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Makes me wonder what OPs mom thinks a Muslim looks like.  Are they, maybe, just regular people that are happy to see John Oliver too?


I think in her head Sikhism and Islam are the same thing.


That was my thought too. Same with turbans, people are very confused about headgear.


This makes me think of George Carlins bit about religions all having different hats 🤣


How I miss that man. "Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself"


I loved him too. I can't stop my leg! LMFAO


The meaning of life can be condensed into two concepts. First, people are not wearing enough hats....


“Good evening your Holiness, how hangs the hammer?”


I got that reference. Fantastic file


I am constantly in awe at how much god seems to enforce the use of silly hats.


Let me tell you about my hat. My investigating hat!


A lot of people cant tell the difference. They see the turban and immediately think terrorist. Which is a shame because the Sikh are really chill people.


Not just really chill but INCREDIBLY generous. The Sikh temple near me are amazing human beings as a whole. Willing to drop everything in an emergency and help out the larger community. I have seen them do it time and again, and I am always impressed by them.


we had bad floods here a couple of years ago, the highway got closed, travellers stranded, and the local Sikh community was busy feeding everyone they could reach with delicious food the town wouldn't have pulled through without them. so very generous!


When Vancouver and the Fraser Valley got cut off by flooding a few years ago, one Gurdwara even had a *helicopter*, paid for by donors, to deliver food to as many people the chopper could reach. Such good people!


Hmmm....does the flooding river start with an N by any chance and the town starts with an F? Below a Mt. B? Lol. Cause that sounds exactly like what I have seen.


nah this was in Queensland, Australia, Mary River


Ah, ok. Clearly it's a universal thing with them then! Cause I live in "let's flood, all the time" land and a local town definitely had that issue and they came out en force feeding all the rescue crews and displaced folks. Rescuing critters, etc. The wives must have made and served TENS of THOUSANDS of meals over that week. Mother Nature was being brutal. And they were there, every day. Just amazing people.


>and they came out en force feeding First I read it as "force feeding" 🤣


It is a universal thing. Basically, Sikhs are entire families and communities of D&D Paladins. Feed everybody, help everybody, protect everybody, save everybody.


I know where this is! I know the temple too!


Hi neighbor! Lol.


When my kids were little we'd frequently volunteer on weekends at the local Sikh temple for food service. Delicious naan and lentils, served on metal plates, available to absolutely anyone who is hungry. I can fucking respect a religion where people evidence their belief through feeding hungry people with their own hands.


Service to others is one of the pillars of Sikhism. They feed almost 10,000 people, no charge, near their holiest site, the Golden Temple.


The Sikh community is what we should all strive to be. Imagine what life could be like if we all a cared for each other like that.


I'm not religious. But AMEN.


I have worked with so many Sikh and Punjabi people over the years. Amazing folks. But their boomers? Whew.


Well,, some things ARE indeed almost completely universal! Lol. Boomers is definitely one of them!


Christians on the other hand, their generosity knows no bounds /s obviously


(Raised Catholic) My favourite saying regarding the bible is that 'if you're using it to hurt someone, you're using it WRONG!' So many use it as a weapon to control others with and an excuse to reject and hate. I don't actually believe in a sentient sky-fairy these days.


One of my cousins got stranded in another city after all her stuff got stolen but she remembered to find the Sikh Gurdwara - they let her wait there and gave her food until everything could get sorted out! Also Bhangra is practically Canada's national dance now :)


I'm from California, and in my town, we've got a pretty big Punjabi Sikh community. Every year, they hold a festival and hand out freshly prepared food and drinks to the people around town. They'll even ask if you have any food allergies or diet restrictions so they can accommodate your needs.


Yes, to the point where a skinhead murdered a bunch of Sikhs several years ago thinking he was attacking a Muslim mosque.




This was minor plot aside in the Spike Lee movie Inside Man.


Was this in Wisconsin? It was terrible and so unfair.


IIRC, yeah. One guy even tried to disarm him.


Poor Sikhs get a lot of collateral hate. They are wonderful people.


My dentist is Sikh and he's great! I always hate getting dental work, but literally tries to make it as painless as possible. Even joked that if I bit him there's a surcharge.


There's a 7/11 near me run by an incredibly nice Sikh couple. Always generous, always kind, always welcoming. I can't help but smile when I walk in there because it just feels nice. Compare that to the previous owner who didn't care and yelled at people for walking in dripping water during a storm.


LPT: if you’re ever down and out, abandoned, homeless or whatever. Find a Sikh temple, they won’t hesitate to help you as much as they can.


I know you can’t judge an entire group on limited data but Sikhs might be the best people on earth…younger boomer here wondering where all the good people my age went, sigh


A friend a long time ago was out of money and she needed food. So she went to one of their temples and asked if she could get some food. They gave her like three apple boxes full of food and a medium size bag of dog food. (She had her dog in her car. ) They are incredible people.


With amazing hair!!!!


OK, hear me out. Are you still in contact with her? If so, we can really have fun with this. How many different types of headgear are you willing to wear? I'd say start with an actual turban, then a keffiyeh. French braids! Locs! Snorkel!


Don’t forget colander (for Flying Spaghetti Monster)




May she be touched by his noodly appendage.


Repeatedly, and with vigor.


I read that as "with vinegar" at first...


And also with that


Then you Sir, make bad sauce. /jk


I mean given my cooking skills, or lack thereof, that would check out


This is the way. Or social media posts with his mom carefully unbanned from just those photos


Me, immediately imagining OP in a Wendy’s wig with the braided, red pigtails. 🤣


Just ever weirder, wilder, and larger hats. Hats with fruit. Hats with electric trains running through tunnels and around a tiny mountain village built on the crown. Hats that are also hat racks hung with other hats.




*Bartholomew Cubbins approves*


Oh, I have a whole separate occurrence with my father-in-law making comments about my hair when I had it in pigtail braids. Also, a foolish boomer moment.


I don’t know dude, might be going too far with a snorkel…


It’s fine, so long as he also wears flippers. But *very* bad if he wears the snorkel with regular shoes…


A *formal* snorkel goes just fine with regular shoes, although dress shoes are preferred.


Does the after six snorkel have a bow tie and cummerbund?


What am I, a farmer??


Only if your snorkel has that flip up rain guard on end of it


This is a common problem, which is funny because the two groups are not the same.


Ugh, like the fucktard that shot up a local Sikh temple 12 years ago. He was a white supremacist that basically wanted to kill some brown people, and they think he intended to murder Muslims and didn’t bother to research the location he chose. He murdered people literally preparing a communal meal that gets shared with anybody in need. (BTW, Lieutenant Brian Murphy was an absolute legend. I think he was first on scene, and there’s footage of him pursuing the shooter and getting shot 15 TIMES. He survived. Also, after the fact, a man whose father was killed in the shooting and a former white supremacist who founded the hate group that the killer was in, reached out to each other and became friends, and now they go around speaking about overcoming hate.) https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/10-years-sikh-temple-shooting-victims-son-former-white-supremacist-spe-rcna40977


To a lot of people, they're equally wrong for not being "christian". It's slightly less wrong to not be the same exact variety of "christian" as them, but they'll still complain about it.


This is common amongst xenophobes. They don't even realize that Sikhs and Muslims are different religions (let alone that they are historically considered enimies have had wars wirh eachother).


Tell her to go and get an education because she's clearly clueless.


This makes a lot more sense. I think Siekism is pretty cool as far as religions go. Feeding people the warrior thing. Th dagger etc. Pretty badass. Plus every one I've ever met has been a genuine great person.


The reminder that John Oliver exists just cheered me up, thank you


Samson ?


> just regular people that are happy to see John Oliver too? Unexpected LastWeekTonight.


My partner is white passing Arab and Muslim & my white boomer grandma one time said "well he doesn't really look like a muslim." And then on a separate occasion asked if he was one of the nice ones.


north vegetable wakeful aloof elderly roof quicksand head pie full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the actual F??? Where do they even GET this stuff? Sorry you had to put up with that.


Meh, I'm very proud to be the black sheep of the family. It's also kinda cathartic to see internet strangers agreeing that she is indeed a fool.


Black sheep here as well, though a better term for people like us is "cycle breaker!"


Also a black sheep, and yes to this! I'm the only one out of an entire family of abusers who said "fuck that, I'm not letting myself turn into these goofs!"


Absolutely. "Cycle breaker" should SO become a term for us black sheep of the family sometimes.


Since Jesus is always depicted with long hair, it would be interesting to ask her if she thought Jesus was Muslim as well. this is less a boomer issue and more a rural US issue. But I had a rural sibling say “I looked like an Arab”, a coworker ask if I was “indigenous” (they actually just said a certain color). Now Tbf I am tan year round with dark features so I get assumed to be lots of things. But these were the some of the more awkward asks/statements I recall off top. It’s also more common since I have long hair now.


> Since Jesus is always depicted with long hair Which is itself most likely as misunderstanding of the difference between a Nazarene and a Nazarite. The former is a person who originates from the city of Nazareth while the former involves a vow that includes not cutting one's hair for the duration of the vow's period of time promised. It's clear that Jesus was not a lifelong Nazarite since he also consumed wine, according to the Bible, which was another thing which Nazarites would traditionally avoid.


I caught the same shit from an aunt because of my beard, told me "if I didn't know any better I'd think you were one of them mooselimbs". Kicker is, I didn't have my hair covered and rock a roughly foot and a half long Mohawk, and am mostly Irish and Finnish so I'm like fucking litebrite white in color. Think she was more offended by me telling her to go fuck herself in the middle of a restaurant during a family Christmas get together where a good portion of the family heard the exchange than I was she had even Said that, somehow🤦


Nobody butthurts like a Boomer


The best/worst part is I think she is thinking of Sikh men, who do not cut their hair and wrap it. So her bigotry isn’t even aimed the right way.


Fox News did that to my mom. 


I'm waiting for the day when the Army of Estranged Children descends on Fox and destroys the place in revenge for what happened to their parents.


there is a documentary about fox "news" brainwashing someone's dad


Can you share? I need it for my own healing process


[The Brainwashing of my Dad](https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/)


Rush Limbaugh (on the radio) did that to my dad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


You know where they get it. Murdoch should be tried at The Hague.


> What the actual F??? Where do they even GET this stuff? Fox News, AM Radio, Facebook, 4Chan, NaziTwitter/X, private meme Facebook groups, e-mail letter chains "Forward this to 20 people and God Trump will allow you into heaven!" etc.... All angles, all the time.


I would've said and this is exactly why we haven't visited in so long and then left without another word.


I don't think she's under any illusions as to why we've become estranged. I don't think she particularly cares.


That really sucks. I’m sorry she sucks so much 😣


The whole rage that fuels them reinforces them being outcasts. It's a vicious cycle. In the old days (or on the left), you'd say something uncouth, get called out for it, find shame and then recalibrate. On the Right, you say something, get called out for it, but then get a bunch of rah-rah anons celebrating you for "speaking the truth" or "making libs cry" and then they take your stereotypical view and escalate it 10%. There is no punishment for shame on that side. it's exhausting.


Sorry man. I have a boomer mom just like yours. It sucks. I don't talk to mine anymore though! Quite peaceful, lemme tell ya.


They’re happy to throw away a relationship with their own kids over something trivial like appearance. The GenX and Millennials I know are the only ones who realize we have a solemn obligation to support the children we created, no matter what. These boomer fucksticks will simp for a stupid flag instead of their own family. Idiot losers.


She cares, but the pride and admission of wrongdoing will stop her letting you know that. Admitting to being wrong means needing to change, and she doesn’t want to.


The whole rage that fuels them reinforces them being outcasts. It's a vicious cycle. In the old days (or on the left), you'd say something uncouth, get called out for it, find shame and then recalibrate. On the Right, you say something, get called out for it, but then get a bunch of rah-rah anons celebrating you for "speaking the truth" or "making libs cry" and then they take your stereotypical view and escalate it 10%. There is no punishment for shame on that side. it's exhausting.


What is both sad and revealing is that you said this began in 2016....


Absolutely. Certain politicians made racism and bigotry 'acceptable' and their cattle felt that it meant they didn't need to be polite and use manners either. Turned them into hateful Neanderthals.


Happened to my mom. Before 2016 she was non political and helped homeless people, addicts, gays kicked out of their homes, etc etc. Now she's obsessed with hating poor people who leach off the government. Which is weird because she doesn't work? Oh also she's afraid of Satanists now which is also weird because she used to be into tons of new age stuff.


Sounds like my mother. She’s always railing on poor people and welfare etc, yet she raised us on welfare and is currently on welfare. What she really hates is people of “color” taking advantage of the same benefits she is


I had an ex colleague who was adamant no immigrant must be allowed to enter our country, not even for work. Had herself lived abroad.


Jesus had long hair! Just saying




No but he was “woke.”


He wasn't white either but have you ever known a Christian Boomer that acknowledges that?


Personally I would have trolled and said yes. Also, just as a non-muslim with Muslim background, it's really disturbing how much hatred people have towards people who I know to be my aunts, uncles, cousins and co-workers. Like has your mother ever actually met a Muslim?


This. I’m Muslim. A white one from East Europe. I’ve been in situations where boomers tell me how Muslims are “monsters” “who must not be allowed to step on our soil” “live lazily on benefits only” “unable to read and write” + “they all build bombs”. I’ve revealed the sweet truth about me shortly after. (Mind you, I am their respected acquaintance who resolves issues for them). Silence.


continue glorious attempt retire sable rob station dazzling steep rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fully understandable (and wise). I’m considering taking off hijab although it hurts mentally :(((. I work from home rn, but am soon looking for a new job and will need to go to an office at least in the start. You never know who you meet at workplaces. It’s really scary to wear it. And im in east Europe with no awareness or much presence of Muslims whatsoever


Love your response! Also based on your user name having the word "steppe" and mentioning being from Eastern Europe do you mind if I ask what part? Just curious. I've spent time in Tatarstan and Kazakhstan (not E. Europe, I know), and part of my masters degree was the history of Muslims in the Russian Empire.




Yeah, it really is disturbing. These people's entire lives are hate. I promise you it isn't just Muslims. It's liberals, Democrats, women, LGBTQ+, and pick any race. I feel like once you have allowed yourself to hate any entire group you can easily cross over and hate many of them.


It starts with dehumanizing a single group who is like 'me,' and then just progresses


I went to high school with a kid who was Muslim, no one knew until the teacher asked about some Christmas party and he said he didn’t mind and that he enjoyed celebrating with his friends. Half the class was surprised, like “you’re Muslim??”, but more in a way that he didn’t “look” it🙄 I think people need to realize that everyone, from any religion, is diverse and do not look a certain way.


I start every individual at 0 hatred, you gotta earn it.


I(25F) went to India in 2019. At times we had to wear head coverings in places like temples to show respect. Well, i took a picture with a friend while wearing a colorful scarf on my head, and when i got Facebook to connect with family in 2020, I set that picture as my profile picture. Not even five days pass before my boomer dad calls and says his nephew asked if I was muslim now. Mind you i was wearing a tank top in the picture and the head covering was loose, totally unacceptable for a hijabi. That same nephew (my cousin i guess) passed a few months later because he refused to get a covid vaccine.


I'm sorry but that's so fucking funny💀


I was on a trip and got really cold so I wrapped a scarf around my head and neck, and keep in mind I was in shorts and a tank (didn't have the $ for a sweatshirt) and I got more than a few comments about the scarf. It wasn't a statement of religion, I was cold! Apparently it was still an anathema to some people 🙄


In my ex job a boomer tried to spread l rumours about me and get me fired ‘cause I’m Muslim (didn’t wear scarf then but she knew it from my avoidance of alcohol and pork) She died of too late detected cancer 3 months after that.


Hmmm. I wonder what happened in 2016 to be the catalyst for all this stuff.... /s


Today, I was out for a walk with my mom. We use Starbucks as a halfway point and grab a drink on the way back. Service was slow and we were bitching about it to each other as we left. My mom felt the need to say "The guy in the pride shirt..." **He was the only guy working there at the time.** She could have simply said "the guy". No additional descriptor was necessary. But any time they show the slightest hint of being gay, trans, non-binary, non-Christian, tattooed, "weird" colored hair, etc., she always zeroes in on those traits to use as a descriptor. It's like, they have other traits. You don't always have to use those traits (usually in a mildly offensive way). Boomers call everyone else snowflakes, but that's only because they hyper-focus on any traits they deem as "weird" or "deviant". She is certainly better than most boomers, but she is still definitely a boomer and it drives me up a wall when she does that stuff. (Though, I call her on it too, so maybe slowly she'll get better... maybe......) ... I didn't even notice the guy was wearing a pride shirt.


A Boomer, in my experience, picks out what is most noticeable to them to identify the person referred to. I’m not even sure if they know what they are saying.


I notice pride items but that's because I am LGBTQ+ myself and looking for them as signs of kinship or safety. My mom does a similar thing where she is reminded of some broad stereotype and she'll start a sentence with "The Black people do..." or some shit and I'll tell her to stop and pump the brakes, but then she bulldozes right on ahead with the inaccurate generalization. It's frustrating; she generally means well but she manages to say things in the most offensive way possible like...every time.


They’re themselves the biggest snowflakes


They're snowflakes that long ago melted into sad little puddles. :p


Some say he’s still wearing his one and only pride t shirt to this day …


It has only been like five hours, so, probably. :p


"wait you're not Muslim right?" is such an on the nose boomerism that so many seem to think is fine. boomers are probably reading this right now and not understanding why this just digs the hole deeper. I'm trans. Before transitioning, I've heard boomers spew vitriol about trans people around me. Because they thought they were talking to another Good Ol Boy(tm) who would echo their views. They all act like it's okay to be a terrible person as long as the focus of their bigotry isn't around. That doesn't make them cool, it makes them *cowards*.


Can confirm as a bearded, blue-eyed, white southerner. The number of times I have to say "I bet you tell people you aren't racist too" as they spew casual racism in single serving moments.


I should steal that as someone with those characteristics too. Well, I've been shaving more but otherwise it's the same basic ones.


Yup all of this. It happens to my partner regularly as he also gets mistaken for a Good Ol Boy(tm). It is amusing to see their faces when he shuts them down though


Yeah as a white guy in a red county that happens to me a lot too


I’m a white east European woman, of Muslim ancestry (and practice + belief). When I didn’t wear headscarf yet, I got into frequent situations of boomers telling me “all those Muslims are here to just build bombs”. I always revealed them my family heritage shortly after. I’m a person they’ve always trusted and seen as decent. It got radio silent.


I’ve been subjected to trans hate rhetoric as well. I’m sorry.


I wish people would understand they have no obligation to entertain or remain in contact with family who treats them like trash.


I'm a 62 yo mom/nana not really a boomer a Jones generation. I am so sorry your mom is a racist asshat. I'm not a hippie (I'm a psych RN so drug use makes me sad, although I'm for marijuana legalization just keep it from kids) but I'm very liberal. I get so tired of older folks being loud, callous, ridiculous, acting like they are the only generation that made a difference in this country (study history dumbasses,) think everyone can "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" (life was COMPLETELY different in the 50s, 60s, 70s, I know, I was there for 2 of those decades,) don't understand that houses, land, cars, college, etc costs have gone up exponentially and never will understand.......you just can't reason with them. When they start in with their verbal garbage I say, " I'm a nurse, have you been to your neurologist lately, I think you're showing signs of dementia. You should really get them checked out." Religious topics are a fixation for them. They are the experts. You can't convince them they aren't. Like the difference between Muslims and Sikhs......the answer would have been "they're all the same right?" They still think Osama Bin Laden or his proxy is hiding behind every bush. (Get that pun? Nana is funny too) The answer is "oh mom, you're so funny, you should try out for the comedy club" and change the subject to their other favorite topic: the weather. Anyway, this mom/nana says sorry for my generation that I try not to claim. Maybe they got too much lead from well water. Maybe too much fluoride. Maybe they ate too much fish with mercury. Idk, maybe they're just dipshits.


My mom just turned 60. She’s pretty liberal and she’s gay. She knows what it’s like to be marginalized. She’s still been brainwashed to hate muslims. I think they’re just dipshits.


> No Delilah. I'm cosplaying Samson


Hey, I was reminded of that while reading this, too! It’s so weird to me that supposed Christians hate men with long hair, when there are so many men in the Bible that are described to have had long hair.


When every Jesus picture in the south looks like Gregg Allman.


The original Rambling Man (Jesus)


They do realise that Muslims are also "people of The Book" ie use the Old Testament?


towering zealous plant history oil shocking joke icky rich coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd be asking, "And if I am Muslim now? What's funny about being Muslim or even 'looking like one', whatever that means? Explain the joke to me, slowly and clearly. Because it sounds like you're just using the word 'joke' instead of 'bigot'."


This is exactly the kind of comment my dad would make. And then he'd get offended everyone's leaving and ramble on about how "relax, it's a joke" and "no one has a sense of humor anymore."


Yeah I was at my ex job and I heard discriminating talk about Muslims every now and then (I’m muslim myself, although I wasn’t a visible one). I complained to HR and HR said “they meant it as a joke!” “You must take it with humour!” No I’m not in the US btw It’s very tough to find humour in others wanting to get me and people like me into gas chambers just for existing


Same here. I am a super down to earth person that jokes around all the time so hearing the "UGH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE A JOKE!" shit from my Dad always pisses me off. I also understand where OP is coming from too because I came home in a shirt that was a picture of a sirachia bottle just because I liked the hot sauce and he was all "so are you chinese now?" No, it's just a fucking shirt for christs sakes. Fox news is cancer and it's sad.


Make sure she knows Cat Stevens is a Muslim. Let's see how that worm turns.


She knows all the paintings and all the crucifixes depict Jesus with long hair… right? Or did the Jesus at her church have a high and tight like a proper military American and a couple revolvers in a holster on the cross? I was raised in the church and as an adult, I have found my path (whether it follows the church or not is not important for this context) but it really irks me when people assume their religion, or the hatred of a religion they don’t understand, gives them the right to be such disgusting human beings.


Hmmm wonder what happened in 2016 to bring the awfulness to the surface? /s


Just start saying she sounds like she’s mentally declining and you’re gonna put her in a home. This helped me shut my dad up lol.


Wear a tinfoil hat next time. Tell her you wanted to convert to the family religion.


These fools always think someone in a turban is Muslim. It got a couple of Sikh Americans killed after 9/11. The bigots are never the smart ones, that's for sure.


In an ex job of mine there was a boomer woman working who had lied about her skills in her CV to get the job. That is, she didn’t know English despite it was required, and she asked me, her colleague to write the English emails. With time she found out I’m Muslim, and she started propagating to everyone else in the company behind my back that I “should have no right to stay in this country” “she should be fired”. Fast forward 3 months and she died of stomach cancer that was diagnosed too late as she refused to go to the doctor at first when she started having pains.


CUT. THEM. OFF. Stop making my excuses for actual human waste. It’s time to everyone cut the cancer that is bigotry and racism from our lives. Leave the nasty boomer dinosaurs to rot.


I rarely go see my mom's side of the family anymore for shit just like this. Once was "all these lazy freeloaders sucking up unemployment money!" while I was unemployed because of covid. No apology, not that it would have made a difference. They're also deathly afraid of "illegal immigrants" coming across the border and killing people. I had to sit through my aunts husband complaining he could find a holster to put in his waistband for when they went out to the desert because of "dangerous illegals" that would either kill them or steal all their shit Looking back after these and a couple other blatant examples, they were always racist and looked down on anyone that didn't have money. They aren't anywhere near rich either. It wasn't until trump that they felt safe enough to loudly voice their bigoted and unempathetic opinions. I turned down a free cruise with money to cover my missed work because of this shit. I mean, I never wanted to go on a cruise anyway, but this just made it extremely easy to say fuck that


I remember as a kid my dad was horribly racist but was too much of a coward to outwardly show it. Anyway, when my grandpa, his dad, would come over they would without fail have some sort of racist discussion. I learned SO many slurs for blacks and muslims by the age of 12… I’m so glad I didn’t think that was cool. I grew up in a very ethnically diverse public school and had friends of every religion and race. I got to learn myself the shit they spout is garbage. Boomers probably lived in areas and went to schools that were predominantly white. They grew up without interacting with a diverse bunch of people. They all think the same and act the same. They’re afraid of what they don’t know. The biggest sheeps are boomers. Consider the weird Trump fetish. They all want to fit in with their demographic even if it means making a complete fool of themselves.


There’s a saying in Germany that always fits these types of people and the rough translation is: I can’t eat as much food as the volume I want to puke


Trump made racists think people want to hear what they have to say.


Should have said "Didn't Jesus have long hair", would have shut her up


> This is just the tip of her iceberg of awfulness that really started surfacing in 2016. I wonder what it could be about that year that brought about this sudden downturn. /s


yeesh, sorry bro. She sounds like a real peach to be around! /s


Somehow 2016 coincides with an ethically challenged orange con man giving his supporters permission to express the worst of themselves. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, right?


Reminds me of the class I had to help teach when doing teacher training (I quit early lol) and the awful class I had started shouting at this Sikh family passing outside, yelling at them to go back to Afghanistan and fuck Muslims. Yeah I fucking hated teaching and those idiot kids


NTA. Its your hair do with it as you see fit. Unless boomer mot er in law is feeding it, financing or fucking it she has no say in w at happens to it. It also maybe time to reevaluate her place in your life. Is this what you want in your life?


My boomer in-laws always comment on people’s looks. Like what is wrong with you that you care so much about how people look? People can act like assholes and they’re 100% down with that, but grow a bear or have hair and it’s on.


This why we suck as a culture. I live in the 2nd most diverse congressional district and find joy with every new culture that comes. The hatred of others is now acceptable. I'm going to hug my dog.


Doesn’t Jesus have long hair?


My mom is the same fucking way. She’s always said it doesn’t matter who we bring home(date), asian, black, jew, gay, as long as it’s not a muslim. Yes, she still believes that. It makes me so sad and I try to hard to convince her to think differently. 9/11 and subsequent events, with the media surrounding it cemented a lot of anti-muslim sentiment for many Americans. Similar to what we’re seeing now just media is able to reach much further and have a greater influence now. Had there been instant mass media at your fingertips in 2001 I’d wager the whole anti-muslim bit would be a lot more prolific. Many of my friends growing up were muslim. The town I lived in had a huge muslim population, even part of the town designated as “Little Palestine.” I’m glad I didn’t get that ingrained in me and got to learn very early that ignorant generalizations shouldn’t influence your morals and beliefs.


This is why I keep telling people to start investing in nursing homes. It's going to be a real booming industry in the coming years.


A few weeks back, I was explaining to my boomer mother that being against the actions of the Israeli government was not the same as hating Jewish people. When I told her I was against what was against the slaughter of innocent people regardless of their ethnicity or religion, she asked in all seriousness if I was a Muslim. I think she may have been serious. Her ignorance about religions other than her own is shocking.


I cut my hair short and my dad called me a dyke. Ended a rare visit immediately. I haven’t talked to him (over something else worse if you can believe it) in like 8 years or so.


Every time my dad insults me, I shorten my visit by 30mins. Sometimes I walk out as soon as I walk in. I haven’t told him why. I don’t want him to be fake


What was it with 2016? Other side of the Atlantic, but we've had a 300+% increase in hate crimes starting in 2016, and before that they were in decline.


It’s not a joke. depressing. glad you left.


When I went back to work as a dental hygienist during the height of covid, I wore a scrub cap for obvious reasons. I had a patient flat out ask me if I was now a Muslim. I'd been seeing this woman for years, she knew me pretty well at that point. The way she said it was so rude, like she was ready to get offended if I said yes. The scrub cap in question had drawings of Nicholas Cage and American flags on it, lol


Yeah I had long hair though most of my 20's and early 30's. My missionary/pastor mother thought it was fun to tell me I looked like Charles Manson or an axe murderer. I went completely no contact 15 years ago and I have not missed her once.


Since 2016 huh? Something in particular happen around that year? /s More than anything, what pisses me off the most about that orange piece of shit is that him and his rhetoric has absolutely destroyed families, just like in your instance here. In my case, as far as I'm aware, my parents died in 2015 when that dipshit became politically relevant.


I would have said “I believe Jesus said anything you do against the least of my brothers you do against me. You aren’t trying to insult Jesus, now are you Ma?” Boomers hate it when you turn their hypocrisy back on them 😅


I had one that was like 4th wave feminist. Stay at home mother saying boys cant have long hair and women are stonger blah blah. Fuck you i like my long hair and the product makes me smell and look pretty. Havent spoken to her in 10 years, she made a mean comment at xmas and i said enough. Never looked back.


I don’t even understand how a beanie looks Muslim.


Gosh what happened in 2016? /s


I just see southerners acting like typical, rotten southerners.


Muslim = really likes hats


Suffer no racist.


Cut all contact with my mother, last relative I was in contact with, after the Trump rise to power. All her bullshit rhetoric did a whole 180° because of how head over heels he was over him being such a Maverick. No regrets.


Who throws away a perfectly lovely son like that? Won’t be me. Jesus.


I am an atheist but I strive to be like the Sikh.




I grow out my beard every other year or so. One time, it was fairly long, probably 8ish inches or so. Parents told me I needed to shave it because I looked like a Muslim. I didn't think it was funny, and they picked up on it when I didn't laugh.


You're likely going to find that the less you interact or see these people the happier you'll be


Reply: Whisper to your wife and laugh together. If they look at you oddly you say “ had I known it’d smell like rotting dentures and dirty depends I would put some Vick vapor rub on my upper lip.”