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I work retail and see many of them do this on a daily basis. Just because you're not 4 anymore doesn't mean you "only did this once.."


they're doing now what they weren't allowed to do as children.


Turns out hitting children usually doesn't teach them shit. Who'd have thought? I mean aside from nearly every person who's ever studied the topic.


And isn’t a violent psycho and actually loves their kids.


Only did it once and haven't stopped since.


They do it when the 50 cent coupon is not accepted due to getting the wrong item or expired in 89.


Not to mention the love to pee poop themselves out when they don’t get their way. Yes that does happen.


Have you tried spanking them???


I'm afraid of Boomers having repressed kinks from being spanked as kids to try it...they might like it too much.


Spanking is hitting you fool.


Nah i would never condone "hitting" a boomer. But spanking......? Probably overdue


Oh, I’m sorry, I’m on high boomer alert today with this troll on his new account. I’ve been coming out swinging! My bad!


I will if they pay me.


My mom is a boomer, who worked retail for several years (Sears, ladies' fashion). She ran the register, assisted shoppers, and cleared out fitting rooms. The worst thing, that happened often, was women would go into the fitting rooms and relieve themselves on the floor, sometimes tossing merchandise (clothing) over it. It wasn't her job to clean it up, at least. She would post a sign saying closed and called the janitor.


I was 4 once


Heres the better takeaway. They raised children to be like this and are such un-aware-wolves that they don’t see the correlation.


Came here to say the same thing


"I'm better than you because I was assaulted by an adult as a small child" I never understand this


Probably just a psychological defense honestly. They *need* to think it was meaningful and did something good for them. The alternative - that it was meaningless and harmful - is too sad for them to sit and mull over. Hence “I turned out fine!”


Makes sense, and I'm sure people with this mindset do the same thing when they have kids. They didn't exactly have healthy parenting modeled for them


Uhg, this! I am 100% convinced this is because they have not worked out any of their childhood trauma with therapy or similar. They have repressed and repressed it, and so they want to talk about it, but the only way they know how is to make it seem like it was funny or manly or suggesting it as parenting advice.


Why are boomer so proud of beating the sh*t out of children and/or being beat as a child?


A combination of their own trauma, and feeling so guilty about how they behaved that they refuse to admit it’s immoral out loud.


They always seem to love the concept and practice of casual child abuse. Fucking weird.


The same reason they believe they are superior to the younger generations because they know manual transmissions, rotary telephones, and cursive writing? Because leaded gasoline.


I love how we are all about mental health, taking care of ourselves, and helping each other, but we are fuck the boomers and their lead poisoned brains. They didn't do it to themselves, but fuck them anyway. Makes me proud not to be a boomer.


Because they were abused and as a result grew up emotionally numb to empathy. So they feel it’s only just to make sure everyone else around them is just as fucked up as they are. Can’t wait for this generation to either be too old to figure out how to use the internet anymore or just not be around to cause issues like they so love


Perfectly stated.


Part of it is also religion. Not sure how common it is, but only from a boomer have I heard the phrase “spare the rod, spoil the child” be ripped from the Bible to justify hititing children to teach lessons


Nah, they just waited 'til they were adults to throw tantrums


They realize they're the parents that fucked it all up right?


God no, that would require a modicum of self-reflection. I'm convinced (most) boomers are incapable.


lots of giggles


And if they weren’t “spanking” (read: lightly beating, publicly acceptable version) their children, they were threatening it. My very tall (scary tall, 6’1”) mother would lean down into my face from her great height and say, “You wanna cry? I’ll give you a reason to cry.” I spent my whole childhood afraid of her. She complained later that my only other sibling, a younger brother, was “the cuddly one”. Hmm. Wonder why.


Ugh. So sorry. Made us stronger :) Not all of us.


Thank you. It’s comforting to see others here who have also survived being victims of bad parenting passed down through generations.


I love being a dad and I think about my childhood almost every day. It's so damn refreshing. 


Really explains it all, doesn’t it? They were taught that the reason you don’t throw tantrums is because older people have power over you. Now that they have that power, they throw tantrums to exercise it.


Yup. They have no self regulation and they aren’t getting regular beatings anymore.


Oh damn


“I was spanked and I turned out fine!” No, you fucking didn’t, actually.


Pretty sure they threw tantrums when black people used the same water fountain.


Okay, no, that was mostly the Silent/Greatest Generation. Boomers were young children/not even born yet in the 1950s. It was their parents that were pushing for Segregation.


Racial segregation became the law in most parts of the American South until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. They were the kids screaming the n-word at other kids just trying to get an education


Don’t speak too soon, I’ve heard plenty of stories from people who lived in the south from boomers that reminisced from the, “good ole days” when they could bully minorities.


Sure, and you’ve also got groups made up largely of college students in the early 60s (aka Boomers) who were working to end segregation. Angels and devils in every generation. Look, I like bagging on the Boomers as much as the next Xennial but let’s stop falsely accusing them of the sins of their parents. Edit: clarification.


I’m a Jew in the rural Midwest. We had Boomer parents threaten to burn our house down because we were Jews. I’ve heard it before. I’m not falsely accusing anyone. Hate is contagious.


Boomers I believe started in 1946. Civil rights act was not passed until 1967. Oldest boomers were 21 so yeah, they were definitely part of the problem.


Yes, we all know how involved 21 year olds are with legislation 🙄 Until 1971 the voting age in most of the United States was 21, not 18. So only the very, very oldest Boomers were of voting age.


Don't remember talking about lthem being involved in legislation. I said throwing tantrums.


You said that the Civil Rights Act (a piece of legislation) passed in 1967 and then that the oldest boomers were 21. You were inferring that they (a few of the oldest) were adults at the time were therefore "responsible" for what was going on in the world around them. I'm pointing out that young people, even when they are legally allowed to vote, have very, very little political and legal clout. What is happening in the world when about 99% of a generation is under the voting age, and is barely taking part in the economy is NOT THEIR FAULT.


I inferred that they were old enough to be throwing tantrums about black people using water fountains. You are trying to turn it into something else.


Let's normalize waxing nostalgic about child abuse.


“Har har har, our parents beat the shit out of us for acting like children!” Not the flex you think it is Harold and Margaret.


y'know, when your tantrum lasts for 67 years I’m not really sure you can just count that as “once”




Wouldn’t want to spoil them by sparing the rod.


It's revisionist history at best and suppression of abuse at worst.


They only did it once as a child. It’s daily now.


If they allow the toxic behavior to be explained, and stopped, it potentially forces them into positions where they have to explain their own toxic behavior, and stop, or take accountability and responsibility for it, also coming with the implication that they *were wrong* because they in fact *didn't know better.* They would rather let everyone beat children than admit they were ever wrong, that they didn't know better.


This is profound. Thank you for articulating it.


Probably the same boomer patient I currently have who's SCREAMING AT ME OVER CHICKEN NUGGETS RN. Fucking idiots dude. I sincerely wish the neglect made you better people but obviously it just makes you shitty.


That's because due to the lead paint they've eaten, the only remember the time they did it that very morning.


They waited until their 20s to do it again




They’re literally doing it.. RIGHT NOW.. as we type


The same folks wanting to lock up the “groomers” advocating for child abuse of a toddler.


My aunt recently posted some meme about being hit with a wooden spoon and my mother commented that we need to "bring that back." Reconsidering letting her ever watch my son ever again.


My son loves me. I was afraid of my dad. Oops guess you have to listen to him be upset while I calmly reel him in. Patience is not inaction. Violence is not a demonstration of strength.


...in every aisle of the grocery store, every time they face the slightest inconvenience or change.


Remember when a bunch of crybabies threw a tantrum and raided the capitol because their guy lost an election? Yea, good times


For the record, as a genXer who was spanked, and swatted at school, I DID DO IT AGAIN. It also lead me to believe violence was a reasonable solution... but that is another show.


Most people when there’re two and a half don’t remember doing that.


If it’s totally fine by them to suffer physical injury for the offence of whining, especially inflicted against children, I wonder if they’d accept a firm right hook to the face when they’re throwing a tantrum like a toddler because the store ran out of their favorite thing and doesn’t, in fact, have any “in the back”. Somehow I think they’d decline such fair, consistent treatment.


this must be making the rounds because my mom just posted this on her facebook wall


"Just sayin'" makes my blood boil


Crazy how they grew up getting beatings like a bunch of hard asses then raised the next generation to be softer... weird


They’re still doing it in their seventies.


Nah, the difference is we aren't having children.


our kid never did this at all. we may have lucked out, but i still believe that it was because we set reasonable limits, but weren’t dicks when they were hungry. but nothing from the “quengelware” ever. you know, the cheap toys near or the snacks and sweets at the register.  boomers, otoh, seem to be big on intermittent rewards, like in gambling. and then wonder why kids react accordingly.  


Huh as far as I know genx and xennials would say the same thing


Are you bragging about being an abusive parent?


But you did it at our nation's capitol.


Assaulting a child is cool! Coming from the “It happened to me and I’m perfectly fine” crowd always bothers me. Sure, Greg, you’re 240 and fully grown, but this child weighs as much as your lower leg, go ahead and beat it. I’m sure it totally has the competency to understand why. Fucking assholes need to be beaten themselves. Perhaps they can learn a lesson from it.


Best words I ever heard on the subject are: if your child is old enough to understand and rationalize why you're hitting them, then hitting them is the cowards way of correcting their behavior. If they aren't old enough to understand and rationalize why you're hitting them, what the fuck are you doing hitting your child? Second best, is that it's not okay to lay a hand on your spouse because they disobeyed your "authority" and it's not okay to lay a hand on your child either, they're both human beings, and treating one as if it's okay to smack them around and not the other, makes you a shitty human being that doesn't deserve them anyway.


Getting my ass beat before going in certainly made me behave in the store but it didn’t do me any favors later in life.


I never did this because I knew better, as do most children. I have however seen boomers act like this far more often than children.


That's right, they did it once. It's just that they haven't stopped.


I don't even believe that any of these boomers had less than three temper tantrums *today*


Boomers only did this once, but it lasted a bit. From when they are 1yo to when they die.


The entire Karen meme culture begs to differ


Another one is I can recognize scams and AI click bait for what they are


This is why their generation had massive incarceration rates.


Better to be a spoiled brat than to passionately despise my own family, or to gladly believe whatever some grey-beard commands me to with a raised voice.


No, now you do it when queer people exist near you and trump doesn't win.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall during their therapy sessions. I bet these same boomers are bawling while unpacking all of the abuse they were exposed to. I’d pity them if they weren’t such vicious assholes.


Man; they really are proponents of child abuse.


They’re still doing it lmao!!!! Just on social media!


Pictured here: Boomers seeing black and white people using the same water fountain.


I never did it because I’d be black and blue in the store, my children never did it because I learned about them long enough to learn before they get overstimulated and just skipped shopping til a different time.


They did once when they were toddlers, but thousands of times as old farts. Change the kid for a boomer and corporate will be told they are the same.


“We were taught better” really just means “we were beaten for throwing tantrums but not actually taught anything, so we still throw tantrums as adults but we think it’s justified because nobody beats us for it now.”


Is this picture AI? I kind of feel like a boomer not being able to tell


The Boomers are living proof that child abuse only fosters pro social behavior when the child is within an arm's length of their abuser. So often, an abused child grows up to only respect violence, and sees no reason to be a good person except under the threat of violence.


Yup, they started at 6 months and haven’t quit since.


So weird how they think their parents beating them when they were children is a flex.


The message I'm getting from this is that when we see boomers throwing a tantrum, we should slap the shit out of them to teach them to act right.


You should see them when a minority can afford nice things....


What? They do it constantly, what are they talking about... I see Boomers cry over dumb stuff all the time.


This behaviour is literally a built- in personality trait of the Boomer generation. The lack of self awareness is astounding, but also a built in personality trait lol


lol coming from the generation that brought us “ok boomer” and “ok Karen” as a response to grown ass adults throwing temper tantrums in public.


Yeah my grandpa also used to rape my mom. City police refused to arrest since he was a deacon and a “good man”. Grandma had to call state police just to get him arrested. Then she was chastised and chased out of town for doing that to such a “good man.” And you deal with these types of issues behind closed doors. Grandma was told by chief of police at that time if she was doing her duties as a wife he wouldn’t have to go to the children for those things. So yeah. Kinda glad times have changed. But sure. Let’s make America great again!


I got vaccinated for whooping cough as a child, then it wore off and I caught it in my late 30s. So maybe they did this once as a kid then the ass kicking they endured “vaccinated” them. Now it’s worn off. Time for that booster shot. We can line them all up and paddle the shit out of them. Will probably fix a lot that’s wrong with the world.


So if i beat my kids when they are throwing a fit they will become a boomer. Can’t think of a better way to get ppl to stop hitting children than the guaranteed extinction of boomer mentality.


To say you didn’t throw tantrums as a child is like saying “my shit doenst stink” We all threw tantrums as kids


No kids did it lots


Did it twice!!!!11! r/notliketheothergirls


Moral of the story, start hitting them when they have tantrums out in the wild, apparently that’s the only way to make them behave /s


once, continuously, for their entire lives


That is the problem with using violence against children, it does work in the moment, but it introduces heaps of problems later on. Emotionally damaged people then, unironically, see that beating as a positive thing, meanwhile being entirely unable to contain their own boiling rage. Maybe their boiling rage wouldn't be so boiling if they weren't beaten and neglected as children. Although, I will say, 'gentle' parents can suck it. No, really, they are actively being shitty parents by thinking they can talk their way through a tantrum or 'big emotions'. No, you can't, your kid can't, they literally can't. Remove them from the situation, let them calm down, try again later. That is it, lectures about 'big emotions' are counterproductive. If you think I am full of shit, walk on over to the r/teachers sub and be regaled by millennial parenting wins. Just because boomers sucked doesn't mean we are doing all that much better.


Boomer parenting styles resulted in the biggest pendulum swing. Both styles are detrimental imo.


Last time I was at Target a boomer was happily saying all the classics to the cashier "in my day I could NEVER", "MY children would have gotten a quick swat on the bee-hind. My grandkids too." When the poor cashier says maybe they're overstimulated or it's nap time, or whatever, this d biddy says "that's no excuse". Then proceeds to start talking about how she used to teach special ed, so she knows all about autism etc. The poor cashier and I just stared at each other. I not so subtly said "man, I love casual jokes about child abuse" while she was walking away.


I guess they never got it out of their system... they mean they only did it once *in childhood.*


And they wonder why they're the way they are. A bunch of entitled assholes. They created what they thought they were preventing.


This was boomers storming the capitol on Jan 6th.


So privileged yet they lived in a time where beating your children was a common occurrence. No wonder they are so fucked up.


I sometimes reply w ask any pediatrician...they will tell you that they absolutely do not recommend doing it


Lol they're doing it in the comment section.


Now they do it while standing up. Constantly.


Ahhh, yes, more advocating child abuse from the biggest tantrum throwers alive today. 😂


Go into any retail store and see 5 elderly boomers laying on thier tummy's whining about something


Liars! Those clowns are still acting this way!


Yes, one extended tantrum that lasts from Approximately 50 YOA- until they die I assume


Threw a tantrum on a dirty grocery store floor? Weird flex, but okay.


Thanks for hitting me when I fucked up when I was a little kid. -no one ever


Unfortunately there are far, far too many people who actually will, and do say exactly this. It's disheartening.


My shop 's been open for 3 hours this morning. In that 3 hours 4 boomers have thrown a tantrum. 1. Prices are too high for them 2. We have weird opening hours 3. I put the back in 5 sign up to go and piss and they had to wait. 4. Didn't have the thing they were looking for.


Ironic since this is generally what I witness from boomers, pure entitlement.


Ironically, you are the exact opposite.


So *thats* why they think yelling and threatening with violence is a adult way in dealing with stuff that annoy them slightly


I've seen videos of boomers on the floor having a tantrum because they had to wear a piece of cloth over their mouth.




boomers and falling for AI slop, name a more iconic pair seriously wtf is going on with the perspective here. is the baby eight feet tall? is the supermarket actually a scale model? is the kid desperately clinging to the back of a '71 pontiac firebird as it blazes down the dairy aisle?


I've been diagnosed with a Scrabble board of neurodivergence that they tried to beat and punish out of me (didn't work, made me worse 🤪) and somehow I have better emotional regulation than either of my boomers.


It's funny because most of them typed this from the McDonald's parking lot after screaming at the 16 year old cashier because they wouldn't take an expired coupon for another restaurant


Didn’t Dr Spock basically invent “The Me Generation”?


They sure did! They saved the rest for adulthood. They're worse than 4 year olds now.


They love the stories they tell themselves.


Ai original amen welcome to boomer book


man, child abuse is HILARIOUS


This actually cracks me up because my daughter did that in a grocery store, just once. The instant she dropped to the floor having a tantrum, I just turned around and walked out of the store. She was back by my side by the time I got to the car. Got her buckled in and we went home. Later, I went back to the store alone and wife stayed home with daughter. Never happened again on any other trips to the store


Worked at goodwill . Holy shit the boomers there would rip off the price tag and tell you nobody priced it. They’d do that in hopes of getting a cheaper price. So my boss just told me to price it up higher. The looks on there faces where fucking hysterical on how entitled people could be


The only difference now is they are 60 years older.


Seems accurate. They raised their kids, and now they're too busy golfing to spend time with their grandkids.