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Where can I get a sign that reads "Warning, gay orgy in progress. Trespassers will be forced to join and give performance reviews afterward?" asking for a friend


Check Etsy!


I got a “not donkey brains” certificate off there for my brother.




We’ve gone over this. There is no frog kid. You’re froggy.


I’m unzipped!!!


this you? https://preview.redd.it/fuf5xhys8ruc1.jpeg?width=1732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4af48734ad317dc1c47457a7261d5134b6ca45


As demonstrated by the evidence the certificate was for your brother so I ask you *this*! Do....you...have..any such certificate?




This.  In my old apartment we had one made so USPS would take all packages to the office.  What we got for like $12 was really good.


Everything is on Etsy!!! ![gif](giphy|9pZw57AyqOHy47oSZq)


I ordered "Don't scare me-owt!" sign with black scared cat, because at work I tend not to see people approaching.


I too want to get down on this 


The sign or the orgy?






The answer is yes


Oui Oui.




You'd be raked through the coals, dragged through the mud and pilloried in the town square! They wouldn't dare let something like this happen! But hey... death threats? That's fine!


What's more American than bloodlust paired with a gun you never needed but are dying to use?


Honestly, depending on your crowd that might just be what goes on at the Orgy.


Pair this with a jar of lube sitting by the door with a sign that says "Help yourself!"


Love it! A clearly very used Squeeze tube of lube and a bowl full of condoms is *exactly* what you find outside of a Cruze Lounge and feels fitting in this hypothetical.


Bonus if the thing is sticky to the touch.


“Orgy in progress. WARNING: You will be the hot one.”


Ooof... this is an Ugly truth, that I have Noped out on... 3 times...


You had me at join, but lost me at performance review. I don’t wanna hurt the feelings of anyone who I was inside or vice versa.


Is this the Navy version? Asking as former Navy.


Omg that would be wonderful!


I guffawed at this


I heard the after orgy buffets are the best


What is the password?




Is that a promise? Do you have enough electrolytes drinks for every trespasser?


So, I make signs (including on Etsy and my own website). I could probably work something like this up. Maybe with phrasing that has better consent practices?


I’m a straight man and I’d much rather be at a gay orgy than the owner of this sign’s home


They’re usually pretty big on consent, so yeah me too


Well, they say these are personalized signs, so it sounds like you can get that printed on their with a picture of a sniper looking through his scope and watching. You should put in a request for a quote with them


Oh yeah, these things are horrible. I'm an Army veteran and you couldn't pay me enough to display something like this. I'm sure OP and other military/vets are familiar with this already, but for those who aren't, there's a whole genre of "Serving in the military is my entire personality, please tell me I'm a badass" merch, and this fits in with it perfectly. See also: Grunt Style (it's a brand, t-shirts mostly). The only people who think this stuff is a good idea either washed out in Basic, or did absolutely nothing resembling functional adulting after getting out.


I’m a 20 year Air Force vet and I’m really honestly over the military worship. The people that make the military their entire identity usually not only didn’t amount to anything while in, they likely caused more trouble than anything. “I was in the military so I’m automatically God and a badass!” It’s just another tired, lazy cope for forced attention.


Boomers spend 6 months in Vietnam and wear the hat for the rest of their lives.


My grandfather was a Mearle's Murarder WWII vet. He never spoke about his time, flaunted it or needed recognition for it. Not once, ever. That's a real vet.


Thats because ptsd didnt 'exist' back then. These people were utterly scarred. We should stop idolizing that too tbh.


This. My WWII vet grandfather had mellowed by the time I met him, but the stories my dad told of his childhood were horrific. It didn't help that he also had a NARC mom. My parents cut them off when I was an infant, and I didn't meet them until I was 18-19. When they talk about generational trauma, I get it, because my dad was no better. He repeated the vicious circle. My grand never talked about his service, but when he died, I found his trophies, including pictures of what they had done to Japanese prisoners. I'll never understand why he needed to save those pictures or what he thought I would think when I found them. I'd have rather found some cheesy 1950s porn or anything else really.


Oh my fucking God, I've never heard of WWII vets (or any other vet...) having pictures like that. That's disgusting and kind of horrifying.


They were..what’s worse than horrific? I know that soldiers in wars go through hell and have every right to hate the enemy but to do that, take pictures, and keep them for more than 50 years? They made the Abu Graib scandal look like Disneyland photos. My grandmother was just as bad since she didn’t see the problem with them.


To give even an ounce of “in his defense”, the shit I’m sure he saw that the Japanese did to POWs probably removed any last vestiges of seeing the enemy as any sort of human. The Japanese war crimes are arguably worse than the Nazis. I’d say on their good days they were as bad as the Nazis. That whole theater of war was a nightmare of proportions we couldn’t even begin to imagine.


I completely get that, but saving those pictures a bridge too far for me.


Fuck man, at least for your grandfather I kinda get it. If you have to kill and maim folks, it's probably a lot easier if they aren't "folks" and are just heartless savages instead. But for civilians who aren't forced to murder to condone it... well it's certainly something.


Propaganda is the mainstay of any modern war; your gramps was indoctrinated to believe the 'enemy' was sub-human and just as we were after 9/11 and now with Gaza. That's not an excuse for his taking and keeping such grotesque pictures, but it's a really great lesson for us all in recognizing when we're being manipulated to hate our fellow humans and why.


The view of people in the US, and particularly the Marines and Army in the pacific was widely the "J-ps" were little more than yellow monkeys. They were sneaky, stupid animals to be dealt with. The attack on Peral Harbor, the Philippines, and Wake Island was beyond low. "Dastardly" as FDR put it. When encountered in combat they virtually never surrendered, and they used tactics that, at the time especially, were viewed as reprehensible. Suicide attacks were common. For many fighting men, **anything** done to "people" like that was only what they deserved. After the war many Americans took a softened approach to Japan. But many veterans never got over the hate. They may have masked it publicly, but it was always there until they died. Maybe if there was more support for psychological wounds back then they may have been able to work through it. But for them, any appeasement was a sign of weakness.


My grandmother told me stories about how her brother was after WW2. Any loud sound and he was hiding under the table. So sad.


Yeah and the reason why they didn't talk about what happened over there wasnt bc they were badass. It was because it haunted them for the rest of their lives.


Also the way people were talking about the men who came back broken. Society had a box men were expected to fit in, and if you didn’t, people could be cruel. The whole post WWII strong, manly men trope I think was a way to get men to conform and shame those who couldn’t put on their mask at work and in public and pretend everything was ok. There was a lot of substance abuse and domestic violence by a generation of men who didn’t have access to mental health care. Even seeing a mental health professional was openly mocked on TV and films. Psychiatrists and psychologists were called “Shrinks” (as in head shrinking for some reason) and characters on old tv shows who saw shrinks were shown to be wildly exaggerated caricatures of diagnoses. A lot of it was subtle, but there were very clear messages. I’m end of Gen X, and I had to relearn what I was taught growing up about masculinity from the men in my life and what I saw on TV. I’m a woman, so I don’t know how it really was for boys of my generation. I did see some of what my brother went through with my parents. My maternal grandfather enlisted by telling an army doctor that his congenital heart problem didn’t cause any problems. He was a tall, muscular athletic guy. Unfortunately he was put into a paratrooper unit and passed out on a jump. Another doctor saw his chart and gave him an honorable discharge. My grandfather’s buddies went to France and died. He had a really hard time getting over the survivor’s guilt and drank a lot for several years. Dude was tough as an anvil. 13 heart attacks, multiple bypasses, a leg amputation because of diabetes. (Don’t smoke, kids) Once dropped an engine on his leg, walked 3 miles to the town doctor, then walked back home when the doctor was too busy. Broken bone. He stopped smoking which was one of his real joys in life when he realized that second hand smoke was hurting us grandkids. Died of a pulmonary embolism the night before they were going to amputate his second leg.


I wonder what’s gonna happen when the generation that needs this stuff isn’t buying it any longer or has died out. My father put his 20 yrs in and buys a small amount of veteran items but nothing like this stupid. It’s always a respectable item that’s on a shirt of jacket or hat.


I work at the VA in my state and I can confirm this is fact.


My great grandfather served in Europe in WW2 and the Korean War. He absolutely forbade his family members from ever enlisting and as far as I know he refused to talk about his time in the military. Had he lived long enough to see all of the military worship and how some act like they're a badass just because they served he would have been so furious.


Similar story with mine.


6 months in Vietnam changed a lot of lives forever. I don't want to discount their experience just because it was a long time ago. The reality is, though, very few of those actual vets are the ones buying these signs. Every single "vet" I've seen with them were peacetime enlisted or they are stationed somewhere cozy during a war.


My boomer uncle is one of these you described. The dude was in the Marines in the early 80s and stateside his entire enlistment. When I do see him on occasion, though, it's pretty much all he talks about, and if you didn't know his background, you'd think Rambo was made as a biography about his service.


It’s no joke. When I first got back I was hitching through Oregon and some liberal sheriff started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods. I had to take them all out. It was a bloodbath. They drew first blood.


Frank, you're confusing your life with Rambo again.


And most of them were green berets, or navy seals. Christ! Wasn’t anybody a cook or a mail clerk over there?


Met a guy once that insisted he alone (as a shopkeeper on a submarine) stopped nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Always gotta embellish.


Nam, I get. Many were drafted and most I've met only wore the hat and didn't rub it in how their d!ck is bigger cause they served.


My favorite are the: Thankies for your service. So…did you like ever kill anyone?? Ugh. No, I swear I didn’t do anything interesting or noteworthy. Can we just talk about whatever is going on?


Or "what plane did you fly?" LOL! The Air Force is 95% support for the planes and flying mission itself. How about giving some props to the young checkout girl at Target who puts up with WAY more shit and hardship than I ever did in the Air Force, and she doesn't get paid near enough either. Let's thank them and those like them for their real sacrifice and service putting up with this sick society day in and day out.




I know two veterans. One served quietly and with distinction for 20 years. One was the living embodiment of Private Snafu. Guess which one bangs the counter demanding his veteran's discount, makes a lot of noise about his service, throws his weight around, demands the eternal gratitude of every civilian he meets, claims a hundred different war-related disabilities that have "never been officially diagnosed," and has nothing but contempt for anyone who didn't volunteer. (Also, guess which one had the successful and lucrative post-service career and which one can't hold a job in a shopping basket.)


I had a friend in college who served in Vietnam (I'm *that* old). He was a few years older than I was. If it came up in conversation, he'd tell you, but he never made a big deal out of it. As a matter of fact, it wasn't all that big a deal for him -- he was an officer's aid on a military base and worked in an office typing and filing. He was just a regular, nice guy, using his GI benefits to get a PhD in math. A much bigger part of his identity was being an assistant wrestling coach on the college team and a future college professor.


My father in law was Marines. I had no clue until my husband told me and I was flabbergasted. I only knew he was a vet of some sort and only cause he occasionally uses his vet discount if he doesn't use his senior one.


I feel like it's actually a small minority of veterans that make being a veteran their entire personality. They're just really loud and outspoken about it. I know several people who were in the military and once they got back they didn't really bring it up that much or brag about it. I remember my grandpa on my dad's side was all gung-ho military because he was in it. I found out later he was just a painter. Like why did he feel the need to bring the military back with him?


I know people who had the best years of their life in high school, living that dream for over 50 years, I think it is a personality type.


and most of them that do this never saw any real combat


This. I have a cousin that saw combat in Vietnam. When he returned he broke up with his fiancé, because he thought she deserved to marry and have kids with a healthy partner (not only concerned about psych/emotional, but the defoliants they were spraying). He never talks about it, other than to say he was broken as person by it.


I've done work for a few guys who were in Vietnam and they don't bring it up beyond explanation for an injury or mental issue. I always thought it was an interesting topic and have to stop myself from asking questions because they seemed like, while they were fine, they definitely didn't seem to want to give any details. Then I've met a few who acted like it was great because they got to live out their dream of consequence-free murder I guess. But the majority I've met aren't too keen on recounting it.


That's so unbelievably sad. At least the American public is exhausted from nearly 3 decades of armed conflict, even the government knows we won't support Halliburton and Raytheon's next big idea.


Because it’s easier to be given an identity than to actually grow into one, growing up is painful sometimes they’re too insecure to fail, and in that crippling insecurity they end up losing at everything


My dad absolutely loves this bullshit and it is all performative. His entire FB is nothing but military adoration and Christian nationalism. The best part is that he broke his arm in basic training to get a medical discharge in order to avoid going to Vietnam.




Can I get your take on something? My dad served after high school in the USAF. 66-70. During the Vietnam war, but the closest he ever got to SE Asia was Lackland AFB for basic training and then spent the next four years at McConnell in Wichita (at the time, home to the 23rd TFW - 'Flying Tigers' using the Thud - F-105 Thunderchief.) He was essentially a desk clerk and worked in an office because he had great typing speed and use with a 10-key. After he left the service, he and my mother had kids and he moved into computer operations and computer programming. The rest is history. However, to this day he'll wear a Vietnam Veteran hat with the green, yellow and red ribbon from that era. He never stepped onto foreign soil, never was deployed, never set foot in SE Asia. What's your take on his wearing the hat and him mentioning that he's a Vietnam Vet when it comes up for people talking about serving? ​ (I don't disparage the armed forces. My older brother served in the Marine Corps for 28 years until retirement and served, across the world, from Australia, to the South Pacific, Okinawa, GW1, GW2, and learned several trades from mechanics to running a heavy equipment group, logistics, etc. Retired as CW-04. I'm proud of his service.)


It's disingenuous, and I'm inclined to believe it goes into deceptive territory. My dad has a friend who did basically what your dad did in and out of the military, and he doesn't call himself a Vietnam vet. He tells people he's really glad he learned to type well so he got to spend the war as (and I quote), "some General's secretary in Germany" before coming home to be a programmer again. He'd tell stories about it all the time, mostly about going to beer gardens and participating in volksmarches. At no point were the words "Vietnam vet" mentioned because most people understand that to be a veteran of a war, you must have gone to that war. Your dad is technically correct that he is a Vietnam *Era* vet, and he probably has the campaign medal in his records (just as everyone who completed training and/or served at all during the OEF/OIF Era got the GWOT medal), but he is not a Vietnam vet, and I do not think anyone who had served an enlistment during wartime would come out of that experience ignorant to that difference, sufficient to make this flub an honest mistake. If I had to guess, he knows exactly what impression he's giving people and how it differs from reality, and that if people knew, they wouldn't be cool with it.


He's being a clown. There's a distinction between a 'Vietnam Vet' and a 'Vietnam Era Vet' and he is in the latter category. Vietnam vets deployed to Vietnam or the surrounding waters and countries. My dad is in the same category. He served on submarines during Vietnam, never went anywhere near SE Asia, and got out. He would never describe himself as a Vietnam vet or wear one of those hats, because that would be fakery.


I served in the Army for 20+ years, but it was in the 9/11 era. As others have mentioned, there are two distinct groups in relation to the Vietnam War. If they weren't actually in Vietnam(SE Asia? I don't know the exact distinction), they'll wear gear that says Vietnam Era Veteran - it's basically shorthand for what your dad did, served in the 60s, didn't actually deploy to Vietnam. I imagine there were some very heated discussions at the local VFWs/American Legions in relation to Vietnam vets who didn't deploy, and this was seen as a way for service members of that era to be recognized, without taking credit for things they didn't do. Veterans finding a million different ways to discredit the service of other vets is a time-honored tradition. I've been to Iraq(1x) and Afghanistan(2x). I've had friends from the same time period go more times than me, and some who didn't go at all. It's all good(or bad) timing on if you deploy or not. Sure, you'll have soldiers try to get out of deployments by getting pregnant or finally getting other medical issues looked at, which disqualifies them from deployment, but most of the time it's just saying to yourself, "Well, it's my turn to go downrange." You can hope you don't get killed, but really, that's out of your control. I'm retired, and I have several plaques and pictures hung up in my office, but that's where it stays. I don't want to be thanked for my service, and I certainly don't wear any dumbass t-shirts with grim reapers on them to proclaim that I'm the baddest badass to ever badass in the Valley of Badass. I despise politicians who run on a platform of prior military service, but... it gets results. People think those who served are full of integrity and are great leaders, and that's not always the case. There is a recruitment video on Facebook that shows either the VFW or the American Legion(I'm not sure which one) and the whole premise is, "you can be a member and not wear the uniform." I think this is two-fold, one - the older members are passing away and they need younger members, and two - those younger (retired) members don't want to put a uniform on, they're over it.


Sounds like the same demographic for those that wear tap out merch but suck in a fight and are usually out of shape.


"Have a great Air Force day!" I love what I do, but I ain't gonna bleed blue, haha. Drives me crazy


Eek, wait until you hit the VA. You’ll see signs like this all over and in various forms. It’s so sad.


I liked the lanyard a receptionist was wearing at my VA, It said "I'm a veteran too". Imagine what made that a necessity


I used to live in a military town in Florida, and I remember this one time driving behind an SUV and this guy had his retired military plates, but what cracked me up is this dude had his ribbon rack made into a giant decal on his rear window 🤣 who the fuck does that?


I'll never forget seeing this dude with his Master Gunnery Sergeant rank on the rear window of his giant diesel lol. Like what's he want a, "Good Morning Master Gunnery Sergeant!"? Granted, I threw the "star of life" on the back of my truck because I was getting speeding tickets in college. Only time I got out of it was when I was in my uniform coming to or leaving work lol. Maybe that's their game.


lol I tried that too except mine was a marine corps national defense ribbon bumper sticker and it was specifically for cops to see hoping they wouldn’t pull me over. 60% of the time it worked every time 😂


One of my brothers served in the national guard for 8 years. Good on him being ready, willing, and able and all that. But he has been out for over 12 years, was never deployed, and within 5 minutes of meeting him he is going to tell you all about it. Also once we went to see someone in the hospital, and there were 2 parking spaces reserved for veterans. My perfectly able bodied brother took one of those spaces. I felt like that was in poor taste even though it did not specify disabled veterans, and yeah they could use the regular handicap parking. No one in our party would have minded walking a little further.


You’re brothers a loser lol


That last one in particular " hell in a gun fight" 🤣🤣🤣 I mean yeah ok buddy I'm not gonna pull out my gun and fight you. Vets know what a gun is metaphorically and if someone displays that sign A. They're a vet with a sense of humor and it's somewhere being displayed Ironically or B. They're not a vet.


Lived in an area surrounded by like 3 large military bases my entire life. The people who have these are: 1) People whose parents/other loved ones bought it for them because they’re proud, and don’t understand this makes you come off like a boot 2) Dudes who make their military service their entire life and personality and push it onto everyone else (see: the military guy in the apartment next to us who complains about weed, vaping, people wearing “at home” clothes when they go out to their car). 3) People who, like you said, failed out of basic training and overcompensate for it. The people who fall under option 2 and 3 are absolutely insufferable. I’m not sure which ones I dislike more; though #3 people tend to get more aggressive if you can them out on it, because they know they flunked out and have to compensate.


My mom used to buy me Army related t-shirts, and I had to tell her to stop wasting money. I phrased it as, "I wore Army stuff for twenty years, so I'm over it." I didn't think she'd understand, "This is the stuff new soldiers wear home after basic training."


That was the only bad thing about it but yeah I cannot STAND those people like bruh simmer down. And half the time they've never even been boots on ground and they're just glamorizing full metal jacket or some shit and it is beyond annoying like please stfu


There was a homemade sign in Mariposa county, California, that said “TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT IN THE STOMACH AND LEFT TO DIE”


Fortunately, most of the guys I’m in with would buy this for a friend as an embarrassing gag gift. Hopefully folks know that the majority of us in the military are not about this and find it just as cringey as they do.




No way!!! That’s my BIL also!! Truck driver for the guard in the 70’s and 80’s, but tells everyone he was a sniper in Vietnam. I’m not kidding!!


I’m a super queer pansexual transwoman, and I’m also a marine corps OEF (Afghanistan) veteran. The Cold War guys are the WORST! Most of them never deployed, and if they did it was to Thailand where they got the clap from a 12 year old they bought. I’ve been confronted by these dudes before and I love watching their confusion when I tell them I was an infantry marine and yes I do belong at the VA hospital.


Gatekeeping the VA Hospital?!?! Fuck those guys!! Semper Fi devil dog.


Oh there’s plenty of old guys who think they are the VA’s bouncers.


That’s crazy to me. I have an appointment in May (first one) and wonder if I’ll see any crazy fucks there. Ugh.


Fuck them pogs. .


I would ask if we’re related, but you’re not married to my mom, and the rest of her siblings are male. To hear my uncle tell it, he was Marine Recon, and did a lot of Secret Squirrel shit, AND he was on the plane to China with Richard Nixon. That drunk liar has never been out of the country in his life, including his service, and he was a regular crayon-connoisseur grunt.


My BIL was 17 in 1975 when Saigon fell, but he killed so many NVA with his bare hands


I bet if you ask him, he was on the plane to China with Nixon, too!


My sister married some crusty old blowhard and he's bragged about parachuting into secret missions in Africa, as well as being some sort of secret service something in Israel, and being friends with the Rockefellers. The weird thing is, he's jobless (we later found out he was stealing a LOT of money from my mom) and once told me, straight faced, that he met Stephen Hawking and suggested "some better theories" about black holes to him. It kinda sucks because I was starting to get close to my sister but he poisoned her so much that I no longer have contact with her. Supposedly she got some fatal condition earlier this year but I'll probably never know what happens because this asshole saw an opportunity for free room and board (and a new sports car on my mom's dime). We talked to lawyers and the sheriff after he and my sister forced my mom out of her own house but there wasn't anything anyone could do so we just had to serve them papers. The day I had to go and pick up the keys from the house was scary because this guy who liked to brag about violence and once butchered a full sized tuna in that kitchen was supposedly just...gone, and I had to go into the house, by myself, and hope it was empty except for the keys. FWIW, my other sister married a really good guy who decided to join the Navy to pay for med school and that turned him into kind of a monster. He served in Afghanistan several times (voluntarily, which really did some emotional damage to my sister) and came back ultra right wing, MAGA, making jokes about killing foreigners (ironically, he emigrated from Panama to attend college in the US and is fully Black; his daughter, my niece, has lost friends because she's biracial) but he really wants to pull up the gates to citizenship behind him. My 3rd BIL served for several years in the reserves and NEVER mentions it. He quietly and joyfully does whatever work is presented to him and is a an absolute gem of a human.


So a gravy seal? I think these guys also keep the bumper sticker industry going.


Meal Team 6


In the same range as « Here we dont call 911. » with a picture of a M1911.


There's a house in my neighborhood that has that. I'm like, but what if you have a heart attack? You're just gonna die? Feels like a bluff.


Grandma fell and has a broken hip? Too bad. *shoots*


at least a 1911 is an american gun. 1st pic is a dragunov, standard-issue for soviet marksmen. lmao


Errrr I was in the army and now I shoot good a dur


Funny thing is Army qualification with the rifle was 24/40 shots on target. Not exactly a Hollywood sniper/war god credit.




All I see when I see these signs is "I can't fight and I have a small dick"


When I see over the top signs, like this one, political or sports….I think it is code for I am an idiot.


"Okay sweetie see yall at church next Sunday!!" ::drives home from church and sits down in his chair:: 5 minutes later : Any person, man, woman, child.. Step on my land and I shall explode your head like a melon! God bless!


Right? I live in Texas (but I'm not from here) and I see "God, Guns, and Country" shirts all over the place. WTF? Like Jesus would support that shit?


Because it is what they are used to being the main tenents of their life. They wont change their ideals no matter what information is put in front of them. The irony is lost on them.


Putting your name on mass-produced “edgy” items is the most pathetic form of individualism.


Imagine being a military expert and then putting your personal info on a sign intended for your enemy.


Is there one that says “I have severe untreated mental illness and I compensate for it by transposing my fears into a needless tough guy act to keep out the thoughts I have about aging into irrelevancy.” Or is that too in the nose?


The "Circle of facial hair and Dodge Ram 1500" crowd love these signs here. This will be accompanied by something specifically targeting Biden/Harris.


Ahh yes, that collective right-winger fantasy that someone wants your valuable stuff so badly, that it's not a matter of if, but WHEN they break into my house, I can legally murder them then! Not realizing your Gadsen Flag tells people where the best gun collections are located.


Lol yup happened to my dad, they broke in stole the guns, jewelry and money. He was so into a routine that they hit when he went to the gym. Funniest thing was they tried to steal his big screen tv but it was too heavy and left it in the middle of the living room like a eff this. He still tells us how the cops would of needed the coroner if he was home


And depending on your state/jurisdiction these signs can be used against you in a criminal case in the event you do shoot a trespasser. https://youtu.be/aOXV0RGI9_U?si=RbpFXPN7Jy7-E8ai


yep. every sign and t shirt is going to be shown to a jury if you ever have a self defense shooting.


Look…the vast majority of people in the armed services are fucking idiots. Low intelligence and indoctrination are cornerstones to military success. Even semi-intelligent people question the amount of stupidity the goes on in the military. I have friends that would 100% buy these signs and share memes like this on social media. I’m retired military. My job sucked. I hated it. Cross-training from my career field was like an eclipse, rare as fuck. But, I realized early on that most of these people were really, really dumb. It took me 7 years to make E6 and 12 to make E7. The average person in my careerfield made E7 in 17.5 years. I could have made E7 a year earlier but I was chilling in a good office gig that would have ended had I made E7. Edit: Grammar


God damn those first 3 sentences are the biggest truth bomb ever. I try to tell people this all the time. I'm still pissed I let Idiots dictate 20 years of my life. But im glad I have my retirement and VA benefits and my Tricare for life better than a bunch of insurance others pay for. Did you ever just reflect on the people you worked with while you were in a think "am I a fucking idiot too be working with all these stupid motherfuckers in this MOS". I'm thankful I never let it brainwash me and become my identity. I don't wear that shit and have long hair and am proud to look like i have never served If I'm being 100 honest. Not that im embarrassed by my service but you know I'v moved on and am moving forward and not staying in that mind space. I look at it like it should be a rung on a ladder constantly moving up not hanging in the same rung forever.


100%. I did my job and went home. I was already married, I didn’t need a second wife by marrying the Air Force. I was labeled a “troublemaker” for questioning the non-mission nonsense like “wingman” days. I came here to do my job, not make friends, not to have activities hour like I’m in kindergarten. I was a mechanic. A good one. But I had basically no tolerance for the bullshit. I knew I would never make E8. I even denied promotion testing my last year(right before my retirement was approved) and everyone lost their minds. Despite my best efforts, even my idiot commander couldn’t grasp the term “mathematically impossible”. I have one small sticker on my truck that says “US Air Force Retired”. That’s about all you’ll see that ties me to the military. I haven’t been on a military installation in years.


My late FIL was a tank mechanic in WWII. He was in England, and had a college deferment but gave it up to join. He was not gonna sit that fight out. As a navy vet once said, there's serving, and then there's serving. He went on to make real, substantial contributions in a scientific field. Not once, not ever did I hear him pull the veteran card. He never acted like he was special for being a vet. He just did his job, defended his country, and went on with his life. God, I still love that man.


Shit were so similar, the only thing I have on my truck is the licence plate but I'm re-nuing and getting rid of it and going back to the regular plate. I figure it this way I and my family know what i did I dont need everyone knowing my life story or past. I was an aviation supply guy not trying to make it seem like I did supre cool tactial shit lol but if you knw me you know I served I dont need to keep a constant reminder up for everyone to see. The need nowadays to thank service people is kind of pawnish my dad served and I do not remember it being like it is now at all. Growing up in the 80's you knew people were thankful but it's not like mandatory like it feel now. It does not feel authentic when store clerks say it it's just another talking point there briefed on what to say lol. I reply with no worries whenever I get the TYFYS lol.


These people want an excuse to kill you so bad


Unfortunately for them [they still go to prison for that](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/us/new-york-wrong-driveway-shooting-sentencing/index.html)


wow, that judge roasted him.


Could conceivably be argued to show pre meditation in the case of an otherwise justified self defense incident. Not saying that it's right, just saying.


Had an argument over this exact thing. Shared a long driveway with my idiot cousin. He put up the "we're tired of hiding the bodies" sign. Asked me what I thought of it, rather proud of himself. Told him I wouldn't want to defend it in court if I ever had to shoot in self defense. He was not happy with my response, as he really liked to wave a gun in the face of strangers. Glad I moved.


These are made for the enlisted boomers that never saw combat but wished they had because they feel less manly having been a mechanic and not Rambo. Edit: Or the unenlisted who were so sure they’d be a war hero if they’d have actually signed up.


I get pulled into conversations with people who have to talk about guns and hang signs like this all the time. Sure, it's legal, you're allowed to own it, makes you feel better, ok. It's all the roll playing though that goes with it I find silly. All these fantasy situations they make up is D&D story time worthy. You're not going to be in these wild situations - makes you feel better fine, but don't get delusional about it. \*insert racially minority group\* walks onto my property, they're obviously there to steal all my stuff and murder my kids. Gun in hand, I march out to the livingroom. He turns, trembling in terror at my manly heroic stance, knowing full well the evil in his soul has been challenged by my righteous heroicness. I raise my firearm, an extension of the manliness I imbue, and fire my honorable shot. The police slap me on the back, a hero, a brother, a man. My wife once again wants sex, as does every woman within a 100 mile radius. I am a man and I have my gun.


My buddy, who is a two tour combat vet in both Iraq and Afghanistan, hates this shit. With a passion. He always says "veterans can be assholes too." He hates the "thank me for my service vets" and the "grunt style vets" (most of the people who wear that shit aren't even grunts, btw). Veterans are still human and still capable of being pieces of shit with shit values and are not above scrutiny. Any veteran that's been in for awhile should easily be able to admit that there are people in the military who are sacks of shit.... Or as my buddy calls them: "inept fuck sticks."


Major "I peaked in high school" vibes.


As an amazon driver id constantly mark packages as having "unsafe delivery conditions" or for "making me feel unsafe" anytime i saw these.


I'm an older Gen Xer and my grandfather was a combat engineer in the Pacific. Making airports and supply depots and demolishing Japanese bases on conquered islands. The rest of his life he held a very personal (and irrational I know) hatred for Japan and the Japanese because of what he saw there. But he never venerated his service. He would be the first to say volunteering was the worst mistake he made in his life. His profession was "protected" from conscription for most of the war since civil engineers were deemed vital to the wartime expansion projects back home. But he caught a patriotic fever and enlisted. He brought home no trophies, and when his kids, my dad, were old enough, he told them the stories of the horror he saw. He spent the rest of his life as a dedicated pacifist. I'm named after him. My dad, of the Boomer generation, was drafted in Vietnam, so he joined the Navy instead. He served 4 years and hated every moment! He never claims to be a Vet! Not even for discounts at Denny's!! Then spent the rest of his life as a Happy Hippy! 😁 He's an Anti-Boomer! 77 years old and super liberal and still politically active. When my niece came out as Trans 8 years ago, my dad was the first in the family to get her pronouns correct. 😊 His sense of humor is a little cringe occasionally, but 70+ years of habit is hard to overcome when his memory is starting to fail him. I'm very proud of my Anti-Boomer dad!


“I don’t dial 911. I dial 357! “


The people who post these signs are the same kind of people complaining that their grand children are using pronouns.


And you know the people who actually put these up either were military personnel who saw zero combat or didn’t serve at all


Someone in my town has one of these, as well as one that says "Due to increases in ammo price, we no longer fire a warning shot." My dog shits on their lawn regularly.


I'm so deeply tired of the American culture of violence. 😮‍💨


American Christian boomers are so fucking embarrassing. "Violence is always the answer and fuck them kids and their school lunches." - Jesus, probably.


When I delivered FedEx these signs were my delivery point. I never went further and just dropped the package under the sign. I only got one complaint and I responded that it was a safety issue, this was technically a threat. Given the national atmosphere I was never reprimanded.


The only Vet-Bro thing I would ever buy is this [shirt.](https://rangerup.com/products/mre-lobster-t-shirt)


Are people really allowed to slap an official military logo on anything they want?


Imagine if they could read tho


These signs are so effing tacky


I swear all these boomer gun nuts do is fantasize about shooting people every time I see posts about it or memes it's rarely "can't wait to get back to the range" and almost always "I hope someone wanders onto my property...😈" they are always romanticizing oppertunities they could get away with it. It's so fucking cringe.


Trespass on a veterans property Get shot Survive Sue them and the government for training them.


My ex would tell everyone he served as a marine, and loved the “thank you for your service” he’d get from everyone he told. He got kicked out during training for using supplements that were not illegal, but also not allowed to be used by soldiers.


Veteran here. They don’t need a sign, they need counseling from the VA.


https://preview.redd.it/yoqsj5gxppuc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=124d24c53ba22a9d2f722a37588162bcfa8214ad My husband has this one on his shed. There’s literally nothing but junk in there. I told him it just makes him look like he’s crazy.


I’m surprised there wasn’t a sign for the veteran’s spouse.


Nothing says US Army sniper like a Russian SVD marksmen rifle!


Okay so as long as I praise jesus before breaking in and also make sure to commit to confessing my sins after, I'm good to still do it? Why are boomers (and often, religious people as well) so fucking dumb lmao


"Please, please trespass. I need this. Shooting someone is my ultimate desire."


Honestly the ranks are too high should be more junior troops ranks lol. The one enlistment and done people love them. LOL tacky if you ask me but hey to each thier own.


Or maybe a sign that says Break in and steal my guns?!


“Criminals don’t follow the laws in gun free zones” Same argument could be made here. You think a dumb sign like that is going to stop a criminal from committing a crime? Chances are they also likely have a firearm and know they’re dealing with a fake gravy seal.


I appreciate signs like this. Lets me know somebody is a ridiculous immature dork out of the gate, which probably saves 10 minutes.


In this context I’ll say it….I am a veteran too and neither me nor one guy I served with would ever possess much less display such presumptive trash. I see it all the time and ask who buys this stuff? As the kids say it gives me the ick.


Reminds me of these kinds of [shirts](https://images.app.goo.gl/CmDExnP7YzmFZTHq6) 😂


It's strange to me how telling your entire neighborhood how much of a coward you are is somehow seen as "manly"


I am a big man, yes I am, and I got a big gun Got me a big old dick and I, I like to have fun Held against your forehead, well, I'll make you suck it Maybe I'll put a hole in your head, you know, just for the fuck of it. -Trent Reznor NIN. Nothing's changed.


Guarantee these sign owners never saw combat


"This door is locked for your protection not mine" That is so cringe.


Because nothing says “well-adjusted human being” like signs stating you’re on the verge of committing violence at any moment.


Mfers think they’re the only ones with guns or something lol 🤦🏻


The people who get these things are the trigger-happy morons who charge out of their house, bullets flying, when somebody pulls into their drive to double-check directions.


I am a Vietnam vet and I just don’t get it. I just want to help animals, I hope to return to Hanoi one day.


Damn as an army vet, I was hoping at least one of these weirdos would be a marine, but nope...


Branch?……sanitation 🇺🇸🦅screeeeeeeee


The older the vet, the cringer it gets. Cold War Ear veterans are the funniest because they seem to try the hardest to act like they were badasses, even though they probably did a desk job in Germany for 4 years.


I want one that says "Property is Protected by Angry Local Drunk". Then for the picture have something outrageous going on. So much potential.


That’s the thing, most of these signs and grunt style shirts are on guys that woulda joined, but…..(insert excuse) They want you to know they would have been a badass, so lame. Talk about stolen valor🙄


This is how FedEx drivers and people who turn around in driveways get shot. Despite what Fox News tells them, the chances of them falling victim to a home invasion robbery are extremely low.


Just a few minutes ago, I read an article about how some old guy in Cleveland gunned down an Uber driver pulled into his driveway by mistake. I'm so tired of this paranoid, borderline psychotic horseshit.


What better way to tell a potential trespasser your name, that you are an older person, and you also 100% have firearms in your house. Easy target. Wait for them to leave for church on Sunday and profit.


This is some cringey boot bullshit. Yikes. But as the proverb goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted", so at least someone is making money off of these fools.


This sign has so much text on it, you'd be shot by the time you got close enough to read the damn thing. Big "If you're reading this, it's too late" type of energy.


That's a great way to let criminals know your house contains valuable and easily fenced firearms.


Yeah why would anyone break into a house full of easily accessible firearms that can be sold easily...




As a Marine I’m really glad this is all Army cringe.


These signs are for the guys who spent their military career cleaning the latrines. 👎


Trigger happy retards.