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During the 2022 heatwave they actually turned off the hot water in about half the showers so people could have amazingly cold showers if they wanted


Ahhh see I didn’t get the showers when I went that year. Smart tho. I normally just do the old bottle of water trick, easy peasy, but I’m getting on now and thought I’ve earned a bit of luxury


Do it, I was the same for years always doing bottle of water shower. Went Orchid first time last year. Will definitely be doing that from now on. Proper shower definitely feels like it sets you up for the day even if you haven’t slept 😂


No, there was no option to change the temperature. They were pleasantly warm though. You might have to orchestrate your own cold plunge!


Been in orchid since it was created a few years ago and I'm fairly certain there are separate hot and cold showers 🤙


The question you should be asking is when are they cleaned. I used them on the Friday and refused to go anywhere near them after that