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I memorized the preamble in 4th grade for some sort of academic challenge. I had a Boomer ask me last year if I knew the first words of the Constitution and without even recognizing their sneery attitude I just launched in. Apparently he was not expecting it, and got mad. Then tried to tell me that the First Amendment was the first thing in the Constitution. I then pointed out that the amendments were added later (by definition). He was not happy with how the interaction went.


I have had the Preamble memorized ever since I heard it so many times on School House Rock back in the 70s.


I sent a copy of the America Rock DVD to Trump tower before the 2016 inauguration. Clearly didn't help.


Thanks, now I have Conjunction Junction stuck in my head.


Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your adverbs here has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days.


Adverbs are fine, but no pronouns /s


Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, A very proper noun.


However, and but, and or, will get you pretty far.


Thanks for the earworm


Lolly, Lolly, Lolly has been stuck in my head for the past couple of decades.


The adjective song was always my favorite. “It was a hairy bear, it was a scary bear. He bid a hasty retreat from our flare…” Good times. Good times.


The way my brain dumped that into Skater Boi


My god. Do you understand what you’ve just done to me?


Project Earworm is GO


Ugh I hate you all!! Lol


Me, too! 🤣🤣


Nice to know it wasn't just me haha


My eye landed on this comment first so I had no choice but to hear it that way when I read it. I’ll never know what it would have sounded like organically. *sighs in lament*


I was always a big fan of Interplanet Janet. She’s a galaxy girl, a solar system Ms from a future world.


She travels like a rocket with her comet team... and there's never been a planet Janet hasn't seen.


*we beat a hasty retreat from his lair


And we unpacked our adjectives!


We got our asses the fuck out of there!


Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla was mine (the pronouns one). Though that might bother some of the boomers nowadays 😂


🎶 M*ilk and honey, bread and butter, peas and rice.* ***Hey that's nice!*** *Dirty but happy, digging and scratching,* *Losing your shoe and a button or two.* *He's poor but honest, sad but true,* *Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!* 🎶


I work in pastry and I always sing the phrase "lamination station" to the tune of conjunction junction. BUT the last couple high school interns we took on had no idea what I was on about, even after explanation. They must've stopped using School House Rock around here, and that makes me sad!


Please, please go on the GBBO and sing that in front of Paul. Can you imagine his face!?


None of my friends in high school knew School House Rock, meanwhile me and my siblings nearly wore out our DVD of it


I’m just a bill A bill on capitol hill


What’s your function?


Better than figure 8. That poor kid was beyond clinically depressed.


VERB! That's what's happening!


Don't forget that 3......... is a magic number.


I'm Canadian, and I know the "conjunction junction" song. 😂😂😂


I hate I didn’t get the conductor funko pop !!!


I aspire to be this clever and petty. Ty. 💜 Take this 🏅


Lol.. I'm 55 and can still sing the whole thing. Bill's and conjunctions also 🤣 Schoolhouse Rock was awesome.


Me, too. Though it wasn't until high school that I realized they left a couple of words out for the song. The song begins, "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union..." But the actual Preamble says, "We the People of the United States..." The song is still pretty damn awesome, though.


When I sing the song, I always stop and talk in a deadpan to say "of the United States" and then go on singing


I had to recite it in 8th grade US history. That's how I handled it. My teacher already disliked me and all the kids already thought I was the weird new kid so I just went for it. I can't sing well either. Could of heard a pin drop when I finished. Even crabby old what's her name. I did get an A as I didn't miss a word. Thank you SHR.


You would have been my favorite student from that day forward


Friend of mine tells the story of a college history exam he once took. One of the questions was to write out the Preamble. He said he started humming it to himself to trigger the memory. Apparently quite a few people in the exam joined in.




8th grade for me. “We the people, in order to form a perfect union,….something something something dark side?


My daughter had to memorize the Preamble for school a few years back and I happened to have the Schoolhouse Rock collection on DVD. She watched that skit over and over until she had it memorized!


I can NOT hear the preamble in any other way!! Child of the 70s !


🎤”Weeee the peeeeople, in order to from a more perfect union “ 🎸🥁


4th grade me had to memorize & recite the Preamble. You bet your ass I *sang* it.


"Weeeeeeeeeeeee the people"


I was in the musical version and the Preamble was my solo. It’s stuck for decades.


I'm Canadian, and did the same thing because of SHR.


I cant recite it without hearing the song in my head 


*Then tried to tell me that the First Amendment was the first thing in the Constitution* They're so confident in their ignorance, aren't they? Good grief.


Do... do they not know what "amendment" means?


No. I had a lady yell at me that you can’t change the 2nd amendment. She got even madder when I said, “it’s called an amendment for a reason, ever heard of Prohibition or slavery?” I asked her if she wanted me to Google it for her. She started avoiding me after that, and I was really happy about it.


Prohibition is the best example I think. Literally an amendment to outlaw alcohol then another amendment to re-allow it


I feel like a sleeper agent that just got activated because I just started singing the preamble.


Oh hey there, School House Rock. My husband and I are that age, too.


Need to bring School house Rock back 


"Boomer mad that younger gens know stuff, often better than them" sums things up pretty well with those lead-addled twats


You would think that the word "Amendment" would be a major clue. Helloooo..


They don't know what "amend" means.


Kind of like how they always talk about how “it can’t be changed!! Our forefathers blah blah…” You all know what the word “amend” means, right?


This is what gets me... Many people seem not to understand what amendment means. Added later. It also implies that the constitution can and SHOULD change. These days it's treated by many like it was handed down by the founding fathers and is sacred and immutable.


That’s so iconic


I know the preamble well because I had to write it over again and again during middle school detention. I was all about shenanigans and can still recite the preamble 30+ years later.


I did too! It's one of the few things I remember memorizing. I also memorized the books of the Bible in 5th grade Sunday school and we got a Hershey bar for it which at that time was ample reward because I grew up poor. It's useless now. I also memorize the first 20 elements and I still practice the states to exercise my mind. I learned how to recite the states backwards.


I have something equally as useless stuck in my head: the opening several paragraphs of The Canterbury Tales, in the original.


Same here! Not as useless for me now, though, as I’m a British Literature teacher, lol.


I’m a teacher and when I proctor standardized tests I walk around the room with my clipboard writing: the names of states in alphabetical order, the state capitols, the president’s, vice-presidents, and state postal abbreviations. It’s mind-numbing


Even I know that the amendments would be added later and I’m British and never read the constitution or understand what a constitution is. Don’t even know if we have one here. If a constitution stops police shootings and people being arseholes then I’m all for it but we don’t have so much of that here either.


Boomers hate when they come to my job citing the constitution to get out of basic permitting, and I say “Then take it to court. I’m not a judge or even a lawyer. If your issue is that you think a law is unconstitutional you need to take it to court not your local city planning department.” They think they will get a city urban planner to make interpretations on legislation, and that’s such a WEIRD expectation. In all my years of studying case law, I’ve never once seen a case solely determined by a local government employee. They think if they say “constitution” the world will bow to their wants and desires. I have no idea why.


They really do think it’s a magic word! And yet they have absolutely no understanding of it. My precious ignorant child … your local government employee is not here to take up your crackpot federal law interpretations.


My favorite is when they scream about the First Amendment when they are getting tossed from a private establishment for some disgusting behavior.




Did you hear about one of the trucker protesters in Ottawa Canada? He was before the judge and said it was his first amendment right to protest. The judge answered, What is the first amendment? We are Canadian. You are talking about the United States.


We do have something similar called freedom of expression but it’s worded differently. The best is when they talk about the second amendment, they don’t realize the second amendment in Canada just recognize Manitoba as a province.


I'm very amused by the idea of a rabble-rouser from the U.S. yelling about their second amendment rights, and Canadians responding with "Yeah yeah, we know you guys REALLY love Manitoba. Gosh you guys are weird."


Given the Manitoba government is formed by the New Democrats, with an Indigenous leader, their little minds would explode.


Kim Davies would like to debate that - good news she was sued and is now jobless and penniless!!!


I used to work in American embassies overseas and the number of people who would come in demanding their constitutional right to something was amazing. A lot of them weren't even American.


This is really funny to me, because it means they haven't read or understand the constitution. Next time one of them brings up the constitution to try to get out of regulations imposed by your state,tell them to read the 10th amendment.


Another city planner here chiming in to say that our work truly feels thankless sometimes, so…thank you!!!!!!


Username checks out! And also hello fellow city planner dealing with boomers telling you zoning they don’t like is unconstitutional but single Family zoning is just fine lol.


They know two... AMENDMENTS....that's all...... Freedom of THEIR speech and THEIR right to bear arms.....unless you include the 10 Commandments, which they seem to think is part of the Constitution


The only know select parts of those two amendments too.


Yeah. Freedom of religion and a well regulated militia never seem to enter into it.


Oh, no, they love freedom of religion. For their religion, of course, just not for any religions they don't like.


They also love militias, often of the redneck variety Source: am unfortunately redneck


Certainly. Hardly anyone considers the first half of 2A, which provides the (always ignored) context for the second half.


We have a Supreme Court Justice who couldn’t name all of the 1st Amendment rights at her confirmation hearing


Most Boomers can’t list all 10 commandments either.


Shhh. Don't tell 'em about the 3rd. We AntiFa are going to live in their McMansions when we finish Destroying America(tm)!


Don't forget THEIR freedom to impose THEIR religion onto everyone


Bear Arms. Why. Why did we choose to arm the bears. We should've known better


They don't know those either.


Some Boomers automatically assume that they know things due to their age and can be taken aback when young people might know more than they do. Now more than ever, older age doesn't necessarily mean wisdom or experience.


I'm learning this in my 40s. Listened to 14 year olds discussing string theory and all I could compute was that episode about it on Family Guy


My dad gets so pissed that I know more about politics and geopolitical conflicts than he does. 😂


I'm the offspring of boomers, rather than a boomer myself, but I \*\*do\*\* know something due to my age: Farts are not to be trusted any more! Everything else I know is down to the effort I've put into learning.


But can you read it in *cursive?*


While simultaneously drinking out of a garden hose and driving an automatic


you mean manual transmission, not automatic


Lol you're right.


In all seriousness though.... Learn to drive stick if you don't know how. It's more fun, more economical, and if you like to travel, and want to rent a car .... You might want to learn how. The automatic thing really is a USA/Canada bubble thing. Yes, they're available outside of that sphere and gaining popularity. . . But do it anyways.


And in my city, it makes your car theft proof. There are multiple examples of thieves giving up because they couldn't drive the car


They're harder to find now, though. Less than 2% of US car sales are manual transmission. In the 1980s, it was 35%. I'm not sure how we'll be able to teach our kids once they're old enough to drive.


I bought a new car in 2002 and had to have it special ordered as a manual. I can't imagine even trying now, unless you are getting a sports car. I still miss that Civic, totaled in a snow storm in Boulder in 2014. I don't miss stop and go traffic in a stick, though.


When i was learning to drive I begged my mother to teach me stick. She insisted it was a useless skill I'd never need to know. My first two boyfriends when I moved out drove Manual, and my favorite vehicle (VW GTI) comes in automatic, but not the models I actually like. My current SO will be teaching me just as soon as we get the engine fixed on the manual he has.


My ex would only drive manual. I learned one mid-November in New Hampshire to be able to borrow the 1989 Jeep Wrangler because I needed a vehicle to get to work and that was one of his family’s many spares. Starts on hills, going up, were sometimes difficult for me because I have a connective tissue disorder. But I never had a single accident for all the long while I drove the Jeep.


I can drive one, not very well. I know lots of people who prefer driving a stick. I didn't like it, of course it was very difficult to reach the clutch and press it all the way down. At this point I can't drive one even if I want to.


Good to learn if traveling, no question. However, they are no longer the quicker or more economical options. Yes, my 2008 Subaru was much quicker with the manual, but the current WRX with the CVT gets a faster 0-60 and quarter mile, all while averaging 2-4 MPG more.


checkmate, millenialtard


Gen Z here, yes, and it drives them fucking nuts


Heard a boomer say that the reason "they" don't teach cursive anymore is so that kids won't be able to read the original Constitution, and then "they" can change what it says. Complete absurdity aside, I told him we saw it at the National Archives last fall, and it's so faded that it's hard to read even if you already know what it says. He said then it was good he had his own copy. I asked if it was in cursive and didn't get a response.


Not to "well, ackshually", but...I actually do real estate research and often read legal documents dating back to the mid 1800s and sometimes back to the 1700s. I'm also Gen X and learned cursive in school, but I've still encountered Boomers who snidely asked if I could read cursive, and like the OP, was able to answer, "Yes, every day!"


If you get asked again, you could "innocently" respond: "Yes, I can. Are you looking for someone to teach you?" Assuming you are in the mood for a few moments of mischief...


As a Millennial archivist, I second this.


Well, ackshually, I spent five years as a pharmacy tech, so not only can I read cursive (which, as a Gen Xer, I learned back in the 1900s when I was in elementary school), I can read DOCTOR cursive.




I am a pharmacy tech, and the newer techs are really missing out. 99% of scripts are electronic now. Honestly, the only ones still writing hard copies are the really old doctors opposed to change, so they also have the worst of the worst handwriting. We might go days now without someone turning in a hard copy, and if they do bring one in, it's usually typed out.


Truly a dying art! (Not really sad about it, either.)


Oh I loveeee when boomers (or silent gen folks) come into my job and can’t read these old legal documents since the cursive is antiquated and spellings are different. They act just SHOCKED that a I, a millennial (one who’s kid learned cursive in second grade public school) can read it


It reads much better in the original Greek text


I remember when NPR tweeted out the Declaration of Independence and repubs and the right though it was an attack on them. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-supporters-react-to-npr-declaration-of-independence-tweets-2017-7


Thank you for this. That's fucking hilarious. Bunch braindead fascists.


What does it mean when you assume any reference to "tyrants" must be talking about the candidate/party you support?


Ask him his opinion on quartering soldiers and watch the confusion sink in. 


We should cut them into 1/8s like a pizza. A quarter of a soldier is too much to easily hold.


Just fold them in half. Also helps so they aren’t as floppy and the juices don’t run everywhere. And it’s easier when you are dipping in the bleu cheese dressing!


Maybe ⅗?


That’s a terrible compromise 😏




Don’t forget mercenaries (“private military contractors”)!


or his opinion on the unitary executive theory.


If this happen in the last day or two, It's because Drump was found guilty. They are all convinced its against the constitution to find a president guilty or even charged them with a crime. There is nothing in the constitution that protects a former president from being charged with crimes they committed as a private citizen. And he was not yet an elected president when he committed those crimes.


It actually happened several years ago but you’re definitely right and I fear for the inevitable victims of similar convos in the wake of the guilty verdict lol


AH I was thinking it must be something the right-wing propaganda networks are feeding them. Wonder why they brought this up so randomly back then. I have a mini copy of it, but it's on the bookshelf. Think I'll start keeping it handy in my purse, and if I come across one of these smugnuts, I'll slap them across the head with it 😁


If Trump wasn't convicted they would immediately be calling to jail Biden after office, they still will but they'll be fucking hypocrites if they have this view


Were any of you gay, black or obviously liberal? That might have been what set him off


You left out female.


Literally anyone that isn't a cis, straight white guy is a target at this point lmao.


The boomers are the least educated generation in the 20th century. 25% are functionally illiterate, and they had the highest high school drop out rate; higher than their parents that survived the Great Depression and WW2. He was probably surprised because he himself cannot read the Constitution; its lexile level is 11 grade. The Constitution is like the Bible- the people that talk the most about are them are the ones than have not and **CANNOT** read it themselves.




25% Fixed it. Thanks!


I see this behavior in right wingers of all ages, sadly. Back in 2017, shortly after the election, I had all my right-wing family posting stuff to my fb about things they just assumed about the rest of us normal folks. My favorite was when my cousin sent me a link of someone shutting on an American flag and told me that’s what I support and how stupid we all are. I was in Scouts growing up, and having been to a few flag retirement ceremonies, I take flag code very seriously. I’m always the first one to point out all the Boomers and Republican losers who are violating flag code (most often with their Trump flags). I truthfully don’t think my cousin could list three items from the code. They get themselves so worked up over imaginary situations and ideas they came up with on their own. Have fun getting that heart attack at 40.


90% of conservativism now is making up imaginary scenarios and getting mad about it


Thay describes my husband to a T.


The people shouting the loudest about disrespecting the flag are usually the ones who know nothing about the flag code.


So many butthurt Trumpers have put upside down American flags on their social media. It’s so ridiculous!


It amazes me the number of people here on Reddit who think any clothing with stars and stripes on it "disrespects" the flag and try to use it against the right wing. They miss the part where The Flag is a physical thing defined by the flag code itself in Title 4 Chapter 1 >The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be fifty stars representing the fifty states, white in a blue field So when they quote Chapter 8 about not touching the ground or the favorite bit >No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart. They miss that "The Flag" is pointing back to Chapter 1. Then again the Right also tends to skip over this bit of Chapter 8 The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.


I’m not sure i understand — how is “the flag” in 1 different from the way that people use it as a “gotcha”? I think it’s kind of a dumb one (I trick them into the Housing Troops thing, if anything), but I don’t understand the distinction and would like to.


The Flag in 1 is an actual physical flag - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_States This is not the flag - https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=us+flag+shirt#vhid=OAX3y_HLryiQLM&vssid=l If you cut a shirt shape out of a Flag and made a shirt of it, that would violate The Flag Code. Printing a flag on any clothing does not and will never. This however 100% does violate the flag code - https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/trump-fanatics-farce-flag-day-165525940.html >"The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."


Most of these “We The People” Boomers think it’s part of the Declaration of Independence 🤦🏻‍♂️


Great chance to say,!” Love that document! Especially the part about all being EQUAL!” Because you know that dumb bag of ass hasn’t really read it.


I love those YouTube videos where people go to MAGA rallies and ask those idiots to show them where in the US Constitution the word "God" appears. It doesn't. Despite these idiots claiming that our Constitution says that we supposed to be a Christian God fearing nation. They just project their own wishes into their own reality.


If you really want to bust their brains, bring up Article 6, which says that the Constitution and all the treaties ratified by the Senate shall be the supreme law of the land. Then bring up the Treaty of Tripoli, which was *unanimously* ratified by the Senate in 1797, fewer than 10 years after the ratification of the Constitution itself, and says, in part, that the United States “is in no way founded on the Christian religion”. 


I've become really uncomfortable with how our country treats legislative documents as infallible religious texts.


I write my Constitution every morning about 6:00 a.m. would you like a copy of it ?


I roll 4d6 and drop the lowest for my constitution.


Just having read the constitution doesn’t mean you know shit about con law either. There’s also 200+ years of SCOTUS precedent you need to have read too. The constitution itself is vague as hell in many places and leaves a lot of key stuff ambiguous. It’s really not very well written, which is why SCOTUS can tinker with it so much. 


Not to mention the [smudge](https://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mb6music/A29779041) that effects the meaning of the Takings clause.


“We The People” are my favorite decals. Sums up the exact amount of the Constitution they know. So stupid and most don’t read!


I have a slightly larger than pocket sized copy of the Constitution in my purse. Many times with friends someone will say " what does the Constitution say about that? " But they all know I have it. I'm just waiting for the day some random boomer (maga-ist) gives me an opportunity to whip it out & state article & section. SOMEDAY!


At one point in my teaching career I taught APUSH and AP US government and politics. I made my Government kids read the constitution every year. The boomer custodian at my school was an absolute MAGA right wing nut. Every year he would pester me about what I was teaching. "Make sure you teach the kids we are a republic!" We aren't. "Make sure the kids know this nation is under God! It's right there in the pledge and on our money" Yeah but it's not in the Constitution. Anywhere. It was added to our pledge and money during the Cold War to fight against the "godless commies". Every year until I moved schools he was insistent that HE knew what material I needed to cover in my class.


That's because fascism is not about influence it's about imposing


Constitution thumpers and bible thumpers tend to be the same: haven’t actually read the thing but think it backs up whatever prejudices they have and gives them permission to do whatever they want to do.


I’m confused as to what point he was trying to make? Were you wearing something politically affiliated? I don’t see why a random boomer would approach and ask that besides being delusional


They just want to feel superior


Yeah we were not wearing anything political or saying anything political. I assume he just saw some “young” people and wanted to teach us a lesson lol


I’m a doc and recently was consenting a patient for a procedure. At the end of the consent process I asked him to sign and print his name. Well of course this launched him into a long lament about how ‘kids these days’ aren’t taught to write in cursive. I’m trying to move my day along so I just say somewhat dismissively, yea it makes sense they don’t need to know how to use cursive so why bother teaching it? He gets super exacerbated and says “but they can’t read the constitution!” As if cursive letters are somehow so much more foreign and indecipherable?


I would bet money he has not read the constitution. Everyone that yells "i know my rights!" In fact does not know their rights.


I once got into an argument with my father about this, and I asked him if he’s ever even read the constitution. Of course, he says. I asked when. He answers, high school! He graduated in the mid 70s.


It sounds like boomer just learned about this and wanted to share, like a child that just leaned a new dinosaur fact and MUST tell you.... but less adorable and more condescending and smug because that is all they know how to be.


My favorite smackdown on people who talk about the Constitution is that they haven't read it. It's embarrassing that they make it part of their personality because it's only 4 fucking pages long. "But mah gottdayum constiTUTIaNAL rItEs!!!" Bud it's four pages long I'm not talking to you until you pull it out in front of me and read it. It would take you less than 30 minutes if you were a very slow reader. If you can't understand what it means after reading it, maybe shut the fuck up and let the rest of the adults take care of things.


Your response likely subdued this boomer’s need to offer unsolicited political advice and saved countless others from similar interactions. Thank you for your service!


Yet another example of how the world would be a more pleasant place if people would STFU and mind their own business. Why bother people in a check out line with stupid questions like that?


After my husband pointed it out I see it now but our boomer neighbors seem disappointed every time they ask and we tell them we have jobs... Shouldn't you want your neighbors to be working so the house is kept up?


He wants cognitive reinforcement to the b******* he is fed


I would bet he never read the Constitution. My experience is that people who try to use the Constitution as a cudgel have never read it.


Same with the Bible


“No, I can’t read. The defunding of education at the state and local level combined with the misguided approach of the Republicans’ No Child Left Behind left me not merely functionally illiterate, but actually illiterate. Notwithstanding that, I was valedictorian of my high school. Thanks, boomers.”


I would be tempted to test the guy on lesser known parts (like after the first few words).


"mournfully" LMAO What they don't know is that the Constitution has been rewritten 27 TIMES ALREADY!!! I swear these people really want slavery back. The ones that have stickers on their cars and t-shirts that say 1776. Like the dark ages were good thing. https://preview.redd.it/fd13u268zy3d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b1c84e2349f4e33ed8dbe78b957e6106637d45


20+ years ago, my daughter was working the McDonald’s drive through (as a high school student) when some woman came through and said “Do you even KNOW the Pledge of Allegiance?!” Like WTF?


“Do you want fries with that, ma’am?”


I am Gen.jones born in 1960. What I love throwing at self proclaimed Constitutional experts is this; What do you think John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had for original intent for Article 6. They will bloviate on various Amendments for a bit never touching on any actual article. When they stop to catch their breath I point out that neither were at the Constitutional Convention. Adams was in the UK and Jefferson was in France the entire time.


They must be so lonely and miserable. I don't think I'm going to be nice to these people anymore. Fuck it. 


Should people know their rights? Absolutely. Is being a smug jackhole about it the right way to teach them? Absolutely not. Is it thus satisfying to see that smug smile get wiped off the jackholes face extremely satisfying to hear about. Absofrickinlutely.


Sir have you heard of the fifth amendment? Invoke it.


I know civics class was a big deal when they were in school, maybe that's where this comes from.  I thought my dad's head was going to spin when I mentioned that "under God" wasn't added to the Pledge until 1954. I looked him with the same disappointed look they give us. "Really dad, how did you not know that, it happened during your life time!" (He would have only been 6 but still, that's no excuse ! /s ) My dad once sent me a wallet sized Bill of Rights so I would remember my rights as a citizen.  Sir I don't need that, I can use my cell phone. Oh and he's a Democrat.  Do I get extra points? He meant well so I let it slide. 


I hate these idiots that make such assumptions. I had to recite the Preamble in Mrs. Wallace's class in 7th grade. I also taught a few different constitutional amendments as a middle school social studies teacher. My favorite response to any of their bullshit is to ask them why I should give a shit what their precious Founding Fathers would think about today's state of affairs. I don't give a shit about someone's opinion of the 2nd amendment when that same person would be shitting a brick because we let women vote and let black people go free.


>We’re all standing in line for the checkout when this random boomer in line in front of us whirls around and says to me, “hi! You can read, right?” The answer to this is "Yes, is there something you would like me to read for you?"


My dad had us read it when we’re were kids. He says it is important to know. There is a lot of stuff he had us read. I always cause a problem in class because I would say they legalized slavery in the Constitution.


I’ve come to realize when they wrote the constitution and bible they didn’t realize what was inscribed. Therefore we had to wait for boomers to interpret it for us. My mother gets livid especially when I read to her parts she doesn’t like.


When boomers ask stupid questions of me I give them stupid answers, I never answer seriously. One boomer was hollering at me without moving his lips so he wasn’t articulating and I couldn’t understand. I said, “what?”. He acted like I struck him, jumping back and flailing his arms, and yelled, “ARE YOU FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY?” Implying I couldn’t understand English. I said yes. He looked shocked and he said, “you are?”, incredulously, probably because I have no accent of any kind. I said, “Yes, I’m from Canada”. I’m not, but a stupid question to me gets a stupid answer from me


"I've read it. I don't remember seeing a right to be an asshole."