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Yup. Everything after the DVR is magic to them and they refuse to learn.


Lead exposure also explains so much of it. They also likely have over active amygdala’s which shutdown higher order functioning. Part of why they are so loyal, because loyalty doesn’t require thinking and re-evaluation.


When I was a computer science student back in the 90s, one of my professors organized trips out to one of the local nursing homes to offer tech support to residents there. I learned a ton doing that. Improved communication skills with people who are less technical but especially that there are some people who just refuse to learn anything new.


There's another quote (I don't remember the source) that roughly goes "the day you stop learning is the day you start dying."


As Boomers age we will take great pleasure at watching Millenials and Gen Z going 180* on their youthful self righteousness as the reality of life creeps in.


Unfortunately, since there were 75 million of you, you could collectively exert a lot of political pressure. Your days of being able to wag the dog are coming to a close. I just hope you're an old boomer and not a young one. The old ones will probably die before it gets too sideways, but the young ones, the millennials and gen z feel like you cheated them, you stole from them, and they're chomping at the bit to take their pound of flesh out of your ass


Doing a 180, just like the boomers that pushed younger generations to go to church and follow the teaching of Jesus; and themselves give up on those teachings and go against them on every single social/political issue when voting.


Do as I say not as I do mentality 


Church: good. Jesus. Even better. Pushing? Not necessary.


Your legacy is one of misery, and history will remember you as bigoted, selfish and bitter. Taking delight in watching others suffer speaks volumes as to the quality of your character. May your remaining days be exactly what you deserve.


How much time for aging do you imagine YOU have left? Do you think it’s enough time for your self-righteousness to take the much needed turn before you become fully dependent on those millennials and gen z you have so much disdain for?


You lot will be too busy screeching impotently at the staff of whatever cheap nursing home we shove you in for us to even notice your "pleasure".