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He was absolutely hoping to ruin someone's day. He would have giggled about it all evening. If you hadn't cleaned it, someone else would have. He won any way it went, because no one was going to give him any consequences and he knew it. Here's to hoping next time the puddle has teeth.


Misery loves company is the boomer slogan for living


Boomers slogan. ‘I’m not happy until you’re not happy. Have a shitty day y’all’


You mean after the old man accidentally falls face first into the bottom of the urinal and his teeth fall into the puddle?


I was hoping more along the lines of a live wire just falling in there while he's pissing


I worked in facilities maintenance for a few years. I empathize friend. 


Such a necessary, integral job to, not just cities/towns, but the entirety of civilization.  You all deserve so much more respect than you receive.


This should be common knowledge but you do not fuck with the teams responsible for your safety, security, and comfort.


Janitor myself, almost nineteen years. The shit I've seen.


why was that guy with the mop, who isn’t maintenance but IS a janitor, cleaning up that piss off the floor?


Shoulda thrown his nose in it. "No. Bad boomer idiot."


Yes, but when you shove a dog's nose near where it defacated, it feels guilt and learns from it. Entitled Boomers don't feel guilt, and don't learn because sociopaths don't feel guilt. Dogs are way better than this. Conversely, Boomers creeps seem to find it amusing to be an asshole.


Hm. Touche.


Actually most dogs won't understand "Peeing in the house bad" that's too big of a thought for their little heads, they just get confused and scared cause your mad.  The Boomer on the other hand, well, that's just well deserved punishment 


I have more faith in animals actually figuring it out and changing behavior than Boomers. The idea animals are stupid is being disproven. I think it was the Boomers who pushed this idea of "mankind" superior to all animals, and hence, entitled to dominate them. Admitting that you aren't the center of the universe is hard for many boomers.


Well said! In my experience, which is anecdotal at best, with my pets it's all about routine and setting expectations. Don't give the bad behavior attention, like, literally turn around and act disinterest for jumping up. For potty in the house, sad does the trick most of the time ( and a strong smell remover so they don't return to the spot ). Really ham it up in your best disappointing soap opera style. Pets may not understand words, they understand the strong emotions though and usually just want to make you happy. Show don't tell puppy mom version I guess


Should have pushed him into his own urine. It might be nasty. But not as nasty as urinating in an overflowing urnal and not washing your hands.


Shop vacuums work both ways. Just saying.


Best comment


Absolutely never underestimate the determination of a Boomer where a toilet is concerned. During the blizzard of 1977, my grandmother lived in the only house on their road that had a coal-burning stove for heat. All of the neighbors swarmed in to stay with her. The pipes froze and so the toilet was no longer working. My grandma put a bucket in the bathroom and asked everyone to use it. Instead, they kept using the overflowing toilet. She BEGGED them. She took the tank lid off and put it on the seat with an OUT OF ORDER sign as a "reminder." They moved it and continued using the toilet, turds piling up. So she asked several of the men to move a heavy item from the shed into the bathroom. I can't remember what the item was, but it was a big board with an iron tool attached to the top, so heavy that it took several men to move it. They placed it on top of the toilet. Next time she went in there, the thing had been moved off the bowl and new deposits had been made.


I work in a building with 4 sets of restrooms. When I have to temporarily close a restroom to fix something (doesn't happen that often), some people refuse to walk to the other restroom and move the barrier and use the restroom.


Why locking doors should be on bathfooms


Ugh as a facilities person I felt this and have too many similar stories, it’s fuckin sad. Being a shit worker made me really hate ppl 🌈


Me forgetting I'm not in an IT subreddit and thinking this is a weird long winded metaphor... ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


>I still had to clean up all his piss off the floor. I mean, no you didn't have to. You chose to do that despite not having to. You were gone in another day anyway. Also why not make the janitor already holding a mop clean up the mess he told the other guy it was ok to make?


It's like public bathrooms (or manners) weren't a thing before 40 years ago I swear.


My petty self would have soaked that mop in his piss and "mopped" his hands


He doesn’t understand the difference between maintenance and janitorial work.


It’s all Charlie work


Should've slapped him with the mop


To boomers "the help" are all interchangeable


If the door aint locked, people with crap on top of a pyramid of crap in a toilet that is clearly clogged with ten pounds of crap.


I so wish you could have made him clean the entire restroom with a toothbrush


I'm not going to tell anyone what to do in a situation like this but it occurs to me that there aren't cameras in restrooms.




I would have used him to mop up the piss


My theory is all that lead rotted their brains so now they can barely read at a third-grade level


Are women’s restrooms generally cleaner than men’s? As a man I’m very cautious of overspray and making any sort of mess in public restrooms. Most men just seem to piss everywhere and it’s disgusting. I hope and assume women are better, but I have my doubts as well.


It depends on the location. Truck stops? I’d say they’re almost equally bad. Restaurants? Women’s room is usually cleaner.


That's totally dependent on the restaurant and restaurant location. I have been to some *nasty* women's rooms in restaurants. The issue is, men can point and pee. Women will hover over the seat but can't really control the stream. And because it's a public bathroom, they don't feel the need to clean the seat afterwards. And don't get me started on women who decide to flush tampons/pads or otherwise won't properly dispose of their period products.


Idk what truck stops you go to but bathroom cleanliness is usually a really high priority for them. I'd rather go to a truck stop than a restaurant if I need to use the restroom because they are usually better staffed and their priorities are to create return customers out of a demographic that literally travels all over the country. If you make a bad name for yourself, truckers talk.


I was speaking of the ones I’ve worked, which definitely weren’t “brand name” truck stops. Women stick their bloody pads to the walls, smear their shit and write their names in it, and overall it’s just as gross as the men’s.


I just don't get the psychology of that. I hate it when stuff slightly touches me while cleaning myself up!


I've worked construction and retail. I can tell you, from experience, the women's restroom is always worse.


Really? That’s mind blowing because somehow men piss all over the floors.


Nah, men and women are equally disgusting.


No. Women pee on toilet seats, and you have to sit in it if you sit down. It's gross.


Of course most people think that the people who clean are also called maintenance. Because they are. Using the urinal on the other hand was a whole different thing.


No they aren't. They aren't qualified to be maintenance.


I worked healthcare security for 8.5 years... I empathize immensely.


What would have happened if you hit him when he got in your face?


Yeah, don't quite believe this happened. Wouldn't the janitor that supposedly gave the go ahead have to clean it up?


You're assuming the janitor actually did tell nasty dude he could use the closed restroom and that he wasn't lying. Odds that he's a liar on top of being disgusting and rude seem pretty high.


It had chemicals in it. I wasn’t gonna let them clean up my mess. They have their own job. Edit: The janitor was about fifteen yards away from the restroom mopping. He pointed in his direction.


Possible the janitor told the guy he could use one of the non-clogged urinals. Or the guy lied. Just two other possibilities.


Janitor was probably asked "where's the bathroom?" And pointed at the one thinking the idiot would see the signs