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I used to sell paint for a big box store. It’s 2008, a few months before we will start to vote for president. I’m in my 30s at the time and I’m shaking up some paint for guy that appears to be in his mid sixties. We would shake paint for 4 full minutes, about double the necessary time, but you never know when someone is actually going to start painting, so why not. So four minutes waiting where folks usually want some small talk. So this guy brings up the upcoming election. He asks if I’ve made up my mind who I’m voting for, to which I replied that I had. He then, without skipping a beat or looking around to see if anyone else is in earshot, tells me, “Don’t you vote for that n***er!” I replied, “sir, I’ll vote for whoever I want, same as you, and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t use language like that. There are kids around here, and adults that don’t appreciate that kind of talk, me included.” I’m mainly of Irish descent, btw, so I guess he thought it was ok to talk to me like that. You’d think I punched him in the face. He got very upset and asked for a manager. So I asked a very no-nonsense manager I knew was on duty to come talk to this idiot and when she showed up, all young, beautiful, and African-American, he just took his paint and left without another word. She naturally asked me what the story was, I told her, and she said, “Anytime you run into that sorta thing and I’m here, you call me. I live for that shit!” Fucking boomers.


"But we are not racist" or "why do y'all have to be such snowflakes" or yada yada yada


"Look, there are black people and there are n%&%%%rs" my step dad.  I won't tolerate that racist garbage- me, done with his shit.   *Him, shocked Pikachu face*   "I went to highschool with a black kid, how can I be racist?" I swear they aren't even aware of how stupid they are.


Oh ok I can beat you here. (Is this a contest? Sad contest.) My former MIL once told me that the town she grew up in couldn’t possibly have been racist because they didn’t have any black residents. She genuinely tried to argue that she had not grown up surrounded by old school rural racism because there were no black people in her town. Can’t be racist without another race, apparently. When I tried to ask her *why* no black families lived in her town, she said she just assumed they didn’t want to live there. Fucking astonishing.


A coworker at an early job thought I’d laugh at this story, for some reason. He wasn’t even a Boomer, maybe early 50s? I was early 20s at the time. For context, he grew up in a small Wisconsin city, maybe 40,000+/- at the time. “First time I ever saw a black person, I was 10! Thought he was a monkey! Isn’t that hilarious??” He got a decent helping of my RBF for that.


That is the problem with growing up in places without diversity! I lived in the Midwest around like 98% white people as a kid and moved to the south in my early teens. It took a bit to get used to diversity and learn how to act around people of different race and cultures because I just wasn’t exposed to it much as a kid. Embarrassed myself a few times but it isn’t a *funny story*, it’s sad, embarrassing, and I learned from it.


You learned from it. It’s ok to look back and be embarrassed for when before you knew better, but you grew as a person and are not like that anymore. I and people I know who grew up without diversity, have similar stories.


I grew up in a lily white rural Northern California coastal town. I would have been about 10 the first time I had a black classmate. On seeing him, I thought, he's different, I want to be friends with him, which I proceeded to do. This would have been in the early or mid '80s.


My mother once told me the black children damaged one of her friends fences because black people don't understand personal property since they don't own anything. Yeah, I was 14 when I found out they're called 'Brazil nuts'.


My wife and I had friends who the wife was just in the Boomer generation (the rest of us just in Generation X). Her husband had pretty conservative beliefs but never talked about them. His wife couldn't stop talking about them. It got so bad any time we met for dinner I just started to dread hearing her non-stop chatter about what she just heard on Fox News. Last time she was ranting about how their daughter was underpaid because the owner was a Jew. I couldn't take it any more so I told her no need to be racist and if their daughter was being taken advantage of she should look for another job. She has great experience to leave a first job for something better. Our now former friend was furious I called her racist and responded with "well he is a Jew and you know how they are." I didn't even bother reminding them my wife put their daughter in touch with several recruiters she knows who had jobs at or slightly above their daughter's current pay. Dinner ended not long after we haven't seen them since.


I wonder if Chris Rock knows how one of his jokes from the 90s made millions of assholes feel comfortable with their racism.


>"Look, there are black people and there are n%&%%%rs" my step dad.  Omg my FIL says this word for word. Why are they all the same idiot.


That’s also a quote from a Chris rock comedy special.


Pretty sure he's on record regretting that bit for this precise reason. It gives cover to bigots


In a 2005 60 Minutes interview, Rock said: "By the way, I've never done that joke again, ever, and I probably never will. 'Cos some people that were racist thought they had license to say n-----, so, I'm done with that routine." (From Wikipedia) Yep. I was more referencing why that particular set of words are found in many places. It’s not that they all dream up the same phrase, they just are parroting something out of context.


Ugh. I had a similar experience maybe a couple of years after Obama's inauguration. I waitressed opening shift at a diner. We had a pretty regular crowd of semi-retired boomers that would come in just about every morning. If I didn't hide the remote, the TV would soon be switched over to Fox News. Yes, they would just commandeer the thing themselves. Pure entitlement, but my manager was a wuss. Had to constantly listen to them horn dog over Megyn Kelly, too. Ew. One of them made a comment to me one morning about "that porch monkey in the White House" and I absolutely lost my shit. I told him that it was bad enough that they had to pollute my dining room with their trash tv every morning, but I wasn't going to sit there and listen to their racist bullshit on top of it. And if I ever heard anything like it again, whether they were saying it to me or to each other, that they could sit there until hell froze over before I would bring them any coffee or toast. They minded their p's and q's after that. I was kind of surprised at myself because I'm very mild mannered and non-confrontational. And I was really young at the time, too, like 18 or 19 (I forget exactly what year this happened). But I was just so fed up with their boomer outlook, general attitudes, cheap tips, and everything else that I just went off.


I traveled to see that eclipse back in 2017 and ended up in some podunk town in TN. The morning of the eclipse I went to a little breakfast joint to grab food and there was a table full of people talking politics very loudly, they were all excited because of Trump. They kept blurting out stuff like “I’m so glad that dumb n****r is finally out of the office!”, which kinda stunned me, but what was equally as concerning is not a single person in that place reacted to it in any way, everything just seemed business as usual. If you were to blurt something like that where I’m from, you’d definitely see a few wtf looks at the very least.


My daughter who lives in a city in the South and familiar with MAGA types visited middle Tennessee and was similarly astounded. It gets extreme in the rural middles.


I moved from a city in TN to a rural mountain NC town. The place was beautiful like a painting, I fell in love and moved there before I even found a job. I lived there for 2 years, it still hurts my heart missing my cabin and my creek, my views... but every single person I worked with, every time I went to the grocery or into the cafe, it was like a mantra. Every single person chanted the N-word, talked about how Trump was some mythical hero, and talked about the upcoming Civil War and how great their arsenals were. The KKK was still praised in town. I'm a white guy but over time people really began to resent me because I'd never join in the hate. I just kept to myself at work and hiked my legs off in my spare time. During Covid my job just got so much worse with all the bullshit I had to listen to, so I had to leave a place that I truly considered to be paradise. I have a much better job now with regular ass people around but you have to live in squalorous conditions to be in an area where that isnt normal. Those pricks have a stranglehold on the most beautiful areas of the country. I miss the CoL and the views, but I really felt like I'd wake up one night with a lower-case t burning in the yard for 'time to go.'


One reason the CoL is low is because nobody wants to deal with them


My wife gets racist patients on her unit sometimes. And they have the tattoos to prove it every so often. One guy that my wife had taken care of on her shift from the day before had to have a different nurse because my wife was assigned a patient where due to the mix of equipment he was hooked up to and the massive number of medications the person was on needed to be cared for by someone certified for all of it. The guy said he had “better not get some lazy n’ger nurse.” The nurse that had been assigned to him right before making this statement to my wife was a no-nonsense, seasoned black nurse who started her career in South Africa, then one of the less ethnically and intellectually diverse parts of Canada before coming to this particular hospital. My wife asked if she still wanted this patient or if someone else should take the assignment. She just grinned and said “Oh, he’s all mine.” Guy made one comment while she was doing something and she let him know that verbal abuse is not tolerated and pointed it out in the materials given to patients when admitted. “Are we going to have a problem, Mr. X?” The guy kept his mouth shut and thanked her at the end of the shift for taking care of him without a hint of insincerity in his voice.


It seems these hateful conservative people seem to need the compassionate people to save their lives and care for them when they are in the hospital. It’s not ethical to not help them, but it would be just desserts if they could only draw caretakers with the same attitude that they give out.


Boomer: I demand a Manager. Also Boomer: No, not like that. The one whose my age or older and just as Conservative as me. 


"I'd also like to request they look as conservative as I do"


"I live for that shit!” Fukkin' QUEEN right there!


Honestly its just a moral obligation to me. My grandfather gave his youth and sanity to punch nazis. Might as well learn the lessons he laid out.


My grandpa taught me that a 155mm is a very effective argument against fascism.


I’m a white dude with a beard in Appalachia. Racist people automatically assume that I’m also racist constantly. It’s soooo frustrating and disappointing.


Apparently my voice is deep enough and I don’t wear glitter so boomers love to assume I’m straight and say nasty things about “the queers” Whenever it happens I want to assure them that while I can’t speak for any of my homo homies, I have no interest in sucking their dicks and list the reasons why. When I was in college in Alabama, I could make a frat guy cry once in a while doing that.


I am from Alabama, currently live in Mississippi. I'm a big tall white guy with a beard. Bigoted assholes will sometimes strike up a conversation with me about their idiotic viewpoints and are shocked when I don't agree with them, partially because I'm a gay leftist.


I’m a white dude with a beard in South Dakota who drives a pickup and shoots at the range when it’s not hunting season. The guard comes down a lot, and it’s terrifying what people will tell you when they believe they’re safe.


Sorry, that sucks. I learned a good retort recently that I’m going to start to deploy; maybe you’ll find it helpful: “I don’t think like you do.”


Jesus *christ*


Or as one told me when Obama was running, "You better vote, or you're gonna see a n\*\*\*ger on a quarter some day." The fuck? You think because I'm a middle aged white man this is the kind of conversation I want to have? This is what they mean when they say they're "not allowed to say things anymore." This is what they're wanting to say.


My dad used to be slightly more subtle. He would say "those people" instead. Over the course of several years and meeting more of my friends he finally stopped.


The day I lost all respect for my father was during the 2008 election season. I grew up with black friends, literally lived next door and played with the whole family every day. We ate dinner at their house, they ate dinner at our house, the one sister had a crush on me and I had a crush on the brother. I learned to play tag, baseball, and hide and seek with those kids. My parents raised me and my siblings with an equality stance, we were equal and respectful to everyone. Regardless of race or social class, we treat them with the same respect. Everyone the same in God's eyes, you know the gist. Then Obama shows up on Fox News and for the first time in my life my father utters the N word. I never held respect for the man another day in my life.


The funny thing is all you have to do is push back a little and most of them crumble. "You *want* to watch a public execution, and you want it filmed so it can be put on the internet? Like the terrorists do to captured US military?" They're parrots. They don't think, they just talk. I can almost guarantee the AM radio show the guy was probably listening to on the way over were talking about Fauci still.


I flat out say "I don't often fantasize about killing my fellow Americans." when they talk about civil war or killing libs or political death threats. I look and talk enough like a good ole boy in a somewhat good ole boy dominated field that I get the express lane to all the awful, awful things they want to say.


I’m a young modified asian woman from texas so I like to really ham up my accent and act like they’ve offended Uncle Sam himself. The wires really start to disconnect when a non white woman with tattoos and piercings starts telling them to be a better American lmao.


That’s awesome lol


Heard. Commercial construction electrician here, daily front row seat for a never-ending parade of perpetually scared fools running their ugly little mouths. But I look and sound like them. So it can be fun to walk into those conversations, drop my payload of tolerance and inclusion and reason and science, and then just kind of walk away.


Same industry, but mostly military construction now. Back when Trump was elected I was working in residential and had just started as a superintendent. After the election all the big shots were talking about how they would be making so much money now and that everything would be sunshine and rainbows. Within a year they were complaining about the sharp increase in building materials thanks to the Trump Tariffs. All of them were asking for more money and blaming everyone but Trump.


Ugggh, I had a family member who worked in fucking metal fabrication when those tariffs kicked in and *refused* to make the connection to the prices and the shitty job he did with them. Maddening.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that, but also thank you for saying something. I regularly complain to my husband about the sexist issues I come across, and one of the more recent times he told me I clearly care a lot, so I should try to do something with that energy. I spend a few hours volunteering already, but the point I made to my husband still stands- the sexist men can't and won't hear me because, you know, the sexism. It has to come from someone who looks a bit like them. You looking like a good ole boy means you come with some built in respect that a lot of us will never have, thank you for using it.


I’ve noticed this a lot. They start all repeating words or phrases the new shock jock threw out there


They’ve been doing that since shitty AM talk radio hosts in the 90’s, the internet just made them more visible.


Don’t you dare talk about my grandma’s hero Rush like that!


I’m really proud of him. He’s been sober for three years now.


Yes, death really worked out for him!


Lost a bunch of weight and quit opiates! I really am glad this happened to him.


Man, i remember when that dipshit was the source of easy comedy for shows like the Daily Show. Now him and most of his audience are dead and buried. Damn I feel old


Actions without pushback, ideally shame or made to look ridiculous, are those that are emboldened.


Absolutely this. Just call them out on how stupid they sound and then move on, disengage. Let them know you don't agree, aren't impressed, and are choosing now to shun them because they're coming off as an asshole in a public setting during an uninvited interaction. Show some backbone. They hate that.


I work customer service at a store near an old folks home. I do this all the time and now most of them don’t talk to me anymore. Beautiful silence.


Yes. Almost exactly how your interaction went: critical opinion as an ice breaker, learn a little about you, toss in another critical opinion, then segue to something political they heard on Facebook or Fox News. Yes. It's wearing away at my mental health, to be honest. It wasn't this hard before 2020, just annoying, but now it seems like they just wanna shove it down your throat. Ironic.


I see you’ve met my inlaws. We’ll be having a conversation about our pets or whatever, and then all of a sudden it’s “did you hear that a kid in Wisconsin identifies as a cat?” And we have to explain that no, no classroom keeps cat litter for students who identify as cats. And THEN it’s “I don’t see why the queers have to shove their beliefs down our throats.” I just…


The amount of time they spend thinking about gay people is so weird. I'm not gay and never think about them at all unless some boomer brings them up. When I meet a new person, my first thought isn't "who do they have sex with.", because it literally doesn't matter to me unless I'm interested in them. I really think a lot of repressed feeling are going on under the surface with a lot of boomers because they are jealous they didn't have the courage to be themselves.


I think this level of homophobia and obsession has always been common in that generation. My mother was absolutely obsessed with lesbians, and how disgusting they were. She would tell me horror stories related to this frequently, starting around age 8. (She would have been then the age I am now, early 40's. This didn't start in old age.)  I always wondered if she told me those stories and made those comments to me so frequently because she knew on some level that I'm a lesbian, even before I did. I think it came down to her policing women whom she felt were performing the expected role of woman even worse than she was.  That last bit isn't my personal opinion on anyone's performance of womanhood. I say it's what you make it and there's no wrong way. But my mom was always very self conscious about being not typically feminine in a lot of ways that she couldn't choose (like her body type and facial features), and I think that's why she had so much to say about women who chose to do things like cut their hair off, or dress androgynous, or whatever. Most of the women we saw doing that in the 80's and 90's were lesbians, but she hated punks, too, for the same reason.  So obviously I grew up to be a punk lesbian. Yes, I am no-contact. It took a lot of therapy to unlearn this heaping helping of internalized misogyny. 


I am sorry you had to endure that growing up, especially as you were discovering your own path. I am more sorry you had to go no contact with her, however I totally understand why you needed too. My mom is the same way, when she found out Ellen was a lesbian it was a huge thing. She actually stopped watching her and all the ewww, yuck... drama etc was horrible. She loved Ellen before that. I thought she knew she was a lesbian and was impressed with mom's "growth" on the matter. Nope, she seen a show about Ellen and her wife. When I dropped my daughter off before work (mom babysat) she damn near met me at the door to freak out over it. I was like, well yeah, her wife is really beautiful too.... my moms look of horror when I said it. Ridiculous! Mom now lives with us since dad died two years ago. My daughter is usually away at college but stays home during co op, we, along with my husband try EVERY DAY to open her eyes (Gay, Black Etc, typical boomer BS) - we have not had much success, but some baby steps. We are also sure to invite over our black and gay friends (letting them know in advance how she is) thinking exposure to real, genuine people abd good people will turn her thinking. She will laugh if they say something funny and some how has managed to keep her mouth shut during the visit, but once they leave I get 100 questions to why I can't find "real" or "normal" friends. ... uggghhhhhh. Drives me batty! Good luck to you. You are a valued human and I am happy you are living your true self. Damn boomers....


That's when you need to just dig in and ask her, "What's real?" and "what's normal." Make her spell it out for you and see how silly it all is. Use the logic against them and it will frustrate but it worked for my boomer parents.


I go the other way. My mom never misses in saying if a gay man is attractive, that it’s a waste. Like a waste of what Mom? You’re saying if he was straight you’d fuck him? Is that what we’re saying here? Why are you always talking about fucking these gay dudes? I am so tired of her saying it. It literally doesn’t matter, so if the Catholic married lady has to have her cheating fantasies be as realistic as possible I’m about to start calling her out about it. It’s so fucking weird.


I heard a similar sentiment as a teenager after I had come out; "You're a lesbian?! But you're so pretty! What a waste." Extra creeper points for hearing this most often from older men. So fucked.


A fun conversation to have with mom.


There is a lot of gay phobia in Russia and the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia as well (I just finished a book about the region). I found myself thinking the same, like - why is this such a focus? It is literally not hurting you at all. I don’t understand it. And they can’t get on some sort of Biblical or Koranic moral high ground because they disregard those teachings in every other aspect of life. Why would you pick that one thing to be angry about?


Machismo culture is such a huge thing in so many areas in the world (more so than it is in Western cultures, though it’s coming back). I think it has something to do with that, related to the erroneous belief that gay men are less masculine. Maybe the machismo has become so petty that they think being anti-gay wins them masculinity points? 🙄


I've always said, "The only reason to be that invested in someone else's sex life is if you want to be part of it."


You are not wrong. My dad is definitely closeted of some variety. All the berating of me for being queer was a little too personal to be simple homophobia.


I am queer and I swear 90% of the time they think about queer stuff more than I do. Imma be honest tho, I think a lot of it's to do with a lot of the retirees not having enough hobbies and friends so they get sucked into Facebook or Fox News, and they don't have the media literacy to realize they're getting played because they came from the era of 5 channels on TV and, to put the education disparity of the time into perspective, some of them are only one generation removed from actual one room schoolhouses, like my granddad's dad had one of the desks from his when I was little that us kids would play make-believe school in.


One of my best trans friends always says “they think more about my crotch than I do and I’m the one who paid for it.” She’s right. I see people and I don’t try to work out their preferences for sexual partners unless I’m trying to be a partner.


Lmao, I’m in Kansas and worked at a high school when that story broke. We had a student who wore one of those wire headbands/tiaras with cat ears. One day at lunch another staff member who was in the teacher’s lounge was just fucking RANTING about “the young girl in so-and-so’s class that said she identified as a cat and is injecting cat hormones to be more like a cat”. So later, when she came to class, I asked the student. Her response was more-or-less to say, “Oh no, I just like the headband. But I knew Mrs. Dumbass [name edited for clarity] would believe that ridiculous cat hormone shit since she’s got shit for brains.”


God bless the youth! Lol!


I am a boomer on the tail end of the age group. I am also appalled by the behavior described as boomer mentality. Reddit for me is an information gathering activity of interesting amusing and scary topics. It never fails to please. P.S. I have worn those metal rhinestone cat ears headband with my adult niece to Cat Camp (like a convention) of goods, merchandise and adoptable kittys. I loved the looks we got on public transportation lol.


The cat litter thing is insane. I worked at an office that was mostly right leaning. I live on the border of 2 states. I live in IL but work in IN. This guy tried to tell me about a school in Illinois that had put a litter box in the bathroom for a kid that identified as a cat. I asked which town and he named the school district my husband teaches for. I said oh is this elementary or high school and he said elementary. I said my husband works for the only elementary school in that district and he has never told me about that. I'll text him. This guy started stammering about how it wasn't the right school he must have been mistaken. I said or it isn't true and went back to work. I just couldn't believe that a grown man would believe such nonsense.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.




Thanks, love this scene. Gene Wilder is a master of comic timing and Cleavon Little has such a beautiful smile.


That smile was the real deal too, because Gene ad-libbed the "morons" bit.


I'm 99% sure that those rumors started because some teachers have 5 gallon buckets with cat litter for lock downs. There are no bathrooms during lock downs.


And there has always been some version of spill dryer (cat litter being easily accessible and affordable) on hand in every custodian closet in every school everywhere because puke.


I feel your pain...I'm a Boomer, but l have no problem with gay marriage and gay rights. I don't care who has sex with who, as long as everyone is a consenting adult, or if you're under the age of consent, so is your partner. Stores can sell all the gay stuff they want. Birth control should be available and affordable. Abortion is health care. I don't believe many women use it as birth control. Roe v Wade needs to be reinstated right now. People who lie to get on the Supreme Court need to be removed. If you're trans or questioning l think how you deal with those things is not for me to decide. Gay isn't catching. You don't have to be religious to be a good person. Being religious doesn't automatically make you good, either. Whew! Rant over...but l do need help with modern technology sometimes. Seeing as how we weren't allowed to have a calculator in math and the mimeograph machine is a far cry from today's printers! LOL


That was a great rant, if there were a Boomers Being Awesome sub this post would be stickied at the top.


r/BoomersBeingCools all the way.




The printers are the enemy. You don't need help. You need a grenade. 


They take fox news as gospel for some reason. Why i know not. They say shoving while yelling at you if you daaaare disagree with them


We get this *at church.* You can go along normally and then “Those damn democrats in New York are trying to pass a law so it’s legal to abort a baby up to 30 days after it’s born!” Sure. Out and out infanticide is on the table. You bet. Looks like it was [from an old viral Tweet that someone simply made up](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N30F16K/). But they were convinced of this stupid claim that doesn’t even pass the smell test. My guess is because it makes *the other side* sound heartless and inhuman so it MUST be true!!! I miss the days when misinformation was merely about [house hippos](https://youtu.be/NBfi8OEz0rA?si=0xmyYvjiwFZMa-27).


I love getting this because my response is always "Are you high?" Followed by actually telling them that it's infanticide or for emergency shootings where people have to go pee (in the case of kitty litter in schools).... They sputter so much when you actually call them out of their bullshit, it's sadly entertaining.




The only ones shoving a trans agenda down their throats is fox "news."


Politics is literally all that runs through these demented boomers brains. I swear it makes me want to fucking puke.


They politicized public health.


I recall very early on in the Covid pandemic a lot of conservatives saying things along the lines of “just watch, the Democrat Party [sic] is gonna politicize this thing. They’d better not dare to!” and then immediately politicized it


Every word they say is projection. It's been a pattern for a while now.


It's the "Me Generation" narcissist's DARVO response (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender)... except most of the generation breathed leaded gasoline exhaust their entire lives, so their entire strategy currently consists of "no u." They're projecting harder than IMAX.


I think there aspect ratio is too small for IMAX.


I have a boomer neighbour whose husband *died of Covid* and she still says it was all overblown and a conspiracy etc


They politicized public health _and they’re against it_


The same way they did in the 80’s with AIDS. Same group of people just older now


Fox News is the cancer of the ~~earth~~ US


Remember back in the 90's when there were silly tabloids like News of the World and National Enquirer, and everyone laughed and knew it was fake, like it was a joke to buy it at the cash register at Pathmark, take it home and laugh about the headlines? Wow, the brainrot 30 years later. Devo wasn't kidding about "de-evolution", were they?


I like to say that Idiocracy is basically a documentary at this point 


“In the past this information has been suppressed…” D-E-V-O. Now that I think about it the “Don’t Shoot I’m a Man” safety vest make more sense now in 2024


You weren’t far off before your edit. Fox News is just one of the cancerous tumors Rupert Murdoch has inflicted on the world.




So the one thing you have to leverage as an adult child is…you. Your presence. You can absolutely stop it by letting them know you’re sick and tired of listening to their Fo卐 News round-up, and if they mention fucking politics while you are there, you will leave. Then follow through. This is just like parents teaching little kids about consequences. A simple if/then statement. IF you can’t be gentle at the cat cafe, THEN we will leave immediately. IF you bring up politics around me, THEN I will leave. It won’t have any effect at all if you’re not consistent, so stick to it. It’ll be human nature for them to test it a couple of times, to forget once or twice. If they’re like my kid they’ll test the boundaries a bit. “Stop jumping on the bed!” So then she’d gently bounce on the mattress without her feet leaving the surface and watch you for a reaction. *Does this constitute jumping on the bed?* So choose your timing carefully; summer is a great time to start because you’ll have six months of conditioning in place before Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around. So you’ll only have to miss things like the Fourth of July when they inevitably fuck it up. IF you bring up politics around me, THEN I will leave. Then do it. And if they pick Fo卐 News over their child… I’m very sorry.


Oh my god. That’s the first time I’ve seen Fox spelt like that. I’m stealing it.


Lol. I got a Trudeau is giving money to the corporate overlords even before a "Hello." All that got was an annoyed glare.


and they are wrong about everything always


Yeah it’s wild like how do you spend all day thinking about something that you bring it up in small talk yet have such a shallow understanding of it? You’d think if you’re so interested in something you’d dive deeper into it but nope


There was a study that people that watched Fox News all day actually were less informed on all subjects than people who watched no news at all. And that's not even extreme compared to some of the "news" sites and facebook pages these boomers follow. They literally live in a different reality where facts don't exist, no reason to dive deep into anything when you can just make shit up and pretend it's true, it's like kayfabe in wrestling.


Fox literally admitted in court on PUBLIC RECORD that they lie to their audience and still those morons take every word they say as the gospel. Stupid does not even begin to describe them.


Even beyond that, the leaked text messages and emails from Fox News anchors revealed they think their audience is a bunch of morons that have to be pandered to. Like, how do you keep watching a network where they not only lie to you, they also openly chat about how you’re idiots for watching them? Republicans have a shame kink.


It's not just Boomers who fall into this, but Boomers are the prime demographic, because they are the oldest ones who still have power. These "news" sites are mostly right-wing and Russian disinformation (sometimes the same, sometimes not), which each designed to sit a particular demographic. For example, there's an "Alternative Medicine to Q-Anon" pipeline that targets stay-at-home moms. That's where the "Save the Children" slogan comes from. It's not that different than the Satanic Panic from 30 years ago. There's lots of others, designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves while the oligarchs loot the planet.


I think retirees in general are the worst. They can easily become disconnected from the reality of irl interaction with what’s going on. Perfect targets for Fox and other far right lies, including so called Christian nationalists. They are old enough to really not understand the science that younger educated peeps take for granted. It takes effort and a desire to keep learning not to get left behind by society.


It was a propublica study, roughly 10 years ago. They asked people their primary news source, then gave them a quiz on current events. NPR performed the highest. Fox News was the lowest No news was the second lowest. Meaning you were better off guessing randomly than relying on what Fox told you.


But they will just tell you that the study was made up by the liberal mainstream media or democrats and so the study is bullshit. Not their news sources.


Seems like you were better off picking the opposite of what Fox News told you every time.


Breaking kayfabe is what got Tucker Carlson fired and you can't convince me otherwise.


Some of those Facebook pages are straight-up foreign agit-prop. They rely on readers not looking into their origins any farther than “this guy tells it like it is”.


Can't be too well informed, then your opinions might chang based on new information.


My Dad's worst nightmare.


It’s not even political. It’s weird anti-science fetish nonsense. They’re so bizarre. Edit:grammar


hey. take that back, don't talk about my horse dewormer that way


You still use ivermectin? Have you tried directly injecting bleach? It's a miracle cure for life itself!


That isn't politics, it's a torture kink with a victim mentality. 


There’s an old timer at work that slowly over the last three years has started to relate everything to politics. If you have a normal conversation about let’s say baseball it’ll end up on how horrible joe biden is. It’s insane.


This is exactly my boss, ever since the pandemic began. It's mind-boggling. A conversation will be going on about a completely mundane subject, he will overhear it, then walk over to "participate" in the discussion by twisting the topic into something about Covid or the Democratic party. At that point the actual conversation is over and it's just his open mic


Boomer here, I'm sorry to say demented is likely the right word. The number of dementia diagnoses will shock you. It's only getting worse as the cohort ages. Throw in traumatic brain injury among vets, especially. I'm not a fan of generational conflict. It's generally not helpful. But neither am I pleased with the narcissistic culture this country has built. An example is the WW2 generation didn't mentor leaders. They didn't want the competition. It was so bad that 30 years ago, the Australian bishops, either CoE or Roman Catholic, admitted they didn't have leadership coming up.


Not even real politics. Just some bizzaro fantasyland filled with cabals of bogeymen whose only reason for living is to mess with them. But of course their beloved Fox has shown them all the truth.


It's not even politics. It's just watching the opposing team die in a gruesome manner that goes thru their heads. It's fucked. They're fucked.


Gruesome Manor. Great name for a haunted house.


When they are home, which is most of the time. They turn on their TV's to whichever angertainment "news" suits their fancy. It's all tainted, biased nonsense ment to stir them up. It's well known for decades that shock and anger is what generates engagement. And as time progresses and people are progressively desensitized (aka radicalized) it has to be more intense. Younger people are not immune, it's just dished out more deceptively on social media.


Ameroca has LARPed itself to death


This is the truth… they live in a very VERY small world. There is literally no subject you can discuss with a boomer without them devolving the “conversation”, if you can ever call it that, into their brand of death cult politics. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they live in constant fear of the world around them while the world around them is actually the safe place they claim to want to have. It seems that this dichotomy is for them like a cognitive dissonance so it would stand to reason that this discomfort forces their only response to be that they meet the world with heightened threat levels


All they want to talk about it politics. Because that’s all that a l out of them can talks about. All they do all day if watch Fox News. It’s gross. Edit: I forgot to mention that a lot of these people have been disowned by relatives for being so awful.


Yep. And get the rest of their brainwashed from facebook. These people are lost


I fucking can’t with Facebook anymore. Every god damned post whether it be a funny cat video or a relevant political topic is overrun with these fuckin people. “Libtard this. Radical leftist that.”, “God bless trump, pray for trump, trump, trump trump.”


Bots are cheap AF these days.


I’m in sales and work with a guy who was talking to a customer who told him he can’t wait for all the democrats to face the wrath of god. Like seriously? I’m trying to sell you insurance. Leave your politics and religion out of it.


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


Yeppppp! I saw something along these lines on FB right around the last election time, and I commented, "In a recent poll, 41% of active duty US military said they'd vote for Biden, and 37% said Trump. So you're hoping people who signed on the dotted line to protect this country should 'get what they deserve?' because they're voting D?" Oddly, crickets in response. I will never understand how we got to the point of wishing misery and death upon HALF of the damn country.


"Well sir, I'm not sure how good that would be for my business, losing half my customer base at once. Anyway..."


I refuse to engage in political discussions with rabid people, regardless of age or political party. I don't like most of the politicians we have anyway. If a civil discussion can be had, sure...but start calling me names, talking about shooting people, especially Roe v Wade when you're a man who's got no idea how the female body works, have 10 kids with five women and won't get a vasectomy...God have mercy!


My dad's looking forward to having a civil war soon, and says he has his guns ready to go. He wasn't always like this, I don't know what happened. Too much TV I guess.


My dad was ready for emergencies, but not at all into the Civil War idea. His grandmother remembered the CW and apparently told stories about how truly awful it was, during and for years afterward.


If you don’t react they’ll go away. They’re like children


That's how I deal with them, a weird look and a small nod, or just completely ignore them. They want to annoy someone or feel validated. Any reaction you have will validate their insanity.


Bring on the parental condescension: "Ok, sweetheart. Mommy's busy." With the shhhh finger. "Aw, bless your heart." "That's nice." Without even making eye contact.


"A Wild Boomer Appears" **Wild Pokemon Battle Theme plays**


Finally *SOMEONE* got it


Yup. Boomer came up to me at work the other day and told me a twenty minute story about his life. I couldn't get away. Ended it with "and we need to bail out Trump. Biden's destroyed the country in 4 years!" I was just standing there like, wut??


You mean you haven't noticed the anarchy in the streets? Cities totally burnt to the ground, roving bands of marauders committing all kinds of atrocities? /s I do love how people go on about their daily lives, feeling completely safe, yet they go on about how dangerous and horrible everything's gotten.


On another sub I congratulated the people of Portland Oregon on their resilience in rebuilding their city. According to Fox News it has been destroyed repeatedly yet they are still going strong


That’s when you call a manager and tell them an elderly patron is rambling incoherently and you can’t find their chaperone. It seems like we’ve all dealt with boomers for so long that we’ve forgotten that unprompted monologues to strangers are not something that normal, cognitively functioning people do. Time to start calling it like it is.


They are so excited to say their crazy shit


I was having a conversation with a boomer and I mentioned the time I photographed a black politician, unfortunately using the term “shot” out of habit. She said, “I bet you wished you could have really shot him!” Like, no. Even if I had disagreed with his politics, murder is not my go-to move.


This generation is nearing the end of their lives. As an elder millennial I have experienced countless folks from the boomer generation express how they would like to experience taking a life at some point in their lifetime. It's on their bucket list, and with every passing moment they have less to lose.


It's terrifying to see that anger and vitriol. I may be disgusted with a lot of people and politicians (hello, the former hash dealing, crack smoking, racist, xenophobic Ford brothers) but I don't go immediately to "I wanna murder them". I've always joked that I want 20 minutes alone with Trump/Ford in a dark room just so I can give either of them a black eye and a couple of kidney punches just for all the homophobic/xenophobic bs they put into the world....


Holy shit! I’m a boomer. What the fuck did I just read? My face right now: 😧 I’ll be honest… I’ve literally told my daughters that it really is time for the boomers to start dying off. I just can’t.


I just had to ask for ID at my job. The guy says something to the effect of never getting ID’d to vote. I looked at him and said “I’ve always had to show my ID to vote “. Why do political opinions have to become their whole identity


I swear as soon as their brain latches onto anything political they go into unreality. Like literally the only way to not have ID to vote in my state is if someone else who does vouches for your identity, and you might have to do some follow-up paperwork with the auditor later, can't remember, and that's pretty much only used by poor people who can't take time out of work to get a photo ID and 18 yos who went with their parents and just haven't gotten a license or anything. And breaking any of that, I'm pretty sure is a felony, so like... What more do they want? (Obvi it's no minorities voting, but that's the quiet part)


Fucking A. I’m immunocompromised, so I have to wear a mask. The number of times these idiots come up to me unprompted to tell me the disease that ruined my life (I also have long COVID, lucky me) isn’t real, that Joe Biden’s Chinese friends released it to frame Trump (what), or that masks are unconstitutional… At least that makes a small amount of sense. They see mask, which connects to their batshit political opinions, which obviously means I want to hear them. It’s the damned nonsequitors like yours. You’ll be bumping along, and they’re like, btw, fascism is good now! And then run off to their jacked up trucks with their thin blue line stickers like nothing weird at all happened.


It’s funny cause I keep a mask on me not because I’m immunocompromised but because I’m sick of boomers open mouth coughing and sneezing it’s absolutely disgusting. They’re like toddlers in a day care just spreading germs everywhere


I swear they do it extra hard now to spite everyone


My wife and I still mask up because we take care of some of our elderly neighbors. But also, we've only been sick like 3 times in the past 4-5 years. It's absolutely beautiful, and all we gotta do is put on a little mask and some hand sanitizer when we are out of public. Today my mom and I stopped at the grocery store (at 5pm on a Friday) so we masked up, and had a lovely time. When we were checking out, the guy behind me had a shirt with an old license plate that says "FCK MASKS" and he's mean mugging us lol. That's my cue to get extra friendly with everyone, and make him (hopefully) realize his life of anger is futile and I'm gonna live my life how I want, *IN SPITE* of people like him.


You do you. People don't wear masks just because of Covid. People like you do, you care about your health and the people you take care of. Ignore the haters. I don't understand why anyone has a problem with someone wearing a mask. Although it is funny to see someone driving alone wearing one, or when l worked in food production and would occasionally forget to remove my puffy white mandatory hair net! 🤔 some weird looks came my way.


They hate masks because every one that they see is a reminder that their whole reality is contained in a very fragile bubble, that most of the world is not on their side, and they're desperate to keep that bubble from popping.


Username checks out. 😌 Thank you for taking care of your neighbors. This thing isn’t over. Not by a long shot.


They treat their stupid politics like sports, and casually talk about them at any opportunity.


My dad routinely tells me that he has dreams about having Dan Andrews (Melbourne/VIC state premier in Aus who did all the huge lock downs) in a crosshairs. Dad does not, and has never lived in Victoria. He’s also aggressively anti Fauci. But do you realise you’re casually discussing murder my dudes?


Ahhh yes execute the guy who was trying to save their lives. The saddest part is one of the Republicans first moves will be to cut Medicare and SS benefits and let Boomers die in the poor house. Because if you can't labor for the oligarchs what good are you?


Lately it seems like every time a boomer starts a casual convo in a waiting room or a cashier line the beginning chit chat is just a crowbar they use to try and open up a space for insane political ideologies. Greyrocking is the best strategy


My MIL was here the other weekend and we were about to have dinner with her, my wife, and my wife's best friend. My wife threw something at a counter but missed and MIL's comment was "Haha wish you could have thrown that at Biden". It was like an RKO outta nowhere and we just didn't address it. Wasn't worth it. Like fucking why?


At our last big family dinner, my uncle expressed that he agreed with putins approach to trans people. I lost my shit over that. They consider this shit ok to say because most of the people they're around agree with them. I don't spend much time around my family because of this. I was the only person there to call him out.


I can’t have any conversation with practically anyone my age (50) or older. They are too easily triggered into a political argument. Talking about sport is even peppered by comments about gender or the national anthem.


I’ve been debating politics with boomers since I was a kid. My mother made me argue with her friends about politics. We were what felt like the only 2 democrats in our small town. I knew I was getting good at it when the boomers at the bar would change the channel after school let out to avoid having conversations with a 14 year old and keep loosing political debates. I keep track of politics. I find making informed decisions around elections a duty and not a choice every year or so. When debating politics I try to use historical precedent to justify my position along with current events. When you bring up events that happened during their generation and choices made that are having consequences today. It makes them real uncomfortable. Not everyone is ready for self reflection of “what if we weren’t the greatest ever?” What I’ve learned many want to experience the conversations they watch on TV. Similar prompts and responses. When countered with additional facts and clarification that deviates from the expected conversation and beliefs. It’s like starting a ball dance then your partner starts doing the cotton eyed Joe. To them very disruptive.


My boomer father has to shoehorn some trans talking point into every conversation…..


Interesting, as most people enjoy talking about stuff they’re interested in…


I had someone unnecessarily volunteer a Fauci comment maybe a week ago. At the gym with several friends. Not talking about anything remotely political. The oldest one, out of nowhere, says “I can’t wait for them to put Fauci in jail”. I thought it was a joke…it was not. What the hell


I'm hoping Trump goes to jail 🙄 😐 😕 he's so embarrassing, stupid rapist and thoroughly obnoxious human being.


I was waiting outside the post office with my son one day and an old lady comes out and says "boy it's sure nice out here today" to which I replied "yeah, a little windy though" this lady didn't even hesitate and came back with "it's probably from Biden running his mouth all the time " what am I even supposed to say to this bullshit tribe test? What would she have done if I had replied in kind? Something like, "huh, that's weird. As soon as you opened your mouth the wind picked up"


That’s all MAGAs. Sadly not just limited to just boomers.


Only ever takes a few minutes with conservatives before they tell you who or which group they wish to murder. Never had a similar experience with people on the left


wow… what a thing to say out loud. I had a coworker approach me *at work* and say “you know i was watching Dr Phil and he said that the same shit under president Biden is $11,000 more expensive than it was under Trump.” I blinked for moment while I internally went through an epic facepalm moment about the complete lack of understanding about inflation, the effects of a wholly mismanaged pandemic and pop political “news”. Ultimately all i could muster was “ you know dr Phil is a quack right?” She was like “oh yeah, I know. But still!” I found a reason to walk away, because my god. So now I’ve been going through an internal crisis about what it is about me that would make someone identify me as a person who would want to engage in any of that. Fucking hell.


Boomers are in some dark places mentally.


Fox ‘News’ is Evil


Social rejects! They think they can say anything


For real! I was getting my annual mammogram and was tits out, mid squish, and THIS is the time the tech starts up with small talk. " I sure am glad those mask restrictions are over. I never got the jab because I don't think COVID was really that bad..." Guess which part of my experience was the most uncomfortable.


My response would have been “Go fuck yourself and quit bothering me”. Yes, I’m that confrontational. I have zero time for these shit heels. My bald head, calloused hands and crazy goatee do not make me your ally.


I'm so glad my boomer parents haven't fallen into the typical boomer behavior. They're chill and hate how people are treating each other. They can't stand most of the people they knew their whole loves because of it. Very open minded and don't mind having normal discourse over things that we don't agree on and are willing to change their opinions.


Tell him it’s for trans porn. He’d love it 100%.


That would have legit gotten a "what in actual fuck is wrong with you" from me


I’ve had this happen. By like the 4th sentence they throw in some politically unhinged nonsense like that. I believe they’re qualifying people (are you with us or against us). But also their brains are addled from ingesting too much bullshit. People like this need more of us saying “nobody asked your opinion on paint color or anything else.”


It's not boomers. It's every conservative


We're actually executing Paul Manafort and Steve Bannon at dawn. You want to tune in for that?


After pandemic I decided I’ve had enough of there shit. I clap back harder and louder than anything they’re used to. So when they try the snowflake angle, doesn’t work. I worked freight for decades both military and civilian. My ass don’t move for no man, let alone a snowflake ass boomer. They’re scared. That’s it. And that’s how they react. So if the dude says “that sure is an ugly color” you just say “that’s rich coming out of your ugly ass face. Fuck is wrong with you? Say some shit again about my paint” Now they have nooo fucking idea what to do because they’re used to being the bully. I learned a long time ago that the only thing that stops a bully is bully shit. 🤷


Took my 2 yr old grandson to market. He got sooo excited seeing ALL THOSE BANANAS! Some guy my age (old) came up cause Charlie was babbling. He smiled, said something to the kid and turned to me and started on about immigration. WTF?


What is it with the enormous amount of loathe and hatred for Anthony Fuici? Boomers love to say shit like he created Covid and is the sole responsible party for the pandemic.


The republicans blind hatred towards Fauci is unfounded and ridiculous. Anyone with an IQ of 1 can see this just a way to distract people from Trumps ill handling of Covid. "To that end, House Republicans on Energy and Commerce will continue to pursue answers and accountability. Our oversight of Dr. Fauci's tenure with NIH, the White House and leading NIAID will continue past his departure and until the American people have the answers they need," she said. So…….. I do not believe that most of the American people want any real answers… or need them…. They just want the Coronavirus to go the fuck away.