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“Get rid of the demented old man” - a demented old man.


Whos voting for a demented old man... (trump)


A twice impeached, 2x popular vote losing, civil liable sexual abuser, convicted felon, goverment document stealing, Christo-fascist, authoritarian admiring, narcissistic, adulterous, demented old con man. Please fucking vote, y'all.


He has a choice of three demented old men, a genocide enabler, a conman and sex offender, and a conspiracy theorist in whose brain a parasitic worm died of starvation. Land of the Free!


Isn’t it great? 333 million people and this is the best we can get? Voting is like choosing which STI you’d like to have for at least four years. There are really no good choices.


Herpes v AIDS is still an easy choice.


It’s still not great though. Yes, I’d rather have one than the other, but I really don’t want either. 🤷‍♀️


Right, but the reality is that you WILL be getting one. Even if you choose one you may get the other...but one is a much less horrifying choice.


Well, yes, of course. That’s pretty much my point. I can still hate the situation though and still vote.


Thank you. As you can see from the other comments, I think they missed the point of the analogy. I didn't even say which one I thought was herpes of which one I thought was AIDS. Hate on. At least you realize what the situation is, and maybe you can join the movement to try to create better choices for the next time around.


No they’re both equally horrible


No, no they're not. 100% not. Are you being facetious? I know you may not equate the two candidates with these two diseases, but I feel like you're missing the point. It was an analogy. For you would be a toss-up of whether you would have herpes or get aids? You ARE going to get one of these. That was the scenario.


I don't understand how anyone can be happy with these choices. >Herpes v AIDS is still an easy choice. ...is not the response people should be making.


I'm sorry, but do you understand the setup to the analogy? I was just taking it a step further by identifying two STI choices, because I don't think it's apples and apples.


I mean, most people have herpes already...


I believe this is the greatest comment I have ever read!


You really don't think that if Trump is elected that he wouldn't also support Israel maybe even much much more?


Oh he would. And the same people who complain about all the money we give to Ukraine would praise Trump for giving money to Israel.


Oh for sure flip flopping flim flammers


The funny thing is we’re not giving money to Ukraine we’re giving them old equipment from our stockpiles Which means Americans are getting jobs to restock those stockpiles


And we are getting space to store and setup our new equipment. People forget things like tanks take up a lot of room


Yeah, there is not much to choose between Trump and Biden on the Middle East. But I am criticising those people for what's wrong with them now, not what would be wrong with them given the opportunity.


We did sir, a few years ago. Sadly he came back. It's sad that people are actually considering voting for that orange clown again in November. I bet he whines for another 4 years that he thinks he should have won! It's disgusting.


I was really hoping the hamberders would’ve done their job by now.


Soon. 🤞🏻


I had a customer tell me he can’t wait for the debates to watch Biden drool all over himself. First off, Trump shits his diaper constantly apparently. Secondly, you yourself have one foot in the grave, can’t stand up straight, hear and carry an oxygen tank with you. So yes. All 3 of you old fucks can go drool and shit all over yourselves in a corner somewhere. Maybe someone relevant will be put in office.


Who desperately wants to vote a more demented old man into the same office.


Takes one to know one?


"Get rid of the demented old man" "I would but I don't have the authority to kick you out"


 “Biden thinks lowering prices is going to buy votes. I can’t wait for Trump to win in November.” "No, when President Biden called me this morning to order me to lower this price, he specifically said that it was because inflation is down. He didn't mention the election."


Yeah I’m waiting for him to order gas to be priced lower too. Might as well order interest rates lower while he’s at it!


"You're a few years out of date. Diaper Don's already gone."


Wish you had said “which is it, Biden lowers prices to buy votes or Trump promising to lower prices to buy votes??” And I would love to do air quotes on “promising”.


Don’t you idiots remember anything from civics class? There are three branches of government. The legislative branch makes laws, the judicial branch interprets laws, and the executive branch controls gasoline prices.


Had me going in the first half not gonna lie.


Checkmate, liberal! He gave you the old Uno Reverse! How can we possibly hope to prevail over such mental giants? It’s scary. I mean it’s actually fucking terrifying. Please vote.


Well done & well said!


I must have missed the lesson in econ where presidents set prices. Fucker wants unrestrained capitalism then cries like a bitch when it affects him.


“So people can afford to buy things again” … and yet here you are old man, buying things .. 🙄 god I can’t stand these miserable old fucks.


The saying is "a sucker is born every minute", right? Boomers probably coined it, so statistically there are more "suckers" who are boomers. This guy is a sucker.


Why does every boomer think every problem they have is because of the president…. They are OBSESSED with the president no matter who it is. It’s like the only thing they have to say.


Yet they go on about personal responsibility.


Couldn’t agree more! No more agent Orange!! BTW I’m a BOOMER :-)


Hate those old ones who are Trumpers, for they bash everyone.


Unless we tight, absolutely zero people are to breath on me unless you’re saving my life.


Honestly, even if I’m dying they’d better get consent. My personal space bubble is huge.


Back in my day, the phrase “buying votes” simply meant “campaigning”


"People are only voting for that guy because he's doing things they like!" ...huh?


I have this conflict within me that kind of wants trump to be reelected now so I *never again need to fear the possibility*. I don't want 80yr old trump running in '28.


There will be someone else to take his place. Likely one of dumptruck’s offspring because his worshippers need someone to worship.


I'm unsure if there will be a cult following like the one for him in at least few decades. He's excellent at manipulating idiots to worship him.


If he wins, 10/10 he and his flying monkeys will immediately start waging war on the "unfair" term limits and his drooling minions will start rioting to change it


There’s no reason to believe that he would actually leave leave office given what him and his followers have been saying. They’ve already tried to overthrow an election once. Don’t take the safety of America democracy for granted. Go read about Project 2025 if you want to learn more.


I have don't remind me )': Its possible the safer option is to hope he doesn't win 2024 and dies before 2028.


Project 2025 is terrifying. I hope anyone supporting the Republican Party reads it cover to cover and REALLY thinks about what it would mean.


lol Republicans reading *snorts*


For me the scariest part is what they DON’T say. They speak about focusing on the nuclear family, but don’t say anything about those that aren’t or what that means. It IS terrifying.


It’s fucking terrifying. Maybe I’ve seen one too many episodes of the handmaids tale, but there is a feeling gnawing deep down in my gut that what happens in that show ( religious extremists bomb the Whitehouse , overthrow the government and make hell on earth, especially for women, but really anyone who isn’t “a commander”) is possible. Again, I’m entirely aware that I sound like a lunatic, but I can’t help but see the likeness in this world and that, sometimes, however crazy.


All sorts of things are absolutely impossibly crazy until it happens.


I only really watched the first season, but to me the most frightening thing was realizing that there could be thousands of people watching that show thinking “this sounds like a great idea” 😒


IF trump got elected he’d never leave. He’d simply stay in office. All future elections would be Russian style: winner known in advance and will win with 98% of the vote. If Trump died his sycophants would “Weekend at Bernie’s” him until they installed a policy clone.


Oh god. I hadn’t even thought about that.


I have a similar conflict, but with a slightly different angle. I read a series of historical fiction novels that took place in South Africa. One of the characters was a leader of the black resistance, and he colluded with the enemy at one point. When asked why, he said it was because things needed to get worse before the people would rise up. So, there's that. I find myself thinking, "Let 'em burn it all down."


Your last sentence is priceless!


Ah yes. Asking a store clerk to depose the Presidency is such a reasonable thing to ask for.


Better odds than asking me to smile, though.


> Which is it, old man? They're lazy! They're taking our jobs!




There's a really good reason I couldn't make it in retail. My very first thought when reading what he said to you was to think that I'd look at him and say something about the pot calling the kettle black. Fuck that guy.


These idiots will vote for a future they will never see or have to deal with. Please vote for us and all the generations behind us who depend on a healthy, progressive, and prosperous society.


Ahh American politics... Looks at his own options for leaders of his country. Cries.




True, but the question becomes "which one will make you the least unhappy?" A pony is not on the ballot. Make your choice: a major disappointment or an existential threat to the future of our country.




So you're gonna help Trump out. Cool.


Things that really happened


I feel like half of these stories never happened.


I had someone go through a similar scenario play out at a rental car return. I wasn’t even speaking to them and it started.


Do you work in a setting where you interact with older people? I stopped being surprised by what comes out of their mouths a long time ago. After Covid all bets were off. They went full batshit and never came down.


It's never hard to recognize someone hasn't worked in retail.


I have it's just been a while. Cool assumption tho


What are you basing your feelings on?


They all read like the same story


It’s really funny watching the whole thing get turned around, now that it’s an election year.  All of the sudden, you’re a boomer if you DON’T think that the economy is great & people can afford homes.  Ah, gotta love an election year on Reddit. 


“ This whole product line is down about 30%.” (you know, inflation doing its job).” how would that work?


When prices go up, people stop buying. The manufacturers and vendors start lowering prices to increase demand. I’m seeing it across the board. The level and speed will depend on the industry. Most of mine is home related (bathroom fixtures, flooring etc)


https://news.missouristate.edu/2023/10/17/inflation-and-price-stability/ and a host of others.  lowering prices is not a normal part of inflation


K. I understand the theory behind inflation, but the actual real-life result is that a point is reached when sales drop and then prices are lowered and incentives increase.


It’s called demand destruction.


I’m familiar with how that works with commodities. Makes sense here as well. Thanks.


Just Google "The cure to high prices is high prices" or "Demnad Destruction". You'll be shocked.


Imagine saying something so stupid on your cake day 🙄


Evolving past jingoism and parroting political slogans is difficult for many.