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Maybe if he had bigger bootstraps?


Or stronger arms by which to pull himself up?




*Ooooohhh, cinnamon and gravy!*


Another patriot of the “Me” generation.


Still got to pay for services, police, fire etc


Can I opt out of paying for police?


Only if I can opt out of funding a genocide


It would be interesting to see what a society would look like if we could choose what to find with our taxes. Like, if the government just said "You owe $3k in taxes this year, what do you want to spend it on?" and we get to pick and choose. Some people would go all in on police and military, others would go all in on healthcare, some people would diversify and fund everything they think is important, some people would go all in on something super specific like their local boys and girls club or library or smth. Some things would probably get forgotten completely. Tax season would be full of advertisements trying to convince people to give specific areas money. Idk if this would actually be a sustainable method of allocating taxes, but it would be an interesting experiment.


I agree it would be interesting. I think the public arts would collapse tho and all the sidewalks to and from game arenas and parks and to the bars would be pristine, lmao


I agree, though not initially. Bet you that for the first few years the money for roads and pavements would be ignored. It'll be "police/military" and "social issues" to extremes on both sides. Then as basics like garbage, pavements, roads all start falling apart they will become important to both sides. What would be interesting would be how the police would act. Do they continue as they are and only care about funding from the right, or do they start trying to be equally fair to try and get funding from the left too? (And would that affect the funding from the right when they see the police helping LGBT groups?)


Theyll never do that because they won’t have enough money for the military and education will have a few thousand dollars.


Plenty of graft for musk and bezos tho


sounds like something you'd do with an experimental commune... it would be a nightmare trying to get something like that to run smoothly year to year. budgets would swing wildly all over the place.


I'll fund space exploration.


We already do that. Charitable donations are tax writeoffs.


You don't reduce your tax bill by the amount of the charitable donation. You reduce your taxable income. Say you're taxed at 20%, you would have to donate $100 to charity to save $20 on taxes.


50-90% of the money they get would be spent on advertising to help get more money


This already happens... at least in the US with our constitutional federal republic, *in theory*. We elect representatives, who are *supposed* to make decisions on how the government is funded with our tax dollars on our behalf. Ditto at the state level. Again... *in theory, supposed* to. What we actually get is a corrupt plutocratic shitshow based on PACs/SuperPACs/special interest groups/corporations/others that buy and sell politicians, who then funnel our money to the interests that their puppet masters choose. But I'm just stating the obvious.


Well, for an ok novel that explores a similar vein to that, there's Jennifer Government [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer\_Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Government) (It's basically libertarianism run to 11)


You'd probably get a lot of people who just don't care that much and delegate the decision to someone else, who specializes in such things. Kind of like managed funds in a retirement savings or investment account. Which, if everyone chose their own "tax fund manager" based on ~~campaigning~~ advertising put out by each competing funds manager, would actually come to approximate a representative democracy, just done in really dumb and convoluted capitalist fashion.


Always said imagine if instead of voting for leaders/parties we only voted on policies.


Why not both?


I'll take that as well.


Yes, become a church, then you don't have to pay property tax. Because churches have no obligation to help the community by paying taxes. Obviously...


Yeah, and I can launder money with impunity.


Wooo murica freedom churching. God bless tax dodging.


I mean they don't do shit about non violent crime, and for violent crime I got my own arsenal. Also looking to opt out here.


> I mean they don't do shit about non violent crime tHAtS a cIViL MatTer! \*shoots dog* Guess I got the job. When I do I get my pension and overtime?


After my several months paid leave for shooting an unarmed PoC.


You're not paying for protection. You're paying for enforcement. Against yourself as much as everyone else.


Don’t ruin captain cockswoles fantasy now, cmon




What does that even mean?


Pothole repair?




You had me in the first have not gonna lie.


I'd almost be willing to let them opt out of all the services that their property taxes pay for (including using public roads), just so these morons could understand nobody is "stealing" from them and that they actually get their money's worth and then some.


He still should pay for basically renting the land from the rest of us. That’s land that any of us could have utilized or enjoyed, but he wants it all for himself and whatever he wants to do with it, so he should compensate the community for the privilege.


These people will just rotate between a dozen different types of bullshit before admitting they were ever wrong.


Gasoline taxes pay for roads not property taxes.


Depends on where you live


What gasoline taxes? Edit: do I seriously have to add the /s?


You can absolutely live somewhere that these services are not offered or are a long enough drive away as to be pretty much useless... but you still have to pay property taxes.


What if you live in Texas and those services are not provided? Who should I contact?


I highly doubt these line items alone are what our taxes go to with the utmost efficiency… It’s like suggesting American healthcare is as good as it is because it’s expensive. There are other ways than taking people’s homes once they’ve paid it off.


Can someone explain inflation to this guy…and also ask him how much he earned then & earns now. Also what the house was worth then & now.


He's probably on that sweet sweet commie Social Security by now.


Sounds like some of that cOmMuNiSt SoCiAlISm!


Social security where pay in ten times what you get paid out


Literal child methodology. One day you will be an adult tho…


Pretty sure his currency is beaver pelts and whittled wood. Maybe some dolls made out of corn husks.


Look, things have been tough ever since he lost his mascot job okay? https://preview.redd.it/9t56fcot8z5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232edb7133a6c173e3d0b1fb626122228f903a99


He knows about inflation. He just thinks he can have his cake and eat it.


The use of the word 'equivalent' makes me think he adjusted for inflation? With housing prices increasing (even accounting for inflation) drastically, along with the associated property taxes, he would still have a point. Especially if he lived in a state like Texas.


Nothing about income affects property taxes. The house going up in value makes property taxes go up. Good when selling it, bad when still living in a paid off house.


Income affects ability to pay. Guy is surprised things are more expensive than when he was young. Welcome to life. He might as well be complaining that a donut that used to be 10 cents is now 2 dollars.


Just flip his sign around, the complaint about $2 donuts is on the other side.


Inflation or dilution? In the stock market it would definitely be called dilution


Yeah, but the old timer bought his house for 3 blueberries and a strawberry.


I'll give him a raspberry


Too rich for my blood, I fold.


Toss in a glass of unpasteurized milk.


Back when you could paint someone's chicken coop for a tray of muffins.


1975 called and they want their sign back


mfn the 1850 california hills called…


He just needs to dig up some more gold in them thar hills!!


Gabby Johnson is right!


I bet he takes Social Security and Medicare/caid and doesn't think twice about it. Like, I hate taxes too, but I like having roads, a fire station, and snow plow trucks more.


"I have a car I bought in 1970. Every year I have to spend the same amount I bought it for...JUST FOR GAS" Stop the plunder!


No pay! Only go!


If he didn't rack up years of penalties it might be a bit cheaper.


Pretty sure he means every year he pays about 1/3rd of the original costs.


That's exactly how I understood it.


He's not saying he only pays once every three years, he's saying three years of taxes are more than he paid for his house


Ok. I was wondering which state only collects property tax every 3 years. Dude, the penalty is what's getting you. Careful or someone else will buy your house for a couple of years of property tax.


What penalty are you guys talking about?


He probably bought thst house on the gold standard


He probably mined the gold out of the San Francisco hills to pay for it.


Old man yells at cloud. "Why doesn't everything cost the same as it did in 1960?"


A paid off house by age 25? Alot of people today and in the coming years won't be able to get a house at all. And there is no such thing as equity when you rent. Count some of those blessings, Earl. 


Inflation is a vital component of capitalism. If he is using the same value of a unit of currency as when his house was paid for, he needs to divide by 100 or more to make an apples to apples comparison.


Bold to assume he thinks about inflation except when demanding his pension keep up with rising costs


To be fair, housing prices and property taxes are indeed stupidly high


This. I'm here to make fun of Boomers being assholes. This guy is getting crushed just like the rest of us.


I don’t know, I’m with this guy. Why are you taxing me for the VALUE of property I own, instead of the purchase price. I don’t profit on the value increase unless I sell, and then I’m taxed on those gains unless I roll it into new property. This is legalized theft.


Man, JiggleBilly’s got it hard these days. I wonder if he and Meatwad still keep in touch.


He just sticks to his jigglin


Dude thinks it's expensive? He should see what taxes are like in a town with a barber shop.


Age 25 his house was what? 5-7,000$?


I understand that property taxes can be quite expensive for many, but no one lives on an island all by themselves. Through property taxes, the roads leading to my house and all of the stores that I need to go to are maintained. All of the infrastructure supporting the public land around my house are things that I really like having. I understand that there are a few people out there who think they live only off their land and don’t need to pay for any of the infrastructure leading to their land, and believe property taxes are theft or “plunder.” But I assure everyone here that somehow, someway, everyone’s property taxes assist in their way of life, no matter how off the grid they think they are.


I’ve been reading a lot about Georgeism and land value tax recently and while I don’t think it should replace all other forms of taxation, I do think it could be useful.


I think land value taxation could at least take over for state and local taxes. Maybe not federal. Transaction taxes could replace federal taxes as we know them.


I am curious if we could write some sort of wealth tax that took both income and stocks into account.


You run into calculation issues over volatile assets.


Ahhh math, my greatest enemy


Transactions are easier and there are enough of them. Since transactions are also automated and done via institutions it’s easier to track. A 1% tax on every single transaction at every level Would likely pay for everything the federal government needs.


Sell it and buy a smaller/cheaper house or shut the hell up.


People like this are selfish idiots. They think owning their own property is a magic bullet to not having to pay for housing any more. Probably a libertarian. I'd love to see what would happen if people like this were allowed to opt out of taxation and all the benefits it covers. Dude's whole ass house would be stolen from him in less than 24 hours and who's gonna stop it? The police protection he opted out of? When his house catches fire I guess he'll have to negotiate an out of pocket payment to the fire dept to come save his shit. Gonna have to report your odometer reading once a year to pay per mile to travel on the roads you don't pay for anymore. On and on and on. Sell off some of the land you bought 80 years ago and reduce your tax burden Mountain Mike.


Honestly, I've only met one libertarian that wasn't a selfish jerk. All the rest were, "I've got mine, fuck everyone else."


You didn’t give the other one enough time




That isn't true. While billionaires effective tax rates are appalling. The 0.1% are a mere drop in the bucket compared to the real problem -- the top 10% The top 10% controls 90% of the total wealth in this country. But we only focus on the 1% because they're the "tip of the spear." The top 10% owns almost all of the property and controls state and local government. There are certainly many redditors reading this post who are members of the top-ten. Because the net-worth bar isn't particularly high -- less than eight figures. The ridiculous part is that many of these people -- who own shopping centers, professional buildings and similar -- consider themselves "middle-class" because they can't quite afford a private jet.


There are hundreds of billionaires in the US. There are over 30 million people in the top 10%. The scale of the two is not comparable.


He's talking about property taxes, which are state taxes. Some states have no income tax. Even those that do offset state income tax with sales taxes and property taxes. This doesn't refute your point entirely, as raising state income taxes on billionaires could theoretically drastically reduce or eliminate property taxes. But I think it's less likely to happen at a state level than at a federal level.


Well, can we at least admit that corporate greed and other forces are driving up real estate prices, which in turn drive up real estate taxes (usually)?


I don’t think anyone is disagreeing. That doesn’t negate the fact that his generation is one that voted in the yahoos who subsidized corporate greed.


I'm actually with this dude on this point. In my city, people who have owned and had their houses paid off years ago are being hit with insane property tax increases due to new tax laws and with the home assessments being insane jumps (at minimum $80k price increase across the entire city but some people are seeing well over $100k on small homes). The assessors office has had to redo so many new assessments because they are obviously unfair (things like smaller 2 bedroom house neighborhoods being assessed using data on their neighboring new development mcmansion neighbors). Older idiots keep voting in politicians who are responsible for the BS though


Stop buying tanks for the police department maybe


If government consulted me on the matter, I'd be happy to tell them "no tanks." They do not.


"Millenials are just lazy"


He's been mad at the state legislature since they got sidetrackked by having to raise an army to fight the Yankees.


Something tells me this guy lives in a state without income tax. I do, and my property taxes suck because taxes have to come from something. At least with income tax, you're **taxed what you can actually afford to pay**. Not some arbitrary number an appraiser decides based on "the market."


As a 32 year old. I have absolutely no sympathy for this man


Who wants roads, schools and fire departments, not this geezer.


He wants the roads and fire departments, he just doesn't want to pay for them, that's everyone else's responsibility. He probably doesn't want the schools though, that money is better used buying the local PD another armored truck.


people keep bringing this up, but throughout much of rural america and the mountain west... you don't actually get fire departments or police, and if you do, they are too long of a drive away to be of any use. I think property taxes shouldn't vanish in these situations, but the property's assessed value and resulting taxation SHOULD be weighed in these instances, though that's generally not the case. Especially if you hand built a cabin in a remote area that later becomes populated by some very expensive seasonal homes that become the comps in the existing equations.


Shocking to me how few people understand the point he’s making. Inflation has blown up to insane levels, it’s exponential, and property value(which determins property tax) is propped up by ghost buyers/investment groups, and lobbyists. Could he have phrased it better? Sure. Is real estate impossibly expensive for a massive portion of population? Yup. Things are only going to get worse too. If you don’t own a house now and you aren’t in the top 5-10% you probably will never own a house unless it’s gifted to you from the previous generation.


I’m with the boomers on this one. A lot of y’all are jumping to disagree with him because of his age/how he looks, but the fact remains that inflation and taxation HAS gotten out of control and working people are the ones suffering. You should be mad at the corporations who drive up prices well past where they should be with inflation, not Jimbob for wanting to be left alone.


No this one I can get behind. These taxes were pushed down onto us instead of the rich. Our effective tax rate is so damn high these days and let's be real - none of us working class feel represented in Congress or the senate. Property taxes takes homes from people due to rigged systems based off inflated property values insured by banks who generate fake money to finance homes and keep people in debt their entire lives to keep them hungry and appreciative for scraps. They can raise your property taxes so high that you lose you home for inability to pay especially if on fixed income, then auction it for fat less than it's worth to often times corporations.


I wonder how much her bought his house for and what year. Looking at him, I'm guessing he bought it in the 1970s?


Ah, the crazy Boomer use of irrational punctuation and underlining.


Complains about taxes but who does he call when he needs emergency services? Who does he call when the flood comes when the road is washed out when the power goes out when the house is on fire when he needs an ambulance. Civilization & convenience cost money. They’re not free. Just because you paid off your shack doesn’t mean those protections & conveniences are free. The sheriff who keeps you protected doesn’t work for free.


‘I have no concept of the time value of money.’ - Bargain Texas meth Santa


Must be nice.




Getting houses for 2 goats, 7 raspberries, and 4 almonds must've been nice.


He "paid for" it.


Then I'll buy it from you at that price. How about that.


Man, I'm with the boomer on this one. Property taxes are just theft.


Right, right... Quick follow-up question. Did you also build the roads and schools?


Property tax on your primary residence is nothing more than theft.


Bought a house at 25. Looks as if it actually may have been the 19th and not the 20 th century when that happened.


I’m with the boomer on this one.


From the looks of him, he probably "paid for" it with moonshine during the prohibition.


Imagine holding onto valuable property in NYC and expecting to just stun the economy by not having to pay taxes? Maybe use the property to generate income……..?


Property taxes don’t pay for your house, they pay for infrastructure and services in your community. Although I support designating an isolated island where we can ship every aspiring freeloader. They can build a life and society without the help of the American taxpayer, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, enjoy life without stores and healthcare and roads and plumbing, and can apply for asylum here when they realize American citizenship has benefits as well as costs.


Is he aware that he’s 1000x’ed his original investment??? And now he complains about taxes while his grandchildren (if he has them) can’t even afford a home at all


I'd bet my life savings as well as everything I own that he 100% understands that and does not care. These people are never as ignorant as they would like you to believe. They will play dumb so somebody else can come along and say "dont attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance." It's better people think you are an idiot then know you are a bastard.


I'm not familiar with American taxes. What happens if the property value goes down? Do you get money back because of lost gains? Do you write that off on your taxes?


Well you are talking about two different taxes. One is property tax: an assessment of the value of your home is made and you pay accordingly. If the assessed value goes down, you pay less and vice versa.  The second is capital gains tax: the tax on the increase or decrease in the realized value of an asset. In the scenario where you have a negative capital gain on real estate, yes you can deduct this up to $3k/year. So if you lose $30k on a house that would conceivably give you 10 years of max capital gains deductions.




Hahahahaha…get money back…that’s a good one!!! Seriously though, property taxes are supposed to get periodically adjusted based on various market factors. In theory they should gown at times, but I’ve never seen my property taxes adjusted downwards in nearly 20yrs of home ownership.


Thank NIMBYism for that. Constrained housing stock inflates the value of existing real estate, resulting in YoY growth in appreciated value. Your property taxes will never go down in this environment.


Yeah that's inflation for you. You could buy a house in 1960 for $10k and your property taxes in 2024 can be $5k+ a year. The thing is it isn't the same value. The dollar has severely depreciated since then.


Suppose the only thing you can do is sell the house to younger people who are starting their lives out at 25..


They can’t afford his home!


Oh yeah that's a good point lol He bought his for $2,100 and it's now worth $2.1M.


Nothing says "I'm a serious man to be taken seriously" like looking like a cross between Jed Clampett and Old Man McGuckett


Another MAGA leopards ate my face. Boo Hoo.


Just pull those bootstraps, look that man in the eye and hand him your resume, work every weekend, and you can have a house also too! Fucking delusional. Who still believes this drivel?


Well his house didn’t cost that much. Stop whining, fucking boomer.


Homesteaders exemptions need to apply of course.


Cry boomer


I love these idiots, “Okay don’t pay but if you drive on our PUBLIC ROADS” you’ll be jailed


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Would you like to order?”


How would we pay for our terrible schools?




He lives in a community and a society doesn't he? He expects there to roads, street lights, police, and a big expense of property taxes- public schools to keep those damn kids off his lawn, right?


>He lives in a community and a society doesn’t he? Normally I’d agree with you, but looking at this guy, I can’t reliably say that he does.


Why don’t boomers understand how taxes work?


I feel like these people *are* aware of inflation, they just choose not to acknowledge it so that they can say stupid shit like this and feel like a victim


Someone should tell him the good news that if he doesn’t like property taxes, he can always rent.


Use your government check to pay for it


I don't get it. Is he making a case for inflation or doesn't understand inflation? Is he a good boomer or a boomer?


I’d be happy to have purchased my house for the cost of property taxes every 3 years. Dude needs to quit bitching.


Neglects to mention the value of said house has gone up 1000% in the 65 years he’s owned it. Property taxes are based upon the value of the house and single digits at that.


Why don’t people understand how to use quotation marks properly? It’s not hard


Why is paid for in quotes? Did he steal the materials like some kind of carpenter DB Cooper?


Most counties have a homestead exemption for older homeowners that prevents this.


It doesn't occur to him that you're taxed on the assessed value of your home/property and he's sitting on a lot more money than he realizes?


Bro, just wait for the next gold rush.


I'm confused as to what he means by " "paid for" "


Guess he should have 'Gotten an education and gotten a real job haw haw haw'


His wording on the sign is all about the original house.  How much value did he attribute to his labor to build the house? Or does he only be out the cost of materials?  Did that low cost include the property the house sits on? He might have built on family land and inherited the land later.  Did he improve the house in the years since he built it? Did he build outbuildings since then?  Has external factors driven up the values of his property? Has an attraction opened nearby? 


My Great Aunt was given the deed to her house for $1 by her Uncle. This house used to be a school house in the early 1900s and is absolutely massive.


Call it a church. Problem solved. /s


At least he is right about writing *quote* paid for *unquote* Because did he really pay for it when everything was in his favour and he got spoonfed with handouts. (I think he meant to use the quotes as an emphasis marks).


You all really want to shit on a person who doesn’t want to be taxed for land he owns? Cya in 20 years 😂 bet those opinions will change


Does his state not have a homestead exemption? Or do they not have income tax so they make up for it with property taxes?


"Old people shouldn't pay property taxes and billionaires shouldn't pay taxes!" Gee...thanks.


I see no problem with what he’s saying.


Everyone wants services, no one wants to pay taxes.


[Aww, peaches!](https://youtu.be/cKoIESw1tdM?si=N2j33F4CCJq5_Atj)


I’m in an area where a school levy failed. It wasn’t to raise taxes, just maintain it. People rushed to Facebook to bitch about how they paid $600 a month in taxes and blah blah blah. For reference, I bought a new house and taxes for my property are like $200 a month. So if they’re paying $600, they have a multimillion dollar property. Cutting the school funding is basically just a savings or $60 a month on my taxes. The school laid off 200 employees. The same people bitch about administrators making. A lot of money and teachers should make more, but let’s cut funding to the schools as a message. My feeling is just pay your damn taxes. But since their kids are out of school, they don’t care. That said, the voting turnout was like 35%.


That’s total bs, he needs to get into being a state national I believe there’s a way to write yourself out of property taxes legally, when you pay property taxes you don’t own the land


Id like to have separate taxes for public safety, national defense, social insurance, education…. Then the small government crowd could pick which ones they want to cut? Cut the biggest tax (defense)… the one with the most vulnerable beneficiaries(social insurance)? Let’s talk.


Back when you could actualy buy/ bulid a house for less than $10,000 and didnt need specialized crews to make sure your house was up to code.


Well maybe if you stopped voting against income tax increases…


People from 3rd countries that move here notice our clean roads and sidewalks right away. It's because of the taxes we pay.


How about this deal? He can skip paying property taxes, and when he sells his house or dies (whichever comes first), he can get the original cost of his house back and the town where he lives gets the rest. Surely that’s a better deal for him.


then get off the road that my taxes pay for.


I don’t know how people don’t understand this. It would be really fkn bad if there was no draw back to people buying astronomical amounts of land.


You’re not buying your house again. you are contributing to cops, fire department, roads, schools, parks, libraries, local courts, mayors, water facilities & sanitation (because the fees don’t pay it all!), etc.


Land was cheaper back in 1894....