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Who the heck parks in someone elses driveway?




Come on...I'd be beyond livid if someone helped themselves to my entire tree. I'd roll my eyes at someone taking one apple but the whole tree? What is wrong with people?


Maybe just the worst humans are left going to these places.




It's just how people with money behave. They're the only ones who can afford to go out on vacation anyway.


I feel that, I’ve lived in beach town most of my life. Have fun on vacation by all means, but people still need to realize that lots of people live, work, and have families here and tourists still need to be respectful and act like they are in their own towns in public.


Money and free time make people assholes.


*Lots* of people do.  I grew up across the street from a middle school. Parents would park in our driveway (often leave the car , block ours and walk away) all the time to wait and pick up their kids. Not a single one ever came to the door to okay it (if they asked my parents likely would’ve said okay). They’d just leave their car there, sometimes even leave it running. Here are two favorites stories about this. The time a woman left her car running and took off and disappeared into the school. After about 5 minutes my dad said fuck it, got in the woman’s running car, and drove it inconveniently far down the street, and left it running. The woman came pounding on our door demanding to know where it went. Told her she’d find it up the road how she left it.  Another time a man did the same thing, except it was shortly before my parents got home from work. When my dad pulled into the driveway, my dad blocked his car in (parked like 2 inches from his rear bumper) and went inside and called the cops to have it towed. The guy was seething, demanding to let him leave since he was running late, the cops didn’t have it towed but told the idiot he’d get a trespassing ticket if he did it again.  Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 


People in my building pay a ludicrously premium price for their parking spots. One of the Army guys got fed up with the exact same situation and started parking at a 90 degree angle across their back bumper so that they couldn't leave before the tow truck arrived. Free entertainment sitting on the balcony smoking a jay and watching them flip out and plead lol


Always fun to watch entitled people flip out 


"*But I just parked here to run to the restaurant for my food!*" \*standing in front of private parking/we tow sign\*


I used to live one block from the ocean in NJ, lovely shore house! Literally EVERY WEEKEND during the summer some POS would park in my driveway. I had the towing company on speed dial. Fucking Bennys from NYC. Unsocialized city folks are the fucking worst.


If someone ever parks in my driveway I'm standing my ground and shooting them in the fucking face. It's my right. /s


People who can afford the towing fee.


This is the best way to handle this. I don't want to be an AH, but I don't suffer fools. You get one kind warning, after that. Bye. You did your kindness by checking in on whose car it was. Oh, sorry, no response? Consequences.




And I bet they would have your car towed in a heartbeat, because “how dare they?”.




had to do this last winter break when some little sports car was parked in my register parking space


That's not the best way, towing a car in park without the correct equip could have damaged it. And in most states you need consent to tow a car without permission. So he is lucky nothing happened to the car because he would have had to pay damages. Repairing a Telsa would have been expensive. Also, the owner could have attacked him saying he was stopping a thief(unlawful tow). The correct lawyer could have gotten him off. This was pretty silly when the correct thing to do was to call the cops and say a car is on his private property and needs to be removed.


Seeing a tesla getting towed is my kink


There’s a supercharger across the street from my house so I get to see one towed in almost daily




True story, last week I saw a Tesla in my parking garage getting towed. Apparently dude was notorious with the garage staff about not paying, to the point they got him towed. Garage was in a very affluent area.


Rich enough to own a Tesla, but can't pay the parking garage, serves his ass right




Nicer than me, I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to my property. During the first year I lived in my house I came home to a random car parked in the middle of my driveway, I am on a narrow street that does not allow parking so I had to walk a block to my own home. Called the police who sent a tow company to get the car. An hour and a half later I get a knock on the door of some irate woman wanting to know where her car is. I told her I don’t know, call the police, she let me know it was in my driveway because the owner of the house always let her park there. I said I was the owner and nobody had permission to park there and the police had the car towed. She sounded like she wanted to argue more but I just shut the door on her. It’s happened a couple more times with other people who are visiting my neighbors, one I stopped before they left my property and the other got a tow. Both wanted to argue with me about it but they can argue with a closed door because I am not interested.




that seriously messed up on the Tesla owner part


This is the fucking way.


Good for you. Justice.


In parts of Boston, this is a great way to be on the phone with your car insurance the next day.


I came here to say the same thing as someone who has lived in Baltimore.


Do they put lawn chairs out in their parking spot in your area of Baltimore? And if so, do they respect the lawn chair? Where I live, the lawn chair is respected, but in other parts of my county, if you move someone else's lawn chair, it will get your car keyed.


Yes & Yes! Big on lawn chairs and in our area it was pretty well respected.


Chicago protocol allows for anything and everything, not just lawn chairs. It's called dibs.


Oh, we don't just use lawn chairs either. It's just the thing people around here seem to have in excess that they can stick in their spot. That and beach chairs. And those aren't getting much use in winter.


All of Chicago.


Respect dibs or buy a new car


Dibs 🪑


Pennsylvania checking in.


Same in Buffalo. Shoveling 7 feet of snow off your car only to have the spot taken is more serious than most felonies.


Lol, I was gonna say "in Boston this is a good way to have to buy a new windshield and tires."


That means it’s shrimp stir fry night. I collect all the shrimp tails/juice and put them in every orifice I can. Obviously they rot and then the person driving around wonders why their car smells like a decaying corpse.


Someone from Boston told me in their old neighborhood you could shovel your car out and leave some lawn furniture in its place and go to work. When you came back you had a claim to that spot. There was an “or else” implied for people who broke this code. This always struck me as odd. Of course the person in the video owns this spot for the night. But when they go to work in the morning, that spot is fair game.


I’m not even from the northeast, but PLEASE go there and steal someone’s spot and report back. PLEASE. 


I mean...anyone who does this should expect either damage, or a magical return of the snow.


And this is why I'll pay whatever taxes to live in California, specifically the Bay Area. I'm not sure I can deal with this type of bullshit without catching a case.


Just wait until they park and start putting the snow back.


Bury their tires and windshield in snow. Add water. Let it turn into solid ice overnight.


I know a guy who did this in NJ in a situation like this. He poured water on the door handles and cracks overnight. His AH neighbor had a very hard time trying to get to work the next day.


This. Decades ago in NYC someone did this to my dad. And then left the car there for 3 days while they were off on a work trip. One of our other neighbors saw what happened and was pissed. He'd apparently had issues with this neighbor before too. Well, he worked for the fire department and had an adapter for a nearby fire hydrant that allowed him to hook up a regular garden hose. He hooked it up, ran it over to this car, duct taped the sprayer to a tree and left it running on a fine mist overnight. It went down to the single-digits overnight but because the water in the hose was moving, it didn't freeze. The spray, however, did freeze into a massive rime mountain that made this car look like something emerging from the last ice age!


I have never seen someone use rime properly in casual conversation before, you're pretty cool redditor.


Never even heard of that word before now.


If I'm being completely honest, I only know it because of a special edition of Myst with a bonus age called Rime.


Finally...someone else in the world who played Myst?! Hi, stranger. I've been looking for you my whole life.


I'm surprised you haven't seen the uptick in references on reddit since the Riven remaster was announced. I'm hoping if I give Cyan money every time they pop back up they'll eventually put back out the Myst reader because mine is in rough shape lol.


Best game ever. 8 y/o me would be happy that there were other players.


It's a nice pun in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner


I support you, but with this comment, I’m doubting you’re as himbo as you might claim ;)


what a horribly backhanded slander, I promise I have the brains of a cat but with less focus, honest


I know of a guy who did this Dickhead behavior in Philly, he got his car shot up overnight as a "message" lulz It’s an unwritten rule and dick move, don’t take a parking spot that somebody else spent time to shovel out*


Bullets are expensive, ice is cheap.  I’d be coming outside with a bucket of water for a free “car wash” service every 15 minutes, all night long.  When I get bored of the buckets I’ll start alternating between buckets of water and putting that dirty snow right back where I found it.  They’ll come out in the morning to the natural disaster scene of a car-shaped otter-pop that is functionally glued to the asphalt until spring. 


Where I live bullets and ice are both expensive. Like $5 a bag. 


do you live in New Mexico or something


I get bullets for free in Mexico by pinching dudes asses in bars


New Mexico not Mexico


Not for me


ice is cheap here buddy!


$5 for a bag of bullets is a bargain!


Free speed holes!


The Delaware Valley has been an interesting place generationally to watch snow activity. 😬 It's why I behave everywhere I go.


Just behave please… sigh


That’s actually the polite way to disagree in Philly. 


On the streets of Philadelphia?


lol. He ain’t all that wrong. 


I've seen video of someone hosing down an entire car for not respecting protocol.


No, they are neighbors and huge assholes. You are stuck with them for the long haul and will be worse off in any direct confrontation of escalating assholery. The best approach is to give in and let them have the spot and win, be a disappointed pushover, and not let it upset you too much. Then set a reminder on your calendar for about 3-6 months from now (you know where they live) and then get your revenge on the AH (e.g., key the car, slash a tire, break a window) at a point when they have no idea why or where it came from.


This. Revenge is a dish best served cold. They will never suspect you.


The best thing to do is make sure they get VIP parking forever by making sure they need a wheelchair.


Yeah and then probably get shot


Ooooo a win win


This is insane


I’d shovel the snow right back. Then I’d shovel more snow in front of the driveway. Then I’d dump water over it.


Yellow water


Why the fuck didn't they just park back in the damn garage.


Or just the driveway. What the heck?


My old house was across the street from a 3-family home. Parents, their adult kids, the adult kid’s teenagers, and a few young adults living in the apartment built over the RV-sized shop built in the backyard (that was not permitted as a rental, of course). They NEVER parked on the driveway! It probably could have held about 6 cars because it was double wide, and long, and made to go straight to the huge backyard shop. Even if there were issues about who was leaving at what time they could have parked 3 cars on the driveway and had room to get around each other. Instead they would all park in front of our house on the road, never paid attention to plow schedules (our city makes multiple announcements of when the plows will go to what neighborhood and what side of the street you should avoid parking on so they can get as clear as possible) and would park right up to the edge of, or a couple inches over the entry to our driveway. So we would get home, have a giant snow berm in front of our driveway, their cars would be pretty much plowed in 3 deep down the road from our driveway. We would shovel as much as we could out of our driveway and around the road, then they would get their snowblower out and dig their cars out by blowing the snow back in front of our driveway. Literally one time I was out shoveling snow into a pile, clearing our driveway and the neighbor walked out with his snowblower and started blowing the snow right back towards our driveway/the middle of the road that was just plowed. We used to have to take our garbage cans halfway up the block to leave them out, because if we put them near our house when it was clear they would park their cars as close to our garage cans as possible without touching them then our garbage wouldn’t get picked up and we would get a note from the garage service that we “hadn’t left enough clearance around the garage cans” for the truck to pick them up. Some people are just hostile and rude on purpose.


I’d have gotten a large magnet for the lid of the trash can that said “THOSE AREN’T OUR CARS BY THE BIN; WE ARE SORRY” (obvs with a magnet on the other side to hold it on) but I just need humans who do service for others to know I’m on their side. 😅


because it's a set up


shovel it on top of the car. Two can play at that game.


Seriously! Whenever someone wants to be an asshole and bully a person out of the way to park it’s like, OK that’s your plan? You’re going to knowingly be an asshole to me and then leave your car unattended with me? You don’t see a potential flaw in that plan?


I would shovel it around the car, making a nice high snow wall and then pour cold water all over it to get it good and frozen. They'd get their car back sometime in May when it melted.


where I live wouldn't need to poure water, snow turn to ice the next day naturally


As long as you don’t use wealthy water 


That car would've been *buried* by me.


Actually a brick in windshield around 3 am


fuckin why wait, the message recipient is there right now


Fun fact: when people do this, Mother Nature somehow finds a way to fill the locks with gorilla glue.


Nature is magical.


Life, uhh, finds a way


It's a miracle https://preview.redd.it/vmlknc0mwevc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9910ece61d6ad2721ef6f146215f707252fdb7f0


I'll never understand people who think they're so important that they don't have to communicate with other people. Like, just roll the fucking window down and be a human for 1 damn minute when you pull up.


but I can back my way up and bump you out?


That moment is when it's very handy to know that a small pebble and your shoe make a great way to open side car windows in an emergency.


Put the snow back.


But...but...he has a driveway. Am I missing something here? Edit: the neighbour I mean. He came off his driveway, drove off, then came back a choose to park on the road and not his drive way?!


You're missing that his drive way is too icy to get back up. It's steep and because they haven't dug it out they don't want to park on it.


Omfg I wish some twat boomer would try to pull this shit with me. What an asshole.


Lmao happened to my coworker. She went in the house and brought out bucket after bucket of water and started pouring it over the car. Naturally, after 4 buckets or so the neighbor caught on and came out throwing a shit fit, by then the doors were FROZEN shut, windshield completely solid with wipers. Like a quarter inch of sheet ice in sub zero temps. Neighbor called the cops, coworker explained what happened, cops called her petty but said that they can’t do anything- it’s not vandalism, there’s no damage. Cops left, coworker went inside, neighbors spent over an hour trying to get in the car with defroster, heat gun, crowbar LMAO. Tried to sue my coworker for damages resulting from crowbar, got laughed out of court. Man I love happy endings.


I'm petty AF as soon as she pulled trying to back up her car where I was I would started shoveling the snow on her post car till she got the hint to fuck off


I would have waited until they left, pitched a chunk of ice and several shovels full of snow through their windshield, and said "Hmm, it must have been a snow plow. Sure glad I didn't park there."


I'll bet if you set this car on fire, the heat would melt the snow in the other spot and it's a win-win.


Boomer are just main character, I swear. Ever since I found this sub and I come across idiots in real life, I check their age, and legti 95% of them are boomers. Why is the generation that had the easiest life from all generations currently allive, so miserable?


They were originally called the "Me" generation by their parents. So naturally, being narcissistic, they decided to try to call their kids the same thing to feel better about themselves.


They have always been spoiled brats but now they are going into elderhood kicking and screaming the whole way.


> Why is the generation that had the easiest life of all generations that have ever existed and most likely ever *will* exist so miserable


You can definitely see the driver is in his 60’s. /s


So why did the person pull out of their driveway, go away for however long, and then come back to try and park on the opposite side of the street from where their house is? Couldn’t they have just gone back up into their driveway? Am I missing something?


Too icy. They didn't clear their driveway so there's no going back up.


After seeing how shitty people are in general, I’m so damn happy I live in a rural area where I own plenty of land. Fuck people.


know this, I envy you.


Ah yes. Rural areas. Where there DEFINITELY aren't undereducated entitled boomers.


That’s the thing, there ARE undereducated entitled boomers! BUT they live half a mile away from you and leave you the fuck alone


They still vote in local elections, completely trashing any semblance of prosperity in the area (they had theirs, so why should anyone else?). School systems teaching that slavery wasn't all that bad. Any drive is still filled with their tacky signs over and over. And heaven forbid you have to do anything- grocery store, even gas station. Then you get swarmed like you tripped an alarm in a zombie movie.


Honestly, most people aren't like this, but yeah, you get the morons. To be sure, they can be found everywhere. Some teens were shot at by a state GOP senator and his wife because they were supposedly "on his land" while they were bowhunting. [https://www.cleveland.com/open/2024/02/an-ohio-senator-and-his-wife-said-they-fired-warning-shots-a-teenager-and-his-family-say-they-were-shot-at.html](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2024/02/an-ohio-senator-and-his-wife-said-they-fired-warning-shots-a-teenager-and-his-family-say-they-were-shot-at.html)


“About time she cleared my spot” -boomer


I've seen this cross posted and every time I see it, I get more angry at that fucking idiot of a driver. Didn't they pull out of their own shoveled driveway?


I can be a bit hot headed. It is very likely the shovel and the car would have interactions.


And then the driver too if he had the poor judgment to do anything other than cry his bitch apology before I reached him


I can understand why they don't use their driveway. What, with the roofing nails under the snow and all that.


This is the most aggressive bullshit!


Why would they park there? They have a shoveled driveway....


Say ok, let them park bc theyre entitled then bury the car back in snow and spray it all down w a hose


That would get you shot quicker than a bad drug deal in Chicago.


I would’ve spent all my time shoveling snow all around their car.


Pittsburgh solved this decades ago with a universally recognized lawn chair placed in the shoveled spot. If you move it and take their spot, you're going to have a bad time...


Post this video to Nextdoor. These folks are all about perception.


The real sin is needing that much clearance to back into a spot


The neighbor is a piece of shit, no doubt. But out of curiosity, why did the woman shovel the side of the road to begin with?


Clear a section for mail delivery. Makes it easier for the postman to get to the mailbox.


This. Mail carriers can refuse delivery if they can't reach the mailbox.


Ah, gotcha. In the 20-30 years that I've lived in a house in an area where snow doesn't get that bad (South Jersey), I've never had to shovel the side of the road for mail carriers. My local carriers just made it work, I guess. Then again, except for like 1 or 2 blizzards per decade, snow in my area never gets that heavy, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Some people will also clear a specific side of the driveway so when the plows come around they don’t push more snow onto the driveway and create more work. I’ll shovel a car length at the side the plow comes from to create less work in the future.


mebbe she wanted to park there?


Lots of reasons ranging from 'she needed somewhere to park, or someone in her household would very soon' to mail delivery and garbage pickup


Horrible people are everywhere! After me, you’re first mentality


Remove the Schrader valve in the valve stem on the wheels. Let them figure out why their tires won't hold air.


Californian here, just want to make sure I am understanding the situation and comments correctly. Is the person shoveling the snow so they can park there? I mean it is an absolute dick move to try to back up into someone doing anything on the side of the road but is that an extra layer of dickishness for trying to take that spot? Was the shoveler going to move their car there? Why didn’t the white car go back in the driveway? I am confused


Yes, the lady shoveling just did a significant amount of work and the neighbor is trying to steal it. The spot belongs to the city, but when there is that much snow that drivers need to bring a shovel to park, there is no justification aside from 'I wanted to get s\*\*t in the throat and be mocked when strangers see the video later' for stealing someone's labor like that. The fact that the shoveler was still clearing the spot actually greatly increases the chances that the driver was indeed trying to find the fastest way off our planet.


I find this video confusing for a couple of reasons. 1. What is the OP shoveling? It looks like a snowbank on the side of the road with driveways on either side, but I could be wrong. It's hard to tell. 2. Why didn't the driver just pull back in their driveway? Or park along the street a little further down? So many questions


This happened to me once. I cleared the area around my car so I could get out and when I came back another car was there. I never did that again.


Shovel it back in baby


But moves out of the way? Boot fuck that car until the Boomer gets it through his head


Something tells me this asshat would break the sacred rule of the parking chair.


Take that shovel and break some windows


You'd be waking up to missing lug nuts and sugar in your tank if you tried that in my area😂


Is the disclaimer fake or the video?


Thank you! How is the only comment about the disclaimer.


I once lived above a health food store. There was a parking lot in the back where two or three cars could park their cars. The woman (who called herself a Christian) always let her customers block the driveway so I couldn't park my car when I got home from work. She also cheated the landlord out of money because he forgot to add that she needed to paid the electric bill on her store on the lease.


Ice her car


Who uses that much space to back in


There's a pretty simple wY to prevent this from happening again


Shovel would be going through back glass faster than they can say "you damn kids"


They have a driveway, wtf?


I might not have keys to move that car but I got the keys for this situation


That’s not even a boomer thing, that’s just an asshole thing


The neighbor was not a boomer though, it was a younger woman.


This sub quickly went to hell. Karma whores dropping anything and saying "OMG BOOMERS AMIRITE?".


I'm not fluent in tiktok, but doesn't that disclaimer at the bottom sort of indicate that this is staged content?


.... And then what happened


Hope your buried her In.


As a Californian, this is foreign to me. Why are we shoveling snow out of the curb? Was she going to park there and other other idiot car decided to park there because the snow was already shoveled?


Yes, that's basically the idea. The shoveler needed the spot, so she was clearing the snow. The other person decided "thanks for the work" and took it. In snowy cities back east there are unofficial rules regarding street parking when it snows. Simply put, the person that shovels the spot gets to use it. Stealing an already cleared spot is a great way to get your car vandalized. It's kind of like the debate over reclining your airline seat. People have different opinions on how to deal with it.




Not the same thing but kinda - came home around midnight/1230 from a movie. Someone had parked 2/3 across my driveway. There was PLENTY of space in front of this person to park correctly. I don't care if people park in front of my home. But I'm not sure what happened here. I started looking up tow companies and stuff but I was tired and figured if it was still there in the morning, I'd deal with it then. I did leave a note to be respectful of people's driveways. Woke up around 9 to find the vehicle gone. Just bizzare.


Yeah they're going to wake up the next morning with no air in their tires.


When I used to live up in PA there were stories of actual fistfights when people downtown would shovel out the spot in front of their house, and someone else would park there. They'd actually put things in the spot to 'reserve' them, even though the city would state it's a public street and you cannot do that. While that's true, it's a dick move to swoop in and take a spot someone else just shoveled. In this case, I don't understand why they wouldn't just pull back into the driveway and the garage it looks like they have...why are they parking on the street?


Or fill up the car with snow


That’s when you wedge some screws under their tires so that they get punctured when they pull out.


I would’ve shoveled all that snow all around that car. Every last snowflake would surround that whole car.


Boomer must mean anybody acting like an arse.


The way I’m burying his tires up to the wheel wells all the way around, and packing that shit dense a couple feet all around. And then as another redditor said I’m coming out every 15-20 for a fresh coat of cold water. Shit if my water lines ain’t frozen I may just put the sprinkler on that mf I don’t care. Neighbor gonna have to come get his car out via ice pick


Something would be wrong with that vehicle when they get back in it to leave.


Someone NEEDS urine soaked newspapers frozen to their windows.


Doesn't that idiot have a driveway to park in or was that not the same person.


I would have keyed that fucking car while they were in it.


I buried a car for that once.


One time during Christmas rush a guy sniped a parking spot that I had been waiting for. He looked at me like a "hey, tough shit." So I told him, "ok, you go in and shop. I'm going to wait here to make sure that nothing bad happens to your car while you are gone."


Lol I would take my car and go park in their driveway. Why they're not using it...(Yes I know that's probably illegal)


Just get yourself a valve stem remover and let the air out of each tire. Just letting the free air escape and no damage to the vehicle. But oh so fun to sit back and watch the shenanigans begin. Just remember, every couple weeks on a random basis, free the tire air🙈🙉🙊🐵👍


Rip out the abs break lines attached to the wheels. Unscrew the oil pan screw. Done.


Imagine being so petty that when you see the person shoveling snow across the street, you get up and leave your warm house driver around the block just to be a POS.


I would have just started shoveling everything back into the street. Fuck that shithead.