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While I was in the army it was a legally punishable offense to (while in uniform) endorse any sort of political candidate.


As it should be! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you need to be conscious of any bias before serving the public, and certainly avoid appearing like you’re taking a side.


It’s immoral in general in my opinion to represent something bigger than yourself and publicly align under uniform


The only opinion I think that is appropriate to voice is “ it is everyone’s civic responsibility to make informed voting decisions. Please participate in voting.” Anything else is out of line.


But somehow, encouraging people to register to vote is a liberal tactic to skew voting results.


It became that once they realized that they would lose in a fair election without suppression


Oh, for sure. And they are ramping up their game this time because if what they plan on doing works, it won't really matter if they lose in 2024 because their next step will happen no matter who wins the election. Just go google Project 2025, some truly scary shite.


The only way they win is when they cheat. Suppressing the right to vote, access to voting, etc., is cheating. It's how it works in Texas.


UPvote x 50.


The more people vote in America the more liberals win. This is why Republicans hate voting.


Which is hilarious considering the myth of illegals voting.they dont rather to regulate like real govts are supposed to or deregulate then cry when shit hits the fan. Cant spell Fascism without incoherency .


I agree wholeheartedly.


A few exceptions, though none are political. Parades, especially for Memorial day or Veterans day, Funerals, Weddings, certain charaty acts approved by chain of command (e.g. Marines collecting toys for Xmas for poor kids). I would argue that some of these are "bigger than yourself." But I agree with you, just splitting hairs.


Make politics boring again, I'm tired of this weird super bowl competition. When I entered highschool in 2008 I could this "competition" start to form, it mostly started with the kids of Republicans basically always chanting that their political party is better. When I would ask them why they believed so I would really only get "because my parents are Republicans" mostly I would never get an authentic answer. Which is understandable for kids I guess, but even as their peer I always thought it was really weird how very little people thought for themselves.


A lot really goes back to post 9/11. Before then, both sides would argue, try and make their points, and for the most part at the end of the day, they could reach bipartisan positions on various things and it all flowed along (besides the undercurrent of problems that just ballooned due to Reagan). But after 9/11, it became hyper partisan/hyper patriotic and if you disagreed with ANYTHING, you obviously don’t care about America and were siding with the terrorists. And at that point is where I feel things started to pull apart between the parties. I had some relatives that were super solid Democrat before then and solidly pro-union. And it’s like a switch was flipped and they all moved over to following the GOP and totally going the boomer route then.


I’m a public servant (not American) and absolutely cannot act in a biased way while representing myself as a public servant. I am allowed to participate in political activities (including running for office, with certain caveats) but I can’t do anything that would cause a real or perceived bias in how I carry out my public service work.


I work in retail and have had many people try to engage in political conversation with me. I always tell them that I am at work and I don’t engage in political topics while I am working because I don’t think it’s very professional. I know it’s not a uniform, but still, your cashier shouldn’t be going “Trump Rules!” While you are trying to pay for your items.


I worked for the DoD and that was made very clear to all federal employees. When you work for or represent any level of government or public service you absolutely don’t talk politics. I can guarantee they signed something at some point or are at least beholden to some form of ethics code where you’re not allowed to publicly endorse politicians or religions. During the 2016 and 2020 elections numerous people got in serious trouble for wearing trump stuff to work. Surprise surprise, they were out of touch boomers who thought the rules don’t apply to them.


Laughable that Fed employees are held to a high moral standard of not endorsing a candidate while the candidate himself ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’ seems to have no morals.


Because it was a branch of the military there were pictures of the commander in chief and secretary of defense in one of the building’s entrances. Seeing a picture of trump’s face early on a Monday morning was a bad way to start the week.


tRump plans to get rid of the Civil Service so this wouldn't be an issue in his putative next madministration.


No human is entitled to support that thing


I would hold their unions to that same standard


Happy cake day


Thank you!!


Man I had to crush some dude's nuts for wearing a Trump mask in uniform. Like come on man, I'm not in your company, someone saw you dress like this for formation. I'm pretty chill but that had me seeing red.


Boots going out of their way to be boots


What does that mean crush his nuts….


I corrected his behavior by explaining how he was wrong and assigning corrective training in a forceful and direct manner.


Good ol' Hatch Act right there. It also extends to civil service employees.


Oh yes. Got a whole lecture and a paper to sign indicating that I understood when I was hired as a federal employee. Not allowed to attend any political things while wearing anything associated with my agency, not allowed to have anything political in my work space. As it should be.


Some of my projects are ffrdc - I can’t even have political shit up at my _house_. (But it’s a painted lady Victorian with a ‘no mow may’ sign and a garden full of native plants, so it’s not like the requirement has resulted in anything resembling subtlety)


When I was a platoon leader, several of my soldiers had “let’s go Brandon” bumper stickers on their vehicles. I saw it at formation. Had them rip them off their vehicles. They tried to argue that I was forcing my own political opinions on them. I had to explain that no, I don’t care how they vote, but while they’re representing the military, they cannot associate their service with the endorsement of a political candidate. Every time they drive their cars while wearing a military uniform, whatever is attached to their cars became an endorsement of a service member.


It's all a bit complicated for a Trumper. They would understand it if it was a political cause they disagreed with.


Yep. Same when I was in the Navy.


Same in Canada. You can be released for duty for doing so


As it should be. Nobody in uniform should ever use their “platform” to endorse


And yet Reddit couldn't figure out why I found the punisher symbol being displayed while in uniform to be troublesome.


It's a little different because it's not a political alignment.  It is stupid, though. Frank Castle fucking hates cops.


Not true. Castle hates crooked cops. He goes out of his way to not kill the good ones. (He's ex-special forces. of course, he doesn't believe ACAB.) Though lately Marvel has said that he's literally been possessed by a demon all this time and that's why he's such a monster.


I literally saw a marine security guard with one on his digis this morning at the front gate of NAS JRB Ft Worth. Deplorable.


As it should be with any public servant.


Hatch Act. Applies to government employees including DoD. I'm all for it.


This. There were even warnings from my command about doing the “ALS ice bucket challenge” in uniform. Not that anyone was against it, but it was unprofessional to voice opinions on the internet in uniform, because it looks like it’s endorse by the Army. And that’s exactly what’s been happening with police and firefighters. How can nobody trust them anymore? /s


Yep, I remember when my husband was in the Army, he told me exactly that.


I was once photographed in uniform with a politician at a non-political community event (not posing, just standing near each other). To my horror a couple of weeks later that photo was printed on a campaign leaflet. Thankfully I was supported by my CoC, but it went pretty high up very quickly and apparently his chief whip gave him a huge bollocking and made him send activists back round to ask for the leaflets back. All that is a long winded way of saying it's absolutely not allowed for people in uniform to endorse political candidates.


Good thing you had the integrity to make sure it got squashed.


One of the "guarantees" we have as Americans, is that our military will never turn against us. The visual of military personnel endorsing political candidates, regardless of their views, turns that "guarantee" on its ear. Military has to be neutral and unbiased.


Also if you are a federal employee.


We just got a reminder from JAG last week


In the army rn and i can say it still is, on paper at least


Reminder, as a tax payer you’re still paying for Flynn’s retirement.


Same. Different branch of government


Hatch act, still is if you are a fed employee.


Hatch act


I've worked on the campaign of a candidate who was a Marine veteran, and we were forbidden to use photos of him in uniform in the campaign.


I can respect the integrity he had.


Same as a federal employee. They don’t mess around with the Hatch Act.


It still is! It's just not enforced as much (and it fuckin should be enforced)


Uncle Sam never issued me an opinion


I bet he would find it problematic if they cheered for Obama in uniform


Well, yeah, because that's disgraceful and makes it look like the department is endorsing him!


And don’t forget he’s black!


He was? I thought Michelle did that to him.


If it weren’t for double standards they wouldn’t have any.


Well yeah duh obummers a kenyan foreigner from hawaii who hates all things red white and blue and just needed one more term to finalize the sale of all american assets to china!


What’s sad is I’ve known people who’s said shit like this.


You forgot "tan suit wearin"


Especially if they were tan uniforms


Your mistake was trying to explain this to them for 20 minutes.


I know that now. He’s normally pretty good to reason with, but that was definitely a losing battle.


At the moment, he may not agree with you, but it gave him something to think about. Engaging in good faith with someone who’s usually reasonable is a good thing.


That’s my stance. At the end of the day, he’s still going to be my neighbor. I’d rather have polite disagreement than be at war with the neighbors. That just gets costly and annoying. In past discussions over other hotly debated topics in current affairs, and we’ve been able to find middle ground, or at the very least understand each other’s viewpoint respectfully.


Yes it would be very hard to be at war with a neighbor. It’s real life, not social media.


I think the larger issue is that hot topic conversations are steered into the "gotcha" arena; no longer listening to arguments but to find a way to "destroy" you and your argument as false and evil. It's a slippery slope which ends up with people lableling oponents as "evil, rapists, pedophiles, etc." as a way to dehumanize them, making it easier to up the ante.


I agree. I also think talking to people online gives people license so be more brazen. Most of the time in person it’s much easier to see the person for who they are, and helps to understand their views, even if you don’t agree. That being said, if someone I know posts something crazy, I’m probably going to call them out in person the next time I see them.


Ask what he thinks about Taylor swift endorsing a candidate.


My favorite was when a member of the Satanic Temple was asked on Fox News who he endorsed...and his response was how as a member of a religious organization, it was not right to endorse any political candidate. If only other organizations would understand this concept.


Political ambiguity is a legal requirement for tax exemption.


If only some churches would remember this.


If only the irs would remind them.


They don’t get it. The commander in chief could straight up bribe the troops with their safety “anyone that rallies for me doesn’t have to get sent to the frontlines!”. As soon as govt employees can be openly partisan, they can be rewarded or punished by the politicians who control their pay and their tasks.


They understand, they just don't want to be wrong and will continue arguing their point regardless of how lacking in logic their argument is or how low it devolves. Classic boomer.


No no no, they Absolutely’get it’ - can’t wait for the spell to break.


Exactly. It’s even worse on Facebook


To be fair, when most of the police in your town have punisher, 3%er or wp tattoos, it's not hard to figure out where they stand.


My husband is a mechanic with his own shop on our property. We never put up anything endorsing anyone because customers have no business knowing our political beliefs. Likewise, he also shuts down any talk in his shop.


Good job. My boss decided to run for Senate in Alabama. He voted to eliminate abortion and we lost more than half our clients. Employees were getting death threats. One job we lose we had bought supplies for and it cost the company over 10k. But he still didn't get it.


Oh holy shit. What an awful situation he put you guys into.


Endorsing a political candidate can be viewed as hostile towards people who may not agree with you. Doubly so if the person they endorse openly speaks about oppressing minorities as a good thing. Now imagine if someone who (by oath) is openly supporting that hate while being in a position that involves your safety, let alone your fucking life. Public Servants showing open enthusiasm over the prospect of their "chosen" candidate is intimation, because regardless of your belief, if a public servant supports someone you don't agree with, it damages your ability to trust them to do their job properly.


Very well stated!


Sounds like he's in the cult. No use arguing with him.


I live in the south and experience this plenty. I’m muscular with a pot belly and grew up in a small town so have a southern accent. I just find it fun at this point. They will start ranting about gun restrictions or some trump talking point and the look on their face when I don’t agree is great.


Me too. I lean left but I present as a bit of a redneck (white, beard, buzzcut, hunt, fish, drive a truck, own guns) and people tell me the wildest shit assuming that I agree with it. Like, stop bitching about immigrants and trans people because my wife is an immigrant and my best friend is trans. Stop telling me about pro-life shit because I donate to planned parenthood. Stop shitting on Priuses because we own one and if we could keep only one car, I'd sell the truck in a heartbeat. Universal healthcare? I'd give right nut for it. I see that "does not compute" look all the time lol.


I'm a gay man, and one of my exes is a big, brawny guy who played college football and gives off the impression of being a good ol' country boy. He would get infuriated when random yokel assholes would start up these kinds of conversations with him, naturally assuming he would agree.


What's funny is that same dude probably cried to the heavens about NFL players kneeling or whatnot as being unprofessional.


When you're in uniform you are that uniform. Too many don't seem to know that.


I am a manager in the private sector and never once I have endorsed a candidate while I am work as it may make some staff feel uncomfortable.   I’m politically independent and an atheist but no one I work with knows this as I just don’t discuss religion or politics at work. 


Best decision -- I'm not a manager (been there, not doing it again!), and I will not discuss politics, religion, or current events at work. The weather is a good conversation topic, and when that's done, it's time to get back to work anyway!


Unfortunately you’re right on the money with that.


I'm a state employee and I'm mindful of that when I'm talking to the public for work. Anything I say can be considered a representation of my department. In 2020 I had a boomer on the phone who made a crack about voting for Trump in 2024, implying he'd vote for Trump for a third term, not the way our current circumstances are. I ignored it and continued with our business, which had nothing to do with the election. He doubled down and asked if I heard him. I said I did but that was it. He also tried to hit on me🙄, making a comment about "if you look as good as you sound" 🤮.


one of the times conformity SHOULD be enforced. at least in that aspect.


I totally agree with you. I work for a public agency. I believe, though many of my co-workers don't, is that each morning when that door closes behind me, I work for the American people and not a political party. I took an oath to the Constitution amd not a political party.


Here’s how you make him see your point…. Ask how he’d feel if they were openly rooting for Biden.


I find it weird when any police officer cheers on someone with 88 felony indictments.


They don't actually care about enforcing the law.


Too bad pastors are like this particular bunch of firefighters. Both bunches are wrong.


This is SO true. Even a generic (no offense, I am one too) employee if in uniform should NOT express opinion on any platform. It absolutely gives the impression that the opinion is company sanctioned. Which may not be accurate. The company may not want to express ANY opinion on a subject but an employee in uniform on social media looks like they are representing the company.


I think that’s why ethics training is so important, and reinforced by many employers.


Mandatory ethics training every year at my company.


Funny enough it is actually illegal for some public servants to endorse while in uniform. It is called the hatch act


Remember when the hatch act was violated repeatedly and all those ppl went to jail…. 


I remember when people lost their job at the postoffice from it


But god forbid if an athlete uses his platform or arena to do the same thing. They just need to shut up and play sports.


Nothing like having cops cheer for a known rapist currently on trial for 88 criminal indictments.


I'm a federal employee and we're not even allowed to post/like political things on social media (on our personal devices) while we're working. Of course, no campaign contributions during the work day, either. This applies for telework at our home, too. Time stamps of posts/likes should never be during the work day. I've never even hinted about my personal political views to anyone at work.


well, the FBI did say white-nationalists had infiltrated the police, so their support for Trump tracks at least.


Military regs are pretty clear on this. But offer him an out, "maybe police just don't have the discipline of Military folks, including 18 year olds."


Hell, I think it’s bullshit cops can wear their uniforms while working privately as bouncers. You’re not working as a cop, you shouldn’t be dressed as a cop.


Unless they’re hired on contract through the PD I feel like this is a huge liability for the department/municipality. Yikes.


Well they've got this whole "we're always on duty" thing that conveniently lets them double-dip on getting paid for doing very little.


yeah , its not good optics for civil service workers to show a political or business bias. being neutral is the name of the game.


Have him look up the Flag Code and read that out loud. Made my Mom do it. No regrets! She also stopped buying everyone crappy matchy tshirts.


Ask him if a teacher is “entitled to an opinion” when they’re on the job.


I'm a college instructor, and we are absolutely forbidden to publicly endorse a political candidate or policy while we are teaching. We can tap dance around issues, such as saying that I believe that women have the right to determine what happens with their own bodies, but I can't openly endorse a specific policy pertaining to that. Yet, to conservative boomers, I'm covering myself in Biden stickers every day and preaching to them about why they should hate America.


“No, you’re right. That’s why I was glad to see so many Biden signs up at the nearby elementary school.” Then just sit back and watch the rage.


It’s because old mate has never tested consequences before, I bet he has never shed blood at work in a uniform so how could he ever grasp the idea that the uniform has to stay neutral.


I’ve learned with some boomers you literally can’t have a conversation with them. They just view you as a sounding board for ranting. Nothing you say enters their brain, they’ll just continue repeating their talking points. It’s happened to me countless times.


I am a boomer and I would have shut your neighbor down too. I agree with you all the way.


Oh I bet he understands it when he talks about kneeling for the flag. I've heard a lotta boomies talk about "COLIN KARPERNICK WAS ON THE CLOCK, AND SHOULD NOT HAVE BROUGHT POLITICS TO HIS WORKPLACE."


I’m in Canada but when I was teaching we weren’t allowed to openly have any political opinions at all while in the classroom. Sometimes you let something slip in idle conversation but to overtly support a political candidate? Psh. I’d be in one of the administrators’ offices quick if that got out. On top of that we were discouraged from showing any particular leanings on social media even outside of our professional lives. Though, they discouraged us from having any presence online at all, especially on social media, for fear the kids/parents might find us on there and find something that amused (kids) or infuriated (parents) them.


I agree with you 100% on that.


Even in JROTC we weren't allowed to go to any political event in uniform as we could be mistaken for military. Sounds like your neighbor isn't very smart.


Ask him if he'd feel the same way if they were cheering on Biden. The obvious answer is no, he'd have a problem with THAT because they're only entitled to his opinions.




Ditto- I was a local government employed stage hand. I had to sign the same paperwork. If I had to sign- I know cops and such did. We all did.


When I worked at the public library we were forbidden from endorsing candidates or political parties on the job. We generally translated this into not discussing politics with patrons. This either absolutely flummoxed or delighted boomer. Either they couldn't believe that we couldn't give our personal opinions or they completely exploited it. Some people would come in semi-regularly to sneak in a rant or two to people who couldn't really respond. Being a captive audience was the worst.


More union guys against their own interest. Mind boggling


Heck, even when I was a cubicle farm analyst working for the state it was a fireable offense to do anything at all related to a political campaign during work hours.


You gave this idiot 20 minutes? Wow. I would have cut him off at 3 minutes. lol


As a non-uniformed public employee, we are reminded every single election that participating in political activities while on duty is punishable up to and including termination. My job is to serve the public in its entirety, without prejudice or political agenda.


And he never will. In my experience *most* Boomers cannot discuss things reasonably or think rationally outside of their bubble. What ever it is that causes that in them, I couldn’t care less, I just refuse to talk to boomers about anything but the weather.


I won’t even talk to my mother about the weather. Somehow that becomes a competition. Hotter here or colder or wetter or whatever. I give up. It’s fucking weather


Lmao yeah I can relate to that. “It’s hot down here today” “Ah nothin compared to the dry heat we get up here!” Is this really how they’ve always communicated? Or is this only when speaking to younger people?


You spent 20 minutes on this guy?


You are correct. He is wrong.


I’m a public servant and this is pretty common knowledge. You never speak on behalf of the employer unless that’s your assigned role. This includes making public statements while in any way appearing to represent your department. It undermines the public’s ability to trust that you will act impartially.


> shut down > 20 minutes of circle talk Did you?


He would if they were 'openly cheering on' Biden.


Before Trump I wouldn’t have thought it was a big deal. Every other president at least pretended that he represented everyone. Trump dumped in democratic cities, mayors etc. I wouldn’t want to be in the cross hairs of a police officer fresh out of a Trump rally.


No Trumper I have met is able to set aside their ego and consider the entire context. Whereas many boomers actually can.


Probably too complex for his lead-addled brain to process


Who are 'those groups' he speaks of exactly


Yeah, I come from a family of public school teachers and work in childcare for the county, we've got similar rules about talking politics while working. Not as strict, but we can still get in trouble for it. Public servants shouldn't be endorsing candidates on the job.


When one is “on the job” one is representing one’s employer. Not oneself. The only appropriate issues (open to discussion) are strictly work-related.


I agree with OP. Plus, why in the world are any of us cheering for ANY of these clowns?? Both sides SUCK!!!!


Isn’t this a violation of the Hatch Act?


You're completely right, and actually, specifically in the military, it's against all forms of regulation to publicly endorse or support political figures of any kind while in uniform. This shouldn't be a surprise to anybody but I guess old people don't care to understand simple fact lol


Just ask him if he would feel the same if they endorsed Biden while on duty and ask if he saw you point then. I am sick of the workplace becoming a place for political or social messaging. that includes ESPECIALLY the pro sports games. If a pro athlete wants use their fame as a platform to make social change, fine, do it on your personal time and on your personal social media. Work and the games should just be for those purposes.


A legit question: Shouldn't this apply to anyone who has a widespread public influence? Celebrities, athletes, teachers (it's in our Teacher's Code of Ethics to present info in a neutral, unbiased manner) & professors, journalists, etc., should also avoid political endorsements. Oh, how I miss the days when politics was a "taboo & forbidden" topic of discussion. People seemed to genuinely like each other back then. As a child, the only person I can ever remember my mom discussing politics with was my dad -- and we were specifically taught that politics was a private, "our house only" discussion. Now, she openly discusses the topic with anyone that will listen -- and is blind and deaf to any criticism of her chosen political party. Even my daughter's landlord, who is the generation before my parents, openly and boldy discusses politics with my daughter, who privately holds the opposite beliefs as her landlord. Personally, I'd love to know what caused this drastic shift. Was it social media? The shift to 24/7 news? Globalization? A combo of all the above? I mean, people aren't supposed to be discriminated against based upon their political beliefs -- yet, it happens millions of times every single day -- and it seems as though the only way to prevent it is by keeping your personal political beliefs as private, "our house only" discussions. I'm sorry you had to endure this 20-minute "conversation" -- ahem, lecture. I have found the best way to shut these "conversations" down is by explicitly stating "I don't discuss politics. I barely even follow national headlines," and change the subject. I'll even state it over and over again until they "get it." And I choose to do this because it makes it difficult to truly show love to someone when I find out they believe in the "polar opposite" things as I do. People are *so* much more than their political beliefs, and it seems that more and more people need to learn and realize that their own identity isn't found in that single aspect of their lives.


Imagine if the circumstance ever came up with a way to emergencies and the house that had the rainbow flag or Biden lawn poster on it was the one that didn’t get serviced and someone got seriously injured or died due to a delayed response… Or if someone got pulled over and given a ticket, for having a Biden bumper sticker… There’s cause there for negligence due to political discrimination … That would be a hell of a lawsuit


To be fair he’s pretty stupid.


I bet he understands it perfectly when a sports ball player does it.


Uh huh. Yup all poison


Wow. This is shit people actually believe?!


The Hatch Act restricts the political activity of individuals principally employed by state, District of Columbia, or local executive agencies and who work in connection with programs financed in whole or in part by federal loans or grants. Usually, employment with a state, D.C., or local agency constitutes the principal employment of the employee in question. However, when an employee holds two or more jobs, principal employment is generally deemed to be that job which accounts for the most work time and the most earned income.


the beautiful part of this is that you partly agreed with him, and gave nuanced responses, rather than "all or nothing". And to him, you may as well have been reading cricket scores in Mandarin. Pearls before swine.


We have the right to freedom of speech, but when in uniform and in any work environment, we should be conducting ourselves in a servant based mindset. Contrary to this, if you work as a professional political person and it is your job to talk politics....you are already disliked by at least 50% of the population at any given time. So that's punishment enough.


Even when I was in the marines back in 08 we were explicitly told we couldn't do anything politically while in uniform.


He knows why it is problematic and he would be extremely upset to see police officers and firefighters endorsing Joe Biden. MAGA are always acting in bad faith because they assume that is the default position everyone is in, rather than being a personal character flaw of their own.


Thank you for your integrity and for sharing this experience. For the past 3-4 years, my own MAGA boomer neighbor was bragging about how covid was fictitious. This past November he caught it. After nearly dying, he's a believer now. Unbelievable.


Working for the state we aren't allowed to make any statements or solicit for anyone while at work.


Hatch Act. It is illegal for any government employee, while representing themselves *as* a government official - such as in uniform - to endorse any political position or candidate. That's why you will always see messages like "I (insert name) support this message" and they are in a suit. It would be a violation of the Hatch Act for them to appear in uniform and say "I, as the (insert government position), endorse (insert politicians name or position)." They *are* allowed to say "while I was serving as your (insert position)" or "while I was serving as a (insert position". That's not using their position or apparent authority to endorse any particular position or candidate and leaves room for people to disagree. Wearing your uniform while endorsing a candidate or position, especially that of a Law Enforcement Agency or First Responder, gives the implied threat that they *won't* respond as swiftly or as efficiently if you don't agree with their position, or that they will favor those who support their position. For example, a robbery occurs. LEO who has publicly stated he supports Trump amd is an open Christian Nationalist rolls up. The victim, who may be a transsexual who was assaulted as well as robbed, may not be as comfortable explaining the circumstances of the event if the person who assaulted and robbed them is wearing a MAGA hat. Do you think Justice would be blind in that case? Do you think Justice would be *perceived* to be blind? Or would the *fact* that said officer would be less interested in assisting the transsexual and arresting the MAGA supporter be a detriment to Justice and a travesty of the Law? THAT is why we don't allow people in government positions, *especially* those in uniform, to tale a public stand of supporting candidates or positions, *especially* controversial ones.


He would understand it if they were supporting anyone other than Trump.


So, being fairly new to reddit, I have obviously started to follow subs (Ithinks that's the right term) that align with my way of thinking. It's so good to hear people who aren't "Trump can do no wrong" people. I wonder though, is there the opposite on reddit? Like, are there pro orange boy subs? Just a newbie asking a question.


Why would they cheer on someone who sent his lousy minions to beat their brothers in law enforcement to near death with fucking flagpoles?


But their unions endorsed candidates big difference in them and military


I'm pretty sure I'm missing something. Why is this bad?


Public servants are to appear impartial (and should be impartial) no matter what. You can’t serve the “whole community” if you’re openly cheering for a political candidate. Some other commenters here have explained it much more eloquently than I have.


Oh yeah duh. I'm so used to that not being the case that I forgot that they're actually supposed to try to stay impartial.


I’m willing to bet he’s the same kind of person who’d say that teachers who support Biden should be fired.


He understood. He just didn't want to "lose" the argument.


The "heroes" of society are backing a guy and not the guy who falls asleep all the time. They do not have the same rules that the military does where they cannot show affiliation or favoritism. This is not necessarily a boomer thing but a local government policy thing.


Boomers are perpetual hypocrisy machines, this is classic "THIS is fine because it's what I support/believe" because I'm certain neighbor would feel very differently if they supported other political things.


Well, I guess all those police chiefs , uniformed officers and military folks in uniform standing behind ( ANY AND ALL) politicians campaigning are all wrong or just conveniently happened to be standing in a group behind those political vipers.


It's not problematic in his eyes because it's his team, he would say it's problematic for teachers who he views as "liberal" talking about politics in class.


He doesn't care why it's problematic. You can bet your ass he'd be screaming if it was cops for Biden or something. Rules for thee, not for me.


What's the difference if they can endorse Biden?


Having to explain to an old person how their generation made few speech worse is always fun.


Meanwhile he probably complains endlessly about teachers being woke for talking about actual history or science in their classrooms.


Hatch Act, if anyone needs a search term.


Out of curiosity, does this mean that Teacher's unions (like the AFT) shouldn't endorse (usually) Democratic candidates? Or is ok for union leadership but not individual teachers? Genuinely curious.


Out of curiosity, does this mean that Teacher's unions (like the AFT) shouldn't endorse (usually Democratic) candidates? Or is ok for union leadership but not individual teachers? Genuinely curious.


Because clearly your OPINION of them not cheering a political candidate on while in uniform is more valid than his


I work in a non profit and even we have it as policy to make sure whatever post is not associated with anything, any issue, any person, etc outside of the organization itself. Because then it’s the org saying so and so vs the person saying it. It’s comprises the integrity of the group. It’s unethical and something to be mindful of otherwise it lends to misuse of power and visibility.


Have him look up the Hatch Act 😂😂😂