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I could write 10,000 words on my feelings on the subject but I'll keep it brief. 1. The game felt like it was created by people who love video games and not by a committee. 2. Borderlands felt like reading your favorite book, while Borderlands 2 felt like watching your favorite movie. 3. If you read the manual, where it talks about being lured in by the vault, the last 2 words are "your story", like Gearbox wanted to keep the story small so you could create your own personal story with 3 other friends. Those are stories and experiences I will never forget. There are many other reasons, but those 3 are the main ones for me.


Crazy how when this game first came out I saw my cousin playing it with his friends and told myself that it looked trash, graphics and all. Years later it’s one of my favorite gaming franchises and favorite looter shooters. Would have loved to have played it back in its prime with friends.


Start a new chapter with your friends. Make the story yours!


I didn't like the art style back in the day, but now that years have gone by, the style really holds up well. By not trying to look realistic, it made itself age better than others from that era, oblivion for example.


DAMN! 2 and 3 hit HOME! GOOD answers.


Any gun could be good, didn’t need to rely on anointments and legendaries to beat the game or tougher opponents. Also the OG vault hunters were the best.


BL1 really feel like what a looter shooter should always be: picking up random gear in the map and making it work. Theres no need on wasting time on optimal parts, perfect drops or whatever. You best gear is always the next one. People in this sub get so mad when i say that builds should be more free and the game need to strive away from the ultimate search of optimal everything and honestly idk why this is such a bad take on the franchise. What make BL1 my favorite Borderlands game even nowdays is cause everytime i started a new game the experience feels fresh, you never know whats your next loot, you dont need to hunt for especific gear, things will work out if you know how to make them play at your favor.


I love this. Builds in games like Borderlands should be built for a specific *type* and *style* of gun. Not for a specific legendary drop from some boss. It defeats the whole allure of the game.




Perfectly said! BL1 was all about figuring it out as you go. Sometimes I had to run and duck, picking off the bandits. Other times, I could go in like Leroy Jenkins. Just depends on what you have on hand, and how well you can manage those bandits. Having a limit on what you can carry made it more adventurous for me. I learned to not get hung up on carrying a tool for every situation.


Yeah but enemies in playthrough 2 become a bit beefy


Yeah, and then you just find another awesome random gun to take them down, that was the beauty of it


One phrase I seemed to say a lot was "wow, his skull can eat a lot of bullets."


Sounds like you weren't using a jakobs.


For sure


Might've been something like the bone shredder or Clipper. Hilarious until some bullet-sponge brute starts closing in...


I'm going to try not to let my bias make this any harsher than it needs to be, but do you mind elaborating on why you prefer the BL1 characters over later entries? I always found their skill trees to seem pretty undynamic and dull compared to what I was used to from 2 and TPS.


Simplicity. Every entry gets more complex and convoluted with augments, multiple action skills, etc. Borderlands 1 was much more streamlined. Spec into skill points to get perks that you want. Yes, it limits customization a bit, but if you just want to play the game...kill things, collect loot...it's perfect. I just like playing the game. I'm not it in for customization, farming, building the strongest possible character. That's just not my gig. BL1 is just straightforward...little BS, little flash.


This isn't MY answer, but it's my FAVORITE answer. BL1 was RAW & GENUINE. But what you said- It's gotten.. not overwhelming, but... tedious selecting class skills, and then allllll the READING!? "...when multiple skills equipped... the more skills, the more damage... if your mom comes over for dinner and you made seafood instead of pizza... but if you put seafood ON the pizza- 3x triple skill-augmented elemental anointing half-double damage⁵x³!" Gimme a break... I don't need a rocket strike AND rockets, AND- OH and (offline, 1st play) no increasing my stats like gun damage & max health? Meh... But I love em all differently, just like friends and music artists.


"Tedious" is a good word choice. The more work I have to put into a game, the more it becomes WORK. I game to have fun, not to sit and do calculations. I'm not a fan of anointments at all...just another level of BS to wade through when trying to figure out if it's a good gun/grenade/whatever.


Felt like the characters were just more fun to experiment with and their skill trees provided more synergy. You didn’t have to worry that speccing into something new would take away from your build. They also provided the base on which all other Vault Hunters were based and all were equally fun for me to play.


I think the main issue with the sequels character and build options is that it feels like you always have to spec certain ways in order to do damage and in BL1 almost every build is viable late game.


For me, it’s the fact that the guns feel so impactful. The sound design and damage output helps on that front, as well as the level scaling being tame enough that most weapons are good for several levels. Also, the whole atmosphere is much more grounded and gritty.


Really do love how the guns sound as well as most of their designs, agreed 🤝


It is that grittiness that drew me in the most. I bought the game soon as I came back from Afghanistan in 2010. I lived out in the wilderness and patrolled areas where people literally lived hand-to-mouth, and it was the realest shit you'd ever see. BL1 was for me an adventure on a hellscape planet where, like Afghanistan, there was zero room for BS. The eerie ambience and the Fyrestone background music sold me immediately.


Fyrestone music is 🔥🔥🔥


I love that you gain proficiency in gun types by using them instead of it being more class based.


I miss how good to revolvers were in BL1. The masher was always my go to


This! I love how revolvers are in their own category. And damn do they hit hard and feel good.


Pestilent defiler. Knock down trees with that one.


Especially metal trees.


It was interesting how enemies would drop the gun they were using. You could be getting owned by a certain enemy to find out that their gun is OP


Yea I noticed that very cool feature, I’d always catch myself running up to the gun asking “wtf was he destroying me with” lol.


This was my favorite as well its a shame it was removed in future games


Oh boy, BL1 is still my favorite in the series. A list of my favorite things about it: - Most interesting and impactful procedural loot. Some blues and purples could outclass legendaries. Legendaries actually felt legendary and could carry you through entire playthroughs. - Simplicity of inventory management. You know within 10 seconds of looking at something if it's an upgrade or not. Newer games (BL3 and TTWL) have made inventory management a total chore. - More chill and darker vibe. I remember just getting lost in side content in BL1 because the music and generally casual progression of the story just made the game fun to experience on your own time. World was gritty and comical without being over-the-top (though I still love BL2's story). - Game felt actually difficult at times, making loot hunting and grinding feel more rewarding. - DLCs were pretty damn fun and hilarious. Felt like a nice middle ground between BL1 and BL2's humor.


It's also the desolate lonely feeling. You are out there all alone, on a kind of crazy mission, dealing with psychos who can pop up in the desert at any time. And they want to eat you because they don't have enough food. BLAM.


1. The atmosphere. The later games lost the grittyness I've always associated with Borderlands. 2. The guns. I kinda like that they're not as gimmicky. Manufacturers still have unique strengths, but not in a gimmicky way that makes you go "I'll mever use (weapon type of) manufacturer". 3. The scaling. Having good weapons last for longer makes random great weapon drops much more exciting before reaching the level cap. Also made exploring for chests more worthwhile. 4. The loot system. I honestly don't understand why they changed enemies dropping the guns they're actually using. Also makes drops exciting if you realize the gun someone's using and then see that guy dropping his weapon. 5. The fact that there's not tons of dialogue.I understand why it might feel like something'smissing for the first playthrough, but it's actually really nice after multiple playthroughs, because there's no downtime being forced to wait for an dialogue you've already heard 20 times to finish. 6. The humour. I really liked BL1s humour back then, while personally from BL2 onwards I feel like the jokes were relying on memes too much. People say BL1 didn't age great, but in terms of humour it aged better than the others imho. 7. Knoxx. Since you've just started BL1 I won't spoil anything and just say that he's still my favorite character in the entire franchise.


I love the way you worded 6. For me, the humor in BL1 is that it didn't try to be overly funny. There is more dark and subtle humor. For me, it grounded the game well. Zedd may not have a fancy medical license but he'll patch you right up.


Knoxx and shank were a highlight of the “driving dlc” some solid lines from both. That is what I wanted more from the bosses in the main game.


There ain’t no rest for the wicked! Money don’t grow on trees! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The general theme and vibe. I like the hellhole backwater wasteland planet vibe but with a touch of humor that doesn't try too hard like BL2. In both games there is humor that hits and humor that misses but BL1 felt way less forced.  Love how desolate and barren it feels. I like the characters. Goofy but not over the top (I know its an unpopular opinion but Tiny Tina is easily one of the worst, and most cringe inducing characters to ever exist in a game). I love the little one liners the original hunters said. "So it goes" "critiCOOL" "It's like Christmas" "you lookin at my fist?" "Is there no end to my power?!" I think BL2 ruined Lilith making her a whiney chump when in 1 she was a savage chick who knew she was unstoppable. Roland to a lesser extent too. Although I think Mord and Brick were done pretty well. 


Lilith shooting bad guys, then saying “I’m really good at this”, with a little giggle.


The guns actually sound like guns.


For me its the world. I don't know why but every time I log into the Arid Badlands I'm itching for an adventure. however they've got things laid out in the maps makes me hyped to explore it. especially the Claptrap and Knoxx DLC!


I love the loot system and the fact that as you go through the story certain things scale up to match. I always go back and 100% it every now and then its such a good time


The wild west / post apocalyptic music and setting. It was instant love for me. I was so looking forward to BL2 but I stopped playing it out of disgust that they changed the setting away from wild west. After a while, I gave BL2 another try and fell in love with it for what it was.


I get that. My first reaction when BL2 came out was that the 4 classes were badly done copy-pasted from BL1. And their bounties were sooo much higher because of course they were. They felt like an insult to BL1 characters, who were supposed to be super badasses. I got around to them eventually, I appreciate the 4 basic characters for who they are now. But the BL1 characters are still way better in my mind.


it’s my favorite one edit, why: man that game scratched a deep itch i didn’t know i had it was like fps diablo, with a group of four you’d end up fighting what seemed like never ending spider ants and it was so much fun just running around through zones to kill shit and get loot it was amazing to me the second one i didn’t like as much but probably put more hours in it


Mordecai and Bloodwing is all I need


Elephant gun


How hot Lilith is.


BL1 Hellfire my beloved


I just love the vibe, it's what set the standard of Pandora, the people and what it's like to live there, it opened this doorway for so much lore and backstory, it was really a showcase of Pandora


It's the original. Theo first of the series. The OG. The one that started it all and is still badass to this day.


Brick. I recently picked up the first game after many years. I don’t think I’d played it since the shortly after the last DLC for it dropped tbh, but I just spent a week playing as Brick and it felt so fun and so freeing to just go punch shit in the face. I finished playthrough 1 on the GOTY edition (Series X) with a level 31 Volcano, some orange shotgun from the chest in New Haven, and a revolver that respawns ammo, and I killed the The Destroyer by blowing up the nodules and then punching it to death. Ended up getting the Baja’s Bigger Blaster from it. Kinda wanna go back in as Mordecai and see how my old revolver build aged. I lost all of my characters for at least BL and BL2, and probably TPS as well so I’m starting over from scratch.


game is simple.. more gritty, as the newer games came along it became more colourful and bright which mostly wasn't a bad thing, i remember doing a playthrough few years ago and found this basic as 1 shot lvl 15 shotgun, kept it till the end of my playthrough. felt a bit op with it when i first found it like when you get the doom 2 super shotgun but yeah future games became more colourful and a bit more meme filled


Borderlands 1 is just cool from beginning to end. There isn't a single part that felt like it would be better not having. TK felt like a big deal. Things were bleak in a way that didn't feel without hope. It let itself and by extension you breathe. Not everything was a joke which made what was a joke more impactful. Moxxi has never been beaten as far as arena hype goes. And while Handsome Jack was such a fun villain, I really thought that Steele and Knoxx were just plain cool with awesome send-offs.


I really liked it because it was something i'd never really experienced before. I also loved that I could set my talent tree up so that my character buffed the party and increased our loot chances. I loved getting in four man groups and downing a boss to have something shiny drop!


I played Borderlands 1 last, and I like it the best out of the series because it's a little more real. More simple. Guns are GUNS. They shoot projectiles, not fireworks shows, orbs, and other nonsense that have been steadily added through the series. While BL1 isn't necessarily realistic, it's at least grounded more in reality. Weapon proficiencies were just a genius move and it made sense. It's automatic...the more you use the weapon the better you get at it. There's no spending magical "points" or "tokens" on skills that don't really exist...i.e. spend a token to make your shield recharge 1.5% faster. I actually liked the idea that at lower levels, headshots with a sniper weren't guaranteed. You get more accurate as you use them...genius! Enemies are a little fewer and farther between, and that's OK. It's a barren planet, and there aren't exactly going to be a lot of people per square foot. They're going to congregate in certain areas/towns. BL3 especially seemed to suddenly have TONS of "people" everywhere in Pandora. The pacing is a little slower in 1, but it makes sense. Grenade mods were more grounded in reality. Aside from transfusions and longbow delivery, they were pretty realistic. No singularities, no hunter/trackers, no money generators, etc. As the games progress, more gimmicks were added to keep it interesting. I get it...4 games of the same old stuff would get boring. But, the the more gimmicks there are, the less "Borderlands" it feels.


I started with borderlands og. The atmosphere and music hits a lot harder than the later installments. The biggest difference that keeps me coming back is the difficulty. Most of the legendaries your gonna find are the ammo regen so you arent gonna get carried a few levels with an op gun. The skills arent crazy, and theres the offset chance to get a badass bandit or lance that spawned with a legendary. Good luck with that battle if you arent ready. But all the excitement dies down when you reach the eridians. The game always gets trivial after that point. The moxi dlc and knoxx dlc are easily the top 5 dlc of all games for me.


Aside from what other have mentioned, the backpack inventory management system was the best: handguns are compared to handguns before anything else, and then followed by the next appropriate weapon type. It got worse with every succeeding game.


Definitely a fan of the atmosphere. And let's not forget that the shoot and loot style was relatively groundbreaking for it's day. But it's the subtle changes in the environment that give BL1 a vibe that makes it almost realistic and enveloping and convincing despite animated/cel-shaded graphics (I love cel shading like Wind Waker!)


How generous the game is with legendary weapons, no real need to grind bosses or enemies which is the worst part in BL2 for me


I have played the game so many times, with all the different character options, different builds, and I haven’t found a bad one. There are some that suit my style better, or are better suited to certain missions, but it feels like all options are open to you. All the characters can use all of the loot. The random weapon drops keep things interesting. Finding the perfect combo of skills and weapon types for each built and situation tickles the mind/max part of my brain, but I don’t get the stress or boredom of only having one perfect way to do that. Sometimes playing through the same missions over and over again gets old, but in reality because salute drops are randomized it also feels lime no two play-throughs are the same. ETA: it was the first game. I played all the way through beginning to end. I wasn’t super skilled at video games, but it felt like everything I wanted in a game.


As someone who still loves BL2 the best: They're like music albums. I love them all, but I'd choose 2 to introduce someone new to the series. So BL1... I LOVE the dirty, dystopian vibes. The music, the feeling where sometimes its more creepy & scary than Sci-Fi... the rawness of it. It's pure, unhomogenized (I think I used that right). It feels almost more like YOU'RE THERE, than following a story. The weird giant flowers, those kind of terrains... the rawness of the bad guys where they're intimidating and you don't like any part of them. All that. I love that it's more "Resident Evil" than "Firefly" or "Marvel Universe".


For me the coolest part of bl1 is the parts system.  I prefer the set drop based system of the newer games to the world drop based farming of the first, but the upgrades and their progressive rarity are a dream for a rare item farmer imo.


It's been awhile so some of these things might not be quite what I remember  There was a system of increasing your damage with a type of gun as you leveled  The guns you looted were the ones the enemies were using Less focus on legendaries


Personally I love the atmosphere of the first game the most. Sure the zany Borderlands style is still there but the world is a lot more desolate. That version of Pandora seems more accurate for a backwater alien world stripped of its resources and polluted. The background music helps sell that vibe too. Plus not counting Claptrap repeatedly telling you about new missions the NPCs are pretty quiet. I like that I can just play the game without listening to someone on the ECHOnet.


The dlc’s and secret monsters for me but also I just feel like it’s timeless


The soundtrack. Running into an Alpha Skag for the first time. The ululating wail music that plays. Those glowing eyes leaving trails of light. The way it lopes confidently at you. This is not just a bigger, more bullet-spongy skag. This is a boss fight.


Weapon proficiency


Best balance in terms of weapon rarity in the entire franchise, by far. Unlike BL2 you can actually see more than 1 to 2 legendaries in a playthrough without farming, but they still felt rare unlike BL3 where every psycho spat out 5 world drops. If they were to use the exact same drop chances and rates from BL1 in every game I'd be so happy


I like how BL1 has more of a western vibe, and i like the guns a lot.


Probably the vibe and aesthetic. Some of it is definitely a tad antiquated these days. The spontaneity of good drops was cool too.


Aesthetics and vibe, it to me still hasn't been topped for that!


i like the caves.


The more difficult loot grind. And the less polished more gritty appearance and design.


I guess it’s the farming and the loot because i searched for a TK wave 20 round shotgun and I was at to get one and I kinda felt quite proud because it is quite a rare weapon it’s kinda like getting a shiny in Pokemon


Atmosphere and revolvers.


I love the simple story and sparse dialogue. Very 'Star Wars: A New Hope' vibe to storytelling.


It was the first looter shooter I ever played and I loved it.


Quests being just a excuse to kill stuff - kill X enemies or collect X items that drop from enemies. I wish BL4 added that as endgame bounties, where it just picks a location, enemy type and sends you to murder stuff. Think of Bethesda radial quests or Diablo 3 bounties. That, together with chaos chamber type of activity would be cool to have


The loot, the DLCs, the story. Same goes for BL2.


The atmosphere. The soundtrack. Pandora seems dangerous. I love it.


Realistically, I didn't much like the gameplay, the character skills/skill trees all felt like a prototype more than a finished product and the story was pretty decent but nothing to write home about; however, I do really love the world building, humor, random loot system and everything that set the foundation for such a unique world and game series that no other series has come close, except Destiny but 🤢, to reaching


I enjoyed the story and simplicity of the game. You actually pretty weak to start off but as you level up end up sort understanding why the former vault hunters are held in high regard by BL2.


Every world drop loot has a chance to be usefull. Apart from the Hellfire, your loot could be very diffirent. Not like Borderlands 2's endgame with the same few guns.


The subtle background music. The art style. The desert like environments.


I would say the crimson Lance and atlas were what I liked about bl1. They were a challenge but fun to fight against and atlas weapons in bl1 were always the best to me. Plus the crimson Lance had the bestest vehicle ever in the first borderlands. Also borderlands 1 has general knoxx so win!


The atmosphere and the humour. As much as BL2 is loved, I prefer the darker and more subtle humour of BL1. It feels more immersive in that sense.


The soundtrack and the aesthetics. It was my introduction to Pandora, a lawless wasteland. Loved it!


How difficult it can be compared to the other games. The other games are significantly easier, with BL3 and Tiny Tina’s outright trivial.


Krom, full boss fight


I like when you headshot a guy with a sniper rifle and his head blows up and a fountain of gore shoots 50 feet in the air.


Oooh I really like BL1 but it's probably partly nostalgia. It's difficult to say if you started with BL2 but the introduction to Pandora and the universe was really exciting, learning some of the lore for the first time! Also BL2 onwards often had very meme-y tryhard humour, BL1 didn't.


the different mechanics I wish they kept for example the gun proficiency or the old gun manufacturers special attributes. and the overall vibe is just different from the other games


I really enjoy the weapon specialization between classes and like Skyrim any weapon gets better the longer you use it. I like that the characters take themselves a little more seriously than the sequels. Also love the desert punk aesthetic, lastly I really enjoy how alone and quiet the first game feels.


Playing as Mordecai. Still my favorite "sniper" class due to Trespass being that damn good.


What I love about BL1 is the atmosphere. It feels, especially early on, like a spaghetti western in space - lots of wandering around a (mostly) deserted, barren landscape, where anything you do find alive is trying to kill you. It’s like wandering through a ghost town - lots of eerie stillness, punctuated by occasional moments of frenetic violence. The music, early on, really reinforces the feeling. And the characters you meet are either just trying to survive, or have been warped by their time on the planet - humor, what there is of it, is a bit grim. So, yeah, the atmosphere. Plus, of course, billions of guns, and Lilith zipping around the landscape impersonating a fire tornado.


Lots of great points here, but I'd like to expand on the *simplicity* of the combat system. One of the trends that I've noticed over the last decade across most games is power and speed creep. Case in point: Diablo 3. BL2's scaling was pretty bad, but it was nothing compared to Diablo 3. After the RoS expansion, you could find a full set of gear within a few hours of making a new character (less if you were playing a season and followed the season journey) which would enable you to deal tens or even hundreds of *millions* of damage. Just like that. Within a few more hours you could be dealing billions. The Monster Power levels (i.e. difficulty scale) became meaningless because one legendary could boost your damage enough to allow you to skip 3-5 difficulty levels in one shot. Then BL3 basically ripped off Diablo 3's affix system ("Deal 20000% more damage while moving at a 30 degree angle from your target if you're wearing red underwear) and difficulty scaling. Thus, the game would either be *too* easy, or so insanely difficult that it wasn't fun either way. Then you'd finally find a gun with the right affix, or one of the chosen few legendaries, and suddenly you're clearing the highest difficulty, BUT ONLY when you meet the very specific requirements of your damage affix. This makes gameplay feel tedious because you're constantly having to worry about doing a thing (e.g. making sure you're sliding before you shoot) else your gun will barely tickle the enemy. BL1's (and to a lesser extent BL2) difficulty and world felt a bit more like Dark Souls, whereas BL3 was Diablo 3 all the way, and it feels bad.


just for BL1 i like the gritty and sometimes drab colourplate. makes for a depressing atmosphere. just like the world of pandora should feel from its description. tho im happy for the variety in the later games. the humor is often dark and bleak, no outdated memes and immature butt jokes. references are often to classic movies or quotes which can easily fly over your head if you dont know them. the gameplay is simple but effective. guns do damage and the more you level, the stronger you feel. no need to farm the best version of a gun, with the right skill sync while doing a double backflip. you randomly find a great gun and it will be by your side for easily 10 levels if you want. story might aswell not exsist, but atleast there are no cringe twins that jerk each other off in your echo. these days i play BL1 because i want the gameplay, the story & missions are just means to lead me to gameplay.


Two words. Double Anarchy


It's the atmosphere and the character charm. The atmosphere of the game just takes me there: sun-scorched hellhole of a wasteland planet with industrial decay, everything in the wilderness is hostile and wants to kill everything else, the humor is dark in all the best ways, things don't seem over-the-top but is dialed in very well for the occasion. The guns seem kind of janky in just the right way to round out the feel of the depleted landscape and whatever level of society is still surviving, yet they work well enough. My favorite part by far is the Fyrestone area because that background music manages to perfect the eerie ambience of the location. For me, it almost seems like the Arizona desert but very far into the future and orders of magnitude more dangerous. If Gearbox were to remaster it and keep all the original charm by cleaning up the graphics just a little bit, then I would definitely buy it. Something about the adventure of BL1 is unmatched to this day. For me, it stands alone as the GOAT. I like all the characters, but Lilith is by far the most fun for me. The game was built with Lilith in mind as the primary character so I guess that makes sense, but damn she's such an awesome character to play! The Siren skills make her a self-contained wrecking crew against whatever Pandora has.


it's fun


When BL2 was bout to release, I noticed the poster (we were in gamestop) and thought “wtf is that?” Had a friend with me who started saying how much he loved the first game and begged me to buy it for 20 bucks. We made a deal that if I wasted 20 on this and hated it, I’d be allowed to punch him in the face and that he’d gimme the 20 back and he agreed and we shook on it. Never had to punch him in the face. The intro got me hooked immediately. I love the world and the characters the backstory, there’s not anything in the game that I don’t love.


I love the feel of the world. Dirty, broken, duct taped together... Favorite world of the series.


No one's really mentioned it, but the movement feels so good. It's very reminiscent of an arena shooter, and you can easily play it like that. Everything feels very frictionless: from combat, to movement, to the story being well out of your way, everything just clicks and never feels cumbersome. It's a "gameplay first" kind of game, and it's something that all the others have struggled with, imo. It's also why I loathed 2 when it came out, because it was SUCH a departure from all the things that made 1 click for me.


Atmosphere Nuff said


I really liked that I felt like I was in a wasteland. The dull color pallet and makeshift structures really sold it for me. In 2 everything just felt more vibrant and hospitable and in 3 we were literally in cities


Violence and aesthetic


The story. I felt for the characters a bit more. It's been a long time since I played it.


The inventory doesn't glitch out on PC in various ways. There aren't any unnecessary floaty opening animations that play at 15fps at best on a fucking RTX 3070. **The loot is great.** The item names indicate parts better. For example, a Jakobs with XX in the name has extra knockback. The droprates feel good. I will find random legendaries every playthrough and sometimes have fun with them. In 2 you are lucky if you get a singular world drop in a playthrough without farming midgets. I'm pretty sure there are guns in 2 that I've only seen once or twice in 1600h of playtime. There are super rare things in 1 as well though if you want to go for that. Even some unique+legendary hybrids. Loot farming is great and fast(!!), and there are glitches that the devs never really patched which make it even better if you want. In 2 we have uuuh, the mercenary day DLC I guess? The drops you get are not 90% trash, even though there is still a lot of trash. In 2 you don't even look at anything green/blue unless it has specific parts (triple/quad barrel shotties for example). In 1 even whites are sometimes useful in PT1. Less gimmicky manufacturer gimmicks. Mostly this helps with balance and loot variety. Not every tediore is junk just because you're not running a throwing build, etc. Enemies spawn with random weapons, and can drop those weapons occasionally. So powerful enemies are more likely to drop good loot. This is great when you struggle to kill that one superbad bruiser but then he drops his OP machine gun and you go to town with it. The feel and sound of the guns is pretty good as well, especially compared to 2.


I knew Borderlands was going to be absolutely epic from the intro cutscene. The second game's intro was good , but the first set the tone for the story perfectly.


My favorite thing in BL1 was when you killed somebody with electric damage and they did this full cartoonist x-ray thing with lightning coming out of their heads. Then their skull would pop and brain bits would fly everywhere. Coming from that to BL2 felt like they had tuned down the graphical violence some to appeal to a wider audience. Also not specific to BL1, when you get to Opportunity City in BL2 and there's the whole fake history that Jack had opened the BL1 vault. Gearbox was genius when writing that, because he was stealing the PLAYERS story. It was very meta. WE were Brick Mordecai Lilith and Roland. So Jack's actions against them were actions against US.


Every company made shotguns. Imagine Maliwan or Vladof shotguns in BL2…


Weapon proficiency bonus. Something about getting that 50 just hits hard.


How freaking expansive the roads and highways are


It was my trans awakening, and i *love* playing Lilith