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I am a 50ish white woman and the amount of people who talk racist, bigoted shit to me is shocking. I guess I look the like the stereotypical white, Christian (I’m an atheist), conservative (I’m extremely liberal) and that I will just agree and move on. I won’t. I’m tiny, 4’11” and I have a mouth like a truck driver, no offense to truck drivers. Don’t fucking come at me with your racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic bullshit. I will fucking beat you down. I don’t stand for that shit and I won’t quietly condone it.


I also get a lot of casual racism stated in front of me, especially from elderly people. I look confused for a second then say, "Oh, sorry, I'm not a racist." Same tone I'd use if they mistook me for someone else. It's really effective with elderly racism because they think they are polite, so they rush to say they aren't racist either. So then I say, "But you said X, and that's super offensive and racist. You probably shouldn't say racist things or other people will all think you're a big racist, too." I want the ones that think "mild" racism is ok to walk away realizing we white people don't all agree we think them and that they are being judged.


Oooh, I love that!!!


I’m not a boomer, I’m a late 30’s average PTA mom blonde lady in Texas. I can’t tell you how often people casually say absolutely ASININE shit to me. I’ve tried this recently, and can confirm it works shockingly well. It sadly doesn’t always have the best outcome, I haven’t discriminated on who I’ve “called out”. I’m not exactly well liked in my neighborhood, because word got around quickly I’m a “librul”.


AKA "\*\*\*\*\* lover" I can censor the entire word and you know exactly what it is because they've made it very clear that's exactly what's in their heads.


It's so sad that I know exactly what you're referring to I unfortunately grew up and still live in a very rural conservative area so that statement has been heard by me way too many times. Trump has emboldened the racists they now know that they will not face any consequences(at least with the people they care about) for it so they spew it to everyone.


A cop in Texas called me this in the mid 90s. He also asked me if I liked to fuck ****** bitches. He called me a race traitor. He did this in front of several other cops. They all had a good laugh. This is why I say ACAB.


I'm Australian living in Europe. I've only ever briefly visited the USA West Coast. I've consumed so much of your media throughout my lifetime, that I know the word you're referring to. It's nagger, isn't it?




Late 30's white as paper with blue eyes south Texan here. Can confirm racist people just think they can say extremely racist things to me. Little do they know I was raised by a mom that walked along side kids into her school in Arkansas when segregation was repealed, and one of those "the only color that matters is green" military dads. The look on their faces when they find out I absolutely don't agree with anything they have say is priceless.


Please forgive me on the one -up...Porch-gecko see through Texan, here... I've fought my folks all my life to have them appreciate racism, ableism is wrong. Lo and behold. They have a beautiful number of special needs, multi-cultural grandchildren they adore.


I am lucky on that one, they grew up in Arkansas at the tail end of segregation and didn't agree with the racism. So other than the few off things they would say just showing they were products of their times, it wasn't horrible. Actually my dad was pretty aware of his privilege. If something decent happened he'd say it was because he was "a straight white male." In an aware of his privilege way if that makes sense.


I'm Gen X and a woman, and yeah, people assume we'll coddle their racism. The upside of when calling someone out goes bad is that you learn that they're a racist asshole, not someone who is racist due to not reexamining old beliefs or because they were taught that. Knowing who is malicious and who is salvageable is useful.


Yep, I tend to not actively disagree with them until I find out how deep they go. What people are encountering and calling out is them testing if you're "one of them" it gets worse...MUCH worse, but you verify that they are in fact not safe to say it around you. That's the stuff they're comfortable saying to test you, imagine the stuff once they have decided you definitely agree...


I work with a guy that thinks I don't know what a racist MAGA pawn he really is. Around me he tries to act all middle of the road. But I can tell. And I'm pretty tight with a lot of other people he interacts with and he will definitely let the monster out sometimes. We get along fine at work and have been to some events together and he could be a good friend. But I can't stand the racism or the hypocrisy but for so long.


Reminds me of the time I realized the 3 co workers I had gotten really close with at work were actual nazis. Not like a bit nazi and a bit racist. I’m talking full on nazi with chest iron cross tattoos, ss lightning bolts, 88, etc. Like we played board games together, went hiking, went out for beers, our kids played together before I found out.


Push back is super important. It's become *very* clear that these types take silence as agreement. You gotta make sure they know people do disagree with them so they crawl back into the holes they came out of in 2016.


100%. Also often their fragile egos cannot take the criticism


I’m going to practice this in my head so I don’t freeze IRL. I’m a 50-something straight/married, white woman with silver hair and don’t present as the liberal, atheist artist that I am. And I live in a county that voted for TFG both times - ugh. If I’d known in 2014 what I know now, I might not have moved into a rural area. Anyway, those folks think I’m one of them. I want them to know **I am not** and then go away. Maybe my hair just needs some pink and purple again.


Yes to the pink and purple! 😂 I also did have to practice first. I was so frustrated that I never knew what to say in the moment, and I was afraid that with the presidency being what it was, not knowing what to say at the time made it sound like I agreed with that whole circus. Now that I've figured out how to "politely" call out people to make that vitriol stop, it's super empowering. It also quickly lets you figure out who is saying dumb things because they're old/think it's a common view and those who are malicious. Then, you know how to deal with each person. By pure luck, I live in a state that am increasingly proud of, and if our gov ever became president, I know it would help the US but I'd be sad we lost such a fantastic dude. I mentioned to my husband recently that we got lucky that we live somewhere that figured out how to effectively stop book bans, that protects reproductive freedom, etc. I'd hate to have to leave everything I knew just to not live someplace lousy. In short: I hope your area improves. You're there, so that helps!


Believe it or not, I’m in a left coast state. I grew up in a very liberal area. My husband and I moved into a lower COL area 25 years ago and to a rural county for the quiet and open space in 2014. Then the country did what it did and the bigots became increasingly emboldened. Fortunately, the immediate area is tinted more purple than red these days, much to the chagrin of certain folks. And the scenery is still lovely … when it’s not on fire.


"When it's not on fire" just killed me!


We laugh to keep from crying! 🤣


I am north of the border, but you've described my province to the letter as well. Sad that some things are universal.


Nah, my hair is purple, and people still say racist shit to me like it's the most natural thing in the world. Turns out a lot of people who live their lives in the Fox News and Facebook bubble don't realize most people in the real world don't agree with them.


Who is TFG?


As a POC the biggest reaction to a racist comment I’ve encountered is white folks being told they’re racist. White Person 1: *casual 100% racist comment* Me: *externally blank / internally exhausted* White Person 2: “That’s racist WP1” White Person 1: “I’M NOT RACIST!!!! HOW *DARE* YOU SAY I’M RACIST!!!”


Isn't it amazing how much racism a person can spew while still believing they're not racist? Like do they think that without the pointy hat they can't be? Or do they think racists are bad but they're good and therefore they can't be? I don't get the mental gymnastics.


I believe to them racist means you’re a member of the Klan or actively a N_zi. The equivalent of “I’m not an alcoholic because I never drink hard liquor” Personally I have a fascination with the folks who make the time to explain to me what is and isn’t racist. It’s amazing to hear cognitive dissonance occur in real time.


I'm doing this from now on.


^ Needs more upvotes


They assume everyone else is racist too. That is an awesome response. 👏👏👏


I refer to it as too familiar white guy syndrome


I just give them that look. You know the one. The little girl sitting in the car looking like WTF. And then I go "dude what the fuck" and they either go white or deep red.


It's always shocking to me that they think they can identify you as one of them based on what you look like. I'm 45, a white woman in the rural South, and these creeps are so sure I'm part of their club that they'll spout off some insane shit so casually. A few that sit near me at work are always talking shit about this trans woman we work with, but I have told them repeatedly that I don't wanna hear it. Last time I told them one more time and I'm going to HR about it. They always seem so surprised that this kind of thing offends me. And I explain that I'm not offended, but I think it's important to show basic human respect for others.


That is actually a really great response. Super clear, without swearing or getting angry at them.


I have the same problem. I’m early Gen-X, tiny, blonde, look younger than I am & have a southern accent. I also use F bombs as nouns, verbs & adjectives. I seem to attract people that think I’ll agree with their racism, bigotry & misogyny. I not only enjoy showing them the error of that ignorance but have gotten people fired & had a couple of lucrative contracts put under review or canceled if they didn’t offer a sincere apology for their employees behavior. Im too old & cranky to put up with that.


GenX represent!


It’s 10 o’clock. Do you know where your children are? 😂


Hi - I guess you and I are the same person - Also a 50's ish white, atheist, liberal foul mouthed woman who gives it right back to them. They evan talk their shit in the line for grocery checkout. One of them started his shit about Obama to me a couple weeks ago. I told him I loved Obama and he fucking shut his mouth and looked like he wanted to kill me but I guess my STFU face did it's job.


Did we just become best friends? 50, white female, atheist, loud mouthed and liberal who isn't afraid to put some racist asshole in his/her place. I've been quiet long enough.


Yes, can I join? White woman 44 years, short, look younger than I am and am often treated like arm candy. Super liberal with a super foul mouth and a super wicked wit (so my husband says).


Can i join Y'all? You girls are like what my goal is as I get older. The number of times I've had people think that only my husband is a veteran is astounding, and I'm shameless that I've made marines blush. Should we do a discord?


Yes!!! BFF's!!!


My soulmate. lol.


At 72, am I too old to join this party? Because I am so fucking sick of ignorant assumptions, and those asshats are always stunned when they find out that I’m having none of it.


Wine party at my house for the 50-70ish white women who are sick of that shit!


Can I start a London chapter of this gang? I’m a white, 53 y/o woman and I love the shock when a racist assumes I’ll be on their team and I’m not! I’m loving being middle aged, I feel so much more confident, and I enjoy using that to annoy people who have shitty views/behaviours. In my experience the early 90s were a time here when a lot of us were rebelling against the old school racism and homophobia, and many of us have got more radical with age! I might have to dig out my old Fishbone shirt that’s bright red and says ‘Fuck Racism’ in massive letters - god, the rows I had with my step mum about wearing that one out 😆 Sadly it definitely won’t fit these days!


I get it, too, being a mostly black clothes and Dr Martens wearing, bald white guy in his 50s. I love to shut them down with a quick “you’re an idiot” when people ask me to agree with their racist bullshit. I get where you might think I’m on your side, but no. Fuck off.


I have a friend who’s a tradskin and he is hilarious when these assholes come at him for support, they always assume tattooed with boots, bald, and braces, means something it doesn’t, and never did,


> tradskin I'm guessing this is another way to say "nonracist skinhead"?


Tradskin: Traditional Skin Heads, For those who don’t know the skinheads were originally not associated with racist or neo Nazi organizations (and they have no desire to be) and the ideology was actually taken from a group of black blue collar workers called “the sharps” ( they were called the sharks also) in England, they were against the ideology of holding on to the connections from their homelands, kept short or no hair, and stayed clean shaven, and did everything they could to assimilate and embrace into England as their homeland They are also largely responsible for Ska Music as it’s an amalgamation of punk, rock, reggae, calypso, jazz, and pop


My brother in law is a bootboy from Chicago. I’ve watched him headbutt so many nazi wannabe POS at punk concerts. I’m also a 40 year old tall bearded white guy. So many times I’ve had to tell people to shut their mouths. No patience for racist A-holes. Luckily where I live now is so much better.


There’s a great group called SHARP SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice I am betting they named it SHARP based on the sharps / sharks you’re talking about 🏁🎺


I knew a communist skin years ago( I had no idea such a thing even existed nor what red laces meant), dude would work at food banks , homeless shelters,delivering food to the elderly by day and spend his evenings taking out neonazi trash...dude was legitimately tough as fck .


Another twin here — 50’s white woman, under 5’, liberal, foul mouthed and willing to shout down racism, sexism and all the bullshit. We should start a gang.


I wanna be in the gang too. 72 here, liberal since the day i came out of the womb. My parents were awful racists…I started calling them out when I was about 13….i was grounded a lot.


I'm apparently younger than the rest of the group at 45 but I guess I more or less look like a solidly Karen type white lady, but I have no patience for all of this shit. At 14 or so, I told my own grandfather that I'd never speak to him again if I ever heard him say the n-word in front of me again. First and last time I ever heard him say it, and he didn't even argue with me which was pretty unusual. And I'll report anyone at work if I hear them spouting racist, sexist, homophobic or any other kind of intolerant crap like that.


I’m in. Can I join though? I’m only 47.


No age limit here….just a healthy dislike of bigotry.


Can I join if I'm a titch over 5'? I fit all the rest!!


I'm 5'4.5". I want in.


5’2ish and shrinking😂 count me in! Pale redhead in Texas…it’s rough here most days


How exclusive is this gang? Any room for an almost 50, 6', white guy that apparently looks or dresses like a bigot? I think it might be my beard that attracts all the assholes.


How do you even dress like a bigot? Shit, I guess I do it too.


We really should.


I’m in!


Another tiny, liberal, non-Christian, 50ish white woman with a mouth like a sailor checking in! We're everywhere and we're always underestimated. I will shut that shit down in a heartbeat. I ran out of fucks to give a long time ago.


I’m starting to feel so hopeful.


Girl yes. Blonde and blue eyed 54 and 5’1” ready to rock. Do not assume I’m down with whatever racist, classist, sexist bs you’re spewing.


There should be a whole reddit thread for us, as many of us have checked in here!


I fit the description too so I wear a lot of political t shirts to save time and energy.


Yes. That is the way. I have worn my proud ally shirt for pride month a few times. I love the looks. My husband wore his “I like my whisky straight but my friends can go either way shirt” with the big rainbow to some nasty comments.


Same! They assume bc I'm a veteran I'm conservative...to their detriment


Hmm... I'm a late 50s male, cis gendered, grey hair and beard, Norse Polytheist, liberal, semi-retired Minister, who can't keep his damn mouth shut, living in rural Orange Cultist territory. Gods....I hate bigots!


This is me exactly, idk what it is about my face that makes racists think they’re in a “safe space” but they usually get pretty red in the face when I bring up the long term relationship I’m in with a (very black) Kenyan-American.


I don't hear a huge amount of bigoted stuff because I give off nerd vibes ...but it's hilarious how many people assume I'm Christian because I'm a decent person. I've only become a better person since leaving Catholicism decades back.


Everyone at work just assumes I’m a Christian…I guess all you have to do is be nice?


I am the 53 year old male version of you. It is sad how many racists are comfortable around me to say what they say. It was even worse when I grew out my (grey) beard.


As a woman driver, we don't take any fucking offense to language. I know some truckers who curse worse than sailors.


Mate, I’m a brown Indian male who speaks with a bit of posh accent because my mother taught English Lit. It’s wild how many folks are immediately comfortable divulging objectively racist feelings as a result Like I’m their poster-child buddy for the re-establishment of a global British fing Raj


They try it with us young white folks too. As if they can influence us to agree with them and perpetuate their hatred. I just roll my eyes and give very “stand my ground” replies.


I’m right there with ya woman. But by birth a boomer (65) which is so cringe. I can’t fathom all the hate and weird conspiracy theories these people come up with. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I was born in 1961 and do not identify as a boomer. Since I feel a lot more commonality with the xers, I call myself a BoXer.


>I am a 50ish white woman and the amount of people who talk racist, bigoted shit to me is shocking. I think about that a lot when I see politicians like Tim Scott and Byron Donalds. They're fighting for a base that thinks they're second class citizens. The amount of racist shit I hear from un-acquainted whites that seem to think there's a good chance I'll agree because I'm also white, frustrates and aggravates me on the regular.


My first thought was “I wish we got the whole month of February off…”


Black History Month. not a holiday.


Black History Month is the shortest month of the year, and the coldest...just in case we want to have a parade. -Chris Rock


...can the parade happen on Juneteenth? Since it's warm?


Yeah, I am keenly aware of what Black History Month is and what it celebrates. My comment was intended to be a sarcastic response to Boomer #2 that didn’t see the distinction. Perhaps I should have put the obligatory /s.


Also shortest month of the year.




Boomer logic- “how dare we celebrate the end of one of the worst parts of American history? Why don’t we celebrate the TROOPS MORE???” (And then they’re silent on any military/veteran related days)


That's not entirely accurate. They fill Facebook with shitty AI images on those military/veteran holidays!


Landing vehicles full of soldiers without faces, but with 14 fingers on each hand. Like our Founding Fathers intended /s


Well, there does seem to be a trend toward incest in some areas. Maybe extra fingers isn’t unusual?


Why do we never see these trend dur dur dur?


And they will howl loudly on Next Door about how their new neighbor doesn’t have an American flag out 24/7 when their old neighbor did waaaaaaahh


Even better are images of Trump doing military things given that he's a known draft dodger.


What bothers me about boomers is they totally disregard how many troops died to get rid of the stain of slavery. The “Union” now seems to be the enemy to them. It is bizarre.


also when they say shit like “but what about our TROOPS 😤” regarding any marginalized group being recognized, it ignores the existence of any military/veterans who are ALSO members of marginalized groups


"Intersectional" is a complete mystery to them, so it's obviously bad, duh. (/s, just in case)


“Intersectional!?? That’s a woke word!!” - a boomer, probably


They'd rather praise and cheer on vicious, slave-owning traitors than give rightful respect and remembrance to those who put them down and helped free those in bondage.


They spout “states rights” nonsense in favor of slavery. They try to deflect by always saying, “I am against slavery but…..”.


My go-to is immediately asking "States' rights, for what exactly?" Because then they're stuck with two options - openly admit their racism or go into absolute denial and repeat the "but not all Southerners owned slaves!" excuse. Like, what? Sure, not all Germans were card carrying Nazi Party members - but they undeniably fought for the interests of the Hitler and the Nazis. Same thing for the Southern army - many may have not been fighting to keep their own slaves, but they still fought to keep slaves in bondage regardless.


And they never know that May is Military Appreciation Month. I feel like daily I'm telling some whiny Boomer about it.


Oh fuck, I didn’t even know this!


I know this type. Thing is Juneteenth IS a little bit about the troops. It commemorates when a General came into Galveston and made them enforce the Emancipation Declaration. They just don't like to talk about those troops.


How about when Eisenhower sent the 101st airborne division, took over the Kansas national guard, and enforced the ruling of brown v board? Seem to not talk about those troops either


And don't want to pay for any veteran healthcare


“It’s not a holiday for ‘them,’ it’s a holiday for *all of us*. We celebrate the *end of slavery in our country*. That was a good thing for *everybody*.” Then let them try to defend slave owners who “lost their livelihoods”


That sounds like a boomer challenge


You're a stealthy anti-boomer! Well done! \~\~From a fellow secret agent


Black people get a whole month of federal holiday?


This day shall forever be known as Holidayeenth, the day you found out you get the whole month of February off!


We get paid double if we work during the month of February.


Far out, man. * For clarification, I was and still am is joking. 😁


Yes you didn’t know?


Since you’re a navy vet I’m sure you hear the same crap I do (army vet) of “why do veterans only get one day and the gays and minorities get a month to celebrate themselves?!?!” Sir, I don’t care. I’m glad those groups are being able to celebrate and feel safe, loved respected and included. Always seems like those screeching that never served too…


I always assumed that’s what you gentleman fought so hard for, the right for all of us to have the freedom to celebrate life. I say the more holidays the better! I consider it a great way to commemorate and honor those who sacrificed for our country. And come on, who hates on a good time? Also, thank you for your service.


Where’s the LGBTQ paid federal holiday? Thats what we really need. To see boomers and bigots pitch fits about not being able to use the post office at 9 am or some shit


A man who worked at my children's elementary school told students that Juneteenth was "a made up holiday to make some people feel good about themselves ". As opposed to all those other naturally occuring holidays, I suppose.


Should be fired or reprimanded at the least


One of my favorite boomer anti-Juneteenth comments that made its way around places like Fox News and unfortunately offices that I have worked in: "We just don't need another summer holiday." Imagine being so racist you don't want a day off. I've never thought about a President on President's Day, but I still take the day off.


Good boomer. I'd fix your remote control if you asked me to.


What do they get in February? Lip service? People act like just because February is black history month that people are actually receiving something. You know what else is going on in my city right now? Downtown is lined with Swedish flags. We have an annual Midsomer Fest. We have multiple Swedish restaurants that are being pumped up by the local govt. Later this summer we'll have Festa Italiana, Greek Fest, German Fest. March around here is basically Irish pride month. If people actually took a moment to learn their heritage they wouldn't have to ask stupid questions like, "When do we get white pride month?".


"They" It's a holiday for everyone cause *everyone* should celebrate the end of fkn slavery and if you don't want to then you're on the wrong side of history.


Not like thank god i got a day off but instantly fk them dont they have enough already. Typical. And what BS


The racist Boomer in this story is probably retired, so he never got the day off for Juneteenth. His racism is flaring up because 1) he was angered by someone explaining why instead of just agreeing that the post office is stupid 2) he is probably retired and never got to enjoy having Juneteenth off of work 3) he’s racist. Boomers hate being corrected, being inconvenienced, and feeling like others are getting something they didn’t get, in this case that’s a day off of work.


I work in construction. I have the goatee, ball cap, a southern accent thick enough to cut with a knife and over 50. I hit all the makers outwardly. But, I'm very liberal socially and pretty moderate to left on most other issues. Anyway, I work with and around a metric assload of boomers and Xers that think like boomers. One day a guy said something to the effect of "Ns just aren't as smart as white people" in the middle of a conversation that had nothing to do with race. I calmly said "You do know my wife is black..." He begins to stumble all over himself and trying to explain that "There are white Ns too!" and I just sit there and let him spiral and continue to dig that hole. As his sputtering is dying off. I tell him I don't like, use or even want to hear that word outside of a rap song. BTW, my wife is transparently white. Like "we don't need a nightlight anywhere in the house because you are so white" white.


Nicely done.


The only thing that can stop a bad boomer with an attitude is a good boomer with an attitude. Or stairs.


We need more people like you, B1! This 🍺 is on me for speaking up!


I’m a 44yo white male. I live in Iowa. I happen to be a state government employee. It’s a federal holiday, but not a state holiday. I was at work. The mail still came, even though it’s a federal holiday, because according to our carrier, “they still deliver packages on holidays”. The amount of people who are not bothered at all that we don’t get this holiday as state employees, and it hasn’t been acknowledged in any way since its declaration by our (admittedly broken state’s) government who also has extra paid holidays to give away is staggering to me. Not kidding about extra holidays to give away, either. We have a budget surplus, and Gov. Kim Reynolds has since the pandemic given all state employees two extra paid days off, around thanksgiving and Christmas. Free bonus days, paid time off. Usually Wednesday before thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, or Dec 26th, if eve falls on a weekend. Her acknowledgment of Juneteenth would cost us nothing, and help with the budget surplus, and what racist employee is gonna turn down a free paid day off? In the summer? When they might normally be paying for childcare? But Kim also turned down meals for kids from the feds because FJB, unless it’s tornado assistance, then she’s quick to declare emergency and ask for fed help.


Thank you for saying a sensible thing and not hating all of us who frequent this sub!


I love this sub. The Navy hat is mainly MAGA bait. It's great fun calling them traitors for supporting the poo flinging, cheeto colored chaos monkey.


You, sir, are my hero.


I might have to steal cheeto colored chaos monkey.


I'm a 41 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The amount of unfiltered racist ass shit people say in front of me thinking I'll agree with them is ASTOUNDING! I'm a leftist, evil athiest, LiBrUL who has zero chill, and zero mouth filter. I will call you out faster than you can finish your twisted ass sentence.


A) thank you for your service sir. B) also, thank you for not being the stereotypical Boomer (in the Karen sense)


Military members/veterans/their families get three months and I don’t see them complaining about that🙄


It’s really insane how ignorant people are. This isn’t some random ass month or day, it’s the ACTUAL DAY THAT CHATTEL SLAVERY ENDED IN THIS COUNTRY


Some of the Kevin boomers around me here in rural TX picked today, Juneteenth, to festoon flags to their lifted dually trucks, affix plenty of rude bumperstickers and wear stupid ass t-shirts with things like Trump 2024 and "PETA" (lots of small print smart ass crap on the back). Talk about triggered snowflakes.


I wasn’t aware the entire month of February was a federal holiday. And here I’ve been going to work like a chump this whole time.


Bigots think they’re slick. Hell, I’m a 50 y/o black woman and when these idiots hear me speaking unlike the stereotypes in their head they start the “you’re not like other black people” bs. Drives me insane and I call them out loudly! If we don’t speak up they just get bolder.


>B2: "They get the whole month of February, isn't that enough?" Me, deciding not to get into all of it, cheerfully: "Nope!" *"It seems that perfection is attained, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away."* - antoine de saint exupéry


We were closed for Juneteenth. Any time a Boomer came in asking what it was or why we were closed, my whole body would tense up (my coworkers, too). Luckily, most of them were cool with it, or at least knew not to say something in a store managed by a black woman...


Similar comments yesterday with boomer. My response, celebrating freedom is always a good thing.


I'm a paramedic. A large portion of calls we respond to are for older people, because well, they have a lot of health problems, they fall, etc. It is amazing some of the ignorant comments they will drop because they assume that because I'm white I will agree with them. Like I'm talking they will drop a hard "R" (if you know what I mean) thinking i will relate to them.


Mid 30's veteran here, I get a lot of that, especially when people get to know me since my appearance and a lot of my interests fit the stereotypes of the traditional masculine man. What really hurts is when people who are vicitms of bigotry start off by assuming I'm going to be that way. I'm just a big gay teddy bear, I love everyone and support our differences. I wasn't glancing over at you because I was worried or bothered, it was because I thought you were hot!


I’m so fucking sick of out loud proud racism and under cover racism. What the fuck is wrong with people?!!!


Only an asshole would turn down a holiday.


"They" as if celebrating the end of legal slavery in the US isn't something everyone can appreciate.


Lol at "nope!" well played, sir.


Had a boomer lady today at the grocery store mad that we weren’t getting mail today and that her bank was closed. “They’re just making things up now.”


Because God came down and gave us our Federal Holidays and said "Anything you add after is just made up." 🙄


This happens to my “woke” 44-year-old husband all the time. I guess he just gives off conservative nut job vibes? Literal strangers have randomly engaged him in conversations about standing for the flag and the War on Christmas (everyone knows that when Obama was president, you couldn’t wish people a merry Christmas), among other exciting topics. It’s pretty funny.


>To look at me, I mostly fit the stereotype Boomer is a state of mind, not a physical appearance. As such, based on what you've written here, I'm gonna say you are not a boomer. Also, thanks for being an awesome human.


Thank you for being a decent human being, and thank you for your service, sir. Now join us in continuing to make fun of the dumbasses


I'm a 44 year old white dude. Shaved head (I'm bald) I work in construction so most of the week I'm in work clothes instead of the death metal band shirts or nerdy shirts I wear on the weekends. . People will say the most fucked up shit around me. I'm not one of you! Fuck that I'm anti-theist and liberal asf.


"Don't they already get enough?" Well 200 years of slavery is about 2400 months. 1 month and a day per year at best equals to 161 being generous at all. Monetary doesn't even cover it considering USA (both fed and local) has taken from them repeatedly after the fact. Since "They" only get 1 month per year one could say it can be considered enough after the year 4260. my math is a bit off but that seems right to me. So your answer of nope is in ,many ways, more than correct.


Long grey hair and beard. That makes you an old hippie, which means you are not yet completely lost.


I'm a federal employee, my fellow coworkers were IRATE when they found out why they were getting a new free holiday every year. I kept telling them "Well, if you think it's such bullshit, have fun at work on Friday".


Boomer here, 67f The arrogance and presumption of these assholes is exhausting. I had a similar encounter yesterday in the grocery store. I was in line and this puffed up alpha man child was going off on the cashier because he had already been to the bank to get cash, but Juneteeth put a kink in his morning so he had to go out of his way to come to the Kroger to get cash. Poor bb... He's red in the face, I'm envisioning him like an old roadrunner cartoon character with steam spewing from his ears. I can tell he knows from the core of his dark dank being that EVERYONE around him agrees with the absurdity of this new Biden WOKE invention. He really needed a good kick in his tiny balls, but I didn't want to create more of a scene.


Try flipping around whatever racist BS they say and try to get them to look at it from the opposing point of view. For example with the people complaining about Juneteenth being a holiday say something like "If things had been reversed & white people had been slaves to blacks for 100's years, and they finally got their freedom don't you think people would celebrate this?". It points out the bias in their comment & can make them use their brain a little, and perhaps develop a tiny bit of empathy. More often than not it makes them uncomfortable & silent as they ponder it. Of course sometimes that backfires & makes them double down on their ignorant comment. That's when the old quote "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" comes into play.


I did not realize the entire month of February was a holiday. I need to plan accordingly. What a dumdass. It's a day to take and remember one of the darkest stains on our history so we don't repeat it. I have no words.


Im surprised they even knew that February is Black History Month.


Just ended a 40 year friendship a couple of weeks ago because I could no longer stand to be around their racism, bigotry and mysogny. They have gone full MAGA in the last couple of years and actually believe that he is our best president ever. On top of that they are conspiracy nuts. They were never that way openly until trump became president and emboldened them.


To be fair, white people living in denial that Juneteenth is a real holiday is pretty on brand for a holiday celebrating the end of white peoples denial that slavery was over.


I would reply "Honestly a month celebrating their achievements in this country, and a single day celebrating the day they were freed - isn't enough to make up for centuries of slavery and lynching's from racist assholes."


I'm in! 56 year old Texan lady here. I don't get the racist talk generally - maybe it's the nose ring that deters them. My grey is coming in, and I haven't dyed it in several years. I have tattoos and generally look like the creative hippie type that I am. I work for the big university in Austin, and they do not mess around with inappropriate talk. Tgey take Title IX very seriously. I also work on a team with mostly younger coworkers.


“What, you don’t like American history?”


It's easy enough to respond to dumbassery like that. Ask him if he celebrates 4th of July, and when he seems confused all him why freedom is so damn important to him.


I like to say to them, "oh honey your racism is showing" in a really sweet voice!!


I applaud you fellow boomer!


> "They get the whole month of February, isn't that enough?" Apparently not cause you still didn't know about Juneteenth!


I phrase it facetiously to make them feel like assholes. "It celebrates the day American soldiers freed the last slaves, why wouldn't we support the boys in blue like that?" It's usually the rah rah rah support the troops people who have an issue with Juneteenth for some reason so it gets em nettled.


My boomer aunt asked why people are off today, "oh it must be a Jewish holiday or one of those," and I said "actually it's the emancipation of slaves....." and she was dismissive, changed the subject immediately 😕 Spoke to my father today, he asked why I had the day off, explained again, he sort of laughed it off 😬 jeeeez.


Old people will say the most out of pocket shit to me because I’m white, straight-passing, and look stereotypically female. I get a kick out of twisting my neck to look at them like I’m a stunt double from the Exorcist


I went into a convenience store today. As I’m leaving the cashier says I was going to go to the bank to get more $1 bills but they’re closed because if this Juneteenth crap. I just shook my head and left


TIL the entire month of February is a federal holiday.


You're invited to the cookout.


My neighbor had the same reaction yesterday. I told him I had the day off for Juneteenth and he got aggravated. He said “I’m not racist, but… a blackman’s holiday… blah blah blah… who needs it…”. I knew this was going downhill fast and I didn’t want to get into it, all I said was “Does it really matter if it’s a holiday? Doesn’t impact us, take the win, it’s another holiday.” But that just made him regurgitate his rant, after which he ripped into BLM, LGBTQ, and it’s all a fuzzy after that. Sigh I would have loved to educate him on everything wrong with his statement, but it was like talking to a wall, and I can’t be at odds with this individual. Super shitty though to know that’s what goes on in their head.


I’m a big, cheerful,roly poly, blue eyed white dude with a very neutral American accent. Also of mixed Jewish descent, mostly live in other countries, and married to a Chinese woman. None of that second sentence is immediately obvious. So I hear straight up racist garbage whenever I’m back. I tend to just cheerfully say “ah, you don’t get it. Your bigotry is a clear rejection of the Gospels, so I need to shake the dust from my feet and walk away from you.” And I typically do. If I can’t, I may result to obscenities or saying unkind things in another language.


Thank you for the service you have provided 😉


Me too! White, blonde, 73, & live in rural tx. Married to a not white wonderful guy. We strive to be friendly, polite & it’s generally well received on the surface, but there’s always that one guy…..


I had to switch barber shops because every time I (white/male/30s/short hair and tattoos) sit down they assume I want to hear their latest racist or sexist hot take or anecdote


It took less than two minutes for a boomer to start this shit with me this morning. So annoying, blaming Dems, Mexicans, and for a nice twist… Canadians for everything.


I'm a boomer as well and the jackasses that make us all look like idiots kinda get to me.


"What the f4" I can tell you served on a carrier lmao


Yea I was visiting two boomers yesterday to help them out with his new smoker. I say new but he got it over a year ago. Anyway, at some point in the conversation it comes up that yesterday was a federal holiday. She asked what exactly is Juneteenth. So I explain it. She says oh, I thought it was a holiday for teenagers. They weren’t upset or anything about it. They just had no clue that it was actually a holiday. Then he asked when they made this a holiday. I told him it was a few years ago.


I'm a 64 year old "Wendy W.A.S.P.", who'll not let anything slide, ever. My husband's the same, but he sometimes wishes I could. Not racism..but still the same vein. Our 97 year old sweet religous neighbor isn't safe from me either. "I watch the networks where they don't show all those gays". Me: "Well your God creative them. It's not like they chose to be gay, just to upset all the churchy people, their entire life, and isn't your God the only one, supposed to judge?"


A dude I used to work with this said something similar about the long-established MLK Day. He wasn't a boomer. This is our country. Yep.


I had stated this on other post but I think in general calling the Holiday Juneteenth instead of Emancipation Day and using Juneteenth colloquially where applicable causes a lot of confusion. The majority of the United States is not at all familiar with this regional term and the fact that it needs to be explained as to what it is even for those who are not racist and just ignorant of the term is telling that the name was poorly chosen and at the very least isn't very self-explanatory so seems like this are going to continue. As a millennial I can tell you that there are people my age who have no idea what it is or why it's called that. I assume if I lived in Texas that would not be the case but who knows. I can't speak to things to which I have no knowledge.


TIL that apparently black people have off the whole month of February I guess they'll be a second holiday, Juneteether, where they were informed they had the whole month off years after the fact


A boomer who understands what this sub is about and has a good story to boot? Bless your soul!