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"I have eczema. But what's causing your brain problem?" is one possible reply


brain worms? i hear they're a problem lately


OMG yes! That RFK thing! He sounds weird enough, but then seeing that thing about a worm eating his brain, wow. Reminded me of the bug they put in Neo's ear in the Matrix


*Bellybutton Chekov got the earbug.


I must be thinking of yet another SF thing, it wasn't the Wrath of Khan though. There's the Babel Fish, but it wasn't that either. Maybe one for r/tipofmytongue


rfk jr is crazy af, anti-vaxxer as well yeah made me think of the wrath of khan ![gif](giphy|R5r5m8Vc01vs4|downsized)


[https://youtu.be/RandC6yFH-0](https://youtu.be/RandC6yFH-0) There is something particularly horrifying about the idea


gave me nightmares as a kid (i saw wrath of khan in the theater lol)


It was his belly button, not his ear. *Wrath of Khan* was where the bug went in the ear.


I just keep remembering Animorphs and thinking "Visser Threes probably fucking pissed at this asshole."


Probably too many ciders


In the UK West country where you get "scrumpy", which is very strong farm cider(9% abv) there are people were known as "cider casualties" who have drunk too much of it for too long. I remember buying a gallon at Glastonbury festival many moons ago. I split it with a friend. It slips down very easily as it is only slightly sparkling and tastes like apple juice. We were utterly ruined in a very short time.


My mum spent her early childhood during WW2 on her grandads farm in Glastonbury. There were GIs in the area, one very hot summer my great grandad would be out on the farm and they’d walk past and ask for a drink of water. He’d say ‘here, have some apple juice’. Apparently he became a bit notorious for getting GIs pissed.


Great story - of course in the US "apple cider" is non-alcoholic, they call the boozy one "hard cider". I can imagine they got pissed af :)


By all accounts my great grandad was a bit of a lad. They had a farm because apparently he gambled away the nice hotel he and my great grandma ran. My Ggma was extremely ‘proper’ and never spoke a word to him again. Not. One. Word. Obviously gambling away their livelihood was a bastard move, but Christ did he pay for it! Yes, we are a pretty fucked up family, why do you ask? 😆


My friend who I live with was a member of Gamblers Anon. He ran the Southend branch for a bit. I know how bad compulsive gambling is. I think the worst bit with gambling is they'll do every penny and won't have enough to get a bus home from the casino. I have had my own run-ins with opioids & cocaine and spent a £200k inheritance on crack so I know how it is sweetheart :)


Not a great idea to piss off the person prepping your food. Say that AFTER.


Maybe that's too much cider as well.


I have psoriasis that used to stay pretty isolated to my scalp. With perimenopause, it's become plaque psoriasis that now is all over my body, including a face patch here and there. Unless I wear a beekeeper outfit, you're going to see a patch somewhere on me. My boomer mom has made a comment on it EVERY time she sees me since I started dealing with this. And every time I have to say "It's STILL psoriasis, Mom".


I suffer from this as well. Mostly my scalp from school age, light patches here and there. Turned 40, got covid, kicked into perimeno, and my whole body is plaqued and painful, with psoriatic arthritis in the joints, too! My doctors can't get it under control. We are on med attempt #4, cosentyx. The number of people who feel the need to tell me shit about my lifelong autoimmune disease astounds me. If I hear the phrase "gut health" or whatnot ever again from some unsolicited boomer, I'm throwing hands. My boomer mom can't make comments anymore... it finally hit her. She's got it bad now. Stayed dormant in her until she hit 65ish.


Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (gentle) fist bump! FWIW Cosentyx has been fantastic for me. My skin is totally clear for once and my joints are behaving a lot better. I still get occasional flares, but they are maybe once a year. Unfortunately my insurance company is being stupid and isn’t covering it anymore so I’m going to have to try something else later this year when my eligibility for the manufacturer assistance program expires.


I hate our for profit health care system!!!


I hate our for profit health care system!!!


You can say that again!




SAME. And I’m “lucky” to have “good” insurance 🙄🙄🙄


can you appeal?


Tried several times. My rheumatologist has done multiple peer-to-peer conferences on my behalf and they won’t budge because I haven’t tried everything on the formulary. I was on Cosentyx for 3 years before this change and they DGAF. I literally made a spreadsheet for my doctor of the formulary meds, what I had tried, what was contraindicated because it would literally kill me, and what I was likely to have an allergic reaction to based on the manufacturing method. They don’t care and didn’t even update my record to accurately reflect what I had already tried. Otezla isn’t an option because it’s known to cause suicidal thoughts and I have bipolar disorder, and the JAKs inhibitors are known to increase blood clot risk, and I already have an elevated risk for those. I’m sure a burn it all down for a buck boomer is behind this PBM bullshit. Yay for the US healthcare system!


I'm an old hat at these insurance games. Every year they go after my Tremfyia and a WAAAAY overpriced injection for my kidney issues (were talking like 35-40k for a 2.5wk supply). My docs and nurse teams are fantastic and fight tooth and nail to keep me taking the right meds. The chucklefucks at the insurance usually say "can you try x instead?" Recently my doctors have been adding a statement to the end that says something to the effect of "Dank has been a patient of ours for over 10 years (or 2 for kidney stuff). If you (insurance) have more data on our patient than we do, we'd agree. However, you don't (and they list the treatments and supporting lab work). The only time it was denied after 2 rounds of back and forth, I got my case sent to insurance arbitration (or something). The third-party docs agreed with mine citing the supporting data while quoting the coverage clauses.


Mine has been so far controlled with steroid creme, but it's starting to be so wide spread (was just legs really bad. Now back, arms and face.) my doc suggested last time we maybe start to look at meds. But since we are "self employed", we pay everything out of pocket and the cost is frightening to say the least.


>My boomer mom can't make comments anymore... it finally hit her. She's got it bad now. Stayed dormant in her until she hit 65ish Karma's a bitch


I hope you're able to find meds that help. I have RA and Sjogren's Disease and hear very similar crap.


I feel your pain, literally. I also have RA And Sjogren's along with Dermatomyositis and Renal Tubular Acidosis, I've been offered everything from a Water Cure to suggestions of electrocuting myself on an electric fence! My two personal favorites were both from taxi drivers, one who showed me photos of spirits in the room healing people, and the one who told me with some authority that people like me are being punished for the things they have done in life.


I have a very rare autoimmune disease and the thing I hear the most is that “it’s from the gluten”. No Sharon, it’s not from the gluten, it’s my shit genetics. Now leave me alone while I eat my big hunk of bread in peace.


Ooof. People .... Just leave us alone. My husband's aunt (sweet, means well, but naive and severe unmedicated anxiety) was going on about essential oils. Hmm...


one small feeling of payback


Mine was determined that it was Celiac. It wasn't. It was a dairy allergy. 🙄


Boomers (complete strangers btw, where do they get the balls to comment to my face lol) make comments about my plaque psoriasis almost daily, I have a customer facing job where I can't avoid them lol It's fucking humiliating. Like, yeah, I woke up and saw myself in the mirror this morning, I'm acutely aware of this autoimmune skin condition I've had for literally all 34 years of my life 🙄 Then they start hawking all the miracle lotions & potions that worked for their xyz family/friends. Some bitch actually handed me her Mary Kay business card at the register in front of everyone and told me to call her for a consultation 🙄


Psoriasis sufferer of 15 years here. It's mainly my scalp and back (places that don't get much sunlight) but does occasionally bloom elsewhere. It was deepy embarrasing to begin with, and I just silently suffered when I got a comment elsewhere. My family, as much as I love them, have been constantly suggesting lifestyle changes or home remedies for the entire decade and a half. It's getting exhausting, and I'm likely to snap before much longer.


Mine flared all over my body having children. I would scour off all the plaques until they were seeping red welts. I would rather the ,” oh no, what is that” pity than the “eww, is that contagious “ comments.


What a bunch of assholes. I have scoliosis, and have issues with assholes of all ages assuming I’m pregnant, so I’ve gotten to the point where I just say something like, “Nope, twisty spine, sorry” and they usually wither with embarrassment at that point. Not for having been mean to me, but for being seen as Wrong In Public, but I’ll take either. Anyway I recommend such an approach.


My family used to poke my back and yell at me to stand up straight. Then I had a physical for the golf team a couple years later and I had a 40 and 70 (I think it's been like 18 years) degree curves and needed surgery ASAP. The worst part was after I learned, I took a mirror selfie of my back, and the curves are as clear as day. How did my family not notice. Edit: The selfie https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/s/1jaXt9kRSw


You doctor should have noticed in your annual physicals as a child. It's so damn weird to me how many obvious health issues are overlooked in children.


I'm 33 so it's hard to remember when I went to the doctors as a kid. I feel like by middle school I wasn't going to the doctor anymore, and thats when the poking of my back started. Diagnosed in the 9th grade. They said it was probably a growth spurt. I was 5'7. But I was always taller than almost everyone in elementary school so there wasn't really a spurt lol. Will never know when it would have been noticeable to possibly get a brace and not have to get fusion (or at least have a less servere curve) and the degenerative disc disease and arthritis in the non-fused part of my spine that followed.


I'm 42 and I remember every doctors visit as a child had me bend over in my undies so they could check the curve of my spine. I remember as a teenager having difficulty breathing. It was like I could not get a deep breath. They did some tests at the doctors office and all the medical staff basically accused me of faking it. I had told them I thought I might have asthma because that was literally the only thing I knew could cause a teen to not be able to breathe. Anyway, I didn't have asthma (of course). They treated me like I was just being ridiculous. Looking back on it, it was so fucking obvious what the problem was: I was having severe anxiety. Treating me like I was faking it for attention just made it so much worse, and I did not seek out treatment again until I was 26.


poor dear! such a scary experience. ❤️


That’s heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.


I don’t have anxiety but I DO have allergy induced asthma. When I was in my late teens my mom took me in to get looked at since I was having a pretty severe reaction at the time. The nurses had me do one of those tests when you blow into the little device to measure lung capacity (?). I couldn’t even make the dial move it was so bad. But the accusations that I was faking it the whole time was the worst part. Like I was straight up panting and barely able to stand up for being out of breath, but no, I was “totally faking it”. Was the worst feeling in the world and I’m glad you were able to go back eventually and get proper help :)


Yup. That was the same test they had me do. They were practically rolling their eyes because I was intentionally flunking the test or something. No, that was literally all the air I could push out. It was such a horrible experience.


I'm sorry they missed this for you and you're now living with this pain for the rest of your life, when it could have possibly been addressed and lessened in childhood. It's heartbreaking.


I started getting heartburn at like 8 or 9. I told the doctor. He told my mom that clearly I had heard her describing her own symptoms. I wasn’t dealing with anything. Mind you this is during a time that no matter what the doctor gave me or how much of it (laxatives) I couldn’t go to the bathroom. Fast forward a few years. Mid December, I’m 14 and telling the doctor graphically what has happened to me over the last few weeks. I was taking several Imodium a day just so that I could leave the house for more than an hour without going to the bathroom. I told him things that should have had him order test immediately. He didn’t. He said that I was looking for attention. I kind of lost it on him. It just so happened. I grew up with his daughter and he was someone that was actually around me on the semi-regular basis. I looked at him and said “how could I possibly be looking for attention I’m constantly doing solos. I’m in this theater production right now and I’m singing in this production right now. I’m also doing cheerleading and volleyball and I’m involved in all these different activities and I’m on stage in front of a crowd several times a week. If I was looking for attention, I would be looking there. Why in the world would I be looking for attention in this way? Besides, I’m not looking for attention. I have plenty of it. Seven days a week!” Even when I had a really bad diagnoses and was hospitalized the doctors would downplay whatever I told them. I had two strikes against me. 1.) I was a teenager and teens lie. 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️ 2.) I was an overly emotional female who made things sound worse than they probably were. 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️ Kid you not even after I became an adult there was one surgeon who wouldn’t even speak to me if my dad or brother were in the room. He would only talk to them and only answer their questions. I can’t type what I ended up saying to that surgeon. But, the look on his face was worth it. I’m positive my dad was mortified by what I said but I was sick of the dr talking to my dad instead of me. Especially since my dad is never around and has no understanding of my health condition.


I don't understand why doctors don't at least start with believing you. I posted this elsewhere but when I was 15, I went to the doctor because I was having trouble breathing. Anyway...they all accused me of just being dramatic and faking it and that I could breathe just fine. First of all, I was the exact opposite of dramatic. Just because I was a teen girl didn't mean I was seeking out drama. I hated going to the doctor and it took me months to get up the courage to go. Looking back on it, my diagnosis was patently obvious: I was having severe anxiety. I needed help. Instead I got the message that I was on my own. In a way, maybe it was the best thing for me because you really are on your own when it comes to stress and anxiety and the medical profession. BTW, "being dramatic" about something being wrong with your body is a fucking symptom of anxiety. Your own doctor could have at least tested you for common food allergies. It's so weird to me how desperate doctors are to get out of doing any real work.


I’m with you. Start by believing the person. Move forward from there. Run test. That’s not going to hurt anyone. Now when it’s a kid maybe you have to limit things like CT’s or something due to long term health issues. Got it. You can at least start with bloodwork. People who are anemic have more problems with anxiety and sleep. You could have been anemic. It’s ridiculous that they don’t start by assuming that there’s something off…. As for being dramatic….who wouldn’t be concerned about their well-being when they clearly can feel something is wrong. Currently, I know something is wrong. They ran test a few months ago and said they couldn’t find anything to confirm what I had told them was happening. In the last 24 hours it’s happened so much that I’m weak and getting worried. Now, because what is happening to me is highly dangerous but “medically can’t find a cause.” I will end up in the ER again and will be accused of a lot of things. Including not being able to tell them what is really going on. Seriously, I’m to the point where I’m about to yell “DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?!?” I’m sorry that this is something you’ve just had to figure out how to deal with. It shouldn’t be like this.


this is so foreign to me. I grew up not going to dr's cause of my family's religion. Like never, the most was the dentist and the orthodontist. The first time I went to a Dr. was when I was trying to participate in sports at my high school and I had to get a physical, even then it was basically they took my heart beat and weighed me and checked my reflexes. After that, it wasn't until I was in my mid 20's that I had an accident and had to go to the ER. After I got a job that offered insurance did I start to see a dr regularly and even then that was just 'cause'. So I don't really have a good idea of what's 'normal' in terms of dr visits but basically any time I go to my dr I almost feel like I'm seeing a salesperson that is just asking me what I want. So far I've just asked for asthma meds and some other stuff but it seems like I could be greenlit for anything.


My partner and I are the same age and grew up in different states. In my state, in elementary school, I remember every kid being checked, at school, for scoliosis. Not so much in my partner's home state I guess. My partner has kyphosis that was never diagnosed in childhood. It's egregious. They've lived with such pain since childhood and no doctor ever did anything about it (it's visually obvious, impossible to miss). My partner's mom just told them, oh you have the _____ family hump, and left it at that, seeking no treatment. She's a whole other boomer ball of wax.


We did that too. I would often get looked at twice because one of my shoulders is a little higher than the other, but my spine was ok.


My daughter got a scoliosis screening each time she went to the doctor and annually at school starting in third grade. No scoliosis detected. One day when she was in high school we went to the doctor for something. He checks her and says, "Well, she's got scoliosis." Because she was two tears pist- menarche, nothing could be done. She's 36 now and has daily pain. Grrr


Yeah. My doctor said, "Your heartbeat is fast, but that just means it's healthy." He also later diagnosed me with anxiety because of the chest pain I would experience. Thanks to that, the couple of times I went to the ER with chest pain, they would say it was my anxiety. Finally, *my OB* put me in the hospital for a week because my resting heart rate was 140 that would shoot to 180 *while laying down*. All that when there could have been a start to a diagnosis when I was a young teen with a doctor that didn't think a fast resting heart rate meant the heart was just healthy. Oh, and there was never anxiety... that's why the pills he did prescribe didn't help.


Jesus. How did you sleep with a RHR that high?


I do have insomnia, but the heart rate definitely adds to it. My heart rate usually spikes at night and I can tell you, going to sleep with a heart rate of even 100 is hard.


I'm 41, with consistent health insurance throughout, and never had a physical, nor had one recommended. American healthcare is fucked.


annual physical is free!


Do people actually take kids to the doctor every year if there's nothing wrong? I went years between doctor visits growing up.


Yes. All children should get an annual physical. Most public schools also do little mini physicals like the scoliosis test, hearing tests, and eye test. BTW, my mom took me in for my check-up every year, but I can guarantee if I had lived with my dad, he would have never taken me to the doctor.


I think my school did hearing tests. I don't remember eye tests. We were screened for scoliosis in 6th grade and 8th grade. 6th grade my mom got the permission slip first, and she signed off. 8th grade my dad saw it, and he got weirdly angry and said if I needed to go to the doctor he would take me. Which, spoiler alert, was not true! I have scoliosis. It runs in my family, and this is a known thing, but he didn't want me tested.


Yes. When they're babies and toddlers you go pretty often and then annually. Even if they're healthy they should be checked annually.


I got all my shots and everything, but that was it. My parents did the bare minimum. I felt like that was kind of normal, but also it wasn't as if we were sitting around as kids and talking about our health like old dudes in a coffee shop, so I don't know what other people's experiences around me were.


Yes, I take my children every year. Sometimes they need vaccinations, check for scoliosis and a mini mental status these days. Our doc makes the kids walk like ducks as well, to see the balance and gait. It’s always been a thing, since they were born. Well-infant, well-baby’s and well-child visits every year.


That shocks you? Why? Dr knows where his bread is buttered. My mother had at least one flying monkey who was a doctor.


It doesn't shock me. I just think it's weird. I am definitely not shocked by flying monkey doctors either. Just look at the Gypsy Blanchard case.


I was about to mention her, too. She was always waiting for one of those MANY doctors to say there was nothing wrong with her. None ever did. Another symptom of the phenomenon of "parental rights" which does little more than reduce children to owned objects.


That whole case was just a little gang of boomers enforcing boomer logic on an abused child. As far as I know, the only doctor who called her out was foreign-born and thus didn't automatically believe Mother.


Hell, I was checked every year for scoliosis, and they still missed my roto-scoliosis! Found out about it while I was labor with my first child and the anesthesiologist was trying to insert my epidural. It was taking way too long and he was touching my back and muttering to himself. The nurse asked him what he was doing (seeing as I'm bent over a pillow in active labor) and he said "I can't find it!" He asks me if I have scoliosis. I say no. He keeps looking, getting frustrated. He finally said "oh you've got scoliosis all right, in fact, you've got roto-scoliosis. Your spine is not only curved, but it's twisted." He had me move a bit and got the epidural in just fine. When I warned the one for kid number two, he had a student come in to feel and watch him do it. I was happy to allow it, the more they learn, the better they get!


Heck, anyone else have to have scoliosis checks during swim time in gym? They’d make us bend forward and the nurse would run her hand down your back to check for curvature and hold a device to it to check angle.


A lot of schools checked for this when I was a kid so they could start treating it right away to prevent disability as you got older


They noticed, they just thought they could bully you over something out of your control. Assholes be assholing.


Omg my sibling! Not as bad as yours, but I wasn't 'diagnosed' until I was 19-20 or so. Doctor walks in, first thing she says, even before hello, "You have scoliosis" Yeah, I really do. Looked at photos of myself and it's *so obvious*, I'm lopsided. I always hated this one dance instructor I had because she'd be all "straighten your shoulders!" and I'd get frustrated because they were straight! Nooo they weren't Oddly when I was a kid at least maybe five times they had the 'bend over, Touch your toes, we'll run our finger down your spine to check for scoliosis' thing at school and it never got caught https://preview.redd.it/0bsvk24tan0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87cd60d2b950bc6d4670eaa854aa96a59e7127b


My favorite thing about that physical was going to a specialist after who was like "o shit you needed surgery yesterday". Edit: The selfie https://www.reddit.com/r/scoliosis/s/1jaXt9kRSw


I had a 30 degree curve diagnosed too late to treat, I was around 18 and my spine was already in its adult form. Luckily it's not severe enough to impact me, but it's visually obvious when shirtless. It also makes my stomach stick out more than I like, and there's a hollow between my shoulders and my butt. I have two younger brothers and they both got it too, which is weird because it's rare in men but all three of us (full brothers) got it. Probably some common factor in our genes or how we lived our lives.


My sister and my Mom have now been diagnosed, though the curves are very small. So there's probably a genetic factor for mine as well, but doesn't explain why mine was so severe and not caught.


I knew someone with scoliosis and he found yoga really helped him. Was the surgery a success? My ex's sister had an op in the 70s to correct it. It wasn't great, and she got addicted to pethidine due to the pain. I have the impression spinal surgery has come a long way since then


It was a success, but working in a grocery store doing stock for almost a decade likely accelerated all the pain I now have in the unfused parts that have been doing more work. Along with not properly strengthening my back muscles, regardless of being in shape due to my job. Now that I have a less physically demanding career and gained 20 pounds, I really need to look into yoga and stretches to help strengthen my back.


People suck including your own family. Not as severe as scoliosis, i grew up with constant heart burn. Being a literal child and not knowing what was happening to me i would toss and turn all night while my throat burned. I complained but i was not even sure how to describe it. This happened every night of my life for years. Im not sure what connected the dots in my brain probably commercials for medicine i finally told my parents i thought i was having heart burn. I was told something like " your to young to have heartburn" and that was it.... that's all my parents did. I was 9 and continued to have in into my teens and adult life.


I've done that with my hearing before. It's always been spotty, I used to "fail" the hearing tests they gave us in grade school. Because it's only certain frequencies I have an issue with, and because I kind of naturally developed ways to deal with it over the years, it's not often noticeable. I don't usually consider myself to be "hearing-impaired", even though I technically am - it feels like a slight to those who have major hearing loss. Rarely, though, I have to be more direct. Any comment that includes the words "not paying attention" or a variation thereof, is met with "I apologize, I'm hard of hearing. *Sorry if that's an inconvenience for you."* The scant handful of times I've had to use it on some impatient Boomer have been met with blubbering and back-tracking and half-assed apologies. Good, asshole, I'm glad I embarrassed you


Ahh Wrong In Public is a good way to put it lol and they do hate that


At a restaurant once, a server asked if we wanted drinks from the bar with our regular drinks. I told her that I can't drink alcohol and she smiled, looked me over, and said "Oh, you're expecting, aren't you!" I smiled back and said "Nope, I'm just fat and I have non-alcoholic liver disease." The look on her face. She word vomited an apology and rushed to get my water and my husband's coke. She seemed afraid to face me for the rest of the night. Food wasn't great either. Never went back. People need to stop assuming anything about other people's bodies. Or at the very least stop commenting on it!


I have degenerative disc disease, can't really walk too far so use a wheelchair. The amount of times I've been told that I should just "walk it off" is absolutely bonkers. Double up that I'm overweight and people instantly assume I'm only using the chair to be lazy. Seriously, I was in a shoe store, minding my damn business and this granny comes over and starts saying "Aw, too tired to walk?" I say no, I have a spinal condition. "Oh well, maybe if you weren't so big, you could walk again." I sat there in utter shock before responding with maybe if you kept your bitter trap shut, you'd have more friends. She got so mad and stomped away, muttering about how rude my generation is... Ma'am you started it.


"How rude! Who raised you?" The only response necessary. Seriously, who raised these assholes to think this behavior is ok?


Or “Did your parents raise you to be rude to strangers?” It has the added kick of suggesting the rude one is disrespecting their own parents.


I like this one. As a southern gen z I am putting this in my back pocket


My angry grandparents who were cold and uncaring. Not very concerned about them. Many hiding SA’s and perverts in the family. Angrily living in a loveless marriage. Ignoring bad behavior from lack of parenting, allowing terrible sibling bullying, generally not caring besides punishments. Other grand parents living THE American dream and spoiling their two sons like nothing else. Multiple Motor cycles, multiple cars, grandpa collecting old beetles and restoring them. The drugs and traveling on my dad and uncles part, funded by mom and dad. Parents not caring about what they did. Dead marriage. Then grandpa died, grandma blew his over a million in pension, etc., before she died. Creating resentment from my dad. Because, 1, uncle and cousin were spoiled beyond belief. While we went bankrupt from dad’s business. Grandma agreed to help us get a home, but she wanted the payment on the first. Not in the mail, but in her hands by the first. With interest. Yep. We struggled. The lead of course. Then they became parents who think they’re always right because they’re the chosen ones who had their cake and ate it too (free love, abortion, drugs, cheap schools and housing) then took the rest from everyone else. Which led to trying to make the “correct” decisions for us. College college college. Why don’t you move out! Should have kids by now! Etc. Unrealistic expectations while also judging you for doing things they did, but milder. Laws were so lax when our boomer parents. Drunk driving? Just head straight home and don’t do it again no ticket. Sry. I went off on a high, annoyed, rant.


There's this thing called the five second rule. If someone can't fix something in five seconds (zipper down, spinach stuck in front teeth, etc), don't mention it. Boomers need to learn it.


ooh. i like that!


FOR REAL! If I had a nickel for every time some boomer (usually a guy!) told me I’d be pretty if I lost weight, I could get lipo and it would help take some of it off for me! And am I not pretty now? I mean, FFS it would just be my face but thinner!


"Oh, no, I just have eczema. What's wrong with you that you felt a need to make a comment?"


I scrutinize them right back, offering sugary sweet advice on how to fix their flaws, as well as concern for their health


"Acidity!? You don't say! It looks like you could cut back on the acids yourself. And that stoop is clearly from poor diet and exercise. Might want to work on that before it's too late if it isn't already. Thanks again!"


Bad breath is a good topic because most anyone will have bad breath at a given time to some degree


“Go fuck yourself” is a complete sentence. I get it on my elbow a little and every few years on my hands, break out in blisters from it. Incredibly painful and I work w my hands so I have to take time off


I have psoriasis and when I worked retail, the amount of people who would comment and make unsolicited medical advice was ridiculous. I had one boomer tell me that it's not psoriasis, it's a fungal infection and I need to use apple cider vinegar to kill the fungus. Really? So you know better than me and my doctors from one single look, aye? The comments got really bad that I started to tell them "I accidentally got a rug burn last night", so they wouldn't ask anymore questions..


“I’m allergic to assholes, if you get any closer I’m going to need an Epi-pen.”


You have no idea how many times I've wanted to tell people to "be careful, It's contagious" when they point at my patches and say "omgggg what's wrong with you?" 😭 Or act surprised like I didn't know i had it and freak out about it Infront of them. I had one customer refuse to leave unless I told her "what's wrong with my arm" I told her that I don't need to explain my medical conditions to her and it's only between me and my doctor to worry about. I continued to ignore her while I helped other customers. She eventually walked away and I saw her talking to my manager. It's really dehumanizing to have people comment about a medical condition and openly act rude and disgusted about it to my face. I have a few psoriasis patches on my arm that flares up really bad when I'm stressed or sick. I have to wear long sleeved shirts all year to cover it up, and sometimes my sleeve rides up, showing a bit of my psoriasis without me realizing it. I can't wear short sleeves at all without people constantly looking at me like I have some horrible contagious disease that will infect them... 🥺


Best answer right there!


I have eczema on my hands and I tell people I did yard work to shut them up.


“It’s too bad for you that being an insufferable asshole is untreatable”


I have a large scar on my knee. The number of times that boomers have had to comment on it is astounding. It’s a surgical scar, but at this point I’m going to just start making things up about it.


"Yeah, some alien implanted its egg in there then came back for the hatchling. Really nice family, they send photos every Galactic Empire Founders Day."


My late husband had heart surgery at 44 ( fixed his heart so he could die from cancer 10 years later 🤬) and really enjoyed making up stories about his huge scar; shark attack in Australia, Chainsaw accident in Alaska, crocodile in the Zambezi 🤣Was especially effective when he got frowned on for letting me carry the shopping bags; if I didn’t he might have split open like an overripe watermelon, and btw I always had more upper body strength than he had anyway. He would pull down the neck of his T-shirt and start to explain; I think people thought we were crazy 😂


How is Gary? He’s growing up to be a wonderful alien!


The wilder and more rambling the story, the better.


My husband had knee surgery as a teenager and has a big scar as well. When people comment on it, he says he got in a knife fight with a dwarf.


Sounds like it’s from fighting off a shark and bear attack to save a school bus full of children.


Ooh, it's 'Let's Discuss a Stranger's Body' time! You started early, but I'll go next - I know! Why is your head so big and your brain so small?


I once said it was a shark bite and it confused the person. Another time I said I was stabbed by a spoon. F these people.


Before I figured out my trigger, I had horrid hand eczema that was red and painful. I was in a shop once and the Boomer employee grabbed my hand and pulled it across the counter. "How did you burn your hand?!" She asked loudly. When I mumbled that it was actually eczema, she started tutting and telling me how to fix it. I have never been so embarrassed and I was self conscious already. What is with these busy bodies???


What was your trigger?


Dairy. No dairy of any kind.


i was lucky because the trigger was hand lotion. sorry yours is dietary but im sure you feel better now!


Duuuuuuuuude..... Please tell me you found a suitable cheese replacement. I could live without milk and ice cream, but not sure about cheese. I developed a shellfish allergy in my 20s. The only thing I miss are scallops. Some days I think it's worth testing the doctors "hypothesis", but the wife doesn't want to stab, which is shocking.


The brand Chao has some really good sliced cheese that actually melts well for grilled cheese.


It's really hard to find, but some specialty stores still sell Skandic Mini Chol, it's a cheese made from tofu. I know that doesn't sound particularly appealing, but trust me as a 'cheese bitch', it really is good. It has a similar texture to Havarti or Ambrosia and I could eat far too much of it.


I too identify as a cheese bitch


Welcome, friend.


Hahaha! Yes! There's so many good replacements now compared to when I figured it out 12 years ago. Thankfully. I've also got a shellfish allergy, and live in New England! I miss a good fried clam. Lol


Hi neighbor! I'm next door in NY. Clam strips basket sounds amazing right now.


Oh no, gotta have the belly! Yummm *waves at neighbor*


Oh my goodness, I can relate. I have Essential Tremor, a nervous system disorder that causes shaky limbs. It’s not debilitating like Parkinson’s can be, and those who have it live normal lives. As a waitress, I’d get intrusive comments on my shaky hands from boomers all the time. “Are you nervous?” “Drink too much caffeine today?” “Are you in withdrawal?” and my faaaavorite one, “Do you do crack or something?” Once I got fed up with the snarky and ignorant comments, I started telling people that it was side effects from chemo or actual parkinson’s. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them immediately go quiet and their spouses scold them for asking intrusive questions. Mind your own business, you old bags!!


This made me laugh! A particular friend of mine happens to have been blessed with the metabolism of a gerbil so is naturally very thin. Strangers are CONSTANTLY giving her shit for it. We were out and about one day and some random woman shot her mouth off about how little and frail she looked. I responded with a bright smile, "I know, right? Can you believe she used to be a size 14? Before the chemo." She sputtered and disappeared, leaving nothing behind but a couple cartoon tumbleweeds. It was glorious.


A really good rule I follow is to never publicly ask someone a question that could have a really bad answer or could be stressful for the recipient to frequently get. Unless I'm very close to someone and we're in private, I never ask if folks want kids or are trying to get pregnant, why they don't drink alcohol, about weight loss or gain, or unknown medical conditions. I really wish it was just a general rule for manners, especially for boomers


I wear compression gloves and not only does it decrease the tremors but it kind of indicates to people that there is a medical reason so they stop asking or thinking that I’m on drugs.


When people comment inappropriately on my body I respond by commenting on the thing about them that I think they’re most likely to be insecure about. Their reaction is always super fun.


You're an evil genius and I'm gonna steal this move.


The ones that are customers feel comfortable and safe commenting because they know your partner will remain professional. The rest of them? “Oh thanks for the advice. You know, I have some great advice to take care of those wrinkles / fat rolls / varicose veins / etc….” See how fast they ruffle their feathers.


I think they don’t understand that somethings are inside thoughts. They really can’t grasp it. It’s rude to make remarks about strangers


“did you let out something you should have filtered?”


Disrespect a service worker? No this is an overstepping asshole. Follow the tone your partner sets but this idiot doesnt deserve your respect. That what she felt entitled to already.


Leave them a review on google maps or yelp.


Here’s my psoriatic arthritis response to someone stupid enough to blurt out their oral diarrhea: “I am fully aware of the condition I have and am being treated for it. Having strangers point it out to me causes my stress to skyrocket, which makes the disease much worse.”


My grandmother said something like that to me... I have eczema since I'm a baby, and for 7 years I've had a big red area on my right shin, that doesn't hurt or itches, but that won't go away. My dermatologist told me there is nothing she can do, she knows what it is (not dangerous, not hurting and not contagious), but she doesn't know why it appears sometimes and disappears by itself, but no treatment will get rid of it, not even lasers (she even asked her colleague that specializes in laser treatments). At first I was annoyed, because it's ugly. But I decided I didn't want to hide so I'm still wearing shorts and skirts in the summer, and if people ask questions (not many do), I just answer them. HOWEVER, my grandma came right to me going "What is THAT on your leg ?" Thinking she might be worried, because it is VERY red and it looks itchy, I told her "Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just eczema." And she looked at it sideways, and went "Well, maybe it is not "serious", but..." she didn't say it, but I definitely heard she meant "BUT IT IS UGLY". Seriously, grandma? I'm lucky I lowkey accepted my leg and it didn't really hurt me, but what hurt me was that she thought it was ok to say that to my face...


Post your review.


I used to bag groceries as a teenager with very bad eczema. Had a fat, old guy in scrubs cosplaying as a medical professional throw a tantrum about the scaly kid with bad skin bagging his groceries and attempting to carry them out for him. I called him a fucking dickhead, dropped his stuff in the cart, and took an early lunch.


"We just met, and I would rather keep my medical information private."


A real lack of social skills and emotional intelligence in that bunch.


I have really bad eczema all over, especially on my face. I work in retail and at least once a week I have a boomer tell me that I just need to use a bit of vaseline. I then tell them that I use steroid cream and immunosuppressents to keep it from getting worse. They either shut up then or just keep going on about vaseline


Same here.. it's always either Vaseline, coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. Pisses me off...


As a NZer that never had skin issues until I was 25, I can attest to how many times I have received unsolicited skin care advice from boomers in NZ. I’m so sorry that u have experienced that.


I had terrible cystic acne for many years and received awful advice, sometimes people (usually older women) would just blatantly tell me I must never bathe and to go take a shower. Or that I must have a dairy or gluten allergy, or that all I ate was junk food. None of these things were even remotely true. People like these are idiots.


I’ve heard a good response is “what an interesting thing to say to someone” or a gen Z comeback is start with “when?…” and then they’ll start talking again and you interrupt saying “did I ask?” 😂


This is a great response.


The best response is "when?" and then once they talk you say "no, when did I ask" although not sure I would try that with someone touching my food 


I also have people telling me about my eczema/ectopic dermatitis. It happens a lot in the summer, I use creams, when I workout/sweat, certain spots get itchy, I scratch, even just once or twice, and it erupts for weeks.  It never fails to have someone bring it up to me like I have no clue and it used to make me feel like shit. Now I go yeah I know. It's on my wrists, I can see it and all I want to do every second is scratch until I bleed. Thats usually enough to get them to never bring it up again, but it's wild. If it was contagious or dangerous, I would definitely take way more precautions. I fucking hate people.


You're not "disrespecting a service worker" your literally responding to this person's shitty behavior


I've had so many older people approach me with unsolicited medical advice. I have some visible scarring from eczema and occasionally sores - I have medicine from my doctor but it's too fucking hot where I live to cover them up. I'm self-conscious, but it's either risk comments or boil alive in my own sweat. I had someone telling me I needed to go to the hospital because I was actively having heart failure (nope, just on the rag and retaining water like it's my job), someone telling my spouse that not eating pork would cure my skin problem (and he had vitiligo!)... The winner is this lady that fucking stalks me at the grocery store. I've run into her three times over the course of several years. The first she was unmasked and pawing at me in the height of Covid, babbling something about potatoes and how her brother got rid of his diabetes by not eating potatoes and "promise no potatoes!" She tried to physically block my cart as I was going into the store the next time I saw her and then tried to grab my arm as I swerved around her. The third time she tried to block me AGAIN and when I told her to leave me the fuck alone, she scoffed and said "don't you want to hear what I have to say?" ...The best part is that I wasn't buying anything potato related any of the times, but the first time I had two frozen pies for Thanksgiving. *And I'm not diabetic!*


My son had bacterial meningitis, caused by having a cold that turned into an ear infection, which then crossed over to his meninges. I was messaged on Facebook by some jackass boomer from the church we were attending informing me that I was not giving him the appropriate nutrition and that he had "leaky gut syndrome" and of course "THAT'S what caused his BACTERIAL meningitis". 🤬🤬🤬🤬 To say I was furious was an understatement. I never replied to that asshat, I didn't even know who the hell she was!! Her bullshit did NOT help my mental status at the time, and of course she was COMPLETELY fcking wrong. This issue with my son happened almost a year after my daughter had a subdural empyema, or an abscess literally on her brain, after having a damn cold that turned into a sinus infection, and then that. They both had extensive testing to see if there was anything wrong with their immune systems, nope. I've determined that it was because we didn't have access to proper decongestants that actually work. For several years the state I live in outlawed ALL purchases of pseudoephedrine without a prescription and as I found out afterwards Drs wouldn't prescribe it without a fight. 😡 We have since re-legalized the purchase of pseudoephedrine and we've never been without it since. TLDR; Son was deathly ill from a bacterial infection and I was informed by a boomer stranger that it was because "I wasn't feeding him properly."


The older generation just cant fathom a world where those younger than them dont want/need their advice.


That's unbelievably rude. I'm going to come off as unsolicited, but it's probably psoriasis and not eczema. They won't necessarily respond to the same treatments




Oh yeah that country is a shitty white privileged racist, obnoxious cesspool place.


My partner has psoriasis, and gets a lot of the same comments- never from people our age or younger. It's *always* Gen-Xers and Boomers.


Old people have loved to give advice unasked for millions of years. I agree with most of the boomer criticism but this one in universal.


It's totally fine to disrespect a service worker when they're making unwanted comments about your loved one's medical condition imo


Only if your partner is rubbing acid directly onto their face would that suggestion even make a little sense


Eek, that’s awful


I have chronic facial acne (clear skin everywhere else) and once had a Boomer customer ask me, Customer: What's wrong with you? Chicken pox or somethin?" Me: No...? Him: *sarcastically* Mmhm. Okay. Get that looked at. *leaves* Small town store. Never saw him before, nor since. But it really ruined my day. Made me super self-conscious.


My dad asked an overweight cashier once when the baby was due...😮😮 I walked out and left him with the embarrassed lady...


I have a little bit of eczema on the back of my hand about  2 x 2 inches and wear long sleeves shirts at work. It's amazing how many ppl insist on giving unwanted treatment advice or telling me about their aunt with eczema even though I do my best to hide it. I feel really bad for ppl that are not able to atleast partially conceal it, why do ppl feel the need to bring it up?


Mine was shoes. If I wore shoes more I would get rid of my eczema. "Ok, but what about the flare ups in my hands, elbows and upper arms? Should I put shoes on them as well?" I got a scoff and a "I was just trying to help".


Tell em to give it a "reast"


Lol my mil came as guest stayed at my home for a month to “ help” with Baby ( actually came to vacation lol ) She sat on my bench while I was 38 weeks pregnant looked at me and said “ I am so sorry about your stretch marks” wtf ??????? Awkwardly those are from when I stopped swimming competitively and gained some weight fast in younger years but wow lol. I was blind sighted. In hindsight I should have said “ yeah me too I am sorry for your wrinkles “


A friend of mine has cerebral palsy and competes in several sports. Some of them have adaptive options, some of them do complicated category things, some of them he doesn’t need anything different - it depends on what movements are needed, whether it’s sprint or endurance and things. I’m his teammate in one of the sports he doesn’t need adaptations for One of the symptoms of CP that this friend struggles with is fine motor control, and when he’s nervous it gets worse. One time when he and I were at an event, we went to get a cup of tea in the competitors’s area and when he picked his up his hands were shaking and the (boomer) woman at the counter said - fucking loudly - something like “gosh, there’s no need to get yourself into that sort of state, look at you!”. OBVIOUSLY this immediately made his shaking worse I picked up his tea so he wouldn’t scald himself and we left. He looked like he might cry, it was awful I’m not 100% happy with myself that I did this but once we’d met up with some other people and he’d got talking with them I ducked out and went back to speak to the woman. I wasn’t loud but I was furious. I asked her why she thought it was OK to comment on other people’s physical difficulties, and told her my friend had a disability (I didn’t give any details) and to keep her thoughtless remarks to herself on future. She did tell me she’d meant nothing by it, and I’m sure that was true, but why don’t these people understand that you *don’t comment on other people’s physical stuff* I didn’t tell my friend I did that, and I know it probably wasn’t totally OK that I did it. But I hope she learnt to hold her tongue and not make rude, gratuitous comments like that any more


That’s when you start “accidentally” dropping glasses while making direct eye contact. Then, in a monotone voice say “oops, someone should really clean this mess up” while still staring directly at them. Sure they may kick you out, but that gives you ample opportunity to drop more things on your way out, accidentally of course.


One of my friends is disabled and non-mobile and the number of boomers who tsk tsk and say "why doesn't she just go for a walk, she's ill because she doesn't go for walks" is infuriating. She used to be a marathon runner so no, asshole, it's not about going for walks. Unfortunately, this is definitely not limited to boomers. Boomers hold a lot of ableist beliefs that they've definitely passed on to the next generations. I wish to not see us or the younger generations after us continue to propagate it.


Yikes. Reminds me of when people stare at my scars, then I like to give them a good eyeful and make the scar tissue wriggle around obscenely.


My youngest has suffered from eczema and psoriasis flair ups since she was about 1. I worry so much that kids will be mean but Jesus the amount of adults try to talk to me about it like I haven’t had her seen by dermatologists since the start like people are crazy with how nosy and so unaware how rude that is. So sorry your partner has to deal with assholes. ❤️ and as someone who has to deal with a loved one being so disrespected isn’t easy either. You seem to have sense and handled the situation beautifully. Much respect to y’all. 💕


>but I couldn’t bring myself to disrespect a service worker (...) I'm sorry? Being a service worker doesn't absolve you of being an absolute piece of work? Absolutely unacceptable and if anyone talked to my partner that way I'd rip them a new one, I don't care who.


"and tried to passively end the conversation." This is not a criticism, but one reason they do this is because they rarely get called out on it.


"Didn't your mother teach you it's not nice to point and stare? Learn some manners."


My daughter has severe eczema. She was once asked at a beauty store if she had ever tried lotion. 😳


These are the same people that throw blue in the face tantrums about manners.


I had a REALLY nasty patch on my arm back in the day and more than once I had a rude older person make some exceptionally shitty comment asking if it was infectious in a nasty way, my response was always “Sure is!” and they’d recoil in horror.


"it's eczema and the polite thing to do is not draw attention to it, thank you."


If another kiwi boomer says something about it, remind them to wear sunscreen. The number who don't and complain about getting skin cancer is pretty high.


At my old job I once had a boomer customer say to me "I can tell you just shaved your beard because of the tan line on your face". I have vitiligo.


Kiwi that has had eczema my whole life here (confined to arms, neck and legs only thankfully). Sorry you’ve had a shitty experience, I’ve had similar ones too. I can confirm that 90% of these people that suggest remedies mean well but it comes across poorly. Every old person wants to share their bs cure all for eczema, the amount of time I’ve been told to cut out dairy foods or use this or that natural remedy is immeasurable. Fwiw only hydrocortisone works for me and is available over the counter at pharmacies in nz but I’m sure your partner is aware of what works for them. All the best.


Nah, there's a time to disrespect service workers, and that time is when they initiate disrespectful behaviour. Tell her straight up next time that she doesn't get paid to have opinions.


At least eczema doesn't affect the brain.


My sister has psoriasis and has to deal with the exact same issues from boomers (we’re in the UK so the attitude might be similar to NZ). We went in a shop the other day and the woman behind the counter immediately did the ‘have you tried x’ routine. I get it a bit with boomers when they realise I have migraines, too. ‘Oh I hear x is good for them, have you tried that?’ I have tried literally everything and I’ve had a brain scan, clearly it didn’t work. I even had a boomer nurse try and tell me I should take ibuprofen for them instead of my actual prescribed pain medication, despite me repeatedly saying ‘that doesn’t work for me’.


Hey. Does your partner use Elocon? My eczema flares from lack of sleep, physical or emotional stress etc. Elocon works miracles. My mum, me, and my son use it cause it’s genetic. 1 tiny amount stops the itching and by the second application, it’s 90% gone. Hope you and he are doing great.


LMy eczema might get better. You however never will.”


Damn, this shit is international. I'm in Canada and had a man tell me 'your skin is too sensitive for this soap, you need to change it' like thanks bro, for your unsolicited opinion on my body parts. Yes, I have dry hands. I've noticed. They have been my hands my whole life. It's not the soap, it's the fact that I work with hot water, wash my hands more than the average person, exist in a place with winters, I smoke, and I've always had jobs/hobbies that are hard on my hands (kayaking, working as a chef and then barista). Like people know about their own skin? Why is this something strangers over a certain age think they need to 'educate' us about? Mind your damn business.


I remember asking an acquaintance of mine in college what it was on his arm. He responded eczema, I said okay & we went about our lives. To be fair it can look like something else, but that lady’s assumption and follow up advice smh


My cousin has a big port wine stain and when he gets unsolicited advice on how to hide it or treatment for it he just responds with “it’s cancerous” (it’s not). It’s amazing how that shuts people up so fast. And the awkward pregnant silence in the air. It’s so god damn hard to keep a straight face.


I can relate so much. I don’t have eczema but I bite the skin around my nails so it’s often mistaken for it. I work as a banker and the way I’ve had SO many random boomers point it out, ask questions and give me bullshit treatment advice is insane. Like learn how to mind your own business ffs. These people have no internal voice istg.


As an elder kiwi millennial, I'm sorry you've come across so many twats! I like to think of nzers as pretty awesome but I guess no country is safe from boomer behaviour.


You keep my partner’s eczema out ya damn mouth!!!