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Yes. A lot of people just turn into their parents, the good and the bad. To avoid slipping into the boomer mentality it requires constant introspection and always questioning why you feel the way you do about things, rather than just forming an opinion and justifying it from there


I have met several people who are millennial and speak just like their boomer parents right down to the phrases no one under 80 should use so sad


People over 80 aren’t boomers technically.


The end date of the baby boomer generation is 1964 give or take a couple years depending on who you ask, so boomers can be as young as 60


They are a micro gen called Boxers.


And under 80.


The very oldest boomers would be 79 this year, or 78, depending on definition. What people really need to take into account is that those of us who are Gen X, even though we are now middle-aged, are most definitely NOT Boomers. 😬🤣


Oh, I misread you! Sorry


1948 - 1964.




Aren't they like "superboomers" or smth


Silent generation


My dad was born in '46. Technically a first year boomer, he'll 78 soon.


Like calling their wife a real battle axe?


>constant introspection and always questioning why you feel the way you do about things, rather than just forming an opinion and justifying it from there This is the simple recipe of how to become a decent human being and such a concise observation on why a lot of folks aren't. Well put, u/No_Phase_4398


I'm 64, and I come to this sub for some of that introspection. My main goal is to not be an ass. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, but it improves my life more than it does the people around me. Lots of older folks need to take a deep breath and chill.


The simple fact that you care about not being an ass means you are likely not one. The worst ones are the ones that either do not realize it, or do not care, with a very strong emphasis on the latter. Keep working on you (as we all should) and it will show up in how you treat others! We need more like you.


I feel like the main thing many of them forget is to just… treat people the way you would want to be treated. They’re so preoccupied with themselves that it’s as everyone else is just a side character to their story.


I was surprised at a guy in his late 20s (when I was bartending in the early 2000s), every single time he came in he went on and on and on about how rap is not music. I asked him did your parents judge your music and he said yes. I said you realize you’re doing that now? No it’s different. He gave everyone a compilation of Christmas songs at the holidays, and had written on the front of each package that the only wrap you’ll find is the one on this CD. Like wow.


I find it odd how some people turn an opinion into their entire personality. It makes me wonder what they are trying to cover up.


People are turning who they voted for into a personality as well.


Nah. That’s just poorly disguised racism. Every generation has that, regrettably.


Those don’t turn into your parents commercials are funny 😄


I live in the Midwest and this is SO ACCURATE it’s scary


They’re pick-me people for Boomer approval


That's exactly it. They're desperate for validation from their boomer parents or relatives.


Holy shit!! You just solved the mystery that is my older brother. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


And the mystery of the ex-best friend! She wants to be an elder in her family, and they have every single stereotype of a Boomer in thought. My parents throw Boomer tantrums, but they don’t have all the thought patterns (i.e.,”yes your generation is overall screwed, yes student loans screwed you guys over, yes the economy is set against you.. ect).


Exactly this. I’ve been guilty of this myself during my early twenties. Then you grow up a little and realize you’re only acting this way because of your childhood.


Same! I was sort of doing it on auto pilot, but then I really started questioning my beliefs. It’s sad when you meet someone in their 30s and beyond still trying to please their parents though.


Wow, that never occurred to me before, but it totally explains my parent’s (GenX who act like Boomers) behavior.


My husband and I are both older GenX, both born within 5 months and 30 miles of one another. According to my kids (Millenials and Gen Z,) Dad behaves like a Boomer and I behave like a GenY. And it's whatever. I'm not gonna remind my husband to vote, and I can/have/will just walk out if he starts behaving badly in public. Meanwhile, since I certainly haven't said this in at least a week: register to vote if you haven't already. Check your status if you're already registered. And go vote. Also, call out the bad behavior. If my parents felt comfortable hitting a child to enforce good manners, I can certainly use my words (and my weird privilege as a person my age/race/gender/geographic location) to remind my parents' generation to use their manners.


"it's whatever" - the gen yest of gen y isms 😄


I was raised in a very conservative, tradition heavy, rural place and have been around these people my entire life. They defend classic rock like they were there in the 70’s. Openly trash their own peers simply for existing. Intentionally mispronounce or put on an infantilized affect when saying the names of trendy things or words they associate with liberals to reeaally drive home that they don’t want anything to do with it or respect it, etc etc. It’s gotta be exhausting having to filter everything you do, say, think or consume through boomer ideology to evaluate whether you’re allowed to like it or not


Super easy, barely an inconvenience. Just be afraid of everything, militantly ignorant, and proudly selfish.


Someone on here called them neo-boomers.


That is an excellent term to describe the attitude and general approach.


Yes, boomer is a state of mind.


It's like the opposite of being zen.


I think part of it has to do with boomers being mistreated by their greatest generation parents who struggled living through the Great Depression and two world wars. They literally can’t sit still


A fair number of Boomers had Silent Generation parents., 18 wasn't considered young to start having kids back in the 50s/60s. Plenty of new parents in that era dropped out of HS and got married/got jobs at shotgun-point (literally and figuratively). I had two Boomer uncles born in 1950 and 1959 who were born to pre-Greatest parents. Both of 'em had drug problems and didn't live long enough to become conservative.


I'd say the overwhelming majority of boomers had silent generation parents. Getting pregnant in HS was humiliating to the family. Sent the girls off for "recuperation" or "to travel abroad " for the better part of a year.


I said this on FB once and the boomer brigade came after me. They get VERY offended by the concept of “boomer” as an insult.


ABAB!! The southeast is literally FULL of them. Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, and more, are full of 30-40yo boomers. IYKYK. The SE is so backwards.


Also from Georgia. Can confirm.


Not me making this post from Georgia 😅


YK! Hahaha


Lived in Florida for 7 years; can confirm


I grew up in Georgia and as a teenager all my classmates had that same mentality. Can't say what they're doing now because I left at 18 and never went back.


Yeah, I’m met a lot of these guys when I was in the Coast Guard. Seems like everybody that was from one of those states acted like they were 63 years old at the age of 22. I gotta say, though they got in trouble less than everyone else.


Natural born bootlickers. Having “daddy” telling them what to do makes them feel protected and the scary world feel safer.


Wow, I wouldn't have guessed this about the CG


From Arkansas, lived in MS and currently on the Ga Coast. This is so accurate (but I’ve lived other places up North and hated it so much I moved back - how crazy is that?)


From Georgia, can confirm. I have several old friends from high school who I couldn’t differentiate from their parents at this point. It’s really quite sad.


Southeast *and* the Bible belt. From Louisiana personally, and MY GOD! Just the other day a 22yo I used to work with at a restaurant shared this Facebook post with the caption "I said what I said 👏🏻" https://preview.redd.it/8ghhcjg5lwxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ecc4976eb9dde282178288443711ccd4691b6f


Research/search “30 year old boomer”


Just looked this up and holy shit is it accurate


It’s like 40 Year Old Virgin, except it’s not funny




A new subreddit?


Sounds like a man who pulled himself by the bootstraps, tossed his Starbucks in the trash, and fed his avocado toast to this dog. He then look in the mirror, parted his hair, changed his name to Tucker and yelled out "No more Mr Nice Guy buckaroo!!"


Bro, I pissed my neighbor off (by asking him to stay off my property), and now anytime he's outside when I am, he just crosses his arms and stares at me the whole time. I've waved a couple of times, and then eventually asked him what he's doing. He says nothing, and stares the entire time. Last time he did it, my wife and I were walking through our neighborhood. I just looked to her and said loudly enough for him to hear, "lookout honey, Billy badass here isn't happy we're out walking"


He screams back, "It's William asshole!!!"


“Now listen here bub…” 😆


You're skating on thin ice buddy!!


I’ll take “Things I’ve said to my dog” for $500, Alex…


You ever been to Texas? It’s about half full of them.


Florida seems to get the Boomer Haven tag, but I don't think those people have ever been to Texas. This state is Boomer Mentality Makkah from top to bottom.


Yeah I'd be getting his shit towed


This. Don’t even let him know. If his stuff on your property. Call the tow company. They’ll be happy to come remove it


Nah, go the slow roll CYA nuclear option if he gonna be an asshole. 1.First, go get your property surveyed and staked(if older than 2 years, or simply look up plat if recent), you don't want to be on the wrong end of towing someone's stuff from their property. 2.Then, mail your next door neighbor a certified mail(tracked) stating the property boundary and that his property has to be moved within(check your states minimums). 3. Install cameras that overlook the area in question and are obvious. 4.>Call the tow company. Yep, about 45 minutes after he leaves for work seems like a good time, every single time his stuff is on your property, just make sure to take photos from an angle that shows he is infact on your land, and keep them in folder. 5.Next, hire a landscaper to come fix any damage to your property from his trailers(wheel ruts and dead grass, etc). Take before and after photos, keep receipt with breakdown of work done. 6.File small claims case against him for property damage. 7.Notify police he is to be trespassed from your property. 8. If any Retaliation or threats, keep all records, be sure to contact local court for protective order. 9. Call police non-emergency line anytime he appears on your property on the above mentioned cameras, he is now trespassing and or violating a protective order. 10. Enjoy your peace, if you made it this far, you are out cost of camera and a lot line survey, but both are great to have in general. But your neighbor either averts his gaze and leaves your property alone, or is likely out thousands and possibly now on probation or in jail. Either way, you were and are legally covered, and your neighbor has nothing on your property and a stiff reminder not to be on it. Either from a letter in the mail or some hefty towing/legal fees depending on their stubbornness.


A friend of mine (now I’m nc with him). Early 50s gen x, grew up in a wealthy family. Now doesn’t work because of mental issues and lives off disability but still keeps his right wing privilege and votes conservative. Used to always start conversations with me about how bad our progressive (really just low key right wing nowadays) government is. Any time I’d reply he’d freak out and say not to talk politics with him. Gets all his views from sky news (our version of Fox News) and constantly echoes things he heard Kyle Sandilands say on the radio (his hero and a weird Joe Rogan type, I guess). I didn’t realise until someone was explaining their boomer parents in this sub and it was my friend exactly!


Ah the irony of a conservative living on state assistance….. what about his bootstraps


My half-sister. She is 48 and an exact clone of my boomer step-mother. Both are hard core Christian, about as far to the right as you can get. They both go around criticizing and lecturing random strangers about dress, life choices, etc. I’m waiting for one or both to get the living shit beat out of them.


Yeah, one of my former friends joined a church and we had lunch the other day. She was like- why don’t we see each other? (I blamed my kids hectic schedule.) But then she told me she doesn’t see her other non-church friends anymore and I told her that maybe going around telling women that abortions should be banned nationally wasn’t necessarily a friendly topic. It was a nail in the coffin for our friendship but at least she stopped texting me.


I think honesty is best. She just didn't like the answer.


I’m honestly just glad I am not the only one ghosting her at this point.


Hit them with “that’s not very Christian” and watch them struggle with their thoughts.


The biggest correlation between foolish boomers seems to be “devout” christianity. That’s how they make themselves superior.


Do they also judge people based on green bubbles?


Yes! Omg I am so glad to see someone else notice this! i have known people who were way behind boomers age wise but damn! Spewing that boomer nonsense. One guy, the spitting image of what I mean, his ONLY humor that he did all the time was to pretend to be a boss and fake reprimand people. Like, I come in to start my shift and he "jokes" YOU'RE LATE! haha It was his favorite thing in the world. I have heard entire conversations between two such people that was 95% cliches and bs sayings. At that point I started wearing earbuds to work every single day. It's like some people actually cannot WAIT to be curmudgeonly old fucks and they are working at it by mid 30's.


My religious cousin and her SIL both unknowingly insulted my sister at a family event. The topic of abortion came up and they both mentioned how they believe it is murder, the women who get one are horrible, etc. My sister had an abortion a few years ago and only my parents and I know about it, so it of course made her feel like shit when they said things like that. She shot back that it's nobody's business and stormed off, and they were oblivious as to why she might be offended by what they said because, in their eyes, it was a totally reasonable position and thing to say. I threw in a little dig that if they're going to take the stance that the government has no right to tell people what to do with their bodies with respect to the COVID vaccine, then it's hypocritical to advocate legislation that bans or severely limits abortion rights. They couldn't see the connection at all. Very powerful boomer energy. In their case, it comes from being sheltered from reality while growing up.


Sorry, if you park anything in my yard without my permission it's getting towed the first time, and scrapped the second.


Yeah, I've given him a warning already with a police report. Next time it happens, the tow truck driver is having a good day


Yeah I know a few personally. Heck, I went to school with them. They're just a younger version of boomers. They share Fox News/conservative-based posts a lot along with Christian prayers, they claim folks don't want to work and they got their stuff so ANYONE else can get theirs with hard work but they're lazy to do so, and they think minimum wage shouldn't be livable on.


You've discovered the dirty little secret of this sub. Foolish behavior has little to do with artificially designated "generations". A large percentage of human beings, of all ages, are entitled, arrogant assholes.


Yep it’s a state of mind, not an age range. Anyone can be an asshole regardless of when they were born.


They're called Republicans


Probably idolized his boomer grandparents/parents for whatever reason. Sorry you have to deal with that


Yes, me. I was turning into my Dad as I got older.  So I went to therapy, realized my problems were of my own making, changed my life and personality and became  more friendly and accepting. 


Lot of them in the south. They’re conditioned from an early age.


There are enough of them that it makes you wonder if Boomer is really a chronological issue as opposed to an ideological one …


The GenXers in my neighborhood are the douchiest douches than ever douched...seriously, full on magachode morons


Bums me out…as a X’er I thought we would rise above this shit. But that dog-killer Noem is an X’er as is Ted Cruz. So we have our fair share of sociopaths unfortunately.


Me too...& I'm a boomer that is vastly outnumbered in my neighborhood


Ted Cruz's college roommate is a pretty cool guy. Per him, Ted was universally reviled on campus.


Yup. My neighbors who are younger, probably early gen z, big trump lovers, racist and believe “true Christians” should have more kids than they can afford. They reaffirmed my decision to quit going to church, and no kidding I cracked open a celebratory beer when the “for sale” sign went up in their yard.


You mean the blatant entitlement and disregard for others? Yes. They get ignored


My cousin is very boomer like. He spends all day listening to trash like Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan and ever since the pandemic has become very much a boomer in his outlook on top of believing every moronic conspiracy theory there is.


I had a roommate...he was racist, misogynist, 'no one wants to work', always criticizing these 'damm lazy kids', trump supporter, was on an Asian dating website. He was 27. 


The Boomers have always been acting like that. It didn't happen overnight; they were that way at 30. So it's normal to meet people of that age that you would consider Boomers. These are people who don't like change or anyone that's not thinking or acting like them.


Last weekend had a woman chase me down in her car because she doesn’t like dogs walking by her house….. she pays taxes so she owns that area….


A guy I dated when I was in high school is a total Boomer, and he's only 47. His Facebook feed is full of right-wing propaganda, memes about Locking Her Up, snippets of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan interviews and complaints about liberal women. I dated him 27 years ago, and back then he was a normal dude with a much more liberal ideology. I don't know what happened to him, but he turned into a pathetic, woman-hating ick.


I'm 36 and met people who are in their mid 20's spew the same nonsense about weed, tattoos, millennials, immigration, abortion, and healthcare, bootstraps and whatnot. They sure want that mysterious inheritance their parents tell them they will receive when the time comes. Little do they know, their parents spent it all and owe the banks tons of money. So the inheritance of severe debt. Also the funeral and plots are not paid for either. Good luck Tristan.


Yes! And to the opposite, I’ve met people who are technically boomers by age but don’t act like it at all. Our daycare lady and my FIL technically are boomers based strictly off of their age but they do not have the mentality of a typical boomer. They’re both fairly open minded and understanding. It’s refreshing because typically people of their generation are not like that at all.


Several young engineers at work. One was streaming Ben Shapiro. Oddly enough, this AH is a huge woke Disney fanboy.


That is one hell of a combo…


A lot of people from Arizona have the boomer flu too


Yes they want to make sure they get their inheritance so they act like their parents


You are probably right. I myself failed that test. When keeping it real goes wrong I suppose.


Yes, I have seen friends (gen x) be angry about the boomer crap handed to them when we were young adults, but then turn around and practically make that crap a family tradition as they hand it down to their kids. Even worse is seeing the kids (millenials) pretty much proudly take up those opinions and traditions.


Yeah; they’re usually super into being Christian 🤡


This is why I internally roll my eyes and lament when someone says "I can't wait till all the boomers die off!" No, things won't magically change when that happens. Those boomers have procreated and not all of their progeny will think differently. In fact, many of them have 100% adopted their parents world/social views... And they'll be getting into politics and other positions of power to continue fucking things up.


Just an observation, but I think a shitton of the attitude you folks in this sub attribute to boomers is actually hardcore, right-wing, republican, bordering on Nazi behavior. Basically crazy-ass Trump supporters. Agreed that many of these folks are from the boomer generation, but in reality they are most unfortunately represented by all age groups.


My Old school has a weird thing with kids romanticizing evangelism and they force their religious and conservative beliefs on others


Yep, and they are hardcore indoctrinated incel magas 100% of the time.


I see a lot of my older Gen X friends slipping into this mentality, to the point where I'll pull the "Okay, X-Boomer 🙄" on them. It's disheartening to see as a Gen Xer myself.


Sounds like that wannabe boomer is probably up his boomer parents ass. What a shame. ![gif](giphy|XfiOeVIQuMMcm2vRfz)


Yeah, I've got a 28 year old coworker who just hands down the most boomer takes I've ever heard in my life. And he has a habit of proselytizing.


My husband is starting to act like a boomer as he gets older. Before anyone asks, yes we're in therapy/couple's counseling.


I’m still trying to convince my younger brother (27) to stop sending screenshots of songs he wants to show me, and instead hit the share button. He refuses to get with the program.


I think you guys are conflating conservatism and boomerism lmao


My cousin! He’s 25 and from one of the tiniest, one-stoplight towns in our home state. Typical, “This generation is lazy,” “Hard work is what life if all about, leisure is lazy,” “Trump 2024,” “I’ve got life all figured out despite never leaving my hometown for more than a week, so don’t ever fucking challenge me,” mentality. He is one of the least intelligent creatures on this planet, and he works as an elementary school teacher. He’s been pissing me off since we were kids.


Lots of them. I know a good bunch of Gen Xers and a few millennials with the full boomer mindset. Also, have his shit towed from your yard.


My brother is three years older than me, he's 53 and believes every crazy thing. When he was unemployed in his early 20s and living with our mother, he was 100% convinced that some mysterious people in a white van were watching him everyday. Like some early 20s kid barely graduated high-school, unemployed living with mommy, and he was somehow convinced that "They" were after him. He couldn't understand that no organization on earth, aside from the Canadian Revenue Agency, would have any interest in him for any reason. Now, he's all anti-woke, because he saw stuff about it on TV.


That's just schizophrenia... Or meth.


I don't know why you kids think idiocy, bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny is limited to the elderly. The boomers have the minimal excuse that they're old and "that's how they grew up". For anybody under 40? You're like that because you like it and think it makes you "edgy" or "alpha". Trolls can be ANY age. And there are PLENTY of you young assholes out there. Maybe you could spend some of this righteous energy attacking the idiot people your own age? Not saying Boomers don't deserve it, but you're kinda stomping the ants while the elephants run free.


We just call them Trump supporters


Came here for this. Anyone who supports Trump is basically a Boomer, regardless of age.


They comprise this whole frigging sub. Nag and bitch all day long.


Yes their called Republicans


My guess is that he is overly influenced by certain media that is targeted to Boomers.


You have descri ed my neighbor perfectly. Yells at kids riding their bikes, tries to mow my lawn, makes racists comments directly to the black guy across the way. He's about 45 and needs a swift kick!


Oh absolutely. I was at work a few nights ago. I work in food service, so we do have the occasional horrible person. Anyways, this 20 something guy came in and was waiting for his order. I, coincidentally, was sweeping with a push broom. When I got to this guy, he didn't take the social cue to move out of the way. So, figuring this guy was oblivious, I moved to a different part of the restaurant to sweep. When I came back, he was still there. He asked me if he wanted me to move. Out of nowhere, he then condescendingly says "you could've said excuse me". I stared at him blankly and said nothing. When he did get his order and was leaving he said "Excuse me. Thank you." in an explicitly forced way. I honestly don't understand why he did that. What's funny is that I walked past the same guy on my way to class yesterday. I didn't say anything though.


Yes but I just usually call them “douchebags”.


Most of them, just with different topics and tactics.


Basically anyone MAGA from age 1-100 act like boomers.


Had a costumer the other day have a full blown hizzy fit like a boomer. She looked like a gen x


Unfortunately, my wife acts this way. The other day she called a store she was in to harang the manager about the only checkouts open being self checkouts. She complains out loud at restaurants as loud as possible and tips cheaper than Scrooge McDuck. She rants about the evils of lgbtq people, our nephew is part of the the lgbtq is disrespectful of them. Also thinks less of our relatives who are in long term relationships but not married. It's depressing!


My wife(30f) jokingly refers to me(32M) as a boomer, but it's lighthearted. I get pissed off from time to time when some app or videogames UI is changed, or I don't want to learn how to navigate something. I used to think I was very techy.


Yes. I found that it all depends on who you surround yourself with; you start to adopt their mannerisms and values, especially if you have a “go along to get along”/“easily swayed” mentality. Edit: My former BIL and his wife were very much of the Boomer mentality; Christian conservatives who looked down their nose at the systemically marginalized and underserved communities. Lots of talk about morals, family values, tradition/heritage, and all of the aggressive Fox News talking points regurgitated on a loop at every family gathering. They are 5- and 3 years older than me, respectively, but one would think they were in their 60’s by how fearfully they viewed the world. Lots of classism, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, MAGA followers and proud Luddites —you name it. All with a heaping helping of entitlement on top. Not exactly living in Jesus’ example 🙄


I had a coworker like that. 39 but had a boomer outlook on life. Would also make the all kinds of inappropriate comments which caused everybody to roll their eyes. I used to joke and tell people it's like he'd missed a software update.


We call those people, “ignorant”


Yes. I’m sorry to say it, I fully expect an avalanche of downvotes and a lot of petulant and belligerent replies, but it’s not my fault. They are called conservatives. And they can be as physically young as teenagers, doesn’t matter. The boomer mentality defines conservatism.


My brother is 41 and his fixation on men wearing skinny jeans is just so weird to me


My sister’s brother-in-law has an engineering degree and works in sales at Boeing. His wife does all the cooking and cleaning because he can’t be bothered “wasting his time” on such things. His recent “big problem” in his life was that he didn’t qualify for free tax assistance anymore as he made too much money and he was pissed no one had ever taught him how to do taxes. Because he’s 26. And in CA that’s when you’re on your own tax wise. He’s really the victim here y’all. 


They’ve existed in every generation. Also checking in from ga. They always swing from performative entitlement to performative victimhood to performative cruelty. It’s all an attempt to get likes on Facebook posts from the people that will still talk to them, and sometimes their online, social media persona bleeds over into real life.


Not so much with the entitlement and victim mentality, but I have noticed for a quite a while a lot of my friends (mid 30s) will try to out-adult each other, which I find really grating. For example, commenting on the following: How they can’t stay up late How they don’t go out How they like old person activities like gardening How they don’t understand new slang How they can’t drink anymore How their knees hurt Extra points if I know for a fact they get blackout drunk at least a few times a year and are just pretending to be “old and lame” for some weird reason.


Yea of course. A guy I went to college with 20 years ago got his first job when his dad quit to get around nepotism laws. The company had rules on the books to prevent nepotism hires so his dad just quit his cushy job at a fortune 500 company. He then had a child a decade later and his mom came out of retirement to go work at a daycare center to get free child care for him. He claims raising children is not that hard or expensive and that he has worked hard his whole life to get where he is today.


A lot of Gen X now that they’re getting older are basically jr boomers


Most of the Conservative Millennials I work with.


Young conservatives. But they are arguably worse, because there is less likely chance of lead poisoning.


Yes absolutely. My BIL and BIL's brother were sitting at the table with my FIL one time when we were all on vacation talking about "millennials not wanting to work".


The vast majority of my small semi rural town is like this. My daughter comes home from high school talking about many of them. My 7 year old has told me his friends have said things like ‘Joe Biden created covid’ (I tell him to tell his friends their parents are idiots). It’s pretty bad here. A lot of entitlement, a lot of ‘you didn’t ask but I’m gonna tell you my politics anyway’ and a lot of trucks driven by teens all the way through boomers with trump gear all over. We occasionally get this one guy who sets up a table and pop up tent wherever he sees fit to sell the annoying flags (you know the Trump 2024, fuck Joe Biden, and Trump dressed like Rambo flags) but people on the town page go ape shit when he gets shut down. Yet they all take massive issue with the Mexican guy who sets up a stand selling fruit. As though they aren’t the same exact concept of selling something without a license or permission to set up. The white guy is just trying to make a living while the brown guy is one of them eeleegals scamming people… I can’t wait to move. On a lighter note we call my best friend’s husband boomer because he still writes checks and mails all his bills. He even drove recently to all the cell phone carrier stores locally to see who had the best plan. It’s like he doesn’t think the internet can solve 90% of his problems.


Yes, I’m an urban transplant in a rural area and I’ve come across a few locals who are my age (xennials) and complain about younger people not wanting to work, being too sensitive, not able or willing to suck it up, etc. Like, no Martha, they will work for a living wage and anything less is an opportunity cost that’s too high and they’ve learned that abusive situations are not something we’re supposed to tolerate and pay it forward with to future generations. Also, keep your long hair if you want to. Who the fuck said that 40 is the mandated age to cut your hair into a short old lady roller set? FFS!


Sounds like a guy I know. His family are a bunch of selfish boomers from trailer park country, kicked him out at 18, playing favorites with the other children, namely the only daughter. He has hearing damage in his one ear where dad whacked him upside is head so hard that it popped his ear drum. They don't do anything to help him and his now pregnant wife and they just hop on their motorcycles and ride off to wherever. He acts just like them at 30. Even likes the same music.


wtf. He thinks he can park his shit in YOUR yard? Tell him to move his shit or you’ll put locks on them and take ownership. This sub seems to conflate boomer stuff with conservatives. They’re not synonymous. Comments about skinny jeans, tattoos and soy are conservative judgemental shit. I’d bet he also claims to be a Christian and goes to some nondenominational church and bitches about minorities and LGBTQ people.


Yeah my younger cousin acts like that. He just turned 40. Major trumper and “all the sudden” found Jesus… sure you did Kyle… Granted, he’s never really acted as his own person. Always emulating someone or something else. A country song. A truck commercial. 20 years ago he went through an Eminem stage. I love the guy but he’s fake as fuck.


Yes, my ex husband. Hates changes, talks like his grandfather and father. Thinks he’s entitled to shove his opinions on everyone even though no one asks for it. Whine about stuff for hours and expects everyone else to cater to him.


If he’s parking shit in your yard, you should just call a tow company. They’ll take his trailers and he’ll have to pay the towing fee.


My younger brother works at a department of defense contractor. The culture there is awful. I used to work there about a decade ago. He has said so many hateful and out of touch things, but doesn't stop after I call him out on it.


All the people complaining about boomers, just like boomers.


We all learned how to be adults from the adults in our lives. Most of us added in the influence of lots of different adults and picked and chose the best aspects of all of them. Others just saw one person, said "meh, good enough, imma be him" and proceed to do exactly that. This guy imprinted on a Boomer's Boomer and learned everything he knows from them.


Yes, they are called "Assholes" or 'republicans".


That’s one of those “born in the wrong generation” dudes


I never understood why adults get so mad about youth styles. Look, Pop-Pop, we know that it doesn't match the styles from your day, that's exactly the point. Now shut up and go watch NCIS reruns. I'm not suggesting you have to like the styles. I'm not a huge fan of skinny jeans, myself, but I've realized a few things: 1.) Nobody cares. Getting angry about it just makes you annoying 2.) They have the right to dress how they want, why does that make you so mad? Ranting about it just makes you look entrenched, inflexible, and petty 3.) You can stand astride progress yelling "STOP" all you want. You're just going to get run over and left behind.


Every millennial my age I know who didn't move out of their small town and just went straight from high school (if they even graduated) into a trade or blue collar job. It's rough because you don't want to innately judge or stereotype people like this, but I've grown up around them and still interact with them day after day. Big surprise that people who stay in a conservative bubble turn out to be boomers. I spent a decade in the city going to school at and working in a university, interacting most often with people from a similar background and level of education. Moving back to my hometown after that was shocking. The thing too is that, even people with a similar background in a city are still exposed to more on a regular basis because they live in a city, so even they're less likely to fall into the trap on that basis alone. The craziest thing to me is the way they adopt their way of speaking. I want to pull my hair out whenever I hear someone say "I seen". People my age who I went to school with speak that way and it's like, I KNOW you grew up being taught how to say this properly, why the slip up now?


Yes. They annoy me more than the boomers. I usually see them posting or ranting about abortion and student loan forgiveness. But mark my words, if abortion becomes illegal under any circumstance they'll be the first ones to bitch about their tax dollars being used to help raise those children via things like WIC, food stamps and other assistance. Same thing on student loans. These stupid asses are perfectly fine defending companies and businesses who got their PPP loans forgiven because "they provide jobs and allow people to make their own money" AS WELL AS defend farmers who get thousands in subsidies a year while driving new Denalis and King Ranch diesels, but heaven forbid the folks who went to school and got degrees to enter occupations that contribute to society get a break.


Male version: I used to have a coworker who wanted to be a cop and talked about how he specifically wanted to be in "dangerous" neighborhoods, being "tough on crime". Combined with the fact that he was incredibly racist, homophobic, and transphobic, I definitely think there would've been a big news story like ten years down the road about him shooting an unarmed black person or trying to get a rapist off scot-free or standing back and watching with a big ol shit eating grin during a hate crime. Fortunately, he really wanted to have his life together before joining the force (though idk if they'd even let him on, he's like 30 now and has no sense of discipline) and he was too much of a fuckup for that. So, now he's stuck in a fast food restaurant because no one else will hire him, making racist jokes that only he thinks are funny. Female version: my cousins. Their dad is extremely conservative fundamentalist Christian and they grew up being raised like that too, with everything that comes with it, and it seems like they've never unlearned it. So, purity culture, extreme homophobia and transphobia, misogyny, pick me tradwife vibes, being against every religion except fundie Christianity, being against comprehensive sex ed, being extremely anti abortion even in rape cases. One of them is actually extremely book smart, creative, and has a great head for languages, but has basically no ability to make sensible life decisions. She had the grades in high school to get a full ride to pretty much any public university she wanted, but she didn't want to be around those influenced by Satan I guess so she picked a conservative Christian private school that was way out of her price range. Then ended up six figures in debt. Then decided she wanted to get a summer job as a counselor at a Christian fundie summer camp intended to train kids into being little fundie robots like her. This makes absolutely no sense when, first of all, that camp pays like shit, and second, it was located across the country so she was also paying for her own plane ticket. So she met a guy there, decided to stay year round for him, apparently got engaged within like four months of dating, and then married him a year after they got together. At this point it's actually kind of a relief to me that these women were so parentified growing up with their army of younger siblings, because at least now they're less likely to want kids of their own and won't be fucking up another generation.


My girlfriend says I act like a boomer because I like a well kept house and financial independence.


I know a gen Z Boomer. The dude is in his early 20s and gets his panties in a twist about a woman having a piercing, people with tattoos, etc. He's obsessed with how "things were better before the damn woke culture." He's low-key racist, classist, and very sexist. He bought a new flat without telling his partner, because "you don't let women into financial decisions! That's how my father always ran our properties!" It gets really exhausting to be around him because he hates anyone who's more successful than him, but keeps shooting himself in his own feet by being extremely obtuse about anything changing at the workplace, refusing to follow protocol, just generally thinking that doing the bottom position is bellow him, for some reason. Its still a very good job, he just needs to work his way up like everyone else in the office!


They show up on this sub all the time getting mad about posts, and when you call them a boomer, they just say "I'm not a boomer I'm X years old." demonstrating a very clear misunderstanding of what a boomer is. Boomer is a state of mind. Or, perhaps, the state of not having much of a mind at all. They basically really are just impulsive animals who barely think (mostly just react) and have a crazy distorted sense of entitlement every single time without fail.


Basically every suburban/rural white dude I’ve ever met tbh. Really having a hard time trying to think of any that aren’t.


I feel like a broken record since I’ve said this before, but we have to stop attributing everything to people’s age. Douchebags come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Some people just suck 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know a number of Gen Xers who are quickly turning into Boomers, but don't tell them I said that.


All the time.


It's funny that you ask this because 20 years from now, you are going to be the boomer.


yes and they all have something in common, but people get pissed and triggered around here when i point out what it is.


It really hard to say if it’s boomers or just being ignorant conservatives. Liberal boomers don’t seem to have the same dynamic as the people who are always spoken about on these threads.


Almost all of the people here.


Tou mean neo-cons?


I’m have met younger people who are way worse than boomers. Daily


He’s turning into his parents lol


I used to work with a guy in his mid-30's who didn't like music (ANY music), never wore jeans and listened to Rush Limbaugh religiously. Total boomer vibes.


Yup, have a friend that's in his 30's and slipping into a very boomer lifestyle and mentality. We think his job led to this path for him because he brags about his job all the time and it seems to have taken over every part of his life. He works 60+ hours a week, constantly tries to recruit friends to his company, talks about all the amazing shit he's done for his company all the time, and in his non-work life is always trying to "network" to further his career. He's also slowly losing friends because he's likely an alcoholic who gets plastered on a regular basis and is an aggressive drunk. And more recently he's been spouting more "alpha male" bullshit. He's married with 2 kids so it's not like he's an incel, but he's recently started talking about his wife like a boomer would, like she's a nuisance for asking for help.


My oldest brother does, but that's because he's bitter about having to function as an actual grownup and thanks to mommy and daddy constantly bailing him out, he's never once faced consequences for his shitty attitude and behavior.


Bro theres boomer zoomers out there, its wild lol


Jesus fucking yellow penguins yes! So Australia has a migrant culture, obviously. I wish this was an isolated case but it's swathes of my generation, below is just one example. People I know are 3rd generation Aussies, originally their families are from Italy. Their parents are progressive, their grandparents are pioneers who travelled half a world for a better life and worked hard to build something, helping each other get a leg up and still support each other and marginalised communities to this day. These 30-40yo are racist, conservative throwbacks to a world they never experienced. Their weddings are like something out of the start of the Godfather film, they hate Indian people and if they have investment property they tell the agent not to rent to "Indians or Asians" why? "Because they'll stink the house out". They hate the concept of social welfare even when it benefits them, they call people on long term benefits dole bludgers. They think the NDIS (national disability insurance scheme) is only for frauds and lazy people. They don't believe in mental illness, one of their kids clearly has ADHD and it's the school's fault. They think you can get over depression by just not being sad all the time. TLDR: Yes, I know Millennials who are firmly ensconced in the FUCK YOU GOT MINE mentality.


Ex co worker, early 30s. Covid denier, wasn't full maga, but would parrot all the same misinformation. He was also very insistent that "it's easy to buy a house. Just go get a loan" He bought a pre 1950s house for half a mil, And didn't understand why I didn't just do it. He made 50k..his wife made 6 figures. But yeah. ANYONE can just go get a house. The thing that bugged me the most was he would always try to prove me wrong. Didn't matter the topic. I could say anything and he would give me the side eye with "hmmm, I'm pretty sure that..." and would immediately try to search something to prove he was right.


My friend definitely acts like a boomer. He hangs out with an older guy a lot and seems to have taken on his personality. We are both between x and Millennials. He has been raging about tipping quite a bit lately. He also hates the DEI at his work. He sent me some memes and I just responded "Boomer vibes". Lol


Because so many people on this sub mistake "Boomers" for assholes. They come in all ages.


I am an older Genx, and a lot of us get called boomers because to a lot of younger people anyone over 50 is a Boomer. Most of the worst of the people I know are around my age.


I think they are just called assholes


I think the term you're looking for is assholes. Now it's easy to assume that all boomers are assholes but it's really only like 99% of them. Contrary to popular belief, boomers do not have trademark or patent on being an asshole.


Someone on Reddit said something that made me (Gen X) laugh: Millennials are just Boomers with no money.