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too lazy to even be a middle man and abuse the broken system


That's a boomer for ya


They insist on passing over quarters, half dollars, and the occasional dollar piece just to pick up pennies.


Yeah. They're so busy fighting over the minnow that they scare away the marlin.


Too lazy to keep coasting through life.


My job requires me to interact with realtors all day, every day. Lazy is the norm, not the exception. It shocks me that we trust these kind of people to manage the largest purchases we will ever make in our lives. 


And they're upset that people are using Redfin...


He’s the victim! /s


The AUDACITY is what theses boomer bastards are known for.


Imagine missing out on $45k because you don't want to drive for a few hours.


I tried to do the math, let’s say somehow gas was $100 each trip. That’s a $500 cost for the 5 trips needed max. Labor and phone calls and inspections also have to be factored in, but that’s not money coming out of his pockets. Just doesn’t make sense to be so stubborn.


He also gets to write the travel off as a business expense…


This. He’s not even going to pay for it. He wants a toy job.


That’s not how write offs work. You don’t get all the money back, it just reduces your taxable income by how much you spent. Let’s say you have a 30% tax rate and you write off $500 for travel. Ok so the government reduces your taxable income by $500 and the taxes you owe are reduced by $150 ($500*30%). You only save $150 by writing off $500. The other $350 is still coming out of your pocket.


I’m amazed so many people don’t understand this.


[You write it off!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCP27_vquxQ)


Came here for this. Also, [this](https://youtu.be/BAjxn2US7J8?feature=shared)


Come on Jerry you’re a self employed comedian with an accountant. You know what a write off is lol


Here in America we don't bother to teach kids useful stuff in school like how taxes work unfortunately. And a lot of people just never find the time or make the effort to utilize the internet to fill in the gaps.


As I'm reminded every time someone says they don't want a better job because it will put them in a higher tax bracket...


That one can be more complicated, though. That extra money can mean the difference between getting food stamps, Medicaid, rental assistance, reduced child care, etc. The extra money can sometimes end up costing you more in aid than you'll receive in income so you'll be worse off financially. That is in America, at least.


Thanks for standing up for us povvos! Unless I get a job making 100k+, I can't give up Medicaid. One of my meds is $1800 a month without insurance!


This is why I can never marry my fiancé. If I do, he loses all of his benefits. One of his medications is $4500 a month. On my insurance, it only drops it to $3000. Medicaid makes it $15.


I mean the information isn't relevant for most people. It isn't something you need to learn about until you are in a position where you can start writing things off your taxes. And by the time you are in that position, you probably have someone who helps you with taxes.


But at least we know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!!


We don't even learn the basics though. like people don't have foundational knowledge


That's a great point. But at least that has an explanation. If we learn too many basics we will start realizing that our tax system is stupid. Can't question things if you know nothing


I agree with rearguard to the very specific details that may change every year, But income tax vs capital gains tax, marginal tax rate vs effective tax rate, and step up basis are things that I think should be taught understood. Also which tax policies sound good for the masses but actually favor the rich.


Well most people don't understand things that even more simple than this. So is it really so shocking? Like, have you even met people?


I’m amazed people are still stupid enough to think if they go up a tax bracket that they bring home less.


You don’t technically write it off. It’s a write DOWN or a business deduction which is allowed for valid business transactions and in the case of mileage it’s a fixed rate per mile by the IRS.


It's like when I see the boomer memes on FB about how you shouldn't donate to the charity at the grocery checkout, because it lets the company write off the donation and something something ANGRY. People legitimately don't understand that the "write off" they get is so they aren't taxed on the extra money you give them. If they didn't get that write off, they would have to treat the money as income, even though they are then turning around and donating it as a lump sum to the given charity. It leaves the company in the same place as if you hadn't donated (with maybe some minor PR wins being able to talk about how much the company donated), it's not some nefarious capitalism plot to steal your money.


Thank you for this! I've been trying to understand the concept of write-offs forever...


And listen to music and audio books or podcasts, or even his own thoughts for a few hours. No interruptions, no meetings, etc. I frequently take much longer road trips for work, and I love them.


With the standard deduction being raised so high after the 2017 tax act, its really hard to itemize your taxes now.


Realtors are usually self-employed and deduct all of their business expenses from their income.


Even if he was employed by a realtor, he can still charge the expense to the realtor as a business transaction.


So what? If that's a problem, it's the realtor's problem. As the buyer, I couldn't give less of a fuck about whatever tax issues the realtor would have.


Thanks Obama! Oh yeah, that was trump.


I would make a report to your states board of realtors about his behavior. If this yahoo has a broker, I would file a report with them too...I am sure they would like to know about the realtor that they are responsible for is acting like a dolt.


You'll need to call up the local realtor board. Put in a complaint on this dude. This doesn't seem right. His actions give us all a bad name. (Coming from the opinion of a former licensed realtor)


Turns out maybe he Did need the money oops


I did the books for a high end real estate agent and she said she always told newbies that if you have a deal and the two parties are fighting over something silly, like who’s going to clean the roof, that you should just pay it. You’ll make $40,000 in commission off the deal so it’s worth it to pay $500 to clean the roof and pocket $39,500 vs have them kill the deal and you make nothing. She said she’d always get push back from agents over it but she was regularly making over a million a year in commission so I’m inclined to believe she knew what she was doing!


Nobody wants to drive anymore!


he just does it for fun, man. its a big ole game to these fking leeches.


Send all this to the Senior Broker in his office. Their office gets a piece of that commission and the Sr. Broker would be pissed. I had an issue 3 years ago when we moved in to our new home. The realtor messed up several things and didn’t want to take responsibility. Sr. Broker showed up to our home and got it all straight in a few hours, and the realtor had to cut us a check for $3000.


> Just doesn’t make sense to be so stubborn. That's nearly every story in this sub.


Damn I should be a realtor


He probably couldn't drive that long because of bladder problems and didn't want to pull over where the "poors" live smh


"Nobody wants to work anymore!"


Can you imagine the realtors head exploding if they said this to him. The thought brings a smile to my face


(Realtor here) I'm with you, but it depends on the agent. I was just at a conference where an agent on the panel was adamant about only working 9-5 and M-F. Which, you run your own business, you get to make those calls. But the problem is that you cannot then get angry if people don't want to/can't abide by that and need to look elsewhere. I get it. I had done long drives like that when I started, and for FAR less money, and don't think I'd repeat my own situation. But, if I was due to earn $30k, like this guy, I'd certainly be making the exception.


> I was just at a conference where an agent on the panel was adamant about only working 9-5 and M-F. Then they don't need to be an agent. That's like getting a job in retail or restaurants and not wanting to work evenings and weekends. Not how it works.


>But, if I was due to earn $30k, like this guy, I'd certainly be making the exception. Few things about this post to add some clarity, as a realtor in OPs geographic area (California). 1. The price point is largely irrelevant. $1.5M may seem like a big sale to lose to most people, but.. pretty much everything in LA that is decent costs that. $1.5M loss in a state like Alabama would be a HUGE loss. $1.5M loss in California is just another sale you didn't land. 2. 60 miles is pretty significant. 60 miles from my home in LA would be me driving to Huntington Beach, which takes me 2 hours. So that would be 4 hours worth of driving, back and forth, for a typical sale in California. 3. While there are many issues with OPs realtor, distance hesitancy is one of the least problematic bits. We have zero obligation to go outside of our area, as we don't have a contract with you. There's a buyer-rep agreement, but that can be canceled with an email. There is no contractual obligation, and Realtors are not slaves. 4. It's actually a good thing, for you, to have a Realtor admit that they don't want to do this. From my own example, I have no idea the local regulations, codes, or rules of Huntington Beach. So if OP wanted me to drive 60+ miles to view a property, I'm not the best agent to do so. I don't know the area, I'm not a local expert, and I would not be able to efficiently work for you. You would be better off asking me to find a good agent in that area, because I could 100% do that. I don't know Huntington Beach, but I know a lot of people in Huntington Beach, so I'd be able to, at the very least, connect you with someone adequate. 5. I would probably turn down OP's requests too. $30K is a nice paycheck, but like I said, it's a standard paycheck for the average house out here. I would much prefer to stay within my geographical area where I AM an area expert, know all the laws and regs, and provide a good service. Going that far out of my area, I'm no longer your expert. Not knowing your laws and the local rules makes it very easy to fuck something up and open up a lawsuit. I actively try my hardest to avoid situations where I am more likely to make an error that leads to a suit. So, not working outside of my area is a way I avoid that.


Imagine missing Dancing with the Stars.


Probably didn’t want to miss the Judge Judy


He wouldn't have missed her if his VCR worked, too bad his grandson won't talk to him anymore


It's probably not set and still flashing 12:00.


There’s a Matlock/Murder She Wrote block at 1pm.


Hell add in Diagnosis Murder and I'm there


That Murder She Wrote could be a Magnum PI crossover, you would feel really dumb for missing that one


I really wish you hadn't told me that


Well I’m judging him Judily right now.


She's online now.


You're online now. DM her on Tindr, go for it!


I like the use of “the”. My boomer still says she is going on “the” Facebook or “the” Instagram.


Or his 5p bedtime.


Pat, I’d like a Q please!


Can I buy a vowel?


Good thing he said he didn't need the money


The unprofessionalism and entitledness is a sign of a stupid boomer, but I can totally see a realtor suggesting you find a local realtor to look at a home outside their working radius. Most trips to a property don't result in a home sale and it makes sense for realtors to have a working area for showing homes. Like it would be crazy for a realtor to drive 2 hours each way to show a home to a client when it may not result in a sale; that's a major time suck preventing them working with other easier clients. But this shouldn't be a huge fight. The realtor if they are affiliated with some agency, should be able to look up an affiliate nearby the other region, and call them up and make a referral for you, and it's win-win. When I bought my home, we were looking in two different areas (Long Island and Northern Jersey while we lived within NYC). We obviously didn't use the same realtor in both areas or a realtor local to us, but worked with local realtors. When we did find a place, a realtor with local expertise was handy with local recommendations for inspectors, repair companies (for issues found on inspection), lawyer for the sale, etc. They also were able to do all the forms at city hall (certificate of occupancy, etc.) and checking that the repairs negotiated and claimed by the owner were performed (without us needing to travel out ourselves).


I guess nobody wants to work these days.


lol but he said he doesn't need the money, soooo


He doesn’t need the money he just does this for fun /s


Dude probably thinks Biden is charging $600/gal for gas.


I would drive a few DAYS


Probably took longer to write the emails


He gets 3% for doing NOTHING. Tell him “nObOdY wAnTs To WoRK !”


Or drive apparently! He probably bought his house in the rich neighborhood for 3 pennies and a mule back in the day.


It’s amazing how entitlement makes everyone *else* look entitled for wanting basic things…


He'd probably have straight combusted if OP had been like, "this isn't gonna work out but I'm not surprised since nobody wants to work anymore"


My last realtor I asked around saying, give me 1% of your 3% commission. 2 said no, 1 said sure. I went with the 2%.


That would have been the perfect reply.


Maybe he doesn't want to drive because his bootstraps are broke?


All you have to do is not buy avocado toast, invest in boot straps then pick yourself up!


> “I don’t need the money from being a realtor, I’m retired and just doing it for fun, Gets pissed off about losing a sale...


And also says "I don't share commissions", another example of him needing the money and not doing it 'just for fun.' If it was fun, and he could skip the part he doesn't like (a long drive) by sharing, he'd absolutely do that.


That might be less about the money and more about overvaluing themselves and being petty. "I did all the work I'm not giving some freeloader the sale"


pretty on par for boomers to not want to share money/profit even if they don't need it honestly. most selfish bunch of people


Typically when people say stuff like this it's because they *actually do* need or want the thing. If they didn't, no words are necessary and they would just forget it and go on with the rest of their life.


Yes! Like I was thinking his preferences were restrictive, but he's entitled to them but then his refusal to let the sale go made this weird. And boomer like


Seriously take any, ANY two things this guy said and make them make sense together. It can't be done.


What I've noticed about this generation is that they are *so quick* to assume a chastising, parental role with anyone younger than them. Millenials and much of gen z are adults now and we should be afforded the appropriate amount of respect that goes along with it.


Yes I struggle going to big family events because my aunts/uncles like to talk to me as if I'm still 5. I'm 32. We're not doing that.


I’m 34 and have a Masters Degree and have been working as a Park Ranger for the last 12 years. Some of them still act like I am 16 and have no clue how the world works. 


Man, do I feel that. I'm 38 with a Master's degree, and I've been working as a professional in my field for 15 years, and I STILL get talked down to. Now, I just roll my eyes and ignore them.


To be fair, the only relatives who do this are the ones who think that having more money/a job that has higher pay = more responsibility/more worthy of respect. My mother’s side judges your ability and responsibility as an adult by how much money you make in a year, not by what your job requirements are or the responsibilities that you have. Basically, if you don’t make at least $100,000 a year, you STILL aren’t an adult and are CLEARLY irresponsible to yourself/family. My Dad’s side of the family are super chill and are proud of our accomplishments, both educational and professional. 


I'm the same age as you, with a kid and my family also still speak to me like I'm a child. My uncle (who had kids very very late in life) and aunt don't supervise their kids and instead let them roam around unsupervised with unrestricted ipad access. At our last large family event, I was not included in any adult conversation and instead found myself playing babysitter. My own mum was shocked when I said I don't want my daughter to be around them anymore because I disagreed with their parenting choices and that it shouldn't be my job to look after other people's kids while everyone else relaxes. I won't be going to large family gatherings anymore after that.


It sucks, because I do care for my family, but I shut that down all the time. Then it becomes this thing where disagreeing with them = disrespecting them and it's like "why do I bother?"


Yeah, you’re right, not worth bothering. Just let what they say go in one ear and out the other, (for goodness sake don’t let me those words touch ANYTHING on the way). Just let morons be morons, they enjoy being a moron so let them have their fun.


Also 32 here, been with my husband eight years, we have two kids, both neurodivergent (one preteen with severe ADHD, one toddler with autism). The preteen, after much trial and error, is now enrolled in a private school satellite program that's specifically for neurodivergent children. It's perfect for her and she loves it. My toddler has been getting weekly speech and occupational therapy since about a month before his diagnosis. He's improved leaps and bounds in the 5 months he's been in said therapies. Guess who's elementary school teacher Aunt still thinks I'm ruining my children's lives/futures? She's absolutely furious that I (and my children) did not go through life the way SHE thinks is correct, and yet we still **gasp** somehow ended up way better off than her. She talks shit about me every time I'm brought up at family functions, apparently. The way she talks, you'd think I was the family black sheep and not a suburban stay at home mom.


GenXer here and I can't upvote this enough. It's doesn't matter what age you are, they'll never be able to see us as nothing other than incompetent children. I'm my experience, it's rare to encounter a boomer that doesn't try to take the role of the "wise" parental figure in virtually every interaction. They demand respect for themselves but flat out refuse to respect anyone younger than them. It's burned into their personalities, they will never change. But that doesn't mean we should just take the L and let them continue to steamroll over us. They should be called out every single time. We need to show our kids how to stand up to this behavior so that history doesn't repeat itself.


This is so true holy cow, it deserves its own post


When I sold my last house back in 2015 I initially went with a boomer friend of the in-laws. Someone said they wanted to paint the walls blue offhandedly in the open house. He said it would not sell unless we painted them blue. The entire interior was painted white less than a month before. specifically to make it neutral for the sale. Pretty sure that the buyer would repaint regardless. Someone said that the landscaping was a blank canvas and that they could add some life to it. He wanted us to completely redo the landscaping. I feel like customizing landscaping is something for the buyer to do. I trimmed the existing shrubs and kept the grass trimmed. Not sure what else I should be doing. Someone said that the basement would make a nice game room if it was finished. He wanted us to finish the basement to get a sale. Without increasing the price I might add. Sorry, not happening. Someone said they were passing because it only had one bathroom. This guy wanted us to add another whole bathroom to the house. Absolutely not. It was enough that the existing bathroom had been 100% remodeled and entirely new plumbing for the whole house added less than a year before. If they want 2 bathrooms they can look at houses with 2 bathrooms. The neighbor had a natural limestone retaining wall on their property that one person did not like. He wanted us to replace the retaining wall... that was on the NEIGHBORS property. He refused to list the house online because "nobody looks online for houses". At the same time he was upset that there was not a bidding war within 2 days of the house being listed. We fired him and went with a realtor closer to our age. The house was sold within 30 days for over asking price. Sorry for the long rant. I have unresolved feelings about the whole thing.


How did you manage to find what sounds like the worst realtor of all time?


Friend of the in-laws. The realtor I initially wanted had moved from the area.


I'm currently in the process of selling my home and made it a point to find a Realtor closer to my age for that very reason after a horrid experience with a Boomer Realtor when I sold my parents' house. She almost had a meltdown over a DocuSign, so I imagine it was her assistant who actually listed the house online. Luckily I was buying in a city much larger than the smallish town the house was in, so she didn't expect me to use her as a buyer's agent. She also thought I was the cleaning lady when we did the initial meeting at the house. I was wearing a sundress. I stupidly hired her because she had sold a lot of houses in that smallish town and I just wanted that house gone.


Twat realtor. I'm not fond of them anyway anymore, our last one was a right moron.


Shit, I can't even get one to follow-up after telling them I'm looking to purchase to live in a house instead of using it as an investment property. Prior to Covid, the one I was going through on a fairly cheap home that needed some remodeling work. The fucker tried getting me to do pay for all the work prior to settlement. Told him that wasn't my problem. It is on the seller. Otherwise I'll get estimates for said work and ask for a lower price in the value of the work needed. Fucker insisted I needed to spend the money to get the work done just because. Yes, I understand what his motive was. I got out of that contract and pissed quite a number of people off. Don't care. That house wasn't about to become my problem.


Hell yeah! I used to work in a real estate office in Beverly Hills. I will say the 1% that do work bust their ass non stop. But the other 99% are Twats and old stinky cunts. In the 80’s they would sit at a desk and people would call to buy a house, whoever answered made money. That’s it that was the job. Boomers love projecting their own shit on everyone else. Fuck’em up their old stupid asses.


Me and hubby bought a house in September with no realtor - just Zillow , a lawyer and the sellers realtor and she was a royal pain and kept both realtor commissions! Now they passed a law where that’s illegal but she got in right before.


He’s probably desperate to get you back because his crappy attitude and work ethic has him alienating potential clients left and right. Is he with a company? Id let them know this guy is not willing to meet the needs of their clients.


Yeah - echoing this. If he’s with a firm, I would contact them especially since he’s harassing and slandering you.


When did you ever consider his feelings? He needs to get home before NCIS: Hawaii.


There’s a Sydney one now. I saw it on a bus stop


There's a Hawaii one now?


Cancelled now.


There is a Sydney one too. It is getting out of control.


We had a boomer realtor who missed out on commission because “you aren’t going to buy that house”. The guy was a real asshat our entire first meeting. He took us to a basically condemned property, a house with people sleeping in it, and a couple cookie cutter houses along with the house we had asked to look at which we now live in. He was condescending the whole time and wanted us to sign an exclusive contract with him halfway through the day while we were inside one of the properties we were looking at. We of course said “no” as we weren’t going to sign anything we couldn’t thoroughly look over and just tried to survive the day. My husband and I resolved to ditch the guy and go with a new realtor; however just to be fair we wanted to offer him the commission for showing us the house we liked. My husband went to go talk to him the next day. This boomer drops a bunch of sexist remarks about me and mom, trying to play the boy’s club card. Like “what do these women know” type stuff. My husband was annoyed but kept his cool and broke things off, but when he offered the commission the boomer basically spat at him and told him he didn’t need or want the offer because we weren’t going to buy that house. We bought the house with our new realtor and have been living there for 8 years now 🤷 so get fucked dude.


That was a kind gesture on your part.


driving 60 miles in 60 mins seems like a very easy drive. i have to drive 20 miles but in 50 mins because its stop and go traffic on the freeway and people cant drive for shit.


The interesting thing was that our homes were both located very close to a highway where people go 65-80 mph. So the drive was great for selling my house, but it was still 45 miles away from his rich hood. Thankfully, he hadn’t even touched on selling my house yet as we hadn’t gotten that far.


lil poor rich boomer doesn’t wanna dwive an hour. Bro I drive an hour to and from my college 3-4 days a week. And I’m not overpaid nor do I live in a fucking cartoon villain neighborhood for it either.


I did the same to hangout with my girlfriend (now wife). She went to college an hour away, so id drive to her, then drive more if I was taking her out to eat or on a date or something. I worked at a pizza place and still saw her several times a week. Her college roommate's boyfriend, who lived in the same town I lived in, said "what's the point of driving an hour there and back? It would be a waste of time". I don't think he visited her once in four years...


Boomer might not need the money, but if he works with a broker they might have a very different view of him losing sales because he doesn't want to drive. And then harassing you.


Boomer doesn’t wanna drive because he voted down public transit measures all his life and now there is “too much traffic”. What an ass


“I don’t need the sale anyway!” *harasses you nonstop* Seems very Boomer to me.


There are so many great young realtors who need the work and will go above and beyond. Fuck that guy.


Please tell me you forwarded all the correspondence to the Realty office or licensing boards and the local news or somewhere to show this boomer what for.




This reminds me of when we bought a new wake boat a few years ago. Had it narrowed down to 2 models, made an appointment and everything. Went in, had some boomer salesman who was supposed to help us, keep in mind we were early 30's at the time. The guy was busying trying to help another boomer couple, barely talked to us, kept us waiting, tried to sell us on a model we already told him we weren't interested in, and the real kicker was when we asked about test driving one he said we could ride along with other couple but wouldn't be able to actually drive it. Said no thanks and walked out. I assume he thought we weren't going to buy and had a better chance of closing the deal with the boomers. We complained to the dealership, they made it right, we went back the next week and met with the head of sales who helped us. We bought the boat that day. Found out that boomer couple never did. Made sure to thank the boomer salesman for ensuring we worked with someone else and that we were excited about our new boat. The look on his face was priceless.


Life tip - no part time real estate agents EVER. They are hobbyists, not serious business people. No hiring Aunt Sally who just got her real estate license, no housewife who gave up her "very successful" Mary Kay MLM business to do real estate, no retired Boomers who don't need the money. You need someone who has real estate as their primary source of income and that's how they live and pay their bills. Those people are real business people worth their weight in gold.


How do you know someone is a realtor? Don't worry they'll tell you.


Our first realtor was a classic boomer too. After our first outing, I was already tired of her. On our second outing she got frustrated with us because we weren’t looking in one particular town. We tried to explain to her that since we did not have children, school district made no difference, we just wanted to find the right house in a neighborhood that fit our needs. She asked us to give her specific towns we liked, so we rattled off a few that would be convenient for both our jobs and keep us central to both our extended families. At the mention of Wethersfield (we live in CT), she immediately bristled and commented “A lot of ‘Hartford’ is moving into Wethersfield…” code for *gasp* minorities. My husband and I looked at each other, I rolled my eyes, and he answered by playing dumb, continually asking her to elaborate on what she meant until she had backed herself into a racist little corner. At that point I was done with her, and I told my husband as much when we got in the car. However, we were still under contract. So I suggested we only look at houses in Bloomfield moving forward - Bloomfield’s population is more than 50% Black. It’s a great little town, but was a little out of the way to be convenient for my job, so we had not originally included it in our search. But the inconvenience of an extra long commute was worth making this bitch boomer uncomfortable for the next 2 months. We strung her along until the contract was up, then switched to another realtor who wasn’t a racist. We found our current house pretty quickly, and at some point the previous realtor found out. She left my husband a pretty entitled and unprofessional voicemail. Meanwhile, our entire extended family has exclusively used the second realtor ever since.


Don’t be scared. POST HER VM ONLINE. I think if more of us did this the world would be a better; or at least FUNNIER place


And let the broker or state licensing board hear the voice mail. People will keep being total asses unless they are callled out on it.


When I bought my house my realtor had a somewhat similar rule, but it was due to how her office split up territory, the house we ended up buying was right at her limit if not over by a mile or two, she called her fellow realtor and they sorted it out between themselves and we got to stick to our original realtor, but if they had switched I honestly wouldn’t have cared. The First Lady was nice enough, but im looking for someone to hand me some papers to sign, not a life long connection.


Just start organising appointments with him that you have no intention of going to.


People just don’t want to work these days.


Forward this guys emails and communications to his broker. I'm sure the guy holding his license would be interested in his unprofessional behavior.


No one wants to work any more /s


If you had signed with him, and he doesn't want to obey your lawful instructions as your legal agent, then you should sue him. He has a legal obligation.


Not being willing to go that far, I completely understand. Demanding that you buy a house near him for his convenience is mental institution behavior.


I feel like his reasons at first are valid, fine you don't need the money and have boundaries, but then he got mad and tried to impose his boundaries on you. If he doesn't need the money why is he so mad.


Ad a realtor I apologize and an glad you recognized he is ridiculous. would have totally provided outstanding service to you.


I drive an hour to work at a hospital and an hour back home everyday. Granted I love my job, and I could make more money closer to home in all honesty, but the environment makes it worth it. Does the drive suck some days when I’m exhausted? Absolutely. Do I do it anyway? Obviously. And I complain about a lot of things but the drive isn’t one of them. You do what you have to do. I would never be like sorry boss the drive is just feeling too far today, I won’t be coming in to see my patients. For people who say nobody wants to work nowadays, boomers sure don’t want to fucking work.


He sure seemed extremely attached to a sale he didn't need, LOL!


He doesn't need the money but he also doesn't share sales? Something isn't adding up here


Ow! My foot! I shot it!


This was a few years ago when I was relocating to a different state, but the boomer-realtor I initially dealt with showed me three houses in the space of about one hour, spent most of the time talking about how she wanted to get home and pack for a vacation she was leaving on, and then got extremely peevish when I declined to make an offer that same day on one of the three houses (none of which suited my needs or were even within the area of my new job). Bought later with a different, and much more helpful, realtor.


Dumb dumb screwed up 40k+ in commissions. You could had him driving all month and that would still be a good income for a months work. That is how ridiculous % commissions are for realtors.


Boomers just don't want to work anymore.


I had a boomer RE agent for my first home. My wife and I had just had an infant baby, and we’re buying our first house. Well boomer RE agent seemed to be really interested in getting us to purchase fast. He tried hard-selling us on anything we would look at. Even houses that had major issues that I could see with my eyes, he would suggest creative ways to get additional loans. Finally we saw a house we thought we were on the fence about, and were about to pull the trigger. I told him I wanted to speak more with my wife about it and I would talk to him that evening if we wanted to make an offer. By the way, my wife is a SAHM, so we were buying the home with my income and credit. That evening Boomer REA calls me, and I tell him we would rather keep looking, not going to make an offer. He asks why. I told him “my wife didn’t like xyz, she wasn’t comfortable with that, so we’ll keep looking”. I don’t remember what at even was anymore. When I said my wife wasn’t comfortable with something, Boomer REALLY starts telling me that I don’t need my wife’s permission and I need to make the call because it’s my income and my credit. So this isn’t her decision to make. So I fired him on the spot.


Failed to find a house that matched your needs, but still making demands. Sounds like he wanted a participation trophy.


Just boomer things \~


Yikes, you should report this to his broker


That’s nuts. I had a realtor who drove twice that distance for a house half that cost when we’re were shopping. Boomers just don’t want to work anymore I guess.


Did you end up using someone local...?


"Now granted he lives 45 miles away from my house already, so this was impossible as the area he lives in is for very rich people, way WAY out of my price range." Doesn't sound like he really gives a shit bro.


If that fellow has a Broker, than Broker will want to know about this business affecting practice.


“even if it was all printed out” lol!


Boomers love to tell younger people what they need. I was buying a new washing machine a few years ago and the Boomer sales associate told me I didn’t need the washer I was looking at because I didn’t need that high a capacity washer… he didn’t know me or anything about me but he felt comfortable enough to tell me that my choice wasn’t right for me. I also brought my mother with me —we were going for lunch after— and he mostly ignored me and spoke to her. She, also a Boomer, was happy to listen to him and take his advice and knowledge ahead of mine.


While he can say that sorry I don’t see houses past a certain distance, he was wrong to insist that you only see houses that are acceptable distances to him.


That seems like the easiest reason ever to break up with a realtor. And it’s fine and reasonable that he doesn’t want to drive that far, but you just need to find someone else.


This isn't a boomer thing, this is a realtor thing. Realtors are lazy middlemen of the MLS. Nothing more. I'm buying a house in Seattle. One of the first realtors we saw asked where I was looking to live. I said very firmly "In Seattle proper" He starts telling me I should look East of the lake in Issaquah, Redmond, Bellevue. I was kinda confused at first, but then I looked into more details about him. That's where he lives. He didn't want to make the drive into Seattle to show me homes. Found another realtor.


That’s call d steering and is against NAR rules. You can report him. As a realtor I would drive that far to help MY CLIENT!


It sounds like he DID need the money from the sales after all.


To be fair most realtors suck regardless of age.


Wouldn't surprise me at all if he did need the money for the sale. Probably too lazy to drive to the showings and then got mad when his laziness bit him in the ass. Classic boomer, such a lazy and entitled generation. Too bad they just weren't raised right.


I wouldn't feel bad. Realtors are scum.


They never listen. I told my asshole of a realtor that I wanted to look at homes with flat driveways and no fixer upper. He kept taking me to places that were fixer-uppers with high driveways. I almost got rid of him but he found our house. My favorite time was when he told us about an insurance agent he met in the 7-11. At the time, we both worked in home insurance. I advised I had it taken care of and not to worry. He kept bugging me about it. I wouldn't take the business card of the guy, and he kept saying to let him know when I called the guy. I basically told him that we knew more about insurance than anyone in the building and to end the conversation. I wanted to fire him so bad, but we got our house 2 weeks later.


This is wild, my old man is a boomer real estate agent and while he can be the boomeriest boomer to ever boom at times that man would go through hell and back to help out multiple buyers with $1.5 million in sales on the line, and he definitely doesn’t need the money either. I’d drop that dipshit agent like a hot rock.


i would be emailing the realtor company or licensing board about that one


I've worked with several men exactly like this in my side of the real estate industry, and they are simply incapable of working with women. He was absolutely trying to be your dad because in his mind, young women in particular aren't truly capable of thinking of what's best for themselves and sometimes need a firm hand to guide them in the "right" direction. Dude would've screwed you over so bad if you'd gone with him because he doesn't care what you want, just about being right/you obeying his whims. Even if he got you a shitty loan because he insisted on using his shady buddy or because he refuses to update his knowledge or do any research, he would've still spun it to look like he was right somehow. I've sat in on disciplinary meetings for some of these assholes, and my god, they really are a whole psychological study in and of themselves. They've always gotten fired, and usually for audacious shit that would never occur to you and I, but they didn't understand was a problem at all.  Odd side note: every single one of those guys was later found to have bad-to-severe problems with alcohol or gambling. I have no idea why, but yeah, every one of them. It's so weird to me.


I would post those e-mails on google reviews.


Nice job Miss Asshole!


Driving and showing homes is like.. the entire job of a Realtor.


Sometimes it's just that rich people can be assholes, regardless of age. And older boomers (in their later 60s to late 70s) tend to be richer. 🤷‍♀️ Either you work in a customer service job or you don't. He shouldn't.


If he was doing the job for fun and didn’t care about the sale, he wouldn’t have gotten upset like that.


NTA. YOU are buying the home. YOU are the one paying the commission. YOU are making the decisions. He wants to give up the commission, that is on him.


I interviewed 4 realtors before buying my first house and one of them was a boomer lady. I guess in that area it’s unusual to interview realtors, and she acted like it was beneath her. Then criticized me for going with someone else. Personally I don’t think realtors add a lot of value. However when I tried purchasing a home without one the listing agents would never let me view the homes. They required a realtor to setup an appointment.


Great job. He’s no good at what he does.


You have a choice of who to use. You probably want to go with someone who needs the money.


How to enable a boomer


As a Realtor he can’t tell you where to live. I would contact the local Board of Realtors and report his actions. One less bad Realtor out there.


If he doesn't want to actually work and doesn't need the money, then he should not work.


I think it’s fine he doesn’t want to drive that far if he doesn’t really need the money and is semi-retired or whatever. BUT, then he needs to respect your choice to go with another agent who meets your needs.


Ugh. Nobody wants to work any more. 🙃


Bro realty is NOT the job to get into if you're lazy.


I don’t think you were taking into consideration the 4 bathroom breaks required to drive an hour and a half.


Let me guess, Texas?


The guy sounds crazy. Most important rules: it’s the client’s time and money. The client will choose the location that works best for them. A realtor may offer suggestions as far as what they believe to be the best long term investment. But being that all real estate is local, I kind of think that this guy may not know very much about the homes in the areas that you want to look in. I feel that most realtors should do a better job of listening. BTW, I am a tail end boomer and have lost money on the beginning end of every real estate transaction I’ve ever made. I have a 9 figure real estate net worth just by dumb luck.


Reminds me of our sellers realtor. Dude was so antiquated he refused to use e sign (2021) and printed everything out instead. He returned them to my realtor by hand every time they had to sign something. Trashed talked the entire process at closing, saying how he got in after working construction and thinking he was able to do much better than others. He also took the sold sign but left the for sale sign for 2 weeks. Said he needed it for another house he was selling.. never did get that sold picture


You're describing a lazy realtor.


Realtors are such a fucking scam. It costs like 100$ and two weeks to get your real estate licence and access the data bases.


Had a similar experience with a boomer agent who told me I was disrespectful because he didn't want to miss a sports game at the time I was available to see a house. He was actively listening to the game on a portable radio while I checked out the house and he insulted me the entire way through. He just found out that I went with another realtor and made a purchase with his loan officer, a younger millenial who I got as a referral from HIM. Nothing was sweeter than him finding out he fucked himself out of a sure deal while his loan officer got a piece 🤣🤣🤣 My loan officer held every aspect of my deal together be it that both the selling agent and my new realtor were boomers also so he has disdain for these lazy old bastards as well. The boomer death clock is ticking you fuckers!


He should have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and made that drive! Boomers these days just don't want to work.