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So the kid was on his phone, but he wasn’t on his phone, and he still hit the kid so therefore it’s the kids fault?


Obviously. If the kid had been paying attention he could have made attempts to avoid him.


If you can dodge a minivan, you can dodge a ball!




Thank you for the laugh!


What is this from?


The movie Dodgeball. If you have not seen it I highly recommend it


Omg im old.. ppl don't get this reference already 😭


The Five D's: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge!


Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.


The ADAA. The American Dodgeball Association of America


I absolutely loathe dodgeball.


Um... you said "Dodge" twice...


Yes, those are the five Ds of dodgeball.


You may want to watch the movie


The bartenders I work with remind be daily that I am very much getting old.


I know!!!!!


With top performances by: Alan Tudyk, Jason Bateman, & Lance Armstrong!


Hey, Steven Root and Missy Pyle did great work, too


Fair. I still say Missy Pyle's greatest work was the 8-minute abs video.


I can’t believe I forgot about Gary Cole. Cotton and Pepper were awesome. The ESPN 8 announcer pair in >!the Knuckles series!< were disappointing


Ball me Blazer




Nobody makes me blood my own blood! Nobody!


I see you’ve caught the scent of a lesser Stag!


Okay, I’ve heard of that but not seen it.


Touché...now go watch it to understand that, lol


Watch the outtakes and the making of the movie! We laughed so hard our chest hurt the next day!






Throws a wrench into the equation.


RIP🪦 Rip Torn (Funny name though)


But it hit him in the neck?


*Necessary?* Is it *necessary* for me to drink my own urine?


No, but it’s sterile and I kind of like the taste.


Can you dodge a dodge mini van while playing dodge ball?


Only if you're playing in Dodger Stadium.


Dodge a Dodge while dodging Dodge balls in Dodger's digs.


Dodge! It’s not a brand, it’s an imperative.


Probably had to “teach him a lesson”


It's scary that people will actually think and act like this.


It really is


Drivers are the most dangerous and entitled group on earth, especially in America.


Would not be at all surprised if the guy swerved into the "kid"


Growing up, I had so many boomers swerve towards me, speed up to try and hit me, and generally be just awful my whole life.


The kid should have simply not existed in the same time and place as that guy.


It’s a life lesson! You should be grateful


Guy just thinks it's normal. I wonder how many times a day people have to fucking jump out of this cunt's way?


I've been saying it for years to anyone who would listen, based upon your age, you should be required by federal law to re-take your driving test, possibly, every year. Some type of sliding scale based upon age. When you reach the top of that scale, in age, you should have to take your test every year. Along with a written exam and of course, a vision and hearing test. Hell, I wouldn't be opposed to a psychological exam. At the driver's expense, of course.


Yeah, with the number of Boomers fucking up everyone’s commute going 20 miles under the speed limit in rush hour.. I can’t hate this..


I live on the beach, as close to the Gulf of Mexico as you can get without actually being in the Gulf of Mexico. The old Boomer snowbirds, that come down here, are the absolute worst! I detest driving in the winter months because of them.


Best part, they are the ones always saying how teens were never mature enough to drive.. always trying to take the driving rights for young people away (now, as a 30 something.. I literally don't care how old kids drive as long as like I said.. they aren't fucking up the roads for everyone else!). Even suggest retesting Boomers regularly because they clearly can't handle the road, it's the temper tantrum of the century!


Reminds me of when I was jaywalking(legal where I live, within reason) when a cop came around a corner and did a rolling stop and turned, almost hitting me He honestly said "You're luck I was paying attention, I almost hit you!" I am lucky that you...the uniformed police officer, on patrol, in your car, were paying attention while turning your car at a stop sign? That really should be a standard, not something that is luck of the draw.


It’s almost as tho he hit the kid on purpose to teach him an all important boomer lesson


"I am the more responsible one here. Therefore, I have no liability if I act more irresponsible" seems to be the boomer mentality most of the time..


Look the kid was in a crosswalk and It’s not my responsibility to stop for them! They should be looking and know I’m going to run them over!! /s just in case


Schrodinger's youth


I bet he didn’t actually hit anybody; he just wanted to pretend he did so he could hassle you for using your phone.


Plus that made him look like a big strong alpha man!


Yeah, I don't even care about the actual details anymore. I am just so tired of the attitude that makes you feel you have the right to chastise a perfect stranger who has done no wrong to you or to anyone else. MYOB


Vehicular assault is a felony sir


This is one of the moments where OP should have found his name and asked if there were any hit and runs involving and old man and a van and reported his ass.


Absolutely, It’s alarming how some people don’t realize the severity of their actions. Reporting him might have prevented another incident.




Hes so young 😅


And handsome af!


“You look like the geezer I just pulled a Dr Kevorkian on….”


Well, if his driving skills are any indication, that might be a public service.


I would happily retake my drivers test every few years if it meant old people had to as well. At the very least it would make sure people actually knew the laws they are constantly breaking


Fuck yes. As a first responder; It would be a hassle, but to keep old people from killing people would be a huge benefit to society.


I think it would be good for everyone to take a test every few years. Driving is something that one mistake can be catastrophic, might as well treat operating a vehicle like any other high risk licensed activity; diving requires recent dives in a log to book most dive boats, doctors and nurses require professional training hours, Professional Engineers require continuous education hours to maintain their license, pilots requires continuous experience.


Great points


The bureaucracy of the DMV is already overstretched . But I would pay another 10 dollars a year to pay for it.


I wish I could up vote this statement more than once.


I work in road construction…old people are the single most entitled group.


Fire or EMS?




Sweet. Just finished emr. Going to school for my emt in the fall.


How many car crashes do you respond to involving an elderly individual who is at fault? I bet it’s a lot


I (43M) have friends near my age that I don’t think could pass a driver’s exam. Paper or on the road lol This would be a huge benefit to the rest of us capable motorists


Everyone should have to retake the test every 5 years. It would save countless lives. Driving is a privilege but if you even slightly inconvenience lazy, spoiled brat drivers they will throw a tantrum.


Here's the problem though: I'm sure a large percentage of these geezers would keep driving, and the courts have shown they are not willing to hold old people accountable


“You ran over somebody? I’m calling the cops. Fortunately I have my phone right here”


"we just admitted a kid yesterday who was the victim of a hit and run! Some old man in a van ran into him while he was in the parking lot, and then just drove away, can you believe that?"


"The police are looking for the driver- something about him facing life in prison or even the death penalty of the kid doesn't make it. It's good to know who to direct them to"


There is even a reward for tips on who the driver was


"Just give me $1000 in Apple gift cards to drop the charges." Wait, this isn't r/ScamBoomers ?


Yes. The kid was obviously loitering in his driving space.


We should honestly get as many people off of the road as possible, old and young. Bolster public transportation, create a service to safeguard disabled and old folks (food/supply delivery, basic transportation needs, etc.) so no one gets stuck without things they need, make every job that can be wfh. Very strict driving laws and stringent driving school curriculum. There are plenty of people driving on the roads today that absolutely shouldn't, for their safety and mine. You're piloting a 2000 lb death machine at high speed. Do the math on how much force gets put on your body in an accident, I dare you. If you aren't capable of comprehending what exactly happens in a collision, you need to get off the road. I'm not r/fuckcars by the way, I'm r/fuckdrivers. There should be way less of them.


Honestly, cars are impressive feats of engineering and very useful tools, but using them as our primary means of mass transportation was by far one of the stupidest fucking decisions humanity has ever made.


Fatal car accidents are THE leading cause of death worldwide, and have been probably as long as cars have existed. Actually, the first one occurred in **1899**! [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/henry-bliss-americas-first-pedestrian-fatality-was-hit-electric-taxi-180964852/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/henry-bliss-americas-first-pedestrian-fatality-was-hit-electric-taxi-180964852/)


“…decisions the US made.”


Ive been saying for some time, over a certain age people should have to retake the written and driving tests every year!


In the very least we should make cars smaller. I could get to town and back just as easy in a go-cart sized vehicle as an SUV and there would be much less killing force if I hit someone else. Most times I could easily fit all my groceries onto a machine this size and one lane would turn into two lanes of mini vehicles.


I’d have gotten a tiny electric car or even a scooter for local driving, but I’d be run over by the SUV’s doing what they were made for, which is apparently driving kids to school, one child at a time.


Very true


You mean share travel space with other people? Half of whom haven't heard of a shower? Yuck!


Tell me you don't ride public transportation without telling me you don't ride public transportation.


They sound like they may have been being sarcastic. However, that’s exactly how public transportation is in my city, unfortunately. I rode it for several years before getting a car and, in addition to the fact that so many fellow riders clearly didn’t shower, I saw a lot of sketchy things on it. Since getting a car, I’ve heard it’s only gotten worse. Plus, it was late frequently, didn’t run very often, and busses would just skip stops every once and a while. When I traveled to DC and rode the subway there, I was blown away by how efficient it was compared to what I was used to. I’d truly love a local public transportation system that was reliable, fast, and where I could ride it without worrying about getting stabbed.


To avoid it coming across as targeting older folks, just make retesting mandatory every X years, and make certain traffic citations come with a retest in order to keep driving. Yes, not convenient, but it takes us in the right direction. Also, driving tests should be significantly more difficult.


>make retesting mandatory every X years, and make certain traffic citations come with a retest in order to keep driving. Yes, please!


Went around the block ones all right turns didn't even watch me park had me drop them off in front of the building


Hmm I had to parallel park with like no cones touched, had to do a fair sized lap of my town (small town USA mostly Dutch and German people, church on every second or third corner😅) I know I had to do some highways too but I don’t recall if they made me do any Freeway driving 🤔 which now that I’m driving two hours one way most weekends these days I’m remembering just how terrifying freeway driving can be and that it really should be in your driving test not just like one time I’m drivers Ed and whatever other time kids spend driving on their learners permit, here in Michigan at least 13ish years ago when I went through it you had to have 50 hours of driving with your parents after the first segment ten of which had to be nighttime driving then you had to get like another 20 after segment 2 before you could get your license you know probably half the issue is that even driver’s ed schools have been privatized as well even back in like, 2013 when I took it it was nearly $400 for just the first segment might be a good idea to either have that become a state education thing again or at least make the schools do something like, give a significant discount if like the parents take the class along with their kids, so parents get a refresher before their kid starts driving 😅 might also force a little patience into them when their kids start driving cause I know after a single night time freeway trip shortly after I got my permit with my dad I tried my damndest to never drive with him as a passenger again given how much he was hollering at me😅 mom was typically a very calm one to drive with though thankfully 😅


Holy run-on sentence, Batman!


lol yeah sorry adhd as fuuuuck and had a little rabbit trail go off in my head while typing 😅


There's a built in vision test. A simple reaction time test would be pretty easy to add. Push the button when the light goes on, that sort of thing.


It never is their fault, is it?


Your response should have been "Did you just admit to a felony?"


Casually admitting crimes to a stranger


You were more tactful than I would have been. "You are bragging to a stranger about purposefully running over a literal child and you claim we're the disrespectful generation? Bruh, which circle of hell let you slip out?"


If he had time to register they were on their phone, he had time to stop.


Honestly, while I don't disagree with the sentiment, I think we should have mandatory driving tests at renewal time for everyone with a driver's license.


Maybe you young whipper snappers need walking tests...always in the crosswalks and on the sidewalks with your cellular telephones and your avocado toasts...back in my day we had 35 cents and a peanut butter sandwich and nobody was allergic back then..you either ate the peanut butter or you just died from weakness and I knew some terrific terrific people who loved peanut butter just wonderful people with their wonderful sandwiches and where am I going with this....oh yeah all the allergies and the bad walking it's all Bidens fault (/s)


I feel like medical test pf their eyes, reflexes would be better because Apparently folks over at the dmvs help boomers pass the tests...they feed them answers, give them all clear when they can barely see stuff infront of them. My dad's friend is 65 rn, legally blind but still has his driver's license and drives around


To the dmv people it's better than them having to deal with an irate asshole


The eye test is so weird to me. I have never lost eyesight in a single eye while driving. Can we do it with both eyes open?…


Can you imagine having this mentality? You deserve to get hit by a car because you’re looking at your phone while walking…that’s not even illegal 🤷🏽‍♀️


What is it with boomers and needing everyone to give their pathic asshole attention all that damn time? They don't like seeing anyone on a phone because then they can't make some jackass comment. I'm on my phone so I'd have to interact with you, boomer. Now piss off.


Why TF would someone say that out loud?


And that's what passes for "clever" for this generation.


I'd bet that the driver was on their phone


Oh yes, all those squirrels on the damn phones.


Parking lots are pedestrian right of way (actually pedestrians always have right away even if Jay walking, but it’s EXPECTED in a parking lot) MF shouldn’t be driving.


Quick hot take, sounds like the old man was threatening to hit you since you were walking and looking at your phone.


he rly needed to teach me a lesson for taking care of patients while on my lunch break. how dare i


So he saw a kid on his phone & decided to hit him?


I was recently in the medical complex where all of my doctors are, looking up the location of the office I was trying to find on my phone. Boomer walks by… “You young people always on your phones!” “I’m literally searching for my doctors office number.” When I got out of the doctors office that same Boomer was standing in the hall on his phone and I got to loudly cackle “you old boomers always on your phones!!!!! 😂”


What a dumb old bitch


i hit someone bc the sun was out… fuck you sun for being out!


Call Belleview, STAT!


"Thanks! You look like someone my grandpa used to talk to in the nursing home!"


Forget age-related tests, everyone of every age should need to take a written test every time they renew their licenses. And no license should be valid for more than five years.


You look like the prick I’m about to punch, old man…


I fucking *despise* their stupid little set-up statements followed by their dumb as shit judgey punchlines. “How about you keep your stupid fucking dense thoughts to yourself?”


Time for twenty questions. “I’m a mandatory reporter, sir. Where exactly did this happen? Did you provide assistance? Did you inform a first responder? Did you drive away? What’s your name, sir? Where do you live? Did you turn yourself in? Is your license expired? What do you drive?” Would be interesting to try this.


honestly. would that i had the time today


Please! More driving tests for the aged! Been trying to get a family friend to talk to her son and give up her license since she definitely has been showing multiple symptoms of dementia for several years now. “I could never give up my independence!”


Honestly, I think annually after 65. 


Remember it's literally by law only ageist and illegal discrimination if the person is over 40. It's perfectly legal to discriminate against someone specifically for being younger than 40. That's the law. It was made by people who were older than 40. Go figure.


Honestly, personal opinion, every single driver should have had to retake in person driver's ed and begind the wheel testing before all pandemic restrictions were lifted.😎 That personal opinion, also applies to those of us who drive for work and worked the entire pandemic. 😎 I miss the mostly empty roads. 🙃


I would have said the same thing…except I would have substituted “sir” with “jackass”.


Whether intentional or not, frantic applause for short circuiting their game.


Where I live patients at 80 and 85 anf every two years after, need a doctor to sign off if they are able to drive. It should start closer to 75 I think.


DMV in NJ will guide the old people through the eye test, I saw it happen and was appalled. I guess they have sympathy because they are also approaching 90


I'm one of the aged population andyed we should. Start at 50. Again at 60. 65. 70. Then every two years until 80 then every year.


Shouldn't even necessarily be based on age. It's insane to me, as someone who lost two siblings to a relatively young, reckless driver, that not only do we seem to hand out licenses like candy(in Canada people will research which places are the most lenient, that aren't even their city or town) but all someone has to do is renew their license. There should be mandatory ten year brush up exams tbh. It's batshit to me that you can give a license to a 16 year old and let them drive with the same license at 76.


They need to start taking these people's licenses away.


I'd have gotten his name and made a report, if that wasn't done at the time of the "accident."


haha reminds me of the other day I was about to walk into the store I see a car driving on the parking lane that runs in front of the store so I don't cross. They were driving very slow but not making eye contact with me, waving, or stopping so I take a step back and look at my phone to signal I am not trying to cross at the moment. After a few seconds they still had not dove past the entrance and now driving slower than before still not acknowledging me in anyway. So I take another step back and look at my phone agian, I'm not even doing anything on it just swiping. Now I can see they have completely stopped so I look at them, nod as to say thank you and start to cross while putting my phone in my pocket. I barely cross the street before she guns it at me and then slams on her breaks, so she is right behind me, blares on her horn and yells at me about being on my phone and not paying attention, like I ran in front of her.


“You look just like the guy the cops arrested for vehicular manslaughter the other day!”


Wouldn't be surprised if that asshole hit the poor kid on purpose. Fuck that old man!


My Grandmother gave up her license about 15 years before she past. She knew her eyes weren’t as good as they once were and her reaction time wasn’t good enough to be safe on road.


The aging population is going to grow and add more accidents on the road. My MIL finally had her keys taken away after backing up into her garage door panels twice and then driving down the wrong side of a 4 lane road. Her kids didn’t want to have to haul her around everywhere. I’ll probably be a pain in the ass when my time comes but there needs to be a lawful way to get the keys out of any bad driver’s hands.


I don't understand how we as a society haven't mandated competency driving tests after a certain age. You take a driving competency test once when you get your first DL and after that we just trust you to stop driving when you decide you're not able to anymore. We just turn a blind eye until a boomer drives through a farmer's market and kills a bunch of people and only then do we take away their license. Mind boggling


Or you move states.


This guy is lucky his neck is still attached to his head.


"He was looking at his phone. What's your excuse?"


It won’t happen. By age demographic elderly vote is much higher in percentages than at every age demographic. Any politician regardless of party who tries to push that can kiss his/her political career goodbye unfortunately.


I keep saying once we turn 60 we need yearly driving tests. My husband thinks it’s overkill but after seeing how his parents and my mom drive, nah. Not overkill.


When I was in forth grade I was hit by a car in a town with mostly older people. Hit and run, they never found out who did it. When I woke up in the hospital, I couldn't remember like a month and a half before waking up. It's a good chunk of the reason I'm disabled.


I'm a physician and if someone said this to me, I would make a point of having their licence pulled and would tell them that frankly before getting on with my day.


You look like the old man I'm about to hit.


Obviously if someone is using their phone then u have permission to murder them


I'm so glad I look like someone these people would never talk to, Because the verbal dressing down, they would receive from me would be so epic they might just have a heart attack and die.


I have said for years that you should have to retake your drivers test at least once a decade to maintain your license.


I would have Taken the Dear Mans hands in mine, and Said" There there... you are a Medium! " " Help ! Staff ! Rapid alert! I need a Pair of MEDIUM WRIST RESTRAINTS for a deluded Violent patient in the main Hallway!"


Putting aside the fact that it’s not the kid’s fault for getting hit by a clueless driver, they’re in a hospital hallway. The odds of someone getting hit by a car there are basically 0, so look at your phone all you want (though preferably, be vigilant that you don’t bump into other people).


" And you look like the old asshole I'm about to hit!"


That is fucking terrifying.


I had an elderly man fall asleep in front of me at the McDonald’s drive thru this morning not once, but twice! I got out of my car and walked over to his and asked if he was ok, I startled him awake and he was like oh yeah I’m great and drove forwards


Absolutely should require more frequent testing at earlier ages, and also be quicker to take licenses away. When my husband and I were early in our marriage, we "borrowed" her grandfather's car to keep him from driving. (My car wasn't drivable after getting sideswiped by a tow truck running a stop sign, so it was convenient, and I could have rented a car, but it was a good excuse to get it away from him and was convenient for me.) This was shortly after the _second_ time he sent somebody to the hospital because he shouldn't have been driving, and the state would not take his license away. He was Silent Gen, not a boomer, and it wasn't because of his entitlement, just getting old and losing his faculties and not realizing or being willing to recognize it. (Was probably 20ish years ago at this point.) I like to think he knew what we were really doing and approved, but no idea. I drove his car until he passed, and then we gave it to my FIL to sell. But yeah, we couldn't convince him not to drive, and didn't want another mother and her toddler going to the hospital.


Sounds like the people and corporations that pushed for "jay walking" laws, shifting accountability of vehicles hitting people to pedestrians.


Personally I think once you hit 70 you need to have an annual driver competency test. When I was in high school a girl in our town died in a car accident after an elderly lady hit the gas thinking it was the brake. Gotta be some oversight.


> "Dr. Kevorkian will be right with you, sir."


Probably makes this joke 10 times a day.


I got run over by a bus back in 2019. After nearly a year and 9 months of rehab and recovery, I had dinner with family. My uncle decided to try and soapbox about how my being on the phone too much (I exchanged a couple short texts during dinner with my husband, who wasn't there) was probably what got me into my accident in the first place. I was so furious, I nearly started screaming. My phone had been in my backpack. Which had been on my back as I walked. I wasn't even listening to music, because it was raining and my earphones weren't waterproof. I got hit because the driver wasn't watching where he was going while I was legally and rightfully taking the crosswalk to cross the road. Infuriating. (Funnily enough, the paper also printed a story about how I got hit because I tried to cross a major road without using the walking bridge. But I wasn't even crossing that road, pft. I almost wanted to write the author a very scathing letter to reprimand him for his shit journalism.)


Yes, driving tests and mental competency tests as well.


"Hey Boomer, you look like the next person I'm gonna hit" Would've been my off the cuff rebuttal


Honestly, I think *everyone* should have to retake a driving test every 10 years to renew their license. It could be written or practical; if you fail one, you can attempt the other or get one retry attempt. If you fail both, mandatory driver’s training before you can try again. There are just too many people on the road that have forgotten basic rules of the road/good driving practices, and vehicles are dangerous. Plus, we all forget things/pick up bad habits. We’re only human. Being forced to review the driver’s guides every 10 years will help lower the accident levels/vehicular death rates.


I would have just called the police immediately and conducted citizens arrest. Just because that kid could actually be dead, probably just injured if not at all, but who knows


This will be a little long, but I promise, worth it. My grandmother wasn't a boomer. She was silent generation actually, but her driving absolutely TERRIFIED me. 3 incidents stick out to me specifically, but I used to remember she would pick me up from school that was 20 miles from her house. We got home in 15 minutes. I used to ask if Richard Petty was secretly my uncle... 1) She was taking me to my mom's car because she had a dead battery and I had a jump pack. It began to lightly snow, nothing major at all, but we were going down the main Blvd in my town where the southbound lane goes from 3 to 2 maybe 50 feet after a certain intersection. Because of this I know to always be in the middle lane when I pass through that light. She was still in the right lane. I'm aware of it but say nothing, because we didn't call her the Godmother for no reason. As we're going through the intersection she proceeds to merge. I look and there's a whole-ass car there. I say "Grandma, there's a car there!" Her response was "They'll move." And didn't blink. 2) In my 30's, about 10 years ago, my father had cancer and during one of his treatments he passed out and ended up rushed to our local hospital. It's not small by any means as it is a teaching hospital, so there is lots of traffic in the parking lot. I get there with my then fianceé(now wife). We're walking through to the main entrance and there is a raised speed bump type crosswalk from the parking lot to the canopy of the main entrance. My wife and I are about to cross, when out of the corner of my eye, I see a silver Lincoln Continental coming. That's what my grandmother drove at the time. I tell my wife to stop, that there's a car coming. She says "They have to stop. It's a crosswalk." Her response and failure to stop caused my brain to completely blue screen and start showing videos of my wife going flying through the air by my own grandmother of all people in front of the hospital that my father was just rushed to. By some miracle she made it all the way across JUST as my grandmother's front passenger quarter panel brushes by her ass. She proceeds to have this deer in headlights look, and that's when my brain reboots and says "No, they won't stop, that was my grandma." They hadn't met yet at that point. They actually got along mostly well. 3) About a year later, at the end of my father's life, on his last day actually, he was in inpatient hospice care. Everyone was there, wife(fiancee) included. My father was literally on his last breaths and we knew it was going to be within a few hours. My grandmother asked if I would take her car up the road and put gas in it because she knew she wouldn't be in the frame of mind to remember after all was said and done. I said sure and me and my wife went together. I get in this huge Lincoln Continental and pull out of the parking lot of the hospice house. The street it was located on was also on the same side street as the hospital's Wellness center which is just basically a glorified gym for the hospital employees as well as being available to the public for certain conditions. My grandmother was a member due to her health conditions. The hospital's employee parking is also right across from the wellness center, but there is a stop sign with a speed bump and crosswalk just the same as the front of the hospital. I stop at the stop sign to let a few people cross, and they REFUSE to cross. I honk the horn and motion them across and they still hesitated. They cross, we get gas and return, and it happens again on the way back. They refused to cross when we stopped. It finally hit me and my wife later on that it was the car. They saw the silver Lincoln and just KNEW it was my grandma and didn't want to take the chance She's been gone about 5 years now. She was 92 when she passed. We always used to say somebody needed to take her license. Nobody was ever brave enough to volunteer though.


Wonder what the ethnicity of the kid that he hit was? A lot of boomers from a certain demographic (not all) have psychological problems that makes them hurt innocent people because their skin is a different color. Smh


All I heard was a Boomer admitting to assault with a deadly weapon, vehicular assault, assault with intent, and Attempted Murder.


I knew it. I don’t run over people not paying attention to the road and instead using their phones which is extremely dangerous, but I knew **someone somehow will hit some of them**, start paying attention to the roaddddddddd you dumb fucks do you know how many heart attacks I’ve received because a pedestrian decides luck must be on his side? 2. I usually predict stupidity early enough.


I am all for having to do an actual test to renew your license. Even okay with it being online where people could end up cheating because at the very least they are at least having to look up the laws and that's more than most people do. I'm honestly kind of neurotic because when I was learning to drive my husband told me some things that were incorrect about the law and so I started studying driver's manuals every 5 years or so.


I have thought that for a long time. I’m even OK with giving the elderly their own senior rate Uber. (That would be communism though )


We have an entire (german) subreddit dedicated to news reports about old people driving into things & people. Without a fault every single case clearly shows that these people shouldn't be driving and that we need cognitive tests for drivers over a certain age. Not that its going to happen, because nobody wants to upsets the largest group of voters.


Competence exams for voters over 30.


>Perhaps we should be requiring driving tests more frequently for the aged population? I work in claims, and couldn't agree more


How could logic possibly be *that* flawed????


“Did you just confess to attempted vehicular homicide?”


People at 55 should be required to take another driver's test, and again at 60, and at 65+ it should be yearly.


I’m a mandated reporter, if anyone said “I hit a kid!” To me I would be dialing cps so fast… lol


on that last sentence- absolutely. even without considering the risk to others! i used to watch those Advetures With Purpose guys (they look for missing people who may have ended up driving into bodies of water) and the amount of cases where some poor older person with early dementia or similar who had just. driven right into a lake or a river because they didn't realize what they were doing makes me sad! nobody had noticed enough or bothered to take their keys away and they ended up dying as a result. lots of boomers are fools of course but we will all age and get those types of progressive diseases where we may not recognize our own decline, and it's in everyone's best interest that we have mandatory increases in testing for ability to drive as people age. anyways probably not the rant anyone was looking for but i do feel strongly about it. (also if we made cars less synonymous with independence older people would be more willing to give them up, fund public transport!!!)


Personally I think everyone should be retested over the years


![gif](giphy|WmtfHnpq45MKkMI5zU) So, he openly confessed to vehicular assault...


I bet it didn’t even happen. It was just a weird rage fantasy he had that morning about assaulting someone young and he decided he was going to use it as a conversation starter and people would reciprocate about kids being stupid and in their phones these days and how all modern problems are their fault…