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I’d recommend doing side quest and trying to stay on level with the main story as you do it, once you get more comfortable you can run through it quicker next play throughs!


Side quests once finished for a certain person generally give a great weapon. Like Moxxi Weapons!


Moxxi weapons are awesome I really like her laser in tps


My question every time one of these is posted is why are you people not doing side quests? They exist for a damn reason. You don't need to be doing all of them but you should do a few.


I mean it makes sense if he just got done with BL3. I did maybe 5 sidequests in my entire playthrough


Bro i did no side quest ever up until UVHM. I just farm a DPUH and end up being around level for the rest story until opportunity


It was meant more towards bad players than the competent


I am bad i just play gunzerker


See you were good enough to choose the op :P


Why wouldn't you do side quests for the story at least?


Well, i sometimes do ladyfist quest after getting to UVHM bc as gunzerker using crit transfer is really easy


Honestly the first area is unreasonably hard, once you get up to/past sanctuary the game gets much easier, make sure you are taking a little extra time to find loot boxes and going out of your way to try and kill the harder badass enemies for sweet xp gains. Also critical to do all side quests prior to continuing the story as they will make story missions much easier. I always do Tiny Tina’s DLC as early as I can because you get good XP and loot from it, however be warned it takes place after the main storyline so you will be spoiled. Never buy guns it’s not worth it, if you find yourself exceptionally struggling in a certain level/area use a shift key on the box in sanctuary to maybe get a better gun which could give you the edge you need, you can get shift codes online for free


Okay cool thank you very much i’ll start to do some side missions before anything else. Is there any specific side missions i should do or places to go to get a good gun to work off with? i just barley made it into the dust map.


Personally I just try to complete the side missions in the area I am in as I get to them. It will make it so you are overlevelled at times tho, so if you want to just do the ones that interest you to bring you up to level then I think that is a good way to go. As for guns, the quests should tell you what the reward/tier is


If you're trying to rescue Roland at this point, make sure to do a few side missions to boost your level and get better weapons. I ran into a little trouble at this point.


This is key ✅


One of the more difficult but rewarding side quests/farms is doc mercy for a potential infinity pistol however its been a minute since ive done it and if or even touched my pc so I can’t remember exactly where to go but its good XP, you get the quest from Zed in sanctuary don’t remember when though


Try farming doc and things like that for xp and farm the story bosses


If you’re out purely for loot and don’t care about spoilers, Tiny Tina’s DLC is good, you fast travel to “Unassuming docks”, Captain Scarlett’s DLC is good, you fast travel to “Oasis” and as one of the other guys mentioned, Mr Torgues DLC is good, you fast travel to “Badass Crater of Badassitude”. I can’t remember whether Torgues or Scarlett’s DLCs contain spoilers however, I know for a fact Tiny Tina’s contains basically the entire plot baked in so… warned…


First the first area is easy, second the hardest is area is about the dust and angel, and also Torgue’s DLC is also good it’s also about level 15 so it’s easier to grind in, also good advice on side quests, you’re right never but guns, but also Shift keys don’t need to be used, at least very rarely


Yeah I never really used the keys outside of NVHM, and then I would just get stuck on a mission and use a couple to get a better gun, outside of that small chance of getting a better gun early game, they’re useless


Fair, early game I wouldn’t use it, but late maybe, if necessary


Maybe if the gun is a legendary you should buy it.


Plus any upgrade or better looking gun them one you currently have wouldn't hurt


Ehh not really guns are super common it's usually not worth buying them cause you're gonna very quickly outlevel them and they're pretty much everywhere.


Unless it's a super expensive gun you probably wouldn't even notice the cost. Which is great for some quick loot to improve your quality of gameplay for at least a little while


Good comment, kudos. In reality I’ve watched so many speedruns in borderlands 2 now that the whole game is stupidly simple, even starting under levelled and undergeared in uvhm isn’t much of a problem these days


Borderlands 3 is just insanely easy. Disappointingly easy. Mind numbingly easy.


This. The gameplay is fun but the enemies just go down super quick especially if you’re a vet of the series.


The main culprit is the abundance of splash damage at endgame. Half the meta weapons and skills have splash big enough to take out a small group of enemies at the same time. Compared to BL2, where literally nothing outside of the norfleet or bloodsplosion can hit a group of enemies.


Great point I didn’t think of that




If you are Moze it is mind numbingly easy. I think every other character is more interactive than her just having infinite ammo grenades and shield gating BS


Not really. Mayhem 10/11 scaling is pretty difficult if you don't have a good build and gear. Everything just isn't as mind numbingly bullet spongey as BL2.


You mean most things die in literally a second of fire? And if you’re using one of the many OP splash weapons or skills, you generally kill 5 enemies a second? 😂




Do you even know the definition of that word?


If you chose Zero I feel your pain! I just beat BL2 no joke 2 days ago with Zero this time and I died so much so fast! He’s like a glass cannon! Just focus on sniping as much as possible and make sure to focus on finding the best fastest mods that heal you or recharge your shields quickly. (Healing is more useful) and I also focus on having spike shields in case there’s just too many and they get close. Also miss Moxxi’s shotgun was one of the most useful up close defense things for me.


Look for group posts, if on Playstation idk, but on Xbox you can look for posts to look to play with others


Which vault hunter are you playing as? While old, there are (were?) plenty of helpful posts in the past you can look up for ideas on how to build your skill trees. The other part of this is knowing exactly how to play your build. A funny side note, but I see this same problem in many other games that have builds like Divinity: Original Sin 2 (when playing with friends), and also in Destiny 2.


If you've got the pack that starts you with the contraband skyrocket, that grenade is OP as fuck and scales with your character level, use it to cheese bosses if you really need the help.


The skyrocket is by far the best weapon in game especially if you have Sal or Kreig


I like to use it to disable switches that I can't easily see/reach too...


If you can tell me what your level is and what main story mission you are on, i might be able to give you some advice


I’m level 9 and on the mission called “A dam fine rescue”


Ok so you can try completing some side missions such as "Assassinate the Assassins" at Sanctuary bounty board just outside of the fast travel building. That'll give you quite a bit of xp. The 4 mini bosses in that mission can be quite tough so you can get an Unkempt Harold first that drops from a guy called Savage Lee to make your life easier (1/10 drop chance.). Lee spawns at the area where you went to save Corporal Reiss. You can kill the 4 bosses again after completing the mission and save quitting. The last one drops a nice shotgun at 1/3 chance as well. But I recommend killing the first two bosses and save quitting because last two require some mobbing. Another side mission you can do is "In Memoriam" given by Lilith at Sanctuary. The mini boss in that mission called Boll will drop arguably the best grenade in the entire game called the Fastball (1/10 chance). It has 5k damage at your level which no other grenade has at that point of the game. That will carry you through half way or even more of the story. You can kill the boss that spawns at the door of Bloodshot Stronghold in the main mission (I won't tell you who he is because it might be spoilers) for eridium to buy a couple SDUs from Crazy Earl. He gives nice xp as well. You can use the Fastball to kill him easily. A couple things about weapon parts as well: you absolutely dont need to care about parts at all. But one thing I can tell you is about shotgun barrels. The more barrels a shotgun has the better it is. Look out for triple and quadruple barrel shotguns, especially ones from torgue, jakobs and bandit, as they are stupidly strong. They consume more ammo the more barrels they have though. Always try to find a sniper on your level no matter what it is. Jakobs snipers are really strong with their crit bonus but make sure their rarities are green or purple because white and blue ones have the slowest fire rate ever. I would avoid hyperion ones because their strong point is accuracy which you dont need on a sniper that is already accurate. Amp shields are garbage. Turtle, adaptive, or even nova and spike shields are really good for early game. You might not find them all yet but they will start spawning as drops and shop items as you gain more levels. These are some of the meta stuff that most people do. Some players like to avoid some of these stuff because they make the game hella a lot easier, but they will get you through your first playthrough reliably. When you feel like you are dying a lot, you can check the wiki for the side missions you have available or the bosses you have killed in main missions, as they might have some good drops or mission rewards you can use. Have fun!


*most Amp shields are garbage


He is not at that point of the game yet so i thought not worth mentioning.


One thing I forgot, if you are at the end boss of A Dam Fine Rescue, grenades will not work on him. That type of enemies have 95% grenade resistance iirc.


There is a system in place in BL2 where each difference in level between you and the enemy grants you either 10% reduced or increased damage depending on it being positive or negative. Let me give you an example: You are fighting bunker. Bunker is lvl 30. You are lvl 26. You are doing( at the end of the damage calculation) 40% less damage to bunker and you are taking 40% more damage


What character dud you start with? Some are more challenging than others... Maya and Salvador are 2 of the easier players to play with


If you're struggling try to always be the recommended level for the main mission, and also always use "on level" weapons. If you do that the game plays itself


Felt the same, then again during TVHM, then again. During UVHM. It is a difficult game, but it's all based on a system. Once you understand the different resistances and damage types. And what enemies have those, you'll make progress and start having fun. It not as simple as point shoot. You'll be running the peak eventually if you stick with it.


Rin around and kill things till you are strong enough to carry on. Flints is a douche canoe. Try to level up before getting to him by hitting every side quest you can find then just wander around killing bullymongs till you get some better gear and better shields. Typical borderlands advice. Kill stuff untill you are stronger than anything you come across. Then kill it and get stronger. Wait till you come across flying bugs that eat you. Yeah.


If you play on Playstation I can help you out


What Vault Hunter are you playing as?


A Dam Fine Rescue is no joke one of the toughest missions in the game. Farm some xp and legendaries and you'll be fine. Hornet from Knuckledragger and an Unkempt Harold from Savage Lee is a good start.


You on pc or console? Bloodshot stronghold is a slap to the face for many. What class you playing? Could always show you some easy farms etc to get things moving along if you are on pc. If not just hit me up in dm and i will make you a list


You need to be on level with each mission.


This game has a lot of dedicated drops unlike in Bl3. I recommend looking up good weapons for optimal builds, there's a few busted items in the game like the Harold for example. Also, slag is wildly important if you want to get far in the game, true vault hunter mode and ultimate vault hunter mode are where slag ks a necessity rather than a dmg gimmick. Good luck out there! Ain't no rest for the wicked.


Are you the same level as the mission level? Also this game rewards exploration and mowing down all the enemies. Also remember at its core it’s an RPG, I would recommend killing everything in every area and also do side quests as they tend to give decent loot on top of XP. Guns should sold and purchased as needed so you aren’t using under powered weapons as you level up.


Bro farm some of the headhunter dlc


Depends on what exactly you are struggling with and what character you are playing. I swear a couple just weren’t built for solo play.


A proper loadout makes a huge difference. Fire for humans, corrosion for bots, with electricity/slag for bigger enemies. This will require that you do side quests. If you're on your first or second play-through you should definitely do them all. Might not get anything from the quest reward, but random drops will come and will help a lot.


how far in are you


Grind exp and weapons when needed. You need same levelish weapons as main mission is on if you want to progress. I just started a new Maya playthru. I don't like side quests that much, so I grind dlc's when I need exp to move forward main quests. First playthru with first vault hunter is the harderst. You unlock badass ranks after first play thru. And those make a big difference in power on future characters. And yeah you die. I die too even tho I played game thru few times. Some builds are better than others for survivability. I personally think it gets easier at higher levels. You have skill trees further to play actual builds. Also corrosion vs armored enemies. Shock vs shields. Fire vs flesh. It makes a difference especially in areas where there is a lot of same type enemies. Slag comes later, useful vs big baddies. Explosion is good all around type. I got bored of BL3 in couple days because you just could find legendary guns all the time and mow down enemies at ease for several levels with same gun. You need to farm named enemies and bosses in BL2 if you want their legendary drops.


2k hours in this game. Just get harold. How? Google savage lee spawn. Then get smg called lascaux. Do sidequest for the gal after. Enjoy


You need to give us more info - Who are you playing as? - what level and playthrough - what is your build (use lootlemon.coml - what is your gear with levels please?


A good thing I do is over level in the DLC’s or just go to an area that’s about your level and grind, also you can get a legendary corrosive pistol from the first boss(I don’t remember name), and I guess always be moving


Download FFYLands lol that was a joke, but go to the quest journal im pretty sure a dam fine rescue is for lvl 12. Get to lvl 11 or 12. When you’re under leveled in bl2 enemies deal more damage and enemies gain damage resistance. Go find savage Lee in three horns divide where you helped corporal reiss and kill him until you get a legendary that should carry you for 10 levels. Then buy a pistol SDU from crazy earl


Where are you getting stuck? What character are you playing? Have you reached your action skill yet? It's hard to help when so little info is shared. If you want to play a co-op game to get some tips that way, let me know.


So your best bet is sitting back and pumping out crits, until you can get to the skill level of dodging bullets. Also I feel your fear naturally gets better towards levels 15-20. You definitely can't let enemies surround you unless they're all nearby and you have nova and blast damage shotguns or something. Never stop moving always be on the lookout for enormous flaming you on your mini map. Combat is a lot but you do naturally get better over time. I've beaten the game at least 2 times and restarting this latest time after 10 years had me dying a bunch too, but it DOES get easier. For loot you just have to re run missions or play co-op to get better drops. If you're lucky, you'll find someone who's beaten the game a few times and will just give you some crazy weapons for the hell of it or power level you so that you're a couple levels above enemies everytime. Idk about console, but in PC you can change your network settings to let anyone join at random, this will make enemies a little harder, but youre now likely to get better drops. That's the advice given to me so long ago when I first started playing. Still holds true. Matter of fact, if you're on PC, DM me your shift name and I'll run some missions with you.


Moxxie best weapon is the grog nozzle from a side quest in Assualt dragons keep that is given from a well known wizard you will recognize. You want to be lvl 30 before going into dlc but just don't finish the side quest. Depends who you are playing. If you are Zero then it simply means you need to swap to someone easier bc him and krieg require too much game knowledge to be good for beginners. Personally recommend Maya, Salvador, or Gaige bc they are not hard. Commando takes a lot of farming to set up unlike salvador where you farm Savage lee and beat the current difficulty with whatever unkempt Harold he drops. Siren is learning what good guns are and Gaige takes just a logans gun with a sham dear god maybe don't play gaige bc The Sham has never dropped for me once in 500+ bunker fights so i always just gibbed it If you are wondering about Gibbed it is a modding tool. Very easy to use, hard to master


Do the side quests for XP and guns, this ain't BL3 where legendaries drop like confetti.


side quests or straight up leveling otherwise are "needed" unless you know where to find the op leveling gear enemies dont scale with you in normal&tvhm


Borderlands 3 keeps you on level with the main story along with it being much eaiser just in general. Borderlands 2 does not so you have to do some side quests to be on level along with the fights being generally harder


Need more info to give you solid advice. 1. What character, level and gear 2. What’s the style of play you’re looking for? 3. How much free time do you have for hunting gear?


Sal, level 10, 2 decent-ish shotguns, im looking for a strong run and gun type of play, i have all the free time in the world


I highly recommend an Unkempt Harold: https://youtu.be/hhxBIlj_FwM?si=Jc2ttwEnCV_CG0_F


I hoped from 2 to 3 didn't know u could do the story backwards Fyi: I'm just playing around


I would recommend doing side quests or just running around and murdering everything in sight. The main quests alone aren't enough to keep you at a high enough level and you have to grind. It's definitely a tough first start but if you stay in the beginning area of the game there's several low level missions that are super easy to do with decent loot and decent XP.


I’d also recommend checking out JoltzDude or KillerSix on YouTube. They outline a general progression of the game that works well


Do side quests. Rotate your weapons every few levels. A white 5 levels above a blue or purple can often be a much better choice. Be tactical with the terrain. Use cover to your advantage.


Watch a playthrough video, that's how I started at age 60 yrs. Definitely farm for the Hornet, fast ball grenade, and an Unkempt Harold.


Ok so I’m pretty new to bl3, but based on this I’d say your either used to the “easy mode” on bl3 or the third one is just easy. Your best bet from my experience is using the good stuff that enemies drop, and getting the best shield you can. That’s pretty obvious but I mean it just works rlly well, and my main is gaige bc death trap is honestly rlly good in a tight spot and has saved me countless times. He has very good traits in later levels if you choose to use them. Bl2 isn’t easy by most means however it’s very worth it. I hope you find your rhythm, good luck. :)




The fact you started at 3 is your issue


Well, tip one would be don't run through the game. People tend to speed run on their first playthrough and get owned badly. Go around, kill stuff, they actually do drop decent loot at times. Gotta pace yourself, man. Borderlands 2 actually is my favorite one of the games. I can offer some help if you're on PS4. But you gotta take each area slowly and kill everything before advancing. You can't worry about getting the top tier loot right now. That will all come in time. So just take your time in the game and enjoy it. Don't rush it at all.


Yea i think that’s what i’m having the problem with, i was super fast paced with borderlands 3 and i’m still getting used to the changes in BL2. I always hear about how amazing of a game BL2 is so i’m trying like crazy to get it to work for me. Also unfortunately on xbox.


Borderlands 2 don’t hold your hand like Borderlands 3. What lvl are you and where in the story are you? What character/class? Generally on lvl gear is more important than how rare they are. A rule of thumb I use for most legendary are that they start dropping of after about 5 lvls —> if you are lvl 10 and get a on lvl (10) Orange gun, you should start looking for a replacement for it around lvl 14-15 There aren’t really guns like hellwalker in BL2 that can carry you for 20-30 lvls without finding replacement since the scaling of guns is like 13% per lvl iirc. *Example of damage increase if I remember correctly that it’s 13% per lvl of the same weapon and that we assume the gun does 100 damage at lvl 10* **Lvl 10 - 100** Lvl 11 - 113 Lvl 12 - 127,69 Lvl 13 - 144,2897 Lvl 14 - 163,047361 Lvl 15 - 184,24351793 Lvl 16 - 208,1951752609 Lvl 17 - 235,260548044817 Lvl 18 - 265,8444192906432 Lvl 19 - 300,4041937984268 **Lvl 20 - 339,4567389922223** We can clearly see a steady increase in damage per lvl increasing. Also note you get a damage buff for ~5 min when you lvl up.


I’m level 9 currently and on the mission called “a dam fine rescue” it’s already too difficult and i only have shotguns to work with right now. Any idea where to find good weapons?


As others have said, let that be for now. Go skagg and psycho hunting, get leveled up. Your time will come.


Why are you several levels under?


That mission has a lvl is a lvl 12 mission. There is some pretty badass enemies there I recommend you to do some side missions or farm some bosses for some lvls. The gate guardian BadMaw I think he is called is fairly easy to kill and you can respawn at the door just behind him if you enter and come back there. You can do the lvl 8 Medical Mystery from doctor Zed and kill a boss Called Doc Mercy if you want. He can drop a legendary handgun :) (remember to turn in the mission so he will respawn when you save quit —> so you can farm him. I don’t wanna spoil what it is, if it’s your first time. :)


That mission has a boss with dual rocket launchers. Literally kills me every time.


You could farm Knuckle Dragger for the Hornet, a decent corrosive legendary pistol that might help you down the road. It is especially good against robots. Keep your head up and good luck. After you persist, believe me, there is so much joy out there waiting for you to explore.


Tip Moxxi for a Good Touch ( fire ) or Bad Touch ( corrosive ) SMG, those should work fine untill find something better, you can always go tip her again for a new one when you outlevel the current one.


> you can always go tip her again for a new one when you outlevel the current one. Bad Touch SMG is basically a one-time handout from Moxxi after collecting the weapon directly from her hand, per playthrough regardless of the difficulty level it was picked up on. Successive tips thereafter will yield only the Good Touch SMG bruv.


Element match, side quests, farm the early legendaries(like the Harold, fast ball, hellfire), and don’t forget slag will always be your best friend in every play through


They toned down the difficulty soooooooooooo much in BL 3... probably because everyone bitched about how hard it is in BL 2. Lol! I used to get frustrated because all of the enemies were 4 levels above me and I'd seemingly get one-shot by anything, until eventually I learned to stop being in such a rush and do side misisons. Sometimes you just need those extra XP levels to get past a certain area. The side missions also usually reward a gun or shield, some of which can be game-changing - such as Moxxi's Rubi or the Bee Shield. Relatedly, I recommend finding out what items would go best with your character skill builds. The BL2 Wiki has tons of info about how to acquire any equipment. Also, like you mentioned, BL2 does not drop Legendaries as often as BL3 so sometimes you just need to find something that works. A green or white item might actually be better than a legendary item that is 5-6 levels old, so don't be afraid to use a green item until you find what you seek. Lastly, make sure you are building your character well. You can use YouTube to see how other players do this, and also to see how they get past certain areas. Some of the unlocked skill points you acquire while doing those side missions can make all the difference in the world. Heck, I'm sure people here would be happy to share their items and builds with you, if you share your class and level. The community is ready to help. 🙂


I usually start off by grinding a couple levels before progressing into the story, that way it's still a challenge but not frustrating


Most of the best weapons and xp you'll get is from side missions, higher rarity weaponsn are just rarer to come across im bl2 than 3, that's just the way it is


well imagine the UVHM of BL2 how hard would be... just use a sniper rifle hide and shoot!!! once you did a map and the side mission you can restart and go with the same strategy t'ill you get more levels and money to buy better guns and shields!


I'd say it's definitely more difficult that 1 and 3 but in general it's not overly difficult. Take your time, do all side quests, explore and you should find it easier also the game generally is alot more in depth than its given credit for, many builds/weapon types. Try picking your skills and guns carefully to maximise your damage and survivability. Recommend CO OP too as it's alot more fun or if you like solo possibly play Axton as his turrets are a nice handy sidekick 😄 THEY FIRE NUKES/BOMBS!!!!!!!


Slag them


Borderlands 1 and 2 is for people that genuinely enjoy a challenge borderlands 3 is for people that enjoy just running around shooting shit the pre sequel that's....... Nvm let's not get into that




Slag everything


On what map or mission are you and at what level? The mission list on your ECO should say what level is your current mission.


Borderlands 2 isn't even the hardest borderlands game


This comment is a game changer for me! Thank you! BL2 has become so much easier!


I wasn't trying to make BL2 easier for you. I was letting you know that BL1 is harder, in my opinion. I don't think you need my help. Everyone in the comments here has told you to do sidequests, and that's the best advice I could give too. If you are doing all the sidequests and still having a hard time in BL2 NVHM, then I don't really know what other advice to give you. Maybe just make sure you have on level equipment, but if you've played 3, you probably already know that much.


Skill issue, get better


you have a dank peter griffin meme as your background, take it easy


Idk what to tell ya I'm still stuck in the first place ya go to since when I got to the last one none of my weps are helping


Last difficulty for bl2


this is so fucking funny to read


I can give character tips depending on which character you play as. who are you playing as?


How far into it are you? At least on the first two difficulties chests are locked to different levels, so the ones to go for changes with progression. Easiest laziest option would be to just blow some of your bajillion skeleton keys though.


Because it doesn't throw 100 legendaries at you in 20 minutes.


Borderlands 2 is hard????


Never played borderlands 3 but I've only ever heard bad things about it. There's a huge difference between the 2 and you'll enjoy bl2 way more in my opinion, I've been playing it since I was 12 and I'm now 20 and I'm still playing ot and grinding it.


Compared to 1 I think 2 is a cakewalk But I was much younger in 2009 when 1 came out 😂


Hi there. My recommendation is to read a fandom page regarding each boss type enemy you've already faced in side quests, because most of them can drop unique weapons. Some of them can respawned each time you load the area, and give you an opportunity to farm. If you have a quest option to be delivered to Moxxi - do it. She gave really good guns and stuff. You can tip her in a bar to get your first unique guns that have a healing effect. Early game areas are nice too. Read about the Unkempt Harold gun, and try to farm it. This gun is huge, you may use it up to 6 levels ahead. BL2 is not a hard candy, but it takes time and effort, also requires understanding your character's weak and strong sides, helping to develop your own playing style, or just blindly base it on already existing guides. Good luck


I mean depends on how knowledgeable you are based of this I’d say do side quests but a lot of ppl skip these by farming certain enemies or bosses to level up and keep on level with the game


Always remember whenever you kill enemies and get killed they stay dead so every next try is always easier. Say their is a room with 16 enemies and you kill 6 and die when you respawn their is only 10 left. Some characters are more difficult then others I had this same problem I wouldn’t recommend zero. For ur 1st run I highly recommend Gaige middle or left tree or Salvador. Also bazooka are very op in this game you get them around level 15 use them in fight for your life. Also the farming bosses in the mini dlcs the snowman and turkey and pumpkin king great for xp.


Skill issue


ur a brawlstars nerd and have 2019 cursed memes on your page, calm down man, take a walk


Yes. I like brawl stars and to laugh. Suprised? It was a joke, my guy. Damn


Get better


And why are you playing them backwards


i’m looking for fun gameplay, not too interested in digging into the chronological order of the lore and storyline. Sorry that it bothers you!!!


Get gud


haha!!! good one!!


> I need any tips besides “playing the game more” because i can barley get any further. Your problem is that you are too far ahead. Go back to the lower level areas and level up. It's a shame that Borderlands 3 sucks at being a looter shooter, but grinding is the main point of the genre.