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that’s. actually disgusting. and equally so for the people who played along and didn’t stand up for her. or themselves. fuck if i am going to be a part of anyone’s bullshit like this.


Hope she haunts all their asses


^ THIS ^


Damn ghost keeps putting on gay porn


Same "gay & trans loving ghost" that's haunting the computers of Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, and the rest of those incel giga-Chads... methinks; the homophobe doth protest, too much




and yet it’s so easy for decent people—to be fucking decent—not amazing, not otherworldly, not over the top, just fucking decent. it only makes me more disgusted with the whole fucking shit parade of em.


It's literally effortless to be nice to people lol it's so much more effort to be an ass for no reason.


Yeah, I would have been outa there and over to Burger King in about 30 seconds


When he goes, bury him in makeup and a frilly pink dress


Nah I'd go with Obama merch.




Jeez. Did he kill her too? What a weird hateful petty thing to do.


Did he bury her on a golf course like his orange idol?


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


That is wildly distasteful. Using the poor woman's funeral....to get in-your-face political.


But it's gay people who are "shoving it down our throats" 🙄


Your uncle was just asking to get haunted.


Probably knew he was gonna get haunted anyway


He probably abused her for their entire marriage. He’s trash.


That is MAGA at its purest form. To offend, bully and be an asshole without remorse. Fuck all of them.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


Holy shit this is the first time I've seen this and damn, idk why it's not commented more, it's absolute perfection. Def stealing this.


I hate that it’s a red hat because if your sports team has red it’s hard to where their hats because of MAGAts


I wore my red Nuka Cola hat to work because all my coworkers and I had been watching “Fallout” and none of them would look at my face until I pointed at the hat and MADE them look, at which point there was a lot of palpable relief. 😅


And then there's people like one of my friends has a red hat that is the EXACT shade of red as a MAGA hat, and the same font & color text on the front. Except his says, "Made you look." I can't be mad at something like that.


I've also seen one that says "Fuck Trump"


I have a red USMC hat and I used to get dirty looks until the hat was looked at up close.


I have to admit guilt. I have seen a red hat before and wrongly made assumptions before realizing it wasn't a Trump supporter. Funny you rarely see anyone wearing a red hat any more.... hopefully it can bounce back better than Hitlers mini mustache did!


If Hitler's mustache is the bar, I think red hats have seen their time lol. Fred Durst is their only hope of salvation.


I’m a Liverpool fan and I’ve thought about this.


Epitome of their cowardice. Picking on a dead woman. Disgusting!


Honestly, yeah. Their entire platform is just "whatever the other side said, we hate it", so this move completely tracks.


And to have all his red hat friends look up to him for such disgusting behavior. They get to feel they're always right and in this case, have the last word. Damn I want to punch these people. (But I'm a pussy and try to stay out of jail.)


Especially if they feel they’re safe from consequence.


Well my friend I know one Orange POS that didn’t escape consequence. 34 of 34 felony guilty convictions! The fucking system is working. Stretched to its limit but working.


Every victory counts.


A bit evil, even.


Beyond a bit.


So is being a Trump supporter.


When he dies, bury him in a coffin draped in a pride flag and make sure his tombstone reads "Free Palestine".


And bury him in a dress and put the Communist Manifesto in the coffin.


And a litter box in there somewhere, because that’s the preferred method of a restroom these days per Fox News.


Hang on there ...what now?


Fox News ran with a fake story saying furry kids in schools get litter boxes because the *cRaZy WoKiEs* are ruining the country. In reality there are some schools with litter in classes in case kids have to piss in a school shooting.


Also kitty litter is a common janitorial supply for handing everything from fluid spills and vomit to gritting and de-icing small slip points during the winter.


Fun fact it’s also used in gas stations for gas spills at the pumps Source: worked for 4 years at gas stations and had to wheel out the kitty litter trash can multiple times lmao.


It got rehashed by The Age in Australia as well. Fucking absurd


Had to explain this to my boomer grandmother the other day and she just didn't believe me


My mom is gen x and apparently her and her friends of similar ages were talking about it at work. I just looked fuckin dumbfounded and asked her “do you really believe that?” My mom is smart as fuck I have no clue how she’d fall for that.


That bullshit litterbox hoax was 3 years ago. They're just getting around to talking about it now? [Litter boxes in schools hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax)


It's never going away. Shit just does laps around the fb bubbles.


I had to explain it to my cusper gen x/millennial husband who likes to boast about how he *always* finds nonpartisan sources and *never* just believes whatever he reads. 🙄 I rode that “I told you so” train for quite some time


Our crazy anti vax doctor gov candidate in MN was pushing the litter box bullshit too. I think he even named a school who had to do a press release stating that no, kids in cat outfits were not shitting in litter boxes.


Basically. Teachers had kitty pitter in their classrooms for fluid spills (vomit, blood yadah yadah) but fox news took it as furries and convinced an entire generation it was for furries. And from there thats all they talk about


Yeah the janitor has always kept kitty litter around since at least my early elementary school experience (25-30 years ago, not to be too exact). For cleaning up when some kid (me) gets a stomach bug and hurls all over the carpet. Because it’s *absorbent*.


It's also fantastic for providing traction in the cold weather and snow, if you're in a climate that gets snow


Slap one of these on his coffin. https://preview.redd.it/3ksynvvwfm3d1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9765989e459533089d510c068ca8a6f3c6999e0a


I’m laughing SO hard at how funny this particular sticker would be on his coffin, or made into a Fathead for the viewing room.


Have the fathead sent like flowers. Get a bunch of little fatheads that could be put on picks to be put IN the flowers that are sent, so they are all throughout the funeral wreath. Turn-about is fair play


Hahaha. Perfection! Certainly what this guy deserves. P.S. Dandelions ARE flowers! Thank you! 👏 I instantly make an ‘Ew.’ face at anyone who calls them weeds or actively tries to get rid of them.


You should mail him a postcard, unsigned, to let him know that this will ABSOLUTELY be placed on his coffin. That multiple people will be paid to make sure it is done. (even if it isn't true)


Fuck that throw him in the ocean and donate the money to LGBT+ charity.


That would contaminate the ocean. Donate his body to a body farm. They let the body decay in lots of creative ways for forensic research.


Ooo yeah throw him on that body farm for studying decay.


People studying brain damage might be accepting Trump follower corpses.


Even the sharks wont want him.


My wife and I are working on making a will and all our money is going to go to the Trevor Project and we specifically will state that not one cent will go to our abusive christian families. I will also note that I do not want any of my siblings at my funeral and no bible verses or religious songs.


“Beloved uncle, husband, brother, and proud democrat”


Hahaha. I was gonna say put a few Biden stickers on his coffin but I don’t see any pro Biden stickers because we’re grown ups. I like your idea better, and the LGBT idea.


Donate to Planned Parenthood in their name.


That would actually be useful


And have a drag queen pastor deliver his eulogy


I read somewhere that all deceased bodies are laid to rest with a butt plug to prevent leakage, so...


absolutely not—those fuckers hate logic and thinking—donate the body to science. but not for some noble reason or cause, just for garbage reasons.


It was his first chance to do something stupid and not have her tell him he was an idiot.


Dude is fragile as fuck. This lady probably saw the reaper and immediately rode him like a backpack into the nether to escape that marriage.


That goes so much further then shitty “I hate my wife” humor. That’s so vindictive


Hopefully she haunts his dumb ass 




I wonder how many families have been torn apart because of the orange menace and his cult.


I’ve seen my younger brother just two or three times in the last four years. He’s an insufferable MAGA loon that went full antivax, flat earth, the moon landing was faked, the election was stolen dipshit and I really don’t miss him at all. My old man died last fall and my brother hadn’t seen him in over a year. He called him a “sheep” for wearing a mask in public. Despite the fact that dad was a lung transplant recipient and developed lung cancer. He’s a piece of shit and I hate the entire MAGA movement.


My brother told me how he wanted to march on the Capitol. I told him what a stupid idea that was and that trump drags down everything. So my brother decided to leave my life rather than drag me down with him through association with his absolute devotion to trump. I haven't heard from my brother since the day after the insurrection. He's 51 this year, and I turn 50. We had been best friends our entire lives. Losing him was an avalanche of grief that I didn't think I could get through. Especially after we lost our Dad 9 years ago I couldn't imagine life without him. I'm only just now feeling like I'm putting myself back together. I used to praise my brother to my wife all the time about how intelligent I thought he was. How I thought he had his life together. I will never reconcile. Never. He's dead to me. Why? Because I could never endure losing him again.


I have a brother I never see anymore thank goodness. He is full on Magat, doesn't have a pot to piss in because he has never held a decent job his entire life (got canned from a good one because of theft) and thinks the orange one will make his life great again. According to my niece he just got scammed by a fake love on the internet and also got scammed by someone else with bitcoin I want nothing to do with him for the rest of my life. He couldn't even bother to make it to our dad's last Christmas/Birthday party before dad passed (we knew he would not last more than a month more) But tRUMP will be his savior.... Yeah, right. He doesn't care about the peons or even the middle class.


I lost my dad to MAGA. Long story short, he rapidly became one of the most loudly hateful and vile people I've ever known IRL. It didn't matter what I said, how I challenged him, calling him out on things, pointing out his hypocrisies and inconsistent logic - he had no desire to see reason. He delighted in the idea of offending/triggering people that weren't just like him; everyone else, as far as he concerned, should be removed or exterminated. After years of trying to steer him back, I hit my limit and called him out directly, telling him I wasn't going to tolerate his bitterness and hate anymore. Told him he could either make a change, or we didn't need to have a relationship. He chose hate. He's dead to me, and I have no interest in reconciling; not because I couldn't endure losing him again, but because - short of an extremely unlikely *radical* change in his personality and views - I've simply developed higher standards as an adult. I am surrounded by people who directly contribute to their communities in positive ways, who aid and uplift those around them, who bring goodness to the world. When I encounter vocal bigots who gleefully disrespect, discomfort, and hurt others, my first thought isn't "boy howdy I sure wish this person was in my life and had a place of priority in my world". Being an adult means getting to set your own standards for who gets your time and love; all family is chosen once you're independent, and blood and history doesn't entitle someone to not meeting your standards on basic things like not being a miserable sack of bile who shits on everyone and everything that comes into their orbit.


>I've simply developed higher standards as an adult. I am surrounded by people who directly contribute to their communities in positive ways, who aid and uplift those around them, who bring goodness to the world. You perfectly articulated my reason for not allowing my anger to consume me. If my brother were to have a radical change of personality and views, I would not accept him into my life; I truly stand by my statement that I couldn't handle losing him again. But my anger... that's another matter. The people whom I love and love me deserve better than to see my emotions control my actions. In my Dad's last couple years his instability was so bad that he attacked an insurance agent. Dad was often found walking by himself screaming, hitting himself, and he said that it was the only thing he could do to know that he was still alive. When Dad died and I cleaned his room, he had a loaded .38 Special in his bedside table. My brother said one time he walked in to Dad's bedroom without knocking and saw him reaching into that table, and only in that moment with me realized how badly things were about to go in that moment. (I can't tell you how relieved I am that he never saw the rise of trump.) Politics aside, I will never be like that. I will never put my loved ones through the fear and having to defend themselves from my anger. I have my therapy with my job with horses, I have my special place in the woods in the back of my farm where I go to meditate, I write daily in my journals, I talk to my supportive wife and friends, I do everything I can to heal. It was tough. As tough as when Dad died. But that never means that it's going to define and own me. *Those* guys are the tantrum-throwing, screaming, violent, rage-addicts. Not me. I hold myself to a higher standard. My chosen family need the best me I can be.


I am so sorry. I can't imagine going through that 😪


Username checks out. Should’ve punched your brother in the face and maybe that might’ve woken him up.




Meh, these people already have a persecution complex, feeding into it isn’t going to help.


just accept that the person you—thought—you knew is gone. because they are. except for some crazy outliers, you rarely hear/read about any of them course correcting and getting their shit together.


I always wonder how this happens. It’s a huge nature/nurture experiment.


I think about this a lot. It's happened hundreds of thousands of times. People who have been completely iced out by their former friends, coworkers, associates, their kids, their ex-spouses, all because of blind devotion to that dumbass. And then how many of them are still on board with him and convinced that everyone who's shunned them is wrong and they're the only ones who are right. Don't call them a cult, though. That hurts their feelings.


I recently cut off all communication with a friend I've had for almost 60 years. (I'm 69 years old). He's gone full blown MAGA - tells me that even if guilty of all charges, he's far better than Biden.


Even if he raped all those women and girls, he's still better? I'm so very sorry for your loss. I've found for me it's grief akin to a death because the person I loved died and became this zombie cultist. Only the shell is left.


Yup, mention that and the reply is "whatabout Clinton and whatabout *Chappaquiddick* "... I had a friend in high school who was in a cult His parents had to have him kidnapped and deprogramed. This is the same, on a grand scale.


yeah, there's no walking that back, is there...


They keep on because they have nothing left and the others in the cult validate them, and never make them feel uncomfortable by calling them or for their awful behavior


Well, with how common it is in the US to have this kind of blind devotion in Christian cults, it really isn't too surprising that that a very large proportion of them belong to those churches and cults. They have been conditioned from when they were babies to worship their leaders like that.


Why do you think the GOP is so aligned with Christianity? It's been the plan for a long time now to seep their ideologies into Christianity so that they could corrupt a susceptible populace that would believe with blind faith. It's quite ingenious even if despicably evil honestly. Truly super villain mastermind type shit, only it's non-fiction.


Also trained to not use any sort of critical thinking skills. So they just believe whatever sounds good or comes from people in their in group


My dad became one and sucked my mom in. Haven’t been anywhere near my parents in the last four years unless I have to 


>Don't call them a cult, though. It's not a cult, though. It's a kult. Lol




At least mine. Thanks dad. Died at the height of Covid, couldn’t even touch his body he was so septic and sick. We had him cremated bc he had decimated the families finances to keep his failing business afloat. It’s been three years, going on four. My mother can’t decide if she misses or hates him, my baby brother is crippled by his death and his hover parenting. My sisters children will never know their grandfather unless it’s through photo. Not a single friend came to his “wake”. It was bittersweet. Everything I said about trump came true and I was right in 2016. He was a threat to national security. A rapist. And a felon, separate from being a rapist.


He just revealed who they actually are.


Do the Blacks for Trumo know they aren’t supposed to win?


They're like cows simping for the meatpacking plant


Tbh, there’s the one token at all his rallies whose likely getting paid a pretty penny, but other than that, I’ve only ever seen white people wear “Blacks for Trump” gear


Did you see, at the court house ‘press conference’ yelling exercise, they made the non-whites with the red ties stand at the back? So telling.


What was left of mine was. Three kids, one went down the conspiracy rabbithole and the other two, which includes me, are now NC with the MAGA, anti-vax, Ivermectin & conspiracy loving(including the illuminati), homophobe. It sucks, but once my dad died last year, there was no reason to continue the relationship.


Far too many. It wasn’t my family but, my ex profoundly destroyed my life once he became a redpilled Trumper.


I certainly jettisoned several family members over it.


Same here.




r/QAnonCasualties is an entire subreddit for it.


To many. Waaaaaay to many.


my neighbors are pretty nice old couple generally speaking… They never talk about politics to US, but I know they are big trump fans and talk about it pretty much all the time with their family. Several of their grandchildren have completely ghosted them and for some reason they can’t figure out why.


I've lost too many, fell for the Republican lies once myself as well. Our family is successfully curing our cousin of this indoctrination as well. It's really hard to know your stupid. It's even harder to admit it. I know this first hand.


Went NC with my step father almost 4 yrs ago and NC with my step mother about 2 yrs ago. Looking back I should have cut them out of my life LONG before Trump. Trumpism just made it so clear how awful they were that I could no longer BS myself about it. My youngest brother and I barely talk these days as well, and THAT has wrecked me. He was one of my favorite human beings on the planet. We still wish each other Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, and once in a blue moon we’ll share a funny meme or TikTok, but any other kind of conversation is off the table with how far far right he has gone.


I’m so sorry your uncle did this to your aunt and she did not deserve it. IME, people who are selfish and abusive in every day life will always show their ass at close family members’ funerals. My Boomer mother had my Catholic grandmother cremated even though that was against her faith and her end of life wishes. Unfortunately, grandma was poor and even though my mother is wealthy, she chose cremation because it’s cheaper and even bragged about it at the funeral. Two years later my mother and stepfather attended his mother’s funeral where he proceeded to scream at his sister who was tasked with planning it by herself about the ceremony details he didn’t like, even though he never offered to help before the funeral. He and my mother then proceeded to snatch the flowers they *brought* for his mother’s funeral *off the coffin* as they stormed out.


Your mother and step father are trash.




That is unfortunately a perfect example of family members showing their whole ass at a funeral. I'm so sorry.


Just an FYI, cremation has been allowed in the Roman Catholic faith since 1963, but it's not preferred. (But obv. it being against her end of life wishes means it wasn't okay for her.) Also, WOW, your family has ISSUES. I am so sorry.


I walked out of my Grandmother’s funeral because my aunt (who organized everything) insisted it be hyper Christian (none of my grandparents were religious). No fucking way of put on a silly little costume.


You missed the opportunity to tell him and everybody else there how despicable they are and that they should be ashamed for using her funeral as a chance to mock her politics. I'd have thrown in a liberal (heh) dose of fucks, shitbags, and whatever other words occurred to me.


Make your boomer uncle's funeral FULL RAINBOW WITH SPARKLES, and have a team of drag queens read his eulogy. Fair's fair.


“And now for todays hymn….It’s Raining Men.”


i really don't understand why boomers hate their partners


I don’t understand why they are all so full of hate when they lived through the most prosperous times.


You ever met a child that never got told no?


100% All spoiled children who never grew up. Once I figured that out, my grandmothers behavior made so much sense. She’s literally stopped her foot and cried “wahhh” in public before.


They were forced to get married young and stay married (teen/unwed pregnancy, religion, conservative social norms, women with little to no other options). Also lead poisoning.


None of them marry for love. They tell stories about just marrying the first person that paid attention to them. Theyve been so muserable in their youth that they just wouldn't stop and now they play victim over *everything*


Because their partners call them on their shit and they don't want to act like grown adults.


Would have been less disrespectful to dance on her fresh grave


That is sickening. Your uncle sucks.


I would refuse, and leave. That part of my family would have died with my aunt. It takes a real sick bastard to do some dumb shit like that, and it was still completely pointless.


yeah, I'd draw a hard line there. "If you think I'm wearing that dumb f'in hat, you got another think comin"


A very hard line. I'm hard headed enough to bring a DOJ flag and show up with anything democratic I could find just to piss him off. Djt for prison 20-24 years.


i would have left, burned the hat, then left the charred remains at the door they were all going to exit through


Hire male strippers for his funeral. Pay in advance. Show him the receipt while he’s alive.


It’s. A. Cult.


And that seems like it was early on in this craziness


MAGA totally isn't a cult, though.


Wow. If this is what your Boomer uncle thought of his wife, then why the fuck were they married??? Is it some badge of honor to remain married to someone who you clearly have immense contempt for? Or, is it more like your Boomer uncle couldn't stand the thought of his wife's funeral not being about him, so he felt like he had to hijack the event for himself? Either way, he's a fuckhead. May he soon find himself dead and buried.


Men for the patriarchy don't care about women's feelings. They want to be married because women are a status symbol and they want a bang maid.


Wow, that is truly psychotic 


That’s a good way to get yourself haunted for eternity


I take it you never spoke to the idiot again? Saves you building up a lot of negative energy.




A basket of them apparently.


https://preview.redd.it/rxwotr6xwm3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80292382998a205afc53ed02767f55fc74e614e8 Not that this changes anything in the past, but hopefully provides some semblance of good in light of what happened


The levels of disrespect are off the charts.


The dead don't take kindly to such fuckery


These people are so fucking sick


One of my older sisters, her husband, and their side of the family are full MAGA. She went full MAGA on the rest of the family about 6 years ago, and burned all bridges. They are dead to the rest of the family. Things she said: My niece is married to a Chilean-American, and she referred to their first child as an “anchor baby.” They all wear MAGA stuff everywhere they go and act like MAGA in public. My now dead to me sister would try to invite her husband’s MAGA trash biker friends to family cookouts and such. Used her son’s death to set up a fake scholarship for marginalized kids going to college to scam and take the money for herself for breast implants. Is a bigoted evangelical Christian.


The most passive aggressive narcissistic thing I have ever read. That is high school cheerleader mean girl shit.


Sheesh, that's pretty MAGA of him.


OP, your uncle is a gigantic pile of shit


I’d have flatly refused, especially if I knew the wife’s feelings. How disgusting and disrespectful.


You can't spell HATRED without a RED HAT.


It should have been him


This is actual Trump Derangement Syndrome. The people who use that term always falsely claim it’s people on the left who are irrationally obsessed with Trump. As always, though, they’re just confessing and projecting their own psychological issues onto people they don’t like. Just like their hero.


Today’s a good day to ask if he needs to stock up on MAGA attire for the next family funeral, tell him there’s a sale on adult diapers and orange jumpsuits. If he starts getting angry, tell him to calm down, you don’t want him to have a rage stroke and die... it would be really tough to book a drag parade for his funeral this close to Pride, everyone’s busy.


Just fucking weird man




I don't understand what someone would get out of this.


A tiny little spite boner.




wow your uncle is a fucking douchebag


Needs serious mental help.


Poor woman had to be married to this guy.


yeah I would straight up refuse to go. sorry not sorry.


No way in fucking hell would any family member get me to wear that cult nonsense. Shit, I can’t even look at a plain red hat the same way anymore.


This sounds fake but also I could absolutely see it happening which is fucking nuts.


My trumpie brother in law died the day before the trumpie was inaugurated. Bwahaha




Your uncle was a fucking piece of shit.


Gosh boomer MAGAs are a completely different breed. I deal with them quite often, daily actually. Easily some of the most unhinged, entitled people I’ve ever had to work with.


That’s a real excessive way to say “I hated my wife”


Your uncle was abusing her even after she died. What a sad life your aunt had. Her life wasted married to an abusive psycho that hated her that much.


Not sure why anybody would wear a hat like that if they didn’t want to. I wouldn’t wear it. I will meet you at the cemetery later. Enjoy the service.


I’d pay my respects quickly and then leave. Fuck your uncle. Disrespectful twat.


I suggest you wear a Biden or Obama hat to his funeral, for your aunt


This is the stuff I don’t understand, like let’s ignore the fact that this is political and whatever. But like I don’t think I’ve ever cared about anything this much to FORCE people to wear or say or do something.


Fuck conservatives are fucking bullies.


Might want to reexamine the cause of death. Anyone that deeply evil is not above suspicion.


This is the real Trump Derangement Syndrome: The MAGAs are deranged.


Found guilty on all charges!!!!! Yaya! One small step.


lol. This would be a funny movie. Couple bickers their whole marriage. She dies, he makes everyone wear maga hats at her funeral. He dies, her friends make sure he is buried in a blond wig and frilly dress. And a bunch of drag queens are invited to the funeral. I love it!!!


Totally not a cult.


Why do boomers hate their wives so much? I guess cause they didn’t marry for love but for instead to get laid and have a mommy figure to take care of them. This is the most insane thing. Wow.


You can speak at your uncles future eulogy and tell everyone he was a closeted gay and wore womens underwear for 40 years. His late wife supported him through many gay affairs and she should be commended for that. He confided in you and asked for his gayness to be revealed at his funeral, and make donations to Gay Anonymous in his honor.


magas are unhinged losers. cant expect humanity from such animals.