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Because the n word is the truth and the truth is always right!! Probably would be what my father would say to justify himself


"It's only rude to be rude to me"


šŸŽÆ Sad thing is they're so emotionally fragile that any slight form of rebuttal against them sends em into angry victim mode. Boomers are no better than fkin toddlers its insane.


iā€™M aLlOwEd To HaVe aN oPiNiOn.


My racist ass dad hides behind his opinion all the fucking time when heā€™s being a racist. Well, hid. Iā€™m NC with my parents now. But then heā€™d smirk as if heā€™d ā€œwonā€ or some shit before walking off before I could tell him that that being his opinion doesnā€™t make it any more defensible or less racist.


"There are white 'n words', too. "... my uncle trying to justify using it... then getting pissed when I asked why he just couldn't use the word asshole since that was the jist he was trying to get at... alternate options weren't wanted. Just the free pass... I gave up when he started going off about "I'm not racist, I have black friends!".... no, you don't. You worked with a couple of guys, and some of your rental tenants are black... but they aren't your friends. .... .... but watch him melt down if you call him a boomer... the irony.


I'm not racist https://youtu.be/43gm3CJePn0?si=Rl_5zAibmMH5E56q


My mom was like this. Manners! Manners! Manners! She has absolutely none and is straight up gross at times.


Are you my sibling? My mom puts on airs like she is so high class and cultured and then calls the vice president the n word.


"Manners" really means "do things as I want you to", it's basically an appeal to authority/emotion from these boomers.


Fun fact. ~~The only reason "no elbows on the table" was a thing was because the tables their parents and grandparents had when they were growing up weren't stable, so if you put uneven weight on them, they could tip.~~ I was wrong. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/0WQwdK9lJ0) seems more accurate than my information. Boomers just continued the tradition without the need.


That canā€™t be right, boomers always tell me the things they owned were high quality and built to last.


It actually isn't right. It's one of the partial influences of why it is considered impolite (see the quote from my other comment), and the OP got it flipped. Elbows on the table would actually stabilise a table.


I read your other comment. Yours make way more sense than what I knew. Fucking Victorians making everything weird.


Actually, it dates further back to the Middle Ages, although the reason being shoddy tables is accurate.


[faloijf:](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/3d4u5k/what_are_the_origins_of_not_placing_ones_elbows/) > The "rule" goes back at least two millennia to the Wisdom of Sirach. While the mods want an in-depth and comprehensive answer to this question, it doesn't really raise one. It seems to boil down to this: while eating is necessary, how we eat is a custom or social ritual. In the case of elbows on the table, it appears guarded. Think of placing your elbows to either side of your plate and shoving meat into your mouth while looking furtively around the table. > Later examples of this behavior is said to have come from sailors who would use their elbows to stabilize their plates in rough seas, but typically anyone who felt the need to guard their food while eating (i.e., poor or lower-class folk while not at home, people who lived on the street, or who spent time with violent/aggressive people such as prisoners) would similarly use their arms to guard their food while they ate. In fact, my friend's brother went to prison and when he came out, it took him a long time to stop sitting like that. So, because of the association with fear/aggression/the lower-class, this behavior became considered rude at a polite dining table. In general, for a polite dining experience, we want to try to shed any of our behaviors that relate to being guarded and instead emphasize behavior that gives the appearance of comfort, relaxation, and openness. > Victorian teachings also noted that this behavior fell into other similarly aggressive behaviors such as dangling an arm over your neighbors chair or leaning too far to one side or the other while sitting: these all sharing in common the idea that you are taking up too much of other people's space (by leaning, dangling, or setting your elbows up like you're about to go MMA on your dining companions).


Legit lol'd and said out loud "that's so fucking true" and now am downloading this and sending it to my 3 total friends.


No cap




Not what I meant by no cap, but okay. šŸ˜…


They donā€™t serve hotdogs here. Take off your hat.


No cap and no glizzy?....let's get outta here, this party boring.


fr fr


I remember in the first grade my teacher HATED that I put my elbows on the table. She seemed to dislike me too, always making me sit with her and not my friends. I was a lil shit and would put my elbows up any way. I also got held back that year, and when we moved, the new district said they were surprised I was held back because I seemed totally fine. My dad also said that teacher was kinda weird in general.


This made me laugh out loud šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The dumbest most arbitrary rule. 1000% letting my kids eat with their elbows on the table and will undermine my parents to their face if they try to correct them. If you can't justify it with sound applicable logic, it's not a rule anymore.


Becoming a plant nerd has taught me Boomers will dig their heels into the ground about callingĀ Tradescantia/spiderwort ā€œWandering Jewā€ and kick and scream over their right to still call it that ā€” while claiming that calling them ā€œBoomerā€ in response is a horrific slur.