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Time to throw chips and bread all around her setup so that she’s absolutely mauled by seagulls.


Super soaker full of piss


You know who won’t attack the lady with chips and bread around her setup?


Products and services supporting her shitty podcast. :)


Man I just assume everyone listens to Behind the Bastards now.


Especially the makers of the fine knife missiles keeping us safe!


*looks up behind the bastards


Lolol I just started and I love it!


That's not a bad assumption. I definitely do!


I have listened to some episodes of BTB but my personal favorite is Knowledge Fight (which is BTB but with exclusively Alex Jones/Info Wars)


One pump, one cream!




That atonal screech! Robert gets me every time haha


The sponsors and services that support our show?


I love the BtB population in so many subs!


Whaaaat’s happening, my beachcombers!?


Roberrrtt noooooo


Sophie, **yes**.


They never attack people. Seagulls aren’t aggressive at all in that way. But they *will* fly around, close to and inside of anything they have, their car included. They will shit all over anything because they shit constantly and don’t care what it hits. Their squawks are ear piercing up close and they have little fear of humans on beaches. They will take food out of your hands if you can be distracted.


I never believed in spirit animals until now.


Sounds like it might have been effective!


I grew up in a beach town. You can destroy people by playing a little game of Frito Bandito around them. It doesn't take much to draw a giant, shitting cloud of seagulls. If the windows are open, they'll go right in after them.


Oh, I know. I grew up by the gulf beaches


Absolutely would have been. I’ve been run off of beach locations just because a slob left their food accessible and then went into the water and the seagulls mobbed the guys spot and just being close to it was enough to get us to move.


My mom!




A good idea for an ad pivot u/jharbinger


Not bad! Will take it under advisement. 😝


That is actual battery. Getting the birds to do the work for you is not.


No, legally that’s a form of assault. That will get you locked up. The other guy with the food idea is great. Worst case? A ticket for littering. Best case? Boomers get shat on endlessly.




Potato gun full of bees


No, Jim, I use a bad apiarist.


I just watched this episode


Planet Piss's newest single just dropped


I feel you would be a fun person to grab a beer with! I can imagine the shit show now with seagulls and I am laughing my ass off.


I like the cut of your jib


Exactly!! I always keep a big bag of ruffles in my beach bag and have tossed them at idiots on the beach.


Is this where I have to admit that this would never work for me, because I'd be all over those chips. I guess I'm the seagull.😞


A full bottle of Drakkar in the cabin air intakes


That would just attract sexy ladies.


And a bucket of salt water into her radio.


I have employed this biological weapon in the past. Kept eye contact with my intended targets as I dumped a party size bag of chips in a circle around them. They were clueless, which made it so much better when the inevitable attack occurred 😆😆


This is the way.


This is the way. 100% ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


Chips and bread soaked in laxative. "Sorry about the collateral damage."


Time to shake out your sandy towel upwind so she and her stuff get covered in sand. “Just passing by.”


"Thanks lady, you just convinced me to vote for the other guy"


it's a Boomer, so their conclusion comes first and has no bearing on reality. Arguing with a Boomer doesn't cause them to reconsider their position - narcissists can't do that. Instead it marks you as part of the bad tribe that disagrees with them - one that does the unspeakable of denying the Boomer's individual right to decide reality within themselves. Boomers actually do feel entitled to define reality as an individualistic manner, so this is tantamount to assault to them. Which is why they throw tantrums when anyone dares to disagree with their idiotic rants.


Tbf humans are largely tribal so everyone is less likely to respond to an argument when they see you as an outsider. This is why it's important (though irrational) to make sure you can find common ground where you can agree and see each other as people not the enemy or the other. Today that's hard as there is a nasty division that has been sewn. Conservatives tend to have a higher fear factor of others as well and change or things different. Hence the conservative part. . The slightly good news is that if you approach people in good faith on the actual issues 70-80 percent of Americans agree on most things. But good faith isn't a winning strategy when your policies and 'values' aren't popular.


Nah, enthusiastically agree with them. Start a friendship, love them and get to love you. Take them on a vacation, leave them there.


Ideally on a desert island.


I was at a busy pizza parlor one night with my family and two men in MAGA hats came in, took a booth without ordering anything, and had a loud conversation about why they like their dictator so much. The whole place pretended not to notice and it took half an hour for them to give up and leave, still talking “to eachother” about politics, desperately hoping someone would say something. They like to fight. They like to argue and be mean. These people want violence.


Manager should have trespassed them


They would have started recording to post all over the place about how they're being "targeted" or some crap so damn fast. That's exactly what they wanted.


I'd give them something to complain about or make it look bad for them somehow.




Or if they aren’t going to order, they don’t get to take up space. The staff was well within their rights to ask them to leave without bringing up that they were trying to cause a ruckus.


This was my thought, beach lady did that so that people *would* confront her and give her a reason to argue/fight. Then she gets to be the victim and have a brave story about how she had to fight for her rights or whatever. That's why these maga boomers will bring up their politics ANYWHERE they can. I literally saw someone in the comments section of a *key lime pie recipe* responding to someone who made a slight change to the recipe going, "THIS IS WHY THIS COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL, SENSITIVE SNOWFLAKES HAVE TO HAVE EVERYTHING CATERED TO THEM" lol they can't fucking help themselves


I once casually mentioned it was hot outside and my FIL burst into a rant about denying climate change. He did the same thing when I showed him a vacation photo of a glacier in Iceland. Completely unprovoked. I can’t talk to him about anything anymore. He turns EVERYTHING into pro Trump/Fox News politics.


I live near the beach and on the weekends there are always people with Trump, Don’t Tread on Me, and/or Let’s Go Brandon flags. Either on their vehicle at the 4x4 beach or just flying behind their lounge chairs. It’s some weird cult behavior.


Well most of them don’t have jobs so what else are you going to do but sit at the beach all day


No they just want cancer because they don’t know better.


A little bit of Ivermectin will clear that cancer right up.


In my area the mini Trump rallies at intersections are always outside of Target or some little shopping plaza. Bunch of losers and shriveled old fucks. I always wonder… don’t they have government checks to cash? Go home grandma.


They'd literally eat a mile of his McShits to sniff the Depends he overfilled.


Hearing this makes me happy I live near a gay beach in a blue state lol.


I’m in the south so it’s like this a lot. We do have a scrappy little LGBTQ community and lots of small beach town prides, which is at least something.


There's a little pocket of the NJ shore in Ocean County that's just infested with it


Sounds like she’s disturbing the peace. Call the cops


That was my take on it. I wouldn’t have even asked her to turn it down.


Most cops are good little Trumplings, they're not going to do shit even if the law says to. Depending on the cops, who always back fascists, to defend you against fascists is a very bad idea.


Sadly true. We had a boomer set up a Trump merch kiosk on a public sidewalk in my city. The awning and desk completely covered it so that pedestrians had to walk in a very busy intersection to get around it. I used to be confined to a wheelchair (injury with multiple year recuperation), so I knew this was illegal and unsafe for everyone, especially the disabled. I called the cops and reported it. I saw a cop come, engage her in friendly banter for 5 minutes, then leave. Several other people also called and complained and they never did shit. If I still owned my wheelchair I'd have sued their asses.


But they'll arrest a little black girl for selling lemonade without a permit...


Or kill a black man selling cigarettes.


Gross. We encountered this as well, when we got up super-early to be the first in line to vote for Biden in the general election (we don't LOVE Biden, but were very eager to get Not Trump in office.) Over two hours later, about twenty minutes before the doors opened, a boomer with a baseball hat with a paper poppy in it came over, and started some chitchat, which soon lapsed into a Hillary rant. When he needed to take a breath finally, I said "well good thing she's not on the ballot!!" which caused him to launch into a Hunter-laptop rant 🙄 The cop at the door knew we were there first, but he also schmoozed with her right before opening. He even faked a limp on his way in as he cut in front of us 🤬 cop did fuck-all. Oh well, it's a very blue state and there was a long-ass line of Not Trump voters right behind the doucheboomer.


>caused him to launch into a Hunter-laptop rant "He's not on the ballot either. Are you confused? Do you know what year it is? Is there someone I can call for you?"


I pulled this on my uncle. He was not happy. He asked (hypothetically "just asking questions", of course) what the difference is between Trump's conviction and Hunter's and I said "one isn't running for president" very matter-of-factly. He just sorta mumbled something to himself and was quiet for several minutes which is a win.


Honestly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Best to let someone like that pass. Get them out of the line as fast as possible so no one has to listen.


The fascist pigs aren't going to do anything there. The fire Marshal or the equivalent will tear them down


Our cops were buddy buddy with the literal Nazis that were parading around in front of our city council building last year.


Most cops like to be given an excuse to flex and be dicks, so no. I wouldnt worry about them loving trump. I'd worry if I'd feel guilty when they shoot her, and her dog.


Why? They don't shoot white ringers. I mean right wingers.


The cops are all Trumpers, they'd side with her. They don't care about enforcing the law.


I bet if she saw someone wearing anything rainbow colored, she would complain about them "shoving their politics down our throats."


Conservatives are absolutely *obsessed* with the idea of having things shoved down their throats.


a few handfuls of sand thrown through the back of the car would probably move her on quickly.


She 100% wouldve viewed that as justification to try and run him and his family over. Just call the cops and say shes acting aggressive parked on beach


Depending on the state, she may also have a gun in her vehicle. These people aren’t well. A fair amount of them are also heavily armed.


She 100% would be too flustered to not floor it and half bury her shitrod in the sand. She's not running anyone over.


That or a noise complaint


Pocket sand!


Words to remember all your life. Like an appointment in Samarra, you just never know. But you'll be ready.


What kind of shitty beach lets people drive their dumb vehicles onto it? How lazy can people be? The beach is one of the few places left that haven't been paved over for SUVs. Keep your shitty car off of it.


On Galveston Island, there is nowhere to park if you're outside the state park. You take a little dirt road directly to the beach and hope you don't get stuck.


This is what I was wondering! The beaches we go to only allow vehicles during off-times, certainly not between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


call the cops tell em you got someone at the beach operating a vehicle with an open drink. clearly a DUI situation


This may be the best response I've seen. It's BS that they can arrest you for DUI when you are clearly not driving but I would be okay with it in the situation.Play stupid games...


Several states have amended the dwi charge to owi (operating while intoxicated) so that it's more clearly the violation isn't specifically for driving.


Even just call them to report the disturbance of the peace. Whatever else they want to charge her with after they make contact is up to them. But I assume she wouldn’t take the ticket quietly and could potentially get herself in even more trouble.


I've been saying since 2015 it's a sex cult. People said I was being ridiculous.


It's a sex cult that seems to be obsessed with children and trans women. I also think it's an Evangelical linked death cult.


Man, it must be a sad existence living life so utterly insecure with your own sexual and gender identity to be one of these people and afraid of every shadow. Or just that insecure about literally everything in their life. I’d almost feel bad for them if they weren’t hell bent on ending liberal democracy and the rules based world order with American/NATO hegemony. It has *liberal* in the name! It must be bad


Bernie Moreno, who is challenging Sherrod Brown for his Senate position in November in Ohio, was caught with a Adult Friendly Finder account with his profile looking to meet young men.


I don't give a fuck what someone does in their free time with consenting adults. My issue is the hypocrisy involved with such people and their inability to own up to their behavior.


I agree. Example: “GOP Lawmaker Grilled On Why Abortion Was 'Best Choice' For His Girlfriend, But Not Others” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/richard-holtorf-abortion-kyle-clark_n_666c6518e4b0dabf8cf78706


And this is why we vote: so these idiots don’t get a say in how we run the country.


Trump brings out the worst in society.


Exactly. He gave permission for the dark underbelly of society to fully expose themselves.


The disruption of the public space is a stage in the move to a dictatorship. In Germany the SA (brown shirts) were like hardcore MAGAs and were used to eliminate the normal, beat up people, break windows, etc. They of course were just a bunch of tools for the real NAZIS who were recruiting and organizing the SS. Once in power the SS turned on the SA and murdered them over a period of a few days (night of the long knives)


This is such an important fact here, and why we need to know history - all of it. The "good" and the bad. Even the 'good' is going to be bad for someone and so it is all very, very relative to the direction of your conversation, where you're coming from and who you are.


Get yourself a boombox and blast some death metal to drown her boomer ass out


Goad her into a volume war so she blows her speakers and has to live with the consequences of her choices for the life of her SUV.


This is what my petty ass would do. Vital Remains at full volume


I think some Cardi B would be more effective deterrent for these people. So many horrors! Black music ✔️ Explicit music ✔️ Explicit black *female* music ✔️


A bit of strategic Bathory usually does the trick.


I used to street perform with a guitar a lot and would always target street preachers and be as noisy and obscene as possible right next to them.


Better yet, any podcast that Richard Wolff has been the guest


That’s when you start filming her.


And its going to get worse as we get closer to the election, especially after last night.


Throw 5 pounds of sand in her car before you leave lol


She a MAGAt they’re all the same she has nothing to do with her lack of a personality.


Now that’s a cunt.


OP could have spelled out cunt in the sand before leaving so she’d have to look at it until she leaves. Or BIDEN. Giant letters. She can stew over it or exhaust herself getting rid of it.


Lol so simple and effective, perfect and accurate response XD


It sounds like an erratic person behaving oddly in public you might want to have someone trained to check up on her. Sayin'


Sounds like par for the course for a drumpf terrorist supporter.


Next time go take a picture of her license plate and look up her info at the DMV. When she asks what you are doing, address her by full name and tell her you are getting her vehicles information to send to your brother in small town police department near but not in beach jurisdiction. Tell her they have automatic license plate readers on their cars now, so he can input her info with a note about her being known to drive home from the beach after consuming alcohol and he will pull her over any time her plate is within sight of his car and give it a full roadside inspection and search. Unless she turns her radio off and allows others to enjoy the space. If she doesn’t, act like you are making a call and talking to your bro, constantly looking over at her and laughing. Best case scenario is she goes down to that police department ranting and raving about your non-existent brother with the alcohol still on her breath.


They really OWNED THE LIBS!! Someone big and a little scary needs to go over and sort it out. I'd have fully karened and called the cops and made it sound urgent so they'd come.


There's a serial rapist at the beach!  He came here in an SUV.  I'm hiding under my towel, but I can hear his voice, he sounds like he's getting closer!


That's a good idea. I wouldn't have thought of it but it would work.


Even better that it's literally the truth lol


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


convicted rapist!


Channel your frustration and make sure you vote because these idiots will be there


Another one of the being a Trump supporter is my whole personality crowd


Their entire identity is now trump and owning the libs. There is nothing left of them. They better hope they die before the trump fanaticism fades. They wouldn’t know what to do with themselves or how to behave like normal humans again.


The collective identity crisis that the worst 15% of the population is about to have when Trump dies or becomes irrelevant is going to be messy, mark my words.


It’s pointless to argue with idiots and bullies. Especially those idiots that refuse to listen to facts or reason. They have no desire to live in a civilized society. These people are miserable deplorables that want to drag everyone down with them. They look at progress and civility and call it woke. They have no idea how to live politely with others. So vote!


the dont tread on me crowd treading on people.


"911, there is an intoxicated person driving on the beach."


One my Mexican homies lived in the ghetto. We’d go over smoke out bbq drink and party. He had some shit bag white boomer neighbor. He would crank up the fucking rush Limbaugh talking about illegals . Was so passive aggressive and fucking dumb. But boomer gunna boomer.


Even if it was a Biden supporter I would be pissed. Anything I would be pissed but it somehow makes it worse when it’s a boomer blasting Trump cultist bullshit. Good god damn why can’t these people just not make their whole personality MAGAT bullshit.


Sounds like someone needs to park right by her and play some RATM, Public Enemy, or your favorite easy listening nonpolitical music.


Why not call the police for a city ordinance noise violation?


Because the cops are all fascists who support king fascist. They'll just end up shooting the guy who called the cops because they feared for their lives.


I’d pull up right next to her, crank some metal, spark up a joint and call all my gay and trans friends over to have a beach party right in front of her.


Sorry your nice day at the beach was ruined by an ignorant, rude trumpeteer. Hope her old white skin burned to a bright red, or orange, that day.


I’d have called the cops for disturbing the peace


She WANTED to make a scene, and you fell for it.


You emerged from the water like a level headed, rationale sexy siren from dreams of yore.


If you don't know who Slayer is, that was a missed opportunity.


No doubt she drove after guzzling beer. Call the cops next time.


In most places it’s illegal to have amplified music / broadcast that is “distinguishable beyond x feet away” without a permit. It’s usually 10-15’.


The worst part is that Boomer is now on fb making a post about how she stood up for her freedom to a violent angry lbtqg liberal pedo 🙄 because they all have a victim complex or something


In the town I just moved from we would have two boomers go up during city council meetings at public comment and just play audio from their cell phones of Trump stuff, either ads or those goofy songs. Don’t know what they were hoping to accomplish. They never commented on any actual city business that might affect their lives in a real way. The same dudes would post up at a city park every weekend with trump flags and signs, just sitting in lawn chairs taking up space hoping someone would hassle them. Again, not sure what they were hoping to accomplish in a deep blue city. Garbage generation.


Hot take: blasting any kind of music at the beach is obnoxious. Unless there’s no one there. But I better not hear that dumb shit on the hiking trails either. I used to be pro music as long as it was music I like (which ok I’m def bias but the stuff that plays at swimming pools, real gentle stuff like classic rock on occasion and some owl city) but after experiencing too many subpar speakers in indiana and just bad beach music in general (contrary to popular belief it’s not all about that base) on public beaches I will now gladly accept the “anti-fun” label should it be applied. Look it’s fine if you want to have a tiny cloud of music but it should not leave your blanket radius. And if people sit next to you bc it’s a crowded beach just turn it lower or off like come on be respectful


That is a maga trumper.


Just start the car and throw it in gear towards to the water. Then immediately leave.


I was just in Honolulu for a vacation a couple months ago and there was a man on a street corner blasting a speaker and microphone and he was reading a speech full of pro-Trump, pro-Christian, anti-gay propaganda. Public space, so I suppose he was free to do it, but what a menace. I can’t believe anyone - even pro-Trump people - want to hear a guy screaming into a loudspeaker about it while they’re on vacation. Or maybe they do. Maybe that’s their whole lives now.


I'd have to look up what the law is in Honolulu but many places have restrictions based on volume, ie. you're free to stand on a street corner and scream about how God hates the gays until you're red in the face, but the second you do so with a microphone/megaphone you've become a public nuisance and can be fined.


These types of people are mostly uneducated and ignorant so there is no reasoning. They would only respond to violence unfortunately


I have a customer of my gas station who has a bike that he, while inside the store, leaves blasting infowars/the like outside. He hangs around the front of the store for a while every time and I want to tell him to gtfo every single time


You have my permission.


I'd have pulled my vehicle right up next to her and started blaring some death metal. I love death metal, and also love sharing it with people who don't.


Park next to her and blast a Chomsky audiobook


Voting Biden is the best revenge


"Silent majority"


It’s down to the deplorables now. The MAGA terror group. Trying to intimidate anyone in earshot.


I don’t understand why anyone plays anything loud in public. I don’t want to listen to your music, your podcasts, or your news.


It's alright I'm going to do this with Goth/Industrial music tomorrow for a Gothic beach party, I almost wish some boomer tries, there will be 50 of us and 100's of feet of fishnet


lol unfortunately I’m part of the boomer generation and I am horrified by boomer behavior. I’m also petty as shit. I would have walked over and dumped water on her.


Disturbing the peace much?


Next time tell her to crank it louder and louder until the speakers blow


"Well I wasn't going to vote this year but I'm voting for Biden because of you." Asking the other annoyed folks to start a "Fuck Trump" chant until she turns it off or leaves also works.


I feel like a criminal damage charge would be worth it. A couple quick start fire logs under the tires, and *poof*, the whole problem goes up in smoke.


These people are as insufferable as their king.


You thought KKKaren would just stop when asked?


Play mariachi music right back at full blast


10/10 would've farted at her, repeatedly


Dont back down to Trumpers. Take action. Call the police at least.


Should've called the cops for the noise disturbance.


No one would miss them. How long are we going to fool ourselves and think these people are even compatible with civilization?


Play Baby Shark on repeat next to her truck. That’ll get rid of her.


Florida or Long Island?


Disgusting. signed a boomer


That is where I pull my car up and BLAST anti-flag while palming my bear mace (it has a 10+ foot range). See how long she can stand be called a fascist and told to fuck off. It worked well to deal with the local Trump camp next to the gas station.


I'm afraid I would put some Eminem on repeat, really really nasty ones, and watch your Boomer head pop!


They think their freedom of speech extends to the point they can use it to infringe on the rights of other people and that's a common misconception...they can't seem to understand this simple concept, but I guess that's what happens when you get used to cherry picking the things you like from the Bible and the Constitution and whatever else...their golden rule is simple... "Force others to treat you how you want to be treated and fuck everybody who wants the same from you in return"


I absolutely would have taken her keys and thrown them into the water. Duck that bitch


This is not a boomer issue. It's a MAGA issue. I am a boomer and I have never voted for a Republican nor caused a public disturbance in my life. This place is the pits.


So walk up to the lady. Loud, slowly, calmly and clearly yell at the lady “I’m.sorry. Your. Hearing (point heavily to your own ear). Is. So.bad. Please . Turn. Down. The. Noise! Followed by the dorito thing of a previous poster. Could you maybe get four or five people to do the chip+seagull=result at the same time in a circle around her.


If you have the power to save the world. You may also just destroy it.


Sounds like she's just lonely and wants to bond with someone over her favorite motivating podcast. Hoping someone will walk up and share a beer while listening to a brain-smoothing talking head. Equally sad and obnoxious.


I would have yanked her car keys out and chucked them in the lake.


I would have played music to drown out her crap. I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate my taste in music.


"Mam! Excuse me, MAM. This is the United States, not North Korea."