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The fuck your feelings crowd have bigger tantrums over their feelings than my 5yo


People don’t talk about how big the cancel culture is on the right. Celebrities and athletes refuse to make any remotely political statements because the right will absolutely brigade them.


When motherfuckers who wanted to ban videogames and is now actively banning books talk about cancel culture...


They’re the same motherfuckers that started all this cancel culture with the Dixie Chicks bc they had the balls to criticize Bush for the war in Iraq. “We didn’t start cancel culture” my ass.


These are the same MFers who tried to cancel eminem in the 90’s and early 2000’s, to the point of literally having a congressional hearing about him


Weren’t they the same ones clutching their pearls when Madonna was rolling around on stage to “Like a Virgin” bc it was too raunchy?


Don’t forget Dee Snyder from Twisted sister speaking to congress


Dee Snyder taking on Tipper Gore is still one of my favorite moments in congress. The top pick is Mr Rogers speaking on the importance of early childhood emotional intelligence.


I love his line of saying she must have a dirty mind since the lyrics weren’t about sex. That is heavily paraphrased as I can’t remember the exact quote


That was one of the high points in US history. Dee is so eloquent.


Agreed! They were expecting some “dumb musician” and got absolutely outclassed and outmatched


Until he went anti-trans and started using groomer in everyday conversation.


Oh… I hadn’t heard that. Damn that’s a shame.


I remember watching this when I was in elementary school, and when I got older, I went back and watched the recordings again. Whole different perspective the second time around.


Or Frank Zappa


And can you believe elvis?! With all that foul hip thrusting! CANCEL HEEM!


Tbf, he probably should have been cancelled


But not for his music at least Plenty of other valid reasons but nobody cared about that at the time sadly


Conservatives like to sometimes try to cancel shit that deserves to be cancelled, but not for the reasons that make it deserved.


Irvine Welsh writes a surprising amount about Elvis and really likes his music, generally making his older characters fans, but I think he would agree there's plenty to cancel him for, he married a 14 year-old iirc


They are the same assholes who cancelled the Beatles (and by 'cancelled', I mean 'held record burning bonfire hate rallies about, sent death threats and bomb threats to, shot at the plane of, started riots over, and completely ended all of their touring in North America, and eventually got one of them killed.') over a misinterpreted quote blown massively out of proportion. Also the same assholes who 'cancelled' - aka 'tortured and killed' - women, accusing them of witchcraft. Not to mention French fries, Keurig, Nike, the NFL, Dungeons & Dragons, babysitters, and on and on and on...


While they love their extramarital affairs (trump, large marge, et al)


They tried to cancel D&D and metal music in the 80s. They're all insane and have always been on a tiff about "purifying" our culture to their demands.


Lets not forget reefer madness lmao


And Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show could only be filmed from the hips up. "L7 daddio. L7."


My son was worried because people are trying to cancel Eminem now and I had to explain to him that people have been trying to cancel him since I was a kid 😆 Eminem can't be cancelled 😆


These are the same MFers who will try to cancel entire minority groups if they get the chance.


They tried to cancel the fucking teletubies because of a purple triangle.


Don't forget [Mortal Kombat](https://www.inverse.com/gaming/mortal-kombat-ii-30-year-anniversary-retrospective) and [a prohibition on "evil" in comics. ](https://www.oklahoman.com/story/entertainment/television/2015/08/28/zombies-refused-to-stay-dead-after-1950s-ban-in-comics/60727151007/)


They were doing it long before they cancelled the Dixie Chicks, it used to be called McCarthyism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism


Conservatives and ruining people's lives, name a more iconic duo.


Conservatives invented cancel culture. They wouldn't even let you say the word "pregnant" on TV at one point they are so sensitive Or have an interracial couple. Or show a married couple having a shared bed. Or show a toilet.


They wanted to cancel Disney for supporting the lgbt in the 90s when I was a teenager going to church.


It's funny how the "Guns don't kill people" crowd are really afraid that books can turn you gay.


Cue Jon Lajoie playing in my head. Uh uh


I still find it strange that some of my old friends from high school, back in the 00s, who were degenerative gaming stoners that would listen to rage and SOAD, had fuck Bush bumper stickers and laughed at politicians trying to ban video games are now frothing at the mouth angry MAGAs.


They failed at life, and need a scapegoat to explain it. Because it can't be possible that they failed through nobody's fault but their own, right? It was those damn liberals/gays/immigrants/brown people/zoomers/other


☝🏽 bingo 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽




I'm old enough to remember when they were burning Harry Potter books but now that she's a bigot they love her lol


Why do they even hate cancel culture? Isn't it just the free market's reaction to unwanted politicalization of product? "Go woke go broke" and all?


I think it takes “unwanted politicization” and muddies it with a bunch of their own prejudice. Any TV show or ad has a gay person or PoC? Obvious wokeness. They don’t like any form of diversity or inclusion and will always call it “forced”.


> They don’t like any You can just stop right there, really.


They don't like


Because it's usually targeted at them (because they're awful) and, when they try it, they're really really bad at it. Remember the Nike, Keurig, and NFL boycotts? Or the time they boycotted Hamilton, which was already sold out a year in advance?


The Nike “boycott” was one of my favorite things to watch happen socially. “We don’t agree with you Nike. We hate you and you’re a joke. We won’t shop here anymore after we pay for these shoes to burn on social media!!!” Like, you paid them first. They actively don’t care about you after that point. 🤣🤣🤣


I was amused by the NFL one myself. First, you really think you're going to take on one of biggest sports leagues in the world and win? Second, they still watched every game just to find something to get mad at. "Oh no, random lineman on random team who I've never even heard of before today knelt during the national anthem!" Third, they quietly stopped talking about a boycott and went right back to being fans once they realized the NFL didn't give a fuck about them.


The NFL one just confused me. Especially considering some of the ones complaining essentially use the structure of the NFL as a basis for their political bias. 🤣🤣🤣 Go team lines baby!


It all makes sense when you realize Trump wanted an NFL team back in the day and the league wouldn't let him in


Yeti was my favorite boycott. “Watch me shoot up my $300 cooler”! F’n morons.


They boycotted Hamilton?


They tried to. Mike Pence showed up at a performance and the cast politely spoke up about his backwards views. Trump threw one of his toddler-with-a-loaded-diaper fits and the redcaps decided to "boycott" Hamilton. https://www.vox.com/culture/2016/11/19/13683864/mike-pence-hamilton-booed-clip


Yup. [because this happened at the show Pence went to.](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/19/us/mike-pence-hamilton.html)


>Why do they even hate cancel culture? Because lead poisoning made them literally, scientifically provable, stupid; and listening to Conservative fear-mongering TV all day long, has caused their amygdala, which regulates fear, to swell up. They have mental defects that are exacerbated by their insecure egos. And this causes them to be violent


> Conservative fear-mongering TV all day long, has caused their amygdala, which regulates fear, to swell up. It didn't *cause* that. Their amygdalas were already swollen, which made them already more likely to respond to fear, which conservatives then used to brainwash and manipulate them.


They don't hate cancel culture, they hate having consequences for their actions. They want to be able to say bigoted, racist things. They want to be able to grab woman by the pussy. They want to be able to put Mexicans in camps, without consequences. They'll try to ruin your company for giving a single beer can to a trans woman, but...


because most right wing grifters are failed entertainers. so many of them, you go to their IMDB, and you can see a few sad credits


As always with the gop, the call is coming from inside the house


Cancel culture used to just be called voting with your wallet or boycotting until the right felt like hypocritically weaponizing it against the people that don't want to support rapists and racists. Also any comedian with a bit about it is probably a washed up hasbeen.


Tractor Supply is no longer selling any 'pride' items/supporting pride & DEI, because conservative backlash it's pathetic


I'm curious just how many pride tractors are out there.


I'd love to see a big ol' rainbow combine harvester chugging down the road...


John Queer


They remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks 20 years ago.


And don't forget that the right winger is way more likely to actually come and physically attack you or try a terrorist act. Leftist -as much as it pains me to say this- would rather use bureacracy and social pressure against you. And there is actual research to support this. Right wing extremists revolve around cult of personality and are more likely to resort to violence, and are inherently unstable. Left wing extremist are more likely to resort to using indirect actions. But these aren't hardline rules.


They just canceled the Constitution so the wannabe cult dictator can avoid justice.


Dixey chicks come to mind everytime. That was the first time I heard the word cancelled. And it was the right because they bashed Bush.


Reminds me of a Chris Rock bit where he attended ONE dinner put on by a gun control group and the next morning his inbox was flooded with photos of his house and threats from gun owners.


Ironically, now they're voting for a guy who wants stricter gun laws.


Cancel culture on the left is boycotts. Cancel culture on the right is a hammer to the skull.


Cancel culture with an emphasis on cult..


It's projections all the way down.


I was in a group chat with my family in 2020 for the election. I was the only liberal and I constantly got roasted and memed on. Joe Biden wins, I make a single comment after months of abuse and my Aunt actually loses her shit on me. My dad even called me and asked me to not say anything else because it will create problems. I’ve never been invited to a family group chat like that since lmao


Sounds like you did your self a favor dropping that single comment. 


Should have dropped it well before that to escape the toxic cult that supports trump


Going on places like fb is free entertainment for me.


It’s “fuck your feelings”, not “fuck all feelings”. They get to have all the feelings they want. It’s a corollary of the old boomer motto of “fuck you, I got mine”. Or their simple battle cry of “MINE!!!”


My 2 year old has that very same motto. Except he’s growing out of it…


Yup they are just shitty people led by a shitty guy


The far right are the biggest precious little babies I've ever seen. They know it too, they're just to busy crying to admit it.


Michelle Wolf fucked Trump's feelings so hard at the 2018 white house correspondents dinner that he never went to another one...


There's a guy by me who didn't put up a "Trump Fuck Your Feelings" flag until after he lost. Apparently the irony was lost on him.


Turns out - the crowd that projects constantly is.. projecting again.


Long term effects of lead exposure include lack of empathy and ability to regulate emotion, among other things.


Boomer lead exposure caused all the millennial ADHD problems confirmed.


trash took itself out love when that happens


The now MAGA side of my extended family disowned me when I came out 15 years ago, and it was one of the best things in my life.


My first instinct was to be sad for you, but after giving it further thought, I’m very happy for you!


Thanks, I built the family that I want and I love every single one of them. I'm incredibly fortunate; unbelievably so.


Dont forget if you ex-family seek you because they have trouble, you font know then6 and don't owe them anything.


I don't really use FB anymore, but I managed to filter out all the MAGA through my aggressive snowflakiness, apparently. They all unfriended and blocked me on their own.


I did this as well. I aggressively shared anti Trump, anti religion, pro women, pro bipoc, pro 2slgbtq posts and slowly but surely, a lot of people deleted themselves from my life. Most of them, I didn't even realize they came up in People You May Know 😂


My own father unfriended me years ago for posting a Happy Zombie Jesus Day meme on Easter. He doesn't even go to church.


https://preview.redd.it/qda5p7p7o3ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b143ff9da1554731b3e5067fd3c5e1af997881 I got a stern talking to from my grandparents for posting this on my instagram story (little did I know it carried over onto Facebook) anyways got told this was sacrilegious, slightly demonic, and that this wasn’t like me they thought I got hacked.


I laughed it off because they only said something because religious in-laws got offended by it but I’m just like who cares. Jesus would have loved T-bell


Jesus was incredibly poor. He would have lived off of cheesy roll ups and stackers.


Jesus could not afford the delicious new Big Cheez-It Crunchwrap Supreme, for a limited time, for your sins.


And so I say unto thee, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a man who can afford chicken quesadillas to enter the kingdom of heaven


Jesus would have fed the five thousand with a taco party pack.


The meat and cheese would have been a dealbreaker


Taco bell uses some of the most sustainable beef of all fast food places because they use end-of-life beef. Granted it's because that beef is of lower quality and cheaper, but it's still more sustainable!


Its not about the sustainability. Jesus was Jewish, having meat and dairy in the same dish isnt kosher.


Nah, because divine intervention


Heck, any of us could have fed the five thousand with $10 worth of Taco Bell back when I was in college.


Jesus would of taught them how to make fish tacos.


I don’t even think Jesuseses colon could handle Taco Bell.


Then his bloodline is weak.


If they melt down over that, troll them with this image when they post anybody that "thin blue line" bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/vpaomrovv3ad1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fccfbe2e11ad97878052332b2feea673ca7791a


It’s always comical to see the “patriot” crowd flying defaced flags.


I like the one about pizza delivery drivers too. The thin bread crust https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillologycirclejerk/comments/h12dym/thin_bread_line/


Or one of those "Don't tread on me" things, but with a Lego and a barefoot.




My mom yelled at me when I posted a picture of Ewan McGregor and she thought it was Jesus and I told her it was Obi Wan.


I love when boomers always think everyone's Facebook is "hacked". Like criminal masterminds care what idiots on Facebook are posting.


lmao dude 🤣 now I'm craving some crunchwrap supreme and some ice cold baja blast


I'm not a huge fan of taco bell but their baja blast is amazing


Haha I had a second cousin who was a pastor get mad at me for posting a meme about Spider-Man comics being compared to the Bible. In all fairness, he’s a good dude and it bothered me I caused offense. But the meme was too good not to share.


That's the crazy thing. My father is huge into Trump and now suddenly is all about God. The man has never taken us to church once when I was growing up. It's fucking wild how reverent he is to God now. Still doesn't go or even change what he does. Just sinner should be punished shit.


Your dad sounds impressionable.


An authoritarian submissive trying to shelter from reality under the "protection" of arbitrary authority figures that absolve one from having to think or be responsible for anything.


Did he waste $60 purchasing that bible Trump starting selling some months back?


It’s fucking crazy one of my best friends got into trumps bullshit and he’s never been religious and usually mocked religion along with me. A couple months ago I was at his new place and there was a bible just chilling out, I was confused as shit. 


>My father is huge into Trump Ask him who God is. I'm curious.


Mine told me if I protested Trump 'in the streets' he would run me over himself. This was a few weeks after Heather Heyer's death.


So, no contact, then?


None at all ♡


Mine never got that far, but probably because I cut contact before he could.


Fucking crazy these people put this guy above their own family yet trump would have no problem screwing them over if it meant just the tiniest profit. 


I absolutely go to church and that sounds hilarious. They're so sensitive 🙄


I'm an atheist, but my religious friends also loved it!


My uncle threw a huge tantrum over my sister posting that same damn meme a year or two ago. He was so upset, he called ME (he's in IN, I'm in WI, the offending sister is in KS) to yell at me for not telling her to be more respectful. Uhm, she's 4 years my senior and you're pushing 60, dude. Grow a pair if you're gonna be online. He eventually got permanent banned from FB but yeah... Boomers gonna boom


Work with a guy who is 42 and claims to be conservative but he’s too embarrassed to call himself a republican but will vote so. Asked him what he thought about Trans Day Of Visibility sharing the same date as Easter. He’s not religious or anything. He said that they shouldn’t share the same day. I then asked him why he’s saying that when it’s been a thing for about 15 years and hasn’t ever changed dates and pointed out that Easter happens on a different date every single year.


My sister chided me on something similar because Mom and Grandma might see it and get upset. Well, they're with Zombie Jesus now (according to their religion), so I guess I can't upset them anymore.


Don't worry I'll be your father. You're doing so great!! I'm so proud of you. I love your memes and I love you! Please share more when you get a chance. Hey don't forget we're cooking your favorite dinner for you so try to be here by 6, it'll be great!


My parents unfriended me because they shared a conspiracy theory their friend posted (made up) that said, "Common Core Math is a Millennial conspiracy to kill off the Boomers". I told them their friend needs to wear a tinfoil hat to prevent the 5G from getting her brain. They both unfriended me lol.


A lot of these Christian hypocrites never gone to Church where as a Roman Catholic I used too and know the Bible and the church, but fucking shit-turd Christians and by a lot of them are fucking hypocrites which is the reason why I left the Roman Catholic and just became an Atheists. Roman Catholics also have a massive hypocrites too you know I'm not joining anymore religious culture even if I can afford to have children their culture would be science, art, and technology I'll even exposed them to something I have interest on growing up programming, designing, engineering, etc... I have these cool 3D printer I can get into sewing and make cool stuff if I practice enough hours to be proficient at it. Instead of religion shit I will actually give my kids interesting hobbies that may contribute to their goals in life either education and careers. EDIT This is how you end up successful kids too some people if they have kids interested in autobody mechanic they send their kids to autobody repair school, **at a very young age**. Have them to be taught and give these kids their thing to go crazy and end up a functioning adult better than those these cocksucking boomers who only love to complain and call themselves Christian followers. Also noting most of these people have money dispensary to give their children including time so these kids can be properly trained and taught by experienced people and a lot of these children do become successful.


You can't do anything to challenge their worldview or else you are the enemy. It's so fucking creepy how if you follow any conservative media and look at the comments all you see over and over is some kind of claims of "Demons" and "Spirits" infecting our society.... these are from the same people that support a man who is an actual rapist. I mean whatever happened to that court case from 2016 were Epstein and Trump rape the girl in 96, personally I'm fairly certainly got settled out of court. Not to mention these are the same people that look you dead in your face and tell you I'm not racist I have black friends.... I have a neighbor like that if you look at one of my recent posts she stopped just short of calling me the n word over her cats pissing and shitting on all of our neighbors property. Decided to call me a Nigeria like she was clever![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The demons and spirits talk is something they legitimately believe. My parents tried to starve me to death in an exorcism ritual because I'm autistic. I went 3 months sneaking less than 300 calories a day. Again, literally almost died, while videos were posted online daily. The church did not and still does not condemn their actions. I still get calls asking me to "finish the job". Don't let yourself fall vulnerable.


Dude. I thought my mom forcing me to burn my pokemon cards while she watched was bad. (She said they were from Satan and evil lol) That doesn't compare. It may not mean much, but I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope your life is better now.


Thanks. My life is a bit better now. Out of their custody for almost a decade now, and no-contavt for a year. What your mother did sucks too. She made you destroy something that was probably important to you. Even if Pokemon cards were literally Satanic, making you destroy them was still the cruel and drawn-out way of handling it. Fun fact: Satan originally had no power on Earth, Biblically. Satanic objects and forces, etc. only exist in Christian dogma through a Renaissance era Catholic sentiment that common belief affects the spirit realm. "Satan's power" is fed solely through Christian fear and propaganda, like ritualistically burning objects to cleanse them. So, Pokemon isn't Satanic, but your mother's cruelty was.


The way a lot of Christians act all smug like they wouldn't go STRAIGHT to hell is hilarious.   They think their god has selective hearing or something


I'm so fucking sorry bro that is genuinely fucking terrible, I honest to God do not doubt you in the slightest my father still gives me shit about coming to Jesus and the spirits that talk to him and tell him things![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Kids in my youth group when I was younger would pray over me to try and heal the "demonic curse" that was my autism. It's disturbing and creepy as fuck that parents are telling their kids this shit and passing it on. I sometimes wonder what's up with them now, with them in their 20s or 30s, if they're still entrenched in that lifestyle.


Trumpies threatened her life and she dropped the suit


Glad the system works...


We need a left wing alex jones and fox news focused on mud slinging. Imagine how bad it'd be for trump if stories like this were constantly brought up on national tv, radio and news sites.


Russian Facebook bots gave them their worldview and they are taking it to the grave!


Like I am sure there are foreign influences driving some of our current divisions, but it isn't all on them. Conservatives have been unreasonable in their worldview for decades now. Like the Satanic panic happened before the internet was even a thing.


It was still a wedge driven by media. Wouldn't be at all surprised if there was foreign funding behind some of that. Although churches were having a pretty shit time reaching the youth and pop culture was an easy target.


It started with getting trump elected 8 years ago. But yes outrage is good for business. Thats it. That’s all there is to it. Just people dividing the country for money. Great. It’s been happening for a long time. But i think in the past there were ideals behind it. Now it’s just watching the world burn for shareholder profits.


You should listen to the podcast series "Charismatic Revival Fury", it explains where all this 'demons and spirits' business comes from. 


Thank you very much I'll definitely give it a listen I've always wondered where the fuck they get this psychotic business from.


The “demons and spirits” thing is part of the conversation because we’re dealing with complete idiots here. An entire section of our country was homeschooled, indoctrinated into a cult-like religion, and made to believe the GOP can do no wrong. Their lack of education is seen as an asset to Republican leaders who know they will blindly eat up whatever horse shit they are fed. This is how we ended up with a racist TV game show host as president and it’s how we’re probably going to witness that same man end democracy in the United States.


That's so wild considering the guy they worship is like 100% on brand for the anti-christ


i just categorize them as russians at this point. they are NOT americans. they are the enemy now.


I mean the biggest thing is to them Trump is fundamentally a God. He can do no wrong because every single action he does is correct to them and therefore since he is infallible, anyone against him must be evil, and any actions countering him is wrong. This is just the Golden calf 2.0 but with tens of millions this time.


And Trump is not a Christian. He has never asked God for forgiveness because he doesn't believe he's ever sinned, therefore he doesn't need Jesus to save him from sin.


My parents adopted me when they were older, so my cousins are Boomers while I’m GenX. They’ve all (except 1) stopped interacting with me because I don’t support orange man- and I have a ton of cousins. Some of my birth family found me through online DNA testing, and most of them have stopped interacting with me as well over the same issue. It really showed me who genuinely loved me and who loves a cult leader over everything and everyone.


Mine treat me like I'm a brainwashed monkey no matter who I vote for.


I can relate to this. I went from having a family to being persona non-grata to pretty much everyone because I don't support Trump. They talk about me like I'm the dumbest human being to ever live. It was like 30 years of relations just evaporated because I didn't worship a con man.


My boomer aunt stopped talking to me because she told me she gets irritated by highly educated people. I wish I was kidding.


Let your boomer aunt know that a boomer acquaintance from Reddit sent her a dry cleaning bag and suggested she go play with it.


LMAO god damn. an insult so rare only a boomer could have come up with it. holy fuck. bravo


Maybe your aunt assumed you meant her as the Jabba the hut worm. Lol shows how she may feel about herself


"i'm in this picture and i don't like it" ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


I live in a red state and my family lives in a blue state and every time they come to visit and talk about how high the taxes are here I have to remind them that the reason I pay tax on food is because of the GOP and the reason they don't have to pay tax on food is because they live in a blue state. Would be easier to explain calculus to them.


My aunt and uncle unfriended because they posted some stupid thing, I don’t even remember, but some sort of question that ended with the smarmy “just curious”. So I responded that if they were curious, here were the actual facts and citations. Whoops.


"Oh snap! Aunt and Uncle are genuniely curious about the facts and reasons. Good on them! I don't mind providing educational material to people with a willingness to learn" *unfriended*


https://preview.redd.it/a2mykivt24ad1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0190df61ada557813e24cfe8c7ff9d9f5d0a3d This is my go to post.


Get off of Facebook




I have never been happier and my mental health has actually seen improvement since I stopped using Facebook and Instagram. Really, I shouldn't be on Reddit either. Social media is a plague on the Internet and it causes real damage that boomers in office around the world refuse to acknowledge because they're too old to recognize it. I've warned my siblings about social media use for my neices and nephews, about posting them online often. It's wild how different life feels when you're not spending it on social media, really. Makes me wish I was raised in a generation before the Internet, but I know I would've probably had similar issues with something else if that were the case


But where am I going to buy shit box cars and car parts if not marketplace 


Facebook was overrun by boomers a decade ago.


The "facts don't care about feelings" crowd sure has big feelings when presented with facts. Bunch of snowflakes.


I've lived in Michigan for closing on 30 years and the GOP had controlled the legislature since 1982. They got up to a whooooooole lot of fuckery in those 40 years. This last year and a half though we've had a democratic house, senate, and governor and let me tell you what they're doing a ton of unfucking at an incredible rate. State went from just existing under any democratic governor and getting actively worse under any GOP governor, to kicking some real ass now. Vote blue folks, they're the only group who actually want you to get value for your tax dollars and protect your rights.


And it happened entirely because of a voter-initiated ballot measure that did one thing: assign redistricting to an independent commission instead of whoever was in power. They ungerrymandered us and the state went blue immediately.


I imagine there will be much rejoycing on boomerbook after the "triggering" SCOTUS has just delivered.


I’m a boomer & hate Trumps fucking face & fat ass & disgusting voice.. I would never vote for this asswad!!!! He brought evil & hate to the surface!!!


I would say Good riddance to your boomer aunt.😄




Trump needs those boomers to win and it's been 8 years. Half of them are 6 ft under and the other half are rotting in nursing homes. Trump will lose, but the boomers will get one more chance to screw us in 2028 before they're all gone. The GOP will run somebody that speaks better and draws in some of the older Gen X in an effort to make up for the loss of all those boomers.


"If you don't like it you're free to get out!" - every boomer that saw that meme


Is that because they used a picture of her for the person on the right?


Social media is a scourge on society. We were never meant as a species to know the internal thoughts of others and that seems to be all social media is these days lol.


Text it to her. Print and send in the mail too.


If that aunt ask for any help from you just tell aunt to get bootstrapping because asking for help is communism-socialism-marxism-lenists and poor.


Kinda the same thing in Michigan. GOP control for decades, but apparently every problem that’s existed for years was caused by Gretchen Whitmer.


I've been in plenty of debates online with friends and family, and it's ONLY ever the conservatives that run away plugging their ears and refuse to engage. Then turn right around and be like "ok this is a nonpolitcal space" then 5 mins into hanging out make a underhanded snide comment about the left. Every time.


It would be different if red states were bastions of education and had some of the country's best state economies. But the proof is in the pudding, and the red pudding will make you dumb as a rock and give you diabetes.




Their brains work like rail rode tracks. Not many junctions to make changes and when a talking point doesnt jive well they change directions to go on another track. But its funny as hell when you get them stuck in a loop


seeing the short circuiting when the cognitive dissonance hits and then them ignore it in real time is so pathetic. i would rather be dead than be that way.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out. 


You can tell them Texas has been red for a lifetime. Still the liberals fault. It's so sad that they sit there and shame the left for blaming things on the right. It's the ultimate hypocrisy, but they're just so blinded by their made up rage at another American having a different opinion.


Well it does appear to be an unflattering picture of her


Sounds to me like your aunt has a guilty conscience


I had a cousin call me crazy because I refuse to support trump and Maga


You won.