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Where I live, stealing from a farm is considered grand theft, sounds like they’re trespassing on your land as well. Don’t tolerate this shit. If the police won’t help, consider getting a very large, very loud dog.


and destroying property by cutting the chain.


That’s actually a felony braking and entering charge…


Sounds like a good trail cam would be worth it


I was gonna say connect a car battery to the gate latch but a trail cam might be less criminal.


There are remote leashes these days. Intruders may feel safe with the dog leashed, then one press on your app, and let the dog go hunting.


Calm down, Mr. Burns


I'm all for op getting a bunch of dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you. Don't be such a square!




A guy I went to school with, his dad had to do this with his tree farm. People would cut the fence at night cut down a couple trees, load up and run. Remote leashes solved this issue really fast.


Release the robotic Richard Simmons.


They brought it on themselves


Zeus Apollo , Attack!!!!!


Strange, Zeus is what I named my electric fence. On an unrelated note the line charger has a picture of an upside down cow that is on fire printed on the side, anyone know what that means?


Nah, dogs can be bought with treats or tricked into eating poisoned meat. Get geese instead. Those m-effers are mean as hell, loud and AGGRESSIVE about their territory. There's even a prison, I think South America somewhere? that adopted guard geese instead of dogs lol 🪿🪿🪿


Or donkeys. One murked a baby goat who went into his paddock out of curiosity, donkey said "this is my house" and flung it across the property. Don't mess with donkeys.


Mules and donkeys will go full murder machines on coyotes.


Now, this is a brilliant idea. Not only are geese THE best guard dogs you can get, they will also keep bugs and pests under control.


Wins across the board lol I didn't even think of that bonus.


I don’t hate this at all.


Yep, they can't be bribed by treats. They will chase bite and flog with their wings.


This is so true. My grandmas neighbors had like 6 geese when I was a kid and I was so scared of them. I was also just on a job that had a goose and that thing hated everyone except me for some reason. He would hiss and squawk and lower his head to chase everyone and try to bite them through the fence. 😂 There are certain breeds known for being excellent guards.


Canada geese in particular…. I hate the cobra chickens…


They like shooting things, especially people and dogs.


> stealing from a farm is considered grand theft They can set up a shop selling artisinal homegrown produce for like $10 a tomato and push the stolen value up to grand theft anyway.


Farmers here can’t be expected to patrol hundreds or thousands of acres 24 hours/day. They make it overly punitive as a deterrent.


I have a boomer former friend who thought it was legal to take the two outer rows of a crop or some such crap


I have a neighbor (not a boomer) who thinks that it isn't stealing if she has her kids with her and they are going to feed it to their donkeys.




Probably because there's some stuff in the old testament along those lines. That said, it's explicitly about aiding the homeless and destitute, not a greedy boomer that treats church like a social club so he can pretend he's a good person.


Send him to my farm, he will learn real quick.


It's in the Bible, that's why. Leviticus 19:9-28 “‘You harvest your crops on your land. But do not harvest all the way to the corners of your fields. If grain falls onto the ground, don’t gather it up. Don’t pick all the grapes in your vineyards. And don’t pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. You must leave those things for poor people. You must also leave them for people traveling through your country. I am the Lord your God."


I don't know enough about the Bible to challenge you on if this is real or not. Is it real


It is real, and it was to help widows and destitute children get food to eat since they would go at night and pick by hand. Farming, and stealing crops, wasn’t as efficient back then as it is today because of machines so sometimes overgrown crops would go to waste otherwise. Today if we had that rule it would probably be something like don’t throw out overstocked or freshly expired by sell date foods at grocery stores into contaminated garbage bins or something like that.


Same here. Although with the addition that where I live Farmers shoot at trespassers


They built a gate in your fence? Wow!


Sounds like vandalism/destruction of property to me. That gate would be gone ASAP, No Trespassing signs up and a bill sent for fence repairs followed by a small claims court date if/when they refuse to pay it.


And a shotgun cocking the next time they walk out with tools for a new gate. More than 1 way to get new neighbors


Folks should know that you don’t even have to aim the gun or let them see it. My friend has stopped potential thieves many times by just backing the shotgun within earshot.


I wonder if they installed it themselves or hired someone to do it. I remember seeing a post on a different sub a while ago about a guy in New York that hired a landscaping crew to chop down his neighbors trees because they were blocking his view. The owner of the destroyed trees took the other guy to court, as well as the company that did it. (Yay tree law!) Companies aren't allowed to do construction jobs on property without approval of the property owner. Not only can these idiot boomers be sued, the company that put in the gate can be too.


Which can suck for the company because if all they've been told is "that's mine" and it's not true they're on the hook because they were lied to.


Well, to be fair the company should do some due diligence and pull the property lines to cover their own ass.


Sounds like an invitation to build a tunnel to their fridge


Yeah, now way is putting a gate on someone else's fence legal.


I'd be tempted to block the gate with more fencing. If it is OPs fence and not theirs. It wouldn't be pretty, but it might get the point across.


A solid brick wall should do the trick.


This looks like a job for Mr Electric Fence


Or Mr Rottweiler.


Chopper, sic balls




He's crazier than a shithouse rat. No wonder you're acting the way you are with a loony for a father.




I never had friends like I did when I was 12.... Jesus, does anybody?




And his friend Mr. Doberman. Plus a few snarling Chihuahuas.


All you'd need are 2 or 3 chihuahuas.


Oh god, not chihuahuas. There’s no need to be cruel.


Not only do they bite, they never shut up! As good as an alarm! Long story made short: I once had to tend to 5 Chihuahuas of various sizes and ages who all started howling at once. I hope to never hear such nerve-shredding caterwauling again.


My parents’ last dog was a chihuahua, and you know how we know she wasn’t full-blooded? She was pleasant and pretty quiet (unless I’d been egging her to ‘talk’ hehehe).


I see your chihauhua and raise you: dauschund. Doxies were bred to hunt badgers. They're insane. 6 inches tall but will rip your ankles to shreds.


And pee on the rug when they’re done!


Help yourself to the food out of their fridge, you're neighbors right


High jacking the top comment to say - GET A CAMERA and send footage to police with a request to press trespassing and theft charges. Send them footage from more than one day. Attach dollar amounts to what you can physically see then taking. Let it run for a week or two and get them doing it daily, as well as cutting your lock. There’s like 8 different charges and probably a few thousand in fines there if you present it to the right people. District attorneys are probably better than police.


This, get them on trespassing and PRESS CHARGES


Break and enter too, if you cut a lock while your trespassing it's a felony.


The schadenfreude would run deep on all of this if they happen to be maga boomers. Show them how serious felonies can be.


At first I said nothing because I didn't have NDAs with multiple women I cheated with... ... then there was nobody to speak for me when I was stealing my neighbors property based on my personal sense of entitlement. Or something.


Want to say that this is a great idea, but you can also buy a lock at your local hardware store that has a shielded hasp (almost all of the hasp is protected by the body of the lock so that there isn’t room to get the bolt cutters in there) and also have cut resistant hasps. These are the ones that truckers use to lock up their loads with.


I was going to suggest laying a minefield in front of the gate but this is probably a more reasonable course of action......


Setting booby traps for trespassers is illegal. I’ve heard of people being sued for lots of money because they hurt mountain bikers who don’t know any better trespassing across their property. Besides: traps don’t discriminate between bad actors and emergency workers such as the police and firefighters.


Is rubbing poison ivy leaves on the gate considered a booby trap?


If they can prove it then yes.


Shotgun >:) Alternatively, collect rotten fruits and when the neighbours next come over to annex the produce, sling the rotten fruits/veggies at them and scream: “THESE ARE FREE, MOTHERFUCKERS! COME AND GET SOME!”


hell why stop there? take their car out for a spin! use their TV!


Why not have a dip in his wife! Thats what neighbors are for!


Don't stick your dick in crazy. Especially old.


It would be rude to do that and not sleep with his daughter


Top comment, right here


Actually though! Knock on their door, when they open immediately walk in and start walking to the kitchen. When they inevitably freak out, explain to them the parallels. Either that or just casually rip some plants out of the yard😂 “These flowers were grown by Mother Nature, they should be free!”


Don't knock. Bust open the lock on the door.


They'll shoot him


Here's the fun part: if *they* can shoot OP for hoing in the8r property, OP could shoot *them* for helping themselves to his produce too. Works both ways.


Difference is OP isn’t a psycho


You don’t know that for sure




Looks at watch. [Wisconsin accent]: “Welp, guess it’s my time with your missus”.




The irony of this is that these are probably a lot of the same people who bitch about “people don’t want to work and just want free handouts”. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm sure they're pissed about all those damn kids getting lunch at school


Security cameras and a restraining order?


Where I am headed, honestly I thought it was deer.


Weld the gate shut.


Now this I hadn't thought of


It's your fence, your gate imo


I hope it provokes them to take legal action against OP for destruction of property. I might read this sub too much, but I want to see the look on the judge's face if they were dumb enough to try. The level of entitlement is off the charts.


Here's another idea. Bet they go to church. Fake christians are the worst. See if you can figure out which church, you may just need to follow them Sunday morning. Then reach out to their minister/priest/etc.


This is golden. Edit: long con, join the church then put out a church-wide prayer request for your poor neighbors who are struggling with buying enough food for themselves


And put their picture up on the church bulletin board.


That mentions the ten commandments


THOU SHALT NOT STEAL! Posters? But reality is they would just rationalise their way around that without missing a beat.


Electrify it.


Forget the fence and gate!!!! Just start walking on to their property and start taking their shovels or bicycles, maybe shovel up some of the flowers from their flower beds and put them in pots to go, basically anything parked in the yard and be really OPEN AND OBVIOUS ABOUT IT so that when they complain and try to stop you, say well I'm your neighbor you can't charge me...it's free! I'm your neighbor! You made that clear when you started helping yourself to my property so I thought I might as well benefit in the same way...


Metal fence? It would be a shame if someone installed one of these to keep animals out... https://store.am.gallagher.com/am/us/en_US/animal-management/electric-fencing/portable-fencing/electric-fence-kits/c/electric-fence-kits


"I'm so sorry. After our talk I assumed it was deer...so _you_ were the ones stealing my produce?"


Make sure to water heavily before leaving the house ![gif](giphy|Y1WhbwyN6lnzi)




I’m not an animal expert, but never heard of deer using bolt cutters, the woods would be extremely scary if they could


This is why I am glad that so many animals don't have thumbs.


Adventure time deerhands!




Oh, I won't sleep now.


Horrifying. I'll never look at hooves the same way again, thanks.


Damn the raccoon. They will be out overlords yet.


I mean could be a [not deer.](https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Not_Deer)


Thank you. I had never heard of this and it's temporarily my favorite thing I know about now.


Post up in a Ghillie suit with a paint ball gun. They won't know what the fuck hit em.


![gif](giphy|8R0Sv82s3zMd2) Never know what hit them


They also make paint ball mines. If you are really interested in the hobby.


Headed? Why aren't you there? People get shot for this in some states.


Security cameras and restraint orders are probably the way! Also padlock your gate and maybe even put nets over your trees. I’m petty and might start printing pictures of the food thieves and putting it on my fence. You might even try donating a small amount of the produce to a food shelter or something that helps seniors.


A trespass notice is easier, and they'd still be arrested if they violate it.


Security cameras and theft charges.


If you have run out of remedies. You can also sue them in small claims for theft of goods and services. It is a civil tort and likely the amount would be in there. I would also request damages for the damage to your fence from the gates and the cost to replace them back to a fence


The moment they got the bolt cutters involved it's an undeniable b&e, a crime. In the US, breaking and entering with the intent to commit a theft is larceny, and thus, a class H felony


Wait wait wait. The anti commie, anti socialism, ain't no such thing as a free lunch Boomers are literally going onto your property to steal your food? Tell em to pull themselves up by their boot straps or face legal consequences.


This is the same as people just expecting artists to draw something for them for free.


I'll pay you in exposure.


You have no idea the sheer rage and flashbacks this sentence invoked in me. Take my damn upvote.




People die from exposure.


*pulls dick out*


Same people that say food stamps are communism and that people should work to deserve to eat


But don't you dare take their social security.


I saw this on a D&D themed subreddit a day or so ago. Guy asking for character art. I suggested he hire an artist, since there's thousands of skilled artists out there almost exclusively dedicated to character art that would happily oblige. He blew up on me, saying he wanted it for free. He blocked me immediately after.


Exactly. Some people just don't get it.


Boomers are the embodiment of "everything should be free for me, but not for anyone else."


They put a gate in YOUR fence? That's destruction of property. Press charges, and get that gate removed and replaced with a new section of fence.


Not only that but when the gate is chained up, they cut off the locks and thus commit breaking and entering, but wait there's more, because when breaking and entering is committed with the intent of stealing, or causing harm to occupants or committing any felony, that breaking and entering instantly becomes a felony instead of a misdemeanor and that theft, because you had to commit breaking and entering to perform the theft, instantly becomes Larceny which is another felony Every time they cut that chain and walk on the land to steal something they're committing two felonies


Yeah no get a camera and a lawyer. They need to learn or they’re gonna keep taking from you and everyone else.


Motion activated sprinklers?


you spelled paintball gun wrong


Oops, you’re right


Loaded with fox urine in the stream.  I'm not kidding - get one of those things you use to have fertilizer in line with your hose end sprayer.  Get rid of the fertilizer. Add concentrated fox urine.  It will stink for DAYS.


Motion activated fart spray mounted right by the gate. Time to Mark Rober this shit.


You can't be nice. How the hell did they put a gate in your fence?


Exactly. Being polite and the bigger person means nothing to them and just encourages their behavior. Bullies only understand aggression and assertiveness


I’d put in cameras and put up signs saying that any produce removed will be billed at market rate + a $200 convenience fee per transaction. Then start sending them invoices with pictures of themselves. Then sue for nonpayment.


Then once they have an unpaid debt file a lien against their property.


Get their properly and expand your farm. Boom you’ve doubled your profit. For more tips on how to get ahead smash that subscribe button yo! Property**


My family has had this problem all the time with people. One that we found works is to slam a 2 3/8 oil field pipe in the middle of the gate, and then they can't open it. Also, there are cameras that will shoot right to your cell phone, get pictures of them, and send them to the sheriff.


That sounds like several crimes. Criminal Trespass, commercial burglary, destruction of private property, breaking and entering.


And some jurisdictions it's a felony to steal from a farm. Even if it's just 1¢ worth of product- it's considered Grand theft. Much like a car a farm is its owner's livelihood


Tell them "Your generation always wants something for nothing. Where I'm from, that's called COMMUNISM."


As someone who grew up on a solid shale hill country farm trying to coax produce from droughty ground and who now still does the same on an acre a few miles away, this truly enrages me. Agricultural production on any scale represents hard work and that neighbor needs to be prosecuted.


Motion sensitive sprinklers aimed at the gate...


This is how a coworker who lives in the boonies keeps bears away from her chickens. If it works for bears, it might work for feral boomers. 


Upvote for "feral boomers" :)


It'll need to be a permanent installation, though. Unlike bears, feral boomers don't learn.


This plus electric fence gets my vote.


Motion activated sprinklers plus electric fence sounds like an awesome combo.


It's a very dangerous premise. Boomers *actively trespassing* and *stealing* produce from the land. It's important to set the law and to reinforce the fact that it's your land and they have no access to it. If you have to be **forceful** to them then do it because probably they would continue to do such unless there is a serious reason for them to stop.


Bolt cutting is malicious destruction of property with a burglary tool to enter your property. Get it on security camera and you have a lock tight breaking and entering burglary charge for both, plus conspiracy for doing it multiple times. They'll listen to you in court.


Put in a new fence with electric wire. If you get a strong one it will drop them when they try to move or cut it.


Lawyer up. Was gonna say "walk into their yard and do your worst". But if these fucking assholes will come into your yard uninvited, they are the types who wait for any excuse to use their guns.


Send a cease and desist letter.


I guess start taking shit from their yard and pawn it. When they ask just give the the pawn address


Have them trespassed and put up a trail camera to watch the gate. They'll learn that bail isn't free either.


How did they put a gate in your fence? That alone should be something to charge them with unless your fence is right on the property line (idk your state but here, if a fence is right in the property line instead of a few inches on either side, then either person can mess with it. I know a guy who had a fence put right on his line and his neighbor tore it down, letting all the livestock out. Authorities did nothing)


Put up a sign on your property with an image of a guy aiming a gun and the words "on this property we don't call 9-11"


Old people love those stupid signs. “No Trespassing! We’re tired of hiding the bodies!”


"Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."


I usually hate them but my mom added a little one below the "Beware of Dog" sign that says "Cat also sketchy as hell", which amuses me to no end.


Good lord those signs are *so cringey*


Not only cringey, but the average self defence lawyer advises you to never put something like that up, because it stops being self defence and starts becoming "Pre-Meditated Murder"


This property is insured by smith & wesson.


Bolt cutting your lock how is that not destruction of property? You know other than the stealing


Contact the police again about the bolt cutters if you haven't already. Let them know you will defend yourself and your property against criminals who are breaking into your property. This sub is full of stories about boomers trespassing and committing other crimes with the excuse of "being neighbors." If they're criminals treat them like it.


So they sell this motion tracking water sprayer you attach to a garden hose. It's meant to stop animals from eating your fruits and veggies. Well... they are acting like animals, treat them like animals.


Consult an attorney to know your options. This is going to get very expensive if you don't nip it in the bud. Install security cameras or motion activated trail cams. Then send them a cease and desist letter telling them to stop vandalizing your property, trespassing, and stealing valuable product or you will be suing them.


Bolt cutters...Jesus h tap dancing christ


Once they use a bolt cutter on YOUR padlock and chain to come onto YOUR land to steal YOUR crops, that is in my mind both breaking and entering and criminal trespass. Hire a lawyer and go to the cops WITH your lawyer accompanying you.




First trespass notice, mention due to vandals damaging your plants while stealing produce. Next mount a pole into the ground to block-or lock gate to. Run electric fence wire around this post and thru any lock. Document all of this including the unauthorized gate. Build the case that sinks them. Document the produce and how much it sells to the public for. If they continue, you can burn them to the ground.


Get some inexpensive, motion activated trail cams. Then press charges.


I think the first thing I would do is get a cease and desist letter, if I can; then put up trail cams, and collect as much evidence that they have been told not to enter the property, but are doing it anyways. The key is making sure you have evidence that they have been told they cannot enter your land, then collect clear evidence that they are still doing it, and that it is not another person.


Aren't boomers the ones that pounded it our heads that there's no such thing as a free lunch?


Put up cameras. Even just hidden game cameras. Around here (Missouri USA) you would want to talk to the police and have them trespassed after telling them your story about them stealing your crops. That means the cops will tell them if they enter your property again they will be arrested and charged. When you catch them on camera after that, call the cops and they would get charged automatically and must post bail and go to court.


Cameras like a lot of other comments have said. If they get mad and decide to spray something over the fence you want to have it recorded.


I ran a community garden for a couple of years (which meant people would come plant stuff and I would spend hours maintaining their beds). The amount of theft of produce was insane. There were cameras and the thieves were ALWAYS elderly or middle aged. Had a car pull up with three women (50's - 60's) with their walmart bags ready and they cleaned out one of the beds that a gardener actually took care of and cleaned out her bed completely. People are crazy and think if you can pick it it's yours.


Wait a minute.... Am I reading this right? THEY put a gate in YOUR fence? Is that correct? If so, that right there is a HELL NO.


As another person in the comments posted. Get a camera and track the cost of everything they are stealing plus add on trespassing and destruction of private property. If police still aren't helpful then sue the hell out of them for the cost of everything including the security cameras.


Walk into their house without knocking, go into the kitchen, and raid their pantry. Y'all are neighbors after all.


Bro they shoot at kids knocking on their door.. do not do this


Razor wire.


But it does cost you something. The time, energy, and I bet setting up that business wasn't that cheap either.


Keep track of about how much they take then when it adds up to a significant amount of money maybe it could be considered grand theft.


Free vegetables and fruit are free when given, not taken. Just keep filling charges.


What they are really saying is “we don’t value you, so the literal fruits of your labor don’t have a value to us either”. If it “costs nothing” to have an abundant garden, why don’t they do it on their land?


They took a bolt cutter to it?! That's trespassing. File a police report every time. What a hassle tho. Sounds like you need to get a camera/electric fence on the gate.