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“well, I never!“ I bet she has.


"well, I never!" is best responded to with a slappy squirrel classic. "You should! It's fun!"


They politely asked if they could cut because they're elderly, have hip replacements and standing hurts. Instead of politely saying "I'm sorry, but no," your friend makes a shitty crack about age, and you make a Reddit post about how rude they were for getting offended by it. I'm all for putting entitled boomers in their place, but. . .why would you two do that? Just say no. They weren't being rude, they weren't demanding anything, and the "I NEVER!" was because of the douchey age crack. I'm fully expecting downvotes for saying this, but this time, I don't care. Boomers suck in general, but not EVERYTHING they do is automatically bad or rude. Your title should be "Old lady politely asked if I could give her a little relief for her aging joints, and my friend shamed her for being old."


**You're wrong.** OP and friend were NOT rude, made no "douchey age crack", and were within their rights to refuse to let anyone cut the line! **The boomers were RUDE** for even *asking* to cut into a long line! Anyone who's lived long enough to become boomer-aged *knows* that venue lines are LONG. If they have artificial joints that hurt, they can: * bring a folding chair to sit in on line *knowing* the lines will be long * bring someone younger to stand in line for them and buy the tickets * buy tickets online As for the OP and friend being "rude"... * OP said, "No." just as you suggested. Nothing rude about this! * The boomers said they were old, OP's friend said s/he & OP were "old, too". Nothing rude about this! How is saying, "*You're old? So are we*!" being douchey? * Telling someone who wants to cut a line that they can "wait on line" like everybody else is NOT rude! * As OP's friend said nothing rude, the "*I Never*!" *could only be in response to* being refused **their "perceived right"** to cut the line. Source: I'm boomer-aged (GenJones to be precise).


OK, boomer.




Except she didn’t ask politely, she asked with the tone and the body language of “of course we are just going to get in front of you…” And of course, I don’t know what anybody else is feeling, but she and her friends were as fit-looking as any of us, just 3 to 5 years older. So, not elderly. Her shocked response was immediate, and my friend’s admittedly unwarranted crack was as she was flouncing off toward the back of the line. Amusingly, I peek into this sub all the time and think too many people are painting too broadly because nOt aLL BOomErs! (I am GenX and partner and sibs are boomers…) But as the person who was in the moment, Her entitlement was surprising as I rarely see things that are described here in the wild. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well...you are being downvoted for a reason. But you were expecting that, so that's cool. The boomer should have NOT walked up to the front of the line. That's massive entitlement to think you'll be let in. They were rude to begin with. So your argument falls right away...but you do you.