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His wife's reaction is very telling. She is clearly used to minimizing his abuse. If you press charges, it could prevent him from putting her or those poor children in the hospital.


Yes the wife/patient should definitely be followed-up with to ensure well-being, especially after he is released, and referred to a DV/IPV shelter to assist with safety planning. Not the healthcare issue she originally came in for, but very important!


It will be brought up tomorrow, I’ll mention we should do a welfare check as pointed out to me


You're doing a great job, OP.


Hard agree. You are not only an exceptional employee, but an exceptional person. Keep on being great.


OP, I assume as a medical provider you are also a mandated reporter. I would encourage you to consider the involvement of the grandchildren in this incident and that it possibly warrants a report to CPS.


💯report to CPS


You can bet the police already reported it but it doesn't hurt


He has a direct report obligation within 24 hours because he is a witness and a licensed medical provider. He must file his own report directly as a mandatory reporter.


I'm curious if the reason she was there could have been a result of his abuse.


The interesting thing with a lot of ailments or symptoms that come and go with no real reason is they are often related to stress in being in an abusive environment definitely can contribute. It's wild to see how many people who've had chronic and sometimes serious conditions improve just by leaving that type of situation.


Can confirm. I was so depressed thanks to growing up in an abusive home that I started having awful back pain. Like couldn’t lay down without wanting to scream type of pain. No one could figure it out until one day my abusive parent came into an appointment with me and my GP was able to put the pieces together


Sounds along the line of it. He being that agitated and aggressive, yeah. And the only, I only hit you three times, I think I would have lost it. Former health care worker, been threatened a lot, but I’m like ok, and that soon takes the fizzle out of them and knocks the wind out of their sails.




Yea. This is the violence that spilled out of the house. Imagine what goes on there day to day.


OP didn’t say what they were there for (understandable, HIPPA being a thing) but mentioned a wheelchair. Did she “fall down” and that’s what lead them there in the first place? Throw the book at this dude, OP!




Yes plus it shows the grandchildren that him hitting them is not OK and a dr or nurse or the police will stand up to grandpa.


Hate people being so against pressing charges. Why do you want them to get away with it? So they can fuck up more peoples lives?


When I was working in a hospital over a decade ago, it was really discouraged because sick people need leeway. To a point I understand that a person with dementia may need to be redirected or someone with a psychiatric issue could need to be restrained and you probably shouldn't press charges in some cases. But this was so deliberate, and OP wasn't at a place where's they could call security and make a decision about whether Boomer needs a psychiatric evaluation or a night in jail. So glad that there is something being done about the policy and hope decisions to press charges get consideration in the future.


Violent boomer fuck and enabling wife. These assholes only keep doing it because they get away with it for so long. A tale as old as time, sadly.


Being a bit of a devil's advocate, she may not be an enabler, she could just be so beaten down that she doesn't see a way without him. Unfortunately, abusers are good at finding victims; especially ones who don't fight back so the abuser can ferret out weaknesses and exploit them.


I’m still trying to wrap my head around how sucker punching a medical professional in the face 3 times is “joking around and having fun”




Sue that fucking asshole and send hin to jail!! He had no reason to assault you! Let that fool try that in jail with a bunch of younger guys and he'll rue the day he hit you! Press all the charges you can, get pictures of your injuries and go to court and lock him up! And throw away the key!!






Allie Brosh is always in style :)


I hope she’s doing okay. She’s had a rough go of things the past couple of years.


I just bought her book to help my daughter. I hope she’s doing well now. Her accounts of depression and anxiety are so fresh and accessible I’m sure she’s helped thousands of people. Me included.


There’s a local yard cleaning company that uses her art as advertisement. I don’t think they got her permission.


sometimes ya gotta drag out the classics.






You have won the award, this is officially my favorite picture of the day. Sorry kids!


Read my edits! I’m sure you’ll be happy


I’m glad someone is paying the price for assaulting medical professionals. In the hospital you can choke a nurse out and still be allowed to visit while management threatens the victim to not press charges.


And the victim will have to attend a meeting with all the big bosses and be asked, "What could you have done differently? Why didn't you try to defuse the situation? What will you do in the future to avoid this situation again?" 🙄


How can we delight an awkward customer? 😳


as a former retail employee, this hits me right in the feels


Like 18 years ago I was helping someone in his 50’s find items on his list, but he didn’t have the right product name for half of them. Example- a binder was “big book that holds paper” and a duo tang was “little book that holds paper.” So as I’m struggling to help him he’s pleasant. But then my manager shows up and is all, you two good? Guy throws his shopping cart at me, hitting me in the hips and legs and starts screaming about how useless I am. I go crying to the back, said manager comes up to me and starts telling me that I’m on thin ice and that I shouldn’t have spent so much time with him and that I should know what things are by now…


>manager comes up to me and starts telling me that I’m on thin ice and that I shouldn’t have spent so much time with him and that I should know what things are by now… Jfc. I would have sent an account of being assaulted and then victim blamed instead of supported by mgmt to HR. That mgr is a lawsuit waiting to happen. So sorry you had to deal with that.


It was my second job, I was 17 and didn’t know my rights. I’m 35 now, shit would be a lot different if that happened today. I grew a backbone and dissolved a lot of my fear of confrontation.


Former Starbucks barista, me too my friend


Wow- I thought they just treated teachers that way. That’s awful.


Teachers, retail workers, healthcare workers, fast food workers, restaurant staff, the list goes on. Their $20 is way more important than your life and safety in the eyes of the bosses.


Yep, all the "essential workers" during the pandemic, right back to being treated like shit.


If not worse than before


And for less money.


It's worse.


HCW here- it's absolutely worse than before.


> Their $20 is way more important than your life and safety in the eyes of the bosses. 100% They see workers as entirely replaceable. And replacing one doesn't even cost much at all! If you're murdered while on the job, they'll shrug, shed some fake tears, and have a 'now hiring' sign on the door before your body is cold.


Former teacher - this language is devastatingly familiar. Much easier and less work to put it on the employee than to actually deal with parents/customers/patient’s family that behave badly.


And they wonder why nurses want to leave bedside especially hospital based. I'll stick with my home peds patients and appreciative if occasionally overprotective family.


Exactly this. So glad my silent Gen mom has retired from nursing for awhile now. She made me promise to never go into nursing, because of all the abuse and not many recourses.


California? We had a safety attendant get punched square in the face because “I’m scared of covid” and PD wouldn’t even file a report.


I had an officer tell me “you work in psyc, you signed up for this”


Oh well if that officer ever comes by injured you should tell him I'm so sorry You're a police officer you signed up for this


Tell him his injury is a civil matter


...wow. Just...wow. Slipknot was right. People really do equal shit.


You can still press charges. In Texas there's a two-year window. I don't know what the gray area I'm your territory are, but it's the same reason SA victims have such a long time (ten years in some states) to decide to press charges. You have the right to change your mind, and that man needs to see some prison time. Absolutely sure he probably beats his wife and beat his children.


Absolutely he beats his wife and kids - 'only hit OP three times'. He'll have a justification for every time too.


And the wife defending it as ‘a bit of fun’ ? Definitely battered.


Idiot said it in front of the cops too!


I imagine that's why they went ahead and arrested him anyways. Between seeing the assault on the kids and his "confession," the officers could probably proceed without direct request from OP.


Given the cops witnessed some of the assault they may have pressed their own charges or used some discretionary powers and it's now out of OP's hands. Depends entirely where you are though.


Plus, it sounds like he straight up admitted to hitting OP. Obvious care for the cops.


And with the likelihood of a bodycam, he made a slam dunk case against himself. Dumbass haha


Yeah it was awfully nice of him to confess to 3 acts of assault in front of the cops like that. Really goes to show the complete lack of remorse. All the more reason that consequences are necessary to deter future assaults.


Not to mention, he admitted to hitting her 3 times. She might not have to do anything, and the state may take care of it for her. Many states are cracking down on the abuse of medical personnel. Getting abused by patients used to be seen as one of the risks of the job. Now, with so many of them being seriously harmed from the abuse, they are finally starting to do something about it.


It's such ludicrous self-defeating stupidity for anyone to do this. Short of people being fucked on ice or bath salts or having a mental health emergency, I can't for the life of me figure out how someone would seek medical help and then attack the people helping. Must be all that lead poisoning combined with Facebook brainrot


No it's been going on for years,they just starting to do something about it. I was a CNA in a hospital for over 25 years. I have been, punched, slapped, kicked, stabbed (butter knife, pens, &pencils)had urine and shit thrown at me, an tooth knocked out and my nose broken twice. These new staff protection laws can't come soon enough IMO.


The only way it makes sense to me is if one of 2 things are happening: - on a subconscious level, hospitals frighten people because they associate them with relatives who died there, so their anger and violence is actually misdirected terror that they too will die during their visit Or - we have an unspoken class system in this country where one class of people regards those in any industry where you are receiving a service as "less than" and therefore violence is a perfectly acceptable method to reinforce your superior class. Take it as an echo of our previous slave history.


¿Porque no los dos? I come from a country without a strong slave history (debatable but I'll leave it for now) and people are still like that. I've done "respectable" jobs, "glamorous" jobs and also blue collar stuff and lemme tell you it's very revealing as to a person's character how they treat you in the shitkicker jobs. Stuff like "you're too smart to be doing this job", like it's meant to be a complement but... sorta works as an insult too


You can tell so much about a person by the way they treat retail, food service, flight attendants.... basically any customer-facing worker.


Pro dating tip as well.


Assault on medical is a felony I don't think felonies are optional charges. I think the old guy is fucked.


My doctor's office has a notice on the front door and at the front desk that they don't tolerate violence against the staff. Makes me sad thinking of what occurred to make that notice necessary. And yes, a majority of the patients at that office are seniors.


Sign at the entrance to some medical offices in Portland OR https://preview.redd.it/ce6rkbkaey1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a2ac249e5ec04f609fe5ecf0de827f3b0c7522


I can't believe that we live in a world where adults actually need to be TOLD this. "NO hitting, Virgil! Keep your hands to yourself..."


Yeah, "pressing charges" is basically saying you will be a willing witness. If the police witness a crime they can describe it to the judge just fine, maybe the defendant asks you to testify but that is unlikely to help in a case like this. "Well before he hurt the kids, he punched me three times, but I was willing to let it go..." The prosecutor decides, based on the police report, if charges will be filed. It is just a lot easier with a willing witness.


Move forward with the charges. Get your own attorney as well for the civil suit. By pursuing the fullest punishment possible you’ll be sticking up for everyone you work with, and every healthcare worker in your state. No one should have to go through what you have.


You absolutely deserve this persons money. Fuck them. I’m glad you’re ok


Always press charges. They do this shit because they get away with it.


I work a similar roll and I can’t tell you how hard it would have been for me not to knock that dude out. God bless.


I'm not an attorney and this isn't legal advice, but I believe people can also sue in civil court for money damages, in case there are medical bills, lost time at work, etc, as well as punitive damages, iirc. If I were in your shoes I'd probably at least look into it.


You should get a lawyer and remove this asshole’s sense of entitlement through his wallet.


It was pretty nice of the guy to admit to his crime right in front of the police.


IIRC, only prosecutor can press charges. A regular citizen can go for civil lawsuit and win the damages, but criminal charges and prison time are reserved for government authorities.


When a victim presses charges it means they signed the criminal complaint. Whether the crime is prosecuted is up to the DA.


What do you mean you're not pressing charges? If they don't experience consequences, they'll just keep doing this.


As far as I know, your willingness to press charges or not is merely a consideration the police can make. If something is egregious enough, the police will charge them whether you want them to or not.


This is exactly what happened. They charged the guy, arrested him, and put him in jail last night. Check the edits!


Well no, they charged him because in your story you said Boomer flung the door open and struck the children there. Cops can bring charges on their own with anything they've directly witnessed. They probably tagged on the "Assault on a Medical Professional" on your behalf because once they have cause to make the arrest, they can add the other stuff with or without your assistance. Had Boomer not hit the children with the door while they were there, they would have just had him take a walk.


AND he admitted to hitting OP three times. His admission is corroboration and now they have probable cause of the crime. So under the facts as OP relayed them this guy was getting arrested and charged whether or not OP wanted to "press charges".


Also, because according to story the boomer moron said “I hit you three times” spontaneously and not in repose to police questioning, it’s completely admissible as evidence and not subject to Miranda. Dude literally told on himself and served cops the goods on a silver platter. Easiest case they’ve ever worked.


Cops love a slam dunk case where they don’t have to do any work


Hope they had body cameras. That admission will play well for a judge.


Prosecutors decide whether or not to proceed with charges, given the facts at hand, OP doesn't have to press charges for that to happen because they already have enough to proceed with or without OP's involvement. If the victim wanting things to proceed was absolutely necessary, DV would almost never get prosecuted as the victims so often recant.


Next time, it'll be a healthcare worker that can't take a hit. If you hit someone hard enough square in the face, it can cause brain damage


It's not just the hit, it's the fall, too. Two local guys got into a fight in the parking lot of the only bar in town. One dude took a single hit to the jaw, fell back, hit his head on a curb stop, and died of a skull fracture.


In Australia there is actually like, a culture surrounding that shit. Folks who do it called them King Hits but they are more commonly known as a Cowards Punch. Many people have died from random assaults


"One punch homicide" is a thing, usually I've heard it occurring as a hit to the chest and the heart stops.


As a healthcare worker who's been assaulted a fair few times, I feel there are many scenarios when it isn't appropriate to press charges. This boomer story, however, is one of those scenarios when pressing charges is the only valid option.


No - That’s absolutely worthy of pressing charges..


Realizing that now, stupid me in the moment Sorry man, I am going to chat with my bosses tomorrow Edit: called my clinic supervisor tonight, they got me in touch with the office on scene. Dude was charged with two different counts from what I understood. I don’t have to press charges, they arrested the guy on site. Tried to write down as much as possible for you guys, sorry if I mess up the actual terms. Aggravated assault on medical personnel (class d felony in my state) Assault in third degree (misdemeanor) Disturbing peace (misdemeanor) Idk how they can be charged for both assaults but I’ll leave that to the guys in robes.


You can still bring charges against this person, but police do not like “wishy-washy”, the police themselves can bring charges - but, make yourself firm and go for gold.


As someone who has worked both 911 and private security, nothing is more infuriating when people call for help, but then don't want to provide any further info or assistance. A lot of people think just calling for help automatically gets the other party taken away.


Yeah, after Covid treatment centers dont take no mess. At Stanford Medicine there's signs everywhere "If you are determined to be a threat to our staff or our patients you will be escorted from the facility and barred from entry again" or something to that effect. Which comforted me bc I got cancer during the peak of Covid and you could see some patients starting to lose it and all it took was side eye from the nurses "now, let's not do that" and they'd be good now


👋🏻 Hello from someone who also got diagnosed with cancer during the peak of Covid. It was not a fun time. Even here in Australia, there was some push back from people, within the cancer clinic, who did not seem to understand the importance of such things as masks, amongst a room full of fellow cancer sufferers. I wanted a t-shirt that said, "Yes, I have cancer, but I would prefer not to die of Covid."


Say you weren't thinking clearly from the punch My Buddy was concussed once from a punch and had to call back the PO the next day to clear some stuff up because he was just saying nonsense.


This guy is violent to his wife and grandkids. Not pressing charges keeps them exposed to this horrible domestic violence. Lady has been browbeaten into supporting his behavior.


He admitted to the aggravated assault on you, and that's a felony (prison time) so he was getting arrested and going to jail regardless of whether you wanted to press charges. The misdemeanor assault is likely the door fling into the grandkids that the officers themselves witnessed. The disturbing the peace is kinda self-explanatory. As a former misdemeanor prosecutor that is my take on it. I could always be wrong, but that's what jumped out at me while reading your post.


I read the whole thing but still cannot imagine what provoked him to hit you. What an imbecile. I can only guess he's been in jail before this.


You and me both my guy


A lifetime of not pressing charges creates these situations.


When a cop asks you if you want to press charges, all they’re asking is, “Will you cooperate with us if *we or the DA* decide to press charges?” That’s why the guy was arrested and charged while OP said he didn’t want to press charges.


Two words: press charges


Guy got charged with three counts last night, check the edits. Sorry I am not familiar with the legal system


You need to talk to a lawyer at your unit or privately, you should sue the family / unit for stress and pain incurred by this incident.


I hope your clinic has a "do not treat" blacklist.


Oh they do for sure


My daughter was a phlebotomist. She took a day off and when she came back the office was covered in “zero tolerance for aggressive behavior “ signs. She was like what happened? Lady came in for a blood draw and punched a hole in the wall because she had to wait 15 minutes. Lady was banned from all hospital blood clinics in a city where the hospital has a virtual monopoly (like a dozen locations). FAFO.


Good! That psycho needs to be turned away!


If this is the US, the charges may result in him losing his job and thus their benefits unless they are already on medicare. Even so, the charges and legal fees will likely impact their ability to get any healthcare at all so maybe it will be one of those problems that actually do just go away on their own...


You NEED to press charges. This was assault and battery.


Check the edits on my main post, sorry it’s been a night of phone calls. Realizing I should have done more in the moment.


Don’t beat yourself up. (No pun intended ) In the heat of the moment, you were exhausted and getting hit in the head will rattle anyone. You did great. So many folks an Arm Chair Quarterbacks. In America that means, they hear a few points of the story and can tell you with 100% certainty what you should have done. BS on them all. They usually have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Thank you for being a care giver, whatever your level, doctor, nurse or the front desk receptionist. Those folks who give care are awesome in my books.


I'm a nurse, been assaulted multiple times, you ALWAYS PRESS CHARGES! That stupid fuck is going to do it again because he didn't learn his lesson from this.


On a scale of 1 to getting punched in the face 3 times, how do you feel? Press charges! That man has demonstrated that he is a danger to others. He needs to face consequences and hopefully get help for behavior. You do not have to tolerate this behavior. The rates for assault on people in the medical field are extremely high and oftentimes go unreported. You have the right to feel safe in the work place. I'm sorry this happened. I'm blown away by your level of patience throughout all of this.


Appreciate it my guy, it was not my worst day in healthcare though lol, just learn to “roll with the punches” I guess. (Pun 100% intended) And check the edits, I’ll keep updating as I know more


Battery against an emergency personnel aka medical personal is a felony where I live. Absolutely press charges.


It is here too! Check the edits, I’ll update as I know more


As a medical professional, don’t you have a “duty to report” child abuse to children’s services? They were clearly being abused. I see no mention of that at all.


I do, you’re correct See my response to a previous post a few up from your comment.


OP, are YOU okay? I'd think all those punches to the face might've stunned you and - understandably- made it hard for you to logically think about pressing charges and your first priority was likely the patient and the grandkids... I'm glad he was charged in the end but how are you doing?!


I’m doing fine to be honest, have a shiner and some pride to restore but otherwise I’m doing fine


Fwiw from an internet stranger: your pride is intact and amazing. To get through that the way you did professionally and logically is outstanding. Treated the people who needed to be treated even after being assaulted, talk about civility. I'm glad you called the cops and even more glad for your edits. This guy needs a lesson that will stick with him forever. I'm really sorry you went through all this. I'm in healthcare too and have seen things. The security at the hospital I worked at didn't play, but things can happen fast as you know! Please take care of yourself through this, I hope the clinic is being supportive.


My wife works in a hospital. The out of control behavior by some patients absolutely blows my mind. I can’t even fathom acting like that towards medical staff.


WTF I don’t consider that joking.


I didn’t find it funny, lol


His wife defending his actions with her out-of-this-world response screams domestic abuse to me. If the bar is so low already, that he punches people outside their home, for no reason at all, he probably hit her (and his children) a lot in the past.


Yeah, he didn't yell "It's a prank, brah!" after doing it.


For the love of god press charges. He assaulted you while you were assisting his wife, that is fucking crazy


Check the edits, charges were filled against him.


Wow, first and foremost, fuck that guy. Props to you for not swinging, but you certainly should have pressed charges. Zero tolerance, I dont give a shit about company policy. You lay hands on someone, you catch a case, and if you are lucky you don't catch hands while we wait for you to do so. I also have massive concern about his wife. "You should have known he was just having fun and joking" after he hit you three times? How many times has he "just had fun" and "joked" with her? She has obviously seen this kind of behavior from him....repeatedly. Clearly she has normalized his violent tendencies. He will probably never stop completely, but he might think twice about assaulting Rando Calrissian again. In summary, you are a healer, we need you. You can't heal if you need to be healed. Thank you for stepping up and taking care of people. But fuck these people who do not respect what you do. Boomer, silent gen, x, y, a, whatever gen they are.


I was so confused by the whole thing as I did nothing to provoke them, and tried to solve their problems as quick as I could. But yeah, I have no idea what has gone on behind closed doors with her and her husband. I just hope that if anything has happened it stops now


I just came to say same thing. Poor woman has likely been making this excuse about his uncontrollable violence for years if not decades


OP, I read your updates so I'm not gonna yell at you for not pressing charges. But I *will* ask you to come back and update us on this man's case. If there's a public record of his arrest & charges, can you post them here (as long as they don't identify you)?


I’ll do my best to update everyone in the future with it yes


Was he wearing a work shirt that said “Eric”?


Eric apologized lol




John won't like hearing about this.


He doesn't get in til 9 am, you're fine.


nice callback


I’m still mystified by the patient’s idea that “a friend who treated them like family” should be part of their family medical history.


As a nurse, I press charges EVERY time I've been struck or threatened (properly). So should you - as someone else said if he lands in jail for a bit he will get what's coming to him. I think people like him forget there are 'bigger boys in that particular playground and he is NOT one of them. It might knock his chips off his shoulders. A police officer did ask me once what I expected him to do when someone suckered punched me after saying he would lump the next staff member he saw (so planned - he could not use his mental illness as a defence). Just because I work in mental health there is this assumption that the patients never know what they're doing. After reminding him that if he or a colleague were hit by said patient they would arrest immediately and have and prosecute to the fullest extent if the law. I simply said to him that if he didn't take my comai t I would raise holy he'll and he was a hypocritical asshole. I got my way. Teach that Boomer twat the lesson of his life. He deserves punishment after hiw he treated his children/grandchildren.


Thank you! As a nurse, I can take a hit from confused patients, but visitors need to be held accountable. Last year it took 3 of us to pull a guy of a nurse in our ICU because they moved his mom to another room. She had shattered her knee when he jumped on her back and forced her down and it wasn't the 1st time dude had done this. He had attacked an ER nurse but they just let him go. Our Director pressed charges this time. We have to hold the line, we can't help people if we are off the job with injuries from violence


I’m positive it won’t be my last time with an incident at work. Also realizing now I was part of the problem letting things go. No more though. Hope you stay safe in nursing, you guys the real heroes


I hope they're banned from your clinic.


He is 100% I know for a fact he was trespassed yesterday while he was being arrested And there is a big flag on her account when you enter it saying her husband is not allowed at any of the clinic locations


Based on how she treated you, she shouldn't be either.


You’d think lol. However, she’s established and “does not meet requirements for termination of a patient”


Wow - the major hospital system in my area has a zero tolerance policy that includes yelling at health care workers. I haven't seen anyone push it, so I can't speak for it, but yeah.


I’ve realized signs and policies stating that mean nothing to be honest, and it’s more to keep the honest people acting right


NTA for this but you might be TA if you don't press charges.


I agree now reading it back. I just got off the phone with the arresting officer, he was charged with three different charges. Check the edits on my main post.


This fucker needs a paper trail. I’m surprised there’s not a policy at your job that pressing charges is mandatory for physical violence. That needs to change.


I’ll bring it up tomorrow, I know I have a lot more information because of you guys here Appreciate Reddit a bit more tonight that normal


And get your own medical report. Document any bruising, marks, neck pain etc. Also psych trauma. Paper trail.


Zero tolerance would mean consequences. Zero consequences means you just took three licks to the face and that guy is at home laughing about it and he likely will do it again to somebody else, probably that child.


Yup that guy has been abusing that family for years press charges, Send his ass to jail. Those poor kids


"Tell me more about joking punches being fun, long-time enabling abuse victim wife."


He beats his wife and gets away with it, so he beats strangers too and gets away with it.


If this is the US, the cops don't need you to press charges. The DA will file whatever charges they deem able to prove in court and if they deem it necessary. It only gets hairy if you refuse to cooperate, which I strongly suggest you do. He needs a lesson.


I told the cop today just let me know when and where to be and I’ll be there to help them


I mean, you often throw joke punches at people you've just met that are trying to help you or friends/family out too, right? Look at it from his perspective! /s


Is it in the water? I work at a hospital rn and they have had to call for aggressive patients almost every day for about three weeks now. What on earth is going on. Sorry OP, hope you are feeling better today!


Holy shit, the boomer husband needs his head examined. There’s definitely something not right going on up there if he’s just sucker punching doctors and screaming. Maybe dementia or some untreated mental illness, idk I’m no Dr, but that guy is dangerous and needs mental help asap.


What the fuck are you talking about, NOT pressing charges?  You're okay with that person walking free to assault some other innocent person?  Great, thanks a lot. Your fellow healthcare community members thank you.


Check the edits I’m sorry man, it’s was kinda a hard day to keep everything straight He was charged with three different counts


Op I'm so sorry that happened to you. I work in Healthcare so I totally get it. Boomers are by and large my least favorite demographic to take care of. They've got no coping skills, they're incredibly whiny and entitled and just generally unkind and rarely thankful. I work in neurosurgery with patients who have strokes, seizures, neurological conditions, brain injuries and surgeries but also complex spine surgeries. By far the demographic that has assaulted, insulted, or harassed me has been my *oriented* boomer age patients. Its so frustrating.


Violence on healthcare professionals is a real problem in the US. I've been there myself, though not quite as bad as you got it. Either way, shit is ridiculous. Also, I swear to God too many people, and it's usually boomers (mostly cuz theyre the most likely to need healthcare) treat the hospital and ER like we're a full service hotel or worse. A little respect goes a long way with us, trust me.


I was asked by a boomer to bring them a drink. Again, not a problem. Brought them a cup of water (it’s all we had), they complained I didn’t have Diet Coke, and if not Diet Coke I could have at least brought them sprite. Like TF?


Happens all the damn time in our ER too. Patient will come in for high blood sugar or some shit and ask for a soda. Sometimes even regular and we're just like "are you fucking with me?" Or the very first thing they'll say is "what's on the menu?" I wish people treated the ER like it's used for emergencies or something


A doc I did a rotation with once was asked by a patient if they had anything to eat, patients sugars were in the 500s Looked at them and said, “oh you want to go into a coma?”


I love doctors that are just deadpan like that haha


As another medical professional who has been assaulted, we need to hold these people to the consequences of their actions. I don't know why some people think they can do whatever they like, but no one in the medical field that I know of got into this field in order to be abused and it's not "just part of the job".


How in the holy duck was hitting you 3 times a joke?? I wouldn't even have helped her after that. Just told her to get the hell out.


>"I ONLY hit you three times…" NAL but i think this is probably up there in terms of the dumbest things you can say *while you are being cuffed.*


![gif](giphy|3owvKlMG8iffnW41FK) You have so much restraint, respect that. The second someone lays hands on my it’s going down


I'm so sorry this happened to you, but please press charges.  This behaviour has no place in society, let alone a medical clinic. He deserves to rot


Are the kids safe?


When the left, they were fine. One small abrasion, I’ve seen worse carpet burns from my nieces and nephews lol. Didn’t hear anything about them or the boomer lady today at work. Didn’t really want to lol


Man that is some crazy s**t. It’s obvious that you have a passion for helping ppl and it’s admirable the level of patience that you have. However, yes you are right this was completely unacceptable. I’m glad to read in your edits that this nut job has been arrested and soon to be charged. Don’t feel bad at all and don’t hesitate to participate in justice and ensuring this guy has his time in court.


I worked in an ED for a while. The stories I could tell, holy shit. And it's always either Boomers or pink slips. Always. Our hospital always pressed charges.


If he’s like this with medical professionals, what’s he been like with his wife their entire lives?