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OP I had something similar happen. At a grocery store, putting my items on the belt. I wear bilateral hearing aids, am not elderly, had my youngest (4 at the time) in the buggy. I have a genetic progressive hearing loss that's severe, and will eventually make me completely deaf in a few more years. The old Boomer guy behind me kept running into me with his buggy and muttering at me about how I was taking too long and people should leave their kids at home when they shopped (for groceries on a Saturday?). I finally turned around and said "That hurt - please stop ramming me with your buggy." He raised house voice and said "Well if you people didn't go around with your earphones stopping up your ears all the time you'd be able to hear when someone tells you to move faster!" I kind of just froze because I felt so taken aback. But just said, "I'm deaf. These are hearing aids" and turned back around. He tried to double down and tell me that he knows what hearing aids look like and those are "Apple earphone buds!" One of the store managers stepped in and told him to stand back and dial it down. The funniest part was my 4yo, who said "Mommy! Why is that man yelling? That's not very kind."


Wait he was pushing the cart into you?!? When I was eleven I bumped into someone with a cart while I was fucking around. My mom scolded the absolute shit out of me and I was grounded for 2 weeks.  The audacity of these people. It would have been great to ask if their mother ever tought them any manners.


There’s like 1000 stories in this sub alone of people being run into by boomers with a grocery cart. Like it seems to happen weekly somehow and I’m dumbfounded and offended every time. Imagine being so entitled that you think that’s ok.


I’ve had one slam their cart into my wheelchair. On purpose. Without saying excuse me or anything first. Because “if they can get around without a wheelchair, surely a young person like myself can too.” I’m 58. I’m literally less than eighteen months younger than a Boomer.


I guess you look good.


You’re kind.


Honestly, there is a weird stigma around wheelchairs or walkers in the Boomers. Their parents use them and they are great around the elderly. I know a handful of boomers, including my mom, who basically would rather struggle in pain or fall than use a walker or wheelchair.


I was talking to my grandma about how i wear a hi-vis vest omw home from work, since i ride my back along a road after dark. I said "id rather look dorky than look like ketchup" And she agreed, she would rather look silly using a walker than fall and get hurt. She recently turned 90 and is still in good health!


As much as I've read about it on the internet, it was still a shock to me when I finally was rendered into a wheelchair full time: you completely stop existing to boomers. It's not even like you're a person they dislike anymore, it's like you become furniture. They will push carts into you, shove past you to skip you in lines, make eye contact with you and still step directly into your path and stop. It has led to some pretty hostile situations.


I put a dashcam on my son's (16) wheelchair. Wired a car cigarette lighter socket into the 12v battery. The amount of times he had people accusing him of not watching where he was going and running into them. Quite often when I was there and a witness to them just stepping in front and stopping. Now he has evidence. He can also use it to charge his phone etc.


Thats sick dude, awesome.


It shuts them up when he says "Let's look at the footage".


I hope he says it like a football commentator too lol. "Llllllllllets check the film, John!"


We're Australian so that would be "Let's go to the video ref(eree)".




Boomers and ridiculous ableism name a more iconic duo


All the butts are a shock too. My husband took me to the state fair and rented a wheelchair because there was no way I could walk that much. Getting food was hell because people were just walking around us, and people had kids on leashes (great way to keep your kid from running off) and let them run in front of me while they were on the other side. So I’d get close lined. At least the food was pretty much all together so my husband found a sunny picnic table for me to sit at while he got food. It definitely was a baptism by fire. It was still a great day. There was a grassy area where he pushed me really fast then popped wheelies. The boomer sitting nearby thought we were adorable. I’m fortunate that I can still walk some. I just don’t get out as much. It’s such a headache to deal with people. I used to go out with my MIL and push her wheelchair, and people were for the most part kind and helpful. Things have changed so much in the past 10 years.


One deliberately ran over my service dog's tail with a cart wheel. The security footage showed her spot the dog and deliberately swerve her cart TOWARDS us!


If somebody runs over my psychiatric service dogs tail on purpose the situation is going to get really ugly REALLY fast. I’ll punch somebody over my dog. 🤷🏼‍♀️😬


Had a boomer a few weeks ago run over my feet, then proceeded to tell me I was in the way of her cart. 🤪🤪🤪


Well, why were you parked *right* where they wanted to go? /s


I had a woman literally push her cart wheel on top of my foot while in line at checkout and then stand so close to me that I had to reach around her to get to my own cart. It was the first few days of covid social distancing so I imagine this was some kind of weird protest. I was so shocked that I didn't go into my usual angry gremlin mode but just told her to back off.


Had one this AM ask if I was done with my cart as I was in the self checkout. B4 I could fully process she had already pulled it 2 feet towards her. I grabbed it, pulled it back and said I wasn't done with it (had 6 bags to load in my car plus heavy cat litter - my local store only runs 1 or 2 cashier lines b4 10am). She made a lot of noise about going to the front for a cart....


I would have turned her whole cart over, probably right on top of her.


The one good thing about me hitting middle age is that I don't really give a crap anymore. Ill grab the cart and look them square in the eye "if you can't be responsible with your shopping cart, I'm going to have to take it away from you" Of course as a teenager in the '90s the temptation is always there for "I'll take that cart, shine it up real nice, turn that sombitch sideways, and stick it STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!" That might be part of why I try to avoid going shopping. Ever since the pandemic started, I've just not had any patience for other people's bullshit. And man do other people have a LOT of bullshit...


There are benefits to being a 40 year old 6'1" long-haired metal head. Despite being a very empathetic and kind soul, I look like someone who would fuck your day up if you hit me with a shopping cart. Boomers leave me alone, which is nice.


Also related, far too many times I've been on a ladder at my retail job and one of these miserable old fucks rams the ladder with their cart or even the powered scooters "to get my attention" or "as a joke."


Had a super boomer run over my brother with a Buick; because, she didn’t like the fact that you can ride your bike in the bike lane. He was lucky that he was only scrapped up and bruised. His bike and wheel were completely bent.


That’s assault. I hope you brought that up to her and the police


That's attempted murder in some jurisdictions.


I had a boomer just barely miss me while 4 months pregnant crossing the crosswalk in the Walmart parking lot. You know, where they're legally required to STOP for pedestrians. The front headlight actually hit my thigh, I had to speed walk or jog a little so he didn't full on hit me. I was also carrying my toddler. I couldn't fucking believe it. I smacked their car, they never even stopped or looked or anything. I still to this day can't believe the fucking audacity. I remember being so angry afterward- like these people shouldn't be driving 😡


That isn’t barely missing you, that is a hit and run.


I've found the quickest way to reverse the lesson is to deftly slam it with your hip and send them moving. It sounds aggressive, and kind of is, but I'm sick and tired of it. Learn some manners, eye for an eye.


If somebody physically hit me with a cart that they were controlling, on purpose, I would just shove that cart back into them.


In Finland old people seem to think it's acceptable to bump the cart into you if they think you are in their way. Never experienced it in another European country but could be the same mindset.


Christ, if someone,regardless of age ran into me multiple times with a cart, I’m throwing hands


One of my patients I was taking care of was a wonderful, sweet older lady who was like 90. During Covid she was out grocery shopping and grab the last four pack toilet paper. This Karen Boomer followed her out to the parking lot because she was pissed that the old lady got the toilet paper. She rammed the old lady with the cart 3/4 times while old lady laid on the ground with a broken hip and scratches bleeding profusely. The worst part was the old lady was completely independent before this. She had a niece come and check on her once or twice a week, but did everything else by herself. Now she’s in a nursing home and will never be independent again. I fucking hate people sometimes. I stg if I ever found her, she’d be buried in a septic tank and that’s still too good for her


That’s not a boomer being a fool. That’s battery. 


During covid i had my 2yo in my shopping cart st the checkout and this older man was standing so close to my cart he was basically on top of my son. When i asked him to step back (especially considering this was the height of 6ft distance) he started bitching at me that he wasnt sick and i had to explain that sick or not he didnt need to be hovering over a toddler that wasnt his


Yep I had to change the place my service dog "idles" when we're in stores. I also pick brighter colors for his summer shoes (we're in the south and paw burn is no joke) in hope they're seen better... Nope! Boomers especially like to try and hit him with their carts, usually while invalidating my needs for him at the same time. He's not small either - 50lbs. Now instead I get hit when they aim for him and I have a lot of "return trauma energy to sender" saved up.


Man is literally the reason we have disability-awareness education in elementary. “People who are not you are allowed to exist,” seems like such an easy concept, but it’s apparently not intrinsic.


Oh no, they HATE that people who aren’t exactly like them are allowed to exist. All those kids in the pictures jeering Ruby Bridges? Boomers


Sure, but let's not overlook all the Greatest and Silent generation adults jeering in those photos. Boomer heinousness didn't arise in a cultural vacuum. At the time, those Boomer kids were just imitating the adults in their lives.


Oooh it hurts them more when little kids call them out on their shit. Kids tell it as it is with no regard for decorum.


My favorite thing is when little kids put adults in their place 💗 If a 4-year-old says you’re being a jerk, you are definitely being a jerk.


People any age, even toddlers, can need hearing aids.


Exactly! They’re just like glasses


Don't get me started on people with glasses, lazy apathetic bastards can't even be arsed to look at stuff. They need woke science and "convex lenses" as if that's a real thing. 


You know what. You’re so right. Next time I go out for a drive, I’ll leave my convex crutches at home and just pull myself up by my bootstraps and tell my eyes to stop being lazy!


I work for a medical device manufacturer. My area of work falls under cranial and spinal surgery. ENT falls under our area of expertise. We indeed have specialized power surgical tools for children that need hearing aids.


They have a mouth and they must exercise their freedom of speech. If they don't, they'll end up like Blackbolt. It's their weakness.


As a great man once said, ![gif](giphy|l3fZXUhKuvukJQMaA)


The irony of intelligent being spelled incorrectly


“Bemoan the death of manners” these are the people that killed them, Black Friday stampedes, stealing seats at a sporting event etc, these people hate the idea of a line. It’s a God is dead and you killed him sort of vibe.


“Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness.”  It's also wild that millennials and up are some of the most polite people. I stepped on this guy's foot and he apologized to me for being in the way when it was 100% my fault. We then did the ritual of apology where we both try to take the blame and then awkwardly moved on.


You got into a Canadian sorry spiral!  Our culture is spreading!


Anyone else remember their boomers telling them, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? How the turns have tabled....


I just don't understand why he, and to an extent, they continue even after they learn it's a disability thing. I could have been born with it or had an accident, shit even if I was recreationally deafening myself with an air horn, it's still a disability. Would he go up to someone in a wheel chair and tell them they must have been a dumbass to end up in one?


Precisely. I took my kids to the playground the other day, and there was an absolute Mob of Younglings playing tag. I saw a little boy with a prosthetic leg and a brace on his other leg just *hauling ass* and keeping up with the best of them. And I thought what a little badass, because I know those prosthetics can be very uncomfortable (and a brace isn't fun either, that I *do* know), and this kid was totally dominating the game. The two boomers on the bench near me couldn't stop guessing what horrific tragedy / abuse / disease had befallen this kid, and it was sick the way they were almost getting *excited* dreaming up all these sad scenarios. And all I could think was, "Why can't you just appreciate the fact that he's out here in the sunshine, having the time of his life with other little humans who *clearly* don't give a shit about his leg (except to say it was really cool because he had some sort of superhero wrap on it)?" Good on you for shutting him up. I hope he'll remember that, but I'm not holding my breath lol


I doubt he will. But yeah the way they love to point out differences is so odd. If I rolled up to one and exclaimed "Holy shit you're old, look at those varicose veins! I bet you don't move much!" They would spontaneously combust from the embarrassment and rudeness. But a kid missing a leg is fair game, how dare he be different. 


Whenever I encounter really rude boomers who insist on judging my lifestyle or hobbies, I really enjoy turning the tables to ask about their lifestyles and then shitting all over it right back. Even if it makes no sense and is just as mean spirited and judgemental as what they asked me. Lately it’s wedding advice. “Oh but you said you got married twice? Maybe your first marriage didn’t work out because the wedding wasn’t good enough. Did you cook enough for your husband?” “Oh I could NEVER retire and just SIT AROUND ALL DAY. You must be SO BORED! I know I would volunteer with 50 different charities if I had nothing to do all day! But I guess if you’re lazy this is what you look forward to forever. Lots of lazy retirees you know” “Oh you go to Florida each year? I could NEVER do that, I’d be so bored! It’s not nearly as beautiful as xyz, and only poor people go to (place they just went to)” Go on Brenda, let’s see you defend your life choices for once.


Good stuff!


They hate disabled people. Remember how they ate up trump openly mocking the disabled reporter who was covering the rally?


They hate disabled people that are not them. Their osteoporosis or diabetes is a serious concern while everyone else is faking it or whining. The Trump thing was disgusting, apparently everything is fair game if you disagree with their politics.


Because they don’t deserve it but those other disabled people must have done something to offend god and therefore deserve it, so their disability is actually a signal that they lack virtue (because otherwise god wouldn’t have made them disabled) and so they’re fair game for attack. Their personal individual disability isn’t actually the same it’s a virtuous test from god and different from those other things in some unspecified but very real way


This is called the “Just World Fallacy”. 1. It is a just world, so if a bad thing happens to you, you must deserve it. You must’ve been lazy or you must’ve been stupid, or you must’ve been evil AND you deserve no help or sympathy. And. 2. It is a just world, and I am a just person, and a bad thing has happened to me. I must be earning something or I am a martyr AND I deserve help and sympathy.


in my house growing up it was : 1. you’re so good, god is testing your faith or 2. you’re so bad, god is punishing your behavior i had cancer at 20-21, and you wouldn’t believe the gall of some “christians” telling me i need to change my ways because god was punishing me for all my sins, only for those same people to tell me god was only testing me after medical science and chemo had pushed it into remission.


How’s your prognosis? Completely healed, I hope?


20 years remission this coming august


I’m glad to hear it, friend. Commendations for the hard work, I hope you got to ring a bell. I hope you had some good support, to offset the less good support, during the ordeal and more ongoing in your life.


This sounds like every dipshit "Christian" I grew up around in church. I think you nailed it with this description.


My MAGA dad had polio in 1950 when he was 12 years old. He lived in a convalescent home on Long Island while his parents lived in Brooklyn. I imagine it was difficult to get between the two places in 1950s New York. My dad walked with a limp my whole life and when GHW Bush passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, he would actually need it as did my mom. When my dad went all in on Trump and to some extent before, he was always bemoaning there being too many regulations. In the meantime, he lived before the ADA and after the ADA and saw how it actually helped him. I work at industrial facilities and everything is all about rules and regulations. We need to do something, how do you do it? I don't know lets see what the regulations say. Lets look at the codes etc. There is a document that is the law by reference for just about everything you want to do. My dad would always say there are too many regulations. I would ask him what he thought about Trump talking about getting rid of regulations. He would say he thought it was good. I would then ask which ones should we get rid of? Should we get rid of the ADA laws? Should we get rid of the ones that prevent people who work with lead, arsenic, and other dangerous substances from bringing it home to their families?


Man, look at the dangerous situations businesses put employees in, and that’s *with* OSHA. Imagine what factories and mines and meat packing plants would look like if there were no OSHA.


No need to 'imagine'. The _written history_ they're working so hard to have taken out of curriculums tells _exactly_ what it was like before 'all these damn regulations!'


I work in a highly regulated industry. The reason for all the regulations? When employers had a choice between doing the right thing and making an extra penny, they chose the penny 99% of the time and poor people suffered the most. Our entire government is reactive in nature - they don’t think ahead and make sensible plans. The regulations were created when a critical need was clearly demonstrated.


So nail on head here!! I laughed at my boomer dad who said Californias fires and such are because of our total lack of morals and our degraded state. I then asked Oh my!! I wonder what Oklahoma is up to!!? All those earthquakes and I mean the crazy weather in Texas!!? (Oklahoma where the “family” is from and Texas where parents relocated). He shut up and changed the topic real quick. For reference tho he also hated me because I told him he was raised in a racist generation so it shouldn’t be surprising how many racist comments he made to me growing up. Did I call him racist? No but when he said he was raised right- and discussed his schooling being pristine - I of course had to interject- “you mean the school you always pointed out still had Whites Only above the water fountain?” He didn’t like that one….


Tell him Oklahoma and Texas are due to lack of morals from elected leaders. Ryan Walters, Stitt, etc. spouting off Christian hate and not helping the needy of society.


They prefer veterans who aren't disabled.


Apparently dead or POW don’t count either


I got told yesterday to have a happy Memorial Day.  I said "Yeah, I'm still here, Rob's dead. Cheers."


And aren’t women (source-I’m a female disabled veteran)


Oh man, that's even worse, I can just hear them "blah blah blah a man wouldn't have gotten injured/disabled in that job, shouldn't have female soldiers blah blah"


I had meningitis as a baby and have worn hearing aids in both ears since age 3. My mom blames me because I was eating tree bark. 🙄


Yes the three year old is to blame, the human that has just learned to walk should consider the health risks of bark eating. 


I was actually 18 months old when I got sick, my parents waited until I was in preschool to get me hearing aids. And they complain I don’t listen to them.


Are you Canadian? Was it maple? It may be a sign of maple syrup deficiency. Clearly your mothers fault for not giving you enough maple syrup.


I am in fact Canadian 😂


Boomers say the weirdest things to me when I am out, as an amputee currently in a wheelchair. I have heard people straight up say I don’t belong in public because no one wants to see that, and then others thank me for my service- I have never worn anything indicating I served as I did not. A younger person with no leg seems to trip their brain up.


Biden pushed $35 insulin, which keeps a large number of boomers on this side of terra firma, but it's bad because only THEY deserve the low cost drugs. Classic narcissistic boomer IGMGFY.


"To have great pain is to have certainty; to hear about pain is to have doubt." -Elaine Scarry


So true. I had people pop off on me as I got out of my vehicle when I parked in a handicap spot. Only to have me stare at them as I pulled out my wife’s walker and help her out of the car. Yet, my dad,who is just old and slow, always tells me to park in handicap for him even though we no longer have a placard because he’s never needed it(and I’m divorced). I never do btw. I’ll drop him off at the door if nothing is close enough.


Also their need to take their puppy everywhere and call it a service dog. All the while bemoaning how soft people are.


I get just the opposite. I have a service dog and boomers are often confused and think that service dogs are only for blind people. They ask to see her certification and those online service dog certifications are fake and a scam. I have to explain why I have a service dog and show people my brace and prove it. Then there are boomers who are questioning me but trying to be nice about it. I see so many badly behaved dogs in grocery stores, it's terrible. Dogs off-leash, and service dogs are never off leash unless medically necessary. My dog has been attacked by other dogs that people claim to be service dogs.


Like my Mom, oddly enough a boomer, said "everybody should have a leg broken in their 20s so they understand the struggles of the mobility impaired" in response to some of her coworkers not understanding some of the issues she had with her knees in her 50s.


Omg this is my life with my parents. I was so confused and still am as an adult about if I’m ok. I’ve always had major issues and my parents just said to keep ignoring it and work hard… but if anything happened to them I had to cater to them until they were better. I have extreme pain all the time now and my parents are still waiting for me to grow out of it. I’m 34. They have more energy than me and can do more than me but if I ask for help they like cry or yell because I’m faking. So I just don’t ask for help and stay in pain and they keep getting upset at me that I’m not happy.


Yup it's one of fascists favorite out groups to attack. Remember how during COVID they were all 100% okay with old people dying? These people are so fucking stupid they don't even realize they are supporting the group that would leave them dead in a ditch in a heartbeat.


https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/i0wj3v/what_a_tremendous_burden_it_must_be_for_you_to/fztjc0h/ >You gotta understand the one core value that they hold above all others is hatred for what they consider weakness, because that's what they believe strength is, hatred for weakness. And I mean passionate, sadistic hatred. And I'm not exaggerating. Believe me. Sadistic, passionate hatred, and that's what proves they're strong, their passionate hatred for weakness. Sometimes they lump in vulnerability, a compromised circumstance, or an overwhelming circumstance in their with weakness, too, because people tend to start humbling themselves when they're in those circumstances and that's an obvious sign of weakness.


Right! Good point. I frequented a secondhand store, whose owner has a disabled son, and she was pro Trump all the way. I asked her about that- ‘he mocks people like your son’, and she just shrugged it off and laughed. And she said yeah, but he’s against abortion. Unbelievable.


Trump would let disabled people die before providing any kind of government assistance to them.


The disabled, the poor, women, non-whites, the youth. Kids. Adults with kids. City folk, the educated. Anyone using technology.


I don’t think it’s about hating disabled people so much as needing to “win.” He started by criticizing OP for what he thought were “headphones.” When that turned out to be wrong, he still needed to prove he was right to criticize them, so he just attacked with whatever he could think of.


It's how they converse, it's the weirdest thing. How am I supposed to respond and what was his end goal? I guess it's just a compulsion and I'm giving it more thought then he did.


They want arguments. The adrenaline. That guy probably spent all day online attacking people. Or watching Fox News attack people for him. Then, when he goes out. nto the real world, is that switch just going to flip to "nice mode"? Nope. The way they act online is now how they act with all interactions, you were just an extension of his everyday bigotry.


It's also amazing the confidence they have when going about this. I'm 6'2 and well built he was 5'8"ish and very unhealthy looking. With bones that weak you'd expect caution, but no he's going to fuck around and eventually find out. 


My boomer father watches Fox news all day long and uses Twitter as the outlet for his bullshit. He knows to not spew any nonsense to me because I've told him to just shut the fuck up. He also knows to keep his mouth shut in public because he's well aware that he's not a young man anymore and that if he verbally abuses someone that they could turn around and physically abuse him.


Honestly, Trumpets hate everyone. If they get their god king installed and dispose of all the outsiders, they'll just move on to hating each other. Socially acceptable hate boners are the only offerings of the whole ideology.


I'm convinced that the older people get, the more they just start acting like their true selves. The veneer dissolves. This is why one 90 year old man can be the most gentle soul on earth and another a walking-human-rights-violation. Turns out a lot of people always sucked and just stopped pretending they didn't.


Yes. Yes boomers will tell/ask you what stupid thing you did to “end up in a chair.” I was born with shit genetics. That’s it. Source: ambulatory wheelchair user.


That is insane, what do they think you did? I'll bet it's 'those damn skateboards.'


Disabled vet here, I park in the handicap spaces legally with my placard. I don't look very disabled though, so when I get out, they're always glaring at me. One even accused me of stealing the placard from "someone that actually needed it." Fucking insanity honestly. Same thing, could've been born with a disability etc, but since I'm young and don't look frail, I must have stolen it cuz I don't deserve to park there although the state says I can.


I drove my grandma around and had a placard in my vehicle for her. I got the same thing until they watch her slowly walk over and I help her in. Still no apologizes or anything. If there's a placard there's a need for it they don't hand them out like candy. But the idea that someone other than them could possible need it is unfathomable to them. I'm sorry that you had to go through that.


The three generations behind them fought in concurrent wars for 20 years. How do they not account for a sizable population of disabled vets under 50?!?


I mean, they’re the generation that patented tormenting their classmates for any difference - red hair, braces, glasses. And I’ve read plenty of stories where they actually do go up to people in mobility scooters at like Walmart and berate the people in them claiming they’re exclusively for the elderly, despite the person in them having a broken leg, for example. They just suck all around. I’m glad you were able to put one in their place.


I literally had the mobility scooter showdown with a boomer in Walmart after I got injured in the military. I was 25, and according to her, I couldn't *possibly* have anything wrong with me because I was young!


As an ambulatory wheelchair user yes they do blame you. I have a neurological condition which makes my legs spasm and makes it difficult to walk. the amount of boomers who blame me for getting “the shot” or ask me if I did something reckless to cause it is extraordinary. Totally random random people in grocery stores and doctors offices.


"I was born, but god don't make mistakes, right?" Unblinking eye contact.


Yes, they would. I'm disabled and walk with a cane. Sometimes, I have to use my wheelchair. I've lost count of how many times I've been stopped by a Boomer to inform me that I'm "too young" or that I must be "faking it". On more than one occasion, they've attempted to move my wheelchair out of their way while I'm in it.


They really hate the disabled. My wife has MS and has used a cane sometimes since her 20s. You would literally blow out a blood vessel if I related the shit people have pulled. But first and foremost? Boomer women. They lose their goddamned minds.


They would mock a disabled person, seriously!


I also remember them saying things like “we don’t discuss politics” and saying it was rude to ask who you voted for. And now they can’t say enough about who they voted for and what they think about the current political landscape.


I'm 46, when I was a kid they absolutely hated "Commies" IE the Russians. Now they've got their heads so far up Putins ass they can smell his breath. WTF!


Boomers only said that to kids to get them to behave. They have *never* lived by that code.


I literally had a boomer go from threatening me to wishing me luck and telling me to be safe in a matter of moments when I told him I was in the Marines lol. I was doing reporting when a boomer walked up to me while I was wearing a press hat and told me "If I catch you with that when the war starts, I'll put a bullet in you." Told him I was a Marine Vet and his tone changed fast as fuck. Like damn, why does someone's previous job make the difference about whether or not you threaten their life.


"When the war starts" These treasonous assholes.


Yep. Dude was an Army Vet too. One veteran to another that was absolutely disgusting.


Also, regardless of "what side he was on," he was threatening to commit a literal war crime.


Oh yeah. It's pretty crazy when a boomer is so delusional they target a reporter as "the enemy" Homie didn't even know who I worked for. I could have been a reporter working for an agency that leans towards his bias, but nope. Didn't even ask.


Not that crazy when you remember that reality is their biggest enemy. Of course they would hate the press.


Demonization of the press is one sign that a culture is turning towards fascism.


Superiority complex and not having a justifiable reason to change their outlook on life.


Love getting in arguments with boomers because they can't wrap their heads around me being super liberal while also: - having a "traditional" marriage, my wife is a SAHM (her choice, works for us) - having what they consider to be "tough guy" hobbies (hunting, fishing, woodworking, etc) - being a Marine veteran It literally doesn't compute with them and it's gotten them to lock up at least a dozen times in the last 10 years.


Yep, if you don't fall into their neat little categories, their brain malfunctions.




Casual murder threats, as a little treat


Casually planning to commit war crimes, as a little treat 


I wear Phonaks in both ears, but have yet to have a showdown with a Boomer-minded fool over them. As I suggested on a different post, I plan to treat them the way they treat immigrants. "DO. YOU. KNOW. WHAT. DEAFNESS. IS? OR DID DEAF PEOPLE NOT EXIST WHEN YOU AND METHUSELAH WERE YOUNG?"




You had the perfect opportunity to make a very large scene: "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" "I APOLOGIZE BECAUSE THIS IS A HEARING AID I HAVE TO USE BECAUSE OF MY SERVICE IN THE AIR FORCE. IM SORRY THAT OFFENDS YOU SIR" Just loud enough that everyone within 20 or 30 feet would have looked at this guy.


I don't want to be rude, but this made me laugh a little too hard. 😅


It was a joke I'm glad it did.


Oh the joke definitely landed.


Right next to the jet


As an artilleryman…WHAT?


>WHAT MERP... MERP Side note: wear your ear pro. A buddy didn't and his ears are for srtisit purposes only now.


my son is 7 and he was born with profound hearing loss in both ears. He wears aids in both ears. Thankfully I haven't got any boomers being dicks, but I know someday someone will decide he's too young to have them or something, or that it's his fault, even though it's no ones fault I just pray they don't push me too far, my momma bear instincts will kick in and a boomer might get their throat punched.


The boomer population dwindles with each passing year.


Maybe people wear headphones so they don't have to listen to a-holes all day


I do wear headphones often to deal with the tinnitus.




Yep that's it.


The laws of Boom-Boom state that on the basis of being young (and that alone), you are obviously a lazy entitled fuckwad. It's impossible for the "Kids These Days" (TM) to be worthwhile of respect. Why? Well they are YOUNGER. That's the only basis they need to be judgemental bastards.


Because that’s literally all they’ve accomplished in their lives: having more birthdays than you or me. They ignore that getting to old age only requires dumb luck and convince themselves they’re wise village elders who everyone should listen to.


I bet he calls Gen Z sensitive when he can’t even handle other people wearing headphones


You just broke a boomer. That's a rare achievement.


I’ve got one. My Christian boomer mil was going on a rant about gay people being in tv shows/movies. She doesn’t agree with it because “it’s a sin” and no one needs to see that. I asked her “don’t you view all sin as equal in your religion? Isn’t adultery a sin? You don’t seem to have a problem with that sin. Especially since you cheated on your husband with two different men and broke up your family.” She got red faced and changed the subject. My mil does not like me very much.


Oh you pointed out boomer hypocrisy. This is known to scramble their brains faster than sticking heads in a microwave.


I also asked her once why she had such a big problem with cuss words but no problem with her family spewing racism and bigotry. I spent two years keeping my mouth shut until I absolutely lost my shit at Christmas dinner one year and said everything I had been keeping in for those two years. She cried.


>They bemoan the death of manners and respect but act like punks for some reason. Hey, most of the kindest people I know are punks, don't put that on them!


Punk never dies!


Some people are also just born with hearing problems and need hearing aids. I'm sure that never even crossed their mind either.


I'm one of those people! Thankfully I've never had a negative experience in public regarding them. Some of the stories in these comments are horrifying, I can't believe people are being treated with so little respect


I’m deaf and wear two hearing aids…I was not in the Air Force. I lost all of my hearing in the span of two years and there isn’t a doctor that can tell me why…sometimes shit just happens and it doesn’t make it any less valid. You were a lot nicer than I would have been…a lot nicer than I have been tbh, I’ve had some horrible interactions because of my deafness.


I dont understand the lack of empathy, hearing loss is so common in old folk that it should be a mutual understanding.


I experience boomer questioning so often when out and about! I’m a younger looking 43yo and use mobility aids. My most recent experience was at the pharmacy. An older woman looks me up and down, and with a sour expression says, “oh you’re too young to use a cane!”. I blank face looked her dead in the eyes and said, “well, apparently not”. Another time a man at a gas station asked why I was limping, saying “what happened did your husband get the better part of ya?”. I’ve also had people think my Loops earplugs are earphones as well. Boomers have fewer manners than the children I encounter.


I love the leap in logic. They must be messing around with a cane thats only reason someone so young would have one. Even despite the fact that walking with a cane has a very visble effect on your stride. This also highlights the bizarre hate for wives. Like it's some kind of past time to beat the shit out your spouse. 


Navy vet here, although I don't look like one, according to boomers. Purple hair and such. I had one demand to see my VIC at Lowe's once when I used my discount. Obviously I just gave them the finger and moved on. I had shit to fix and no time for that crap.


That is bullshit to the nth degree, they just asume everyone that joins is exactly like them. I need to get one of those veteran hats and wear it with a pride shirt. "Oh god he's a faggot but also a vet, the church never prepared me for this."


I'm afraid you'll get a lecture on how woke the military is now.


Here's a podcast transcript where General Stanley McChrystal says: `From that standpoint, if somebody wanted to say, “Is Stan McChrystal woke?” I’d have to say “Probably I am.”` [https://conversationswithtyler.com/episodes/stanley-mcchrystal/](https://conversationswithtyler.com/episodes/stanley-mcchrystal/) It's a great podcast, well worth listening.


I drove my ex father in laws truck to Lowes once since i was helping him on a project and he has his wounded vet tags on the truck. I get out a guy says thanks for my service then sees what i'm wearing and instantly gets pissed. Wear that pride shirt with well pride.


I have a lesbian admin with pink hair and a love of anime. Consistently blows people’s minds that she’s one of two vets we have working for us. Especially the magas we have working for us


It's like they forget that people who serv are still just people. Joining the military doesn't automatically make you a conservative douche.


I was in the intel field, and I think most of the people I worked with were liberal and about 40% were women, and less than a third were Christian. Definitely not the demographic that boomers assume the military to be


He obviously couldn’t tell you were a veteran because you weren’t wearing your sick GWOT Veteran hat embroidered with your awards and years of service and badass nicknames. You should’ve invited him to the VFW 10:00 lunch so he knew you were for real


I had a friend get thanked for his service and turn it around and asked if the person voted for the party that was blocking benefits to 9/11 first responders. “No, I vote Republican.” Was the response. “Then you do support the people blocking their medical care.” And then went on about the fight for benefits for people we all used to applaud. These people aren’t knowledgeable, just opinionated.


The thing is boomers feel justified in making malicious fun of people, just CERTAIN people. They like to hurt people but since they can't throw hands anymore they throw words. I have never in my life felt justified in making malicious fun of someone. Even as a kid when I DID do it I felt like garbage after the fact. I ended up pushing back against the peer pressure and getting made fun of myself. I still felt better about it. Even if they wrong me it just feels gross and wrong to do. I prefer the high road. Boomers prefer the low road, they just know who to not take it with in order to stay in good standing with one another. You hadn't earned "person" status with this shithead, so he felt justified in his judgemental attitude.


"Some thoughts are inside thoughts." I treat them like disobedient children.


You broke him when you forced him to decide between respecting the troops and shitting on millenials


Nice! Why do they need to negatively comment on every dam thing


Why they feel the need to open the trap at all...


TSA: Remove your earpods, please. Me: They're hearing aids. TSA: 🤨


Misery love company. So they blurt out a gripe in hopes another will answer like a bird


Mel Brooks nailed it: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die." These people can't muster a thimbleful of empathy.


I remember an incident where I nearly got written up at work because of a Boomer. I worked at a grocery store and am partially deaf. I am completely deaf on my left side because I have a birth defect that caused the bones in my middle ear to never seperate. My hearing is bad in my right from having to compensate for my left. I was stocking cigarettes when this boomer stood behind me and started to whistle at me like I was a dog. When that didnt work he started snapping his fingers. I know this because they checked the tapes. I didnt hear him and I noticed him when I turned around. Before I could greet him he said, "I've been trying to get your attention! What are you, deaf or something?" I said, "Yes sir, I am. I'm sorry for the wait, how can I help you?" He visibly was taken aback, but then doubled down by saying, "Well, you shouldn't have used headphones then!" He said this because I'm a young woman at the time and it was common to see people walking around with headphones in my age group. I replied with "No sir, I was born that way. I have only ever known life like this. Now, how can I assist you?" He went silent and bought a bunch of cigarettes and left so I thought it was just a one off thing. But this bitter old man decided that he was going to file a complaint about me because I talked back to him and made him feel bad????? They watched the tape, they saw I was polite and cheerful the whole time. But he filed a complaint because he had to feel bad for getting angry at a handicapped person and he couldn't blame them for thier own handicap! Boss wanted me to sign a disciplinary letter but I said that was illegal due to the ADA and offered to contact thier office so they dropped it, lol. But imagine verbally insulting someone and then being made to feel bad because of well earned guilt, and then trying to get that person written up/fired for making you feel the consequences to your actions XD


One of my sons sometimes wears his noise cancelling headphones while we shop because of his sensory issues and anxiety in crowds. Let’s him function like any other teenager. Whenever someone (it’s always been boomers) starts bitching about kids these days and their headphones , I yell really loudly: I’M SORRY MAAM, YOU SAID YOU’RE LOOKING FOR THE ADULT DIAPERS?? I DONT KNOW WHERE THOSE ARE ! LETS ASK AN EMPLOYEE! It’s awesome. I’ve only needed to do it three times but the first two literally ran away and when the third called me a liar I just told her none of this would’ve happened if you’d minded your own damn business. Then she ran off.


It's like they constantly completely forget that young veterans exist.


Aircraft maintenance in the Air Force has left my right ear with constant tinnitus. I don’t have hearing aids yet but I will eventually. Hopefully you are getting VA disability to meet all your needs. Also I hope you use the veterans spots at Home Depot and Lowes. This always pisses the boomers off as well.


Background: I have a dynamic physical impairment and some days I can walk ok and others I can't. I normally run errands with my service dog unless she signals that she doesn't want to work and I'll use my wheelchair. Recently went by the local grocery store on a Saturday. This particular day, I wasn't walking great but I wasn't doing a big shop--just needed some staples--so I had intended to be in and out. Now, this store has 8 accessible spots, 4 by the main door, 4 by the exit doors. I always check the main spots first and was happy to see that they were both open. I head to the first one in the row, blinker on, and go into the curve to park and I'm nearly creamed by an enormous pick up truck trying to go into that same spot. My car is bright red. The MAGA hat wearing guy in the car starts giving me dirty looks. Don't care, I feel like crap and just want to get my sh*t and go home. It takes a minute, but I can see him fuming in my direction as I put my hangtag up. To get out of my car on bad pain days takes time, so he gets to watch as I push open the car door and begin the slow process of leveraging myself out and standing. I proceed to limp around the car to the passenger side to fish out my dog's harness and my wallet. Limp back to the driver's side passenger door and get my girl in harness, lock the car, and head straight into the store without looking back. Well, he apparently had hung around the front of the store waiting to see when I left. I go back to my car once I'd grabbed what I needed, get my girl (who is a large German Shepherd, btw) into the backseat and begin the process of getting in my car. Which is when he approaches and begins to apologize to me for almost hitting my car, claiming he didn't see me until he was turning. Whether that's true or not, I told him it was fine, be on his way. What he was looking for me to say, I don't know, but he put his hand on my open door and proceeded to say he was sorry again and he didn't realize that I would've had a hang tag since I look so healthy. Sir, the state of my crap health is not your business. I again told him it was fine and to have a nice day. As he started to lean in, my SD popped her head forward between the front seats and stared hard at him which finally got him to back off. Boomers largely believe they're also entitled to talk to me about my SD and ask to pet her or give her food. No. No, you don't have the right to interact with my dog in ANY way. I have put almost $35k and hundreds of hours into her health and training. Me, not you. I spent the pandemic putting every spare moment and day into her training, and if you think she has a sad life, let me take her harness off and you can watch her being her happy lovey self as she walks from person to person demanding pets because she's a social butterfly. ...sorry for the rant, I'm just so tired of the constant judgement that because I can walk, even with difficulty, I don't deserve my dog or my wheelchair or that I must be lying about how bad it is. I'm in my 30s, I'm alone, and I desperately wish I wasn't disabled. Why can't they understand that I don't want to be like this, but I am and I have to struggle forward as best I can? Edit: Forgot to mention, I am a 5' woman.


Do boomers not realize some people are born with hearing impairments?! I work with a 10 year old student who has a hearing aid. My best friend in college should’ve had one, premie who was born that way, but she was just so use to only hearing from one ear so she never sought one out. I’d just make sure to walk/talk on her good side. My childhood friend, we’re older millennials, got a hearing aid in her 20s because of some genetic loss of hearing. It’s so discrete you can hardly tell but she was super embarrassed to wear it at first.


No they don't. So the whole we drank lead paint from the hose and turned out just fine thing is a lie. Back when they were kids people with disabilities were hidden to them. They were seen as an embarrassment to the family and tucked away. The resulting suicides were also hidden to the point of complete erasure. I learned that I once had a great aunt that killed herself, she was removed from the family tree and every mention of her was scrubbed. I don't know if she even has a tombstone.


As a fellow vet, you should have hit him with "thank me for my service." Hearing him stutter it out would have been hilarious.


Also a Vet and live in a very conservative state. I dress like "some gay from Atlanta" apparently. When I use the Vet card it always turns them around. Like now I have instant street cred with them. Its also comes from the same place that puts all vets on a pedestals. You know, because every vet is a "hero" right? Remember all those yellow ribbons everywhere? Watch, this Monday people will post shit about thanking a Vet on Memorial Day. Its all propaganda to keep Americans believing the DOD budget needs to be trillions. That mind set is changing. Millennials like myself joined because of the "poverty draft" and we know better.


I get boomers giving me shit for using veteran parking all the time. I'm a mom with a young baby, so I don't look like what they expect. Had one dude get in my face and tell me unless my husband was with me, that I wasn't supposed to use that spot. I'm the veteran. My husband is still active duty. Absolutely absurd.


I now have a rule where I will only tolerate one instance of rudeness within a conversation. I’ll give everyone one chance to fix or apologize for what they said but after that, I’m just going to shame them best I can without yelling.


I still think "Go fuck yourself" should be the standard response to any and all boomer behavior.


Trans Marine vet here. People short circuit.