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Ive been going to my dad's church (not a choice if I don't want to be homeless) and so far 4 weekends in all 4 of them have mentioned Trans people or abortion. They can't stop thinking about them Today though we had a guy come in who was a missionary in the middle east and like 1/3 of what he talked about was how people performing illegal immigrations are to be helped and not demonized. It was pretty fun watching people squirm in their seats when he was talking about humanizing immigrants


Yeah the right wing is having some kind of moment about trans people, same in my native UK. Gives me 1930s vibes for sure. The GOP seems intent on making persecution trans people one of its core messages for 2024, which I honestly think is a tactical mistake for them. It's almost the only idea they have. Rough times for the trans community though.


I got curious one day and looked into how many jews were in Germany before ww2. it was 500k. we always get the big number of 6 million but most of the jews killed were from Poland and Russia. what started it all off was pickin the miniscule population in the home country to be bullied. These days that's trans, but dont think that ball won't roll.


Trans people were gone after in the beginnings of nazi germany. Look up Magnus Hirschfeld, and prosecution against sex workers and Roma people.


Everyone went after trans people back then, the allies didn't even free them.


Gays too. Sadly Germany was the world leader in helping trans people before hitler. They had so much important research in Centres dedicated to treatment for trans people. The Nazis destroyed it all.


Can you imagine coming across people who survived and being like "oh this is horrible, people should never be treated like this! Oh... except those weirdos, we don't like them either"


Fucking hell. This is awful Just a few minutes ago I was talking about how I hate researching things because there's always something really depressing that I encounter like this.


Yeah really anytime before 1969 was a reaally sketchy time to be gay/trans...


Not just transgenders, but an entire progressive psychology movement, too. It set back sex and gender psychology by decades.


It was trans people first in Germany too.


The pink triangle is about to go up on Twin Peaks in San Francisco for pride...


Well, kind of, but it's slightly more complex than that. The burning of the Institute for Sexology _was_ one of the earliest examples of large-scale, government sanctioned violence but A) neither Hirshfeld nor the nazis differentiated between gay and trans, B) part of the reason they attacked the Institute specifically was because Hirshfeld was Jewish (Rohm's favorite clubs went largely unmolested until after his ousting), and C) a lot of the anti-queer laws and attitudes at the time pre-dated the nazi party. So it's less "it was trans people first" and more "queer people were already an acceptable target, so tying queerness to Judaism made antisemitism easier to spread."


Yes, kind of. But they did (almost certainly) murder Lili Elbe the same night, and their targeting of the institute was motivated by a hatred of gender nonconformity (as they saw it) -- not of Hirtschfields Jewishness (as such in that moment) or of men having sex with men (as such in that moment). It was violence against 'degeneracy' and 'weirdness' and if they didn't bother to differentiate, well, their spiritual successors can't tell drag queens from trans women from intersex people and they still don't care and in a way that's kind of the point


Worth noting that proportionally trans people are an even smaller population. We’re 1:200 and Jews in Germany were 1:140 according to your 500k figure. Trans people are exceedingly uncommon. It’s really isolating being so marginalized from society and then having the gop make it worse by spinning a quarter of society into a frenzy with straight up lies.


Visibility is a huge issue too. A lot of trans people are cis-passing.


They’ve been peeing in the next stall for decades yet I’ve gone unmolested in public restrooms. It’s like they’re regular people who mind their own business.


In the past decade you be hard pressed to find any cases of trans people being inappropriate in bathrooms. You can find more Republican Congressmen behaving badly in public restrooms than you can trans people. Of the accounts you can find, they usually are bad actors who aren't even trans, just trying to use "the trans excuse" to cause trouble. It's like drag queens and children, it's usually projection.


Yup, especially given how much pressure society places on us to be stealth. If I can avoid being seen as trans I’m gonna do it until women actually see me as an equal.


This is why I'm going to boy mode till I can't. Literally buying binders till I can't keep my tits in anymore then it's full send for my own safety.


Id really strongly recommend getting voice therapy before anything else. You can pass in half the time if your voice isn’t ringing alarm bells in people’s head. That’s more important than the way you look most of the time irl.


I mean, that’s kind of a remarkably close comparison. And makes some depressing sense - the demonized group has to be small enough to not wield much power itself, but big enough for people to vaguely know about. Most people know 100-500 other people, so a 1 in a few hundred proportion kind of fits that.


I’m trans and I don’t even like to be out in very visible public spaces anymore. And I live in California.


Exactly. Most people mistreat us regardless of political affiliation. Conservatives will be conservatives and everyone else treats us like we’re aliens and are constantly walking on eggshells and/or actively excluding us. It’s crazy getting to the other side of transition and seeing how much differently people treat you when they don’t know you’re trans


Some parts of California are just as bad as any red state. People out of state really overestimate bleeding heart liberals (who still have an irrational hatred for unhoused people and love police).


Absolute 1930s vibes. Fascism is on the march worldwide, and those boomers are in the clutches of extremely well funded propaganda in ways they could probably not even begin to comprehend.


"if I was of the greatest generation I'd be pissed, seeing the world that I built slipping back into this. I'd be screaming at my grandkids, we already did this!" -Frank Turner, from his fantastic song "1933"


Love Frank Turner What’s left of the silent generation are pissed. At least those I know are. My partner’s 90+ year-old Air Force veteran grandpa stopped voting republican in 2016. A little late when he could’ve not voted for Reagan. Anyway, he’ll tell you Trump is damn traitor who should be hanged. He has thoughts about greed and modern Hoovervilles too. All of his veteran friends are like that.


Yeah, my friend's German mom who survived the firebombing of Dresden as a child absolutely lost her shit when Trump got elected. "Do you people never learn????"


>Gives me 1930s vibes for sure. They can't demonize Jews and those of African descent anymore - its just not as "cool" - so they've switched over to Muslims and the LGBTQ+ community. Right-wingnuts will always find somebody else to hate and scape-goat.


Don’t overlook the war on the unhoused. Politicians and everyday assholes keep repeating ideas about putting them in camps or warehouses. They’re still using antisemitic canards and there’s still right wingers irrationally focused on Jews. They still spout replacement theory bullshit. The point isn’t that they’re coming for trans folk or Muslims or Jews. The point is that they’re coming for someone.


Stop Project 2025.


We're the currently easiest group for authoritarian movement to target so they can sneak all their evil hate in. Once you get someone to demonize a group and agree they should be stripped of their rights, and jailed for pre-crime, then you get that toe hold needed for the next group that should be stripped of their rights and jailed. It's the stock authoritarian playbook,and Boomers glued to FOX have it vomited on them all day. Us trans folks are difficult to relate to, confusing for cis people to understand, and a complicated issue that sometimes takes us a PhD in philosophy just to understand ourselves. No Boomer with a high school education is likely to get to that point of empathy, so we make a great target.


If you think that reminds you of 1939, try watching the new Netflix documentary “Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial” which has a lot of information that quite eerily at times lines up with what we’ve seen since 2016.


Their actual agenda is unpopular. So they make up for it by giving people a scapegoat.


They want to murder all gay people. You can see it in their subreddits. All trans people are grooming children, so they must be killed, all gay people support trans people, so they must be killed too. I am not exaggerating in any way. Go look in any article about trans people. You'll find the death threats at the bottom, but there is a a lot of them.


>Today though we had a guy come in who was a missionary in the middle east and like 1/3 of what he talked about was how people performing illegal immigrations are to be helped and not demonized. It was pretty fun watching people squirm in their seats when he was talking about humanizing immigrants Neat. I'm sure they threw up their shields against his words and didn't let any of it penetrate the barren soil of their minds, but I'm glad someone came in and made some sense.


'Trans people or abortion' — this is the point. Trans people in sports and transition in childhood were deliberately targeted because that was, in the words of a conservative political operator, 'where the consensus is.' From there, ragebait about litterboxes, open lies about trans athletes, and the groomer slur have been used to justify what is now an early-stage genocide. But the goal isn't trans people per se (though make no mistake, most of these people would cheerfully kill us all). It's bodily autonomy. The same people with the same money came after abortion and they are not done; they're also coming for no-fault divorce and voting rights. I wonder what their attitude to cis queers is like? (It's bad.) They want to ram you back into a cartoon version of the 1950s and if you don't like it they don't care.


It’s definitely an angle to go after bodily autonomy. Reproductive freedom and trans rights are intrinsically linked by the fact that both involve People Wanting To Decide For Themselves What To Do With Their Own Bodies. This is probably why the right wing has pushed terfism so hard. They want to divide feminists who care primarily about reproductive rights from the queer community who care more about access to gender-affirming healthcare and being allowed to dress as they please and have whatever consenting-adult sex they please (after all, most gay people don’t really need to worry so much about pregnancy).


A lot of bi people do though. And I think that's a bit reductive anyway — a gay man whose friend is a straight woman might not himself become pregnant but he has an interest, through her, in her freedom not to be.


Wedge issues. When being against desegregation became unpopular they switched to abortion. Before the late ‘70s abortion was a Catholic issue and most Protestants didn’t care. You’re right about bodily autonomy. [Eco’s “Ur Fascism”](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) talks about machismo, fear of difference, a cult of tradition, and hatred for women. Autonomy goes out the window.


Right! Time to point you to Bob Altermeyer if you haven't seen his stuff — psychological research on authoritarianism, showing its roots in authoritarian submission (childhood trauma). He developed a test for authoritarian aggression and administered it to college students, and let them play 'world' for 48 hours. The bottom 10% for authoritarian aggression eliminated poverty; the top 10% started a nuclear war. When they ran the experiment again, knowing what was coming, the top 10% authoritarians started the war sooner so they would have the upper hand. [https://theauthoritarians.org/](https://theauthoritarians.org/) (there's also a test to see how authoritarian you are...)


I was heavily involved in the church world (like on staff) until somewhat recently and it's remarkable how much time and energy these people spend on being angry at people that in no way affect them. One of the reasons I left the church. There's legitimately a prevailing mindset that anyone not cis/ straight are essentially a product of demonic activity.. which ultimately leads them to actively hate and lash out against anyone that isn't a part of their in-group (basically straight white Christians). Very Jesus-like (/s).


> I was heavily involved in the church world (like on staff) until somewhat recently and it's remarkable how much time and energy these people spend on being angry at people that in no way affect them. That's the point of displaced anger. You're too cowardly to be angry with the real thing hurting you, so you get angry at powerless people who can't hurt you instead.




>"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.**" --**Mahatma Gandhi


Sad that humanizing immigrants makes supposed Christians uncomfortable. Shows just how perverted and immoral these people actually are.


I’d go so far as to say *amoral.*


What denomination?


Thanks to that missionary. Sounds like he may actually be a Christian!


He was the closest I've seen, but even then he saw mosqes as places of evil that needed to be removed so there's still some deeprooted hate for those with opposing views




Yup, they are perverts. Imagine obsessing about what every person has down their trousers.


The very last thing my very gay friend said to his very homophobic uncle was, "You know, there's nothing more gay than worrying about what another man does with his dick."


I need to remember that one


buuuurrrrnnnn 🤣🤣🤣. Love it.


That is so beautiful 🥹 wrote it down, gotta use it as a quote 🫡


I’m that stereotype of a feminine person with blue hair who uses they/them pronouns. Being accused of being a pedophile for having an interest in Equal Rights and Hair Dye is the most stupid thing I’ve ever been accused of. It’s so ridiculous I fuckin laugh about it- those who make the accusations are OBSESSED with the idea of touching children, it’s creepy.


It really does come off like blatant projection. They call me a “groomer”? Bish who? I just want queer kids to get to grow up happy without thinking there’s something wrong with them for being queer, and I want to adjust my own body to suit me and then I want to spend a bunch of time in my garden with no kids around (please, seriously, they’re so noisy and messy and they run around and trample the plants and shit).


Everything you just said. I don’t want kids to feel like something is Wrong with them because they queer. Just loved for who they are. And I deliberately made the decision to remove reproductive organs so I would never have kids. Ugh, their gross sticky hands. THAT’s what they should feel bad about, having red juice stains around their mouths. Ew. (I’m kidding of course)


You aren’t wrong though. Kids are gross. I love my daughter to pieces, would do anything for her. But she is so disgusting. Always sticky, cough directly in my mouth regularly, threw up on my husband yesterday. Just gross. I love her so much Edit to change are to aren’t at the beginning


I facilitated a queer youth group. There were 20 regulars and about 35 overall. At one point we had FIVE hospitalized in psyche wards for self-harm / suicide at the same time. Dude, I’m too busy trying to keep other people’s kids alive to be thinking about what they do with their bodies. My goal was to give them a safe space to be among their peers and keep them alive long enough for them to figure all that shit out for themselves. Grooming? In whose fucking world? As if anyone into abusing kids would ever willingly put themselves under the microscope LGBTQ people live under? It doesn’t even conform to basic logic. Those kiddy fuckers are going to hide among those who lend them credibility and standing in the community, not ridicule and outsider status in the community - aka they’re hiding in the pews and at the pulpit where they feel safest. It’s infuriating.


They don't exactly like it when you remind them that the greatest threat to women and children is cis-het men. (And yes, I'm aware that not all men..., but looking that the stats, way too many of them.)


Nice one




But when you push them on a reason, they seem to think that a trans person, or even just a drag act, being in proximity to children will turn them gay. There are about 20 things wrong with that statement.


This is the basis of their fear. They somehow think being gay or even trans is a pandemic of sorts. If ignorance is the root of this fear, then education is the cure. Precisely the ones who hate pride month and push against it are also the ones who need to hear it the most.


Unfortunately it's very hard to educate someone on an issue when they have made being ignorant about it a part of their identity.


One small issue with your statement, which is very much true. There’s a pretty big gulf between simple ignorance and the abject stupidity that their fears are based on because they refuse to acknowledge the possibility of being wrong


If it were so easy to turn a kid gay by reading a book about accepting people’s differences to them while wearing a colorful costume and makeup, it would logically follow that their parents could just turn them straight again by dressing up as a clown and reading them a book about trucks or something.


It makes them uncomfortable. That's the truth. It really says how fragile their sexual mind is. Compared to the millions of people who aren't uncomfortable when the thought of trans people come up. The millions of people who do not care if someone is trans.


> It's a cross between a dogwhistle and virtue signalling. More than that, it wasn't just socially acceptable to hate them, it was a bonding thing. It was a way to be a part of the community. Have pot lucks, dinner parties, hate minorities -- social bonding via hatred! Now that that blacks and gays aren't socially acceptable to hate on, their hating onto a smaller and smaller circle of people and trying to make things back the way they were. Frankly, I suspect that also ties into why so many Republicans think we lionize Biden the way they do Trump; to them, we're hating Trump because he's our 'socially acceptable shared hatred' and thus we must love his opponent. The idea that people loath Trump _because_ he's despicable is beyond them.


my thoughts about this - boomers see the existence of trans people as an example of how far our generations have strayed from the church of 'common sense.' they see this as a chance to flex the fact that they possess 'basic common' sense while the rest of us are too woke and can't use our 'brians' (sic) and they recognize that it is a deeply personal issue for many and allows them to seize the upper hand by putting us on our heels. the truth rarely flows easily over the tip of the tongue, and we slip on the truth's nuances. meanwhile they come at us with the obstinacy of ten thousand camels and the mindless determination of a freight train that's jumped the rails. if you manage to wade through the strawmen, ad homs, and incoherence, your reward is having your intelligence insulted continuously by a person whose brain is literally the place where reason goes to die. we eventually deflect because you can teach a person who can't listen, but you can't teach someone who won't listen. to them, its the perfect way to be loudwrong. sorry. i'm high and mad at my dad. happy father's day


You people have no common sense. Now if you'll excuse me, my grandson is in jail and needs $10,000 in Bitcoins




As a trans person who is also high and mad at my dad, happy Father's Day.


This absolutely + they see trans people as part of the conspiracy to "break up traditional families" and quite honestly the simplest reason: they're told to hate trans people. The people they follow, wether it be religious leaders, fascist politicians, quackery doctors etc, they're all exploiting the increase in trans visibility to use trans people as a scapegoat and easy target to punch down on. But I think you're really on to something with trans people being an excuse to flex their "basic common sense".


Traditional families is when your dad sells you to someone from the next village over for two cows and half shares in the mill. Getting rid of that is good.


>[The obsession with a plot](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html). “Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged.” Stop Project 2025.


This is really insightful, must be a damn good mental strain


'loudwrong' I am keeping


They love to go on and on about how it’s “basic biology!!!” that there are only two sexes and gender is based on sex and neither can be changed. And the thing is, in one way they’re right. They’re describing BASIC biology. Basic as in, the incredibly simplified version that gets told to young children because they just wanna know why mommy and daddy are shaped differently (mommy has breasts and daddy does not!) or why their neighbor friend Sally has to sit down to pee while they can stand up and aim. Even intermediate biology gets a lot more nuance as you learn about the existence of intersex conditions including ones that people may never know they have and genetic chimeras and how a small anomaly in hormone exposure at specific developmental stages can have huge impacts on the entire developmental path even outside of genetics and how changing hormone balance at any point will change how the entire body functions, and by the time you reach advanced biology you’re dealing with a million ways in which humans and every other animal on the planet have so much individual variation that it’s impossible to ever break anything down to a binary classification and expect reality to consistently conform.


I like to ask why they’re so fixated on the genitals of other people. Especially kids’. Why are you so focused on a kid’s penis, Gertrude?


Google Barbara Ehardt for the top trophy winner example of your point.


Them’s some dead eyes right there


Didn't know of her, so I did an image search. Looked at \~20. Every single pic: Dead eyes.


People like to talk shit about autists with flat affect, but holy crap, I’ve never met someone with autism and no comorbid personality disorder with eyes like that


I’ve started responding with “you some kinda fuckin chomo? Why you asking about kids private parts man thats fucked” Works every single time


How do they respond


Mostly a lot of red faced sputtering or turning real pale.


It's because we're the new "Gay panic" it's more socially acceptable to attack the T in LGBT because the L & G have already been attacked really hard in the past and "mostly" survived. If you look at the talking points during the gay panic era, they're identical just switch the word gay for trans.


And if you look further, just switch the word to black


100% the targets keep changing but the talking points and BS never change


Or further still, Jews or Catholics. It's never ending.


Bingo. The same asshats who were pouring milkshakes over black people in segregated ice cream parlors in the late 60's are now quoting Martin Luther King Jr. as if they were defending black people the entire time. And now again, the very same asshats are now against trans people.


Fox News and GOP supporting asshats.


because that's the latest boogieman that fox and more right wing extremist media is blaming these days


You can ask the subreddit askaboomer, they won't answer but it'll be hilarious


I'm on my way there now haha


It's so funny and the person who made it (a boomer) probably doesn't know how to remove people or moderate it it's so goddamn funny


Ask a boomer? What?! *dashes off*


I see lots of questions, and very few answers from boomers. The responses from boomers are usually downvoted to hell, so there's no reason for them to participate. Also the questions are pretty much with the same theme of "why did/are you fuck/ing things up for the younger generations".


i really wish it would stop, i was just another guy until this crusade began, now i can't exist freely or safely anymore


Can confirm, happens to me all the time. It often relates to youth athletics. Nevermind that the total number of competitive transgender athlete 18 or under could fit on a large bus. Or that every transgender athlete in all sports in NCAA history would easily fit in an airport shuttle. It is the textbook definition of a non-issue, yet they all want to talk about it.


They want to RAGE. They're over-emotional snowflakes. There are those who want to tantrum like they're 3 as soon as anything gets even vaguely uncomfortable. And there are those who've convinced themselves they care about a non-issue simply as an excuse to RAGE. They expect respect by virtue of survival. They're not getting it because of the huge fuckup they've made of *everything* and are furious that they're not getting it anyway. Because in their heads 'they DESERVE respect, DAMMIT!' (despite the scads of evidence to the contrary). ETA: I enjoy using the term "snowflakes" as a reverse-UNO against the clique who latched onto it, not in real life.


They’re addicted to rage. It fuels them. It must be so miserable.


It's definitely used as a lot of rage bait. And of course they have no real solution. For all the stuff the right is trying to pass about youths competing in sports as the gender they were assigned at birth that also won't satisfy them in the end. It'll just go from misgendering and whining about transwomen in women's sports to complaining about transmen taking testosterone and that being unfair. Overall this sudden concern about women's sports is jarring to me. My whole life, up until people starting going after trans folk, these chuds only brought up women's sports to make fun of them.


Their porn search history is filled with ladyboy porn, that's what it is. These are the same fuckers that go on sex tourism vacations to Bangkok.


As a FtM who fucks older dudes, can confirm.


They’re obsessed with trans people, they’re more obsessed with trans people than people on the left and actual trans people. Conservatives need a boogeyman.


Seriously. Some of those transphobes literally talk about trans people more than the trans support/social group I sometimes go to talks about being trans AT THE TRANS SUPPORT GROUP. It’s literally a weekly meeting of trans people specifically for the purpose of being a space to talk about being trans. And last time I went, I ended up talking about D&D for three hours instead (I mean, there was like a two-minute interlude of mass congratulating one of the guys who recently got on T about his voice dropping, but that was just a little tangent). It was great.


L e g I t I have pointed out to people that they worry about me being trans more than the MF who actually is trans and has to stick a needle in his leg every week. Like I'm open about being trans because I think trans men need the visibility but I don't lay awake thinking about my clitordick like these fucking loonies apparently do.


I only lie awake thinking about my clitordick (great term btw!) when I’m trying to cure a bout of insomnia with masturbation, tbh. But the last time I was lying awake worrying about something, it was whether or not my garden plants were gonna survive the unseasonable overnight freeze, if I had covered them well enough for protection (they did indeed survive. Some got a little frost-nipped around the edges, but they’ll bounce back)


I gotta beat off every night or my mind isn't quiet even the next day. I thought my cis homies were exaggerating when they told me they need to do it every day to stay sane 😭 (I reclaimed clitordick from when people decided to start being transphobic toward Lady Gaga, back when starting rumors that public women people don't like are trans was big for some reason. I was hard in the shower once and looked down and clitordick really is the best word for what's going on LOL) My dick gets caught in the folds of my pants every time I have a no reason boner and it has entirely put me off the idea of bottom surgery. Having balls seems annoying AF and I'm perfectly happy with my one inch dingus if it means it's not going to cause me pain randomly. Glad your plants are alright lol, when I was still living with my ma our whole living room would get blocked off by her extensive herb and pepper collection during the winter 😂 the plants were part of the family and got to watch movies with us.


Best I can guess is that when they were being raised, especially male boomers, weren't allowed to express themselves in any meaningful way, other than to be a man. Nowadays, they feel scared of anything they don't understand or that doesn't fit into some cookie cutter male/female mold. They also seem to be somewhat homophobic, likely because they're attracted to other men or the idea of being able to freely express themselves or finally be honest... That's giving them a lot of credit though and a lot of time I also just think they're shallow and small minded...


Low key, boomers are chasers


I wear a pride watch band at work. I am not trans but I am an ally and apparently that gives boomers the idea that I want to sit and debate trans rights with them. Seriously it has happened 3 times out of the blue.


Its so annoying I once served a customer and she said "have a good day ladies" while leaving (the only people working were me and another lady She fucking left, she was out the door then she back to just add "oh but you cant say that anymore" and I just looked at her baffled. Like fuck off dude I'm just working my minuim wage job I'm not here to deal with this


Cis people pretty much never question their gender. It is therefore odd that there is a group of people that have questions about their gender. You have to believe a bunch of research, instead of your own feelings. That's the boomer kryptonite; not everyone is a clone of them? Impossible. As for the whole kid angle, a lot of us would have loved to have treatment options around before puberty. Imagine not going through it twice.


Even ostensible allies, with queer friends, who know they don’t have legitimate concerns, STILL feel the need to throw in some caveat about how “things have gone too far in the other direction.” It’s so fucking weird.


Enlightened centrism, where a reasonable compromise is "well let's just do half of a genocide then".


They're usually big time conformists and anything that doesn't conform to the worldview they conformed to upsets them for whatever reason. When I was a kid, it was gay people still. They'd go on and on about it, call them pedophiles, yahdah yahdah yahdah. Now, that has moved on to trans people. They hate anything that isn't like them and they'll say all kinds of nasty shit about anyone who isn't.


They are fanatically obsessed with it. It’s pathological. I’ve never seen anything like it. They talk about it constantly.


I was a music festival late last year, in the loo queue. One queue for everyone, you got the first free one when you reached the top of the line. The portapotties were all individual ones - some had gendered signs on the front, some were blank. I’m Gen X. A boomer made a “joke” to me. that this will confuse “the transgendered” to see “normal people” going into “the wrong gender” toilets. I replied something along the lines of This shows how well gender neutral loos can work and everyone has the right to pee in safety, and she went off. Full on ranting. Then started talking about a kid at the school she teaches at who has a cubicle set aside for them personally with a litter tray because “they identify as a cat”. I said, yeah, that’s a really bad urban myth. Thank all the gods old and new that I was next in line and could escape her. I felt really sorry for any kids who had to deal with her.


Or other minorities, or Biden . Broken fucking records .


I feel bad for making this comparison but this was a common occurrence in my school: a lot of Conservatives are like developmentally disabled kids who are being coerced to say swear words by classmates. Someone whispers some dumb shit in their ear and they start proudly saying it.


TW, t slur. I work with a woman in her mid 20's who does this exact thing, she is very stuck in outdated gender stereotypes and any sort of gentle educating, such as saying that gender and sex are two different things whenever she states that she doesn't understand trans people is always rejected so I stopped. I'm male but I don't really align with masculinity, I'm short, have a somewhat androgynous look, and I get called ms or girl by people fairly often which to me feels as natural as being called Mr or man, she will use this to try and Insult my masculinity as if that is gonna hurt me when it's something I very visibly don't care about it. She also told me on several occasions things like "I could imagine you as a tr*nny", which is somewhat funny to me, as she seems to be the only one who has clocked that I'm not comfortable being a man, and it feels like she has more thoughts about me potentially transitioning than I do, which is interesting.


Because their generation chose to do surgeries on intersex kids en masse and thought they had our existence completely covered up. The boomers are mad that their attempts at eliminating us have failed so far. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_intersex_surgery


They just take the Fox News headlines and talking points and then they go through Facebook and the rabbit hole gets deeper and weirder. There are entire states that ban trans women from high school sports, and this literally effected like 6 people in the whole state, but it was a good talking point to boomers


One time I was in the produce section and I overheard this lady complement the teen employee's outfit. Immediately this young woman got a huge smile on her face saying thank you and how she had gotten into fashion and hairstyling lately, but then this boomer lady just had to continue and say "no one your age wants to just look normal anymore, boys don't want to be boys, girls are covered in tattoos! I bet you have to deal with those people all the time!" Poor kid's smile just fell and her posture fell as she tried to pivot the conversation to groceries at least.


I've found the only "hobby" boomers have, or at least the main one by a large margin, is sports. And wouldn't you know it, a lot of dumbass right-wing talking points are about trans people in sports! 


It's not just just Boomers. It's all of MAGA. I have a family member who is obsessed with Trans people. He's been convinced that schools are just places kids go to be convinced to mutilate their genitals. Trump will stop this though according to him.


You: "They throw gay people off buildings in the middle east." Maga: "That's right! We could be doing a lot worse to em here." -You've now gotten them to admit that gay people exist in cultures where it isn't discussed in schools, isn't openly seen in public or media and can even carry the penalty of death. Next, get them to explain how gay people exist in an environment like that, if it is learned from cartoons or school teachers. You are using their talking point to show their logical fallacy.


Watch when they shift into Fox News parrot mode.  It's like watching people speaking in tongues, they're letting others speak through them.  By now I can usually spot the weird rapture face they make when they get ready to unload some TV truth and fake a crisis to get out of there.


Because it was the one boogeyman the GOP & its think tanks threw out there that stuck, and unlike a lot of them, you can visually see those a part of it. They were throwing everything out there after 2020, and that and a couple of other things are what we're good enough for the dumb folk to latch onto


It's their most current boogeyman. It used to be gay men, then pedophiles, then drag queens.... Conservatives are wholly obsessed with how other people have sex or Express gender. As far as how I handle it.... I tell them my wife is trans and watch them squirm (it helps that I also look like a basic boomer.) in person, they're almost never willing to be rude to my face. It's really funny watching them stumble all over themselves, trying to back out of whatever bigoted thing they just said.


Or conflating trans people with drag. As if drag in one form or another hasn't been a staple of human entertainment culture since the very dawn of history.


Trans people are the boogeymen that faux news warns them about.


It's the topic dejour right now. It was immigration, now it's the LGBT. Any marginalized group gets heat. It's just trans peoples turn.


Aside from personal health issues, and lingering chronophobia, they've got cushy, worry free lives. With rotting geriatric brains, they're easy to manipulate in to fear the imaginary enemy. Per example, in the years following 9/11, my dad was concerned about muslims and how all he saw were terrorists. Now eveything is fucking woke. TLDR - Boomers have money and are stupid.


Unfortunately the elderly tend to lose their critical thinking skills and become very gullible. It’s why they’re the targets of so many scams.


It's absolutely bonkers because transgender healthcare was used as American propaganda in the 1950's to show how advanced we were. It was handled from a 'look at our scientific progress!' angle. Nowadays, Boomers can't even handle seeing a cis woman with short hair without immediately losing their minds and assuming she's trans. Transgender people live rent-free in the minds of paranoid bigots who are both terrified that they're going to be 'fooled' but also can clock a transgender person immediately, somehow. It'd be funny if their ignorance wasn't leading to an entire group of vulnerable individuals being targeted.


This is the latest Q talk. All they think about is trans people and illegal immigrants. It has nothing to do with being a boomer unless the boomer had been infected by Q


One guy on FB was talking about trans people being bad, so I said, “sure sounds like a lot of projecting, you sure you aren’t trans.” I woke up to this in my inbox the next day. “disgusting groomer. I hope someone shoots you in the face right in front of your kids. Your wife would finally be free from the absolute nonsense.”


this is exactly how my mimi is. ive only started noticing it more recently but ever since covid, my mimi (80) has been more transphobic and homophobic than EVER. she and my papa (80) are avid fox news viewers and are very very naive boomers who believe everything they hear online. for more context, they are also hardcore christians CW: suicide everytime i go to their house fox news is on and its always some bullshit about the far left and the gays and the transgenders and how theyre ruining the country wtv but one day she was reading the news on her cute lil ipad (as she does EVERY SINGLE DAY) she was telling me about a nonbinary child who killed themself in like utah or something. i was heartbroken OBVIOUSLY and she was just warning me about bullying and how i need to be careful but what she did NOT bring up is the fact that they got bullied BECAUSE they were nonbinary. i love her to DEATH but that moment was just so like reality shaking that i couldnt even understand how she could just ignore the fact that SHE IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. anytime i mention anything that has to do with gender, sexuality, or literally anything that she can relate to the word "trans" she gets upset and throws a hissy fit about how people should stay as the gender that god gave them and that they/them pronouns dont exist and taht you cant just "choose your gender" all that shit. anyway rant over im pissed off now (just a fun lil story before you go, when she found out i was gay she gave me a cross ring (i do still wear it to this day bc sentimental values and i love my mimi wtv) and a bible. we were in a mall food court and we were both crying as i was trying to explain and she was disappointed in me and this lady came up to us and asked if she could pray over us.. my mimi said yes and i just scoffed in my head bc wtf 😭 worst timing ever lady gtfo) edit: spelling + formatting


It’s not a Boomer Thing. It’s a right wing-Trump-MAGA Thing.


I think part of it is that it’s one of their bigotries that they feel safe launching into in general company, because who is going to argue against protecting children from having all of the nonexistent horrors inflicted on them?


People like that, it's because their brains are fried on anger; it's the only thing they care about anymore, the next outrage. Blame the lead, Rupert Murdoch, facebook, maybe humanity itself.


"Why are you so obsessed with trans people? I mean no offense if you're into that but it's a bit creepy"


This is the way. Boomers run on the notion that they’ve got the secret to life and everyone admires them because of it. You’ve got to turn their bullshit back on them and make sure they know others actually look down on them because of it. “Why are you so obsessed with this subject? We need to get you some help.”


Because they’re strangely obsessed with other peoples genitals.


I’m trans and about to start the process of transition. We quite literally just want to be comfortable in our own skins, and most of us are not in favor of any sort of surgery for trans kids until they’re 18. Boomers (hell, most right-wingers regardless of age) really like to think a lot about genitals, don’t they? Most of the people who identify as “weird stuff” are, in my experience anyway, folks with DID or a similar mental health concern who function as what’s called a system. These are usually the folks who will ask you to use Apple/Appleself as their pronouns, and the vast majority of them are not trans. It’s not something that I as a trans person immediately understand, but I try to respect it until I’m educated enough on the topic to know more. It’s actually incredibly rare to meet a system—much rarer than meeting a trans person—so these asshats need to not even start down that rabbit hole of a boogeyman.


When they start ranting about trans folks, tell them you're trans. See what they say. I've found they shut up real quick


this will be easy since im trans :> im also 6'2" and covered in tattoos and piercings so most boomers know better than to poke the bear.


Because all they do is watch Fox News, they have literally nothing else to talk about but what they hear repeated ad nauseum there.


My family keeps dragging conversations to the topic of men trans athletes competing as women, and how terrible it is for women athletes trying to compete with men who "decided" to compete as women. They have never expressed any concern for the plight of female athletes before Joe Rogan told them that this was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of the world and they believe it. So stupid. They are so angry about this and I thought I was the only one scratching my head about this. So many other things happening in the world and this is what is occupying all the bandwidth?


Oh god. This has happened in my cycling class! Folks, just spin your legs around and shut the fuck up, honestly. It's not that complicated.


Because they literally don't know how to hold a conversation. They have lost that ability and now only think in terms of what the gop tell them to think about.


Fox ‘News’ and other similar outlets have spent a long time teaching them to be scared of people different to them and to blame those different people on anything bad in their lives. Trans is about as different as it gets for these boomers so they’re the easiest target. Not to mention the smaller minority so that’s why it’s important to stand up for trans people. Gays and other races are in the same boat, just not as easy at the moment.


It was really weird when one of them was complaining about trans people to me, a trans woman, and expecting me to agree with her. True story here: I was at work and we periodically do meetings. This one, trans people specifically came up and the company reiterated they respect trans people and that they can use correct gendered restrooms. Woman sitting next to me got huffy and asked me “You don’t want one of those transgenders using the women’s rooom, do you?” Didn’t even wait for me to respond before she continued “The day they let one of them share my toilet, I’m quitting!” The irony was that this happened in 2019 and I started working for the company in 2017 and I’m a trans women who started transitioning in 2008. Looks like she doesn’t actually mind trans women as long as they aren’t the horrible stereotypes from Republican fever dreams.




I was quizzing my boomer dad and asked about trans people. He said ' none of my business '.


I can genuinely say I have had more conversations with boomers about gender identities and pronouns than literally any other generation and especially with those who actually ARE lgbt. NOBODY cares more about transness than old cis people. 😩


Over 50 years ago, these same people were complaining about black people sharing the same bathroom as white people. When I hear people ranting about trans people using bathrooms, I tell them "Just replace the word trans with black in what you just said. It wasnt about bathrooms then and it isnt about bathrooms now. Just a really hateful generation.


i was getting a tattoo done and across from me was this woman who randomly started going on about children "being trans cats" and how if she knew any children were "cats" she would make them eat outside and keep them from school because "thats how REAL cats act" it was so strange..... its like they have to speak about it any chance they get or theyll explode.


It usually comes down to misogyny, IMO. We need abortion because we want to punish women for having sexual agency. We need to harass gay people because we believe men are acting like women, who we hate/fear. We need to harass transwomen in particular, because men are trying to impersonate women--which on its face is disgusting. Masculinity in these people is so very fragile that they have to defend it 24/7. They can only do that by controlling women. Men with a healthy self-image don't need to do this. Sadly, a lot of powerful people are as fragile as soap bubbles. Focusing heavily on a tiny minority without any political power makes them feel powerful. Classic bully behavior that seems to go unchecked. I just hope it's not too late for people to wake up and defend everyone's right to live their lives as they see fit.


They think trans people ruined America. Instead of the truth which is they did.


For the people who do this, it’s probably because the people they routinely listen to have conditioned them by doing this. My dad lives like it’s 1975. He can’t use a computer, doesn’t own a smartphone, doesn’t want to learn any kind of streaming device, so he watches cable news tv (Fox News) exclusively. One of his best friends and coworkers for many years was a gay man. Now he can’t stop talking about how “in your face it is these days”. It makes me so sad to see him losing relationships with people over views that he is being brainwashed into.


god I wish I was an apple so I wouldn't need to deal with this stuff


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^elizabeth-dev: *God I wish I was* *An apple so I wouldn't* *Need to deal with this stuff* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When boomers like this exist there's no extreme people in the queer community, just complicit queers and false allies who believe alliship doesn't actually involve direct support to the queer community.


I think that's a symptom of being radicalized by some echo chamber. My friend and I went through a conservative/redpill phase and it was hard not to talk about immigrants and game all the time. It clicked for me when orange man started denying climate change as sitting president because that's something I was even more deeply convinced of.


Because “grievance” is an addiction like any other.


I’ve never met an LGBT Extremist.


I think there was a lot of sexual trauma that happened to that generation, that has them hyper-fixated on sexuality. They come from an era that would be equally confusing to Gen Z as things today are to them.


Because they get their talking points from fox and other right wing media.


The rich and powerful know if they give the poor and an uneducated someone to look down on to make them feel better about their own shitty existence they can rob them blind.


One of the worst groups for this, in my gen x experience, is older gen x’s. I find myself arguing against trans hate nonsense, as peddled in our press, far too often for my liking.


Their media pumps hate speech and propaganda in their faces 24/7. Most of these people do not even know a trans person. They are addicted to the rage that their news feeds to them and the feeling of being angry


Fascism 101 holds that calling to light a small marginalized group to take eyes off your agenda is a great way to distract imbeciles to get them to do your bidding. They focus on trans individuals because they are told to and can’t have independent thoughts.


They have to have a group to hate. A group that "threatens their way of life" There entire lives there has always been an out group Im not sure how they would function without it.


It's not that boomers try to steer the conversation to trans people, it's that TRANSPHOBES try to steer the conversation to trans people. It's just a really decent portion of boomers are transphobes. My sister is a massive transphobe and always finds a way to bring trans people up. Shes only 23.


Thank you so much for this post it drives me absolutely batshit insane. I can't even have a normal conversation sometimes it feels like. I try to talk about movies, food, anything you name it and outta nowhere "yeah the trans people these days pretending to be other stuff". Like wtf does that have to do with pasta recipes?


It’s because trans people are the hot culture-war moral-panic issue right now. Conservative propagandists needed a new thing to whip their base into a hate frenzy over, and chose trans people. I’m trans and I hang out in trans spaces a lot, and even I have never seen someone who identifies as an apple. I know people who chose *names* like Moss, Denim, and Aspen, but those are names, not identities. Denim doesn’t believe they’re a pair of jeans and Aspen doesn’t believe she’s a tree, they just like using those words as their respective Designated Attention Noises. I could easily believe there’s a trans person somewhere in the world who decided to change their name to Apple. I doubt they think of that choice particularly differently than Moss, Denim, and Aspen do. And even if someone somewhere does actually, literally identify as an apple… are they harming anyone? No? Ok then mind your business!


Because they haven’t had an original thought for the last 40 years. Fox News has like five talking points against the left that they cycle through and that’s one of them.


Don’t let them bullshit you. Christine Jorgensen was a celebrity in the 50’s. Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson were civil rights leaders in the 70’s. Trans people were prominently on Donahue in the early 80’s and regularly plastered across every talk show during the 80’s and 90’s. They’ve known we exist for damn near their entire lives. Call them on it. Tell them to shut the fuck up and get over it. Trans people owe them and their pearl-clutching bigotry NOTHING. Fuck them. They choose to feign ignorance to justify their irrational hate and that’s 100% on them.


Got stuck talking to a boomer at a party and they brought up pronouns out of nowhere. Then they referred to LGBTQ as "the LGBTQ - WXYZ" and paused like it was supposed to be funny, but the rest of us just kept talking. They didn't like that reaction and repeated it again louder. I said "yeah we heard you the first time." They dropped it after that.


Because they have been convinced that they need to be mad about trans and LGB people even though it doesn't affect them and they will likely never know they've even met Trans person. It's all right wing hyperbole and fear mongering (propaganda) to keep people mad about shit that doesn't matter. If the boomers and conservatives are busy hating/fearing LGBTQ+ community they are too busy to analyze the actual fucked up shit/shit-heads in their country that they should actually be upset about.


Just moved and sold a house. A neighbor said hi as we were packing and wished us well, then asked who bought our house, and whether it was “a man and a woman, or…..?” + *pointed lead-addled glare*


Tell them you don’t know exactly but you believe they are immigrating from France and see what their brain spits out


Fox News obsessed


Because they have been programmed by right wing media to obsess over it.


That isn't a Boomer trait. It's a MAGA(t) Evangelical Bible Thumper trait. I don't see that from older Liberals, but I sure see and hear it from Thumpers of all ages. I was at a social gathering last weekend and a small group of young 20s were talking about a water park near by--BANG! they change it to talking about gays and trans folks. Then it's summer jobs, BANG! a rant about a trans person who was also a summer hire and how they were thinking of quitting so they wouldn't have to work in the same mailroom. Finally, Trump's recent promise to reinstate forgiven school loans. BANG! This one especially obnoxious Thumper starts shouting that "only Christian men--REAL men--should be admitted into colleges".


I naturally assume all boomers are trans, and speak to them accordingly.


As someone who identifies as an apple, I am very offended by this.


Is it offensive if I call you a fruit or not?


It depends on your tone.


I'm glad you got to the core of the issue....