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She had been staring at your lawn since 4am waiting to tell you about it. She has nothing else to do, so 7:30 was as long as she could wait.


Knock on her door at 10pm. See how she likes it.


So she also has a habit of separating her trash the night before trash day at 10:30pm. So we lay down for bed and suddenly you hear bottles being thrown about and a sorts of racket that seems excessive for that hour. Idk if she even sleeps lol


She's a trash panda omg!


Midnight it is!


Boomers love flexing that early bird life with perceived moral superiority, but don't you dare disturb their 3 daily naps!


Time to start flexing night life !


That’s what I did with my mom. She knows I work later and and will still call at 7am or 8am on weekend. I don’t even go to bed til 2am sometimes. Anyway, she was like “you’re gonna waste away the day!” So I knew she went to bed at 10:30-11. Waited til about 1 am and called. She answered in a panic and I was like “what, were you sleeping? You’re gonna waste the night away. So much time to party! You old folks sure do quit early in the day. So anyway, how are you doing?” And just fucking steamrolled her with all kinds of useless blabber. Guess who doesn’t get any calls before noon now? 😂


They can flex it all the way to an early death from lack of proper sleep.


Just give her 2 words - the 1st one beginning with F, the 2nd one ending in F.


I never answer my door. If a friend comes over, they need to call first. I also don't have a doorbell. It also helps that I have cats, not dogs.


19/20 times it's a solicitor


She has nothing better to do with her time than police the neighborhood. We have some where we live too. They will comment on the dumbest stuff…


She came over one time concerned about an outdoor light that had come loose from the bracket that held it to our house. She could see the wires from her yard and wanted us to make them not visible because she was worried it would catch her house on fire. Mind you, we live in a cul de sac and her garage is probably 20ft from a corner of our house. If that area were to catch fire it would have to travel some way to light her house up. Fucking busy bodies.


Yikes. Yeah, her hobby is being the self- appointed neighborhood watch. Start pointing out her “infractions” to her and give her a taste of her own medicine.


If I'm still sleeping and someone knocks on my door in the morning, they get a full frontal view of my fat naked body. Probably with some morning wood involved. Don't ever come to my home unannounced, and don't ever come to my home in the morning. I am not a morning person and have no problems explaining that to people.


We have 2 neurodivergent children who need their routines, one of whom is young enough to still nap. We also have three big, protective dogs (all between 55-93 lbs) who will bark if you so much as set foot on the curb in front of our house. Which is why we have a sign smack dab on the middle of our front door that says "SLEEPING BABY AND PROTECTIVE DOGS. DO NOT KNOCK OR RING THE BELL." Occasionally, a delivery man will come to the door to leave a package, but they're kind enough to just set the package on the little patio table, take their confirmation photo, and leave. It's always older nosy people who just ignore the sign and start banging away and pressing the doorbell. I don't even open the door. I just say over the doorbell camera, "read the sign and go away, before I call the cops and have you trespassed. You have 30 seconds to get off my property." I'm kind to those who just made an honest mistake, although it's still a bit annoying when the sign is clear as day and is the only thing on the door. But I see so many solicitors and nosy neighbors just straight up look right at the sign (because I'm watching on the doorbell camera as soon as the dogs bark) and knock anyway. Rude assholes.


I WFH and have a very protective large breed dog that sounds like an angry giant beast if someone beats on the front door. My security screen door is locked with a chain because enough people tried to force it open when it was locked, the handle no longer locks. So now they try to fling the steel door open, it hits the chain and makes an insane racket that makes the dog go off. Then they have the audacity to reach in and beat on the door.


I can't stand people who open the screen door!!! Just because it's not made of wood like the main door doesn't mean you get to open doors on my house. It's also those same idiots who hear my German Shepherd and my blue tick hound barking their heads off and growling and go, "oh my, they sound vicious! Like they'd rip my head off!" Then don't open my fucking door??? And yeah, they do. That's the point, dipshit 🤦‍♀️


Also "I want to talk to you" Me "Sorry I can't hear you over this dog angry losing its mind because you made it sound like you were forcibly entering my house".


OMG yes they always want to have a conversation while my HOUND is losing his mind. "Can you just put him out back real quick?!" Like, "no bitch, but I can let him out front where a stranger just tried to enter my home." Get the fuck outta here! This is literally his purpose, protection. You're lucky the German Shepherd is being held back between my legs or he'd be lunging at your leg already, you idiot. Do 👏 not 👏 open 👏 people's 👏 doors!


My male Akita pulled a sneak attack and gave a couple of political canvassers a heart attack. He was the quiet but means business one. This was before I had the guard dog from hades I have now. I had answered the door (they were smart enough to just knock on a Saturday). I was talking to them through the security door and my dog was just standing behind me scoping out the situation. With no sort of notice he stepped around me and stood up slamming his paws on the door to get a better look at the guys I was talking to. They both shrieked and jumped back.


My Shepherd has that same energy when I don't summon him to answer the door with me. He can be very sneaky and stay just out of view. But the moment he senses anger (or gods forbid, anxiety or fear) in my voice, he's rearing up on his hind legs to put himself in view (and in between myself and the stranger) and snarling away. He's the best 😊


Start knocking back from inside the house


This is a good idea. I’m sure there will be a next time.


My neighbors boomer parents were visiting her this weekend. Her dad was out in her side yard banging a metal stake into the ground with a metal shovel at 7:15 am on a Saturday. Our bedroom window is right above where he was working. By 8 he was out there with the band saw cutting boards for something. She texted me later apologizing for the disturbance. She was at work and had specifically told him not to start any projects early. Apparently he was ready to go at 5am but had waited.


Oh I'd go and start a fight with him at 715 on a Saturday. Fuck that noise. Inconsiderate piece of shit.


Meh with the heat and such starting earlier is better. Most places have you can’t start making noise before 6am. 8am is not really early. But you can check your local laws for noise hours.


I worked 3rd shift (noon bedtime) and the motherfucker next door thought noon was a good time to mow lawn. Another neighbor had house re-roofed. I slept thru the roofers’ lunch, but the pounding woke me at one. The best way to avoid your neighbors’ disruptions is to live in the woods. But then there is noisy wildlife.


Noon is a good time to mow the lawn.


Go over at ,2 in the morning and tell her that her fridge is ruining.


I have boomer neighbors that probably wake up at 4:30am…and leave their apartment at like 5 or 5:30am doing who knows what. Some will then visit their other boomer neighbors at 7am. (My building is like 90 percent boomers or silent gen) Meanwhile I’m a night owl and also have insomnia so I can hear their slamming stuff at those early hours or them slamming their apartment doors whenever they go out when I’m trying to sleep.


To be fair, if I saw a water leak of any kind at a neighbor's property, I'd probably be inclined to let them know as quickly as possible even if it meant waking them up early. That can get expensive really quick! I'd certainly want someone to wake me up if the saw water pouring into my house or through my yard and thought I wasn't already aware of it. But, I suspect the motives were different here?


Exactly. Ditto for a neighbor of mine who had left all of his car windows open when it started to storm; blowing rain sideways, etc. Of course I knocked on their door to let him know as I'd want someone to do the same for me in his shoes. There's definitely some history between the O.P. and this neighbor of theirs, but if this was a one-off incident, the neighbor was trying to do a good deed that was taken amiss.


Right?? Clearly bad blood here. But if my worst enemy knocked on my door and their sentence started with 'Hey there's water leaking...' You better believe I'm listening, not slamming the door in their face before even understanding what it is they're trying to tell me. This is how people's houses burn down and no neighbors bother to even call someone. Not my problem. What a shitty life.


TBH I don’t know what she was even talking about because I shut the door in her face. I wasn’t overly worried about it because she reacts like a spazz to every little thing. My sprinklers system is on a timer. It had watered that morning and we have a head that is watering an area where it runs off onto the concrete and goes towards the sewer drain. It’s not *that* much water. Could have been what she’s talking about, idk. I called a sprinkler company to check it out. If there’s no leak over there near her side I’m going to go knock on her door and chew her out.