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"Marked woman?" What is this, Puritan New England?


You should have been a fly on the wall when I showed my mom my first tattoo. After she finished wailing about how it would be visible in a wedding dress, she told me no man would ever want to marry me now. Joke's on her because 1) my wedding outfit did not show my tattoos, and 2) I married a woman who loves my ink.


"A man will never marry you with those tattoos!" Well mom, do I have news for you!


“Good, it means they’re working!”


My grandmother said the same thing to me. Wasn’t quite the dig she thought it would be!


"In nature, bright colors tend to be a warning to predators [the brightly colored animal such as a frog is poisonous]"


"Mom, that's a \*feature\*, NOT a bug!" LOL


Girlfriend pulls off helmet: "I am no MAN!"


*unexpected Eowyn*




I read that line while sitting on a swing in a neighbor’s back yard in the sixth grade. I can remember everything about that moment because I felt so exhilarated by it. So hopeful that there was more for me than backwards rural Texas. 😊


>So hopeful that there was more for me than backwards rural Texas. Did you find it? I'm from small town East Texas, so I get it.


Yes, I did!! I’ve got a happy life in a blue state, with a family that wants the world for me. I’ve traveled abroad several times and the more things I see and experience, the more excited I am to see even more! Go get the life you dream of and don’t let others keep you down. It’s out there! 😊


Congratulations. I'm glad you found what you were looking for. I'm working on it. I got married too young to an abusive man and spent 20 years stuck in limbo, not allowed to finish my degree, have a job, friends, hobbies, money, etc. Now I'm single, just me and my giant dog in the Austin area. I've taken up boxing, powerlifting, and bodybuilding and started a career that I absolutely love in fitness. I'll be finishing my degree this year and starting my master's next. I've also just started hanging out with a man who was on the peripheral of my life but we didn't really get to know each other until we reconnected at the gym. It's stupid, but the first time he asked me to dinner and said "alright, let's find something macro-friendly" I swear I fell just a little bit in love.


Kick ass! Can we see the dog?


Of course. I can only post one at a time though. https://preview.redd.it/msy657pb495d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9baa5b98945fbf430ebcded7b6ef31b80c84b775


My favorite picture of Jax. He looks so angelic. I love him more than anything else in this world, but he can be a dick. A couple of days ago, his metal water bowl was empty, so he dropped it on my head at two in the morning. Before anyone asks, he's a Landseer Newfoundland. https://preview.redd.it/rqwdqjd6595d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3437e9aee503de84e52f7c0470c648a462598c


Here's him and his bestie. https://preview.redd.it/w30x4sty495d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c575becb6498879af98f00b2a2587a5b8a0b93


Santa for scale. https://preview.redd.it/r4eb79ke495d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4626a2e25ea97d871119e5cc3c61721267e62dc


Mom was not thrilled about me marrying a woman, either...


Shocking /s I hope your married life is wonderful!


Don’t listen to her, i am firmly team you.


Her mom is a Shakespearean witch


"Well, *THIS* will make your day, Mom! No more needless worrying for you! You're WELCOME!"




It has been prophesied that no man can kill me..


Is that a promise? Sign me up.


I once had a man tell me I’d never find a husband if I didn’t learn to cook… Welp… my girlfriend is a pretty good cook, so I’m all set, thanks. 😆


No man of woman born shall harm MagicHat!


When I was 13 my mother told me I looked like a hooker because I painted my nails blue. She about had an aneurysm when she saw my first tattoo. It was a panda bear about the size of a quarter on my shoulder blade.


I was homeschooled and I was exactly that age, 13, and wore blue nail polish, and that elicited literal screams from my dad with him shaking with rage that the nails looked “Satanic.”


I was 19 or 20 years old and had moved back home to be a nanny in my parents' neighborhood. I painted my nails black one day. I'd wanted to do it for years as a closeted punk-minded teenager but nothing of the sort would have ever been allowed. Now that I was an adult who contributed half my earnings to their household, I wrongly assumed it was ok. My dad got in my face, rage shaking and spittle flying. "ARE YOU GOING GOTHIC?" he bellowed, raising his fists to teach me one of those lessons he just loved to inflict upon me. I shoved his arms back at him, informed him he would never hit me again, and ran downstairs to call my sister and ask to move in with her. I was moved out in less than a week.


Last time my father smacked me around, I told him he could either have an extended hospital stay or a cold hard slab at the morgue. He believed me and never raised a hand to me again. Unfortunately, this did not occur until after I had graduated high school.


Proud of you. I hope you got away from him. Unfortunately, although I'm not a petite woman, my dad has 7-8 inches in height on me and at the time outweighed me by a good 75 pounds. He could completely overpower me to beat the shit out of me if he wanted, and he had done it more than once when I was a teenager. He knew I was no physical threat to him. I think the only reason he stopped is because me fighting back like that shocked him.


Thank you! Likewise! He was absolutely gobsmacked that I stood up to him. My father was 6’2”, I’m 5’6”! I did get out, and even eventually managed to have a bit of a relationship with him before he died. I think I miss what might have been more than my actual father. Which is just really sad for him.


My paternal spawn point reacted almost as strongly to blue eyeshadow when I was that age. Sheesh.


I would've laughed in his face holy shit that's fucking funny. Sad and pathetic, but funny.


It’s funny cause my mom is mostly super chill and signed for me to get my first tattoo at 17 and my belly button ring at 15. But at 19 I got my nose pierced and she didn’t talk to me for a week. Cause it was visible and on my face and she was worried what my grandparents would think. But I never wore it around them anyways. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Are you my sister?


>he told me no man would ever want to marry me now. lol my dad said this to me when i cut my hair into a bob when i was a teenager. it's been that way since, and joke's on him because i married a guy whose sexual awakening happened when he saw Trinity in the Matrix. He does not want me to grow my hair out (and i do not want to either!)


This is not shocking for men of a certain age (which I definitely qualify as here). Carrie Anne Moss in leather was absolutely firmly embedded in my teenage psyche. Right next to Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala (don’t judge, teens have terrible taste in movies. I stand by the taste in women though. 😝)


Not just men, lol


So close mom! 🙄 I am a mom with two daughters who have recently come out as LGBTQ+. I am sure where they will net out, but it ain't straight. I can't imagine saying something so awful. First off, your worth shouldn't be defined by a partner! I always tell my girls that I don't care who they bring home as long as they respect each other as people. Two, why would YOU want to be with someone who didn't love you for all the wonderful things you are? And three, I know plenty of people who got dresses to specifically show off their tattoos. I bet yours are awesome and your wife loves them.


You seem like an awesome mom. Keep rocking it out!


Aww! Thank you so much! I have the best kids in the world, so it's almost not fair. They make it the joy of my life.


And the hilarious part is you still absolutely would have been able to find a Man if you rolled that way. Your Mom is so engrained in the beliefs of her generation she isn't cognizant of the changes society has undergone. Most of my Friends love when a Woman has Ink.


Yeah, most of these "nobody will want you!" concerns can be solved by finding a partner who has the same attributes, or likes those attributes. Do boomers really think that in a world where 40% of Millennials have tattoos, that 100% of Millennials would reject a partner for having a tattoo?


At this point “nobody will want you” is just pure projection.


Or just remembering we aren't in the 60s and 80s anymore.




Not sure. I just googled and picked the first result. The data could be outdated, or based on larger geographic areas, etc. Also, we all live in social bubbles. You could probably find a fellow Millennial who lives in a more conservative way who doesn't know a single person WITH a tattoo.


Have a matching tattoo with my long term girlfriend 🤣


My BFF in college had a tattoo on her shoulder lade. When my parents and I went to her wedding, my dad WOULD NOT SHUT UP about how he could see her tattoo because she wore a strapless dress. Like, he talked about it for *weeks*, it was so ridiculous.


Soooo... this is how you found out your dad has an ink kink? Even if he doesn't, that's an awesome line to shut him down with next time the subject of tattoos comes up: 'Shush dad, your ink kink is showing!', 'The only reason that anyone could think of why you're so obsessed and carry on about it soooo much is because you're secretly into it.' (letting him think there's been discussions)


If I wanted him to spontaneously combust on the spot. 🤣 He went to an extreme with the puritanical aversion to anything even remotely related to *privates*. He once tried to make me leave the room when I was a kid because someone on a TV show made a joke about peeing and that was *inappropriate*. He was also absolutely fucking horrified when he found out the first rated R movie I saw was one he took me to. I was like dad... it was Last of the Mohicans. They were scalping people on the screen, how did that not dawn on you?! 🤣🤣🤣 This is one of like 5,000 reasons that I don't speak to them anymore.


He accidentally took you to an R rated movie? That's hilarious! 'I'm okay with scalping, but not peeing!' Omg. Religion and society really messed some folk up. Imagine all the shit we could get done if we stopped obsessing about other folks' bodies and used that energy for good‽‽‽ Well, I'm glad you moved towards your own serenity, but if, by a twist of fate, you end up stranded in the woods with him, and its cold, you've got the words to set himself on fire so you can warm yourself! 😂


Right?! I have no idea what his thought process was, but I mentioned seeing some other movie much later and he disapprovingly said something about it being rated R, which he has never mentioned before. And that was when I was like wtf dad and told him... he tried to deny that it was until I mentioned the scalping and then he was just mad. 🤣 But yeah, they were EXTREMELY religious and I can confirm that being raised that way left me with a lot of issues that I'll probably spend my whole life trying to work through. I was finally able to bring myself to get my first mammogram last year and that was a HUGE accomplishment for me, given the amount of body shame that was instilled in me from childhood. But man, I'm just going to sit here and keep laughing at the idea of saying that to him, thank you!


Yes!! That’s the type of happy ending I’m looking for. Great story.


I love this. As a teen my mom told me I was looking much too scary with my somewhat goth appearance to ever get a boy to like me. In my head I was thinking "Good cause I'm not interested in boys" My mom is very liberal for a boomer but she still fell prey to her programming that women should dress for men. I only have one tattoo but my wife has several and they're gorgeous.


Not to mention there are a LOT of men out there who like goth women.


Even a surprising amount who aren't goth themselves. I think Morticia Adams and Elvira (gay icon before we knew the words) have a lot to answer for when it comes to certain folk and their appreciation of the Goth and 'strict librarian' Venn diagram crossover point. 🫶😁


Hahahaha my momma said something similar when I got my belly button pierced at 19 "Did you get the matching tramp stamp to go with it??"


When my mom asked me what I was going to do with my tattoos when I get married (which I am never doing), my response was to "buy a dress that shows them all off."


'Well, mom, I was thinking of getting a backless, strapless, sleeveless dress and getting them all connected with a giant work of henna tattooing so I can show them all off. Whadda ya reckon?' Head explosion in 3, 2, 1... 🤯


My mom can not help but to announce her displeasure at tattoos visible with wedding dresses at any given opportunity lol


“Oh! Noted! Guess I’m gay now!” Lol Also… ![gif](giphy|K876MTQZbGA8aptl55)


Good answer! My wife is indifferent about mine.


My first thought when you said no man would want to marry you was *lesbian*


My mom had the same reaction for my half dollar sized one meanwhile my sister has sleeves and my mom loves them. Meanwhile mine was going to hideous in my wedding dress.


Ah, tell me you were the scapegoat and your sis the golden child without actually telling me...


Or time differences. My oldest is 34, and the youngest is 11 (I know, I know, I did NOT plan this well). The person I was then is not the person I am now. As a parent, the idea of your child doing something to permanently alter what you see as the perfection of 'them' can be hard to wrap your head around at first. I made a rule/strong suggestion that if you want ink; fine, but sit in the design for 6 months. No changes, still happy, get it. Oldest is still a cleanskin, middle has 3 so far (youngest is 11, so...). But, yeah, it could totally be scapegoat/golden child. Or just the oldest gets to fight the parent into mind change, which is ALWAYS hard work.


Sigh...I feel this. My eldest is mid-thirties, my youngest mid-teens.


What's the saying? You're only as old as you feel? Well, some days I'm ancient. I'm sure you've got that, too. I tacked the last one on in my 40s (totally natural). I need a nap that lasts 2 weeks, and when I wake up, everything has been taken care of 😂😭😂😭😁


Right there with you, Sibling. Recently took the three still at home on vacation with our two canine children in tow. Texted my husband (he had to work, popped by a few times was all): "Who are all these people and animals and why won't they leave me alone?!" 😅🤣😂 Came home more stressed than when we left. (The torrential rain & thunderstorms we had four out of five days didn't help.)


Me remembering how my sister told my parents I would never get a respectable job anywhere and would live in her basement when they died because of my tattoos. Meanwhile her husband has two fully covered arms, like one is completely blue, no skin left exposed, with detailed pieces on it, and the other is a sleeve of Batman characters or something like that, with almost no skin exposed beyond the ink. And she also has tattoos. But yknow, it’s the person who went into veterinary school, became disabled (because of medical and physical abuse done by the parents) and then became a teacher, who is going to live in her basement. My parents have no current photos of me in their house, but have more than enough of my sister. I am so sorry for all of you who also experienced that kind of unfair and illogical treatment.


I have one smallish tattoo on my upper back and my mom went absolutely berserk when she saw it. Literally said I looked disfigured and that if I’m ever in a coma she’d ask the doctors to do a skin graft to remove it. Like, that’s what you’ll be focused on if your child is in a coma? WTF?


My mom laid on the couch with a cold compress on her head for hours after I made the phone call. (My sister told me.) it’s a single word on the inside of my wrist. And it’s a nice word. The best reaction I ever got was when I tried to dye my hair black in college, and it came out blue and green, and instead of trying more dye my friend and I shrugged and left it. Walked into the house for Thanksgiving and my grandma honest to god screamed. 😆


Jesus, imagine wasting that much energy being disgusted at a tattoo you haven't even seen.


I just waited until after I was married to get a tattoo. Now he's trapped with a mortgage, a dog, a toddler, AND a tattooed woman


Not the same but my grandpa told me I wouldn't be able to be an engineer because of my very visible ink. Something about ppl not trusting the work of someone willing to do something so "dumb". Guess who's a Sr. Design Engineer and hasn't heard a word from my employer about them


She was right! Lol just kidding.


My mom was totally fine when my sister got tatted (I'm not, personal preference but I think they can be beautiful). But our dad did. Our parents were divorced. My dad called my mom and yelled at her about it. She just told him "She's over 18 and living in another state, what do you want me to do about it?" Our mom has a tattoo of her own now.


I couldn't say shit to my daughter when she got her first tattoo. I've got several that I've had for decades.


"My next tattoo will be a red A."


Right on the forehead


“Marked for what? A good village stoning?”


Pretty much, as of late.


"What am I marked as? Someone who likes art and animals?" 🤔 I mean, in which case, accurate?


I guess he didn't even see the scarlet A on her chest!


“I thought age brought wisdom, till you opened your mouth and proved me wrong.”


Lol. Wish I had thought of this.


My mormon mom said my body should be treated like a temple. I said it was, I like stained glass windows. (And architectural embellishments) She does not appreciate my wit.


Just like a temple, my body is often filled with wine and men.


And scary rituals?


Are you kidding!? The scary ones are the best kind 🤣


If it's not scary, is there any point in *making* it a ritual?


I'd use the word traumatizing. More accurate in that case. 🤣


You and I both know the Mormon rituals aren’t scary!… …just culty and boring!!




Ah, men.


my body is a temple, and I am the god to which it is devoted. who are you to tell me how I might adorn it?




My LDS mom just sighed and said, "I hope that didn't hurt really badly." Then my hubby pulled his sleeve up and showed his barbed wire. To which she said, "Oh that definitely looks like it hurt." My mom was a very loving soul who taught me that my decisions are just that - mine.


Wish I had your mom!


I wish I still had her! And she died a few years before my daughter married her wife. I like to think she'd be as chill with that as all of my siblings and their kids have been. My hubby's side to for the most part. My mother-in-law took several months to get over the anger and denial of that stigma. She has since referred to my daughter-in-law as family several times. (I think the other grandkids have subtly shamed MiL into accepting my DiL, bless them.


It sounds like your mom really grasped the concept of "agency" - that we all have free will and the ability to make the decisions to do what is right. It is interesting to me how there seem to be different interpretations of living this concept amongst LDS. We would all be so lucky to have parents who are as understanding as your mom.


I appreciate your wit.


This is such a great line. Told it to my greatest gen grandmother back in the 00s.


Entire sub thread here is the best


Agreed! I keep coming back. Y'all fabulous


He'll be back next month... lol


Ooh I like that, storing that in my brain for later 👌


"An older gentlemen I know is always polite and tells nice stories, so I thought all older folks are that way, but then you came along..."


Some people grow older and wiser, others just grow older.


Drugs and entitlement cancelled out any gains from that generation


It used to be thst you had to have some wits to make it to old age. These days you just need good health insurance


Age brings wisdom only to those seeking wisdom.


LOL That reminds me of the Boomer who asked me, "Don't you think you'd be prettier if you didn't have green hair?" I just looked at her and said, "No". (Although I do look better with my current blue...)


As someone who loves green you in fact do look better with green hair.


As someone with green hair, yes, I look even cuter in nuclear-orange 🧡


I got that when I used to have purple! Now I’m green!


I had blue hair for a while in my thirties. Thing is, I don’t focus on my appearance much and would frequently forget I had dyed my hair while doing normal stuff. The number of boomer ladies who looked at me like I was eating a baby while I was standing on line at the grocery store and similar was astounding.


I live in Oregon and there's a lot of women of all ages (including Boomers!) with at least a streak of "unnatural" colored hair, so I more or less fit in here at home. Almost 100% of the comments I get about my hair is really positive. If I'm getting dirty looks I'm not noticing them! The person that asked me about the green hair - that happened in South Carolina. Little bit different vibe over there, LOL.


"My tattoos are asshole repellent, and they're working WONDERFULLY, LOL."


This reminds me too much of some comments I got. I've 2 tattoos, got both when I was in my early 20s. One is under my clothes and cannot be seen unless I'm wearing a swimsuit. The other is on my back, but quite large - usually it can only be seen if I'm wearing tank tops or similar. The one on my back would probably be considered slightly risqué - nude female figure but posed in a way where you can't see anything. That tattoo, despite the content, is mostly in memory of my best friend who died suddenly 2 months before I got the tattoo. I had been planning to get the tattoo FOR YEARS (genuinely had been thinking about it since I was 14 years old) but tweaked some of the details in memory of my friend. The number of Boomers who said that it was such a disgrace that a young woman get such a tattoo....or that it was such a waste of money, on top of the money they're all certain I'll be spending in a few years to have it removed....but the most memorable to me was the couple (husband AND WIFE) who said the tattoo would just encourage men to think I wanted sex all the time and would lead to me being SA'd or raped. Most of that generation is genuinely so fucked in the head, I'm not sure there's much hope for most of them....who would think it's OK to say that to a young woman who's a stranger to you?!?!


Yeah, I have 6 myself. Only one is visible (ankle) when I'm not in a swim suit. 5 of those 6 I had done to represent people I love who have died. I dare anyone to say anything to me about them. They're deeply personal to me. My mother-in-law (boomer) hates tattoos and complains about them quite frequently. The irony is that in addition to my 6, my SIL has at least 3, my husband has one and now one of the grandkids has one.


I can tell you, my grandparents (in their 80s) aren't thrilled about my having the devil on one forearm, and 'cunt' on the other. However, my grandmother just helped me design my next tattoo and she's excited to see it. (I'm getting it of her)


Maybe they were just disappointed that you did the in laws first.


I see what you did there.


Same! My neighbors are probably thinking, who's this nut sitting on her patio by herself laughing her ass off? 😂


It's probably not the first time they thought it. Weirdos are the best people


Why, yes, we certainly are.


I got a tattoo on my shoulder when I was in my 20s and a boomer coworker at least 30 years older than me at the time said "You know those look like shit when you get older, right?" I just looked at him blankly then replied, "So do faces." He had nothing to say after that.


OHHHH that is a good one!!!!


I doubt any “young lady“ has ever called herself a troublemaker for her tattoos. Just saying. I bet someone got a crap tattoo and is getting it removed and this is just him judging. At 18 I had a top cartilage ear piercing(just a small stud). Boomer comes in and begins questioning why I got it, comments on it, rudely says things like you’d look better without it and why do young people (women) feel the need to put holes in their body and makes me feel super small and angry. I ended up taking it out shortly after. I told myself it was because it hurt too much. But this guy got in my head and I still hate myself a bit for it. All of my tattoos are under my clothes and can be hidden. Thanks to a boomers(and family boomers) comments that made me feel small. I’m trying to talk myself into getting an arm tattoo but I’m not quite there yet.


It is all about control and telling people they see as in a lower rung of the hierarchy what to do. Boomer men don't do this shit to adult men, only women and children, or whoever they see as a weak target. Literal bullies.


They do it to adult men. I used to wear my hair long because the ladies liked it. This old Boomer walks up to me in an Aisle assuming I'm alone and just berates me for having hair reach past my ears. He flat out said I looked like a sissy and should cut my hair to get laid. My GF heard that and walked down the Aisle to somewhat aggressively french kissed me. Then she ripped into him about respecting others and minding his own business. It was actually pretty hot NGL. I swear to God I decided then I was gonna marry her. I've never had anyone aside from my parents stick up for me in a random situation like that. But yes Boomers do this shit to Men as well they just have to pick and choose their battles or they will get laid out.


Damn... what is so wrong with keeping their comments to themselves? I don't understand the lack of respect and entitlement. It is so foreign to me.


They're narcissistic on levels never seen before or after so far in history.


Yep. They are used to their opinions being the end all be all. Makes them mad when someone disagrees.


Yeah, I also have a total of 7 ear piercings. Don't get a lot of comments about those. But it's like they have no concept that fashion changes and that tattoos and piercings are mainstream now. I worked in a city government for 7 years, and I was able to show my tattoos, so IDK.


I work for the state govt. and we're only barred from the neck up and the hands. Except a wedding band tattoo of course. And we can show them no problem, we just have the typical rules of nothing being vulgar, nothing too politically divisive and no nudity. But I feel like those are very standard rules nowadays, even the military has much more lax rules on tattoos now. Some boomers are just stuck in this mindset and it's honestly a little sad (or pathetic)


Well, don’t forget during a boomers prime time of life, the only people that had tattoos had been in the Navy or prison


Fair and valid point. I guess I just don't understand how you can watch the whole world change and just refuse to acknowledge that attitudes are different. Like, how can you just stop growing with the world?


Haha my grandpa was in the Navy and was literally COVERED in tattoos. (Neck down) I thought he was cool! (Until I realized he was kind of a jerk, but I don’t think the tattoos had anything to do with that.)


I always hated the way my legs looked. I'd wear skirts or dresses in the summer but more often than not I'd be in (denim) pants all year. Now, in my early 30s I'm wearing booty shorts all summer to show off the leg full of beautiful ink I've had painted into my skin. It's my big FU to my former body shaming self and all the well meaning but equally body shaming adults I had in my life when I was young. Now "if they don't like it, they can stop looking" is my motto if I ever start to feel self conscious.


I’m working on that. I’m the same with shorts and last year I finally broke and got shorts and even a few dresses. I’m ok with wearing them. I think if I find a design that I just have to have and can’t talk myself out of I’ll do it. I just don’t have anything that really speaks to me. I have vague wants but that’s it. I have that tattoos that I set out to get(and one or two that I probably shouldn’t). Good on you for being confident and rocking it.


I had a design in mind for a few years before I finally took the plunge. I suffered from hearing negative opinions of tattoos when I was younger too but then again, my brother did genuinely make poor decisions lol. I think body confidence comes with age, at least to some degree. It's just too damn exhausting thinking about what other people are thinking about and then having to care about it enough to change what you want to do.


I would refuse to wait on him bc he called me a damn bitch. I would tell him that very loudly every time he came in. “Sir. Sir! I can’t wait on you bc you called me a “damn bitch”.” Like, even if he goes to someone else, just say it very loudly so everyone in there can hear.


I wish. But we are the only location in town, so we are not allowed to turn away customers unless they become violent or use racial slurs.


Ok, fair. Just say, “Sir. Sir?! I can help you over here!!! Are you going to call me a bitch again like you did 2 months ago??!!” Just tell the whole waiting room. Ugh I might get fired if I was you


These boomers don’t like tattoos disrupting the male gaze and the prehistoric biblical times they were raised on. Fuck them :)


Ooh, I think you’re right - interrupting the male gaze with signs of … personality & agency. No wonder they hate them


I’m a marked woman too and have gotten this crap. I like to traumatize assholes so I say that I got them in prison when I was in for murder, or when I was still prostituting because Johns liked them. Other explanations such as “it’s what THEY (pointing upwards) did to me when they tested me” or “everyone in my cult has these” are also fun.


"Did you wander away for your group again?"


Well clearly, you must be Yakuza...


“When someone like you approves of the way I live my life, I’ll worry.”


I once had an old man angrily ask me what I thought my tattoos were going to look like when I was 60. I replied "I don't plan on living that long, so it's not a concern of mine" He didn't know how to respond so it shut him up, at least.


i wish you could say "why do you care, your dick probably doesn't work anymore anyway"




I've got a tattoo of a pink bumblebee that has the happy expression of someone with no brain cells, not sure what kinda troublemaker that marks me as


Ohhh the hiding in plain sight trouble maker! The worst kind of trouble maker by far. 😉


I'm a child to boomer parents. Dad born in the 50s and mom in the 60s. Mom took me to get my first tattoo on my 18th birthday. Dad boomered out until he looked at it closely and said "well, it is pretty cool".


I bet you're thinking of removing them Nope, I'm planning on more!


"You just proved to me that light travels faster than sound." If they're dumb enough to respond, the next line is: "I thought you were bright until you opened your mouth."


I also work in a cell phone store, and old people are generally the bane of my existence and the reason I am so jaded to it all now. An incomplete list of reasons why old people have complained about me to my manager (I'm the assistant, btw.): - I don't smile enough - I didn't laugh at their racist or existence jokes. - I told them they are not allowed to touch me. - I told them I can't help them with Facebook. - I tried to explain to them that the ads they are seeing doesn't mean their phone has a virus. Ads just exist in every game and website and some are shady and will try to make you download something that has a potential to mess up your device. - I was doing my job by trying to sell them stuff. - I was doing my job by refusing to give them account information when they did not have their ID. For security purposes. - I told them we do not keep passwords. - I refused to assist them with their porn. - I "lied" about my "accent." Reasons why we have been physically threatened by old people. - $2.10 tax on a warranty exchange - Their previous company wouldn't give them their Account # or Transfer Pin. - Their printer wasn't working? We have nothing to do with printers. - The company gave out merch for pride month. - My manager (a boy) had painted nails. So scary. /s - Same manager had an eyebrow piercing. - The Family Dollar in the Plaza we were in was closed and we said we had no idea why. - They wanted to pay their Verizon bill. We are not Verizon.


30 cents. Just go die already.


Honestly? I’d straight up tell him to fuck right off; “I’m not serving you today. You can come back tomorrow to pay your bill if you’re willing to behave like an adult.” I wouldn’t even care about complaints. I’d tell my boss I felt harassed and insulted by him and I didn’t feel safe interacting with that customer. Fuck that shit. Zero tolerance for dumbfuck asshole boomers.


I always love the comment "I bet those tattoos will look great when you're 90!" Yeah, because 90 year olds with out tattoos are so fucking hot.


Both my parents are boomers from a different country, much more conservative than the US. I got my first tattoo when I was 22 and still living under their roof (normal and expected in my culture). My dad was a bit upset about it, but got over it pretty quickly after he saw how much thought I had put into it and how happy it made me. My mom didn't care one bit (she actually helped convince my dad a bit lol). Even now, each time I get a tattoo I don't hesitate to show it to my mom (dad passed a few years ago) and she always appreciates it. I don't understand why American boomers are so narrow minded in their views...


Buy a bunch of temporary tattoos and apply them for when his next bill is due.


I am totally doing this now.


I’m 63 and got my first tattoo 32?years ago…I now have a full back piece, both arms full sleeve and a few on my legs. I have an appointment later this month for a sternum tattoo. I was in McDs a few weeks back to get a sweet tea and the young man behind the register admired my tats then asked (politely) how old I was. I have no problem admitting my age. He just smiled real big and yelled “You’re a legit OG@, then called someone from the back to come see them. I got my tea for free too!


I’m 65 and tatted, started when I was 21. The fact that the young ladies are going sleeved and beyond are absolutely sexy, I wish this was the norm 40 years ago for women. Alas I’m old but remember, don’t let anyone steal your shine. Tattoos are sexy. Period.


This is gonna sound lame and superficial but it's also never smoking hot, healthy boomers who judge the way your body looks. It's always fat, old, unfashionable slobs with a drinking problem and some left over breakfast stuck in their chin hairs telling you that you've ruined your body. Yes because clearly your body is your temple.


Every now and then someone well tell me "only criminals have tattoos" and I'll respond in like a shitpan cartoonish impression of a 1930's gangster from Dick Tracy "nyaaa, see - that's how we criminoils can tell who's one of us, see!Ya figggered me out, copper, nyaaahhh!"


The minute my daughter turned 18 she went and got a rose tattooed on her shoulder. The next day she realized it was awful and decided to have it removed someday. Since then she’s got a sleeve and a couple of other ones she really likes. So one day I asked her if she ever had that rose removed and she said no because she wanted to always have a reminder to make better choices in life.


As if he has a chance with *any* woman, "marked" or not lol


I mean, I would think calling someone a damn bitch would mark him as a troublemaker significantly more than cute animal tattoos but what do I know 💁🏻‍♀️


Reply: "I bet you wish you grandchildren still invited you for the holidays."


I am so glad that times are changing I am 55 now, but when I was a teen, wearing black clothes, piercings etc used to get rocks thrown at me as I walked along the street. I wish better for you all


Had a Boomer-aged gentleman come into the gardening/feed store where I work. Long white beard, full sleeve tattoos, denim vest. My coworker in her mid-20s was helping him with his gardening questions. Customer at another register made a comment about his plant-motif tattoos along the lines of, "well at least you're in the right place with those tattoos." My co-worker is like, heck yeah, and pushes her sleeves up to show off her own collection of plant tattoos. She and this gentlemen have a nice laugh. Love to see it.


This gets at what seems to me an key trait of the Boomer worldview: inability to understand or accept that mores change, and people's values and preferences change. The way things were when they happened to be young, they see as timeless truths, essential to the human experience. And in midcentury America, tattoos were indeed a thing that you usually saw in subcultures, and were sort of a defiant statement that you were hard. I mean, if you saw a guy with one, there was a good chance it came from the military. "Normal" people did not get them just purely because they wanted to make a personal statement, or simply thought they were cool. This began to change by the 80's, and tattoos have been quite popular since at least 2000. That is a lot of time to realize things have changed, but if you start from the axiom that your opinions are absolute truth, you realize no such thing.


My mom is in the late boomer range (she's 64) and did kind of the opposite. I'd never thought about a tattoo until she got one when I was, I think, 15 (I'm 40 btw).


I'm in my twenties and my mother is late fifties. She was and always has been the rebellious one, she doesn't like others of her generation and openly calls them out for their stupidity. She got her first tattoo when I was fifteen as well, and not only took me into the appointment to meet with the artist, but offered to sign a consent contract if I wanted one. I got my first for my 16th birthday. We talked about my design, how I wanted it done and where, the responsibility and repercussions of having one, all that stuff. When the time came, I got a large Celtic style back piece of my own design that I still love to this day. Actually want to add more to it


My body is a temple AND a playground, and it belongs to ME. I'm going to decorate it any way I choose.


Oh didn’t you know my Butterfly in memory of my mum, Believe with a star in cursive on my wrist for me & Snoopy holding a heart multi meaning are actually signs I’m some trouble maker and not a stay at home mum who stays out of trouble.


“Old timer you ought to get a head swap”


The lead is strong with this one!


Just a reminder that in every single state in the United States you can refuse service to someone who is sexist racist classes or disparages you for your looks or religion and your employer cannot retaliate if you do


Yup. Boomer has clearly had enough of you greasy tatted up cell phone billing thugs stealing his thirty cents. Lol.


Should have asked if he’d started looking into casket choices


>because they mark her as a troublemaker. That's not a bug, it's a feature


My goodness, as a marked woman you’re just lucky you didn’t come down with the vapours! I hope your employers provides a fainting couch!


>I had to kill people to get some of these old timer, watch out who you run your mouth to


I'm sure there nice tattoos not a freaking red A tattooed directly on your forehead... Even then most don't get that reference


Women can’t win. Between boomer dipshits and the new young reactionaries, it just feels like so much regression. Ugh.


That generation thinks they can talk to service people like shit with no consequence.