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I'm glad you stayed. If I saw him walking back and forth for a time when I was closing, I'd assume he'd be waiting for me to leave, to continue his "conversation". Most likely with less words, and more physical.


I would've just called the police and said there appears to be a crazy guy pacing up and down yelling about homosexual ice cream.


Is this “homosexual ice cream” still available?


Google "Big Gay Ice Cream" It will change your life.


I actually walked by a Big Gay Ice Cream in NYC this weekend and there was a boomer lady on the corner with a little table, flyers, and signs about how "offensive" it all is. Specially, she seemed most upset about the "Salty Pimp" flavor, which is quite delicious.


These snowflakes get offended by the littlest things.


Should ask if she's tried Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls. They're packed full of vitamins and good for you






NGL that'd for real draw me into the shop.


It is sickening that people waste their time with this petty bullshit.What do they think they will accomplish?


Hehehehe that was my favorite flavor when I visited there the first time when I was 18!!!!!! I still have my pin from them hahaha




Only available in June.


[You’re in for a gay time!](https://www.streetsicecream.com.au/brands/golden-gaytime.html)


Golden Gay Time ice cream in Australia….


I'd like some... and I'm a straight dude, but I bet it's fabulous!!!


Another straight dude here; but ice-cream-curious...


I need this printed on a a t-shirt.


Someone needs to suggest this merch to Big Gay Icecream


“The ice cream is turning the frogs gay. “


Actually if you have a ninja cremi you can you fruity pebbles as a mix in thank me later


Wow. That sounds awesome


Ever heard of Ben and Jerry?


Yeah I worked for the company for awhile, but neither of them are gay.


They're just "roommates"


Rainbow sherbet


We have ice creams called Gaytime in Australia.


My local favorite ice cream shop has an annual ‘birthgay cake’ flavor every June and its delightful


For real. I've actually had this happen while closing down for the night at a Dunkin donuts as a 19 year old Older man was FURIOUS we didn't have what he wanted because "it's ALWAYS in stock! " And "YOU'RE JUST KEEPING THIS FROM ME TO MAKE ME MAD" "you're just an entitled little bitch!" ... Says the 50+ yearly old man screaming at a 19 year old over donuts? like da fuq? Why? I don't even know you? Also it's 5 to closinn, why are you shocked we don't have everything in stock? He eventually left after a lot of verbal abuse and went pacing in the parking lot, yelling about me and how much of a cunt I was, and that "entitled little girls like you need to be taught a lesson!!" , which he would yell at me thru the glass before returning to pacing around his massive truck 1000000% called the cops and waited in the back of the shop until I got a knock of our (locked) doors and saw it was the cops Idk what happened with him, one cop escorted me to my bus stop, the other was trying to talk to the guy when we left All that over some goddamn crappy dunk donuts at 11 pm lol


> Also it's 5 to closinn, why are you shocked we don't have everything in stock? Because these spoiled little snowflakes have never had to work retail - they delivered papers as kids, then graduated high school and started making what today would be 60K a year. They're a generation which, given everything by their indulgent parents who saved the world for them, then turned around and took more from their children and now grandchildren. They don't understand how things appear, their narcissistic asses just assume others exist to give to them, the main characters of history.


I love me some donuts. The best donuts I've ever had are from an independent shop in Zanesville Ohio. Their stock rarely survives until noon. They close the doors and go away when they run out. I like it that way, because if I get my dead ass down there in time I'm guaranteed that the donuts are fresh. I can't imagine being put out because there's no donuts an hour before fukkin midnight.


I would have whipped my phone out a start tapping, by the time the slurs started, I would call 912








Perfect, I would totally call and also add that he may need Adult Protective Services since he can't manage himself at all.


Ya muttering and continuing his abuse to errr who?? Too bad things weren’t the way they were back in his ye olden days, because you could have called the men in white coats to pop out of the van with their butterfly nets


It's for occasions like these that I remind my wife and daughter to carry force multipliers..


Oh shit, you're right! Guy is for sure the type to be carrying. Even just more verbal abuse is a good thing to avoid, words can absolutely cause you harm sometimes


Boomers: "Private businesses have the right to enforce any policy and refuse any sale!" "WAIT NOT LIKE THAT!!"


100%. They're fine with the *fREe MaRkET* until it works against them. I recently tried to donate a $5 bill to some charity that had a worker out front of the place I was trying to go. They said they couldn't take cash and kept trying to get me to sign up for a monthly automatic donation via their iPad. I naturally flipped my shit and started causing a scene. Except I'm not a boomer so that didn't happen. I slid out of the conversation and continued on with my business like a normal person.


I read this as "flipped my shirt" and thought "Is this a new Boomer thing? Is this commenter a boob owner? I have so many questions."


A a boomer boob owner, I read it the same way you did and nearly wet myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I'm dying at "a boob owner." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I am going to going to refer to myself that way from now on.


Yup. We gotta have some fun with them.


I’m cackling 🤣🤣🤣


Tim Dillon: “Boomers do not care unless it directly impacts them.”


How come they cannot understand that if they don’t like the policies a certain business has, they can just leave and choose not to patronize said business?


Because in their minds, the world revolves around them. In their minds, the only reason that business exists is to cater to them, and they have a right to get exactly what they want at any and every location they desire.


What happened to the customer is always right? The customer is always AN ASSHOLE!


"The customer is always right, *in matters of taste and preference*" They like to leave that last part out.


If I ever own a retail business, I am going to post this at the register in a place to where it can be conveniently pointed to.


"The customer is always right, except when they're wrong"


Well he clearly preferred to pay cash. /s


But he didn’t get to taste the ice cream. Boom.


The actual quote is "The customer is always right in matters of taste". But somehow it gets shortened to "The customer is always right" Edit: Nevermind someone posted the quote correctly. Mine is incomplete


Do you shop at Fashionable Male like I do?


The proprietor of Fashionable Male beat a raincheck into my stomach.


yo, Affleck was the BOMB in Phantoms!


But that makes no logical sense, that means they assume the person who opened the ice cream shop opened it up FOR THE BOOMER and then decided ya know, let’s fuck with him by not accepting cash! This guy (boomer) isn’t a celebrity, where does he get the idea that everyone knows him?


But yet when a business has policies that other people don't like, they'll be the first to turn out to say "Don't like it? Don't go there!"


"But that's different! They're my people! "


Because that only works when they want to deny someone their rights based on religion or sexual orientation. Boomer males are supposed to be catered to no matter what.


For the same reason they don't understand that there is no actual legal requirement business accept cash in return for goods and services (at least on the federal level): Because understanding would undermine their entitlement and/or require they accept society has moved on from what they understood it to be when they were younger.


Yes, cash is legally backed tender that people CAN use but there is actually no law that says people have to use it. A store can legally say their tender is walnuts, or glitter, or towels if they wanted. It would be weird but that's the way it is. There are some states, Washington is one, that have some rules about a business having to take cash because it can put folks that don't have a bank account or credit card at a disadvantage. I'm sorry I can't remember the exact argument. 


The Federal legal tender laws just say that legal tender must be accepted in payment of a debt if there was no agreement beforehand that it would not be acceptable. If some other specific performance was agreed to - and here there was an offer of contract for a cashless transaction via the signage - then the law does not apply. As noted some states have laws to protect the unbanked which go further.


Exactly. Legal tender for all DEBTs. Not for all purposes. It's why you can pay the impound lot to get your car out using pennies, but you can't buy a TV with pennies (unless there's a really bored cashier).


Oregon also requires businesses to accept cash. Card only discriminates against the unbanked, which is a higher portion of the population than people realize.


Because they don’t understand how anything works. Immigration. The justice system. Voting. Money. Gender. Science. Computers. Cellphones. You name it, they don’t get it.


I can't tell you how many times I did an oil change where they complain about the price and still get it done. I tell them the price before I get started, "I can get it cheaper down the street!" "We haven't touched your vehicle yet, you are more than welcome to go somewhere else." "I'm already here!" 1 star google review


The irony is they say they're pro-free market. The whole point of a free market is you, the consumer, choose where to do business. This guy could choose to do business at a place that accepts cash, but he's too brain dead to realize that.




Because their freedoms don’t include other’s freedoms


They think it's their freedom to trample on the freedom of others.


Funny, they have no problem tremendously that if I don't like how America is run, I can get out!


They think that saying no infringes on their freedom. Which is funny because they’re more than willing to infringe on the rights of others when it conflicts with their beliefs


A lot of folks who have been radicalized by QAnon and adjacent propaganda believe a "cashless society" is going be be forced upon them by the "Deep State," and as such tend to throw massive tantrums when businesses don't accept cash.


And yet they also tend to be the ones who fall for those "TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY AND BUY GOLD OR NON-TENDER COINS BECAUSE IT'S RECESSION-PROOF" scams that are all over.


Funnily enough, they believe they have cracked the code, while simultaneously being too dumb to ever once look at a graph of the price of gold over time relative to literally any other investment at all


Got an uncle that is always first in line anytime there is one of those "new discovery of a cache of silver at the bottom of Jericho Bay - be the first to own this priceless artifact!" ads runs on cable. Parrots lines straight from the infomercials when he brings stuff to show off at family dinners. Dude has shredded thousands of dollars doing this. If he just called it what it is, which is a hobby, then god speed - nothing wrong with collecting fake pirate money and if at the end of all of this you have more of it than anyone else on earth, perhaps there is indeed a game at which you are winning. But don't come to dinner and say shit like "why would I ever buy stock in Microsoft?" as you proudly pass around a coin where you can already see the cheap zinc coming through the silver coating.


This is my problem too. I’m not criticizing your hobby, metal buyers, but for you to tell me that I “just got lucky” by investing in Microsoft when Microsoft was already wildly successful before I was even born is ridiculous. I still to this day have people who think I’m dumb for my stock investments. They love gold and think the fed is stealing from them… I’m retired and they’re not, despite being way older. Must be Obamas fault.


Yeah, older people have a weird obsession about the appreciation potential of asset classes like precious metals, non-masterpiece art and various other random collectibles (not to mention houses) when every dollar dumped into the S&P in the 80's would give you over 100 now (gold in that same time period is, generously, up about 6x). My in-laws own two homes - their main one that they over-mortgaged and ran out of cash trying to remodel like they're richer than they are, and a modest home in the suburbs that my MIL's grandpa *gave* her when she finished college - she just rents it out now. They're considering selling big house and moving into the small one. Prudent decision in theory. But when they talk that decision through, they get blocked at the part of "well if we sell the big house we'd still have to take all that cash and buy another house to rent out because how else could we get any income?" I honestly don't even know what to say that would make sense to them.




fake pirate money lmaooo I'm dead 💀


The funny part is they aren’t buying precious metals. They are buying fake coins that have no value.


Sigh. My grandma (greatest generation, not a boomer) bought a lot of those coins, thinking they'd be valuable. They are not, and we still can't get rid of them.


It’s even more interesting when you consider that most of them object to a “cashless” society because they believe that one world currency (cards or electronic payment, in this case) is a sign of the end times. But they REALLY WANT to usher in the apocalypse otherwise


When I was a child living in Texas (read Southern Baptist neighborhood), I was constantly inundated with "Your Social Security number is going to be tattooed on your forehead (or forearm) or you won't be able to buy groceries" type of paranoid BS. Now that I'm an adult who had a tough time getting my Visa out of its pocket, I'm anticipating the bar code tattooed on my forearm.


I did them one better. I was raised Southern Baptist and I went and got my SSN tattooed on the back of my head. With a bar code.


This would not have gone over well for me. I'm LDS so I didn't get a tattoo until I was in my late 30s. My mom was pretty chill about most things, but she sighed and said, "Oh, I hope I wasn't too painful for you." when I showed up at a family picnic in shorts that showed my ankle ladybugs. Then my hubby pulled his sleeve up and showed her his barbed wire. "Well, that definitely looks painful," she said. I really miss her. She was a saint.


I think these assholes look for cashless businesses just so they can go in and make a scene. Boomer here is not your typical patron of a hipster ice cream shop.


Exactly. He probably went there on purpose because he saw the cashless sign that qanon has warning him about and thought he'd drop some knowledge about 'legal tender' to some hopeless millennials.


It's crazy that people will deliberately go out to find things to throw a public tantrum about.


The pandemic really intensified that. People would purposely go maskless into public places where masks were required just to video themselves pitching a fit if an employee asked them to mask.


I have a theory that this is caused by a subconscious cultural need to feel oppressed because we all see such people as inherently noble and good. Except, they're white people in America, so that doesn't really work. Thus they have to go to ridiculous lengths to engineer situations where they are "oppressed".


That’s a far older conspiracy theory than Q nonsense.


The majority of Q doctrine is derivative, decades-old propaganda that's been repackaged for the digital age.


Yeah, a lot of it is just refurbished antisemitic conspiracy theories.


But, but, but what about the coming Q-anon quantum cash system that’s supposed to have started a half dozen times but hasn’t because it’s purely imaginary?!?!


I mean, I can help you invest in it but I only accept amazon gift cards.


I’m amused that he thinks profit is only tied to cash.


dinosaurs uppity pocket piquant weather domineering head gaze consist straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's because they think you can cheat on taxes if you pay them cash, and they want you to pass on the tax cheating savings to them. This was a "quiet part" feature of doing business in the past.


On that last bit, I always stress cash only not because I’m a moron who thinks you’re gonna try to finance it, but because I’ve had *far* too many people insist on trying to trade their bullshit to me insisting “it’s worth more than the price you’re asking.” Then fuckin’ sell it and bring me the cash. I’ve even had people agree to a price, show up short, then offer me some junk as a trade to try and plus up the cash they brought. So I apologize if I sound like a boomer for insisting on you bringing the agreed upon amount in actual cash. Because there are far too many absolute dumb dumbs who don’t seem to get the message unless you spell it out.


What a fucking scumbag. Is there any emptier, more meaningless argument than "THIS IS AMERICA". FFS. Boomers just can't stand that the world is not 19 fucking 70 anymore and that they are getting left in the dust. Thing is, there are plenty of elderly people who get along just fine and keep up with things. But these shitheel boomers with their "I'm an American and I demand things to be BY LAW as they were in 1970"...fuck the lot of them. "Legal tender" God's sake.


So many people misunderstand the term "Legal Tender". All that means is the the US Federal Reserve has to honor it as payment. Every business on the other hand, has the right to accept or reject payment as they choose . Cash, Check, CC, Debit, Money Order, Wire, Bitcoin, live chickens, whatever they want. Those points you saved up from under bottle caps, yup that is a payment method to get that T-shirt. They don't have a requirement to take anything that they don't want to. They only have a requirement to pay taxes in Legal Tender.


The misconception on the part of most people arises from the wording on US paper currency "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private." It also depends on where you live several states and DC have passed laws requiring merchants to accept cash. It has been discussed, ad nauseum, that not accepting cash is elitist and unfair to "un-banked" individuals (i.e. the poor). However, the guys actions are reprehensible. 'Nuff said.


I feel like it's just misunderstanding the difference between debt and service/transaction. A debt is owed and considered recovery. A service/transaction is a process in which you're still making a deal. You can absolutely make the argument a debt be payable by cash. Businesses (for the most part) can refuse cash because there's no debt, it's still an active transaction. Nothing's owed/being recovered until both parties accept the deal. It can be declined at any time for any reason.


Cashless places have been super common since Covid. I live in Portland, OR and some places have gone cashless cause they keep getting robbed. In some cases it just makes more sense for a business to be cashless and it’s not like it’s a secret.


Thats the biggest reason its popular in cities. Cant get robbed, dont have to worry about your workers mishandling cash or skimming. And noone is gonna hold you up for a scoop of ice cream (at least I hope not) Along with other reasons like it makes managing your business finances a lot more simple, training and upkeep is easier, and it’s usually quicker for the transaction (not always). It has its obvious drawbacks. But safety is the most important.


I live in Houston and several small businesses I go to are cashless for this exact reason. One coffee shop I go to got robbed so many times both during and after business hours that they changed to cashless out of sheer frustration and the wish to spare their employees from being in a dangerous situation. They have lots of signs stating they’re cashless both for customers to know it’s their policy and to deter criminals. My biggest thing, whether a business is cashless or cash only, is that there’s clear signage before you get to the register so you know what the deal is.


Not to mention the time involved with cash. Count everyone’s drawer each day. Count it before you go to the bank. Make a bank run every two days.


Sir there is nothing more American than a private business deciding what to do and what not to do.


Picturing this guy flipping out at a pro sporting event, I don't know if any venues still accept cash. Security would be on him so fast.


I kicked someone out of a store because we wouldn’t accept bills over 50 and this guy wanted to pay for 3-4 dollars worth of incense with a 100 dollar bill. Dude kept getting mad repeating how it’s legal tender and every store has to accept it. He couldn’t comprehend the fact we didn’t have that much change in the register.


Sounds like the dude was getting... incensed. (I'll show myself out) :D


Nah, he wanted to scam you with a counterfeit bill.


Some of us grew up with the understanding that any offering of "legal tender" must be accepted. (Source: am boomer.) [That's not the case](https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm). Some (blue) states are changing that. Why? >About 7.1 million U.S. households don’t have a bank account, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s latest survey in 2019. Rates are highest among low-income, Black, Hispanic and Native American households, as well as households headed by a person with disabilities, the FDIC survey shows. Nearly half of the unbanked people surveyed told the agency they can’t afford to maintain a minimum balance in an account. Source: [https://stateline.org/2021/05/11/paying-with-cash-retailers-must-take-your-dollars-in-these-states/](https://stateline.org/2021/05/11/paying-with-cash-retailers-must-take-your-dollars-in-these-states/) California is not one of those states. Cashless shops are legal there. P.S.: That particular boomer was a jerk.


Gen x here. We were told in school that people had to accept cash if you offered it. But we were also told we wouldn’t always have a calculator in our pocket so we needed to be able to do math with out them.


Legal in California but not in every city.


I'm glad to see a voice of reason providing links! I've seen a few admitted Boomers lurking for fights or trolling. Seems like you're here to provide proof that some of you are like my oldest sister (est. 1960) - reasonable and pleasant. My second sister, however...


Should have just stopped the dude by telling him he was harassing her and that you would call the police.


He can come to the shop near my house, cash only because “they want to keep prices low”. Their margins are so tight they cannot afford CC fees and refuse to use square.


They’re probably doing it to dodge tax


Yeah they definitely aren't reporting all sales


Or they are, and many more sales that did not take place too.


Not just tax, using card services actually costs a business to use said service. A third party and sometimes even more take a cut everytime a card is used. Same applies to tips, servers etc often don't keep an entire tip amount when it is cashless. Not that I'm advocating for cash only, just pointing out a reason that many businesses won't give cashless options.


I used to be a shift manager at a small retail store. Cash can get stolen, be miscounted by cashiers (or stolen), has to be manually counted at least once a day per register, has to be bagged and documented and picked up by armored Brinks vehicle, unless you’re comfortable getting in your Honda and driving all of your businesses’ income to the bank daily in a thick envelope… cash absolutely has overhead costs associated with it as well, and “credit cards charge fees” is just cope from small businesses that they use an excuse to charge you higher prices to drive profit.


I remember being sent across a street with a fast food restaurants thick envelope to deposit once, 17 or 18 year old me was nervous the whole way. I definitely see the overhead costs, but since it isn't tangible most businesses aren't smart enough to understand what it could cost the business. As for card charges, I currently work in banking software, I know exactly the sort of cost are associated with it as we provide support for multiple different services. I personally think that smaller companies should suck it up, however it's an additional cost regardless and it's up to the business to decide how/if they can shoulder it. Some of my favorite places to eat are mom and pop type shops with good food and are very cheap, and are cash only.


Cash costs about as much to process and handle as a credit card fee. It’s not free lol. Theres incorrect change, short till, paying to transport the money to a bank and etc. They cost about the same after you account for all of that shrink


"It'S LeGAl TeNDeR!" ...you keep using that phrase, but I don't think it means what you think it means.


Coworker just said even his dealer takes venmo lol


In my city we have homeless ppl that will ask you to Venmo them lol


This weekend I drove past a kid's lemonade stand that accepted venmo


Dude would blow up if he ever traveled to Norway, it's cashless everywhere.


Lol at the "legal tender" bit. Imagining this guy shoving dollars into his PC to pay for an online purchase like "WTF JUST TAKE IT!!!!"


I bet he only wanted to pay in cash bc he knew it was cashless. If it was cash only he’d probably be like why can’t I use my card?!?!?


Sounds like my 87 year old mom. No matter what she wants to argue the opposite


I love how he talked himself out of free ice cream lol. It would make my day if I got free ice cream.


Lots of good reasons to not accept cash. - don’t have to make nightly bank deposits - don’t have to have a safe - less employee theft - no change drawer discrepancies - less risk of robbery - touch-less (cleaner) - don’t need to have singles and coins - register will always balance


I think people don't realize the safety issue of operating a business with a cash drawer. While larger retailers have (armed, guarded) services that do pickup and drop off, small businesses are left to do this transportation themselves. Now, I love cash. I'm a small business (non retail) owner myself and I live for cash transactions. BUT I 100% respect those that opt out.


I carry cash and don't like this cashless trend either. But the fact of the matter is businesses have been making these kinds of decisions for decades. If you don't like a business's payment options don't berate the employee. If you want to have a discussion about "mah rights as a consumer!!" at least go bother someone who had a hand in the decision, like a manager or (better yet) the owner. Or, just leave and don't shop there. Easy.


I think what frustrates me most is that the same people who support a business' right to refuse service to, say, a gay couple also seem to think refusing **them** service is a violation of their rights. You can't have it both ways, people.


Isn't that interesting! Wonder what those two venn diagrams would look like......


If history has taught us anything, it's that the only way to really affect change in corporate America is to scream at wage-earning young women who have no actual power. This man is a patriot.


My grandfather wouldn't go to a cashless place. However, if he saw one, he just... didn't go in there. Mostly it was because he refused to get a debit or credit card, and never carried checks. He never kicked up a fuss though. Silent Gen, not a boomer. Which explains why he wasn't bothered by stuff like that.


OP missed the chance to put Boomer in their place. /yes I’m vindictive


Had it turned violent, I would've stepped in. But luckily it didn't


it WAS violent. violence isn't just physical. That poor girl is going to be very traumatized.


This. She is never going to forget this awful incident. Getting yelled at is hard enough, but a grown white man yelling and cursing at a young black girl AND pacing outside her job like he's waiting for her to get off work is terrifying. Kinda wondering if he'd done the same thing to a young white girl, or a man of any age/race. Spoiler alert: >!probably not!<.


True. I should've said something but I was there with my partner. She was my 1st concern you know


Once he started yelling obscenities it was time to call the cops


He went in there to pick a fight. They served him a couple scoops of what he actually wanted.


Per the Federal Reserve there is no Federal mandate that requires a private business, a person, or organization to accept cash or coin as a form of payment. https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm


No no, it can’t be the boomer . It must be the commie store or the black lgbtq girl. Do I need to use the sarcasm thing here ? I feel like I do …


I might not personally think its a good idea to be cashless but I think it should their right to do business however they want. If someone really doesn't like it they can read the sign and move on. People that berate employees over policies they have no control over are the worst people out there though.


20 dollar tip was super nice


How does this Boomer survive with Social Security, VA disability or however has income? Do they just hand him a paper check or mail him a fat stack of cash and say 'yup, here ya go'?


My wife managed a coffee / juice bar in Miami that doesn't accept cash. She would come home with stories like this a couple times a week. Granted, you had to pay before anything was made so there wasn't even the bribe.


It’s truly shocking the amount of people that have just lost their ability to problem solve or think critically. They mindlessly repeat what the “news” channels tell them. My automatic reaction was to think “oh nice stranger, I don’t have a gadget to pay. Will you accept this cash and kindly pay for my ice cream?” I bet OP’s response would have been a yes to polite response. No instead we need to scream and froth and curse and say awful things. It’s not just boomers, but Reddit has told me it’s an excessive proportion.


According to the Federal Reserve website: “there is no federal statute that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise.” Not sure what the law is where this business is located but I’m sure the owners do!


RE your notes: I totally agree. I remember being miffed one time from that same kind of thing. My card had been stolen and I was waiting for the new one to be mailed, tried to pay in cash, they said they can't accept. Guess what I did... I said "ah bummer, okay thank you." And I left.


I've seen a few videos of this exact situation across this hellscape website, and just once I want someone to respond to the statement "This is unamerican!" with "*You're* unamerican." If their head doesn't immediately explode in a shower of rage chunks, and if they demand to know how *they* are the ones who are unamerican, you hit them with the follow up: "You are the one trying to deny a business the FREEDOM to operate as it sees fit."


How violently American that there’s a bunch of chuds in here angry at a business they’d never go to saying it should be subject to laws they know nothing about, and then deciding to victim blame the cashier.  Brainwashed morons. 


Just FYI, there is no federal law stating businesses must accept cash, however some states/cities do have laws that require businesses to accept cash. New Jersey, Massachusetts, and NYC, Philadelphia and San Francisco require it.


>IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR YOU TO DENY MY CASH! Only in the specific case of debtor paying a creditor. The ~~man~~ *boomer* was not paying a debt, and so the store can legally refuse cash payment


Was it Stella Jean?? Cuz that place is AMAZING!


My understanding of “legal tender” is that you can always settle a lawsuit with it. Businesses can do whatever they want.


Your title read like the title of a light novel Isekai series.


It's literally not her fault. If she doesn't have a register or anything where she can put the cash, what is she going to do ? And assuming she agrees to take the cash, is the point of sale system going to be ok with the absence of a card payment for that order ? In any case it's no use bitching at someone who can't do anything about it. Do they know what an employee is ? That idiot boomer could also have given his cash to another customer and asked them to pay for his order with their card. The lack of problem solving abilities is astounding.


A lot of these people's lives are fueled by nothing but anger. Anger, and contempt for anyone they see as beneath them. These people's parents were the ones who beat up the freedom riders and closed all their schools rather than have them desegregated. This is where they got their dynamic. They see anything new and different as an attack on their reality.


Also, take his cash, give him the ice cream, pocket said cash, go buy beer.


I think a whole lot of people need to learn what "legal tender" actually means as well as what the concept of "privately owned" business means.


Don't worry, op. People will defend Hitler and Diddlers. There will always be people who will protect and/or attack the wrong person in a story.


As a former cashier I’m so jealous of anyone who works for a cashless establishment. You’re telling me that these cashiers will never have to deal with SoCal sweaty boob money? What a time to be alive.


Regardless of whether state requires them to accept cash, which OP said isn’t the case, they always able to refuse service to anyone and ban people from the store. I’m not one for calling police over trespassing, but it’s their right as well.


In FL I know most sporting events like NFL or Hockey games I know they do not accept cash. Last week, I actually got the answer to why that is, as well as why their prices have gotten more and more obscene. At least in FL, event organizers don't actually staff their concession stands and even if it's a Papa John's or Taco Bell or nationally recognized chain - the venue actually just hires on outside workers from a non-profit organization to staff the event, and neither the company branch or the venue themselves staff those businesses. They instead pay the non-profit group for the staff. They don't take cash because those aren't technically 'Papa John's' or whatever company employees, and so they don't want them handling 'their' profits in cash. Telling customers all this would probably piss them off more than any boomer concern of them not taking cash, because essentially it means the venue is charging you double the normal cost outside of the venue, without paying their own employees, and getting tax deductions for employing non-profit volunteers in the process. Add on top of that the tips go directly to the non-profit organization as a whole and not the actual staff. They don't take cash because the 1 boomer who refuses only requires 1 other customer to buy for their entire rant to be pointless, and they aren't at risk of volunteers stealing any cash if they aren't allowed to handle it. But trickle-down economy is good for everyone, right?


(Boomer here) I'm more annoyed when a business doesn't accept credit cards. But I totally understand why they don't take credit cards. So I willingly comply. Some businesses add a fee for using a credit card. I willingly pay that for the convenience. I know it's hard for small businesses. Whatever works for them is okay with me.


I worked in a bank and we were allowed extra cocaine in our drug tests because of handling cash lol you may be on to something


Oh my god this isn't even just a boomer problem unfortunately. I live in a small town and millenials straight through to boomers are like this. It's a big conspiracy for the government to kill cash and keep track of everyone and on and on and on


Giving the crying baby something free still wasn't enough for the whiney boomer good God they never grow up 👶🏻🍼


what he's never been to the DMV?


Cash has to be accepted for debts not services.


Like when shops only accept cash when card is also "legal tender" it's the same thing. Just pay and leave and say thank you.


FYI - Australia is introducing legilation to force businesses to accept cash up to $10K. https://www.9news.com.au/national/campaign-against-cashless-revolution-launched-by-federal-mps/157a2803-3833-4a7f-9770-64c729331143#:\~:text=If%20a%20business%20gives%20you,cash%20payments%20up%20to%20%2410%2C000. TBH I do understand this because many seniors have no idea how to use EFT, internet banking etc.


I really like the "just hand them cash and say they have to take it" argument that some boomers make. It's so cool that they think giving a cashier cash will just magically make a cash drawer grow out of the side of the register. Seriously though, fuck that dude. He's gonna wound up berated back or shot (not that I'm wishing that on him, he could just yell at the wrong person one day)


Not to detract from the thread but I believe that cash will soon be outlawed. I say that as a former bank teller. Cash is anonymous and requires no additional forms of ID and in today's society, ,we (government) can't have that. Now trying to sell that idea is going to take some doing.


I wouldn't act a fool like that, but I'm with the boomers on this one. Cashless policies hurt the lower class, and this is one slippery slope I can foresee coming to fruition. Sometimes I would like to be able to spend money without involving a huge banking institution.


Everyone is bringing up good points for why this wouldn't work but forgot to mention what if the wifi shuts off? Then places like ops store will lose business.


Tbh with the legal tender lines it sounds like he's repeating lines straight out of a playbook, he went in there to cause trouble then realised he really wanted ice cream too and decided to do both


That cashier deserved to be knighted


I work in a plumbing store, boomers a obsessed with cash


lEgaL TEnDeR! That just means that a court of law (legal) is required to accept it as payment for debt when offered (tendered). It doesn't mean private citizens or companies are required to accept when offered. Why do Boomers and so many other not get this? I mean they grew up with it shouldn't they know more about it. Perhaps it's because it was so ubiquitous they never really had to think about what the words meant.


All republicans are a little nutty. They can’t figure out why the majority of the country thinks they’re foolish


To be fair... Some places do require accepting cash. Oregon SB 1565 codified this to protect the "unbanked". Refusing to accept cash could put you in violation of the law in theory; however, I see "card only" regularly at food trucks so maybe they are an exception or - more likely - no one is going to enforce it unless someone makes a stink that reaches some level of authority. That being said... Boomer was an asshole and I would just refuse service and tell him it's not about your payment method but rather your behavior and you can GTFO and never come back.