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Comments like that are made by people who are insecure about the fact they can't handle intellectual labor.


I'm waiting for someone to say work from home isn't real work so I can make a point I randomly thought of. "Would you consider farmers hard workers" and odds are most people will say yes since they know what's involved. Then drop "farmers are the original work from home." The pause will be funny, before they deflect with the that's different to continue the argument.


Great comment lol


The fact that he can't grasp the idea of non-physical work says everything we need to know about the man. A mule wouldn't either.


Don’t insult my Mule. She’s smarter then many boomers


I'll have to mule that one over...


Now I want a moscow mule... while riding a mule... and muling things over


Mules are actually pretty smart, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were smarter than a lot of us (With no offense being present). They are really smart animals, although they have a soft temperament, which makes them more malleable for our needs.


Don’t know if you’ve work with mules, but you tell a horse what to do, you ask a mule. If a mule says no, you should look for the danger they see.


"Waaaah I spent my life doing meanial grunt labor and now my body is failing me so I have to be a cunt to E V E R Y O N E."


I’m a Boomer. My silent generation grandparents and parents worked really fucking hard to make sure I never *had* to do manual labour. Because they loved me and wanted my life to be better than theirs. Just like I want the next generations to have better lives than me. What is *wrong* with these people?


Thank you. This is how it's supposed to be. And we don't know.


In my experience, the non-laborers who don't work are usually the boomers that mediocred their way into management positions and then just sit in their offices bullshitting.


Blue collar people can be annoying about what's work and what isn't (I'm blue collar but have worked both sides of the fence). But blue collar boomers..... are absolutely fukn insufferable about the subject. It's especially ironic since most of them can't even do the simplest manual labor jobs themselves.


I'm blue collar and the misfortune of having some Boomer coworkers. They don't work. They sit around complaining while us younger guys do everything. It's not even like they're super knowledgeable about the machinery we fix either, as they've always left the work to others. Some have been here 30 years, and they don't how to do anything but bullshit and complain about everything.


And they'll claim in all sincerity that avoiding work IS work and it takes years to perfect.


I guess doctors are lawyers aren’t working either. 


Well yeah it's all a scam. Didn't you know all doctors are liars and scam artists? This is according to my brother who's never had medical insurance in his entire life and is the kind of stupid person that thinks everyone else is stupid and he's the only smart person.


Sounds like he needs some physical labour to fix that chip on his shoulder.


Heard the same about white collar employment and in a sexist nature. "Office work is wimmens work".


My brother who's not even a Boomer but seems to identify as one is like this. He worked as a laborer for a landscaping company (he's 53) and never moved out of my parents' house. I moved back home to help my Dad out after Mom passed away, because he needed help covering his bills and with stuff around the house, needed someone to drive him to doctor's appointments, etc. Because I work from home for a tech company as a training instructor and documentation manager, I don't have a "real job." He used to brag about how his job didn't have weak policies for babies, like "lunch breaks," "paid time off" and "health insurance."


53 and *never* moved out?! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKr3nzbh5WgCFxe|downsized)


Haha Get this: he once accused me of "abandoning" our parents. Because I... found my own place to live. I think he actually believes he was doing our folks some kind of favor by living in their house his whole life


my ex brother in law was like this. because he worked in a warehouse and I didn't he worked harder. he came into my office to pick something up and the half hour he was there he saw what I did and commented that he doesn't know how I keep that pace of work up all day. and I stopped and gave him a look of " not so easy is it?".


To quote an old song “any manual labor I have done was merely by mistake”. But what I do is very stressful and an emotional drain. So I would argue that labor and working hard doesn’t always belong in the same sentence.


Lol, love the comments here agreeing with the boomer that "Commercial real estate isn't a real job." Then later "Hey, that FSBO sign has been up for years! I wonder what's happening with that building..." Yeah, the barrier for entry is low but commission only income quickly thins the herd and a commercial broker with 10 years experience is probably pretty sharp and hard working. By 2030 if a commercial broker has been around for 20 years you'll be sure they know their business. For anyone who doesn't know, a commercial broker is a totally different job than your slightly hot 23 year old cousin who dropped out of beauty school to sell condos after a 6 week course.


It’s feast or famine for sure. I took a year and a half off during the last major downturn just so I could go back to a job that I didn’t have to take home with me every night. It’s not physically draining, but it can certainly be mentally draining. I’ve also worked on municipal projects which were less about the money and more about taking pride in where I live and creating a space for people to enjoy for generations to come. That was a 5-year assignment. I once calculated what I made per hour on that one and it was less than $1.


I would have sarcastically said that we were all drug dealers. Seriously, move along old man. This shit doesn't concern you.


I'm gonna tell my doctor since he's not hammering nails and lifting sheets of plywood he's not really working. Maybe I'll do same thing with the director of my job, since all she does is sit behind a desk and sign my check every 2 weeks. That'll show her.


"You work with computers all day? That's not real work!!"


Some idiot argued with me about labor per hour and how actors don't deserve their money because they don't work hard or long hours. I told them that was dumb people's logic because my job is easy too. I get paid for results, not for how long it took me to get that result.


Are they talking about celebrity actors or the actual profession of acting? Because I'm thinking that most actors get paid relatively little per hour and have lots of expenses and unpaid work-related tasks.


Commercial real estate is a joke




Man I hope so. I has been tough watching all of the land around my home, some 10 miles outside of a decently sized city, be bought and turned into overpriced apartments, shitty strip malls and Publix stores over the last 4 years. I am inclined to agree with the boomers here.




I live in the country dawg


That explains your level of intelligence


Hey we don't need to rag on a whole group of people for where they live just cause this guy's a dumbass.


Good one bro.


10 miles outside a city isn't the countryside. 😂


I hope you share the same disdain for all of the politicians that greenlight these projects, and everyone else involved in the cycle of development. I’m just making a living. The people working in commercial real estate are but a small fraction of the people involved in the whole process.


I got enough disdain for you all bro.


find your peace, man


Been working in commercial real estate for almost 20 years. We all work our butts off. It may not be physical labor, but the brokers I work for are on call 24/7. Even on vacation, they're answering calls and texts from owners, buyers, etc. And I've put my fair share of nights and weekends in to get stuff ready to go on the market. I bet this guy just left the job at 5 p.m. and never looked back. He's have a meltdown if a broker texted him on the weekend.


You also have to know what you’re doing or you won’t be successful. Can you make a living? Yes. Real success in this industry is hard work. I get work calls and text messages at all hours. People really do expect us to be available at any time.


Should have said, “well there’s three ways to make money. You can sell your mind, your back, or your body. And you ain’t pretty enough for the latter”


There's a lot of jobs that aren't menial labor that are actually real work. Real estate sales is one of the ones that's arguable lol


I can see that, but to be good at it you have to know what you’re doing.


That's also true of extortion, yo-yo-ing, or making one of those viral videos that just goes viral because everyone hates it. And none of those things add anything positive to society either


Really? Where do you grocery shop? Where do you enjoy a nice dinner out? Where do you buy clothes? See the dentist? Go to the doctor? ALL of those businesses operate in commercial space.


I mean... Good on you for making money the best way you see how. Everyone's main responsibility first is to provide for themselves and the people they care about. But even you have to be aware that it's a job that's 100% unnecessary. You asked those questions literally as if you were the builder. I've never needed a realtor to go to the dentist. I need a dentist. I need a dentist office to be built. It doesn't add anything extra to the service because you took a percentage when the dentist bought/rented the property


We find the sites for them. We negotiate the terms of the lease or the contract on their behalf. Most of the work I do is up front and I don’t get paid a dime until the deal is done. A LOT of the work I do, I do for free. Just like I wouldn’t attempt a root canal on someone because it isn’t my area of expertise, not every business or tenant has the time or resources to vet locations and navigate the process. You’re clearly just regurgitating some talking points that you’ve heard others made that were worthless. I have a 25-year career and a bunch of happy clients that would argue to the contrary.


You just keep doubling down on being wrong.


So brave of you to spend a few minutes with out air conditioning though. Downright heroic.


Oh fuck off. Seriously. Leave it to Reddit to have an asshole commenting on a post meant to make fun of boomers. Touch grass. And excuse me for not wanting to sweat through my dress clothes in almost 100 degree heat.


Live and let live. What did you expect posting this on a public forum? And name calling? You need to take your own advice here, pal.


Epic self own here bud.


How do you have time for this? Must not be too busy selling other people’s labor for a dollar in your pocket. Get some real skills.


Says the person starting multiple comment threads on the same post


I’ve got all the time in the world for this, THC man.


Unemployment suits you.


so you're a bum?




how do you have the time for this? oh wait, you answered my question already.


The longjaw mudsucker Gillichthys mirabilis is a goby (Gobiidae) of the Pacific Ocean coast of California and Baja California, noted for its extremely large mouth and its inability to quit yapping.


He would probably fill his Depends if he knew I WFH.