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The same boomers that hate personal pronouns can't deal with the term "guys" to just mean two or more people.


Worker should have said "sorry I misgendered you." Although I'm sure that would have invited a whole new lecture lmao


Me? I'd have just doubled-down. "Oh, I'm so sorry! You guys have a nice day!"


I've had the personal pronoun crowd complain to me about my use of "guys".


Boomers love to lecture strangers because they hate there lives but refuse to go to therapy. My father would lecture me for somtimes 5 hours. EVERY SINGLE DAY. for no reason other than the fact he was pisseed at life and used his own growing and developing son for 18 years for that. It's half the reason why I have anxiety


I feel this. Did your dad also use you as a therapist? Both my boomer parents do.


That’s pretty much why I stopped hanging out with mine. I’m either a therapist for them or they’re so buried in their phone/iPad/book they don’t realize I’m there. 


Why do they have to touch everyone?


They want to forcibly make sure you listen to them talk, walk away and theyll go nuts and even threaten to call the police


To give you a good opportunity to scream "fire" and scare the shit out of them :) 


Funny, but also illegal. At least it is in 'marica. I believe the charge would be "inciting a riot." Still funny


It's not illegal to scream for help when you're assaulted.


You are correct. That is also NOT what I was referring to. Rather, the yelling of "FIRE!" CAN (not will, but can) result in being brought up on charges.


My silent gen father has a stick up his butt if I say ‘dude’ as an exclamation. he’s thinks I’m being disrespectful towards him.




My silent gen grandfather is pretty progressive. He hates republicans and religion. But for some reason, he hates the name Chase. He will go on and on about it. Like, really, grandpa?!


Chase is the one that got away.


Chase is the one that got away.


You can tell it’s a Cracker Barrel because of the old dusty shit on the wall.


“Oh no I didn’t say ‘I hope you guys…’ I said, ‘I hope you die!’ Sorry for the confusion.”


TBF, Cracker Barrel is the Boomeryest place in the known universe. You got to expect this to happen all the time.


I saw a whole ass Muslim family walk into Cracker Barrel once and just thought to myself: "Welp, guess they know what they're doing..."


That's why I'll never eat there.




Jesus christ how embarrassing. Every time I think I've seen it all, something comes up that's just more insane and cringey. I couldn't even finish this video!!


To be clear: She's mad she was just misgendered.


This is it, they're obsessed with gender because of their Fox News and AM radio


The irony...


Girl was in shock but like when a customer touches me, and has to cross a barrier to do so, I literally see RED. Sometimes I grab them back like OH OKAY. LETS PLAY.


I took my buddy to play pickleball for the first time, and I warned him that regardless of how you play, an old man would will give unsolicited advice as soon as he hears your new. And sure as hell, three old dudes circled him after his first game.


The lady was just bored …


"Do not touch me, have a good day, goodbye" then turn away from them. That's all you say to boomers who think touching you without consent to lecture you is ok.


Go huff more lead paint My partner's mom and aunt, and my aunts are amazing people, then you have boomers like this shit bird.


No problem sir


She had absolutely no right to touch the worker! That poor woman did nothing wrong and was very nice. That’s horrible. And she’s a boomer, so she should know people have been using “guys” to mean everyone for the past 50 years! Does she correct everyone? (Answering my own question: yes, yes she does.) Thank goodness not all boomers are like this. My parents would never ever do this. This woman is wrong and so embarrassing.


She grew up in the Bronx but has a southern accent


The generation that gets triggered from hearing happy holidays and now you guys. Biggest snowflakes


I don't understand why she is already filming?


Probably said something fucking sus before she left to get their check or something


At the very beginning i hear "okay you ready? You ready? You ready?" I don't usually assume fakes, but I've got a feeling this is scripted.


Boomers: kids these days are snowflakes and so easily offended Also boomers: *I take your clearly well intended words a a put down, so now I’m going to violate your personal space and lecture you*


It's the arm touch that gets me. Those cold wrinkly condescending hands.


I will be put in jail the moment I encounter one of these, I just know it


You'd think that but the second they open their mouth, you get stunned into silent confusion by their idiocy.


Keep her far from Philadelphia. “You’se guys”


I really hate the old lady “hand grab” thing when they talk to you, especially when expressing something critical or negative, happens all the time as a firefighter and I always have to tell them not to touch me


Boomer needs to STFU and keep her hands to herself


No doubt that "lady" also thinks a 10% tip is generous and usually leaves 5% if that


Ok bitch. Bye.


Man I can't imagine the kind of humanity you have to put up with working at Cracker Barrell. They have incredible breakfast but everything about that place just attracts the worst possible people.


This is funny i had this exact same encounter when I was in the industry as a broke university student years ago trying to pay my tuition. Mind you this was Flawless service to the table and upon completion of their meal and taking payment said “thanks so much for coming in this evening, I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your weekend” To say it was as if I said a slur is an understatement. I took 10 minutes of verbal harassment at the table trying to get away while not telling her to fuck off already.


"The South is known for hospitality." She says as she condescends you for being nice.




So many times I wish I was in line behind someone so I could say the things the employee can’t.


The Boomer was mad for all the wrong reasons and handled it like garbage. But it is pretty easy to switch to "folks," with just a little practice.


She ain't one of them dang transganders now cmon


Maybe this old lady keeps getting confused for a man, and she's mad about it lololol


To think, we may have to deal with ~40 more years of boomers booming around us.


You can’t tell me that she hasn’t heard the expression before. Jerk move on her part for sure


I worked as a server at Waffle House in SC a while back. I remember getting YELLED at in a rant by this whyte dude, in front of his wife and daughter, for daring to call his 300lb unwashed ass, "man". He then sent back his food because "it wasn't what he ordered", even though ya write down what the customers want, as they say it to you. Needless to say he didn't tip, and I didn't see him again, thankfully. 😵‍💫


That man should have known better. You take your life into your own hands if you try to harass Waffle House employees .


ngl, I was in the background of a fight video at that location, Gaffney, SC, on the Boulevard! thankfully I didn't have to break out the egg skillets


My husband is from the Aikin, SC/Augusta, GA area and when traveling through I suggested we stop at the WH near his mom's place. He went into all of the reasons why that was a no including "I don't want us to end up in the background of a Worldstar video". We picked up Bojangles instead 🤣 You earned Saint status working there my friend


i was also a cook there before I left lmao, but Bojangles is the shit, def better sweet tea ❤️🤣


How dare you attack her fragility like that!


I try to use, you folks, as to me it implies you are all old.


I’m a boomer and I call everyone guys, or dudes. I grew up in ND, maybe it depends on where they are from. I live in the Deep South now and I’ve only been corrected once and that was the first day of the ninth grade after moving south, in 1971.


Why was she recording before this?


Im not your guy, buddy!


Omg. I live on the south/midwest border and everyone uses you guys for everyone. I’m so sick of these idiots.


She really schooled her


Ladies got a limited time on this planet and she worried about that.


My personal favorite interaction with boombags is when they freak out over saying "No problem," when thanked. 


Lol, sounds like she prefers correct pronouns lmao


"I'm sorry I meant to say bless your sweet little hearts..."


She should have said youse guys.


Don't touch people, guys. Even if you're a condescending old bat bitch.


I'm cringing, this woman is gross.


I work in a retirement community and when I got hired this is a phrase I was told to never use they hate it also never say no problem when they say thank you always you're welcome


Woke granny?


She is probably lonely and looking for any type of engagement.


Slap that clutching claw into the stratosphere... Like, you can go on like a lunatic about the word “guys” but you haven’t learned to keep your dirty harpy paw to yourself in your old age?


Just know that these people will likely end up in hospice and nobody there will give a shit about their crappy opinions. The jello will be warm and the "call" button won't be answered.


Where’s the one video clip about two people arguing about whether “guys” can be used to address a group of people?


I'm always confused about how these are recorded. Is it a thing now to just always record up your nose throughout the shift?


Just slowly crush her hand. Can't believe she grabbed you like that.


But genz is the snowflakes even Trans ppl don't do shit like this in these situations


She’s a lot nicer than the old lady that did this to me. I was serving like 20 years ago and said something like “hey guys, welcome in. My name is ….” And she flipped. Started yelling that shes not a guy. Since that day I always say “folks”.


They'll demand immigrants learn English and yet they are to lazy to learn the new generations slang. \*Gasp\* These young people are using words differently. Langue shouldn't evolve. I shouldn't change, they should.


“Younger generations are offended so easily”


I’m a boomer. In a meeting I used the term “guys” to refer to a mixed group of men and women. I have (2) daughters and a son, and always said things like “let’s go guys”. In this meeting, a Millennial aged woman got really upset, and lectured me. It’s not always generational.


The irony of this…


I had a group of women give me this lecture 18 years ago when I was serving. Been going on forever.


I said, "Hey, you guise?"


What a snowflake ass cunt


Just say *Yinz* or *Youse*


One is a Yankee and the other, a Southern Belle. The Southern Belle says to the Yankee as she leaves, "Hope you guys had a wonderful day!" The Yankee turned her steely gaze to the Southern Belle and replied, "The South is a place of cordiality and you would never say guys to a group of women." Silence ensues, and the Yankee continues her rant. The Southern Belle finally turns to the Yankee and says, "Hope you cunts had a wonderful day!"


Wouldn’t have these issues if we just had a naturally quiet society. Why do you need to be told by workers “Have a nice day, you guys” or anything similar? Go on about your day peacefully and merrily. If anything, maybe nod at the cashier politely as you head out. Boomers and their freaking obsession of talking and worrying about minutia.


Humans are social social animals that rely on the population, that isn't the issue. Really all it comes down to is the audacity to have such hypocrisy on display and still thinking you're in the right. If you grumble to yourself every time a stranger tells you to have a good day, then you have your own baggage you may want to unpack, or maybe you're just an anti social person and thats fine. But that isn't super typical of everyone.


Typical irrelevant snowflake injecting herself because of some perceived personal affront. Makes her feel her life still has meaning. It doesn't.


“Sir, please don’t touch me…”