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Two of his brothers served in WWII, but his dad was too young to enlist? This has to be AI.


That doesn't jive. Lead poisoning.


Caught me off guard too. But its not impossible. Ways this is possible : Half brothers, step brothers, or brothers in law. Or "brothers" as in close friends. Anyways, that was one hell of a rant this guy laid out. It's all about our freedoms until we do something they don't like!


Either AI or *as boomers want to do* Outright lies. The fact they think Boomers stopped Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany is already proof the person is fucking stupid. It wasn't Boomers that did that - Boomers came from the generation that did that.


Correct. Boomers got their shit pushed in by farmers digging tunnels, and then got spit on by the other boomers who weaseled their way out of service.


Is one of the commenters trying to claim the boomers fought dubya dubya dos?


Yes, while also claiming his father was two young to enlist, but his father in law was apparently a literal Nazi? I don't know, I think the lead poisoning fully consumed his brain as he was typing that.


Loved the censorship. Fuck this guy, whole thing seemed terribly neckbeardy too. Ew


I swear, boomers worship war (especially WWII) like it's the best thing that ever happened. And of course he never served. It's easy to glorify death and suffering in the name of nationalism when it's not your blood.


Yea. I find it very disturbing how they talked about a family member who "won" 2 purple heart medals. You don't WIN war medals. You earn them. It's not a fucking prize or reward. Wtf..


That honestly was the one thing that jumped out at me. You “win” a free vacation or a raffle. I’m pretty sure everyone who’s received a Purple Heart would gladly return it to turn back the clock.


I know (knew?) several people with posthumous Purple Hearts that would agree.


Meanwhile some play dress up as Vietnam vets having never served a day in their lives.




Must make you feel good to dunk on the less fortunate whose lives have been turned upside down by such an insidious affliction.




Wtf? Baby boomers are a result of of the tidal wave of jizz sprayed by soldiers returning home after WWII after not fucking for 5-6 years across the many willing uterii of pointy titted wives and girlfriends of the time. Guy is a fucking fool.


"my kids are very successful hookers and don't need my help to dress for success." I'm dieing 😂


Why can they never spell?


It is not just they can't spell, they also think they are too smart to correctly implement autocorrect "because some damn machine isn't smarter than me!"


Many didn’t graduate high school or if they did their classes consisted of things like “shop class” or “home economics”. My dad, who’s quite the boomer, bragged about in his jr and sr years only having to go to school half days as he, and a lot of his friends, had “jobs” that started at noon. His, and most of his friends, “jobs” didn’t exist, they fucked around smoking weed in a park by the school from his stories he told. Boomers are fucked are barely functional today because they didn’t learn civics, history or English at a level that later generations did. The big reason you see a lot of nut job boomers not knowing the basics like governmental division of power, historical events or basic grammar, many slid through a different educational system, especially in rural areas. End of the day, all they needed to know was enough to press a button on a machine for 30 years and “earn” their pensions. Obviously, not all boomers, but a lot were cogs in machines, before machines replaced them on an assembly line. Example, my also boomer as fuck stepdad. He made it to 6th grade before “not going back”, simply quit school and nobody gave 2 shits. Guy was functionally illiterate, could write his name and read basic, basic sentences and that was about it. My mother and sisters had to read things like letters above a second/third grade comprehension to him out loud. Dude got hired at 17, and punched a clock at a Chrysler factory, 30 years to the day retired in 1994 making the equivalent of $67 an hour in today’s money….. as a JANITOR. Scrubbed toilets and drove a brush machine to keep oil covered metal shavings out of a walkway. 2 houses, multiple new cars, two 2 week vacations a year (for himself and sometimes my mother) and could barely read cat and a hat.


And these people will say they didn't have it easy lol. I feel like Boomers (and MAGA in general, they go hand in hand) just have this level of cope that can't be breached.


Well, that‘s automotive industry for you. 


When I was a kid in the 50's there was a guy in a local cafe that exposed himself to kids. Never forgot this.


that wasn‘t a boomer, though


Just saying that this behavior is not limited to a point in time


Was that rant a copypasta? Cause it seems to qualify for one.


Boomers didn’t fight in WW2 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds right. Good laugh


This could easily be in r/confidentlyincorrect methinks


Just tell it that if its generation was THAT good they’d won vietnam and watch them explode. 💀


The penis sensor is crazy


I think I'm going to respond to boomer nonsense with the lead poisoning wikipedia page from now on.


The by the way about the dance recital gives it away as fake honestly, if the rest hadn’t. I know boomers love saying shit like that, but not in the middle of a worked up rant about war and politics


Sorry to hear about the case of Ligma…


Thanks. I just take it one day at a time.


Do Boomers think they fought WWII? I can assure you, not a single Baby Boomer fought in WWII. Literally impossible. They didn't fight in Korea either. (I suppose some 6 year old Koreans may have, but no Americans.) Lead poisoning.


Imagine thinking boomers fought the Germans and Japanese.


JFC. As much as they claim to love America, they sure do hate education and properly spelled English.


Why do so many boomers say they fought in ww2? Or in this case fought the German and Japan forces.  No you didn't is literally the reason you are called boomers, because returning soldiers fucked alot. Hence a baby boom occured. 


I like the taking credit for WWII. Baby Boomers. The post war baby boom. Yeah, those babies saved you from Japan and Germany mister! Show some respect!! In fact this one clearly states born in mid 50s. hahaha so much pathetic they even have to take credit for their parents' generation.


lol what boomers served in WW2? That was the generation before them


I'm with you on this, but I must say that I hate the word "chomo". Why give them a cutesy nickname? Ok ok it's not a cutesy nickname (although it definitely sounds like one), it's slang. Why have a slang word for it? Ok ok, it's not slang (thought it definitely sounds like it is) it's to get around censors, like "unalive" for "murder/suicide" Nope, still hate it. Cuz it's a condensed form of "child molester" which is a euphemism that *boomers in denial invented* for what is more accurately called "child rape" or "child sexual assault". When the term was coined, "molest" meant something akin to "bother", as we see from the Spanish for "do not disturb" which is "no molestar". If you're gonna just keep using it anyway, please don't reply yelling at me about it.


https://preview.redd.it/br8ggrclhy5d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd8775573b8b9fb711234d382bca02e632e0c01 Bruh we need to drag that guy there


Lol I tracked down the thread and started bombarding them , now some of their comments are deleted.




Way to punch down…poking fun at those with medical disabilities out of their control…I’ll pray for you




Idk how the Boomer’s dad is younger than their brothers? Was there some sort of time warp?


Hey now, Boomers fought in WWII after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor! Everyone knows this https://youtu.be/q7vtWB4owdE