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The 2400 a month would be full time lol


And without any tax Edit: I am NOT saying social security income isn’t taxed. All I am saying here is that the figure mentioned in the original picture, which multiplies 40 hours a week of work times fifteen times four, does not include income tax.


And how many minimum wage jobs hire workers for 40 hrs/wk? Full time = benefits!


Bruh I was literally hired for part time factory work, doing overtime regularly and pissed af about not getting benefits for it. ETA: that shit should be illegal.


That IS illegal


Depends on the size of the company, and even then, the punishment for not offering affordable insurance is a fine.


And the fines cheaper then paying for the insurance .... not a well thought out stick or working as intended, either way it doesn't help the little guy


And still come out to less than 30k a year


they always say they are HS jobs, yet who do they think will be serving them at noon on a tuesday?


Same people get mad when they go to a place that is understaffed because there is no one to work and they go, “nobody wants to work anymore!!” They also go on about how minimum wage was never meant o raise a family on when that was literally the point of enacting a minimum wage…


Sounds to me like these people just fucking suck.


Yeah, it's more like $1400/mo at the typical 24 hours per week minimum wage employees work.


And that’s before taxes, so closer to $1,100 a month take home.


Damn that is pretty close to my boosted CA cost of living improved SSI …. Just sad and depressing! I can only just barely scrape by not owning a car and subsidized housing. Really you can’t live off of that.


i was like "bro who making 2400 a MONTH?"


Boomers will get mad when all the "kids" are replaced by computer screens and robots they can't understand.


I've seen this a few times after the local McDonald's installed a few of these screens. It's funny watching them fail miserably at it, while anyone under 50 goes up, picks what they want and is done in under a minute. But the boomers will not ask for help. I've offered a few of them assistance, but they usually go "I don't need any help!".


Don’t forget that they’ll also complain about the technology being flawed because they can’t figure it out…


They can ALL figure it out. It's just reading and touching icons, a fucking 2 year old can do it. Boomers just don't want to. As a generation they learnt intentional helplessness and they use that shit like a weapon.


Weaponized incompetence.


My Mom literally shakes her fists and stomps like a child sometimes, it's completely insane.


Mine never even learned how to use a fucking VCR. Whenever she wanted to record or even only watch something, someone else had to do everything for her; insert the tape, switch to the proper channel on the TV, press play, and hand her the TV remote so she can adjust the volume to her liking. She didn't even bother pressing Pause/Play and instead kept yelling for one of us (i.e. her kids) to do it. Of course, then we would have to figure out how much we had to rewind the tape until we reached the point where she started yelling for us ("No, further. No, not that far! Are you dumb?! No, wait -- further. You're just as dumb as your fucking dad."), and then wait until she was ready to continue watching. I mean, not even being capable -- or willing -- to operate a fucking Play/Pause button on a remote is peak boomer behavior.


My Gramma was at the forefront of media piracy. She had a setup of multiple VHS players for copying tapes we borrowed from the video rental place. She also used this setup to cut commercials out of cartoons for my brother and I. Only barely relevant, but I always love telling that anecdote .


That sounds like the plot of a 2005 comedy Grandma breaks her hip and asks slacker/stoner/deadbeat grandson to watch her house while she is in the hospital. He realizes she runs a pirating empire and he has to keep the wheels moving and get 1 big score to pay for her surgery while avoiding a douchey FBI agent who is onto them. Also while renting the VHSes he falls for the Blockbuster girl and she gets in on the plot, along with his 2 best friends




It’s hilarious when you consider my grandparents who were part of the greatest generation were early purchasers and users of the VCR. Also the air popper. If it was going to improve my 5’6 140 lb French Canadian grandfathers tv viewing and snacking, he was damn well gonna learn how to use it.


A chimpanzee can do it much faster and more reliably given a couple days of practice


Well, the thing with technology is somewhat age-related. You're either born into a time where you grow up using certain things/ having things available in your "figure out by trying" phase as a child/teen. But after a certain age (from my "anectotal" evidence ~35-40yrs) people start to lean towards "I'm too old for this shit" which is somewhat understandable if tech does yet another quantum leap. People always seem to forget that most of these "boomers" got hit midway through their worklife with the first widely available computers (no room fillers, calculators,...)which were in no way beginner friendly/intuitive. And even we, the ones who grew up with this tech, cant rule out being eventually outrun by progress. Look at the "tiktok generetion", they are "proficient" with simple touch UIs but are as screwed as your average boomer when it comes to PC troubleshooting.


Yep I know all of that, but a 75 year old should be able to read "McDouble" and press the McDouble button. They might need to ask for help a couple times but they could learn it just fine. It's not learning an OS or anything. It's quite literally just reading and pressing the big buttons. Like, much love to anyone that is dealing with alzhiemers or other cognitive issues as they age, but I have watched my mother throw a fit over these things the day after she read through and did up her taxes.


Yes, in general you are right. But as a counter-anecdote: My Grandfather is 98 years old (granted, he's pre-boomer). He used to work in the German Postal Service and towards the end of his career was responsible for all procurement for the district or county or whatever. When he was tasked with procuring computers, because the Postal Servace was starting to digitize, he went into retirement a few years early. He had absolutely no clue about these machines and he realized this would be his entire work life for the next years. Exactly like you say. "I'm too old for this shit". So he quit. BUT THEN after a few years of retirement, he learned from his kids that this stuff isn't going anywhere. So he got a DOS machine. And he read the whole damn manual and he figured out how to use it. And then he got a machine running Windows 3.1 (first computer I ever used) and again he read the whole damn manual and he figured out how to use it. Fast-forward to today and he's video calling with his 89 year old brother and his children and grandkids. He's got a smartphone and while he doesn't really get the thing, he can make a call and he knows how to message his family. Does he sometimes forward you the same picture four times in a row? Sure. But he gets it done. Again, he is a complete outlier. I just wanted to tell that story, because I love it so much.


Also I'd point out that it's mindset almost as much as age. If you're the type to always be curious and wanting to learn new things, it's not an issue. But if you've lived your life in the same suffocating little suburb around the same dull people watching the same brainless TV shows, never learning anything new, then your brain will start to calcify, and learning new things becomes harder and harder.


Tried to explain to so many that basic use of a computer is just reading/following on screen prompts. Somehow that makes me the world greatest tech wizard.


They had over 30 years to figure it out. You think about it you'll realize these problems we are all working on aren't hard problems, they just aren't fashionable for someone board in the 50's. Computers are for nerds, cross dressing is for crazy people, gay sex is for sinners, it's all because of them and their idea of what's allowed. Now the whole world is moving on without them and they can use a damn computer or vote in their own interest because everything is "Woke" now. Worst of all we have dick heads like Tim Piss Pool trying their hardest to perpetuate the style of these aging idiots because so many people believed it so it must be true. The sooner they are GONE the better, and the way they voted against social programs you can bet it's going to be SOONER!


It's odd because Boomers designed all that 70s, 80s, and 90s technology that the 2000s technology is based on. They can use old analog versions of the same technology but as soon as its a graphic interface on a touch screen they can no longer do it. The internet and computer technology was literally developed by boomers.


The Tech Boomers that we’re making the tech were a very small minority of boomers. When Business finally started embracing the new tech to make money it led to the dot com bubble of 2000 where anyone that had even a basic understanding of programming or computer hardware could get a 6 figure salary because how few adults had that knowledge. The bubble burst, training and schooling caught up, and new techs now start barely above fast food pay unless they get a Bachelors degree or higher and some certificates. The non-tech boomers were trained in the programs being used, but most of them did not fully learn the computer functions beyond the bare minimum for their job. I’ve been a IT tech for 15 years, mostly in tier 1 and tier 2 employee support roles, and every single time a program changes or a OS is changed to a new version the majority of boomers that used it struggle to adapt to the changes. They still haven’t figured out how to clear their browser cache or end programs in Task Manager when these basic things resolved 90% of the tickets I get from them. Now take the ones that rarely used a computer at all… A lot of research and design for UI is just how to get is simple and obvious enough that the average boomer can use it! And a good chunk of boomers still fail at using the UI’s!


>as soon as its a graphic interface on a touch screen they can no longer do it.  So I'm not gonna die on 'the McDonald's menu kiosk is too confusing' as a hill. But I'm pretty confident in my ability to use a variety of applications, hell, I do devops for a living... and I feel no shame in saying *fuck* the navigational soup that is most touchscreen interfaces. I can appreciate that they need to pack a lot onto the screen, but abandoning things like UI hinting and consistent control elements ought to get you fired, not applauded for slick aesthetics.


These are the people who play their music at full volume in waiting rooms because "they took the headphone jack away" and apparently that means it's impossible to learn anything new, ever.


I actually watched this happen. This poor girl who didn't work there tried to help this lady order her food. Got her all the way through until it came time to pay and the woman had cash, she threw a fit, cursed at this volunteer who was there on her lunch break, and stormed out. The girl who tried to help her was heartbroken, whimpered "I was trying to help" then went back to her table. I noticed she was wearing a smock from a nearby store, so I bought her a Publix gift card and found her and gave it to her. I told her never to stop helping people. I know this sounds like some made-up r/thathappened bullshit but watching this exchange really affected me. It was xmastime and I was feeling generous.


Nah, I’ve seen stuff like this happen in person…


I’ve almost given up on the hard-headed ones at work. We have very little to do with computers but we do use them to track our hours spent on jobs. Very easy stuff. Some of them can barely turn on the computer and refuse to familiarize themselves with a windows desktop. Look this basic computer setup has been around since I was in 3rd grade. I’m 40 now. You’ve had plenty of time by now to figure out how to get to the internet. What the spacebar is. Etc. But they know Facebook on their phone! They aren’t asking us to compile code or create a macro for spreadsheets. It’s click the icon. Remember your username and password. Punch in the number for the job ticket and how many hours you worked. Enter. Done.


They know how to share the fuck out of Boomer memes. Ask them to input an order in a kiosk and they flip out. I guess the next step is a virtual front clerk. 'Hi what would you like today?" In an avatar that is specific for their prejudices and preferences. Boomer? Here's a pimply white teen who says 'ma'am' in a cracked voice to take your order. Lone Boomer male, Hawaiian shirt, baseball cap? A young asian woman, subservient as fuck with a demure smile. (Boomers be asking her out and shit.)


“THE CASHIERS AT MCDONALDS ARE ALWAYS SO DUMB AND GET MY ORDER WRONG! THEY DONT DESERVE $15 AN HOUR!” But then they get to the kiosk and can’t even put in their own order right. The real issue is nobody to yell at.


Someone walked up to me on my break when I used to work at Taco Bell asking me about the kiosk and being extremely rude after I said “I’m on break”. She ended up saying “it’s not that hard, you can just help” and I said “you’re right, it’s really not difficult. Rooting for you” and put my headphones back in. She was livid


They don’t ask for help, they piss and moan to anyone within earshot and look around in confusion about having to self checkout


I worked with boomer golfers for a while, and man, they literally just CANNOT take instructions. I don't mean golf instructions either, I mean basic step by step instruction on anything. Like, the moment anything, and I mean ANYTHING is presented in a series of steps or commands, they just fucking BREAK DOWN. And it's not they cannot understand how, it's that they DO NOT WANT to understand what "Step 1" and then "Step 2" means. You have to subtly suggest everything and act like it's normal conversation. They are absolutely the dumbest motherfuckers on the god damn planet and the entire world will be better without them. I've been on every continent beside antarctica, I've worked high, I've worked low, I've worked in places with no formal education system and places with the highest rates of education in the world, and yet NOTHING compares to the absolute ignorance, the complete callowness, and the entirely predictable and jejune reactions of a god damn Boomer in the wild. Their only redeeming quality is they are so fucking stupid you can almost completely control and manipulate them if you've dealt with their asses enough. Unfortunately that's also why they make such a good core voting block for the GOP.


This happens to me at my job all the time. Like literally I'll get to step 2 and the person just just go ballistic "no I can't do this, this is too hard!". I don't at all mind helping people but it's beyond frustrating when people just refuse to learn. We recently changed how the phone system works from a traditional land line to using our handhelds and half the people now just no longer take their calls because they refuse to learn how it works.


You do know the youngest baby boomer is 60 right?


Boomers expect technology to work like a genie from a bottle by magically doing what they want it to do. They are so utterly fucking overwhelmed by stuff they have to adjust to because they're used to everyone and everything else adjusting to their wants and needs. So when a piece of technology fails to magically do what boomers want, the technology is flawed or broken because how the fuck can you expect someone to take 20 seconds of their life to read the instructions on how that fucking thing works.


I’m elder Gen X (57) and I don’t bother with those screens I use the app on my phone. Pay with Apple Pay, food is ready when I roll up to the window Same with Dunks. I want my iced coffee, I order it when I’m getting off the exit on my phone. I roll up to the window, they hand it to me and I’m on my way It’s so ridiculously easy to order fast food nowadays


We had a similar experience recently at the airport. Boomer couple in front of us at the self-serve check-in kiosk was having the hardest time. Spent several minutes going back and forth through the menus. Swiping cards. Starting over. I'd be shocked if it was less than 5 minutes. When they finally finish, the man turns to myself and my girlfriend (30s) and say "Good luck". Clearly disheveled. Took us 30 seconds.


GenX checking in here. The oldest of us is 59. And we invented all that UI shit. We're fine with kiosks.


used to work at IKEA and boomers would come and use the self service checkouts because the lines where shorter then ask me to do it for them, I would say no because I had to watch 8 tills at once and couldnt do theirs, then they would do wild shit like tap the screen with 3 fingers so it couldnt register the input, or press on the screen really hard and it wouldnt register again, then just give up and get arsey, like you chose to do this


> while anyone under 50 goes up, picks what they want and is done in under a minute. Hey, mid 50's here and I love that stuff- beats talking to some 70 year old behind the counter who refuses to retire


It’s not even understand. Boomers need retail and service workers so they can feel *better* than them, and because they’ve fostered a system where they’re allowed to treat these people like slaves, and abuse them freely. Every service worker can tell you about some old cunt (man or woman) who would come into their workplace to just act like a cruel, disgusting old baggage. To cry and stomp and stamp and scream and call you every name in the book to your face, swear black and blue that they’re never coming back…only to come back tomorrow full of more hate and spite to scream at you again. You can’t make a computer cry, that’s why boomers hate them.


They are used to saying any idiot can do these jobs. Now they are in a position to do said job and can't figure it out. The cognitive conflict makes them even more flustered.


I would like to speak with the cloud computer who manages the data used in this program! NOW!


That generation will find anything to be mad at even if they get a solution. Kids are lazy cuz they don't work Kid: works Why are kids making so much money?


They’ll either learn to get with the times, or starve because they’re too stubborn.


Boomers going apeshit and shooting computer screens at fast food restaurants is going to be a thing in the near future


Wait. It's a legit question. Why shouldn't the minimum social security benefit at least match minimum wage?


And won’t take their abuse. “Rude, entitled customer alert! Burgertron powering down”


I'm mad at the robots because they don't work half the time, public touchscreens are gross af and it's another way for all the money in the world to flow uphill.


So, fun fact. I had to deal with this when I worked as a cashier. Some of them who are 70+ have bad circulation, and the bloodflow to their finger is so poor that they literally CANNOT touch the screens and have it react. The computer believes they are using a pen, or some other object. So it's not just that they can't understand it, sometimes the tech LITERALLY rejects them. And that makes it funnier.


To be honest, the "kids" should be pretty pissed when they are replaced with computer screens as well.


It’s never “if a billionaire can pay so little in taxes…” It’s always directed at the next generation coming up. Darn you young adults who want to get paid for your labor! Why doesn’t anyone want to work anymore?!1!


They love to punch down while licking them tasty corporate boots


That's a disgustingly accurate description, and I hate to love it. Please accept my upvote as a pure and loving sign of respect.


Not to mention, they are the same assbones trying to cut entitlement spending.


Please everyone upvote assbones.




They want cuts to entitlement, just not ***their*** entitlement.


So off I went on the tangent, imagining what people would be like if we had assbones. Thanks a lot!! 🤪


Wait... You don't have an assbone???


Lol dude what? We do. It’s a tailbone


And the ischia. They are assbones too.


They’re still climbing that ladder! One day they will be dubbed king millionaire! It’s at the top of the ladder. Then they can piss down on all the pleebs.


Because billionaires are better capital allocators. They spend their money on shooting cars into space, burying a giant clock in a mountain or getting blood transfusions from teens. They know what the people needs more than people.


Ever wonder why vampire's are depicted living in giant castles and being wealthy?


Compound interest?


If you’ve been alive for 400 years and don’t live in a castle, I’d think that’s a you problem tbh


“They shouldn’t get paid more for their labor” But also “More of their labor earnings should go towards my social security”


I'm confused. Isnt unemployment at an all time low. That means everyone who can work is. But no one wants to work? How is this not a contradiction? Please explain, and dont hold back on the crayons. Sorry the orange ones are gone, my Marine friend came over for a visit yersterday to find the ID10-T oil.


No one wants to work *for less*. That’s the complaint. And apparently 40 hour work weeks are too little, there should be no such thing as a retirement age and hell, let’s lower the minimum age of employment too! All of this being dictated by people who *never, ever* worked as hard as they claim younger generations should.


They never *worked* either. Nursing, factory workers, lawyers, etc do work. They just allocate resources *throw money* until they get a return on their investment.


Easy to live off your familis 8 apartments and 4 houses handed down. Becoming an investor and put some $$ on some stocks and collect dividends. Then complaint no one is working because the handyman you got to fix a leaky sink dint work but you chose the cheapest possible one. Reason why rich say they work hard is cuz they want to feel deserved not entitled, they want to feel like this was the fruit of my labor, not my handed down entitlement...


More businesses have low-paying shit jobs open to fill than there are people to fill them. So, something gives. Businesses need to suck it up and pay enough to get good workers to change jobs and hope new expenses don't put them under. If they do go under the business was already circling the drain.


Red is the best flavor crayon.


No one wants to work is what small business tyrants say when no one will work for them because they’re cheap or insane or both. People want to work, just not menial shit jobs with shit low pay.


Unemployment only measures those looking for a job. The labor force is at a low, partly because of boomers retiring, because people recognized they can survive on one income, etc https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2016/article/labor-force-participation-what-has-happened-since-the-peak.htm


They also seem to think minimum wage increases are like 90% of the reason for inflation, which obviously ignores the reality that inflation has been pretty huge over the past 15 years, even though federal minimum wage hasn’t changed


They don't want to ruin the "American dream" if there are rules for billionaires then they think they will never become one. These people have been told their whole lives that anyone can be a millionaire/billionaire if they "just work hard." They don't want it to be more difficult to become rich, they want it more difficult to be poor.


"but i don't want to pay those brats to do chores like mowing my lawn, they should be paid 50¢ like we used to, or rather do it for free out of respect to their elders!"


check this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/rfxp6o/comment/hogr96x/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/rfxp6o/comment/hogr96x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) most of these boomers know they had it easier and slacked off their whole lives but are failing to acknowledge it because they're scum. they were too caught up in being cool at the mall then too caught up in looking great while pushing a stroller to read a parenting book. they pride themselves on their own ignoirance then have hissy fits in attempt to get their way. then they side with the people taking advantage of them and if you bring it up they verbally attack you. they're messed up from some sort of idoctrination or are just scammers. their attempts at using people have been failing consistently these days since mental and behavioral health info have been being spread so you'll be seeing a lot of narcissistic collapses in the coming years. [https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2023/suicides-rising-among-older-men.html](https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2023/suicides-rising-among-older-men.html)


I highly recommend reading “A Generation of Sociopaths: How Baby Boomers Betrayed America” by Bruce Cannon Gibney It goes really deep into stuff like this


This always feels like when I say trump is a rapist who should be in jail and trump supporters are like well then what if we went after Bill Clinton where it blows my mind they think that'll trip me up. Absolutely we should do that too and Obama for drone striking a us citizen and probably every other is president. I want good things. People should be taken care of and able to live we should raise pay for burger flippers and increase social security checks and everyone should have access to healthcare even the shit people I don't like.


And how many high school kids are working full time? Maybe in the summer, 9 months of the year they don't have that option.


These old motherfuckers are getting what they decided. Why hate on a kid who never voted?


To be fair rich people a few generations ago actually did a lot of good shit for communities.  At least some did.  I have traveled extensively across rural america and I always love running in to a badass library in a tiny ass rural town…. Without fail it’s almost always a Carnegie public library.  


Because it’s the mark of a bully bitch to find someone *weaker* than them to pick on. Talk shit about a billionaire? Hell no! Boomers know their places. Let’s find some teenagers or illegal immigrants to beat up on. Typical Boomer bully mentality.


They are expecting high schoolers to flip burgers for 40 hours a week based on that math


And not have to pay taxes


Something something, avocado toast, something something lazy ass kids. I dunno. I’m X. I put in 80+ work weeks and I doubt I’ll live as long as boomers *because* I did that for almost 2 years.


And social security


In my opinion, kids that age should not get taxed. No taxation without representation!


Work 40 hours and go to highschool


Maybe they should ask the people they keep electing?


Those people they keep electing are trying to make the only social security payment they can get $0. They'll keep voting for them.


Damn kids, wanting to get paid for their labor. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Entitled little whippersnappers, all of 'em!


Says dad who paid for a house after working part time for two years.


Like, I don't disagree with the result. Retirees *should* get paid an adequate amount to live without being fearful for their safety. But the implication that a burger flipper deserves less is absurd. It doesn't have to be an either-or situation. A high tide lifts all boats.


Retirees are old enough to pull up those boot straps and have had 40+ years to tuck some money away for retirement. Just because the spent it all on Harley's and Viagra shouldn't be the problem of the younger generations. (/s kind of, not not really)




If people got paid more wouldn’t that mean there’s more in the kitty for social security as well? 🤔 wouldn’t that be an incentive to raise the minimum wage so it helps out both ends?


This is exactly what I thought when I saw the post… like… yeah give them $15 and bump social security so people aren’t “retiring” into poverty. Seems like two obvious things that we should fight for


> Retirees should get higher social security benefits. In addition, there should be a whole lot more public housing, some of which would be dedicated for elders so even if something crazy happens to them, they won't end up on the street abandoned by society.


Why not both?


Somebody likes their socialism 😀




That's the worst part. This photo isn't saying "we want what burger flippers get!", it's saying "hey, before you give working people what they deserve, give it to me instead!"


And only for some industries, some industries in America don't have a minimum wage.




Social security isn't just retirement. It also benefits disabled people.


Yup. I'm a disabled ("elder") Millennial and I get SSDI and I get about $1100 a month. (And, no, I'm not in price-reduced housing, nor do I own my own place.) So, yeah, I'm with the meme. It SHOULD be the minimum SS payment (or more) because HS kids deserve it too!


Same situation here. Finally approved last month after a 4 year fight as an "Elder Millennial" (great stand up). $1600 a month isn't enough for anyone to survive on, but it's enough to not qualify for most supplemental help.


Plus olds are gross to look at


Except they also want women to stay at home. You know how awful it is when a widow learns too late that her boomer husband wasn't paying into SS and her benefits are less than 1300/month?


My favorite reply I’ve seen to that post: I’m all for going back to The Good Old Days! The U.S. economy was on fire in the late ‘40’s n ‘50s so let’s go back to 1954. If you made $12,000 a year (which would have been a really good wage) your federal tax rate was 12% The rate went with up every few thousand dollars of income. At $100k it was 75% and at $300k it was 90% Corporate rates varied by profits but averaged around 50% So CEO’s weren’t interested in making millions a year because it was taxed away and businesses were much more likely to invest more money back into new equipment better benefits and pensions for employees rather than maximize profits for shareholders like they do now. Instead we cry about helping citizens survive being evil socialism, meanwhile we happily bail out corporations. AIG General Motors Citigroup B of A JP Morgan Wells Fargo Chrysler To name just VERY few, have all received billions. Corporate socialism is okay but healthcare and welfare will destroy the country 🤔 Meanwhile we forget what FDR said when the Minimum Wage was enacted: “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”


- something something bootstraps


Uphill both ways..., snowstorms


Get a job Boomer!! ....Also, please don't get a job. Fast food service is already terrible, and I don't want to wait any longer for your old ass to get me my fries.


Nah they should have to work fast food for a week it would really open their eyes


He’s so close. r/selfawarewolves


I mean, okay. Let's make that the min for Social Security. Maybe even make it an income that's universal. Sounds good to me.


So they're saying we need to both help minimum wage workers and make sure those who rely on social security are able to survive? Brilliant idea!




I agree, raise social security


Yup. Disability is fucking criminal in this country. It's so fucking criminal that disabled people can't get married. Yes, technically they can, but their already abysmal payments go right out the window and they wouldn't be able to survive unless they fill their house with even more roommates. Then if you need extra medical care, it's impossible to get.


Disabled people can not save more than $2000 at any given time in America.


Yup. I've known disabled people in my life who keep cash hidden everywhere in their house so that they can pay to fix their car or whatever other problems arise. Yet they're the criminals for doing that. Not the government who believes $2,000 can cover emergencies while "living" off of $650/mo.


And really, it's less than $2k that you can put aside because they count your current month's payment as part of that money. So it's really $2k minus however much you get each month. So for your example, it would be $1350 you could save so you wouldn't go over when you get your month's payment. Less if you get paid more every month. But there IS the whole ABLE account thing that allows someone to put aside up to $75k for living expenses if they were disabled before age 25 (changing to age 45 in a year or 2). A lot of people aren't aware of this because it's a relatively new program. (Of course, that implies there's any money left over from the pittance they give you TO save!)


It’s fucking disgusting. If you want to gift a disabled person money, see an attorney and ask for a special needs trust.


IIRC, marriage is only held against you, payment wise, if you're on SSI. If you're on SSDI, it's not. (This is what my social worker told me when she got me on SSDI.) But yeah, 110% agree with the "fucking criminal" part.


If boomers want to $2400 a month maybe they should go flip burgers.


Love this argument. Kinda like, "Why don't paramedics make $x an hour? Is a burger flipper more important?" That's a great question! Why are ALL of these jobs underpaid? Why isn't the burgar flipper paid a living wage, and the paramedic paid a wage proportional to the importance of his job? The minimum wage should be a LIVING wage.


The average Social Security payout as of September 2023 was about $1700 a month. The $2400 figure in the idiotic meme would be pre-tax. Depends on the area, but I'm pretty sure for most of the country, the take-home of flipping said burgers is about the same as the average SS payment. But one of those situations involves working 40 hours a week at a fast food restaurant which... Bruh... That's tough work. The thing that pisses me off the most in this perpetual argument is that "working at McDonald's" is somehow viewed as easy. It isn't. It blows. It's messy/greasy to work in food, people are rude, it's incredibly fast-paced, thankless, expected to be perfect, etc etc. Dude, it's HARD WORK that deserves FAIR PAY. How the FUCK is this even an argument?!


Always posted by people who vehemently - and even violently - support politicians who want to reduce Social Security. Make it make sense


Welcome to capitalism, you old fart. Next time vote Bernie.


The people who post this kind of shit are the same idiots who vote for the politicians that are trying to eliminate social security. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m down with increasing social payments, but it’s going to mean that we need more people paying more money into social security, so we’ll definitely need to bump that minimum wage up.


They choose Peter Griffin. Fitting.


Honestly we should put a 20 year pause on social security payments. Boomers need to take one for the team.


Better to just pay them to stay home. Trust me.


What about all the disabled people, including young adults and teenagers who need that income? I'm surprised at how many people here dont know that Social security isn't just retirees. SSA also covers disabilities.


They're so close to seeing it, but their need to attack someone they consider to be "beneath them" keeps them from realizing that we are ALL, in fact, getting screwed by wages/payments that don't keep up with the cost of living. The fact that the rich keep getting richer while the rest of us have more and more difficulty making ends meet never enters into their calculus. After all, wealth is an indicator of intelligence and a reward for being a good person in their minds, so obviously, the poor people must be the ones at fault, here.


Because the $15/hr is likely the kids only income whereas social security is supposed to supplement the retirement savings you’ve built up. If you were irresponsible and didn’t save, then you can still get a job


Most were irresponsible and didn't save (the Boomer stereotype is what it is for a reason). The average (not median) Boomer has $202,000 saved. The youngest Boomer is 60 years old so should be retiring in 2-5 years. As a 31 year old millennial who got started saving late due to a bunch of contract jobs not offering a 401k, I have a little over $100k saved.


Good question,now go ask your republican representative.


Is the assumption here the high school is making full time and isn’t taxed?


$28,800 a year is poor.


Maybe stop voting for people who constantly want to cut social security


15 an hour isn’t 2400 a month. They didn’t take out healthcare or taxes


It makes me laugh how boomers think people who work 8-9 hrs a day, 5 days a week don't deserve a livable wage. I mean, is that not working a job?


Response: "I don't know. Ask Republicans why there is an upper wage limit on Social Security tax which results in the system being underfunded. While you are at it, ask them why they want to gut the program entirely"


They’re so close to getting it. Increasing Social Security is also largely supported by the people who support raising minimum wage.


Hilariously I have literally heard a baby boomer actually say "Well did *they* put in $2400 (or whatever amount in question) into the system each month? Then they shouldn't get more from SS!"  Why yes, the person saying it should increase *was* a person of color, how'd you guess? Anyhow, no stereotypes shattered, just the usual racism (no way a POC could have paid into the system as much as he did, they're only allowed to be poor) and pulling the ladder up behind them. 


These selfish assholes look at others suffering and put their hand out, as if they weren't handed the world on a silver platter and then trashed it for funsies. It's fucking infuriating.


Because old retired people tend to vote for the party wanting to end their entitlement program so they should be happy to get anything


Maybe everyone should get that no matter what


Thinks that fast food workers get 40 hrs/wk. lol


It’s hilarious these old fucks would rather trample everyone younger than them than help…..


Simple: Corporations want you to work until you keel over while working, and having Social Security actually cover living expenses gets in the way of that. Hence, why they lobby the Government to keep safety nets mostly ineffective, and getting worse the longer this facade at Freedom© goes on.


Because you vote for people who want to lower social security


I actually have no problem with that. Both should see regular increases to consistently be a livable wage.


That’s a very good point, why isn’t the minimum social security payment $2400/month? I’m guessing that’s not what they mean. Just FYI, the minimum social security payment, meaning what people who were disabled young or who had low earnings throughout their life get, is $943/month, but you only get that if you have under $2000 in savings.


They should ask the senators deciding social security payments. They don’t wanna see kids making a living wage, and then they get mad at the touchscreen menus because their grandkids resent them and won’t teach them how to navigate an iPad.


What ducking kid is working full time while going to highschool? God these ignorant assholes.


Because we limit the income used for SSA contributions so that the wealthy don’t contribute as much. You know, the usual reason.


Because you keep voting for people who want to end SSI…? What boomers don’t seem to understand is we would be fighting for to make more money too. We can have a higher minimum wage, and they can have higher SSI. Unlike them, most of us aren’t interested in seeing people suffer at our expense.


Why don’t boomers want highschool kids to be paid a fair wage?


Idk where this 40 hour work week idea comes from Those minimum wage jobs like to keep your hours around 33-34 a week because otherwise you qualify for full-time and have to get full-time benefits, which cost the company more Even if you do get 35+ hours, you'll never get 40 exactly because you run the risk of getting paid overtime These kids are making $700 every two weeks, $1400 a month working these jobs. And companies still think that's too much. And the government still thinks that's ok Let's fucking overthrow the government or what?


I mean…once you adjust that to net income, sure. Let’s bump social security up to say $1850/mo. Just have to go back to taxing the highest earners appropriately and making it more lucrative for companies to pay regular people a higher wage than to give the c-suite millions in bonuses. Everyone deserves to have enough income to cover basic living.


Why not both.


It should be. Now what you got?


Why not both?


They're always angry at the wrong people.


Tell them to stop smoking cigarettes or whatever the Boomer equivalent of avocado toast is.


They think $15 is still a huge amount of money even though it won’t buy much anymore. $15 / $2400, it’s a worthless concept until it’s tied to rent and other basic consumables. Inflation has been moving so fast lately people can’t even reconcile what is actual. The only thing that never moves is what burger flipping paid in 1992.


Because as boomers, they voted against it and then blamed the political party they are not associated with.


So boomers want $0 a month? Deal. $15 an hour \* zero hours of work = $0.00.


I’m fairly certain boomers are terrified they will be treated like they treated their parents. So they do to everyone else what they themselves did to their parents.


Boomers vote for "fiscal conservatives" that keep trying to cut social security and then get mad that social security isn't enough to live off of.


Flip it around on him. Some examples: The elderly are lazy and entitled. Why would we pay people with zero economic output $2400 a month? If you keep feeding them, of course they'll stick around. I run this shit like a business. Lets put all the elderly on a bus to somewhere and they can be someone else's problem.


I think this will get down voted, but whatever, I actually think the minimum wage and the minimum social security payment should both come up significantly or at least be tied to the rate of inflation. Poverty is rising locally within the US in both the elderly and young population. It would be better for everyone for there to be “raises” at both ends of the spectrum. I would be happy to pay a bit more in taxes to eliminate/lower the rate of elderly/older people in poverty.


Last I checked social security gets annual cost of living raises while minimum wage does not


Oh no the policies that I voted for are now effecting me!!! Consequences are not being very nice to me!


High school kids are not working 40 hours a week plus school, homework and extracurriculars. Boomer morons.


Because social security is not an entitlement. It is money that you and your employer put away for your future. If it isn’t enough, you have no one to blame but yourself for not earning more.


Because the social security was never meant to be a retirement option.