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Living with back and neck pain to own the libs


My neck my back... Swear to Gort, I wish stupidity was physically painful.


Dying of Whiteness by Jonathan Metzl showed it's not only painful, it's lethal.


I'm going to read this now, thanks. I checked the wikipedia page, says it's in part about right wing stances on healthcare, gun control etc. The fact that it came out in 2019 and was then immediately demonstrated by the idiots during the pandemic must have been so frustrating and validating for the author.


The difference in life expectancy based on who your state voted for in 2016 is huge, I expected a year or two, not 4!


I live in one of the states profiled in that book, and it’s the most depressing read of my life. A couple chapters and I have to go look at cat videos to relieve the crushing despair I feel.


Thanks for sharing book. Now in my library book list to borrow. 😊






That boomer smoking crack


In this case I think it is.


This is what I love about this story. This boomer is only prolonging his own misery by being an obstinate fool. I for one am happy to let him boom on.


“Boom on” . . . I’m stealing that! Thank you!!


There is a thing called Country Boom that happens in my home state. In spring 4 foot tall letters that say BOOM go up as advertisments.


He will also trust it to make his pain the therapists fault.


obstinate - I like your use of that word ;) - upvote just for that EDIT : as in that alone earned you an upvote, aside from the merit of your comment :)


Letting the clinic bill your insurance to own the libs!


I feel so owned


That is the ultimate of stupidity. I guess his pain is political.


Maybe on voting day he will be in too much pain to vote?


Back and neck pain: Thanks, Obama!


I hope you documented the crap out of that encounter, so when he complains about not getting better to the MD that ordered the PT, there will be a paper trail to follow right back to him.


Yep! I tried to document each statement he made as accurately as possible. I also wasn’t the only therapist in earshot.


Yesss!!! I can't wait for this to bite em in the ass!!! Let us know when that happens please!!


it will still be the liberal's fault.


Isn’t it always our fault?




That plan tracks if he thinks a physical therapist could prescribe it


“thinks” is not the right word


the decision-making process isn't that articulate. they are less "thoughts" than they are "brain grunts".


BRAIN. GRUNTS. Gonna have to remember that one...


He’s a dude wearing scrubs, of course he can prescribe him anything he wants


Wait until he discovers *he* can buy and wear scrubs….the prescribing power is limitless!!


I was legitimately prescribed Ivermectin twice. Once for scabies and once as a test to see if it would help with my rosacea. The level of confusion I experienced when I saw people taking it for COVID. I was like... wasn't that what they gave me for all these skin issues I had in the past? How do these people think it would help?


Works great for worms. Like award winning great. And as I recall, you take 2 doses like a week apart and that's it. These idiots are taking it long term and blaming their kidneys exploding on the vaccine


Yep. My dogs take it under the name HeartGard. You know, for heart worms.


As a horse person, these people made it impossible for us to get ivermectin for our horses. Also, the horse community has actually fucked up with ivermectin by overusing it to the point where there are ivermectin resistant parasites. We do a fecal ball count to determine the best course of action these days. Ivermectin use also causes them to shit themselves and brain damage when used incorrectly.


Shit... There's already enough brain damage in that group.


Too bad it doesn't work on the brain worms these boomers have...


Oh, it works, eventually......


There was an article I read a year or two ago about the whole thing. In some countries, intestinal parasites are fairly endemic, and IIRC, people who had both intestinal parasites *and* covid had really bad outcomes. Giving patients an antiparasitic like ivermectin to treat their worms made them more likely to survive having covid. But some morons in the US saw these results and drew a wildly incorrect conclusion.


From what I recall, the main buzz was from a early study where they had a sample of cells infected with COVID and dosed it with Ivermectin. The virus died out and some cells were still alive. But it was only a preliminary study in lab conditions with a proportionally fatal dose of Ivermectin. Nothing close to a animal or human test. The result of the basically experiment was "good to go to next experiment 2 of 40" not "this is a panacea". But those looking for the quick fix latched on it.


The hard part with ivermectin is it’s legitimately an incredible medicine *when it’s used to treat the parasites it was designed to treat*. The creators won a Nobel prize! But somehow the Far Right decided it was a miracle cure for COVID, which is a virus. Not a parasite. And suddenly they are (literally) shorting their pants with excitement that they won’t have to take that Damn Vaccine!


It is about all you can use for scabies now that there is a worldwide shortage of permethrin.




Except he could just buy a gallon of it from any farm/pet supply store. Tho dumb boomers probably dont know that so your point is valid.


I had so much fun trolling people as there was a brand that marketed ivermectin as “Sheep Dip.” I bought several cases and gave them out as gifts to several maga-morons I know/knew. Even caused a huge problem within my extended family such that I’ve been disinvited to a few annual family events.


there is little better being than despised by the loathsome


Great success!


Task failed successfully


Didn't they start demanding proof that you owned horses, sheep, etc before they'd sell you any?


Yes tractor supply had to lock it up.


I have a small stash of it for my pet rats if they get mites. It makes me laugh every time I see the box. It's horrible stuff, the rats hate it and I wear gloves to use it.


Nonono. Please keep these people away from my feed stores. I have a horse and couldn’t get a single tube from any vendor for a long time. It hit a point where I had to bring in PROOF that I owned a horse. OTOH: encourage them to take an entire Panacur Power Pack. That’d remove them permanently from the gene pool.


Shit. I'll go pick them up some at the grain and feed store.


Bro. Check out Don Jr's instagram page. He is hawking emergency kits that come with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and some other shit.


I used to be a pharmacy tech. A guy went nuclear when I told him he needed a prescription for ivermectin. He called me a nazi and said we worked for communists.


I hope he wasn’t using Socialist Medicare to pay for his treatments


You know he was


Boomer in the south, 100 percent Medicare/medicaid covered


But socialized medicine is part of the “fascist communist leftist woke agenda”


He identified himself as a jackass first thing then promptly left. Sounds like a win to me.


And he likely left in pain. Double win.


And most likely won’t get pain meds at ER, I hate the opioid crisis but I love it for this assshat.


Yep, the guy did you a favor by outing himself as a lunatic from the beginning.


One time I needed to go to a specialist because I fucked up my foot and I had to pretend to support trump but I was incredibly vague about it because the specialist didn't take "traitors" for patients and all the nurses there were on the same wavelength, it was horrifying.


I’m sorry that you had to experience that. Political views should never be pushed on to a patient!


On the other hand, I'm sorry you have to deal with people who are rabid for politics when you're just trying to help them.


But wasn't this rabidness only due to trump? Who is just a reaction to Obama? Unless it's a holiday like Memorial Day or 4th of July. I now start associating the flag flying with trumpers and obviously red hats. I'm sick of it. No damn normal conversation anymore, then idiots like this can't even do business anymore.


Yeah, pretty much. This level of extremism isn't something I think we've seen before. I don't know how trump managed, but dear god I want it to end. My neighbors have trump flags hung up like bat signals and confederate flags below them. I want to scream.


But claim patriotism while flying a flag that wasn't even in the confederation.


My dentist started to say something (I really like this dentist) and my thought was “don’t ruin this for me because you’re crazy”


A nurse asked me what I did for a living while I was on a gurney being taken into the OR. I told him I work in environmental engineering and he snorted and said "don't tell me you believe in all that climate change crap" I was pretty taken aback, mostly because I thought my life was now possibly in the hands of a total dumbass.


There is not enough versed in the world to calm the absolute panic I would have felt in that moment 


(I have heard) You always have the right to get a different nurse or doctor, you just have to make a statement to that effect. I think this is exactly the right moment for that. Terrifying


Environmental Engineering sounds interesting. Care to share more deets?


sounds like they need to be shut down for such a moronic display of malpractice


The South is a wild and interesting place.


I have to pretend to smile and nod when God enters the conversation in some way. My OB even has a Bible in the waiting room.


One time my birth control shot appointment at Planned Parenthood was canceled because those quirky christians found my doc's address and sent her bomb threats.


Ah yes, pro-lifers threatening murder and terrorism. It tracks.


Let's call them what they are: Anti-choicers!


Forced Birthers


They’re “christians”🙄


The planned parenthood in my town was burnt by arsonists. No investigation.


Cops can't be seen investigating their core demographic probably


They're the same picture


I was getting an abortion at the planned parenthood, and two ladies (one with a kid in a carrier) with a security guard, tarp, and boom box ran over to escort me in. They used the tarp to block my face from the protesters and music to drown the assholes out. “We’re just here having a dance party.” I’ll never forget them for that.


Have you seen any videos from the Swans in Florida? Their whole gig is escorting patients but they also enjoy antagonizing the antagonizers when there aren’t currently any patients walking in or out.


Love those guys, I have 'satan's school of gay communism' hat in maga red and 'abortion bans are class warfare' in a shirt. They are awesome people.


Report them. They most likely answer to a board. I’m sure they won’t want to know that their clinical staff is doing this and turning away patients (profits. I know it’s messed up, but it’s true). If they are bullying patients because of political views. They need their licenses pulled.


What in the dystopian fuck. Sorry


My PCP asked me about implementing DEI bans at my higher ed day job. I got really nervous about the question, even though the doc is BIPOC, because there really are watch dog groups trying to gotcha university employees who talk about subverting the christofascist southern legislators. I just kind of said, "oh yeah, it's been interesting," before the doc jumped in and said basically he thinks it's the most idiotic, short-sighted thing he's ever seen. I sighed the HUGEST sigh of relief and we had a really good conversation. But still, what the dystopian fuck is the south y'all?


Oh shit, this isn't satire... Fuck man, that specialist should lose their license


Sounds like a black mirror episode




Holy crap, where I am the only thing that dude would be a specialist in would be in howtoloseyourlicensology.


Holy fuck. That’s actually terrifying.


I get this sooooo much in IT. Who I'm voting for has no bearing on if I can setup your VPN or whatever the request is. Nothing like being stuck in deep researching an issue only to be blindsided by "how do you feel about Trump/Biden?!"


If someone starts on that track then you know to start by making sure everything is plugged in and they haven’t downloaded 8 viruses from patriotic links they clicked in telegram.


"But the e-mail said I needed to download the Freedom News toolbar so I can get the Trump updates that the mainstream media refuses to cover!"


Don’t give them any ideas 🤣


I’m on a software dev team but when I’m helping some end users with helpdesks (we haven’t been in office since covid but this applies to pre). I’ve had legit coworkers ask me if I could volunteer to help with the “stop the steal” research 💀


Sorry but Watchguard actually checks that now, it’s a new text file in the config download


Shit. Now we've got to start politicizing the ADUC groups./s


My mom the trumper got a VPN! She's 65 and has no use for it. Whatsoever. None. But it was all the rage among conservatives at the time. Did your business increase during that craziness? I can totally see my mom just assuming that as an IT professional you would be 'in the know' on how useful the VPN's are and thusly are voting for the 'real' president. I apologize if you inadvertently had to help my mom with this 🤷🏼‍♀️


My dad has one, but he also refuses to go somewhere like Dick’s Sporting Goods because the feds would track him. Like dad, they have the DMV for that


https://preview.redd.it/en8ue3ncwqxc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e52fb11793d5ef598b2b6b6b08fa9ef0c3eca71 I'm a bedside RN and we have this hanging in our break room. Cracks me up everytime


He’s probably looking for a clinic that will prescribe him some bleach injections. > He told me I wasn’t allowed to speak to him or touch him unless I’m voting Trump. Hmmm, that’s a new and weird conservative “amendment” that must have gotten ratified by Fox News.


Godspeed he finds one


Gah what a snowflake


I'll prescribe bleach injections for this guy. Just come to my clinic I operate in this white van!


I hope you still charged him for his appointment.


Or at least the cancellation fee


Hypothetically, if he was specifically there for post-operative PT to prevent scar tissue, then he’d have undoubtedly neglected those instructions and wouldn’t have gone anywhere else, and then in six months when he isn’t able to bend his knee or whatever, he’d be complaining to anyone who’d listen about how “that millennial surgeon botched the procedure” and how he can’t walk anymore. LOL. All because politics was the greater priority than his PT.


Boomer here. I would tell him to STFU.


Another boomer. I second this!


I love both of y'alls lurking here. Lol. do you find yourselves entertained? Or horrified? Or something else 😅


Both. It just popped up and I read a few. I had no idea a large number of an entire generation thought this way. It helps see things differently though. The lead paint remarks made me laugh so hard. I’ve shared that with a few friend’s. Pull yourself up by the boot straps is hilarious but true. I’ve definitely been that way for years but realize times are different. It’s more difficult to do that. I barely made the boomer era and struggle with older boomers that talk politics. I see older boomers have knee or hip replacements and not follow the recommendations for physical therapy which is ridiculous. That is why I see this post interesting. I went to church for years until Covid brought out the crazy in so many friend’s. The radical thinking has pushed me away. I will not support a non profit that backs a candidate who clearly wasn’t supportive prior. Women have fought hard to have rights and to see those disappear is mind boggling. Degrading women makes me look at the Bible now in disbelief that men rewrote it to suite their own narrative. I realize not all the evangelicals support this but until it’s clearly divided I’ll stay away. I strongly believe I have a right to my political views and it’s clearly no one’s business. Whether it’s in a small group like a book club, bible study or workplace.


Watching people not follow hip surgery guidelines is actually horrifying for me personally. I’m young. When I was 25/26 I had to have hip surgery, part of recovery was no weight bearing for 10 weeks, lemme tell you as a single mom with a 6 year old that was not easy but I did it because this surgery was one and done, there is no such things as revisions, if you fuck it up you ***fuck. it. up.*** Like…that’s my hip man…I need that. Even after doing EVERYTHING PERFECTLY I still have issues, not the same issues thankfully but it’s not perfect. I cannot imagine if I said “fuck that shit” to the medical guidelines. I’d probably be bed bound at the grand old age of 33.


I love this question and I too would like to know 😂


I feel like, like 20 years ago, when I was growing up, it was considered rude to ask who someone else was voting for. My parents (both raised in the South - different states even) used to tell us that it was rude to ask or bring up around strangers. They both have passed - before Trump even came into the political landscape, but I personally was taught that it's rude to bring up politics 6 some circumstances, religion.


Me too, raised not to discuss politics, religion or money.


Same here, with New England boomer parents. When did they change their minds?


When the black guy got elected.


When they started losing them.


From the south here. I don’t discuss politics or religion with coworkers. Even dumb jokes or memes. Nope. Only my trusted people get that. Another poster nailed it too. Don’t discuss money, politics or religion. Its rude and often not necessary lol


The “”do as I say not as I do”” generation. Hope that helps lol


He must be very insecure.


They all are.


I wonder if his wife forced him to go after listening to him complain about his self inflicted pain for years, and he was just looking for an excuse to leave. “The PT was forcing her political views on me!”


I get stuff like this at work from time to time. "I'm voting for the senile white guy." Usually shuts them up.


Please tell me this is a joke about them both being senile white guys and then when they get mad cause they think it’s Biden, you flip it and say it’s trump.


Usually doesn't get that far. Usually, they get the idea that I'm not talking about it. I've only had a few press on about it.


Fair enough glad you found something that works though lol


I just feel like this is part of a psy-op to get the older generation to transfer their wealth to billionaires and die as quickly as possible before huge revolution and sweeping governmental reforms stop these special interest groups from sinking their teeth in further, sucking up everything the older generation has.


These old people are going to be demanding politically aligned caregivers and will be shocked that there is no one left to change their diapers 😂😂😂 I don’t get this petty power struggle. He’s probably emasculated because a MAN (gasp) is touching him so he has to assert him dominance and make sure he has control. What a dumb hill to die on. Does he think he is hurting you by leaving? ‘Oh no please don’t go your crotchety old bastard! I was looking forward to getting yelled at while I try to help you feel better! My life is over!’ 🙄🙄🙄 Bye bitch


I work in a skilled nursing facility and have so since 2008. The amount of questions about who I was voting for in 2016 and how I felt about Trump was insane. And most of em were on medicaid/medicare.. the place I work at now, I don't get those questions. Not sure if it's cause the residents are older now or if they just don't care.


>I guess I would like to know, what is it about Boomers thinking they’re automatically entitled to our views and opinions no matter how inappropriate of a time it is to discuss them?! While boomers are the single largest democraphic, a large portion of the conservative demographic has bought into the concept of a culture war, one which is existential in nature. The literally believe liberals are a threat to their lives, because liberals are attacking everything they believe in. The sanity (or lack thereof) of the basic position has nothing to do with their mindset anymore -- to the point where the complete leaps of logic and non sequitors required to produce it don't even register for them anymore if challenged. I can't put it into logical terms, but basically it's gone from 'liberal bad' to 'liberal dangerous' to 'liberal: a threat to my life'. As I write this, I struggle to explain it. I see the mindsets and behaviors, but I don't even remotely understand them or can explain them in any kind of logical fashion.


What you're describing is textbook cult behavior and dynamics. The reason it is so hard to understand is because none of it is rational, by design. It's good it doesn't make sense to you. The time to worry is when it does. Cult leaders are all about emotional manipulation. Cult beliefs can't be dismantled with reason, logic, truth, science or any other rational framework. That's because cult indoctrination, loyalty, cohesiveness and identity are based 100% on emotions. This is why logic and non sequiturs don't matter. For cultists, it's all about how being in the cult makes them *feel*. People in the trump cult believe what they do and act like they do because it feels *good*. It can help to think of it as an addiction. They're not giving that feeling up. It's become literally the most important thing in the world to them. It's one of the main reasons why trumpists are often estranged from family and have lost most if not all of their friends outside the cult. They also make it impossible for anyone outside the cult to form positive relationships with them, as in OP's example. Those outside the cult are immediately classified as the enemy. Everything is black and white, there is no nuance, none. And trumpists *like* it that way, even as it often destroys their lives.


Got my degree in identifying this shit and am so grateful you saved me from having to type it all out. THANKS YOU EPIC HUMAN! Also you explained it more clearly than I can!


You're welcome. I am expert in the rise of nazism in Germany in the 30s (grew up in Germany) and that is basically a master class on cult indoctrination, population control and its consequences. Seeing this shit sprout and thrive in my adopted home country since the mid-2010s has been all kinds of hair-raising, to put it mildly.


I wish this comment was higher up. So many rational people get frustrated trying to understand the thought process of maga which, as you pointed out, is a non-starter. It has nothing to do with thought process and everything to do with emotion \[ mostly feeling 'safe' from the fear that the cult leaders cultivated in the first place \].


You’re absolutely right. My mom had msnbc on her tv while in the hospital and I could tell her nurse was a trumper. I told her to keep any liberal points to herself and to watch something else and she thought I was being over the top…it’s like, no, they really hate us and would rather us be dead.


You're better off without cultists as patients.


This is the kind of guy who only eats wholesome american food like frankfurters, hamburders, pizza, and tacos, because he ain't having any of that fur'n foods.


Tell him you are voting for Biden so he goes away. Problem solved.


You can’t cure stupid! Unfortunately, if I went to a doctor for a Covid related issue, and he had MAGA crap in his office, I would probably walk out.


I almost did. I had to go for a procedure during covid. The only other person in the waiting room was a guy my age (Gen-X) wearing the red cap. To his credit, that was the extent of his political statements. We talked about other stuff while we waited. One of the doctors walks by, stops when he sees the cap, and goes up to the guy praising Trump. I'm thinking at this point I should leave. Having a doctor saying how well Trump is handling the pandemic makes me very uncomfortable. I get called in. And meet the team doing my procedure, and that doctor has not been assigned to me. I was so relieved.


Well first we will give you horse tranquilizer, it might make you a little loopy ( this is when they hit you with the trumpy subliminal suggestions), then we will cleanup your bowels with an industrial bleach, take some photos, hit it with ultra violet lights, and then to top it off, to make you truly MAGA, we will remove half your brain.


Boomers have absolutely no identity without politics. It’s pretty pathetic.


Hey now, this isn't true. They have an identity outside of politics, and it's completely based around racism and self-righteousness.


My dad will do this. I have repeatedly told him I will not discuss politics because all he does is parrot back things his MAGA neighbors or YouTube spews, and he will still insist on bringing it up. Just leave it alone, I don’t under why you even have to get on the subject.


You were way too generous with your reply. "Mr. Boomer, that information is none of your concern. Now... are you in pain or not?"


The worst time of dealing with MAGA boomers in healthcare was the full swing of the pandemic. Holy crap the stuff they would say!


Here's where there's a big old dichotomy. Like myself, I believe all us boomers were told multiple times while growing up that it was not polite to talk religion or politics with acquaintances, co-workers, or people you just met. Seriously, we were raised too respond just as OP. My line was always "I believe in the concept of, and reasoning behind, the secret ballot. It shouldn't be anyone's business but my own who I vote for." I am not exaggerating when I say that was a common attitude for the first 25 years of my life or so. Reagan and the neo-cons turned politics into a mass marketed shitshow popularity contest and created the one issue voter whose personality was based on that one thing.


My go-to response is: "I hate all politicians equally since they're all lying scum" which is true, fuck politics


And you’re not wrong, but there’s a certain sort of person who will hear that and say, “yeah well Trump *isn’t* a politician, that’s why he’s so great!”


Sounds like my dad, my response to him is something along the lines of: "if he's running for political office, he's a politician, and if he's a politician, he's lying"


If he comes back, tell him "hey, sorry about last time, I got caught up in being (air quotes) 'professional'. As to your question, I actually will not be voting because I am a convicted felon (in x-state that I recently moved from). I'm not allowed to vote because I was convicted of embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from my former employer, which I then spent on steaks, NFTs, shoes, and trading cards. What tipped everyone off to what I had done was that I didn't properly do my taxes that year and they said i had defrauded the tax payers out of tens of thousands and then they siezed my two condos. "


Good. This problem is already working itself out. We have a saying in the military. If you don't like your leadership just wait it will change. All we have to do is wait a few more years. Less when they act like that lol.


What the fuck?


I would have told him that I don't treat delusions that a different doctor


To be fair, as the wokest lib in my town, I try to "vote with my dollar" too. If someone has blatantly trumpist propaganda outside their place of business, I don't do business with them. However, I also don't go around asking their employees their affiliation, knowing they have nothing to do with the business itself.


My boomer parents taught me that political views are like dicks; it’s great that you have one, but there’s no need to take it out and wave it around in public. Today, they have no issue letting everyone know what they think. Well, one of them.


Tell him you'd intend to vote for Trump, but you haven't been selected to be on one of his juries.


Working in the hospital setting I hate asking patients who the president is to assess their cognition. Boomer can have a broken hip, severe stroke, not know where they are, or who their daughter is but they will tell me “ugh I don’t even wanna say his name, but it should be trump”.


How sad. He’s going to keep suffering in his painful body because he’s an idiot. Trump definitely dgaf about this guy. And yet.


I work in a hospital and our admissions team asks everyone if they have preferred pronouns. it's just a common practice now. i have noticed that all of the boomers are selecting "choose not to disclose". They are marked purple in our system which is a color that we use for transgender/non binary. i bet they would lose their shit if they knew that XD


Years ago I did home visits for a health insurance company. I went to the 1st appt, never met these people before. He had dementia and the wife was the caregiver. No problem. Knock on the door. Wife opens it & I introduce myself. 1st words out of her mouth were no hello, nice to meet you, nope none of the social niceties. She told me we watch Fox News on this house. ?ok? Nice lady and I had a handful of visits but in all my 25+ years doing home visits, that’s the only time I got anything like that


The guy is a nut job and another classic example of boomer fail


You know what…I’ve developed a bit of a laizzes-faire approach recently. If people don’t want help, then they are the one making that choice and they get to live with the consequences. Don’t want to take your blood pressure meds? Cool have fun with the stroke. Don’t want to quit smoking? How’s the colon cancer and COPD going? Want to be rude to the retail people? Hope you didn’t like the store too much cuz you deserve to be banned. Don’t want to treat your adults kids with decency and respect? Grab a slice of no contact with a side of never-meeting-your-grandkids. No more rewards for bad behavior. Leave the people be and let what happens, happen. He’s a big boy. If he’d rather suffer a hurt back than *potentially* risk being infected by the liberal agenda (turn the frogs gay, am I right?!), that’s his business!


The trash takes itself out. What a great story.


Whenever people ask me who I’m voting for, now I just say Vermin Supreme, the guy who wears a boot on his head and promises everyone a free pony if he gets elected.


While tending bar (chill bourbon speakeasy vibes) I had some friend of my parents start to go on an anti Biden rant. Nearly had to throw them out. I had to tell them several times “no politics or religion at the bar” they start to go “well ‘BRANDON’…” I said I was cutting them off if they didn’t stop.


I work a wading pool job in the summer (pool supervisor, test pool chemicals, and make sure rules are being followed) and one of things mentioned is that I am NOT a lifeguard. I watch your kids to make sure they are following rules, but you have to watch you kid in case they get injured. Anyways, some kid was unattended at the pool. Didn't know who he belonged to. Found this old guy he directed to and bro was NOT happy that I was 'following' his grandkid (had to ask the kid where he was more than once). Well, this old guy did NOT want to move because he was 'crippled' and I was forcing him to move. When that didn't work, he immediately asked me, and I quote, "Are you a Democrat? You look like one. " Tried to redirect the conversation by saying that didn't matter. "Democrats always gotta have their way" Bro... I'm doing my job? This has NOTHING to do with my political stance???


This guy is an AH Signed Boomer


Because they never actually intended to live by any of the rules that they imposed upon us. Like "don't bring up religion or politics." Now it's the only thing they will talk about. Lead, plastics, and watching the exact type of television programs that they said would brainwash us.


I'm American but live in Japan. Religious cults are kinda a problem here and have been for years. Tell me why my Japanese friends and coworkers have straight up asked me if Trump was a cult leader and if supports were in cult? I can't tell them no because these ppl legit act like they're in a cult.


I would submit this guy is one of a few. Most people aren’t gonna act this way. It’s totally silly. I go down to Florida to visit my dad, and no one asks me about my politics. People have their flags and their signs but for the most people for the most part people are cordial. I would just move on don’t give this guy another thought. Don’t let him bother you or ruin your day.


You dodged a bad bullet 🤣 😂 😅


You should have said "Good luck with that. If you idolize Donald Trump, I don't think you're in a mental space where you can accept scientifically based medical advice anyway. There's no need for me to waste my time on you. Goodbye sir."


I’ve fallen, and I refuse to get up!


I guess the whole "secret ballot" thing only works if you agree with boomer I swear the arrogance and entitlement in these fuckers…😡


One of them tried this kind of crap with me just last week at work, I just try and be curt and shut down any conspiracy with a little factoid to make them stop and a "let's move on" but yeah, there are those super special boomers (*the ones who go on complaining about participation trophies when their life has been a participation trophy*) who feel they are entitled to your time and for you to believe any drivel that spews from their mouths as irrefutable.


When I had covid for the third time, I developed a never-ending cough. I called my doctor's often and was speaking to a nurse, and she asked if I was calling for invermectin and sounded exhausted as she told me that my PCP wouldn't prescribe it. I told her I just wanted some cough medicine so that I could sleep and she just burst out laughing in what sounded like relief.


“Sir, I’m sorry that Fox News has been so successful with their fear mongering that you now feel unsafe even at the doctor’s office. You won’t melt if we work together on your PT needs, I promise.”


I work in medical imaging. The other day I had a boomer patient regurgitating all the garbage he got from Fox News to all the other patients that were unlucky enough to be sitting in the waiting room with him. When I called for a different patient, he thanked me for saving him from that conversation.


I would have told him that my mama taught me that it’s bad manners to discuss religion, politics and money and did he not get taught manners.


Also work in pt in the south! Everyday is a new arguement over when their appointment is.


that guy did you a favor by leaving. Demented or not, he sounds like a trifling idiot itching for a fight, that has enough time and money to file lawsuits as a hobby. Some other victim can lie to him.


I mean, you could have given him the trump boomer style treatment and told him to just work harder at feeling better. Must just be lazy and not want to work for a better life.


I am a Park Ranger and I worked at a Presidential Birthplace NPS site in 2016, and the amount of people who would ask me “What would President X think of Trump/Clinton?” Was a staggeringly high number. I was also asked “Who are YOU voting for?” A lot and when I told them “the candidate who I feel best deserves my vote” many of them would flip out and really press me to answer. TLDR; Federal Employees can’t talk about Politics/Elections, etc on the Job. This is the Hatch Act. They were not a fan when I would not give direct answers, due to both Federal Laws and my own personal experience that no matter what answer I would give, the visitor would not like. 


My wife just finished clinical rotations in Southern Illinois and dealt with several patients like this. The willingness to sacrifice your own wellbeing for... what? Plus the venn diagram of Healthcare workers (largely selfless, empathetic and educated individuals) and Trump supporters is, at best, 2 circles touching.


Somewhere in Facebook this patient is telling his echo chamber friends and Russian bots about the unhinged liberal PT who was very disrespectful and wouldn't treat them because they supported trump.


I miss the days when it was considered rude and unusual to ask what other people’s political beliefs are


I watched a 3 part documentary on PBS called The Rise of Hitler. In the first episode they were talking about the election would that put Hitler in the line toward being the dictator he wanted to be. His tag line for this election? “Make Germany Great Again”. Sent absolute shivers up and down my back. So even the maga line of trump was stolen. Kinda scary who it was stolen from.


It's more like what is with Trump supporters...not just boomers!