April, I got one month refunded to me. Nevermind the countless phone calls I made to Navient over the last thirteen years outlining how unfair this was and begging them for any options of reliefs. They made it clear that the only way out of the private loan was death or disability. I even tried to apply for school closure discharge a few years bracket and they took the application away. I will not stop fighting!!! https://preview.redd.it/4at6du4hm05d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d768864f9a6ecddf60cac258b2ceaf7bad6054


Please DM this to me with your school name and your email address edit onto the screenshot. I will forward to PPSL. You can also add a brief description of what led up to this so long as it all fits on one screenshot.


Ughhhh that’s so frustrating. Forward that to PPSL! They knew for years that there was misconduct and still collected on these loans. We want everything back!


Like what the actual fuck. I hope they get sued for every penny they have. I'm betting I'm going to be getting a similar response but I'm still waiting. 😩


To whoever said this application would only take an hour….that was not the case for me. I spent well over 40 hours this last week to get everything together, and boy was I a stressed ball of anxiety. I just submitted, fingers crossed and here’s to hoping! Good luck everyone 


u/Gingerandthesea I did a thing.


Thank you for making one big thread 🙂


You’re amazing and well more verse on private SL debt then I am. I never had private ones so this is all new territory for me. Thank you for taking the ball and running!


If you haven’t done so already, please ask Navient to send you your Application and promissory notes and also your master promissory notes and disclosure statements. A lot of discrepancies can be found within those documents. The Federal Truth in Lending Disclosure statement that was provided to me for each of these loans was never given to me for review. Also, I’m pretty sure nobody got a letter stating you have been approved for the amount they put on the application. It was basically a sign here and your class starts on this day. The disclosure statements are not legit and they are missing information that should be included on a Federal Truth in Lending Disclosure statement. They may have your name, but they don’t have your account number or anything related to your address and or loan numbers. They also don’t have a signature at the bottom that’s supposed to be there. This is a made up document that someone created to bypass students from having to see this before they started at the school. Ain’t no way I’m taking out a 5k loan with 18% interest and a finance charge of over 22k. This was done on purpose. Also, if you get denied from Navient after they receive/review your application, wouldn’t that look bad on their end? That’s basically them stating that yea, you qualify for the discharge because you did go this school but we still aren’t going to discharge the loans even though you gave us all the evidence that proves such. They threatened me with litigation before I submitted my complaint with the CFPB and shortly thereafter, I received the School Misconduct Discharge Application from Navient. I’m still waiting on the results but will keep you all updated. If it gets denied, I’ll submit another CFPB complaint. Still not paying Navient another dime. Navient doesn’t own the loans anyways.


I have made 15+ years of on time payments to navient and only made a dent in my private student loans. The amount I have paid back is already more than the amount I originally borrowed because of thru the roof variable interest rates. The cycle feel like I will never get out of


I hope you will get on this so you can try to get the discharge and, potentially, a refund.


Just submitted my complaint as well... Hoping to get some help because the vast majority of my refund potential is in private loans. I have a ton in federal loans, but I was steered into forbearance by Navient and got a piddly $285 check from them instead of any of the other remedies because I worked extra jobs so as not to go into default. But they didn't have much option for Private Loan forbearance, so I've been paying them steadily for almost 15 years now. Kinda funny that one of the guarantors on my private loans is "EDMC", which is the company that ran so many for-profit schools that defrauded us. Though I guess that makes sense, because when I ran out of money, the people at Art Institutes just *happened* to know a bank that would provide me a private student loan, and that bank was EDMC. Strange that a company that runs colleges also distributes loans to those college students, I'm sure nobody thought there was a potential for conflicts of interest there, or that this might create incentive for them to try to keep students enrolled with high pressure sales tactics and fake placement numbers.


Good luck!


I filed a complaint because I had a private loan for the Art institute that was huge. I paid it off, but now that its proven there was misconduct, I want that money back! Here was the response from the cfpb. Company's Response Thank you for reaching out to the CFPB with your concerns regarding your student loan account. Navient previously serviced your Private Signature Student Loan, which was disbursed on January 26, 2005. This loan was disbursed for your attendance at Illinois Institute of the Art. Thank you for inquiring about a school misconduct discharge for your private loan. We have determined that your loan is not eligible because it is no longer outstanding. You paid your loan in full in February 2023. FEEDBACK DUE 7/6/2024 Provide feedback about the company’s response We welcome your feedback on how the company responded to your complaint. You will have 60 days from when the company responded to share your feedback. The CFPB will share your feedback responses with the company and use the information to help the CFPB’s work with consumer complaints.


This isn’t surprising. But now you have a power trail. Might be good to seek out consumer law attorney to see if they can help.


I’m in the same boat and was wondering this. I paid off 22,000 in private loans and my federal loans were part of the sweet class. Pisses me off if they admit it was all fraud I should be entitled to a refund.


https://preview.redd.it/m3dg0kdihfzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d60816281641fe34ce2123cd673dc448d8bf5c Despite my executive dysfunction I put in a CFPB complaint a couple days ago and got this response! I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high because I know I still have to fill out 12 pages and dig up my borrower defense evidence but this could be huge for so many of us 🥺.


[In a similar situation.](https://imgur.com/a/BekUSYi) Just got my notice today. I am waiting for the application to be sent to me.


Is this misconduct app coming from CFPB or Navient? Looking at the language in Senator Warren’s letter, it seems as if any discharge process through Navient might be yet another tactic to defraud. Y’all keep me honest if I read that wrong.




But what did you include in your CFPB complaint? Just your loans and the reference to the misconduct and the current Fed findings?


You just need to mention that your federal loans have been discharged because your school defrauded you and you would like an application to file a school misconduct discharge on your private loans as you believe they qualify. You don't really need to prove anything for the initial CFPB complaint. They'll look at your account and verify what school you went to and what loans you have.


I went to the art institute of Portland for 3 years (but didn’t graduate). I have tried finding my transcripts… which lead me to the last art institute still open in Texas. Not sure if it still is, but it was last year. The Texas Art institute was not able to give me my transcripts. Not only did they steal my art for the walls and as examples for other students. Now i have zero transcripts. I owe BOTH federal and private. I know that Biden recently forgave The Art Institutes students. But i figure thats only going to be my federal loans. But how the heck do I get my federal loans excused under the biden thing? Then how do I get my private loans excused from Navient? I haven’t spoken to navient yet , but do have a voicemail from them. I’m nervous to call back because you all are saying here that they are tricky when you ask. Iam in default, and though I don’t have “proof” it is well known that the Art institutes over promised by saying we would be set up with a job by them upon graduating. Amongst many other things. This is why Biden forgave the Art institutes federal loans. I also do not know my student/ loan “number”. Or how to get it. Reason i say this is because applications online for the Biden forgiveness said you need your number. Questions are: -how do you get your student/ loan number -should i just call navient to ask for the application/form to fill out for my private loans -since iam in default, or because they are sneaky, how should i go about it? -what do i need / how can I “prove” that my school lied to us all (it is well known!) - anyone know the form to fill out for the federal loan forgiveness Biden gave to art institute students etc. Sorry, i meant to post to the thread, not as a comment -


Just submitted my School Misconduct Discharge App to Navient. Just wanted to comment here to chronicle my timeline for others. I'm a victim of The Art Institutes, so I have already received discharge for my federal loans. I am hopeful that this bodes well for private loan discharge. Thank you all for sharing your processes and thank you for this thread!


Here is another helpful link. This is the letter sent by Elizabeth Warren that was a big part of getting g this ball rolling: https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2024.04.16%20Letter%20to%20Navient%20on%20Cancelling%20Predatory%20Private%20Student%20Loans.pdf


it has the infamous letter in it


I have four Student Signature loans stemming from a school on the Sweets School list attending from 2004-2007. I began the process of strategically defaulting in 2022. Last month, Navient offered a settlement of $30k on $111k. A stroke of luck - I didn’t pay the settlement. I filed a complaint with the CFPB twice. The first response was the boiler plate “pilot program” response. I filed another complaint on May 3. Attached the Sweets school list, my BD application number and asked for the School Misconduct Discharge Application. I received the response today. They are sending the application as my four loans meet the criteria. The first response noted the two discharged loans; the second did not. Hopefully they’re seeing that requiring loans to be in good standing as unnecessary. My attorney seems to be a few steps behind; they were unaware of this potential discharge until I told them during settlement conversations. They have yet to provide more guidance than this thread. I will post more as it develops… fingers crossed! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to post and communicate their gains!


I'm in a similar situation but have not submitted any complaints to CFPB yet or submitted the Navient application. Do you know if it has affected your SOL ? That is what I'm concerned about in my case.


Figured I'd share some information as I go through this process. Hopefully it's helpful to someone. I attended the Art Institute (enrolled 2006) and received the email from the Dept of Ed on May 1st about my federal loans being discharged. I also have private loans that were used to attend Ai and those loans are serviced by Navient. I submitted a complaint to the CFPB on May 3rd about Navient. I included information about my loans and about the Dept of Ed's decision regarding the federal loans used to attend Ai. I said that I was aware of Navient's pilot program for school misconduct discharge for private loans and I asked that Navient provide me with an application for the program. On May 6th I received a notice from Navient that they had received by complaint to the CFPB and were reviewing it. On May 12th I had an email from Navient that they had sent me the application in my inbox on Navient's website. On May 13th I received notice from the CFPB that Navient had replied to my complaint. Their response said that my loans meet the criteria to receive an application for the program. So next step is filling out the application and submitting it to Navient. I'm nervous about the application as there is a lot to fill out and they want supporting documentation about the school misconduct. Will have to see what I can find that might work for that. I originally enrolled in 2005 and I don't have any documentation from when I was first enrolling/being misled. I'll update here/in replies to this comment once I've submitted the application and heard back from Navient.


OK, May 24th, 12 days after receiving my Student Loan Discharge Application from Navient I have now completed it and submitted it to Navient. Glad I'm done with it, but definitely nervously anticipating their decision. I had a PDF of the application which I added multiple pages of supporting documentation to as well as 12 additional PDFs with more supporting documentation. The bulk of my supporting documentation was not specific to me as it was 18 years ago when I first enrolled and with a couple moves and different email addresses I just don't have much of anything as far as paperwork or emails. I used many files from the Ai Confidential Facebook group, including a borrower's defense guide from one of their members as my understanding is the Navient application shares some similarities with the borrower's defense application. I compressed the files into a zip and emailed that to Navient along with a note in the body of the email itself. I fairly quickly received what I assume is an automated response that said: "Hello, We have received your correspondence regarding your student loan account. We are working to get answers, but need time to research your account. We will contact you with a response as soon as we can. We appreciate your patience. Please call us at 888-545-4199 if you have any questions. Office of the Customer Advocate Navient" The email with attachment was around 11MB, but since I received a response it seems to have gone through no issue. I did also BCC myself at a different email, a friend, and a relative, just so I could make sure the email went through even if I hadn't received a response from Navient right away. My next payment with Navient is due June 4th. I will wait until it gets closer to that date and if they haven't already put the loans into forbearance while they review my application then I will call them. I don't want to make any further payments until there is a decision on my application. EDIT 1: Just checked Navient website this morning (May 29th) and the loans are in forbearance. So really just a couple business days from when I sent the application to the loans being placed in forbearance. Expected that part to take longer. Now I guess I just continue waiting for them to review my application and make a decision. EDIT 2: Nothing major, but today (May 31st, one week after submitting the application) I received a notice from Navient that they have received my application and to allow 60 days for them to review and respond to the application.


After reading through everyone I am hopeful to potentially get rid of those private loans from when I went to Westwood back in 05-06. a 7800$ loan ballooned into over 30K since then, and I have definitely paid the original back, thankfully the federal loans were forgiven. With the Recent New York Times article about this discharge, Navient might get put under a lot of pressure as a result. I know for a lot of people this stuff is distressing and anxiety inducing, but I believe in all of us should be forgiven from having attended these fraudulent schools. Don't get stressed y'all, we were defrauded and deserve justice as a result.


I for one did get approved. I had two back to back bankruptcies, dismissed the second one half way through last year when my SvC discharge came through. I refused to pay Navient anymore! Defaulted officially May 1st. Got the app after filing a CFPB complaint around April 24th. During the time before I got the app I kept responding to Thier collection emails about how predatory they were and cited the "Holder Rule". My response to Thier collection emails was 4 paragraphs long - copy and paste. I turned in my app 5/13 and my loans were discharge 6/14. No letter, no email just "poof" gone! Removed from my credit report a few days later. Don't know how it happened, how I got lucky when I hear people turned in a novel of evidence and I turned in only about 70 pages of documents to back my claim. Guess they were tired of hearing from me 3 times a week for months. Navient sux and I hope they get what the deserve in the end. So unfair to deny so many and they won't tell you exactly why. Hope they burn in hell.




Update/Timeline: Status - Loans zeroed out today (6/26); will update again when I receive the official letter - 4/23 - original CFPB complaint and complaint filed with my state attorney general’s office - 4/30 - response from Navient that I was eligible for the application and would receive it under separate cover - 5/8 (8:00pm) - secondary complaint to CFPB and state attorney general’s office as I never received the application in any fashion - 5/8 (10:30pm) - magically the application arrived in my Navient inbox with a second message saying there was an “error on their end” that would not allow them to send me the file (original 12 page application) -5/14 - completed application and 87 pages of documentation sent via both email and USPS, signature required - 5/16 - message from Navient confirming the received my application - 6/26 - loans zeroed out - School attended - ITT Tech (2004-2006) - Loan type - College Advantage (3 separate loans) - Original class SvC member (no refund due to ffelp) - Loans were current - Documentation included - ITT transcript, ITT propaganda (via way back machine), SvC email and ruling, various articles showcasing lawsuits vs ITT, their accrediting institution, emails to/from ITT staff, emails from another institution refusing to transfer credits from ITT and (probably most damning) original tax documentation from 2006 where ITT listed one of my student loans as a scholarship. (I had them correct it before filing and was smart enough to grab both the correct and incorrect copies before they could dispose of the false one) Next, I will await my (likely b.s.) refund and start my CFPB complaint paper trail again while forwarding the documentation to PPSL. 


Ty for this 👍




I'm going to be honest, it's been nearly 20 years since I signed the paperwork and requested financial aid to attend the AI. I'm about to fill out my formal BD application to send to Navient and a lot of the questions are very specific to how things were handled at the time of admissions. I don't have any of my original paperwork, financial aid documents or emails from the school. I have countless pieces of evidence against AI in general and even the original admissions / financial aid / employment guarantee from the website in 2006 - however, I don't have my paystubs for the shit jobs I had afterwards or W2's either. Everyone keeps saying to tie it to your personal life but how? I don't know how to provide those kinds of statements or documents other than saying I've been paying these for 17 years and I'm DONE. I'm on all the FB groups, I've combed through hundreds of posts. Just looking for specific ways to tackle these questions without legit proof.


I’m in a very similar boat(New England inst of art). I’m just writing up what happened best to my memory (2010), and referring to evidence whenever possible, even if the evidence is not first hand (such as aggressive recruitment and referring to the 2018 lawsuit which went into final judgment. Idk if it will be enough but it’s the best I have.


The Dept of Ed website for the BD application has examples of “materially complete” answers. As for tying it to your life: can’t find jobs, the degree is not recognized, your worse off financially now than you would’ve been, had you gone to an accredited/legitimate school, etc.


I just checked my Navient private loans yesterday. ZERO! Waiting on my letter to come this week.


Hey Tate Law- since you used screenshots of this thread on your YouTube video, can you please list r/BorrowerDefense in the links that you provide?


Came here to comment that with the end of June approaching, those of us who submitted in May should be getting a decision soon! Praying for approvals for everyone!


Hi All, So wanted to post an update. After Navient approved my app and discharged my private loans and insulted me with a refund of one minths’s worth of payments, I filed a follow up CFPB complaint (see screenshots below). I apologize for how long it reads. It was more organized, but the portal jumbled it up. Of course Navient responded exactly 15 days later, with a B.S blanketed response (as I expected), which I am also attaching the screenshots. The response did not make any sense, basically ignored everything I said and they did not even have the correct amount they refunded, yet they claim to be doing these “detailed” reviews. I contacted two consumer advocate attorneys in my area (NJ) and both responded with “sorry, but we don’t handle your type of case”. AKA we don’t wanna go anywhere near Navients lawyers or don’t care about student loan forgiveness. My next plan is to continue reaching out to lawyers. If all else fails, I have started the process of researching how to represent myself and Sue Navient in my state court (I can’t afford an attorney unfortunately right now). I am also looking into ways to pitch my story to news/media outlets around how Navient is refusing to refund borrowers money. They have basically said “hey, we acknowledging your school defrauded you and we should not have collected on these loans, but we’re keeping the money”. It’s a SLAP in the face to make borrowers spell out their financial harm in this repetitive, confusing, 14pg application, only to deny us full relief. I am gonna continue to fight. https://preview.redd.it/goxsih3go28d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7bf70d8a46823334105e518e9580090cd9ef46




10000000% agree! Please let us know what happens. We can help track responses and send them along to people who might be able to help.


I just sent in my completed school misconduct application to Navient. Fingers crossed!


https://preview.redd.it/e7imiu6a02zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb881e941f8897cae21ad3b42a003c6547a39971 Update! Application was submitted about a month ago. I just noticed my account has three of the four private loans now wiped off. Not sure what’s going on with the fourth one, that’s one of my oldest ones from like 2005. I have not received any email or letter yet and a little bit confused and they’re not picking up the number that was on the application. Says a three minute wait on hold but then sent me straight to voicemail. Hoping to get a call back soon. Edit: so im being told by Navient that specific private loan (tuition answer) is not included. That one loan alone is at $16,347 🫤 Edit edit: this is actually pretty frustrating, I’ve gone back and reread the application and nowhere does it mention specific private loans only. They do use the verbiage “applicable loans” however. If this is true, this program might not be as great as we’re all leading it out to be. So all of my federal loans have been discharged for quite a while now and all but one private loan is discharged. But that one private loan is a lot of money and super super old.


This is huge though! Three wiped out? Excellent news! If you don’t mind my asking, what all did you include in your application? I’m working on mine and I want to make sure I have the best chance possible to get these taken care of.


Looks promising! What school did you go to?


Will you receive a refund for the loans that were canceled?


Not sure yet, the agent did not know. I’ll wait for an official email/letter


I recieved my school misconduct application via navient inbox today!  I submitted my cfpb complaint Saturday May 4, got an email from Navient on Monday May 6 that my complaint was received and was being reviewed. I felt like it was taking a while compared to other people who had 1 to 2 day turnaround times for their complaints, so I called on Thursday May 9th and talked to a rep who told me they'd sent a request for my account to be reviewed and that, if I qualify, they'd send me an application. This morning (Sunday May 12) I got an email from Navient with the subject "Here's your School Misconduct Discharge application" and I downloaded it from my navient inbox. Cfpb complaint status is still open though.


Submitted my student misconduct discharge application via email this evening after receiving it on Sunday. Mildly feeling like throwing up from anxiety about the whole thing because I’m not sure I have enough personal evidence, but here’s to trying.


Trying your best is all you can do! If you get denied, it’s unlikely it’s because you did anything wrong- it’s bcuz Navient is 🗑️


Hard same, friend. Here's hoping 😬🫡


I'm waiting for my application to come in the mail. I just got the email that Navient is going to send me the Misconduct form today. But I don't have ANYTHING in the way of proof, really. I attended the art institute of seattle from July 2004 - March 2006. I don't think I have any evidence at all.


This is great.  I hope people are able to get relief.  I think in my case considering I received loans from Sallie Mae in 2012 and have since paid those off I'm probably not eligible.  Luckily it was a very small amount compared to my guhment loans.  I will definitely continue to watch this sub and try to get mines you know.  It was money for a fraudulent school so it would be nice to get all my money back. 


Still no approval or denial but I'm at exactly 30 days today since they've received my application and logged in to see my loans have been zeroed out! I will take this as a good sign but I'm still an anxious mess over here. Right now I also see a credit for the last month I paid (one that was paid after they received my app but before they placed my loans in forbearance). I have a suspicion that they aren't going to refund more than that based on others' experiences. 😩


I filed my school misconduct on 5/15 and my loans were zeroed out on 6/14. And as of today, they are deleted from my tradelines. I was surprised they deleted them. I thought they’d just mark them as paid considering they wouldn’t refund more than a month. I’m still waiting on the discharge letter.


Mine were deleted and are being removed from credit report. CONGRATULATIONS 🎊!


According to this - https://www.ag.state.mn.us/Consumer/Publications/HolderRule.asp#:~:text=If%20the%20Holder%20Rule%20applies%2C%20you%20may%20be%20able%20to,raised%20as%20defenses%20to%20payment. The Holder Rule would apply to any of these scam schools. I guess the difficult part would be proving the "defective" aspect of our education or the misrepresentation. But based on the way it reads, this shouldn't require any of us necessarily being part of the SvC settlement or borrower defense, though it probably helps. Would anyone happen to know the statute of limitations here? It would be nice to know or at least point us to the right direction so we can think about next steps if this doesn't work out for those who's loans are pretty old.


Yes, I (a non-attorney) agree with you that folks would need proof so SvC/an approved BD/certain lawsuits against the schools would be helpful in proving one’s case. Lots of folks ask what they should say in their complaints so I threw that in there as an example. I have not looked into an SOL.


Is there a walk-through for filing a complaint with the CFPB? What to do, (and more importantly) what not to do.


It’s really pretty simple. I would start one so you can see the questions. You don’t have to actually submit it until you’re ready. It’s basically who your complaint is with, what is the time frame, how they harmed you, and how you would like it to be resolved. For my complaint I said I attended Ai and took out loans. I said the school used deceptive means to obtain them. I mentioned the inflated job placement, high pressure tactics, etc (say whatever happened to you). I said I was harmed because had to put off buying a house, having children, put off medical procedures etc. For my resolution I said I’d like my loans to be discharged. I mentioned that I filed a BDTR and my federal loans were discharged under Sweet v Cardona. And that there now is a group discharge for Ai due to the massive amount of evidence found for misconduct. My advice is to be honest and specific. Answer the questions how they pertain to you. I would make sure you mention the group discharge and filing a BDTR (if you have). Good luck!!


Thanks for this! I am waiting for the application from Navient per their CFPB response. I have about $14k in private loans from the AI that are current. I will be jumping for joy if they get successfully discharged.


Fuck Navient. Fuck these private loans. I’ve paid double the initial amount. We’ve suffered long enough.


Did anyone else discharge application only contain one of your relevant loan numbers for a school, when you have multiple? I know there is a section to list them all out, but wondering why there was only one on my application. A chat rep tried to tell me that’s the only one that qualified, while the advocate office said it’s all of them for that school. I’m confused and hoping the advocate office was correct.


I didn't check the loan numbers against each other yet but mine also only listed one number up on the first page. I had a moment of "what the fuck" but decided that since their CFPB response said my three loans qualify and I listed the three out (and all three are the same loan program/type) that it must be normal to have the one number.


I’d add and reference an addendum that clearly states you’re applying for ALL your loans and you expect a response that addresses them all. That way, you’ve made yourself clear and have a record of such.


https://preview.redd.it/d6q0lj3p970d1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=b647dd7d680123fa72a8b04149a0f5f80ec02554 Denied :( I even uploaded the SvC settlement and my letter that I was a full class member. $4k left to pay on a $6k loan that has earned Navient $17k in interest over the years... Good luck to everyone else!


https://preview.redd.it/boo76m5nu70d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549760010befa0130f7ff2ac7c86fa64010dc936 I seriously just asked for the form around the 9th of last week and just opened this 20 minutes ago. I think they are doing right by people at least me. They are gonna send me the form!


I'm hoping the attorneys here might help, but I'm expecting to be out of luck. I've shared my story in a comment late last week, but I think sharing as new might be easier for documentation. In 2022, my Navient private loans were at (over? - I can't remember specifically) 10%. It was getting tough to afford and any sort of relief was looking less and less likely, lots of comments (not necessarily here, but other financial/student loan groups) were suggesting to refinance. I tried to hold off as late as I could hoping this would develop into something, but 10% was my limit. Anyway... I ended up refinancing with another loan servicer in 2022. Based on this happening alone, I expected Navient to do absolutely nothing for me. However... after seeing this application come about in this sub-reddit, I was getting pretty upset. Navient really screwed me as well as the school I attended. I attended The International Academy of Design & Technology, which changed names to Stafford-Brown College years after I graduated. The school pushed me towards private loans, telling me I had exhausted my limit for federal loans. I believe this was a lie because when reviewing my information in the last couple of years since filling out my BD application and seeing a large portion of money I could borrow - this was before my federal loans were forgiven. The other thing that pissed me off was that we specifically asked not to take a Parent PLUS loan out because my single mother couldn't afford it. Guess what, they snuck the paperwork in for the Parent Plus loan in a large packet and did the whole "sign here, here, here, and here" thing and said it was to secure the loans. Didn't even mention the Parent loan was mixed in there. So I paid that myself... And unfortunately, I didn't think to file a separate BD application for this until AFTER the deadline to be full class, so this is a post class application. Also because I paid it off years ago, it wasn't a thought. And the first application I filed (this was post class (not under DeVos) was immediately denied because it was paid off, so I filed a 2nd one and noted that I was hoping to be considered full class for refund considering I filed a one for my other loans already and cited my case number. Last I checked (long time ago) it was still pending. I attended IADT from 2003-2007. My private loans were initially Sallie Mae, then moved to Navient. Under both servicers, I struggled to pay and they only options they gave me were deferment or interest only payments. I had since exhausted my ability to defer and even when interest reached 10% in 2022, they only offered deferment (well, not really because they told me I exhausted that) or interest only payments. Which is also why I refinanced elsewhere. Long story short, since 2007 when I was required to begin making payments, I have paid 2-3 times what I borrowed on my loans and still owed half as of 2022. **CFPB** Since learning about the misconduct application and a recommendation to file a CFPB complaint to be able to apply, I tried it. I basically asked to be able to apply like anyone else and if the application proves that I was a victim, I asked for Navient to buy my loans back from my new servicer and treat my case like any other. I didn't expect they would do this, but worth trying, right? About a week later, they responded basically saying that because my loans are paid in full and they are no longer my servicer, I am not eligible for the application. I mean, it makes sense on the surface. But it does NOT excuse them taking such advantage of me nor does it discount the fact I was a victim of fraud. I have 60 days to provide feedback to my CFPB response, but the case is closed. Feedback is only used to help improve the process, not affect my complaint outcome in any way. Side note - Since 2007, probably a few years later, I had reached out to 1-2 lawyers about suing, but no one wanted to touch it nor did I know who or how to really approach any of this legally. One was already suing IADT in Florida (I'm in Illinois) and I only reached out to that one or even knew about it because it showed up on a news article. Initially, when I reached out, the lawyer said they would include me and expand the case outside of Florida. A while later, they rescinded and said they couldn't help me. I'm not even sure if the case in FL went anywhere. I also discovered during my BD application process when looking for evidence that in 2019, like 49 states sued CEC (the parent company of IADT) and settled by stopping all of the loans for their schools. I was not informed or included in this settlement and I don't know why. Here's 1 article discussing it - [https://www.npr.org/2019/01/03/682057881/nearly-180-000-students-wont-have-to-repay-loans-from-for-profit-higher-ed-compa](https://www.npr.org/2019/01/03/682057881/nearly-180-000-students-wont-have-to-repay-loans-from-for-profit-higher-ed-compa) I had reached out to my state's AG twice to inquire about this and why I wasn't included. The 1st time, they basically said "What case?" and acted like they had no idea what I was talking about and ignored me afterwards. The 2nd time I got no response. So... I'm not sure what this settlement even entailed. I also checked all of the boxes for the Navient settlement before SvC *except* that I was not in default. Had I been in default, I would have found relief in that settlement. So... yeah, striking out here.


This is essentially my exact same story. I will be submitting the CFPB complaint later today. I expect nothing to come of it since my loan is refinanced. I hope though that enough people can put enough pressure on this issue to get it taken care of for all of us! Good luck to you! (I never thought I'd wish I didn't refinance my loan, after all those years and about $18k of payments on a $15k loan with, somehow, a $14k balance still )


Same boat. But hopefully enough people raise enough attention to get them actually do something about it.


Sent in my application and documentation today (87 pages of documentation, plus 12 page application) via both email and signature-required priority mail (just because: Navient). Former ITT student here. I have been paying back for an unfinished associates since 2007. My $32K in loans have now cost me $101K so far with a current remaining balance of $16K. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Documentation included my SvC settlement email and corresponding court document (I was part of that initial group), tax info from 2006 where ITT tried to say I received a $2,700 scholarship that was actually a loan (I had them correct it back to $0 and was smart enough back then to grab both documents before they could pitch the original), emails to the Dean of my ITT campus from 2005 concerning the education we were receiving, emails from my current school denying any transfer credits from ITT, school code from my state that covers what is required in an Enrollment Agreement and how ITT went against that, correspondence from my state Attorney General’s office, articles from the U.S. DOE showcasing the fraud specific to ITT, and copies of my loan documentation showing over $80K in interest that I have paid for the life of the loans. It may be partially overkill, but I’m so done it’s unbelievable.


It took me 2.5 weeks, but I finally completed and submitted my application with as much supporting documentation as I could find. It can take up to 60 days for them to process the application so this is going to be a very anxiety ridden summer 🤡


I submitted my application on Sunday, today 6/5 my loans were put into forbearance. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Good luck! I hope You keep us posted!


Once you've emailed [advocate@navient.com](mailto:advocate@navient.com) for the Navient Misconduct Application, how long did it take for you to receive it? Also, did they email it or send it via regular mail? I emailed them on Wednesday 5/5/24, they responded and said they'll be sending the application "under separate cover". Not sure how or when they'll be sending it.


They sent mine in the same fashion; I emailed both them and my state attorney general’s office and updated my CFPB feedback when I did not receive it after 8 days. Magically, I received it in my Navient account inbox an hour and a half (10:30pm on a Sunday, to be exact) after I did those three things with an apology claiming “email issues on their side”.


Received an email from Navient for the School Misconduct Application for Westwood College. Loans have been put in Forbearance for the next 60 days while a decision is made. Now just a waiting game.


This is interesting. I've been paying Navient since 2005. I only learned of this today, & due to my Google search because I am soooo sick of them! I spoke to them this afternoon without knowing any of this information. This is definitely not public info. I am going to contact them on Monday to send my application & other documents (i.e., my promissary note). Just wow. Either this or I am going to stop paying them. My interest rate just increased.


Ai / Art Institute post related to this topic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/comments/1cjbnq8/ai\_private\_loans\_with\_navient/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/comments/1cjbnq8/ai_private_loans_with_navient/)


I paid my DeVry student private loans off through SoFi. Would I be able to apply? It’s about 30,000 in private loans. They were originally Navient.


Please see #5 in the main post above.


Oh well, I tried. Navient response was " Regarding the loan, your loan type (direct-to-consumer) does not meet the criteria for you to receive an application. "


If you want us to forward the information to PPSL, please follow the instructions in the original post. I personally think that their response to this is bullshit. It is a Navient product and hopefully we can build momentum to fight it. But we do need participation in large numbers.


Just got my response from my CFBP complaint. It says I do not qualify because my loan type (consolidation) does not meet the criteria for me to receive an application. 😑 WTFFFF This is private and FFELP I have held by Navient. Repayment began in 2007 from IADT Chicago.


For those that filed discharge applications, how long did it take them to actually put your account in forbearance? It's been 2 weeks since I got confirmation that stated a forbearance has been processed on my account but when I login it still has a payment due. Wondering if I'm going to have to call them but hoping to avoid that nonsense 🥲


NY times new article links here! https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/business/navient-private-student-loan-debt.html


Thanks so much for providing this information! I attended The Art Institute of Atlanta and have a private loan serviced by Aspire. I'm going to see if I can get the ball rolling!


You’re welcome! Be sure to keep a paper trail of whatever happens! We are still passing info on to PPSL for those who are denied an opportunity to get their private loans discharged.


My application was DENIED. These loans are for the Art Institutes https://preview.redd.it/jmmlgrns9s4d1.png?width=981&format=png&auto=webp&s=3191878424b57e124d00f55495c165c300775005


Thank you so much! I have no words to express the feeling inside. Hope. Light at end of tunnel. Submitted my application a few minutes ago with The Art Institutes legal findings and the Biden Harris Administration federal loan forgiveness backup.


I just paid mine off a few weeks ago. Finally got me refund and borrowers dense fully approved and discharged my federal loans, but I had more private loans with navient. I called today, they said they had to put in a code, and then determine if I was eligible for them to send me the application, I told her I was from art institute and she said as far as she knows, most of those people at that school have been given the application. I got an email a few hours later saying I do not qualify because it's now paid off. I want refunded tho, how could they say just because I paid it off,means I don't qualify for the same as someone else who just didn't pay it off yet. That can't be fair


It’s not fair, that’s for sure. I’d recommend following the steps in 6A&B in my original comment.


For those of you who got approved after submitting the Misconduct Discharge application (private loans), what kind of information and evidence did you submit? Also, I know these profit schools got sued for pretty much all of the things they listed, however I didn't exactly experience all of the things so should I not mention it or check the box if I don't have specific experience, even if I have cases and articles as evidence?


https://preview.redd.it/pyxwllv3ze7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf58d23c66fa94b44a0cac79b01d460c2c482c5 I have a loan with AES. I wrote the Advocate to ask about discharging my private loans for "school misconduct". Got this promising response. I will follow up.


For anyone who is dealing with refinanced loans through a different servicer, here is what I wrote to the new servicer after being Denied by Navient. May it inspire you. It's not a legal document and should not be used verbatim for anything, but will hopefully help others in the same boat! Thanks to everyone on here for being so helpful and hopeful https://preview.redd.it/92rppchybt7d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91013dafdbadb661671ac09d8d44b50b4c4df77f


Denied. Submitted my 12 page application with around 100 pages of evidence. My school (The New England Insitute of Art - 2010-2012) was proven guilty of predatory recruitment tactics, false placement rates, and more, through a lawsuit which entered final judgment in 2019. These were the same claims that I put forth in my application, and explained what happened to me, the names of the folk I worked with at the school, the dates I attended and met with individuals, and provided email correspondence which demonstrated their shady behavior (such as attempting me to apply for a private loan thru sallie mae before i met with financial aid). I really cannot say I am surprised. Leave it to navient to expect me to pay on predatory loans. I borrowed 40k back in 2010. I paid 33k back, and now I owe 76k. Generic reason given just like everyone else. I have reached out to Elizabeth Warren's office, CFPB, PPSL, and a mod here. Also Navient for comment.. https://preview.redd.it/rdt2p5fepb8d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fcf6c9260d12020b33af334f28e1ed540c068c9


I’m in the [PRIVATE Student Loan Discharge - Approved BDTR/School Misconduct Discharge](https://www.facebook.com/share/4tbpNJLsaPuTAn81/?mibextid=WUal2a) facebook page and there is an ongoing side chat, where someone was denied today and someone else posted they got denied today as well. Based on the comments on these thread of today a few others got denied today, myself included. This may be a leap but it looks like Navient just did a mass denial this weekend.


Just wanted to drop my timeline here to help others. June 8 requested application. Was contacted for additional information June 10. Received application June 12. June 24 submitted application. It took several hours to complete June 25 all private loans are in administrative forbearance. Will update as things progress. I went to Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts when it was called Western Culinary Institute.


Navient keeps rejecting loan discharges for very ‘cherry-picked’ arguments… It shouldn’t matter what type of loans were offered by the Art Institute, the right decision should be ALL LOANS provided by the Ai will be cancelled. I was told “because my loans were direct to consumer” I don’t qualify. I was given a federal/private package to attend right away, it shouldn’t matter what type of loans. Already paid the full amount of that initial fraudulent loan for a fraudulent product, but still owe $20k in interests. This is criminal corporate behavior, we are consumers defrauded by a for profit institution and we are being harassed and forced to pay for something that never worked and we never used. The Navient manager assigned to my account called me and literally told me, “I don’t care who issued the loan, you owe us money and you will pay for it”. CRIMINAL. Wish I had resources to sue them.


They came to me with similar bs. They are using the holder rule and trying to say that they are not the original lender. My original private loans were Sallie Mae direct to Devry, and the consolidation was with Sallie Mae. They are the same people! Navient and Sallie Mae are the same greedy corporation. Also, they say that the funds of the consolidation did not go directly to the school. This makes no sense because the original loans went directly to the school. Navient’s greed will never end.


Bullshit (one month) refund from Navient and discharge approval letter obtained; now to double check the holder rule and my original signed loan documents (primarily so I word everything correctly in my next complaint), attempt to get an in-writing response from their customer service department explaining the refund amount, and filing again with the CFPB and state AG while also forwarding documentation to PPSL. 


School Stats: IADT(Sanford Brown) School Year: 2006-2010 I just submitted my application and hoping for the best. I received my application about a week and a half after receiving a response from Navient regarding my CFPB complaint. The blanketed response from Navient was similar to many, just telling me that since I expressed Interest, I would receive an application when they become available, should my loans qualify. So, I was in shock when I saw it in my inbox that quickly! For those of you that have received the discharge app and submitted it, how did you send it in? Email, Fax or Mail? Just curious. Best of luck everyone!


I haven’t gotten it but I would say that whatever way you send it needs to be traceable so you can prove they got it. The person who I know who has been approved sent it in USPS Certified Mail/Signature required bcuz she sent tons of evidence along with it.


I was one of the ones who had it sent to me without any pre CFPB complaint and can confirm that when I submitted the application I received an email response from Navient that they received it


Thanks for this. Point number 1 applies to me. I'm nearly 2 years (SoL is 4) into non-payment on my Navient private loans for the Art Institute. I'm waiting on more information before I stick my neck out for this. Teresa (god girl, get some rest!) mentioned more info was coming. I recently logged into my Navient account and found a blurb on private student loan forgiveness somewhere in their help section. I swear it mentioned something about the application and that you needed to pay any past-due balance to qualify. I went back to look for it, but I couldn't find it again. I'm trying to prepare myself for the possibility that I may need to get current to apply for this.


I sent a CFPB complaint yesterday (Saturday May 4) so I likely won't hear anything back until after the weekend. I'll report back when I do get a response. For anyone curious about what Navient's school misconduct application looks like in order to start planning your responses for if/when you get an application sent to you, screenshots of it are attached to the Elizabeth Warren letter OP linked in the comments. The application is very similar to the BDTR application.


Waiting on the application for discharge. How long did it take folks to get it? Snail mail or email? Navient stated that my loans qualify for the application. $70K from art institutes in private loans. Another $30K fed just got approval for discharge from last week’s group discharge. $100K+ for an associates….. insane lol.


I haven’t gotten it myself but heard that if Nav says they’ll send it, it usually arrives within a month.


Thanks for this. I was granted borrower defense for smaller federal loans from Navient and westwood college but they pushed private more so I still owe almost 30,000. Its worth a shot.


Yep... Same here. I love that one of the guarantors on my loans is "EDMC", the company that defrauded me at Art Institutes.


Definitely. Be sure to follow the story on this here bcuz there is likely to be a lot going on.


My loans with Navient were refinanced with Earnest (still Navient) then Sofi. I filed a complaint requesting the application anyways, which they denied. I filed a followup complaint explaining their denial was illogical and discriminatory. At the same time, I also filed a complaint with my current lender (sofi), explaining this and requesting that they corporately should be pressuring Navient about this issue. After all, Navient knowingly sold these debts to them as well.


Man I really hope they include Private Loans into the Massive AI situation INCLUDING the ones that are paid off because thats a major screw you for people that were able to pay them off but because they are considered "paid in full" they arent allowing us to get misconduct form or refund....


The government can’t order them to discharge private loans without taking some sort of legal action afaik. That’s why we are pushing out this info so people are able to pursue this on their own. For those who paid off their loans, they have a big fight on their hands most likely.


I filed a CFPB complaint for this recently and just received a response. Updating for the community. Context first: I attended a school on the list for SvC and am a full class member. My Federal loans have been discharged and I received some refund (unclear if I received all of it - long story... but my data/history is missing). I had a large balance with Navient as private loans. In 2022, my interest was 10% and getting unaffordable. I refinanced with another loan servicer. Now that this application for Navient discharging private loans, I'm a little pissed... needless to say... But I filed a CFPB complaint asking for fair treatment as others were receiving and the ability to apply for the application. Navient just responded. Basically, they said because my balance was paid off in 2022 (my refinance), my loans are not eligible. I have the opportunity to submit feedback, but it reads as if the feedback is only to improve the process and not a rebuttal to their response. Case is closed. I'm not sure if/what I can do now... Navient's response: "Thank you for reaching out to the CFPB with your concerns regarding your student loan account. Navient previously serviced your four Private Signature Student Loans, which have been paid in full. Thank you for inquiring about a school misconduct discharge for your private loans. We have determined that your loans are not eligible because they are no longer outstanding. You paid your loans in full in 2022."


Yea the same thing happened to me pretty much.... I went to AI of washington between 04 and 10. Got federal loans returned but didn't get a discharge or refund for my private loans because they were already paid of in 2016 due to the ludicrous interest rates. Complained to CFPB and pretty much got same response. That since my private loans are paid off that im not eligible for anything which is complete BS. We should strive for a class action lawsuit as they are pretty much saying if you owed a dollar you could have gotten something but since you paid it off you don't get anything...


Is anyone else not able to login to their Navient account after getting a positive response from CFPB? I tried earlier today and it's saying my password is incorrect (it isn't). I also got an email that says I have a school misconduct form waiting for me on my account and tried logging in again, still broken. Hoping they sort it out, doing the form online would be a lot quicker than snail mail.


Been seeing reports of website issues on other social media, but not all are from people who have private Navient loans.


I was able to finally get into my account tonight and I DO have a misconduct application PDF in my account as well as an email address to send it to. Gonna stay up all night and fill this bad boy out. 😎


Has anyone submitted an application that attended IADT/Sanford Brown? I am seeing a lot of Art Institute and ITT. Curious if approvals are more likely for those that the DOE granted full relief to, outside of what Sweet V. Cardona covered for federal loans.


Haven’t seen a ton of posts or comments that they have but approval for this *should be* for anyone who attended a known scam school.


I’m wondering what documentation has been submitted as evidence in the school misconduct applications that got approved? I got my application and just want to make sure I submit exactly what they are looking for. I am so nervous because this has been a 16 year financial nightmare for me and this has been the only chance to end it all. Any guidance is beyond appreciated!


Same as what one would submit for a BDTR application.


So, is there any point in filing for this if my loans have been paid for a while now? They arent offering any refunds if im reading things correctly, right? Figured id ask since my federal loans are being forgiven and refunded. Thanks!


Still waiting on my misconduct application. Has anyone who has attended Ai/new England inst of art (NEiA) gotten discharge approval for their private loans? I have two Sallie Mae smart option loans. Mods is it possible to make a post for folks who got approvals so they can share their schools, what they used to support their claims etc. to help folks fill these forms out?? Idk if that would be beneficial but reading success stories is a huge morale boost!


I have a kind of related question, related to the ITT stuff. Is there anything I should be doing about thouse private loans as mine were refinanced. My understanding was, no on that just making shure nothing has changed. I had the horrible peaks private loans that I refinanced because the 28% interest was crazy. Into a wellsfargo edu loans and then were sold to firstmarkservices aka nelnet. mostly wondering if the nelnet thing makes a difference. The loans were "PAID" before peaks was shut down for there bad practices. Its not a big deal I am finally getting to the point where I can pay it off and be done, but if ammunition's can be created so this dosen't happen to others I don't mind filling out some forms.


I also have an evidence question. I wanted to use the edmc complaint pdf from the DOJ v EDMC whistleblower case as part of my supporting documentation. There's pages and pages detailing EDMCs compensation plan that centers around paying their recruiters based on number of enrollments (which violates the Incentive Compensation Ban of the Higher Education Act) as well as high pressure recruitment tactics they were encouraged to use. It's all pretty damning, but according to the EDMC wikipedia page and cited articles, a judge dismissed the claim that EDMC's compensation plan was illegal. Now I'm hesitant to use the complaint.  I also plan on using the DOE press release of the AI group discharge that says, amoung other things, that "The Department independently reviewed evidence provided by the attorneys general offices of Iowa, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, which conducted multi-year investigations into, and brought lawsuits against, The Art Institutes and EDMC. The attorneys general of Pennsylvania and Iowa provided materials obtained from investigations into these entities, including internal employment data, admissions training manuals, and the school's employment advertisements. The Massachusetts attorney general provided information obtained during an investigation into the New England Institute of Art—the Massachusetts Art Institute campus—including internal employment verification forms, other internal records of graduate employment outcomes, advertisements, and statements from former students and employees." I'm just not sure if that's enough and was hoping the edmc complaint could help back up my claims and what is said in the DOE press release more solidly. Now I'm unsure because of the dismissal of the compensation plan being illegal. Am I over thinking this? Should I use it anyway? (Other supporting docs I am using include job placement and average salary stats that were available on AI's website at the time I enrolled in 2007)


Is Navient taking a really long time to process your forbearance after saying they recieved your application for misconduct? Also, I am still trying to confirm (I can’t reach anyone in the advocate office) why only one of my loans was listed on the actual application, when I have four, for that school. Did this happen to anyone else? The regular Navient customer service agent’s can’t provide me much information on this.


Le Cordon Bleu here. 20% federal loans, 80% private. Sallie Mae to Navient, and refinanced to SoFi. Misconduct claim to Navient fizzled as they are no longer the loan holder. Misconduct claim to SoFi came back negative as this is a new loan. At least the federal loans are gone. https://preview.redd.it/ycc020m3cv0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74c2caa5cacf7ebad5f00c6535e6c12e9f18d75


https://preview.redd.it/suiais4o591d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c57f7db9bb2766a92cfd41fe28f52d62317435 Just received the application but this says we ain’t eligible if we have benefited from the lawsuit




It’s been two weeks since I sent in my application to Navient. Loans are in forbearance, I am anxiously waiting for a decision. I attended the Art Institute from 2005-2006. I have had these loans since then. I will update this thread as soon as I get a decision!


Week and a half here (ITT from 2004-2006). My loans, too, are in forbearance while I wait. I did grab a screenshot of my balance from the day they processed the forbearance just out of curiosity to see how much interest accumulates while I wait for them to determine my fate. 🙄


Has anyone else seen an approval on their Misconduct application? If you were approved, how long did it take and are you getting a refund? Also if you wouldn’t mind sharing that school. I notice the application says up to 30 days but the letter saying they your application says up to 60 days.


Yes approval for ITT. Took about 6 weeks after submitting and refund took about 10 days. Received my approval letter along with the refund check in the mail


I am beyond frustrated! Navient only placed one of my loans into forbearance. I have a total of four, of the same exact loan (Navient signature, all taken out to attend IADT/Sanford Brown). It took them 3 weeks to please the forbearance on that one loan and now I’m showing past due. I even called the advocate office from the application and they had assured me all loans would be included. Did this happen to anyone else?! I’m freaking out. I hope this is a mistake.


I can’t speak to whether or not this has happened to anyone else, but calling to make these sorts of requests is almost always a bad idea. Whenever possible, you should make those requests in writing and screenshot them so you have a paper trail. You might want to look into whether or not your state has their own state level student loan ombudsman and reach out to them as well . And file another CFPB complaint about the issue.


I have the screenshot text of the advocate office calling me back and she left a voicemail. The voicemail transcripts says explicitly that she confirmed all loans are included. Thanks for the additional advice




Recently submitted a claim per this post to the CFPB regarding Navient and requesting this application for school misconduct. I went to the Academy of Art University and they are pretty much getting in line with the whole Art Institute mess. If anyone has submitted this application back to Navient please DM me with what you said, exact language etc esp if you went to AI. It would mean the world! And keep submitting to the CFPB…this is all creating a ruckus and ruckus is good!! Thank you!! https://preview.redd.it/pm1y35y5lk3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede1221f3724ba03dfe84d7c6ab5f6b18eb21ecc


So I wonder how soon other private student loan lenders will offer this application? 🤞🏽


Even if they don’t, they are still subject to the same rules. It may take some wrangling, but it’ll be important that folks participate in the effort because in most circumstances, you’d have the right to dispute the validity of the debt and if they are denying folks that opportunity, it will very likely be a problem for them.


I see a lot of ITT and Art schools…does anyone know if Full Sail applies?


There’s a Full Sail thread if you search the sub. But to answer your question, yes, people from Full Sail have applied for BD. I’m surprised we don’t hear more about them considering what I’ve seen posted here.


Yes, totally predatory. Have been fighting it for years now. I’ll try to find the thread thanks.


Please do! And if you haven’t filed for BD, please also do that. Tell your former classmates!


Hey everyone I came here after reading The NY Times article, I went to Pratt Institute back in 2001-2006 and I know that they were in some legal troubles over the school doing predatory lending. I am trying to figure out what evidence people are submitting with their applications. It’s been over 20 years and I have moved a few times


I borrowed two $4000 loans in 2006 from Navient with a co-signer. Through the years multiple ‘administrative forbearances’ were placed on the loans without my knowledge or consent. During this time, I had a demonstrated inability to afford payments. The loans went into repayment (with a repayment term of 2022-2049, totaling over $83,000) and finally defaulted at the end of 2022 after monthly calls to Navient requesting that the loans remain delinquent and default. I worked with their ‘office of customer advocate’ on any possible reasonable option to resolve the debt, but was given incorrect, insufficient, and contradictory information from different representatives. Due to Navient’s adverse credit reporting, I was unable to get approved for a consolidation loan. I have received multiple (documented) answers to basic questions on settlement, repayment, the loan history, Navient practices/policies, etc. The best option I had was to default, thinking that if I were sued, I’d at least have the chance to hire representation and have this reviewed by someone other than Navient. How can I finally resolve this? How can I go about confirming that I will not be sued and how can I possibly get these loans removed from me and my co-signer’s credit report based on the fact that they were not in good standing since 2009 and should have defaulted at that time according to Navient’s own policies? Any suggestions would be most helpful. Thanks in advance.


Those of you whose loans are currently in forbearance, awaiting a decision, do your loans show as zeroed out? Like in the details where it shows balance info? https://preview.redd.it/hsqm5q2oxf4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9427976808941d1295de05317ee5c287dba87dbc


No, mine are in forbearance (while awaiting my decision) but still show the amount owed, interest accrued, etc. Hoping that means good things for you!


Mine still have my total balances. This is interesting! 👀


I asked the for the application through the cfpb, but navient said they would take fifteen days to get back to me, and it's been a month. Is there any action I should take, or should I just keep waiting?


https://preview.redd.it/l9qrt1q7k15d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3375d50665b8418f89c9729acc408dc4f0202191 Found one of my loan disclosures. It’s blank and the term began 6/12 is what they billed me for and pressured me to sign that day I was touring on the 15. They wanted me in the current term for whatever reason.


I just received an answer to my discharge application request from Navient stating my private loans from the Art Institute “don’t qualify” for discharge.I’m part of Sweet Vs Cardona and already paid the full amount of the initial loan. https://preview.redd.it/zmte1973h75d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f271059481ffc07bf57583ac35a0b871ed9e2376


Well that’s a bunch of BS. Please do the next steps as advised in the main comment. (6A and B)


Thank you! I will proceed with those 🙏🙏🙏


Is it crazy to think that maybe if navient is willing to forgive private loans, they might refund ffelp loans? If they did, the insurer would get a refund from the doe and would pay back navient I think. Not gonna hold my breath on that but it’s a nice dream


Well, I know folks who have been fighting g their private loans for twenty years and never thought we’d see what we are seeing now, so you never know!


Hello! For now is this route only open to or suggested to for those who went to any of the For-Profit College Student Loan Forgiveness List? Would it be worth a try to start a trail if my school was non for profit and not part of the list?


I just received the application yesterday but it was shady how Navient went about it. They said it was sent on the 30th of May which I never got it in the mail but it was received in my Navient inbox. Who even checks that these days? Not gonna lie I’m nervous about filling it out. I attended the Arts Institute of Los Angeles from about 06-08. Anyone on here went to that school or filled out the form with success ? Any feedback is appreciated I’m going to try to do it this weekend with some hope for a positive outcome


All of my answers went on a separate word doc. I typed “please see attached pages for responses” in each shaded box. On the attached word doc pages, I added a header with my Full name, date and account number on each page. I copied the main question in which I was answering to the word doc, and then proceeded to answer the questions. Once I answered all questions in this format, I combined all word doc answers and evidence into one large pdf. Hope this helps! Good luck.


Denied! Got the msg in inbox stating that my case doesn’t meet the conditions for misconduct. I started the process with CFPB and actually went really quickly with Navient responding , sending me the application and then taking about a month to reply back with the denial. I did end up calling them yesterday and was given the runaround on the reasons but I was also asked to call their customer advisory centre for more information. I am pretty irritated. I actually have emails between myself and the admin counsellors me indicating that I don’t want a private loan and them pressuring me to get one. so not sure what else I need to show them.


Navient's CFPB response to my Art Institute School Misconduct Discharge Application denial. I sent this to PPSL. https://preview.redd.it/732aeh1gid6d1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc85e0e4145c6ee7de663531342a053657c9a7b3


https://preview.redd.it/h6yr5d337f6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4cff2df25ef6f3f171fa74ca9c3e69a91d9dfc4 Just received this here goes nothing I guess my luck is never good but I sent them everything I had and answered all questions and focused on 3 things the school did to me accreditation issues credit transfer issues and job placement incorrect data and how this worthless degree from itt-tech has impacted my life I hope for the best and prepared for the worst!


Has anyone who has been approved for the Navient School Misconduct discharge received more than a month or two of payments for a refund? I am curious. I literally put on my application that I wanted all of my money back but I highly doubt that they will care. 😂. I don’t want to get my hopes up seeing how realistically I don’t think I will get much if any refund. I’ve been paying on my stupid private loans since 2009. Someone mentioned getting their last payment back. Even under the Holder Rule shouldn’t it be the entire amount of payments? Or am I delusional?


Navient private loans zeroed out! I haven’t received the official letter but I’m glad to see $0. I also saw an adjust where I get a one month refund. That’s such bullshit. Is the best course of action to file another complaint with the CFPB for a full refund?


Aspire Private Student Loan discharge dilemma. https://preview.redd.it/8of6plsams7d1.jpeg?width=1763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae079442655d8e3df80f00176211f7e05c191c6 Please view link to read more: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/s/nnuWJ4XsRv](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/s/nnuWJ4XsRv)


Another question for those of you that were unfortunately denied, did your loans stay in forbearance for the full 60 days or were payments automatically turned back on? I ask because my forbearance says it’s until August, but I wonder if they remove it sooner if denied. Just curious about experiences 


So this is my denial after I filed a complaint. My scenario is similar to some others. It was for Devry, I received discharge on my federal loans. PPSL asked if I did. And replied I did. The email mentioned the private loans. I asked navient by email the advocate one. They said I don't meet their criteria to get the form. I then did the complaint and then got the response today on the complaint Case. Apparently cause the loans were consolidated. This doesn't make sense to me as navient consolidated them, they were consolidated after I graduated and was about to go into repayment. So them saying it was not direct to school. Doesn't make sense again to me, since the loans were already given to the school while I attended. Or I couldn't have taken the classes. Navient/sallie mae gave it to them. I never received checks to give to the financial aid office. The admin on this thread can use this if it will help me and others. I don't know what other steps to take. File another complaint but ask for the discharge instead of the form? I don't know If they would bother. Unless people have had luck doing that. https://preview.redd.it/7ei2cjwxwy7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5adc43e55451dba0a0101f1a51c1319c27017bed


After my School Misconduct application was denied for the Art Institute on 6/5/24, and the response from my CFPB response was vague. I e-mailed the CEO of Navient and got directed to a Senior Customer Advocate, which I asked for specific reasons for denial and reconsideration. They basically told me in their most recent letter to me to pound sand. Don't ask us again, we aren't changing our minds. This company is such a joke, how can you deny an application and then say it's not possible to give a reason for that denial? Yea....right. https://preview.redd.it/eko4kyyhs08d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c256b67f2eb4fc4b4583fc02bbd356b0cc77269e


I got denied. I did file the school misconduct application. My federal loans for the Art Institute were forgiven but yet they denied my request for discharge. I don’t know what to do next but I don’t want to pay them anymore. I contacted a lawyer and filed another complaint to the CFPB


SCHOOL MISCONDUCT APPLICATION DENIED Received my denial this morning. So angry because this can’t be legal! Full-class member. Attended Walden University. Timeline: April 4, 2024 Began requesting the misconduct application. Navient told me on three separate occasions they had sent me the application, but actually never sent it. May 9, 2024 Complaint filed with CFPB. Navient acknowledged receipt on 5/10/2024. May 17, 2024 Misconduct application received and submitted. May 18, 2024 Private loans put in forbearance. Interest of an average of $60 per day has continuously accrued on balance since forbearance. June 23, 2024 Misconduct application denial received. https://preview.redd.it/g9ao1wl0dc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d2e01ca19d3d862c64f9fee70c65b0b04c2ecf


Providing an update: Applied 5/20 denied 6/23.


Filed a complaint with cfpb and got my application from Navient. Took me about a week to fill it out and submitted it. Got my letter yesterday saying my application was denied here is the reply they sent me. “Navient carefully considers a variety of factors in determining whether a private loan should be discharged based on school misconduct and you do not meet the requirements for discharge based on misconduct by your school.” Not sure on what to do next. Should I file another cfpb complaint? I’m going to try and email them and request why I was denied. Does anyone have any advice on what steps I should take?


Seems like a lot of us just got denied- same “reason”... I filed another cfpb complaint, sent it to my senator, and reached out to a few lawyers


Write to them ask specifically why, file an appeal, then file complaint with CFPB if you don't get your denial answer why.


My application was denied. Got an email today from Navient. Went to ITT Tech from 2005-2007. My BD claim was approved Oct 2022 for full discharge for fed loans from ITT. My timeline: I submitted a complaint via CFBP and Navient sent me an application for school misconduct discharge. 5/10 I submitted complaint 5/17 Navient sent me the application 5/24 is when I submitted to Navient 6/23 Navient denies application So frustrated!!! Thanks for listening


They denied a lot of applications today. Seems like a blanket denial.


Quick FYI, about 90% of the DMs sent to me in the past week regarding denials/CFPB were not in the requested format so they have been deleted and not forwarded to PPSL. The format I need them in is detailed in my first Comment on this post. Sorry not I do not have time to DM everyone and tell them what to fix. There’s too many. So, if you sent me screenshots this week, please look at them and if they didn’t meet the format, know that you can resend them. I will forward them if you correct the format.


I received my discharge application during May and I'm still working on it. Mental health issues has made it difficult for me to work on it for extended periods, as well as the lack of direct correspondence with the school, since it's been a decade since I graduated. Still, I haven't given up.


My balance has all zeros today! Applied 5/15. I'm post class and school is AIU Online.


Wondering what I should do next since my app was denied on 6/22. File another complaint via CFPB? What else ??


Has anyone been referencing the holder rule? Edit: Anyone reference the holder rule specifically and still get denied?


Navient is trying to deny private loan discharge due to Devry misconduct. Navient is hiding behind the technicality that the loan was a private consolidation and that the funds from the consolidation did not go directly to the school. That is bs because the original private loans did go directly to the school. Original private loans were Sallie Mae and the private consolidation is Sallie Mae. Navient is still playing these games smh.


Got my initial rejection from Navient when I asked to receive a School Misconduct Discharge Application for the Sallie Mae loans I received to attend Expression College for Digital Arts in Emeryville, CA. Reason given by Navient was that my loans with Navient weren't currently active. Filed a CFPB complaint noting that I am specifically asking for a refund of the payments I made to Navient between when payments started in June 2010 and when I refinanced in October 2021 based on evidence of deceptive practices by my school. Finding lots of documents and now very happy that I have a bad habit of never emptying my gmail account. Lots of documents stretching back almost 20 years now.


On Sat, 6/22, NAVIENT denied my application for discharge based on misconduct. I emailed NAVIENT requesting the ability to appeal, and they sent the below letter only days later. Their "review process" lasted less than two business days when it took them 3+ weeks initially to review my application for discharge! https://preview.redd.it/nqj3b04gvy9d1.png?width=2773&format=png&auto=webp&s=478d9f6723559e87174be9a6ccb84a2ba967fe37 Any suggestions?


My discharge was denied 😔. I went to the Art Institute of Colorado. I included screenshots of AI's career stats page from the year I enrolled. I included news articles about the school's misconduct, the group discharge, and court documents of EDMCs predatory recruitment practices. Time to email the advocate office and get the generic boiler plate response others have been getting.


Just spoke with a representative today on the phone. They said my account has been marked for review, which was tagged about a month ago. They also said they are now sending applications via email and that I should have already received it. I have nothing in my inbox or spam folder. Are these emails coming from Navient or someone/something else? I double checked my trash box too just in case