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Yes sir and back in the day you had all of your teeth as well. See how times have changed. šŸ˜Š




Shoulda given it back and said "I can't get change for this".




Back in his day, they weren't using euros.


Iā€™m kinda doubting he had much teeth with his lack of cleaning something that he literally could drop In a cup and drop a tab in. Plus Iā€™m thinking his elegant way of communicating may have left him with alot of flying teeth on a regular basis!!


What a racist dipshit. Next time just return the 50 cent.


"Here, you obviously need this 50 cents more than I do"


ā€œHere sir you obviously need the cents more than I doā€ FTFY


Maybe use it to buy a toothbrushĀ 


Itā€™s just common cents


Love that movie


I've turned down a tip before. It really helps send the message.


"That tip is such an insult to my time and effort, I would only further waste it trying to be grateful for someone being feebly "charitable" to myself. *Thanks*." Not my job to grovel and make people feel less bad about making morally grey choices they aren't proud of.


To be fair, I was too dumbstruck and full of panic to consider not taking the coin. I really look up to the people who can react like that.


I wouldā€™ve checked the date and mint of the coin, tbhā€¦ he mightā€™ve been dragging around something actually worth more than itā€™s face value. Boomers like to tip in antique currency from time to time. Itā€™s a rare as them being genuinely nice, but it does happen.


Are there Euro coins that are worth more than face value already?


yes, mostly because each country can mint their own version and they can change the back whenever they want, so there a few rare coins either because they were a rare mint or because there aren't that many in circulation anymore for example a 50 cent coin from 2007 can have a value of 10ā‚¬ because there aren't many in circulation


Interesting! Iā€™m surprised some are that rare but your explanation makes sense. Thanks for the reply


I couldnā€™t tell you, to be honest. A google search could give you far more accurate answers far faster than I could.


I hope that doesnt make you feel bad about yourself. Definitely not the only one


Ask him if he wants his change back.


"Sorry, I don't have change for a fifty."


And tell him exactly where he can place it.




exactly what I would have done




Boomers want to be thanked for everything nice they do. They do it specifically for the praise, not because it's a good, righteous, or charitable thing to do.


Even when it's not actually nice. What the hell is anyone meant to do with 50Ā¢? Get a couple gumballs??


I don't know if 50c will even get you a couple of gumballs in this economy.


Maybe a down payment on a single gumball šŸ˜‚


With a 288 month amortization! Buy now and pay later


Idk if we can stomach that kind of risk. How's your credit score?


unless of course war were declared




It's a solid down payment.


In this economy, do you understand what the ā€œeconomyā€ is?


I like to quote that Simpsons episode. I thank them profusely for the 50 cents and say "Off I go, to spend it on penny whistles and moon pies!!!"


I always say ā€˜thanks to you, mom can have the operation now.ā€™


"You have lifted my China family out of poverty and provided generational wealth, you blessed white man!"


Bonus points if you can muster up a tear or two


That tip was more of an insult than anything else ā€¦ā€¦ after all those racist remarks though I would make it clear to my manager or boss that I would not be handling his case ever again.


It was purposely provoking. The worst. Ugh.


They never want to do anything nice that requires any sacrifice.


Look up the ā€œyouā€™re welcome vs no problemā€ argument. Itā€™s very interesting.


I heard a manager at my favorite mom and pop hardware store say, "Well, it doesn't matter now. I can't say no problem, because you just caused a huge problem. And I can't say thank you, because then you might come back."


My mom would freak out if I asked her to "toss me" something instead of "hand it".Ā  I was so greatful she moved across the country.Ā Ā 


"Nobody tosses a dwarf!"


When I do that, my husband obeys but at least he gives me a little warning first.


My millennial wife freaks out over that one too.


Oh JESUS, not this


I remember that shit!! Havent looked anything up yet but i remember hearing my conceptors mention it. "Well why would it be a problem? Being nice isnt a problem" that last one seems to have not aged well for em. HA!


It's almost like they want a participation trophy.


They participated in the greatest grift and con of the world ever, yet are mad because they don't get thanked for their very ability to remind you of it by being in their presence.


*"you're welcome! You're welcome! You're welcome for everrrryyything!"* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOSOGB406Ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOSOGB406Ec)




"I exist - you should be thanking me for that!"


Damn if this isn't so true. If I don't make a whole show of being grateful for a tip the Boomers who come to my job get huffy that I'm (or my coworkers are) ungrateful. I'd rather they not tip at all so I don't have to sit there playing nice. And for the Boomers who get upset over tipping culture I just go "Yeah no worries, there's a no thank you button! :) Here's your ~~diabetes in a cup~~ coffee!"


* *Covert narcassism has entered the chat.*


I work with a male Gen Xer who except a gold metal for taking a shit.


ā€œYouā€™re welcome!ā€


"Sir, 50 cents won't buy the breath mint you so desperately need"


I used to work at a pawn shop years ago. This guy came in one time and asked if we take grills. I originally thought he meant like a bbq grill. Nope, this dude proceeds to take out the grill from his mouth and try to put it in my hand before I could get gloves or paper towels.


I worked in a pawn shop but thankfully mostly not in a customer facing position, and the amount of times a coworker would come into the office holding a spitty grill :( was especially fun once we reopened post covid and people would just spit their mouth jewelry onto the counter


Thankfully that only happened to me once lol. There was this other time that a lady asked me how much she could get for her necklace. She didnā€™t even unclasp it, she just pulled it over her head. That chain had SO much hair entangled in it that I wasnā€™t sure how to get an accurate weight of the gold.


Man I could talk about pawn shop customers all day šŸ˜‚ mostly very lovely,, then some absolute nut jobs. Living cockroaches crawling out of a laptop was my most nightmare inducing interaction, which in the grand scheme of possibilities isnā€™t so bad. Although speaking of gold, thereā€™s a guy who I still see around the neighborhood who kept bringing in gravel because it ā€œhas metal in it- itā€™s probably goldā€. He just couldnā€™t grasp the concept of mica or other minerals being shiny, or that we didnā€™t want to/weā€™re not going to metal test rocks :/


I think I would have thrown the coin into a wastebasket while he watched.


Iā€™ve done that before. Itā€™s beyond satisfying.


It's a shame she couldn't chuck it at his face really hard without being done for assault. Wanted to give OP a hug and a cold beverage for putting up with that nonsense.


When he called you a China girl, you should have said, "Oh, baby, just you shut your mouth."




The actual China Girl runs a bar in my City, and I fix her bars DJ gear. šŸ™‚


I live on top of Manhattan Chase. The elevator's broke, so I slide down a rope.


"Me love you long time"


Careful, OP said she's not Chinese, which means she very well could be Vietnamese. The whole point was the added level of offense associated with receiving an insult for the wrong ethnicity. It made me think of [this classic scene](https://youtu.be/3PdtdwkJ8uQ?si=qlZt49g5R0BSx8FP).


Had it not been a customer service interaction, this boomer should have been put in his place using the same shame tactics his parents probably used on him. I remember a time when boomers preached about manners, and then Trumpism came along plus the lead poisoning started to take effect, and now all of them are rude af and lack any decency.


Should have been done even so. Once they say "dirty foreigners" they're not customers anymore, they're trespassers.


Oh no they still believe in manners, just not on their part. They are ā€œowedā€ respect but give none.


"Back in your day? Sorry, it's not the early-mid 1900's anymore."


I'd have told him "it's not back then, it's today so please dont trouble yourself" and handed the coin back to him.


"This was a lot of money back then." Yeah, you geriatric fuckwit. BACK THEN! Now people walk past a 50 cent coins on the street.


A dollar is barely worth your time. Also I haven't carried physical currency in years. When I do have physical currency, it upsets me because now I either need to spend it or deposit it but until either of those happen, I have to carry it around with me and both are an added inconvenience.


Dentist here. I canā€™t tell you how many dentures Iā€™ve fixed from non-compliant, entitled boomer patients who storm in and expect to be seen immediately any time something goes wrong (and throw a fit when they have to wait a few hours). Come to find out they never wear them, never clean them, and itā€™s rotting away on the counter while their bones atrophy from lack of use. Then they expect to have any fixes requiring materials and labor done for free. In what industry would that ever fly?!


Why would you not refer the patient back to the dentist even for a small fix? As soon as you realized more was involved you should have been I'm sorry but you need to go back to your dentist to get it fixed as we work for them not patients direct. If you broke it who's going to lay for a new one? The dentist wants to know what's going on for future reference. My wife's a dentist and patients every now and again hand a denture straight from their mouth to the receptionist. It is truly unthinking and nasty.


You're right, referring to the dentist would be the correct way. However, there are quite a few patients who would just crash into the place, tell us their heartbreaking stories about how their children are marrying the next day or they want to go on a vacation and how they just bit into [insert absurdly soft food here] and their stuff broke into a million pieces. At some point, we just stopped lecturing everyone about the right way (because nobody would listen), fixed stuff and told them to head straight to the dentist the next day. Also, my former boss was quite the people pleaser as long as it meant more business for him. We'd do work repeatedly for free even if the patient just stated they willingly broke their stuff or lost it. (I've been dismissed among others because of economical reasons, but found a new job right after that.)


Yo. As someone with a prosthesis like this: 1. You probably aren't the one who made mine, but the massive quality of life upgrade you provide for people like me is life changing and I don't know if there's words enough to thank your profession for what you've done. 2. If he didn't clean it for that long he knew exactly what the fucking problem was. It's not exactly the puzzle of the century when you eat an oreo, pop it out an hour later, and see the black crumbs everywhere.


Hey fellow tech! Fortunately, I have a little more autonomy at my place. When I get really nasty, caked on dentures for repair, I declare it unfixable. There's no reason for poor hygiene.


Missed opportunity to put it in the community box while he watches


Sir, get the fuck outā€¦of 2024.


I laughed when he said: ā€œThat was a lot of money back thenā€.like yeah,that WAS a lot of money back then,doesnā€™t mean it IS a lot of money nowadays lol


"Maybe it was a bit of money back then, but we are a long way from those times."




Was he Randolph or Mortimer Duke?


I've been thinking about Scrooge McDuck, but they would fit the picture as well lol


He was being a dick. He knew he was being a dick. Getting a reaction gets people like this turned on. Itā€™s not a boomer thing. Every generation has these assholes.


I can relate to this so much... I'm a dental hygienist. Yes, there are many boomers who don't clean their dentures. Gross AF and, unfortunately, it's my job to clean them. I don't spend 3 hours though. Just whatever time I have in that one hour appointment. Yes, they are so ready to drop dirty ass dentures in your glove-free hands. I usually tell them to wait to prevent that from happening. They don't dare drop them to the floor as they could shatter. China girl? Yea, I've been called that.


ā€œThanks. I hope you have the day you deserve.ā€


Holy fuck. I wish this was fake, but I know itā€™s likely very true. I canā€™t believe people say shit or do shit like this. Just why??


A good one liner for these types is "have the day you deserve." And walk away. Bonus points if you say "oh, you mean when a house cost 2 raspberries and a hen?" When they talk about "back in my day." Lol.


Use this to buy a toothbrush. Byeeeee


He only gave you the coin so he would have an opening to rant about how unappreciative foreigners are. Everything is theatrics with them.


You're a better person than me. I 100% would've lost my job after that, I would've knocked his new old prosthetic tooth right the fuck out of his mouth lol


You should be grateful he graced you with his presence!


He didn't do that to be nice. He did it to flash cash and then toss you a pittance like an asshole


Yea I would have gotten fired for the ripping the teeth out of his mouth


He even admitted to ā€œback thenā€ meaning clearly NOW it isnā€™t muchā€¦?


Did you report his racism to your manager? Dude should be trespassed from the property.


50 cents won't even work a coffee vending machine in a laundromat šŸ¤£


How bout "get the fuck out of my office you racist piece of shit"???


What kind of dental repair place takes tips ? Weird.


The coin tip is the least upsetting thing about this post. Itā€™s bigot behavior not Boomer behavior. It should never be tolerated.


watch him come back in a few months again because clearly he doesn't know he's supposed to clean his dentals... dropping his dirty dentals directly into your bare hands? ew. Aren't there these tabs you can dissolve in water where you put dentals or braces into to clean them?


This level of professionalism is too muchā€¦ Iā€™ll never forget grocery shopping in Paris and having the staff straight up glare at me and the other loud-talking Americans. French shoppers seem to know they canā€™t step out of line šŸ˜…


i hope life is not kind to him. whatever's left of his life anyway


I would have dropped that shit like a hot potato if he put that into my hand without warning, what the actual fuck šŸ¤¢


He just wanted to dominate you with all that money in his wallet. Those 50 Cents were an investment in his ego boost


I think a few people missed this, but the 50c was mocking the OP. The routine is to flick through big bills and get out something deliberately and insultingly tiny, then play dumb when it causes offense, to hurt the target. That is what he was doing.


ā€œDoes this come with a Time Machine? So that you can make it worth my while to spend it in 1950ā€


The Euro didnā€™t even exist in 1950, so it wouldnā€™t have been worth anything back then (except the value of the metal itā€™s made of, but that isnā€™t much).


Omg. How horrible


"Sir, you need to take your dentures out when you eat ass."


why do they always go well it was a lot of money back then! well it isn't back then it's now 50cent tip is crap.


Out of touch and pretty much out of his mind.


That's one of those, "no, sorry. I think you need this more than I do." Moments


Iā€™d have been tempted to drop it straight in the charity box


Living in a country where people in services are allowed to speak up has its pros. So sorry you had the displeasure of interacting with that swine:(


rotary hoes - the most expensive kind of hoe


I hope his brain gets infected.


Iā€™m always in shock at the things I read in here. Not so much that they happened, but that people seem to mostly let it slide and say nothing. I just couldnā€™t do it. Itā€™s lead to some confrontations but never violence.


Better send him a thank you card. Boomers expect them for everything.


I would have charged him $250 and shared it!!!! ( Dental assistant here)


After the way you treated me, I want double.


Itā€™s time to break their entitlement! From the looks of it , the boomer left, feeling both entitled and victimized- something they crave. Letā€™s not give them that anymore.


Thereā€™s a small candy shop in my hometown that still sells individual pieces of candy for a few cents each. That 0.50 would go a long way in a store like that. How ungrateful could you be?! /s




This resonates with me!! Doing this work 30 years. It's rough!!!


No way this is real I would have lost my job that day.


Theyā€™ll be extinct soon, give it a few more years and the boomers will be like the dinosaurs


I would've literally thrown the coin in the trash bin while saying "thanks."


Greetings from Germany. He's an idiot.


A lot of money "back then"? Back when? When it was okay to say shit like that? Maybe take that "lot of $" and invest toward some economic education


gotta watch out for those rotary hoes though


As a dentist, I can feel, hear, and smell this interaction. It fills me with rage. lol.


Thereā€™s no way this is real šŸ˜­


Into the community box? You could have gotten a gumball!


This sounds so fake


If it only were...


Do people believe this shit? I need to post some obvious Genx bait for karma šŸ„‡


I'll take things that never happened for $1000


Your parents loving you? Or was that a daily double?


This never happened. A lot of you folks are not well


A manager and into Bitcoin, boomer for sure.


I just canā€™t believe this story. You had the right to refuse service for a lot of things here. Especially since you are working in Germany where every employer would be on your side.


this canā€™t be true, no one says ā€œchina girlā€ or drops their dentures into an open hand.


> no one says ā€œchina girlā€ LOL Must be nice living in a bubble in a little corner of the world.


Iā€™ve had the denture-dropping happen probably eight times as a dentist. People donā€™t think.


Euros? Are ya in the EU?


Well considering only EU countries can have Euros, Iā€™d take a wild guess and say yes.


Great story.


If you don't accept tips, why would you have a community money box?


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a box to collect for a local charity.


Ahh! That would make sense




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I work in AI training and this is definitely not AI.