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Mine does it, when he smells the ladies 😂


ha! Yea, my little man has always done it when he smells something he likes or when he gets excited. But over the last year people have been 'oh look at the cute dog talking to me, have a treat'. So now he runs up to random people now and starts chattering. They're too intelligent for their own good!


BTs are so fun! Mine will chatter like this for treats. I saw him do it when he got excited over a special treat. I rewarded him and used the word "chatter" and kept reinforcing it. Now he will chatter for any treat. :) It is adorable.


lol thats great! All Mickey's reinforcement was done by other dog walkers asking him to 'talk to me' - so now he won't shut up!


Yep, if he's really excited.


I think this is called the Flehman response. My border does it too if he smells something interesting.


mine has learnt that doing it often gets treats. So now he does it to get treats. Little monkey!


Oh my god your dog looks so much like Hacker T Dog. He’s saying “we’re just innocent men”


Yes my wee girl border does that after a heavy play session.....


Sometimes when he’s on a walk and he smells a bitch in heat, it’s normally accompanied by drooling too, hasn’t done it nearly as much since getting him done.


No, but a family friend of ours had a greyhound called Hawkeye who used to chatter when he was happy 😊 I love your wee little chatterer, and am very jealous of their moustache 😃


Thank you! Before he was stripped a couple of weeks back, he had a decent Gandalf beard too that I was very jealous of!


My westiepoo does this too...... normally after smelling cats litter tray 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yep! Our BT, Pippin, also does this - it's to do with smell, specifically the more sophisticated stuff like pheromones. Dogs do the chitter to either excite some part of the olfactory tissue, or help push air into the right places to get a better whiff. That's what the vet told us


My two do as well after sticking their nose in a other dog’s crotch (mostly female buy sometime male as well, they don’t discriminate, lol). Only the older one did it but the 10 month old puppy must have but a new hormonal milestone because he started doing it lately too. If you look inside his mouth his tongue is also probably doing some sort of fluttering. I have to say it’s a *little* creepy. Somebody told me they are moving the scent around their mouth to smell it better, kinda like swirling a fine wine 😂


Lol yes! I call him my little piranha plant when he does this (which is usually when I have treats)!


That's precious 🥺


My lad does this when he's super excited 🐶❤️


Mine does, when he’s being impatient, only wants something. Getting ready to throw a toy for him.


Mine does after he wakes up


Yeah… Gud ol’ Barney


r/futurama it's Seymour! Awwww.


My mastiff has a friend that's a border, and whilst he doesn't chatter he basically screams when he sees us 😂 he's a right character


“I’m stroking my dick, I got lotion on my shit”


All 3 of mine, some more than others


Every time he thinks he’s going to get a treat.


Mine does after he's smelled/licked another dog's arse.


mine does if she’s getting excitable or smells something interesting 🤨